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archive 7 / sinner-and-saint
King Spuid the Hooman 19-Feb-22 04:12 PM
Hell. The prison for the damned, a realm of fire and brimstone. It was a place only evil people ever entered, however it had its limits. When Lucifer crashed down to earth, the impact of the once Celestial being created a massive crater deep enough to puncture right through the earths crust. This, combined with what little Celestial energy he had left, began his prison for the damned. He made an agreement with God, to house all the wicked in the world, but he would have total control over hell and how it was run. God would have no real say in the punishments that took place down there. Once the agreement was made, and judgment was place upon those deemed "sinful and evil", they were cast down to hell never to see the light of earth once more.... At least that was the plan. The rules of Heaven soon became to strict for most to enter, so billions were cast out. Sent to be damned for all eternity. Soon The demons were overwhelmed, and they sent an emissary up to heaven to request more room to accomidate the sudden influx of souls. Soon the Emissary returned with God's rejection, he claimed there would be enough space in hell for all time. There wouldn't be enough sinners cast out he claimed. And boy, was he fucking wrong. The year was 2019, and hell was packed full. You couldn't walk ten feet without stumbling across aome poor soul hiding out on the street, usually hiding from one of the thousands of demons trying to trim the population. At this time Lucifer had approved mandatory cullings every few decades, but it wasn't enough. Every day thousands of souls poured in to hell, and every day a few hundred were deemed "reformed" and allowed to be reborn on earth. At the rate things were going hell wouldn't beable to contain all the souls of the damned. Infact the signs were already beginning to show. Lucifer had begun receiving reports of portals appearing on earth, portals he did not approve of. This was normal acrually, every so often a few demons would grow bored and try to invade earh. Soon the Angels would smite them and send the stragglers back to hell. This time, however, there were dozens of portals popping up , and while there weren't a lot of demons or souls pouring out yet... a few of the portals were directly linked to Tartarus, the Prison of souls so corrupt that even Lucifer didn't want to deal with them. Most were very ancient and powerful beings, long forgotten by time and history, but all were very dangerous. If any one of the souls locked down there escaped.... it would make Armageddon look like the garden of eden. Lucifer had no options. He needed to send another emissary to plead for an expansion. Thankfully thr portals to Tartarus were too small for any of the massive souls to pass in to, but there was one soul down there who may be able to fit and accomplish this task. This demon was a special case, he appeared on earth over a hundred years ago with one simple goal: destroy the Kingdom of heaven by any means necessary. While he never made it in to heaven itself, he made it to the gates where hundreds of angels stood, preparing to smite the foul soul. This legendary demon simply smiled and fought his way though all two hundred angels at the gates. He was known as the angel slayer, a demon who was so powerful he could kill an angel with one punch. That was untill she arrived. She sent the angel slayer back to hell in one swipe of her sword... or so that's how the legend goes. No one is really sure how much of Atlus's account is accurate, but it is known he did make it to the gates and that She did send him back to hell.
Lucifer was out of options, he had to send Atlus to heaven as a messenger. He was the only demon known to have made it up to heaven, and the only one who wouldn't be considered a total loss if he failed his mission. And with the swipe of his hand Atlus the angel slayer was launched through a hell portal with out warning, his flesh being seated with the pleas from lucifer to God to allow more room in hell. Lucifer didn't have time to talk with Atlus directly, so he sent a small imp along with him to explain the situation once he awoke on thr middle plane, and with that Lucifer began to plan for his armies to mobilize just incase the denizens of Tartarus break free.
Tyrael stood stairing at the messenger, he was spotted on the Surface of Earth. The angel Slayer. The greatest threat to all things that are holy... but accoriding to what the messenger said, he wasn't on track to come attack Heaven? He simply ignored this, whywould a demon come make a plea. the Arch Angel simply shook his head before standing from his throne; he had to send someone to stop him. Even if he was being sent to plea... who was he going to plea to? god? God was Dead. Atlus had killed him one hundred years ago. Though the lesser angels didn't remember that, they thought Evangeline cast the foul demon out so long ago. Tyrael decided to send her out again Once more. She was pure enough; strong enough to stop him from making it again.
Evangeline BOT 06-Mar-22 09:59 PM
Evangeline had been mingling amongst some of the other angels. They spoke of the most boring, mundane Angel things. Sins, repentance, the works. There was this… unsettling feeling that flooded her senses. Something was wrong, and she felt the need to find the messenger, she could just feel that he needed her. She excused herself from the other angels, turning away and making her way through the gardens with a concerned look on her features. Her bright, piercing blue gaze wandered the expanse of purity, white clouds and bundles of thriving flowers, to eventually land on the familiar figure. Her hand moved to the hilt of her weapon, which she had used to strike down many enemies from before. Her divinity was unmatched, and many impure creatures feared her. It had been so long since she had spoken to him, but the power in his step told her that her unsettled feeling wasn’t for naught. Something had happened, and she needed to know what. After all, she had been the only one capable of returning the Angel slayer to where he belonged. Has he returned? Was she being summoned to the mortal realm for a battle? She was prepared, for her Lord.
@King Spuid the Hooman
He stood in front of Evangeline, a frown plastered across his face. While Evangeline did slay the infamous angel slayer, it was after Altus had killed the all-mighty. His personal guard had failed to protect him, but Evangeline was able to step up and achieve what others couldn't. Unfortunatley, Her memories had to be altered just like every other being. No One must know the Almighty had died. The immortal, and invincible... Tyrael shook the thoughts out of his mind before turning to look out over the holy gardens. "It has been a hundred years since you faced the blight known as Atlus hasn't it ?" his voice was loud, powerful. Most of the weaker angels would have gone mad with his words, "You knew this day would come didn't you? The day Atlus would rise once more from hell." He finally turned to look at the Demon slayer, "Walk with me? We have much to discuss before I allow you to fall to face your opponent once more."
King Spuid the Hooman 06-Mar-22 11:41 PM
Evangeline BOT 07-Mar-22 03:24 AM
A hundred years ago, Evangeline had taken the impossible job of slaying the demon without question. Her loyalty to god and his followers had been the strongest, without question, to even the most dangerous of battles. When Atlus’ name was mentioned, Evangeline‘s neck prickled intensely. It was uncommon for angels to have such intense feelings, and for the longest time Evangeline thought the she was made less godly for a reason. What she did not know, is that every angel had intense feelings just like she did, and they all had the same temptation to break their eternal vows and relinquish their divinity. She gave the other Angel a nod and slowly moved both of her hands to her back, turning to follow the lead of the Angel through the maze of the gardens, feeling excitement of the fight flooding her stomach but managing to keep a stoic face as she walked. “The Angel slayer has returned? Doth he suppose to return to heaven to finish the job? He will merely meet my unrelenting blade.” (edited)
@King Spuid the Hooman
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King Spuid the Hooman 07-Mar-22 10:22 AM
The Arch-Angel simply nodded when Evangeline asked her questions, "He has returned, and according to reports Lucifer is sending him this time." Tyrael paused to look at the relatively younger warrior, "In the one hundred years since you slayed him, we still are unsure of how he managed to climb in to heaven without our knowledge." The Arch-angel took a deep sigh before continuing, "Atlus has been spotted with Writing all over his body, written in the anchient infernal language. You wouldn't beable to read it, you are not strong enough to understand it with out going insane," IT was a lie. The language was infernal, however any being could learn it theoretically, "It is a spell transcribed on his flesh to corrupt and destroy heaven itself. He failed to kill god once, so he plans to take down the entire Kingdom of heaven. It Is Imparitive you stop him before he manages to rise again."
Evangeline BOT 07-Mar-22 08:11 PM
With the mere mention of the Angel slayer, and she began walking alongside the arch Angel. She listened quietly to his words, as if every syllable he mumbled were the words of her very own gospel. She paused to look up at him, her brows furrowing slightly as she focused on the challenge at hand. “I fear he is attempting to increase his power. I may have defeated him once, but we should not underestimate Atlus’ dedication to bring down our kingdom. Fear not, Tyrael.. I will lie down everything I have before I allow him to destroy everything we have worked to build. Our divinity is unrivaled.” She spoke confidently, her fingers moving to curl around the handle of her sword. Her large, pure white wings expanded behind her, revealing just how large they were. The spanned nearly twice her size on either side, readied for battle, as if trying to prove to her companion she would lurch into a battle at the flick of his wrist. It was her duty. Her purpose
He Reached out and place a hand on her shoulder, "You must go down and slay the foul Beast that is Atlus, Evangeline," He paused and thought for a moment before continuing, "If you find him before he manages to find his way to heave, follow him. Find the Anchor and slay him." Tyrael held out his holy blade, "I grant you my blade, Soul drinker to accomplish this task, now go. I will check on your progress as need be."
The legendary angel slayer, the one who made it to heaven to kill God was currently stuck in a human jail cell. He arrived on earth, a few hours ago; someplace cold. Of corse it was far, far warmer thrn where he was before, a place with some magical cold to keep the angry ancient gods at bay. When he arrived he was trying to catch his barings, find out where exactly he was; and how far it was to the closest anchor... but what he didn't realize at the time, Lucifer dropped him off in the middle of a bank Robbery. He was trying not to harm anyone, so when the human police came he went in quietly. Found out were he was though, Somewhere in Alaska. "Fan-fucking-tastic." He grumbled,hoping for this to be over soon.
Evangeline BOT 08-Mar-22 05:11 AM
The final words of the arch Angel sent a chill of adrenaline through Evangeline’s spine, leaving her invigorated with the promise of a battle. She was proud to fight for her God, to serve him and protect his divinity. She took the sword from Tyrael, giving him a polite bow, before her wings expanded to their full lengths and she slammed them down towards the ground. She took off, immediately sending her wings down once more to begin her flight towards the mortal realm. The Angel dove down through the clouds, the clouds which separated the heavens and the humans from each other. She pierced through the dark veil of the brewing storm, her wings pushing away the fluffy white creature and causing a hole to expand in the sky. Rays of the sun shimmered brightly through the break in clouds, illuminating Evangeline’s pure form as she pummeled down towards the earth. It wasn’t long before she slammed into the ground, landing into a crouch with her hand placed on the dirt of the road. Her head slowly lifted to look around, she could feel his presence, calling to her… luring her in. He would not hide for long, she would find him, and she would thwart his plans to take down her home. The Angel slowly rose to her feet, padding slowly through the rather quiet town as her eyes scanned the darkness for the familiar figure. He couldn’t be far, she was sure of it.
It didn't take long for the lawmen to realize Atus wasn't involved with the bank Robbery, infact he was seen on cameras fighting back trying to stop them. Thr footage was confusing however, it was all glitchy and full of static. It was hard to make out what exactly what was going on; only that Atlus was protecting civilians. He took his few pieces of clothing and his satchel waving at the Police in his human form with a small sly smile. Thankfully humans in the last hundred years were still pretty gullible, all you needed to so was slap on a human form snd you could get away with most things. He turned his attention to his map, trying to figure out thr best location to find one of the holy anchors when he noticed the clouds open up, and a figure streak across the sky. "Oh fuck," he stated simply before making a mad dash towards the small human town. He had to blend in, hopefully ahe wouldn't sense him.
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