#ooc-nsfw-new is a not safe for work environment for age verified users. We allow mature topics such as discussion around kinks, flirting, and sexy imagery. All graphic content must contain no nudity.
You can post photos and videos of yourself as long as your private parts are covered. We do not allow community members to post content such as photos and videos of other people. Images and videos do not need to be spoiled in this channel.
Be respectful of all community members and consider the feelings of others. If you get into a disagreement with someone, do not engage the individual. Notify the team by #create-a-ticket and we will handle the situation. This avoids escalation as well as warnings, this also allows for a better chance to have both sides work things out.
We do not allow conversations revolving around violence on the server, however, if it applies to a kink and is done with consent the team may allow the topic to be open for discussion. A staff member may ask you to end your conversation if we feel it is in violation of our no violence rules. Any mention of hurting yourself or others to cause physical or emotional harm with serious intent is not allowed. However, if you want to start a riot because Cieran made the turnip prices 20 instead of 64, that is fine.
This channel is not to be used for venting. If you need support or advice, please open a #💌│vent thread - this does not guarantee a member of our staff or community will respond.
Have questions or concerns about the community? Let us know by #create-a-ticket so we can discuss ways to improve RPHQ.