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Archive 9 / fl-characters-and-rules
Indigo Cobalt 06-May-22 11:37 AM
Character Creation When creating a new character, just use the following template; you don't need to have a portrait if you don't have one available. Any changes or additions to your backstory after initial posting must be approved. You have 6 points to spend between Physical, Mental, and Social skills, which add to your dice roll where those numbers apply, to a maximum of 6 and a minimum of 0.
EXAMPLE Name Danny Riley Height 6’4” Weight 256 lbs. Eyes Blue Hair Red Age 32 Build: Mesomorph, Large Personality: Calm, tactical, easygoing, empathic, jovial History: Danny grew up a military brat in Fort Benning, the oldest of three siblings; his mother was a Captain in the army and his father was an artist. He had a relatively happy childhood, learning various skills in survival, combat, abstract perception, mnemonics, and tactics. Having an interest in machines and technology, he graduated M.I.T. with an engineering degree and professional certification. Physical 2 Mental 2 Social 2 (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 06-May-22 01:43 PM
The method to be used in this RP will be as a storytelling method, with each character narrating their actions, as would normally happen in a text RP. Whenever a character performs an action while they tell their part of the story, they must make a roll to determine if this action succeeds or fails, and furthermore, how well they succeed or how poorly they fail. The scale will be thus: -Natural 1: Critical Fail - you not only fall, you hurt yourself badly. You not only miss the shot, but the gun explodes. -Less than 5 pts below target #: Spectacular Fail - You not only fall, you hurt yourself. You not only miss the shot, but your gun jams. -Up to 5 pts below target #: Regular Fail - You didn't make it! -On or up to 5 points above target #: Regular Success - You made it! -More than 5 pts above target #: Spectacular Success - You not only make the jump, you do a flip. You not only hit the shot, but you hit somewhere vital. -Natural 20: Critical Success - You not only make the jump, you do a flip, and hit the ground running, moving a bit further. You not only hit the target, you hit somewhere vital and get off another shot. EXAMPLE YC: Danny bolted full speed towards the sturdy wall, the flying mass of razor-sharp leaves coming in for a lunge. He turned to fire at the monster (11 physical), before attempting to dive over the fence (8 physical) GM: (19, Spec. Fail) The shots go wide, and Danny's gun clicks, out of ammo! He'll need bullets and time to reload before using his gun again (2, Spec. Success) Danny soars over the wall easily, landing into a roll, safely behind cover! The enemy will find it more difficult to hit you now (edited)
Damage dealt by weapons are determined by simple point system, with 1 point being lowest possible damage and 20 being highest. Critical Successes allow you to take another shot. Larger ordinance damage will be determined by multiplying your roll x10. EXAMPLE .38 pistol: 2 damage Bazooka: 9 damage Mini-Nuke: 20x10 (200) Damage countered by armor is determined by the same point system, except it subtracts damage. Larger protective measures will be determined by multiplying your roll x10, then applying it as a negative number. EXAMPLE Kevlar Vest: -3 damage Power Armor: -20 damage Personal Deflector Shield: 20x10 (-200) (edited)
Orchi the D R U G E N 06-May-22 01:57 PM
Orchi 3’6” 65 lbs. green Eyes no Hair 22 muscular but thin calm, charismatic, and likes to have fun he's a dragon that lives on a tree and has a magical plant on a pot, he became a legend, the legend says that he purposively killed multiple people, but her didn't really do it, they were just explorer that were too stupid and died, he just reads books that he found on the dead bodies, he dreams with an adventure with his plant rick, it's a magical plant that only listens to him and usually makes him look crazy when he talks to it and never does anything in return Physical 1 Mental 2 Social 3 (edited)
Name: Scrappy Height: 1’6” Weight: 25 lbs. Eye: blue glow Age: 3 years Build: Small Personality: Caring, diligent, hard to read, introspective History: Scrappy was once the command module of a state of the art line of construction bots. Atleast, his head was. This new array of construction bots had totally dominated the market right before the apocalypse, and had made human construction workers totally obsolete. That was, until the plants took over and either jammed up most of the bots or left them without any new contraction to be done. The head was was found and brought back to a safe zone by an eccentric mechanic who cobbled together a body from various machine parts for the head and tweaked his software with a machine learning AI to make him simulate free will. Ultimately, Scrappy found a goal of sorts. He wanted to build things. However, he would have to figure out what that meant for him. Physical 2 Mental 4 Social 0
Name: Colton (Colt-in Pàtter (Patt—er) Height: 5’9” Weight: 148 Lbs. Eyes: Amber Hair: Brown Age: 29 Build: Mesomorphic, His legs are more defined then most of his body perhaps showing a background in lots of running or just natural muscle. Personality: Even if you know absolutely nothing about Colton, his passion is obvious in everything about his—his expression, his stance, his voice. There’s a fire behind every word, every action, constantly burning behind his mesmerizing Amber eyes. He never backs down from a fight, and he stands firmly by his convictions and beliefs. He’s as determined and stubborn as they come.. Grizzled from various skirmish’s as it comes to show he isn’t no nimrod, But when it comes to the biggest boom for the right buck. He’s a first class pick. Colton has all the impulse control of a squirrel on crack, and has no qualms about launching himself headlong into a dangerous situation. Short tempered and reckless, He often gets into trouble, and the frequency of his hospital visits have become something of a joke (although lately, they’ve lost their humor, due to the severity of his injuries). . He isn’t all fire and anger. He’s warm and caring, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, and not afraid to risk everything for the people he cares about. He does his best to always look on the bright side, never giving up hope even when all hope seems lost. A starry-eyed guy, He’s full of life and a sort of optimism that seems to be exclusive to youth, constantly cheerful and smiling unless he has a good reason not to be. History: Let’s keep this anonymous for now. Traits: Physical: 2 Mental: 2 Social: 2 (edited)
Ducky ((She/Her)) 11-May-22 03:08 PM
Name:Hera Height: 5ft 6inch Weight:120lbs Eyes: Brown Hair:Blonde Age: 6 years since creations Build: Slim History: Hera was made a year before Floronyx was created, introduced as a line of advanced AI doctors and nurses. This line was never made public as Floronyx was soon dropped into ...
Indigo Cobalt 11-May-22 03:28 PM
Technicality 13-May-22 11:29 AM
Name Varrain Height: 6’2” Weight 207 lbs. Eyes: White Hair: Black Age 22 Build: An ectomorphic mass that rarely maintains its true state. Personality: A peculiar man who prefers to keep to himself after long ago abandoning his honest personality in favor of one that would help him survive in the new world. As a result he is now sly, cunning, shy, deceptive, and willing to put himself above others who may even be close to him. He prefers to make “good decisions” when he can because he maintains morality and hope like any human, but his crisis has lead to necessary changes. History: Was attending a federal academy, and was serving out an internship contract on behalf of a private company for a Swedish scientific vessel that was researching the use of Floronyx in aquatic environments when an accident occurred that introduced Varrain’s own cell culture with a highly volatile Floronyx culture. The accident occurred early enough before the collapse of society that he was able to get proper care and experimental care that left him under the care of a suit of armor and a non-sentient healthcare AI. His body dissolves away into a gelatinous substance that he maintains conscious control over, but the suit maintains his body’s human form by utilizing electric shocks, circuits, and currents to wrangle the Floronyx at a microscopic level. If the suit runs out of power then Varrain becomes a jellylike shapeshifting highly acidic blob capable of expanding out to 18 square meters. He hates his life and wishes to return to his solid state of humanity at any cost. His background lays in biological engineering, basic combative skills, and a myriad of other things he would’ve needed for a career of government work. He loves long distance fights involving snipers, marksman rifles, or crossbows. Mental- 4 Physical- 1 Social- 1
Indigo Cobalt 13-May-22 03:05 PM
Indigo Cobalt 16-May-22 08:35 AM
Luck rolls are straight rolls, neither Physical, Mental, or Social; though they are still subject to the ranges of Success and Failure (edited)
Indigo Cobalt 27-May-22 05:15 AM
Tanya Riley (nee Delacroix) Height 5’11” Weight 132 lbs. Eyes Amber (sometimes fluorescent blue) Hair Black Age 30 Build: Mesomorph, Medium Personality: Confident, caring, intelligent, courageous, charming History: Tanya was raised in Boston by her widowed mother who worked as an accountant, and an older sibling. In addition to being a natural genius with computers, she’s also demonstrated a gift as a medium and telepath. While initially traumatizing, she managed to persevere with the support of her family and friends, learning a lot about mathematics, psychology and paranormal phenomena in the process. Her tech savvy would earn her a degree at M.I.T. in computer science. Physical 0 Mental 3 Social 3 (edited)
Technicality 10-Jun-22 04:08 PM
Oh gracias
Lord Acainz 19-Jun-22 07:35 AM
Name: Dr. Haselhurst Height:6' 2" Weight: 210lbs Eyes: Gold Hair: Silver Age: Unknown Build: Medium Personality: Very well-mannered, respectful, and polite but, when needed very cold and and calculated. History: Haselhurst was born into a very traditional family and was from birth a gifted combatant but, realized a passion and talent in medicine and earned 3 doctorate degrees and has multiple specialties Physical 1 Mental 3 Social 2 (edited)
Ducky ((She/Her)) 25-Jul-22 03:27 PM
That character doesn't fit this at all-
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