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Archive 9 / ts-alien-races
Indigo Cobalt 13-Jun-22 09:37 AM
Nivraeans Nivraeans are a species typically invested in their own interests; having a government of unified feudal kingdoms under a single Monarch, their society is one of fierce meritocracy and aristocratic stratification. Since both their culture and religion strongly enforce and encourage their own manifest destiny, the race as a whole tends to be phobic or even outright hostile to other species; having joined the Union purely out of their own best interests. While backroom politics and alliances of convenience are the order of the day, they hold surprisingly firm to a code of honor, upholding most of their treaties and agreements in a relatively straightforward and honest manner. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 13-Jun-22 11:58 AM
Olvagosi Olvagosi are a nomadic species, living in a seemingly constant cycle of movement and travel, whether it was the roving tribes of their past, or the wandering space fleets and drifting flotillas of their present. They are master survivors and crafters; recycling, scavenging, repairing, and utilizing what others might consider useless refuse. Their government remains a multi-tribal system, but one that is unified and strong; having chosen a Quorum representative that considers their entire people when making decisions. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 13-Jun-22 12:31 PM
Ifjinans Ifjinans are considered one of the most technologically advanced species in the Union, boasting better computers, robotics, and cybernetics than anyone else. Their republic is a technocracy, valuing scientific progress above nearly all else.
Indigo Cobalt 13-Jun-22 01:05 PM
Symbavlans Symbavlans are among the founding 7 races of the Union. Their empire is one of the largest territories in Union space; their military and economic might formidable in equal measure. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 13-Jun-22 01:35 PM
Zinizg Zinizg are another founding member of the Union. They have the largest territory in Union space, partially due to their fast reproduction cycle and aggressive expansionism. Their imperial structure is one of cold calculation and high discipline, the species themselves embracing the merits of logic over passion. (edited)
Li'ry'oni Li'ry'oni are a highly spiritual people, possessing powerful psionic potential. Their homeworld is a vast desert planet, creating a species that thrives in hot temperatures and needs little water to survive. The downside is that they do not reproduce quickly, for reasons both cultural and biological. Still, while their territory is relatively small, their harsh environment has given each and every one of them a legendary toughness and endurance. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 13-Jun-22 04:38 PM
Vay-Uld Vay-Uld are a passionate warrior people, recent newcomers to the Union. Up until five years ago, they held a sizeable empire, their ego and pride keeping them from joining or seeking help from anyone else, even in the face of an invasion by the Shaard'Aak Dominion. Despite their genetically engineered bodies and advanced combat tech, they were beaten back to their homeworld, forced to flee into Union space and seek asylum; believing it to be the lesser shame than being enslaved by their enemy.
Indigo Cobalt 13-Jun-22 04:50 PM
Torogen Torogen are a silicon based race that prefer to make their colonies on worlds considered uninhabitable yet rich in minerals; their own homeworld being one of hellish heat, pressure, and noxious fumes. While more than willing to defend themselves, they are fairly pacifist; due to both an extreme pain tolerance and a culture that values patient contemplation.
Shiia Zaat Shiia Zaat are another of the Union's founding races, a people evolved from a plant species. They are a hardy people, capable of survival nearly anywhere, provided there is enough regular sunlight. In addition to being able to eat plants and animals like most species, they can also gain nourishment via photosynthesis. That said, they are mostly carnivorous, building a culture around hunting and totemic worship.
Indigo Cobalt 14-Jun-22 05:44 AM
Raakashi'ai Raakashi'ai count themselves among the founding races of the Union. They are an elder race, highly advanced in all aspects of development; to the point where their technology is indistinguishable from magic and their wisdom is highly valued and respected. They are a benevolent theocratic meritocracy, their religion's core belief being that mortals are meant to evolve to eventual godhood. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 14-Jun-22 06:29 AM
Keliberans Keliberans are a decidedly chameleon-like race, with a modest sized territory and a seemingly unremarkable Confederacy. However, this public face belies an incredibly intricate network of spies and intelligence-gathering that is absolutely unparalleled. Many of their methods are unknown and their databases are encrypted and inaccessible, making their procedures and practices a mystery to all but the highest levels of clearance. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 14-Jun-22 09:39 AM
LoChakqans LoChakqans are one of the many conquered races of the Dominion. Despite being strong and durable warriors thanks to their high-gravity homeworld, their technology was far too primitive to withstand the invasion force. As the decades passed, they were conscripted and indoctrinated into the Dominion, conditioned to be loyal and merciless. Precious little of their old culture remains, supposedly hidden away for a time when they can attain their freedom once more. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 22-Jun-22 05:29 AM
Galcans Galcans are seen as the pessimists of the galaxy, although they prefer to think of themselves as "Realists." This race has cultivated a society of mostly agnostic atheists with a strong belief in preparation and teamwork. Despite having a somewhat fatalistic attitude, they have built a philosophy around this similar to Taoism on Earth.
Indigo Cobalt 22-Jun-22 06:22 AM
Thurufans Thrurufans are a highly capitalist and mercantile species, living for the art of the deal, the thrill of the sale, and the intricacies of resource management. They have managed to improve the overall logistics efficiency and economics of the galactic community by leaps and bounds; however, they are still kept at arm's length wherever finance is concerned, due to their overall shrewdness. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 22-Jun-22 06:32 AM
Arculto Arculto are a conquered race of the Dominion; typically filling the role of clerks and logistics officers, due to their prehensile head tendrils and uncanny ability to multitask. Their thorough and calculating minds have managed to improve the efficiency of an already streamlined and ruthlessly efficient logistics system, making the Dominion that much more dangerous.
Indigo Cobalt 22-Jun-22 08:36 AM
Ssthrsans Ssthrsans are well-rounded in many aspects of life, and a solid member of the Union. The most fascinating thing about them is their biology; while the majority anatomy denotes a decidedly snake-like reptilian species, there are key differences that also indicate a mammalian physiology. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 22-Jun-22 12:12 PM
Mosk'I'Teer Mosk'I'Teer are diminutive in stature, only 1 meter at the tallest. They easily make up for this with their ingenuity, determination, and sheer will, believing themselves able to overcome anything with enough perseverance. They have a sizeable territory and one of the most formidable militaries in the galaxy. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 22-Jun-22 12:24 PM
Vennaii Vennaii are one of the first races conquered by the Dominion. Following a civil war amongst their people that nearly exterminated their species, Their resistance to the Dominion was minimal at best; one of the few races to actually join them voluntarily. For these reasons, they share an almost equal status with their captors, used mainly as spies, scouts and heralds due to the pheromones they emit, which can have a calming or even inebriating effect on most beings. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 22-Jun-22 12:35 PM
Hegourians Hegourians are a newer addition to the Union, only having a few planets under their sway. It was an easy decision to make, as they were also approached by a herald of the Dominion to demand their surrender. They are known for their excessive greed, having depleted nearly all the resources of their homeworld and polluted it to near uninhabitability; a few members of their race have even begun mutating naturally to adapt to the heavy methane of their atmosphere. They are excellent engineers and craftspeople, however; their greed only exceeded by their devotion to the quality and longevity of a non-consumable or non-disposable product.
Indigo Cobalt 23-Jun-22 11:38 AM
Vrastri  Vrastri are a race with a history of strife, war, and civil unrest, with multiple governments rising and falling. At one quarter of their population, the fighting finally stopped, and the species learned to come together in peace, rather than risk their extinction. They are a highly intuitive people, their prowess in war eclipsing all else, at the expense of their technological and social development. They are one of the more long-lived races in the galaxy, having an average lifespan of roughly 750 years. While they make magnificent tacticians, assassins, and mercenaries, they have sought help in all other aspects of life, as they slowly but surely rebuild their war-torn civilization. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 23-Jun-22 02:19 PM
Eziphrazhans Eziphrazhans have only been part of the Union for the last 20 years, though they have been known to the galactic community for the last 400. They have cultivated an honorable warrior culture and a sizeable empire that encompasses the conquered territory of 2 other races. They are a matriarchal society, mainly due to their 100 to 1 ratio of females to males in their population. In addition to their formidable military, they owe their victories to their imposing 3 meter tall stature, four arms, and amphibious adaptability. While opposed to the Union otherwise, they have joined on a tenative basis due to the greater threat of the Dominion. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 27-Jun-22 11:31 AM
Trelyndrians Trelyndrians are a relatively insular draconic species that have not travelled far from their lush tropical homeworld. However, this not due to xenophobia or any lack of technology, as they are counted among the few races with both psionic potential and extremely advanced technological development. Rather, their culture has enjoyed total peace, a philosophy of balance, and an egalitarian rule; therefore, there has never been a curiousity to explore the horizon or a need to seek refuge or resources beyond their homeworld. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 27-Jun-22 11:42 AM
Sangheili Sangheili are a saurian species of strong, proud, and intelligent warriors, as well as skilled combat tacticians. They were the first race to contact the Terran Federation after it's founding. As they were an Empire with a long history of war and conquest, their first contact was meant to be an invasion. However, their foes proved their equal in combat prowess, leading to a bloody conflict that nearly decimated them. Following the war, there were a number of reforms made regarding leadership and diplomatic policies that would lead to later membership with the Union.
Indigo Cobalt 29-Jun-22 06:49 AM
Broudor Broudor are a race conquered by the Dominion. Although stone-age in technology and underdeveloped mentally, their sheer bulk and tough hides make them ideal for conscription as front line heavy troops. Any meager culture and religion they might have had has been utterly stamped out, and they now worship the Shaard'Aak as gods and demigods, seeing the Dominion's conquest as a divine mission. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 29-Jun-22 07:15 AM
Kasai'drites Kasai'drites are yet another conquered race of the Dominion. Outside of an ammonia-based atmosphere, they must wear specialized breathing gear or environment suits. They are typically used for labor in more toxic conditions, or as shock troops in pure ammonia "gas blanket" attacks. (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 29-Jun-22 07:37 AM
Lia-Gi Lia-Gi are among the first races conquered by the Dominion, as well as the first race to offer it true resistance. They are the best pilots in the galaxy, with a love for freedom and hatred of captivity equaled only by Terrans. While the majority of their race remains under Dominion rule, intelligence suggests that there are still nomadic cells of resistance to this day. (edited)
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