"it's not for me to decide, Mistress. Your wish was for vengeance. I can help you to achieve that goal, but you must decide how it is to be done."
Having heard her story, the Djinn inclined her head sadly. So much hurt had occurred this day.
"It seems to me, Mistress, that the people you say betrayed you could say the same, that you in fact betrayed them. Perhaps in your grief you made rash decisions, and gave them no choice. Think of what they saw, while you held their king aloft by his throat, demanding they choose. Your grief, your anger, your loss, did not sway you from your goal, but they tainted the path you chose to get there. How could they follow a leader who led them to salvation, if the path the leader chose to get there would kill them?"
"You felt betrayed, and became a tyrant. You attacked their king, and showed yourself as a monster. Who, then, could blame them for turning their backs?"