It had been years, nearly a decade since they had even seen each other. He was nothing but a lost memory to her life before the death of her sister, she barely remembered anything before her and her family moved when she was 12. She was coming home from her part time, when she got the call. 'Is this Ms. Freesia?' she heard from the other line, after a few moments she realized this was Mikal's staff. She had heard about the funeral, the death, she wasn't invited to go so she just kept up with updates online. A few minutes passed by, realizing what the man was insinuating. "You want me to take care of him?"
It'd been 2 weeks since the phone call, it took her some time to think about it. She would have free housing, including being able to stray away from the dreaded city she'd spent the last year studying in. She needed time, and her studies in phycology were getting repetitive. She took the offer, switching her learning to strictly online. She hoped this would be a good starter for her career in therapy, it'd be nice to see her old friend again. The train ride to the city was memorable, she could point out different landmarks from when her and her family took the same route to move away from her home town.
She'd finally made it to the manor, it was bigger than she expected. She and Mikal used to run around this same manor when she was just a child, she couldn't say she missed the town itself but she did miss the memories and some of the people. It was cold out, rain pouring onto the taxi which drove her to the manors door. "Thank you." she smiled towards the driver before handing him the payment and tip. She forgot an umbrella, so she stepped out into the rain, opening the cars trunk and grabbing her luggage. She rushed up the steps of the manor, knocking on the door. She stood there for only a few seconds before seeing the door swing open, it was Mikal. He looked aged but he had the some distinguishable features that he'd remembered. "That's no way to greet a g