Listening to Anna Talk, Neil couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he looked at her, he narrowed his eyes slightly when she mentioned he too was being childish, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was being far from childish, he was being logical, and far more patient then he wanted to be. but of course he didn't say that, he just gave a small nod. watching her type on the computer “Whatever you say.” he said sharply as he looked down at his files. This already was an uncomfortable situation, and now he really couldn't speak his mind, and risked getting fired, but he really wasn't known for keeping his tongue in.
“Is this all or do you wish to continue to belittle me?” he asked as he raised his head again to look at her. scoffing when she mentioned she would help him make friends just iek she did in the past “because yes i would rather be fired, then pretend to be friends with those i have no interest in being friends with.not to mention,i much rather teach not gather with coworkers who could care less if i did or did not work here, as for you helping me make friends, that was in highschool, we are adults now Anastasia not children, if i want friends then i will make them, and if the time comes and i need assistance i will ask, until then stop.”
He didn't mean to sound harsh, but that was the way he was especially after the turmoil he had felt working at the school. He was an adult, if he didn't want to make friends he shouldn't be forced to, that was what he did not understand, maybe that is what was frustrating him the most at the moment everyone had seemed to be treating him as if he was a helpless kid,or a horrible person because he didn't want friends. Neil closed his eyes for a moment to take a deep breath. “I would not like to relive the past, I am here to work, no relationship or anything of the sort. We are no more than strangers, you made that clear when you demanded our break up.”he replied giving her an annoyed look. He didn't