"My parents were... unique," the momentary pause was something he became accustomed to when he talked about his name, he always loved his names, but it seemed like the justification was easier to say that way, "It is okay, anyone can do what I can do, just have to take a camera and start taking pictures of good stuff."
It was easy to say that way, but he had spent years honing his craft. He honestly hoped that no one would be able to do what he did by just picking up a camera, but he wanted to stay humble in the situation. He smiled over at her with a glance as their eyes met again, god, she was stunning...
But one thing caught his attention, they were definitely moving towards his complex. He didn't say anything at first because the area did house several additional complexes, but when she stopped in front of his very one and placed in the code for the gate, he almost fell over in laughter, "Well, you are shitting me? You live her too? And on the third floor? We might actually be neighbors..."
The floors in this apartment sat with four to a floor, all the models had two bedrooms, a bath, kitchen, dining area, and living area, but varied by price of rent. He smiled over at her, "I can't believe the coincidence."