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Archive 30 / an-evenings-summoning
Triggers: maybe sad stuff
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 04:03
"Well, drat." Faeyline crossed rested her hands on her hips and frowned. She couldn't believe that it didn't work. What did she do wrong? She looked around the area and noted each waypoint and circle; sure she was an adept necromancer, but summoning the living was another thing. Her friends had told her that living servants were often much more productive than dead ones. Perhaps they were just trying to get her out there to meet people. Well, this was as close as she would get. Or, at least, she had planned. The book she was using was old, to say the least. "What does this even say?" She tried sounding out the words, though she had never been very good at reading the languages of the arcana. Growing up the way she did, reading had been a luxury rather than a necessity, so she only learned what she needed to survive. She frowned as she turned the book around to try to get a better idea of what the words could possibly say. "Well, this is a right mess." Maybe she could give it one more go? She redrew the summoning circles as perfectly as she could. That, however, was not the difficult part. It was the incantation. She had to read it from the book. Fae cleared her throat and held the book up as she tried to decipher the words. She was unsure if the things she was saying were even words. After the incantation, she waited for a moment and then... nothing! "Gods!" She shouted. Of course, she looked like a lunatic, drawing circles and yelling in the park, but her meager apartment certainly wouldn't work for what she was trying to do. She was about to throw the book when she felt it. Magic! Infernal magic! She looked around and saw a woman. She looked normal, but Fae knew better. Closing the book and shoving it under her arm, she ran over to the unaware woman. "You! I summoned you! It worked!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 04:09
Yeah- I uh- how- what- this- sorry this has never happened before- you know- she stuttered across her words confused summoning demons without researching them- isn’t a good idea- how did you- I didn’t even know I was summonable- she was like a deer in head lights- she didn’t know what to say or do- why did you bring me here? I don’t know how this works… do I owe you something? Or can I go back home….
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 04:13
"Aha! So it did work! I was mighty worried that you were just a random girl who had been touched by a succubus or something, but you are the succubus!" Faeyline clapped her hands together with a bright smile. "I summoned you because I need a fri- ahem... I need an assistant to help me with my work! I'm a necromancer, so summoning the living is quite new to me." "And since I summoned you, you're, like, my familiar now, right? You have to do what I say?" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 04:16
she scowled I don’t exist to do your bidding! Nor did I sign a contract- normally you’re supposed to get in contact with the demon first before you summon them- and I was hoping you summoned me by accident but seems to be otherwise. she crossed her arms just because you drew a couple circles on the ground doesn’t make me your servant
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 04:19
"Well," she held up the book, "this says it does! I think..." She opened it up and brought it close to her face as she scanned through it. "Why isn't this written in English? Who write in ancient Hebrew anyways. Honestly, the hall of this 'Solomon' to not even translate his book." She tapped her foot before looking back at the girl. "What's your name?"
@violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 04:24
Is this one of those things where if I tell you my name I owe you something- also I’m pretty sure with these summoning it’s meant so you can make a deal with the demon… she paused I’m not looking to spend the rest of my life tied to a- not to be rude but- a magic user who clearly doesn’t know what they’re doing and has had no training- I was happily sitting in a cafe window before this… you summoned me without my tea.
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 04:28
"Excuse me! I am an accomplished necromancer! I just don't know jack about evocation and summoning! If it's tea you want, then we can go get you some! I'm sure there's a cafe somewhere around here." Fae looked around, sending the book back to her hammer space before looking back at the girl. "I want to know your name so I don't have to call you servants or fiend or succubus. Plus, if I know your name, I can (maybe) find it in the book and see what you can do!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 04:31
Im not your servant or your fiend and dont you even think about calling me your succubus- she shuddered- she always feared being used for what she was but not like this It’s Midnight. And I hate to break it to you- actually no- I’m happy to tell you I’m not even a powerful one.
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 04:35
"Midnight! Aha! That's... not one of the names in the book. I was expecting, like, Lilith or something. Well," Faeyline sighed and furrowed her brow. "How good are you at, like, flipping switches and holding things? Because that would be a huge help." @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 04:42
she laughed LILITH?! you thought you could- summon LILITH?! on your first try!? I’m sorry but you think - you could- she wheezed you wanted lilith to flip switches and hold things up - for FREE! she was cackling @PhoggyΨυχη
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 04:48
"Of course! I use the book. I summon the demon. She holds stuff for me and helps me sort through bones and stuff!" Faeyline put her hands on her hips and narrowed her gaze. "I don't have need of anything else! And I would use skeletons, but they don't exactly have a lot of strength, now, do they?" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 04:55
Look the only reason I haven’t left yet is because I can’t teleport and I don’t know where I am- look she sighed working with demons is different than working with the dead … with necromancy you give them life- with demons you have to give us other things in return and I’m sorry to say it I- I’m not she looked down at the ground a bit embarrassed I don’t have the power to even make a deal if I wanted to…
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 04:57
"Well, then I'll make the deal for us since I'm strong enough. You help me with my work and, uh, you get like free room and board," Faeyline shrugged. She hadn't the foggiest what a worthwhile deal or proper sum would be. For her, only the essentials were needed, so that's all she could offer. @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 05:00
she looked extremely embarrassed, her cheeks going a bit pink I don’t know how to explain this but I might die if I stay here too long- I need- affection to function? I’m a succubus- I’m sure you know how that works…. But it’s also why I can’t make the deal- I don’t exactly- do…. That…… (edited)
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 05:03
"Uh," Faeyline paused and clapped her hands against her sides. She shot forward and pulled Midnight into a tight hug before letting go. "How's that?" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 05:08
I hate to admit that this helps…. Fine I’ll help you. I guess you- got yourself a deal…. she laughed awkwardly what do you say uh- she then realized she didn’t know he name what do I call you? I feel like β€œthe summoner” isn’t the best option seeing I seem to be the first you’ve ever summoned
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 08:54
"Who am I? I am the master of the undead, the goddes of death, the queen of crypts; I am Faeyline!" She shouted, holding her hand up to the sky. Of course, claiming to be the goddess of the dead was... problematic. Especially once the actual goddess took notice. Still, Fae figured she'd claim the title since no one else around would. @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 13:27
Sure you are- no offense hun but I think I would have heard of you…and I don’t think a god would need a succubus to help flip switches
she frowned and pulled away from her after the hug but i guess it’s nice it meet you faeyline
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 20:53
"Of course you haven't heard of me! Infernals do not need to concern themselves with the matters of the dead," she defended, crossing her arms. "And I- I don't need help! I just want help1" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 21:07
Mhm…. she rolled her eyes I don’t think you would have summoned me if you didn’t need me….. to be fair
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 21:16
I’m just going to call you faeyline that okay?
Faeyline BOT 11/21/2023 21:22
"Listen, I didn't need anyone! My colleagues just said I needed to make new friends who aren't undead and that I didn't, well, make!" She shouted, stomping her foot. @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/21/2023 23:40
Well you summoned me against my will… good progress on that one she laughed maybe they meant you should- I don’t know- go into the real world and meet people? - no offense but - honey you seem like you haven’t talked to someone in quite some time…. her face softened a bit, frowning slightly
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 01:29
"Pah! Meeting people sucks! People are boring and they get all scared when you resurrect their grandma as a favor. I always hear 'i didn't ask you for that!' or something like that. They're so rude!" She crossed her arms and pouted. @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 01:33
Maybe that’s because they’re already grieving… I know I wouldn’t want to see my family members as zombies it would bring me more pain than comfort…. Maybe you just have to get to know them better… she now felt bad for fae- maybe she had misjudged her most people aren’t boring from what I’ve experienced- I’ve made some really good friends with them
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 01:42
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 01:52
"Yea, but they don't have to grieve if I can bring back their recently-deceased! It's super simple!" Faeyline nodded. "Besides, what better gift can I give someone than, like, ressurecting their pets or something? Why get to know someone who doesn't even thank you for bringing their pet Bun Bun back to life?" She shook her head and put her seem around Midnight's shoulder. "Know what I mean?" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 01:54
I - oh- dear- I see why- because you’re not bringing back their loved ones- you’re bringing reanimating their bodies as servents- it’s honestly a horrific sight- and even if it’s unintentional it’s really messed up to do to someone- show them their loved ones like that and not letting them rest in peace-
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 01:58
"I can bring back souls just fine! Well, sometimes. Most of their souls. Or... something like souls. Maybe like half-souls? Part of their souls? See? That's why animals are easier: they don't have pesky souls to bring back from the hereafter. Just poof and Bun Bun is hopping around at a slightly high decaying rate! And I know I'd love it if someone could have resurrected my family after they died, so I don't see the problem!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 02:04
But what you would like isn’t the same as what others would! In all honesty I would hate you forever if you did that to my pet. I’m not even over exaggerating…. I would never speak to you again. That’s not a surprise that’s just cruel
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 02:12
"It's a perfectly normal surprise! All of my minions love it when I ressurect the bones of their friends! Or when wraiths or revenants want you to ressurect the person who killed them so they can kill them to get their revenge and pass on!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 02:14
If they asked you then it’s fine! But not when you do it without asking…. A lot of people wouldn’t like that and you have to respect that! And ask first!!! she was getting frustrated again now… @PhoggyΨυχη
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 14:56
She harumphed and crossed her arms; she didn't quite get why people weren't as on board with it as she was. "Fine. We'll agree to disagree. I still think people are weird. You said you wanted tea, right? Let's go find some tea. I could use a Long Island Iced Tea myself." @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 14:59
she laughed isn’t that alcohol? she knew it was she’s had it before I don’t think they have Long Island ice tea at the cafe but we can try- she rolled her eyes sure I guess let’s go @PhoggyΨυχη
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 15:00
"So? It's tea! Tea is tea. Mine just has, like, a lot of other stuff in it.' She hooked her arm in Midnight's and pointed in which way she thought there would be a cafe. "Let's go!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 15:20
Don’t be mad at me if it isn’t there she of course followed Fae otherwise she would probably be dragged there being as they linked arms I’m goinggggg calm downnnn @PhoggyΨυχη
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 15:26
"Uh..." Fae looked around as they reached the street. "Hm..." She held her hands out. She looked back at the park and spoke: "Café-Transportzauber aktivieren." Suddenly, a building materialized with a lot of very frightened people inside. "Don't worry, I brought the cafe to us!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 15:58
Holy- I thought you were a necromancer not a- cafe mancer- she was kinda shocked not used to the world shifting around for her convenience how did you say a few words and move a BUILDING
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 16:18
"It's just a simple teleportation spell! I don't know what or where the cafe came from, but I just wanted a cafe, so I brought one to us." Faeyline shrugged. It didn't seem to be a big deal to her. "Why? Do you not like this one? I can get us another one." @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/22/2023 16:41
No don’t do that! Most people teleport TO the cafe not the cafe to them! How are these people going to get home! This is what I’m saying- you teleported all of them against their will! Do you not see how that could be an issue? midnight was so distract never in her life had she met anyone else so careless @PhoggyΨυχη
Faeyline BOT 11/22/2023 16:43
"They have planes and stuff for that, right? Or maybe busses? Or I can magic them back... I think. It's really not my problem. They should have built the cafe closer if they didn't want us to teleport it. Or maybe make, like, an interdimensional cafe that you can stop at from any point in space and time." Whether that was possible was something Fae was not entirely sure of. To be fair, it was not like she had much of a proper conception of how the world worked outside of her immediate bubble. @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/24/2023 03:53
What in the world is wrong with you?? That’s it- I can’t deal with this- if you want my help you have to stop acting like the world revolves around you! It doesn’t! You’re just a random person with some powers! I can’t stand to watch others get hurt because of you- if you leave them here they could run out of food and die, never find their way home- get attacked- and it would all be your fault. she pulled her arm away and stormed into the cafe to apologize to the poor people
Faeyline BOT 11/24/2023 04:00
She did not understand why Midnight was so mad. The girl had wanted a cafe, so Faeyline had brought her one. Her spell had been flawless! No one had been hurt. She shrugged and followed the moody woman, raising an eyebrow at the stomping of feet. This demoness did not make much sense to her; were her kind not supposed to disregard human life anyways? Why did she care about such random people? "I honestly do not see what the big deal is. If they are weak and cannot survive, then that is their own fault." @violet viper (edited)
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/24/2023 15:26
They’re real people with real lives and real feelings! Not everyone wants to be a strong warrior and they were somewhere they could easily survive five minutes ago! They didn’t choose to come out here. You did. When we’re inside I want you to put it back immediately.
Faeyline BOT 11/24/2023 23:14
"Ugh, fine," Faeyline groaned, exaggeratingly rolling up her sleeves. As they entered, they heard several very frightened people all speaking French. It seemed she had gotten it from quite far away. "Okay," she took a deep breath and focused. "Zurück an den absender!" Outside the cafe, the world shifted around them. They had once been next to a park and several buildings downtown, but now, they seemed to be back in France, where the cafe had been. People began to clap for Faeyline, some coming up to hug and thank her. She simply bowed and smiled. "I guess they liked that!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/25/2023 00:27
They’re back home but you’re not a hero if you caused the problem faeyline she huffed but went up to the cashier
Faeyline BOT 11/25/2023 08:03
"You're a really bad summon, Midnight," Fae crossed her arms. "You're not supportive at all! Anyways, what is she saying? I don't know that language." @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/25/2023 09:07
she just sighed well I’m sorry you pulled me into another plane against my will and that you’re doing things that are against my moral compass. I’m not a summon I’m a person two- and I don’t know French…. she didn’t like being a non supportive person but she was terrified to enable fae because who knows what will happen if she encouraged her- she was scared
Faeyline BOT 11/25/2023 23:18
"Why does me moving a cafe to another city go against your moral compass? I was basically just city planning!" She crossed her arms and pouted. @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/26/2023 00:18
Without a permit! You technically kidnapped a whole entire cafe and left them in the middle of nowhere or was going to until I said something! How is endangering others not against yours!?
Faeyline BOT 11/26/2023 02:20
"No one was in danger! And my moral compass always points to the most morally sound thing there is! Whatever helps me survive! And what helps me survive is keeping my summon pleased!" Fae replied, nodding in assurance of her actions. @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/26/2023 02:31
Do you think the whole world revolves around you? Because with doesn’t- and this is getting increasingly frustrating it’s- very difficult- to not lash out at you at this point she took a deep breath
Faeyline BOT 11/26/2023 09:39
"Of course the world doesn't revolve around me. First, that would be impossible. Second, I don't care what other people do. I do what I do and they can do what they do," she set her hands on her hips and frowned. "If it's so difficult to deal with me, then just leave!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/26/2023 21:09
I would but you summoned me against my will the same thing you did to these people but at least you returned them! You keep implying I’m useless because I’m not powerful like you but you don’t even have the brain cells to realize why your colleagues told you that you need friends yet didn’t ask to hang out with you. she covered her mouth as she realized she’d don’t to far- her eyes were red now, her horns starting to form- she was switching forms out of anger.,.
Faeyline BOT 11/27/2023 00:06
"Because I don't need friends!" Fae snapped back. "I don't want friends." She knew she was drawing eyes towards her. "I don't need to rely on anyone except for myself! Lot of good 'friends' have done me in the past!" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/27/2023 04:16
Then either they weren’t good friends- or you weren’t! I’d know! I’ve made that mistake before! But you’re supposed to learn from it- her heart was pounding- she was- scared- of faeyline… she summoned her here what else could she do now that she was angry
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/27/2023 04:30
Faeyline BOT 11/27/2023 07:52
"I don't need friends because they all die! I don't need to get attached to anyone who is just going to die!" She shouted back before leaving the cafe.
@violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/27/2023 07:54
Wait! I’m still trapped here! Come back! she chased after her- she couldn’t just drop everything for a plane ticket from France- FAE! @PhoggyΨυχη
Faeyline BOT 11/27/2023 08:20
Faeyline turned on her heel once she was out of the cafe and looked over at Midnight. They seemed to be somewhere in France. At least, she figured that was where they were. "What? What do you want?" @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/27/2023 16:02
You’re going to leave me stranded in a foreign country?! I don’t speak the language!- I can’t teleport how will I get home-
Faeyline BOT 11/27/2023 18:11
"Well, you don't want anything to do with me! I figured you're magical and strong enough to just teleport home!" She replied, resting her hands on her hips yet again. @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/27/2023 18:45
I’m not- I can’t- I can’t teleport- I can barely control when I switch forms- you think a selebit succubus is going to be powerful? I can’t even fly anymore! she looked a bit distraught- she thought she would be trapped her forever
Faeyline BOT 11/27/2023 19:12
"Well, then... Uh..." Fae was at a bit of a loss. "I don't really know how to send us back. I was kind of hoping that you'd be able to lend me some magic or something..." @violet viper
π‘€π‘–π‘‘π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ BOT 11/27/2023 19:28
Then you summoned the worse demon possible…. she couldn’t even manage to get her horns to go away- they just got worse she couldn’t stop it
Midnight BOT 11/27/2023 19:28
she looked even more tired, this was the opposite of affection and shifting takes power out of her… she was struggling
Faeyline BOT 11/27/2023 19:35
Faeyline walked over and put her hands on Midnight's head, watching as her demonic features receded. "Honestly, I couldn't have gotten, like, Lilith or Asmodeus..." She chided herself. "I'm bad at summoning. Where are you from, anyways? I don't think you're from the hells." @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/28/2023 03:00
I’m not- I live in New York.,,, what are you doing? she looked up at her hand and we get it I’m not what you meant to summon you don’t have to talk bad about my capabilities because of it.,,, it’s not my fault- well- it is- but still
Midnight BOT 11/28/2023 03:07
Faeyline BOT 11/28/2023 08:53
"You're a succubus from New York? Ugh, I knew that place was hell. Okay, now that I know where you are from, I think I can send you back to it. I'm, like, 90% certain." Fae tilted her head up as she thought about it. "Okay, full disclosure, it's really hard to visualize where you'll end up. It's hard for me to teleport to places I've never seen." @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/28/2023 17:34
Maybe I can describe it to you? I live in the suburbs and commute to the city that’s just- too hectic for me over there- she looked very nervous and what about our deal?
Faeyline BOT 11/28/2023 18:42
"I mean, I guess. I'm almost positive you wouldn't end up in a wall!" She gave a thumbs-up and a smile. "And, well, it seems like you really don't like me. So, it'd be rude to force you into a deal." @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/28/2023 19:08
Okay I’ll admit I have a problem with how you do things- but you do need the help/ but I’ll also admit I don’t want to be the one to do it
Faeyline BOT 11/28/2023 20:01
"I'm getting a lot of mixed signals from you, Nighty," Fae said with a twist of her lips. "As long as you don't have a pact crest somewhere on your body, then we should be fine. After all, you would have had to accept the summons somehow in order for there to be one." @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/28/2023 21:39
What do you mean accept it? And what’s a pact crest? I don’t think I’d have of those…. And I’m sorry I just- I can’t work with you when all I see is you disregarding others…. she looked down… at the ground it just- I - it’s too much for me
Faeyline BOT 11/28/2023 21:48
"It's like a proof of our pact. You would have had to answer the summons consciously, though. It would be around..." She started to circle around Midnight before looking on her ankle. "Okay, that shouldn't be there..." @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/28/2023 22:41
I have a tattoo now!? Work is going to kill me- that’s against dress code! she looked worried I guess that’s what happens when u agree to a deal…. With a devil…. she rested her face into her palm feeling so stupid
Faeyline BOT 11/28/2023 23:41
"But you didn't agree to the deal, right? Or the summons? It was an accident. Maybe it's just like a temporary tattoo. Or henna. We can probably wash it off. Worst-case scenario, I cut your leg off and regrow it. With any luck, it won't have the mark on it." @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/28/2023 23:43
I agreed to the deal already fae… the summon must have been an accident- and I’m not a lizard I can’t regrow a limb- please don’t cut it off- she took a step away again, scared
Faeyline BOT 11/29/2023 01:15
"No, you wouldn't regrow it. I'd cast a spell to make it grow back," she corrected, rolling her eyes. "Hum..." She brought her hand to her chin. "How do you break a pact like this?" @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/29/2023 11:01
Maybe there is something about it in your book? Because I- I don’t wanna- cut off my leg- please don’t cut off my foot- she stuttered over her words, looking nasuas, she was visualizing it
Faeyline BOT 11/29/2023 19:16
"Fine, fine." Fae waved her hand off and sighed. "So it seems I can't send you back to your house unless I go back with you. We have to stay together until we can figure that thingb out." @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/29/2023 20:26
Who do we go to about this kind of thing- let alone where- I’m going to have to call off work for awhile aren’t i? she sighed
Faeyline BOT 11/30/2023 05:47
"Uh, we could see one of my colleagues. They might have an idea! Could find someone with an expertise in infernal magic." She replied, tapping her chin. "Or I could summon us another devil to tell us how this works!" @violet viper
Midnight BOT 11/30/2023 19:33
As long as they don’t cut off my foot I’m fine with meeting them- but I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to summon MORE demons-
Faeyline BOT 12/06/2023 03:19
"I wouldn't be summoning anyone! We'd go see one of my fellow mages. They might know how to help!" She replied, crossing her arms. @violet viper
Midnight BOT 12/06/2023 03:29
Fine- only if they know what they’re doing though! You have to promise!!! I don’t want to get stuck anywhere else… @PhoggyΨυχη (edited)
Faeyline BOT 12/06/2023 03:46
"Well, we're kind of stuck here. So it seems like we need to find a telephone booth or something to call her." @violet viper
Midnight BOT 12/06/2023 16:50
I can look at the map for one! I’m sure they have one around- right? - that’s a normal thing to have…. Maybe I’m used to the city…. she frowned, thinking of where they could find one @PhoggyΨυχη
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