Only a few days after the beginning, before loneliness was a thought, Death was roaming the woods with a glint in her curious eye. Her dark hair represented a contrast to her bright, shimmering blue eyes, which wandered every blade of grass in adoration. But even though Death loved the beauty of the world, she was forced to keep herself separated from it, because everything she touched would die. The softest brush of her fingers could shrivel the leaves of a great oak tree within moments, leaving the woman of death crumbling to the ground in agony. She hated seeing what her touch could do to the things she loved so much, living in a constant state of despair. That was, until she came across something wondrous; another moving creature. The creature looked just like her, but... he didn’t have her chest, and his stature was broader. He was different, yet the same. Death lurked in the shadows, like she always did, keeping her distance. She watched him through the trees as he worked, unable to see what his hands were moving around in front of him. When he moved from his spot, she saw it; a beautiful creature that shines brighter than the sun, pure color, or lack thereof... it had long, thin limbs... a shorter, round body... and a pointy pair of lips. Death was overcome with joy, unable to conceal her smile. It was a blessing that she had found something else so unique, so beautiful... she envied the other creature, whom she called “he”. He was like her, but the opposite. As he gave life, she gave death, so the girl would not emerge from her shadows, afraid that somehow, even if by accident, she would ruin him as well.
There, Death and Life lived separately... death did not know if Life knew of her existence, but she did her best to keep it that way; knowing it would only end badly if he did. She longed to be with him, to have someone to speak to and watch him create his creatures. (edited)