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Archive 30 / last-hope
Triggers: violence, death
Deleted User 04/22/2024 23:17
Deeply entrenched in the Dark Ages, humanity fails to let go of it’s ingrained superstition - But the Dark Ages may be dark for a reason, as in towns across regional areas, something in the air has changed as of late. Cities close their gates and raise their walls, and the moon doesn’t shine as brightly anymore… Suspicion has pulled many towns under, and war is a constant threat as regions turn against one another. Knowledge of the world is limited greatly by the destruction of libraries and places of education, and more people are drafted by their greedy rulers to fight in pointless wars, when the true threat is not mankind. In the small village of Champippe there are no gates to lock, and people have been turning up dead, seemingly shot down by an arrow which leaves no splinters, before having their organs robbed of them. With the majority of the village's men drafted by the nearby city of Mount Narmot, the town may not survive their remaining tradesmen disappearing, yet with no militant force, there is no one to rely on to venture into the surrounding pine forest to find the shadow that lurks at night. Villagers say they see it, a tall, winged creature, one which seems to become the trees as it stills, and becomes the skies when it flies. Wielding a mysterious glowing orb, the sound of lumber falling in the night accompanies it’s presence. The pine trees surrounding Champippe are taller than any in the land, a known record for this village as lumber is what it would usually export - yet with little men to till the farms, let alone lumber wood (and anyone who ventures in dying), the town is drowning as they haven’t made reliable exports in almost 3 years. Food is scarce and not even the occasional royal carriage passing through takes pity on the poverty-struck residents anymore. It has become a land of filth. Yet the Champippe villagers were always this small, they’ve never been a rich town, and one could say they were always used to this poverty. It is because of this they still have some hope, and the residents stay loyal to the town when many others may have chosen to leave and travel to Mount Narmot already, to have a second chance at life. Although, the things these humble residents may be willing to do for this town may push them over the edge. As Eldes discuss the consequences of losing their remaining men, the fate of the town seems to lie in the hands of the creature stalking it along the treeline. Perhaps a sacrifice would be accepted by this being…
@The Blue Beast (Thought i’d put this here for you 🫡)
blobheart 1
The Blue Beast 04/23/2024 01:42
In the pouring rain that befell the village of Champippe, if one were to glance out their window, they would be able to see a flash of white and gold against the stormy skies. If one were to look a moment longer, they would be able to see the few remaining men in the village scampering after it. People who had a better view of the white and gold flash would see that it was a creature not of this world. One that would be considered nonexistent to outsiders and a godsend to the ones living within. It was Ek’kii, their guardian angel. ------ No one knew exactly when he came to the village, but a ‘shaman’ had entered the village some time ago telling people that they knew how to ‘save’ them from their demise. Desperate, the Elders pleaded to know how they could help them. The shaman told them that in due time, a creature of white and gold would come to them. Neither man nor beast. It would become their protector against the evil that plagued the forest and any enemy that would defy them. But there was a cost. Its existence must remain within the village. If word got out, the village wouldn’t have to fear a mere monster in the woods, but thousands of people from all across the land. Nearly three years later, a creature of white and gold came to them. Just like the shaman said, it was neither man nor animal. It had the body of a white stag with black markings on its tail and legs, though where the animal’s neck should have begun was the upper body of a man. Perched atop the man’s head rested a rack of golden antlers and where his human ears should be were those of the animal. His skin was pale, though not stark white as his hide. He had long white hair that faded into a light grey at the ends and eyes the color of silver. He wore nothing but a sheath for a hunting knife and a quiver for his arrows, the bow was slung against his human back. He told the village that his name was Ek’kii and that he was sent to protect them. ------
Another death. Ek’kii flicked one of his ears behind him, hearing the men who had followed him muttering about the fallen one as he scanned the forest edge. Despite his keen vision, the rain made it difficult to see through even for himself. He had his bow in hand with a notched arrow, ready to fire it at anything out of the ordinary. “I thought you were supposed to protect us! Byron is dead because of you!” One of the men who followed shouted, storming over to him. Standing at 7 feet/2 meters, the stag had to shift his gaze downward in order to look at him properly. “I apologize.” He merely said before returning to watch the treeline. In the corner of his eye, he saw the man raise the pitchfork in hand, fully intending to attack him with it, but he did not move or spare a glance. He knew the other humans would stop him. As he thought, they did. They wrangled the heart-torn man away to move the body back to the heart of the village. He did not move. He did not move even when they called him back. He continued to stare out into the dark woods with narrowed eyes. He knew it was out there. Watching and waiting.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 04/23/2024 02:00
Occasionally at night, when no one was hunted and the farmers were left another day free from otherworldly torment, a humming melody would echo through the trees. One couldn’t hear it from the tree-line, only when they ventured into the forest a little deeper could they hear it, a whistle or a tune, accompanied by a rhythmic thudding. Like someone lumbering wood, it was heard at night and since no one dared enter these woods anymore, no one knew who it was. After the brutal murder of Byron the night before, it was likely there would be one night of peace. A chance to travel into the woods and find this beast. Perhaps it hibernated during the day, or on it’s nights off, had a cave or a hovel, no one had seen it clearly but it must have been intelligent and sentient enough to use a bow and arrow-as it was the primary way men died. It couldn’t be a bird, even though it had wings - it needed hands to operate the bow, at least. And it had to be able to blend in with the landscape, as no one could seem to keep track of it. And it glowed too. It was accompanied by a glowing orb… something that a true guardian angel would know is the vehicle for demon magic. But most demons were accounted for, last time hell was checked. Unless there was some kind of rogue. Only the most powerful demons could make it through the portal into the human world without being detected by an angel. And this thing had apparently been here years. That night, at around 10pm, when villagers cowered in their beds (except for the brave few who still patrolled their farmland, wielding a spear and shaking hands), the thump, thump, thump began - and the whistling song in the trees.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 04/26/2024 00:30
The next morning came with the burial of Byron, which was in their cemetery in one of the far fields. It was an empty burial. The monster had retrieved the man’s body before anyone could stop it. The only clue that they had to what happened to him was the large blood splatter in the grass that dragged toward the forest. Nobody dared risk going out into the woods to search for remains. After everyone had said their farewells, life in the village resumed. If death hadn’t been so common as of late, the people might have mourned more openly or longer, but that wasn’t how life worked. In order to live, you have to move forward. If people were in a constant state of loss, this village would have ceased to exist three years ago. But there are a few villagers who are stuck in the ways of mourning. Of revenge. It wasn’t a surprise when one of the nightly patrollers came up to the stag telling him that Byron’s sire was unaccounted for despite being assigned to patrol that night. Even though the chance of the beast striking again, he told the man to tell everyone to return to their homes. It didn’t strike anyone inside. Yet. After getting confirmation that everyone was inside, the cerviaur proceeded into the forest with his bow and hunting knife. Despite being sent down from heaven as a guardian angel, it’s true, he was not aware of this monster being a demon. Yes, he knew it was a strange, sentient creature of some sort, but there are plenty of strange, sentient creatures here on Earth that weren’t demons. At first, his search for the man was uninterrupted. He had managed to find the man’s tracks and was in the process of hunting for him when something suddenly caught his ear. It was a thumping sound accommodated with… whistling? His instincts immediately went on high alert. He unslung his bow and prepared an arrow as he slowly and silently tried to find the source of the noise. (edited)
@Deleted User
Deleted User 04/26/2024 06:20
Surprisingly, the creature had not been in charge of this second mans murder, so far. True he was missing but the creature was not at hunt today, it seemed. It seemed impossible that a monster hunts these woods tonight because as Ek’kii approached the thump, thump, thump… A tall man, human-looking, and apparently not at all in fear of these apparent beasts is lumbering wood. The axe burrowed into logs as they split, thump. Each log was then tossed into a wooden barrow, thump . And the tall man whistled to himself as he loaded logs. It was deep enough into the forest that perhaps this man was just a recluse, who didn’t know of Champippe or simply never went in. He could be a lumberjack, or a hermit, perhaps just some kind of loner. But how was he living out here with all this threat of a beast. Just chopping wood and… taking it where? The man doesn’t even notice Ek’kii lurking in the background. He loads up his last portion of wood to his barrow and lifts the handles, beginning to roll his lumber away through the trees. His whistling stops, and he focuses on doodling stray logs and rocks on the ground. He walks for maybe 10 minutes, dodging logs and trees and finally coming across a clearing, nestled deep in the woods. A small cottage is surrounded by lush plants and even a garden, growing bushes and produce, fenced with a rustic, hand-built fence. There is ivy and moss on the walls and roof, decorating the cottage into the background. The man begins stacking the logs from the barrow into a covering beside the house.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 04/30/2024 02:22
As the thumping grew louder and a figure became present, the stag slowed his pace to a snail’s pace as he approached from behind. His hoof steps were silent against the ground. He held his breath as he raised his bow, drawing the string taut, and aimed right at the figure. But, once he drew close enough to make out the figure, he halted in his tracks. Out of everything the stag could have thought, a supposed human was not one of them. He kept his bow drawn, but he did not fire. His ears perked as he recognized what the man was doing. He had seen plenty of the men and women in the village performing the exact same task, chopping wood, he recalled. If the man had turned around, if his eyes were sharp enough, he might have been able to see the guardian mostly obscured by the tree he was hiding behind through the forest darkness. But to Ek’kii’s fortune, he did not and resumed cutting. Seeing no threat coming from the man, he lowered his bow. Despite his main task to find Byron’s father, his curiosity got the best of him. He kept his eyes glued to the back of the man as he began to retreat to wherever he resided. After a moment, he followed; making sure to keep himself as quiet as possible and far enough away that it would be difficult for the man to spot him if he ever turned around yet remained close enough that he wouldn’t lose him in the forest. His interest in this… outsider grew upon seeing where he lived. He had stopped far enough away from the treeline to be seen, as a means to try and remain undetected, but still close enough to take in most of the place. It was a small home, unlike anything the lad had ever seen. It looked old yet not at the same time? It was weird yet fascinating. After taking note of the house, he shifted his attention back toward the man, knowing he shouldn’t take his gaze off him for too long.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 04/30/2024 05:05
The man was fit and nimble, stacking wood with ease. He continued his whistling and when the barrow was empty, the logs secure against the covered side of the house, he slipped the barrow into a slot made for storing it and from a crate gathered a trowel and hand-rake. He leaned over the garden, coming to one knee, and carefully dug up a handful of small potatoes, a purpleish sweet potato (a delicacy in the current time of famine), and some white and orange carrots. A white carrot was something a human from Champippe may have never seen before. The land here seemed fertile and moist, which was starkly contrasting from how dry the farms had become with the absence of farmers willing to till and irrigate. He piled the vegetables into his arms, his white blouse being stained. It seemed like a pricy linen, but the man didn't even flinch. Well tailored clothes like his were something most of Champippe would feverishly cherish. He opened the door to his cottage, which wasn't even locked, and entered in, leaving the door open for the night breeze to flood in. Smoke billowed from the chimney, and the air escaping the room was warm. His kitchen was fully visible from the open doorway. He placed the vegetables in a copper basin and began using a steel brush to brush dirt from them. He had a bucket on the floor by this basin where he dropped them into after cleaning. There was a sploosh when they entered. He carried on, unbothered, cleaning vegetables, potatoes, carrots, and even retrieving a ripe yellow onion from his cabinets which all looked hand crafted. He finally finished washing them and placed them on the stony counters. The man then stepped briefly from view, before opening a wooden trap on the floor of the kitchen, which stuck out from the stony floors. The wooden trap seemed to release a sort of fog when he opened it, and he reached in (it must not have been so deep), and pulled out what seemed like a butcher-paper wrapped object. He placed it on the counter and then moved an iron pan to the fireplace. The trap was closed and he unwrapped a piece of meat, lean and red with a thick cut of fat on the crest, like a roast. He used twine to bind it with fresh herbs he had hanging from the windows, and seemed to be prepared to sear it. While the pan was heating up, he stretched himself tall, his back awkwardly cracking like someone who was hunched for seven years then finally saw the chiropractor. He grunted a bit and then for just a second, his eye flicked out the door and into the oppressive forest, then he turned his ear it's direction and seemed to listen...
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 05/02/2024 02:58
As the man uprooted his produce, Ek’kii was able to identify the potatoes due to the village; though his seemed to be in a much better state than what he was used to seeing. When he dug out the carrots, the stag was surprised to learn that carrots could in fact be white. Not only that, but large and thick carrots. Compared to the farmers in the village, he was a gardening saint. When the human made his way inside, Ek’kii left his hiding spot in favor of a different one, one that gave him a better view inside the strange house. He strained his ears, trying to make out what he was doing without really seeing anything. At his vantage point, he wasn’t able to clearly make out what he was doing with the floor, but he was able to make out the sudden appearance of haze coming from the ground. His head tilted to the side, wondering what he had done to make the ground do that. Magic? The guardian’s fixated curiosity about this man abruptly came to an end when a quiet snap caught his ear. He whipped his head toward the noise, arm tense in case he needed to draw his bow. Alarm shot through him as he saw Byron’s sire stop just on the edge of the clearing not too far from where he was hiding. The man’s gaze was locked onto the cottage. In his hand was his weapon, a spear gripped tightly at his side. Even though it was dark, the stag was able to make out his confusion from where he stood. He crept silently forward, preparing himself to move just in case the human decided to do something rash.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 05/02/2024 04:42
The man listened, and his hands slowly moved to remove the pot from the heat. He focuses on the noises outside and it's also obvious when there is a snap, that he hears that too. From all the way inside the house, he reacts by quickly shutting the door, closing off visual of the house interior. There is a click as the lock latches. Smoke steadily billowed out of the chimney but the noises of cooking did not continue from inside. It was quiet and perhaps some owls hooting and frogs ribbit in the forest, but for now it just seemed like the Sire, Ek'kii, and the oppressive night. There wasn't even any movement behind the panes of the window, where you'd be able to see a man as tall as this one's silhouette. Although there is silence, the lights from lamps inside flicker steadily. The nothingness permeates the forest but perhaps his man inside, this recluse, is also waiting, listening, just as the two outside are.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 05/06/2024 01:27
If it wasn’t for the silhouette that stood visible through the window panes, the human would have ventured closer to the cottage, but he was smart enough not to approach. Despite the man living here looked human, the thought of him being the one who had been behind all the deaths in his village didn’t pass him. If he did turn out to be the killer, he’d definitely want more men with him. After staring at the now-closed home for a minute longer, Byron’s father slowly backed away into the forest to turn around and make his way back to the village. Unbeknownst to him, he was going in the wrong direction. Once people started dying three years ago, Champippe’s hunting out in the forest had ceased to exist sans the few meters into the forest when they did try and hunt down the beast. Being this deep into the woods must have discombobulated him. Ek’kii didn’t follow after the man at first, his gaze had returned to the stranger’s home. He watched the window for a moment more before he too left. He could have cut into the clearing to pursue him, but he didn’t want to risk showing himself to an outsider. He must have given the human too little credit for their ability to sense their surroundings. He was just about to part through the underbrush after catching up to the man in order to inform him that he was going the wrong way when the human suddenly whipped around with a deafening yell as he threw the spear at him.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 05/06/2024 06:36
If he wasn't sure what he heard before, the sudden, ear-piercing screech did make itself known in his eardrums. He opened the door to his little cottage and peered outside, carefully sticking his head out the doorway and trying to gather where the drama is occurring. He makes his way through the garden and then finally spots it. The horse-man, the source of the clomping following him through the forest as he collected wood. He then notices the attack. Making no moves to stop the happening, he just stands in the garden and watches as it happens. He doesn't even make a noise, or a gasp, or flinch really, like most others would when presented with the current sight. Some creatures tend to put the 'be not afraid' into humans, but this one just stands there, watching this Sire and the horse-man interact, from the distance of his garden. His eyes are squinted awkwardly though.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 05/11/2024 05:26
Despite not expecting the attack, Ek'kii was just barely able to leap out of the way, leaving the spear to disappear somewhere within the underbrush. "What the hell are you doing here, Deer?" The man snapped. He tried not to show his fright, but the cervitaur was able to make out his stiff body, hunched stance, and eyes blown wide. The man in question tilted his head as if perplexed about why he'd ask such a thing. "You were not at your post during tonight's patrol. Due to what happened to Byron, the logical assumption that came to mind was that you came out here in search of the beast that killed your son." He remained quiet, though the sudden glint in his eyes gave the stag the answer he was looking for. He was out for revenge. "Being out here is none of your concern." Ek'kii tilted his head the other way. "You are a member of the Champippe Village, no? I was assigned to protect the people who lived within it. You--" "That's blasphemy and you know it! If you actually protected us, then my son would still be alive!" The man's voice had risen to an angry hiss, slowly losing control of trying to be quiet. "My apologies, but I advise that we continue our conversation back at the village. We are at a higher risk of getting attacked here than there." Without another word, he turned around to search and retrieve the spear he had thrown, but suddenly stopped as he noticed they weren't alone. His ears perked to attention as he stared at the man from the cottage. Byron's father took note of the guardian's sudden pause and turned to look as well. Unlike Ek'kii though, who remained silent, he called out to the stranger. "Who are you?"
@Deleted User
Deleted User 05/11/2024 11:10
Although the man's eyesight left a lot to me desired, his hearing was impeccable. It didn't matter that the two men whispered, he could hear their conversation clearly. He hummed in acknowledgement when the human before him was revealed to be the father of the missing man. Byron... He hadn't known it was his name... Yes, strange he even knew of the drama in Champippe, as he was so far away from it - yet he did. Despite his human skin, and even his human eyes, he was far from it. But the scent of a demon didn't reek from him while wearing this fleshy suit, no one could tell from looks alone, but his unthreatened presence in the forest where three people were murdered a week was suspicious. Then again, Byron's father wasn't who he really cared about, he was just another human, he wouldn't feel bad if he dropped this middle aged nuisance into the well if he were to threaten him. It was the stag which intrigued him. "Assigned to protect the people." Was he kidding? Astaroth was a high-class demon, back in his domain... and it was irritating that the angels could even consider his little perusing in the human world big enough a threat to send some guardian to babysit him. Since when had Gabriel care what the demons did? Michael... may care. Who assigned this deer thing to his little vacation home. Although, he wasn't well versed on the appearance or history of guardian angels - this creature could just be a mutant deer and he wouldn't know any better. Even the Kings of Hell only ever spoke to the head representatives of the holy army - Uriel, or the likes. He'd never met a guardian angel, but he was sure he outranked it. He wondered if angels cared about rank in heaven... Demons certainly did. He was a little embarrassed initially, as he had the sons heart inside a pot on his counter, about to fry it up for a roast right now... and here the man's father was with his little guardian. Did human's really need this much coddling? Was this really a guardian angel, or some mutant hired help that the residents of Champippe had conjured up to fight him? The word 'assigned' was the kind of language arch-angels used, but then again, he didn't know what humans cooked up when they were scared. He cleared his throat and squinted. "Who are you?" He snapped back. "You're the one arguing with this steed on my lawn." He motioned to them both standing in the tree line. "Although, your deer here is correct if he's worried about what lurks in these woods. You should stay out of it." He stepped aside slowly, allowing access to his open front door, where it was alluringly warm and tantilising smells of hot stew, and fresh produce lingered. For the frail residents of Champippe, this was as tempting as the gardens apple. Because in the end, Astaroth didn't care if he had to take out a couple guardians to keep his little cottage a secret. "Quickly - run home or come in. I may be able to help you, sir." He focuses his gaze on Byron's old man, kind eyes and a motioning hand. He wasn't a very tall man, compared to the average farmer, nothing stood out as much more then just another human. To someone less malnourished, though, his invite may have been far more suspicious.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 05/15/2024 01:02
It was true, the musk that all demons carried remained hidden from Ek’kii. The stranger appeared just as human as the people he tried to protect. He couldn’t tell the difference, albeit the man was a tad strange. Though to the stag, he chalked it up to having only been around the villagers and no other humans. As to rank, angels also had them amongst their people and they very much did care. Ek’kii himself was of the lowest rank, a simple Angel with the subrank of Guardian Angel. As the title states, his job was to ensure protection for whomever he was assigned to by one of the higher-ranking angels. For him, Raphael; the Archangel of healing, and Raziel; the Archangel of Secrets, assigned him the task. Byron’s father’s eyes narrowed upon the ‘stranger’s’ statement. He opened his mouth to argue with him, but any words died in his throat as the front door to the cottage became visible. His stomach twanged with hunger as the smells of long-forgotten food reached him. “Help me how?” He asked, any defensiveness the man possessed moments ago had now shifted to wary temptation. His stomach was getting the better of him. Before the other man could speak, the stag stepped in front of the human and turned his attention onto him. “It is unwise to enter. We must get back to the village.” He warned before returning his gaze toward the stranger, eyes narrowed with distrust and skepticism. (edited)
@Deleted User
Deleted User 05/15/2024 02:05
The demon approached quietly, moving towards the pair and raising a hand gingerly. He wasn’t a demon of arts or performance but he was sure putting on a show. “I live in these woods, that thing killed my flock I had.” He watched the deer step in front of the human, and when he did his eyebrows raised. The smell. Suddenly he was thrust into all the emotions that accompanied his home of Saurford Crest - the heat from Lucifers Well, the fire rain and the crowds of demons which populated the bustling streets. The life he’d left in favour of a relaxing holiday house in the human world. It came back to him with the scent that reeked off this stag. He was perplexed. But leaned around the stag to address the human. “I don’t know what you have lost, but I too am eager to give comeuppance. I can track it if you tell me where it attacked last. Come, I have a map and a hot meal. As well as a sword.” He slowly made eye contact with this creature that stank so subtly of a demon. What are you? He thought. Astaroth was a King-Duke of the First Circle - he would have heard of something like this if it was from Hell. These Deer-like mutations didn’t look like something which would come out of The Pit, so there was no way it was a demon. He should probably call a meeting but he reminded himself he was no longer responsible for what went down in Hell. That was up to who he left in charge. “The village has failed you this far, let me help. I have knowledge you need.” The words melted out like a curse, and to the trained eye, the magic was palatable. Asta was a demon of mathematical science, laziness and vanity. Known by those who studied him to grant humans invisibility and to lead them to hidden treasures and places. The temptation of knowledge was a spell he slyly cast on the unknowing farmer. Because right now Astaroth wasn’t a demon, he was just a very convincing forest-dwelling human… (edited)
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 05/17/2024 03:45
Silver eyes narrowed as he noticed the man visibly shift his attention to the human. “Don’t listen to this human. If you are so inclined to interact with him, wait till you have more men for protection.” He ordered, glancing over his shoulder to peer down at his human. The only answer he got was him stepping to the side in order to also get a better look at the other man, blatantly ignored. It was clear that his interest was caught like a fish biting a hook, though the man was sane enough to remain where he stood, showing his continuous reluctance. Catching the lumberjack’s gaze falling onto him, Ek’kii squared his shoulders with a frown. He wasn’t sure why, but the longer he held eye contact, the more he started to feel… intimidated. No human has made him feel like that before. It scared him. Who was this man? His question was partly answered moments later when he heard his next words.  “You have knowledge? What kind?” Byron’s father asked in an almost mystified tone, any hesitancy he had now gone. He started to walk forward, but the stag intercepted him by firmly grabbing his shoulder. “Do not fall for this one’s trickery.” He growled, glowering at the… the thing.  The last time he had checked, which wasn’t long ago, one of the Angels had informed him that all the demons were accounted for. Knowing other humanoid creatures could have the ability to cast magic and trusting his brother and sisters’ words, this man being a demon wasn’t set very high in his mind. But the realistic part of him knew that didn’t mean it was completely off the table… He made a mental note to contact Heaven once he was alone. “Get off me, Deer.” The human snapped, trying to yank his shoulder away with little success. His open curiosity had shifted to short-fused irritation once realizing he couldn't get what he wanted. “No.” .
“You’re here to protect and serve my people. You have no right to spew orders. I do and I demand you let me go.” The human turned his attention away from the man to glare daggers at Ek’kii, who glared back just as hard.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 05/17/2024 06:21
The demon watched the farmers eyes glaze over, and was about to deal with the problem his own way... then that thing interrupted. The bickering, so juvenile, just like humans to bicker like this with everything it could. He sighed and peered at the two who snapped back and forth. He was sure that this creature must be some angel that heaven was cooking up. Maybe rubbed in demon scent so he could blend in... or be trustworthy. Some prototype. He'd ask Gabriel about it later, seeing as that Archangel was about one bad day from falling anyway, and spent a lot of time down in hell. He crossed his arms and looked at this human, who seemed so weak and pathetic to him. He didn't need to get this man inside to kill him, he could just bite his head off right now. If this was an angel, then the deer would stay and fight him, and as long as there was nothing special about him, he was sure he could win. He lets the enchantment drop, plunging Byron's father back into the real world. "This is ridiculous." Is all he said, before the deep and musky smell of torture, decay and incomprehensible horror spilled through the air, enveloping both other beings. Astaroth's body created nauseating and grotesque snapping and cracking noises as his bones stretched, ripping his flesh apart and allowing him to extend in height, almost double what he was. His head married with the trees above, and his bloody limbs began to crackle and pop, becoming stone before the pairs eyes. His long, bent fingers grew black, dripping talons, which at least half a foot in length. twine and purple strong bound them decoratively. His organs glowed and pulsed, visible to the eye, and wormed amongst his stony ribcage. His head, now decorated with two misshapen and curling horns had a purple glowing orb balanced above it. He reached out to the farmer, which was now in an easy arm-span from the mighty stone demon. "I've had enough of you." He said, his voice still the calm one from before his transformation. Long talons caught the man's arm, slicing the skin there as he tried to get a grip on him. He moved slowly though,,, leisurely. He didn't even give Ek'kii a second glance.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 05/22/2024 02:51
Sensing the enchantment fade, Ek’kii’s attention turned back toward the creature with newfound vigilance. Equally, Byron’s father abruptly shook his head, ridding himself of the haziness he had felt prior. Any focus the two had on the strange man shifted to one of repulsed horror as a pungent odor assaulted their senses. The human immediately kneeled over, gagging as he hurriedly covered his nose and mouth with his hands. The stag made no move to do such a thing, though his body went rigid as he watched the man turn into someone unimaginable. It was Astaroth, one of Hell’s Great Dukes. Someone who outranked and overpowered him tenfold. His mind reeled as his mind spewed out question after question. How long had he been down on earth? Why was he here? What was his end goal? Were there other demons that slipped through their guard? His momentarily freeze up broke to the sound of the human crying out in pain. He was moving before he even knew it. How dare he try and take another one of his humans! The sudden desire to protect the man outmatched the hopeless fear that ran through him. Adrenaline raced through his entire being as he lunged toward Byron’s father, unsheathing his hunting knife while doing so. It was made by one of Heaven’s blacksmiths, a weapon used to defend against beings not of the mortal plane. He tried thrusting his attack at the demon’s arm that had latched onto the human, wanting to keep him away as much as possible. If he wasn’t so caught up in the need to protect the man, he might have been a tad bit offended at how the demon didn’t even seem to acknowledge him, going at such a relaxed pace, but as of now, he was just grateful. It gave him time to react.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 05/22/2024 10:37
Astaroth didn't even flinch as the human cried out. He grasped his arm and the razor-like talons pierced the skin. As blood flowed over his own gored hands, it seeped into the stony cracks of his form. He began the drag to pull the human upwards, lifting him. On the arm, the grip felt like a hundred pounds of stone crushing the feeble human bones. Astaroth's grip was incredible, something of otherworldly strength. Then there was a clink. Astaroth paused, looking a the tip of the deer's blade plonking into his arm. He stares at the knife at first, and immediately recognized it's make - Gabriel had plenty of them. And the blade would indeed have hurt, likely would have burnt at his unholy flesh and caused smoking and agony, had his skin been penetrable. "Oh, Alright." He said, sighing and leaning down to allow himself to be closer to the stag, more eye level. His eyesight was poor, and that was clear as the floating organs inside his stone skull were milky, and has pupils like pin-pricks. He let go of the human, dropping him the few feet he'd been lifted. It might wind him, but in the end he may be unharmed, apart from the gashes on his arm and a possible fracture. "Who are you?" He said, looking Ek'kii and granting him the attention he had forfeited before. "Who sent you?" He turns, and stone seems to shale off of him. It seems clear up close why a blade may not pierce him - he must have been made of a granite, or some other hard stone. He did move slow though, as if the statuesque quality of his form limited his range of motion. That and his apparent poor eyesight. He steps back for a better angle to glare at the deer with, and his large stone feet begin near-trampling the Sire, carelessly. Anything caught under his step would be pulverised but to Astaroth this was like a bug. He didn't care if the man was able to scramble out from under him. (edited)
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 05/25/2024 19:41
The stag’s attention only partly registered the human falling to the ground with a sharp oof and another cry of pain. Most of his focus was on the demon. He was partly surprised that his blade didn’t pierce his flesh, but the alarm wore off quickly. He knew that there were some demons out there who had thick enough skin that certain celestial weapons had little to no effect. Apparently, Astaroth’s stony skin was actually made of stone and not typical skin. As the demon lowered himself to become more eye level with him, the stench that wafted off his body made him want to wrinkle his nose in disgust, but he forced himself not to. It was only then that he noticed something… particular about him. His eyes.  They were faulty. He remained silent for a moment before answering, gaze unwavering. “I am Ek’kki, sent down by the archangels Raphael and Raziel.” He didn’t try to hide who sent him, knowing that Astaroth knew enough about the angels that he probably would have figured it out sooner or later. When the Duke took a step back, Ek’kii noticed another strange thing about him. At first, he thought his slow movement was due to simply not caring, but as he watched him move, the speed was the same as before. His footsteps even sounded heavier. “Why are you here, Astaroth? Have you been the one killing the people of Champippe?” He questioned, not even bothering to glance down as the human was nearly trampled by him, having just been able to crawl out of the way by a hair's breadth. With the way he behaved, it seemed as if his mind was in a state of shock, one in which he could hardly function. A typical person might have fled to safety right as they were out of immediate danger, but no, his eyes were wide, staring at the demon with an unfocused look.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 05/26/2024 12:14
Astaroth squints at the stag, who he now knows by a name. Ek'kki - an angel name, of course. This must be some new breed of guardian angel, built to avoid demon detection... or something. He hadn't been in hell for things like reports and board meetings in a number of years, so he couldn't be sure. He blinks and even his eyelids move slowly, making little grinding and clinking noises as he does. He stays leaned down, face to face with the deer which is easier then a human, since he is taller then any human. "Oh of course." He sighs, a grumble under his breath as he hears the name of some of the more rigid Archangels. He had never interacted with any of them before, as they had never made their way down to Hell before - but he had heard of them. He leans back a bit when this guardian questions why he's here. As if offended, although he shouldn't be since it was Ek'kki's job. He purses his lips, and crosses his arms. "I'm here just to enjoy myself!" He says, with an accusatry tone. "I built this cabin myself, and have lived peacefully here for years, I don't need you here causing me trouble." He looks down at the man laying glazed-eyed on the ground, just briefly, before returning to the stag. "And yes, I have been killing these villagers but not for nefarious reasons. None of my legion are causing evil, I am just required to feed." He knows this statement would strike hurt into the grieving human on the ground, but he has no fear of this human. He raises a claw. "You'd be best to leave me. Perhaps go running back to that village - I refuse to give up this lifestyle for one measly human village." He snaps, approaching the guardian slowly.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 05/28/2024 00:34
The stag tried to remain still as the demon leaned closer to his face, but he couldn’t help but lean slightly away as he got face-to-face with him. As predicted, he did recognize the archangels, which made sense considering they were some of the more well-known members. He wasn’t sure if Astaroth was able to catch his body slightly loosen or the silent exhale of breath he let out when the latter leaned back, but he hoped he was able to mask his discomfort enough where it didn’t show. “You’re here to… enjoy yourself?” The disbelief was palpable across his face. He has never heard of a demon leaving hell to… relax. He hadn’t even heard of angels coming down to earth to relax, everyone on the mortal plane was solely here based on orders from God and the Seraphs; God’s guardians. Ek’kii shook his head, ridding the shock from his thoughts. His deer-like ears flickered slightly upon hearing that he was only killing the villagers for survival. “Are there no other creatures you could sustain yourself on? Non-sentient creatures?” He asked, stepping back slightly as he began to approach him. He knew his question sounded foolish, he never heard of a demon who didn’t feed off humans, but if there was even the slightest bit of a chance for his people being safe, he’d take it.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 05/28/2024 09:13
Astaroth was blind enough not to notice the subtleties of the stag's discomfort. He knew he smelt like decay, and when you smell this way your whole life you forget the smell. It didn't bother him anymore, but he was acutely aware of how strange it was that the smell faintly permeated from this angel. "Yes, creature. This human world does not have many of the responsibilities I dealt with in Hell." He says, referring to Ek'kii as 'creature' in case he wasn't an angel. He didn't know how aware this stag was of his own un-holiness. "There are worse demons for you to worry about in this world right now." He rubs his claws together as if he is cold and warming his hands with the friction, and remains crouched, unblinking cloudy eyes glaring at the angel-thing. The other question posed by them made him laugh, a booming and genuine chuckle. "They must not teach you well about us in Heaven." He snaps. "No, the only way to devour a soul is through human organs. Their hearts and the like." He looks down at the human on the ground, seeing that he has not moved or made any indication to escape. He reaches down, picking him up by the leg again, not concerned if he drops the spear he has. He knows it wont pierce his arms. It could pierce his twisting organs inside the ribcage, but anything that touches them turns to stone, so it was a worthy trade-off. "Speaking of, although. This is a fitting meal, I shaln't waste it." He looks at the guardian. "Tell that village if they cared they would multiply more... Humans breed often, just make more." He begins slowly marching back towards the house with the living sire in his talons.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 06/01/2024 17:03
Ek’kii in fact did not realize he was ‘tainted’ with demonic essence. Granted, the black markings across his body could hint at something, but it wasn’t uncommon for heavenly beings to display darker, more ‘demonic’ coloration or patterns across their skin. Thus, nobody he came across questioned his origins. He and the vast majority of heavenly celestials saw himself as an ordinary guardian angel. His brow furrowed, momentarily distracted by wondering just how many other demons were here on earth that the angels didn’t know about. He shook his head, temporarily shoving those thoughts into the corner of his mind. “The other demons are not of my concern. The only concerning demon I have is you.” When the demon laughed, the stag couldn’t help but frown. He wasn’t wrong in that aspect, the guardian thought his teachers were a bit lacking knowledge-wise when they were talking about hell and demons, but he merely assumed it was due to being not high enough in the ranks to learn that kind of information yet. In reality, though, the angels purposefully withheld information from him due to worrying that it’d trigger some dormant demonic side of him or whatnot. The stag was so focused on Astaroth, that he had forgotten about the human at his feet until the stoned figure grabbed the prone figure from the ground and began walking away. The demon’s hold also seemed to break the man’s peculiar daze and he started to struggle and thrash within the taloned grasp, throwing insults at him while doing so. Ek’kii scrambled to race in front of them to block their path, mentally cursing himself for forgetting about Byron’s father. “I won’t let you take him.” He said, now wielding his loaded bow; aimed right at his eyes.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 06/02/2024 10:53
Astaroth grumbles when the angel guardian snapped back at him, with audacity akin to someone who would not be easily crushed by one misstep from the demon before them. He does not want his time on earth to be ruined by one interaction, but he was sure that if he just killed an angel, he'd definately get in trouble, then have to return to Hell, and probably have an angels eyes on him forever. It was because he'd behaved that he'd gone under the radar. He jolts a little bit when suddenly he has an arrow point blank at his face, pointing right at his fleshy eyes. Not that shooting them would change his vision, but it would hurt a lot. He moves back a bit, growing taller to but some space between the arrow and his eyes. It would give a vantage to shoot his worm-like organs which writhe inside his ribs, but those would be as ineffective as shooting his eyes. "You know that will not work, creature." He snaps, reaching a stone hand towards the tip of the arrow so he can try and grab it. The flailing human in the other hand makes his balance a little shaky but he's still thousands of pounds of stone, strong and heavy. "What do you want from me, you come here to my home just to aim nuisances at me and snap at me about leaving my post? I do not need a pass from Heaven to do anything." His palm touches the tip of the arrow holstered in the bow, making a tink as they touch. "Either fight me properly, or leave me to live." He tightens his grasp on the Sire's leg, which pushes the weight of huge boulders onto his bones. Whether the bones broke or not he didn't care.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 06/09/2024 05:25
There it was. A crack in the stone skin. The stag knew that despite the demon’s organs being visible underneath his stoned skin, it would be useless to puncture. That was proven earlier with his knife, but while he was face to face with him, he realized that his eyes remained unhindered. They were just as soft and vulnerable as any other creature. He knew it most likely wouldn’t kill him, but he was certain his arrow would pierce what his blade could not. “I know enough that it would hurt.” He bit back, stance unwavering. “I came here to fulfill my duty. To protect the village. Live in the forest as you wish. Just leave my humans alone.” It was only when Astaroth tapped the point of the arrow did he move the weapon away from his face. He took a few steps back in order to get out of his arm's reach. When the sound of snapping bones and the scream of agony rang out, Ek’kii reared up onto his hind legs with an enraged shout; bow and arrow pulled taunt and retrained onto his eyes. His fingertips twitched, milliseconds away from firing. “Stop!” The guardian tightened his hold on the string as his upper body leveled back toward the ground. Silver eyes focused down onto the man, whose face was contorted in searing pain. “Leave me. Deer. Tell the village. Of this place.” He heaved out between clenched teeth as he tried to ride the waves of fire racing from his leg. When he didn’t move, anger flickered through the sire’s face. “Go, now!” Unable to protest, Ek’kii blew out a harsh breath before he lowered his bow and took off in the direction of the village. He didn’t even spare a second glance back. With the deer now gone, the man’s fiery expression crumbled back into one of suffering and exhaustion. He didn’t even bother to put up a struggle as he watched the cottage slowly get bigger as they approached. He knew what his fate had become.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 06/09/2024 05:46
The tall demon listened to this chatter about duty, fulfillment, and he spluttered out a laugh, getting in the deer's face, and watching him point the arrow at his eyes. Losing his eyes would hurt him, but he was already so limited in his eyesight that it wouldn't impair him much. He listens to the cries of the human, not caring for the snapping noise, but backing up when this stag gets closer to shooting him once again. He begins slowly moving back, dragging the man across trees and gravelly ground. He raises his free hand, pointing at the deer as the human cries out for him to go. "Yes, go, tell all those villagers that they annoy me, and that I despise them." He yells, waving him away. "Tell them if they want to be saved, to bring a real angel, not some creature like you." He snaps. He turns, letting the deer run away into the forest, dragging the human into the house, crouching through the door. He finally makes his way through the kitchen and into a deep basement with a twisting maze of rooms and burrows which he fills out completely. He moves like a reptile through the caverns, dragging the man brutally against the stones. Finally he finds his way to a cavern with a well, tossing the man in, still living. At the bottom are the gutless corpses by various bodies, one of which is perhaps his son, but they are so brutalized so they may not be identifiable. With the grinding of stone and wet squelching, Astaroth's body returns to normal, and he peers into the well, covered in black and red grime. "I don't need you tonight, so you will stay there." He begins making his way up the stairs, intending on finishing his meal in peace.
@The Blue Beast
The Blue Beast 06/23/2024 18:34
Bring a real angel, not some creature like you. The demon’s words swirled through his mind as he weaved between trees and leapt over dense undergrowth. What did he mean by that? He was a real angel, created by God himself. His teachers were some of the greatest archangels, his home was Heaven, and he was a guardian angel. Granted, he was the only angel who was half-human, but there was always a first for everything. It didn’t take him long to make it back to the village, but he stopped in the field dividing the forest edge and the village itself, unsure of what to do. If he told the Elders and the men, he was certain that they would launch a raid to get Byron’s father out. He knew that if they attacked Astaroth, it would only spell trouble. If Gabriel's blade couldn’t pierce his stony skin, then their crude weaponry would be beyond useless. But if he didn’t go back for the sire, he’d be purposefully breaking his oath to protect the people of this place... He needed guidance. He needed help. He made his way toward the gravesite right in front of Byron’s empty grave. Without a word, he bowed his head and prayed. Uriel, brother. I beg for your assistance. ------ (edited)
The only noise that came out of Xavier was the harsh cry of pain when he landed full force onto the ground from getting thrown into the well. Despite the new wave of agony coursing through his body, his mind couldn’t help but supply that the ground felt… softer than stone. It felt… lumpier. More squishy. He peered down to see what he had landed on, ignoring the demon from above as he left. It took him a moment to realize what it was, but when he did, his eyes widened in horror. He scrambled backward, the pain in his body and agony in his leg momentarily forgotten as his stomach suddenly heaved. He jerked to the side and vomited, unable to handle the gruesome scene before him. He had landed on the discarded bodies of people. Many of them had holes in their stomach and chest, organless. Many of them were so mutilated that it was hard to even see their facial features. With his stomach now empty, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked back at the dismembered corpses. He didn’t want to, but he had to know if his son was here. He had to. It didn’t take him long to slow in his search. He was exhausted and in pain. His hands, arms, and legs were covered in the filthy remains of these people. He nearly gave up when something caught the corner of his eye. He turned to stare at a half-destroyed face. He squinted in the dim light, trying to make out something on its face. It was a clean horizontal scar that ran right through the middle of its cheek and stopped right before the corner of its lip. A scar he knew all too well of. He screamed out in anguish. He cried till his voice was hoarse and cracked. His son was gone, eaten by this thing. He slumped in defeat. He was going to die down here just like how his son did. There was no hope. No one could hear him. His brow suddenly furrowed. No one human could hear him… but maybe someone else could… He turned his gaze skyward and raised his hands in front of his chest. Saint Michael. I need your help.
@Deleted User
Deleted User 06/24/2024 00:56
Astaroth was finally able to resume his stew. Luckily being at room temperature meant the organ meat was more tender. He seared it and added in all his vegetables, making a nice stew and letting it simmer on the fire. He wasn't too concerned with the man in the well escaping, so his mind was at ease. What exactly was the angel-creature going to do? He could bring the whole village but Astaroth would probably just leave. It was too much the hassle. He sat on a chair with knitted pillows cresting it to make it perfectly comfortable. He lets his body crackle and flake off in stony dust, while relaxing. He listens to the birds, smiling as he hears an owl hooting outside, in a regular pattern, like morse. The worst that could happen downstairs in the warren was that the human might come across Adam. ------ The most of the bodies were no longer warm, just a cold sludge of human remains. The organless corpses were only disturbed by Xavier, and sloshed in their sepsis-inducing meat soup. The well smelt horrific too, and what was left of some bodies seemed to crush under the human's feet, so decayed. As the man screams, the sound echoing out of the well, and cascading around the rabbit warren. Whether Xavier can hear it between his cries and agony, was unclear, but a slow metallic creaking noise burst from the top of the well, just for a moment. There is the sound of a chain moving, and then silence from above, once again. -- The 'sky' of the top of the well was merely stone and dirt, browns, greys, absolutely not as beautiful as the real sky. Yet angels like Michael were always listening. Michael was the truest and most holy of the Archangels, and spent a lot of his time answering prayers and training guardians. He was the most perfect and divine, and people tended to know it... Demons would say that Michael made it everyone's problem. His trips down to Hell every few months was just to lecture people and tell the demons they were doing a bad job. As if demons could do a bad job? It was frustrating... But now, he was sitting in one of the field offices in heaven - and he was receiving most of Gods prayers, which were vague and undefined. Suddenly he perked up at a prayer request by name. His name. He rose and fixed his robes, prepared to head straight to the source. His wings were blue and gold, and the wingspan was twice his height. It would be a mere few glides until he was at the portal. His skin was like a marble of gold and topaz, partly transparent and a little jagged. His long white hair floated around him. He made it back to the golden city and adorned his armor, practically diving into the portal. He was a bit stuck up, self-righteous, but who wouldn't be if they were literally an angel. He was at the head of every table, and the lead of every angel crusade. He was always pleased to server - so straight laced and well-behaved. He followed the prayer through the human realm, flying far above the clouds. It wasn't that humans could see him anyway, they could only see an archangel if the angel allowed them to. He flies fast, serious gaze cast upon the dark earth... ------ Deep in the bowels of the well, there was a faint voice, something deep and unrecognizable. "Greetings - child." It whispers through the well, yet there is still darkness.
@The Blue Beast
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