"There is good and there is evil. Right and wrong. Heroes and villains. And if we're blessed with wisdom, then there are glimpses between the cracks of each where light streams through. We wait in silence for these times when sense can be made, when meaningless existence comes into focus, and our purpose presents itself. And if we have the strength to be honest, then what we find there, staring back at us, is our own reflection, bearing witness to the duality of life. And each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, of good and evil, of either, of all. And destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be rerouted by the choices we make. By the love we hold onto, and the promises we keep."
-Mohinder Suresh
It began with a solar eclipse.
The moon passed between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the light temporarily from the planet below.
Solar eclipses signify big changes, destined to bring new opportunities and beginnings.
For some people, the solar eclipse triggered something within them.
Something big.
Nineteen year old college student Freddie Gilmore new it all too well.
She watched the total solar eclipse with her friends and younger brother, as a way to pass time. Just a few short weeks after the eclipse, Freddie began to notice odd things happening.
Technopathy. The ability to control any technology she wanted.
Her phone battery died? Charged.
Need to find a police reports? A simple touch of a laptop would pull them up.
The world was at her fingertips. And she loved it. College was a time for self-discovery, so it seemed only fitting that she discovered a new power.
But every coin has an opposite side.
In the same city she lived in, New York City, a watchmaker from Queens had realized he had an ability.
Intuitive Aptitude.
A scientist by the name of Chandra Suresh had approached him, wanting to study his ability. He happily accepted, but through a series of unfortunate events, the watchmaker had unlocked a hunger associated with his ability. He learned that through less than gory ways, he was able to learn the abilities of others. By accessing their brain where the wiring for the ability sat, he was able to rewrite his own brain to gain whatever ability he wanted.
Flight. Telekinesis. Telepathy. Anything he wanted, as long as someone else had that ability.
Gabriel Sylar, more commonly known as Sylar, had started on the path of killing. It was his goal to gain as many abilities as possible, his hunger never being sated.
With the recent spike in new people with abilities, a company known as nothing more than Primatech Paper had made it their goal to catalog the new powers. A strong company, going on for 50 years now, using a the guise of being a paper company as a cover. Not only do they catalog people with powers, but also lock up those they deem too dangerous for the general population.
No matter who, whether powered or not, anyone with the knowledge of these abilities tried to keep it to themselves. But when they came across others with abilities, it always came to light.
Friendships made, relationships growing, life, and death.