In the physical world. Anari would notice over the course of the next two days, instead of like the first time, where the black substance slowly retracted. Instead it continued to grow across his body. Starting with his leg that was already half consumed, it would continue to spread. Once both legs, his arms, and his head were covered, his breathing would begin to slow as the black would spread across his torso.
If any water was attempted to be applied it would hiss, sizzle and steam. Ice would instantly melt then repeat the same as water. The body temperature would seem to increase. As before if she attempted to peel it away, it act like his actual flesh. If the Obsidian was still around his neck and wrists, they would begin to glow, and melt starting with the parts touching his skin. If they were removed, nothing extra would happen. The clothing she dressed him in, wouldn't catch flames, but would become extremely hot and dry.
By the end of the second day his Torso would be encased in the black substance as well. She would also notice at this point it would start affecting and even turning his blonde hair to the same black. His breathing would slow more, then stop, at the same time the tips of the last strands of hair were turned.
The glowing veins would pulse in rhythm of a heart beat all through the third day. Before just before Anari went to bed that night, if she did sleep that night, if not it would be about the time she normally did, The glowing of the veins would dull and turn to black. Jacobs skin would be as hard as stone. Almost as if he was a statue, made perfectly in his image out of black marble, or obsidian. The only remnants, or resemblance of life left at this point was the fact that it would remain burning hot to the touch, unable to be cooled in any manner, yet not setting fire to any clothing.
This is how he would remain for the remainder of the six days since the waterfall training exercise. one hundred fifty-four hours after he collapsed,