It was such a beautiful idea...a promise was given to her. Through all her hardships, her hard work to be a successful sorceress, so much more. To be deceived by her own cloaked mentor, promising nothing but good things to long as she made a deal.
Sadly, to Avriel, once this deal was made, nothing good was to happen. Her mentor struck her, knocking her out as soon as she had signed away her hard work. Her mentor performed a ritual that would take away something everyone used for granted, and Avriel would quickly learn that.
But alas, she didn't know anything yet. To her, she was knocked out, and currently sleeping. Nothing was wrong, peaceful even. But to anyone that came across the body deep in the forest may think otherwise. Seemingly came from nowhere, with only a bruise on her face and an odd rune on her throat. She now adorned a necklace, a beautiful emerald with a gold dainty chain.