"Ben!" A loud voice bellowed over his shoulder, Ben knew the voice and rolled his eyes before turning to meet the voice which continued, "Ben, I need you to make a run to the trophy shop downtown to get this months order of plaques for the employees of the month and anniversaries."
The voice came from Randy, who was the office manager of the building who pretty much ran facilities in the building, which I.T. fell under in this wing, "Randy, I would love to but I have to run these security scans on all the computers in the building, we had that ransomware attack last week and everything..."
"Now, Ben," Randy said as he walked in the office, the balding man with a mustache continued, "I know that I.T. doesn't have to do anything but click a button to check this kinda stuff. I have important business to take care of with the client up front, so I am gonna need you to go get that. Who knows? It might be you on one of those plaques next month. Here is the address of the place."
Before Ben could object anymore, he was already out the door and down the hall. Ben sighed. At least it was right down the street, who could walk and not have to worry about his car. Ben grabbed his laptop, locking it in his desk and began out the door. It was a short walk to the destination in the midtown, he was glad he avoided taking the car as traffic was back to back in this area right now. He walked up to the door of Ye Olde Smithing Company in the plaza. He walked in, "Hello?"