Abillio blinked for a few moments, extremely shocked to hear those words. “You’re…not upset? You were…I-I…never mind.” He said, almost defeated. He never expected Dakota to murder anyone, and when she said she liked the surprise, Abillio was just blown away. Hearing Dakota ask for a bat even confused the hell out of him, knowing he had one upstairs he nodded carefully. At the mentions of helping her incase she fell, Abillio nodded. “Of course, I’ll help ya. It’d be my pleasure.” He said warmly, grinning evilly. Abillio watched as Dakota turned the TV on, and when she was done, he took her hand gently. Leading her up the stairs and into the attic, he watched quietly, locking eyes with the screaming nurse before preparing a volley of tools and weapons.
However, overhearing the conversation between the two, Abillio turned around, seeing the nurse yank her hair. This made him a bit defensive, taking a few steps forward before Dakota continued to speak. He paused, being ready to jump the gun and defend his girlfriend if needed. Once the nurse had bit her, Abillio lunged forward, stopping as Dakota dig a nail into the woman’s neck.
Freezing in place, Abillio’s eyes widened. It had never been something he had saw before, something so barbaric. Yet, he found it enjoyable, at the same time distressing, especially coming from Dakota. As she balanced herself, and found the bat, all Abillio could do now, was watch. Seeing the bat swing and make contact with the nurse. As she continued to hit the woman, and the area soon became extremely bloody, Abillio began to approach Dakota carefully, extending an arm out. “Dakota…she’s gone, there’s no need to desecrate her anymore, than you are.”