Annoyance flooded her mind as she casually leaned against a light post. There had been an anonymous tip that there would be a weapons trade in the area, and who was sent? Not the police but her. No doubt another test to ensure she had a handle on her temper. It's not like she ever killed anyone! It only took a glance though to see the construction site a few blocks away, a building had been destroyed and they were rebuilding it... Thanks to her and her slip up of underestimating her own abilities. Sighing, she leaned her head back, staring up at the sky. Still, shouldn't the police be dealing with something so petty as a weapon deal?
It wasn't like the tip had told her exactly where, or what time, so she had been wandering the past few blocks, wasting time until... Well, until she noticed something suspicious. Was it the best way to go about this mission? No. But what else could she do? It wasn't like she could peer through the walls with x-ray vision... Or could she? Her past was something of a train wreck, and she didn't have a clue what she could do, but she knew for a fact she was considered a super hero. Well, she had the potential to be a hero. With the idea of x-ray vision, she squinted her eyes and stared at a building side, unblinking. She did this until her eyes hurt, yet nothing came to be. "Stupid powers... Don't know how to activate them..." She grumbled to herself, returning to casually watching the area, starting to take another lap around the blocks as she glanced down alleyways. Where did one do a weapons deal? She had to be missing something, it was obvious and clear. Hell, she could have already missed it for all she knew.