Liulfr rose from the bench, hands outstretched in an attempt at calming Princess Elysian. He kept a low posture, walking a little bit closer, but still giving her plenty of space. “Please Princess Elysian, you are not going mad. There is nothing to fear, at least while we are here in this city, surrounded by my pack.” He squatted down to be close to her level, while still staying several paces away, trying to not scare her more. He brought himself the rest of the way to the ground, sitting on the scrub grass on his bottom. Resting his arms on his knees, he looked off to the side, looking down further into the garden before speaking.*
“I will try to explain everything I can, though there is much that I do not. As for my own story, ever since I was a child, I spent every moment free in the woods, among the animals. This is not so uncommon for Ostmen like myself. We are taught to survive and to make a living wherever we may find ourselves. As far back as I can remember, I could reach out and influence the animals around me. Let me show you.” Gazing into a tree he pushed out with his mind, seeking a bird. He held out a finger, and down came a small songbird to rest upon it. He looked over towards Princess Elysian and gestured with his hand, the bird staying in place, looking around curiously. He whispered a thank you to the bird before continuing.
“Once, when a group of boys kept harassing me and seeking to do me harm, I accidentally turned the bulk of the town's animals against them. They could not enter a goat pen or a chicken coup without being perpetually rammed or pecked. And once, I was able to drive off a bear that was attacking some of the people in my village.” He let out a pained chuckle, “I thought the people would see me as a boy hero, but instead they grew afraid and pushed me away. When I should have been learning, they kicked me from the hall. I drew further from people and closer to the animals.”