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Archive 6 / royal-encounter
Alexander BOT 27-Jan-22 04:32 PM
Bad publicity for the royal family was Alexander’s only job. As second born to the king and queen, he was given quite a lot of freedom compared to his brother’s, Jared, roles and responsibilities. Alex could go to any school he wanted throughout highschool, and further into finishing school, known to most as college, while his brother had to go to a specific school in California. Alex disliked being part of the monarchy, even though he takes advantage of the financial privileges. That was, of course, until Alex got into some trouble at a club with his friends. While he wasn’t an instigator, he still threw a couple of punches when people started punching him. He wasn’t sober, but he wasn’t necessarily drunk either. Either way, he wasnt thinking, nor was he fully aware of what was going on. As Newton’s third law states, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. And the reaction to Alex’s actions was being sent to California to attend the private boarding school that he vowed to himself that he would never attend. He protested his parent’s decision, but ultimately lost the battle within the palace.
Taking the flight alone, he arrives two states over, in California. A private car took him to the private school he would be attending. His arrival was ordinary, though the buzz from the general student body was what caused the prince to feel unnatural for being there, even though he was joined by some of the most elite families’ students. He knew a good portion of the students, particularly some of his older brother’s old friends. While Jared had graduated two years earlier, there were still classmates of his that were studying still. Alex was a freshman, and they didnt treat him like anything but such The first day he was supposed to simply settle in his dorm, a single room with a small bathroom attached. His room was on the second floor to the front of the dorm building, so it overlooked the large pond in the front. He toured the campus, even though he had been there once or twice with Jared, and knew the general locations of the buildings. The second day, he leaves his room with a sigh. Uniforms werent mandated, but they are required for specific events (like parent’s day). The first day of classes that the prince took part in are considered one of those specific events. He hadn’t recieved his uniform yet, so he wore a formal suit jacket and deep gray pants and a sweater vest. Good enough, he guessed He makes his way to the dining hall for breakfast. He knew that the students who lived off campus wouldnt attend the breakfast, so he mentally prepared himself for seeing and meeting new students. He sat with the other freshman, which made him nervous. He didnt know any other freshmen
After he was finished eating, he made his way to his first class. It was a standard class that all freshmen had to take. He sat towards the back of the class, which didnt cause any glances to advert. His back straight in his chair, he takes out a notebook from his bookbag, and a pen. When the professor arrived, he stood, as did everyone else, and sat back down when the professor told them to.
@tragic ))
Things were not going well… It was a disaster to say the least. It was his first day at a new school and he was already going to be late. Blake already felt out of place due to the reason why he was even accepted into this boarding school in the first place. He had always felt that he was some sort of a pity case and he feared that it would warrant a lot of unwanted attention from those of the higher class. It also didn’t help that he lived off campus, he was close to the school but it was still a pain in his side to commute to class. He was grateful that his older sister offered for him to live with her until he was done with school but he always felt that he was intruding in her life despite being told it was fine multiple times. There wasn’t much time for him to dwell on his other issues right now he needed to focus on getting ready for school. He was never sure what days were a mandatory uniform day and he for sure wasn’t going to take the time to check so he opted to wear a sweatshirt underneath the blazer that the school had provided. The other students would probably call him unkempt or whatever fancy word rich people would use to call him poor but he didn’t care. Blake cared more for his comfort than what the others thought about his chosen look for the day. He pulled on the mandated pants he had to wear, grabbed his backpack and rushed out of the apartment. Breakfast would have to wait until lunch, that is if he could afford anything that was being served at the school. Breakfast and lunch may have to wait until dinner. It was bad enough that he was late for class and now he was going to starve for the day. Blake was glad that it was a tad bit cold outside, it would hopefully help hide the fact that he was going to be a bit sweaty when he entered through the doors of the school. The campus was dead silent as he was the only one who seemed to be present as he sprinted up the stairs and into the building, he didn’t dare to run through the halls and t
ook his time to cool off a bit as he sped walked to class. “Oh man, oh man…” He spoke to himself as he reached for the door handle and swung the door open. His face instantly turned red when everyone’s heads turned to look at him, he awkwardly waved before scurrying to the back of the class where there was the only open seat. “I hope you don’t mind if I sit here…” He whispered and set his stuff down. The teacher instantly got back to talking as if nothing happened. Blake fiddled with his buttons as he realized he hadn't buttoned up his top, he had not yet realized who he had chosen to sit beside.
@Lil Beanz
Alexander BOT 28-Jan-22 07:25 PM
Alex's eyes are instantly brought to the student who arrived late. the short amount of time that it took for the other boy to sit next to him, he moved his book bag to the opposite side of his chair to not invade Blake's space. his back was perfectly straight, years of professionalism formed the habit in the prince. "I dont mind at all" he said, a friendly smile crossing his lips. he extends his hand to shake Blake's hand, and says "Im Alexander" He knew the teacher was too timid to say something about Alex talking in class, even so, he was somewhat quiet to not draw attention. Alex's general posture reeked monarchy, but he disliked speaking about it. as far as he was concerned, he already disliked the school ( @tragic
He felt more relaxed hearing the boy’s words, the last thing Blake wanted to do was intrude on someone’s space all while being late to his first day of school. He slumped back in his seat a little, his posture was clearly not on par with everyone else’s. His face was a tad bit red as he tried to readjust himself and hold himself up straight. It was uncomfortable to say the least. Upon numerous attempts to keep his back up straight, he gave up and just sat in a position more suited toward him. He had taken out his binder that was stacked full of paper, he figured it was better to have too much paper than too little. Blake had taken his time to get his space situated when he realized that a hand was being offered to him. “Oh, um, I’m Blake.” He said and shook his desk partner’s hand. It didn’t register with him at first but upon further reflection he finally realized that he was sitting beside the prince. His eyes widened and he quickly let go of Alex’s hand. Blake hated himself at that moment, how could he be so casual around the prince? Blake quickly straightened himself up and ran his hand through his bedhead. Today couldn’t get any worse or maybe it was just a dream and he would wake up and everything would be fine… He highly doubted the latter. He tried to nonchalantly shuffle away from Alex, Blake hoped he didn’t smell bad from the running he had to do to make it to class. Today was not a good day for any first impressions.
@Lil Beanz
Alexander BOT 29-Jan-22 12:58 PM
Alex noticed the boy's reation to his identity and sighs softly. another reason he hated school, everyone knew his face and voice. it got quite tiresome, to be perfectly honest. he takes a deep breath and asks the other boy "are you new here too? Its my first day here and im already half a term behind" he was honestly lost with the education, he found it hard to focus on the teacher, all he could think about was the fact that he was the celebrity and how differently everyone would treat him ( @tragic
Blake buttoned his blazer and tried to make himself look a little more presentable, he wasn't going to look the greatest but he still was going to try and make a last ditch effort. He nervously spun his pencil around in his hand, he wouldn't try to bother Alex for too much longer. "Uh, yeah, I'm new too." He replied trying to keep things short. He figured the teacher wouldn't have a problem with disciplining Blake, he wasn't in the mood to be embarrassed even more. Not that he would want to put any blame on Alex, Blake would just rather be more safe than sorry. As class went on, Blake scribbled down notes; history was never his strongest subject, he had always found it to be boring and always found himself zoning out throughout the long teachings. Today... Well, he didn't want to disappoint the prince for some odd reason.
@Lil Beanz
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