Noah, however, stepped into the room with eagerness. His very own room, and not one he could hardly walk about in. It had so much space, so many places to put his things! And the bed, it was massive! The omega was so excited by it all, but he couldn't show his excitement more than setting down his pile of things onto the bedside table, leaning forward to touch the soft sheets of the bed and sitting on it carefully to test it's comfiness. And, boy, was it soft and comfy. He could've fallen asleep right there, if he wanted to!
"This is... it's amazing, but-" He stood up all of a sudden, holding his hands to his chest, looking concerned. His eyebrows furrowed, worried- "Sir, I can't possibly take all of this space. I'm supposed to be staying with you, in your room..."
Noah knew the rules and what was expected of him here. To be at his alpha's side at all times, obedient and diligent in serving them to the very end. He knew that he should be sharing a room with Finnian, ideally a bed. Though... the thought of sharing a bed, it made his skin crawl. That was a dangerous situation to be getting himself into. He knew what would happen if he dared to get into bed with any alpha, and he knew it wouldn't end well. Even though he knew this for a fact, he couldn't stop himself from protesting against Finn's kindness; the importance of duty that had been drilled into his mind since day one of facility training had overtaken any sense of self-preservation, despite the best intentions for himself.
@Blue Beetle