Miss Lock tilted her head some at the question the boy who introduced himself as Alec had asked. "Of course, hun. I was offering for you to join us. I'm not going to toss you out or anything in your condition!" she laughs softly. It wasn't often that they'd get a guest or two. Casey was a different case though as he lived and worked here for Miss Lock. In fact, he was doing it as repayment for her paying his tuition for college. He was a good, honest man who worked hard for things.
When Anna had returned, Casey was in tow. For some reason though, this seemed to spark fear in Alec's eyes. Almost like he had seen a ghost or some sort of monster in the dark. "Hey, you alright?" Anna asked, stepping towards the boy who seemed to be withdrawing, backing away from the trio. He did that earlier when I met him on the road.. Casey thought to himself. He doesn't know that I was the one under that helmet, or rather, if he cares enough to know.
He taps on Miss Lock's shoulder, waiting for her to turn her head to look at him as he signed to her, I think something happened to him. He was like that when I found him.. Miss Lock turned her head to face Alec again, concern on her face as she grabbed her cane and stood up, making her way slowly towards the male. "Alec, did something happen to you?" she stopped a mere three feet from the boy, hesitant for a moment before holding out a hand to the young male. "I promise you that whatever you've been through, you're safe here. I mean it" she gave a small smile.
Casey tapped on Anna's shoulder next, If it's alright, I think I'll just eat in the barn. I don't think he likes me too much "What? That's nonsense, Casey!" Anna said, her hands on her hips, facing the taller male now. "You know damn well we aren't letting you eat out there alone. You're like family to us, it's not right!" She turned her head to look at her mother, "Mama, tell Casey that should stay-"
"Anna.." Miss Lock's voice was calm, turning her gaze to look a