Smoke danced and filtered into the air. soft pale eyes watched as it formed shapes and disappeared. Many times they found them selves here but they couldn't pull away.. twilight was always finding them in this bar. Today no different as they snuffed out the buff of their last smoke pulling the pack out and lighting another. Sitting towards the back they had a good view of those who entered and left but kept them alone. Always alone. But where they really alone? They thought slightly as a voice filled thier head speaking 'No never alone. Who'd want you if they knew you were so different. So not human like you seem?' they shook their head pushing it aside as they took the first drag from the new smoke. Thier silver blue eyes watching as the puff they let free of their lungs filled the air around them.
"Go away"they muttered. Though they knew the voice wouldn't. It was their other half their true self trying to speak up and wanting to return home to their own place. Not this human world they walked day and night now without pause. 'Never. You know I can't leave I am you and you are me' the voice said quickly and matter of factly
they sighed lowering their head the cig burning without stopping. Something they could relate to. Feeling as if they were burning away without meaning or use. Pushing the thought and voice aside they took the last drag starting to stand and put it out getting ready to leave as a small scuffle broke out in the middle of the bar.