Ivy listened closely as Casper explained what potions were, how they worked, what they did, as she pulled on her gear. It still felt rather claustrophobic, the heavy coat, much different to her usual light, airy materials, and the goggles hurt her head, but Ivy wore them, fully believing she would need them. After all, Casper worked with dangerous things, and protection was necessary.
As she was handed a glowing bottle, the elf studied it, eyes moving to Casper, and back to the bottle. "You want me to drink this?" Ivy asked incredulously. Casper gave no answer, an expectant gaze on her. The elf was.... cautious, to say the least. She had seen what happened to Athena. But, Casper wouldn't hurt her, right? Not really. Sighing, Ivy uncorked the bottle, and tipped the contents into her mouth, grimacing. It tasted like fish, raw fish, and the elf almost lost the meager breakfast she had eaten. Still, she swallowed the liquid, a horrible aftertaste on her tongue. She watched as Casper filled a container with water, with a questioning gaze.
Ivy briefly wondered if Casper was crazy, nothing was happening, save for a bitter aftertaste. The elf went to sigh.... and quickly found she couldn't. Her eyes widened, as her throat closed up, and her hands flew to her neck, finding three slits on either side. What has he done to me?! Ivy frantically thought. Panicked eyes met Casper as he approached her, with a dastardly grin. She'd had barely any time to think before her head was shoved into the water, her face completely submerged in the water.
He's trying to kill me... Ivy struggled, her hands going to his, trying to pry his grip on her violet hair. She couldn't hear him very well, and her body bucked, trying get free. The elf was quickly losing consciousness, and with it, she opened her mouth, taking in a mouthful of water, and with it... relief. Oxygen, wonderful, fresh oxygen filled her lungs, and the elf stopped struggling, though her hands remained on his. Strands o