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Archive 29 / touch-of-dark
Triggers: Dark themes, violence, gore, blood, harsh language, potential sexual content
I sit down, turn on the TV to some random show, and start eating my burger. About ten minutes in, the lights flickered, then turned off. I’m just annoyed at this point, so I stand to go grab my phone to complain to the landlord before I hear something in the kitchen. Sounded like something got knocked over. Now i’m freaked out, because I think there’s someone in my house. Grabbing a pocket knife from the coffee table, I carefully walk towards the sound with my phone’s flashlight on, only to see what I can only describe as a.. God, this is going to sound crazy, but I swear it’s the least crazy thing that’s happened to me as of late.. A shadow. It looked like someone’s shadow had literally stepped out of the ground and was crouched down in my kitchen. Bright white eyes that contrasted heavily with the just.. Pitch black body. Immediately the shadow lunged at me, its cold hands sinking straight into my flesh and causing my body to freeze up in fear. Everywhere it touched felt like I was burning and freezing at the same time, like a million little knives were sticking out of my body. The worst part? Its damn voice, a creeping whisper in the back of my mind. It was hungry, and I had exactly what it wanted. So much of it. It could feed off of me for years and it would never be hungry. So instead of killing me, like I thought it was going to, I felt it become a part of me. I don’t even know how to describe the feeling. I could feel it just.. Slithering into me. It absorbed itself into my body, where its hands had pierced me, and then.. My lights came back on, like nothing had ever happened.
What the hell was I supposed to do? I was very confused, scared, and could feel that damned thing inside me, like it had just kicked up its feet onto the coffee table after a long day at work. I could tell it felt like it was at home, that it was feeding off of whatever it wanted in me. Of course, I couldn’t call the police. Who the hell would believe me that a strange shadow just lunged at me in my own home and became a part of me? That’d be fucking crazy. This had to have just been a bad dream, that’s how I rationalized it. I was just having a stress-induced nightmare because of my job. This being could represent my fears of being fired, maybe. I dunno. Maybe some rest would help, so I just.. Went to bed. I didn’t sleep at all that night. I couldn’t. Not because I was scared, because I was, don’t get me wrong, but because I physically couldn’t. I wasn’t tired. I thought at the time that it was adrenaline. Now I know it’s because of the weather. Yeah, apparently I’ve got some kind of hyperaffinity for the rain. Makes no sense to me, I hadn’t ever had any issues with it before. Yeah, rain gave me a bit more energy than the average day, but never like this. Then, at like 3 A.M., I hear my front door get kicked in, people rushing inside. Turns out those two guys from the alleyway had been tracking that shadow thing, that it was what got out. And now that it was inside me, that made me a threat. They shot at me, for fuck’s sake. With guns. I had to run, literally jumped out of my window to the fire escape and bolted down it faster than I ever had moved up to that point. Turns out that was the shadow’s doing too.
Now here I am, wandering the streets a week later, having no idea what to do. The shadow’s told me a bit more about what’s going on underneath the surface of this damn town. Supernatural beings exist. Vampires, werewolves, who knows what else. Khal, as he likes to be called, was an experiment done by the people who fight these things to try and drain these creatures of their power, make them harmless before executing them. But he’d gotten out, killed a couple of guards, a couple of their mages, and then found me. He chose me because of my potent magical affinity, I was like a limitless supply of mana he said. I told him he was fucking crazy, magic? Monsters? What the hell was this, some kind of fairy tale? But he explained to me that I had an affinity towards storm magic. Lightning, specifically. The storm recharged me like I was some kinda AA battery, for fuck’s sake. That’s why he latched onto me. Now, I could work with him and survive, or get killed by the people who made him. What a great choice I was given. Who knows how the hell I’ll be able to do that. I’ve got some money saved up, yeah, but that’s not limitless. He’s content to let me figure it out. The only thing we’ve come to an agreement on is that if things get dicey, he’d help me get out of whatever fucked up situation happens. Since, y’know, I know nothing of who’s trying to kill me and have no idea how the fuck to use this ‘magic’ that he claims I have. So now I’m just stuck out here trying to see what I can do, and maybe poking around in places I shouldn’t. @Argeneau25
Argeneau25 12/06/2023 01:29
There was something about this day that seemed like it was going on forever. Magthyra was closing up her shop giving the people that she was helping that day, durings to do with what they were in need of. When she finally left the shop, locking it up tight Vincent was already waiting outside looking around just keeping an eye out for anything that seemed all to strange. But she only laughed seeing the look on his face and tapped his shoulder "You know if you keep looking that way even regular people will stay clear of us." She said before grabbing his arm and started to drag him with her toward their home. It was not far from the business, just in case they needed to hide. When inside Magthrya sat herself in the living as Vincent was in the kitchen cookng dinner. She knew to stay clear of the kitchen when he was in there as even though he was her brother, at times he felt like a partner, the way he looked after her and kept her protected at all cost. When the night was falling darker, Magthyra made her way to bed and of course Vincent posted himself in his usual spot, outside her door, where he slept as well. Morning broke and it was back to the same things. She went to her shop opening it up and setting up the displays outside to get more people to come in. Maghtyra moved a few more things around before looking out to the crowd of people walking by and just smiled at them here and there. Vincent of course stared them down in ways, scaring them in a sense and Magthrya just shook her head before dragging him inside to start with the day. @Cecil
The week had been long for Evrog, Khal feeding off of him like a damn vampire feasts on humans.. Like he was some cattle. His funds quickly dried up as he had to buy rooms at various hotels and enough food to keep himself fed, and then there was just.. nothing. Evrog was forced to scrounge up literally anything he could, and that eventually led him to staying off the main streets. Khal had informed him that he couldn't stay in one place for too long, not until he had better control of how his magic radiated out of him with the near-constant rain that came with this city.. Speaking of which, that led to this current situation.. With Evrog running for his life, with someone hunting him down with an oversized crossbow. The shadow explained that during the day, the hunters would use quieter weapons and ambush tactics to weaken their prey before taking them below to experiment on them. Great. Just fuckin' great. A crossbow bolt landed in Evrog's back, causing him to cry out in pain and stumble. Very quickly, he felt his body slow. Poison. The shadow hissed in Evrog's ear. You'll be unable to move here soon, though they want you awake, since it's how they know you're still alive. Round that corner and go into the first door you'll find, I'll take it from here. The man did as instructed, slipping into some random shop, "The Witcher Flora", and his body started to go much colder, like ice was filling his veins. Calm your breathing, dammit. I'm just draining most of your magic so they can't track you as easily. @Argeneau25
Argeneau25 12/25/2023 17:48
IT was toward mid-day when Vincent walked to the back of the shop to get more things to bring out, leaving his sister alone for just a few minutes. But those minutes were about to turn on a dime. Magthyra was swipping up inside before hearing commotion behind her. Her head swung around looking around in just fear before they landed on someone standing there, just looking a bit winded but then she saw the arrow sticking out of his back. With speed she dropped the broom and ran at the other's side, with haste putting the male's arm over her shoulders and started to move him to the back of the store. With the clattering of the broom hitting the ground Vincent was at the door just as he saw his sister dragging a male to the back. He growled for a moment before going to the male's other side and took his other arm over his shoulder, to help his sister take him where she wanted. In the back room it was like a little doctor's office with a small sitting area. Magthyra and Vincent helped the male to sit on a small table like bed, before she ran off to get supplies to help the male. But Vincent stood ther staring at the other, smelling something off about him. They were the only people around that helped anyone human and non, but was different then the ones that they would see more often. Magthyra came back and got behind the male looking at the arrow a bit. "I am sorry but this is going to hurt and I am sorry about your shirt." She said just trying to make a bit of a connection that she was not there to harm him anymore. With more haste now she took a pair of scissors and cut the shirt away so that it would be faster and less painful to get to the arrow. She stared at it more put together a few herbs on a clean cloth. With a deep breath she grabbed the shaft of the arrow and looked to Vincent who just grabbed the male's shoulder tightly to hold him still before giving a nod.
Everything happened fast as Magthyra pulled the arrow out and just as fast pressed the cloth against the wound. She was not a witch by any means, just a normal human that knew a good thing or two about herbs that would help with anything. Pressing the cloth harder against the wound, she just held it there to have the herbs work faster to nub the pain and start to work on getting an infection out that could be happening. "Now my brother is going to let you go but please don't run. I have to hold this here for at least 10 minutes for it to work, so in the mean time, want to start with letting me your name, and how this happened?" She tilt her head to the side just showing off her calm dimeaner and to show more that she was here to help.
The man was barely able to move at this point as the poison coursed through his veins, his body stiff and uncooperative as this stranger dragged him to the back. At the tips of his fingers, shadows quickly began to form as she did so, the shadow in Evrog ready to attack, should she prove to be on the side of the hunters.. They quickly dissipated as Vincent appeared though, Khal once again hissing into Evrog's ear. The male carries beast blood. They will not be on the side of your enemy. Evrog was unresponsive to any of the actions the siblings took as they sat him up on the table, cutting away his shirt and pulling out the bolt. Instead of the sharp pain one would expect from the procedure, all Evrog could feel was a dull ache due to his entire body being numb. The hunters' poison is potent.. If you were just a mundane human, it would've stopped your heart.. Khal's voice rang out in Evrog's mind, and he almost seemed amused by the situation. When Magthyra began to ask him questions, a part of his face seemed to be.. simply consumed in darkness, a single, bright white eye taking the place of his. Almost immediately, the feeling of this.. thing.. being immensely dangerous filled the room as it stared at the two of them.
"He can't talk right now. That bolt you tore out of his flesh? Poisoned. The guy's paralyzed, 'least until it wears off." The eye turned to Magthyra. "You're a healer, I assume? Those herbs you've shoved against the wound- Those just for pain, or did you actually think to include an antitode? If not, you should probably get on that. I'd rather him be able to walk and talk, especially since his fear makes his magic taste bitter." @Argeneau25
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