Evi showed some teeth with a smile now. 'That would be lovely dear. I still keep playing those same words over and over in my head. "Love.. you too..". I can't stop thinking about them Skye, the way you cried just broke my heart, and I wish I could help you, but I am not sure how. I may not be that old.. but I am wise. It's sad to say I'm not wise enough to help you. If I knew how, I could Skye. For now, we can communicate like this. I love you, my beautiful little starfish.'
Before long the food would get to the two, and it looked AMAZING. Evi turned to Luca, then to Skye. 'Ohh~ Look at that, doesn't it look good?' Evi turned to look at her bowl and licked her lips. "Mmmm, thank you so much Luca. The food looks amazing! We will be sure to leave nothing on the plates." Evi says. She turns to Skye, a smile plastered on her face. 'Well.. give it a try.' Evi motions to the place.