
Adi'ola covered her mouth to hide the way she wanted to laugh just as her own mother shot her a glare full of daggers.
"ahem. Yes. We will see you all at dinner." She mumbled and quickly ushered her father out of the room to go down to the kitchens, keeping up enough speed so that her mother would remain out of earshot.
"Father, he seems so cold. How could I possibly be wed to him? How could we possibly run this kingdom together?" She practically whined as they walked because she knew her father would be softer on her.
"Cold, but I saw you looking at him my child." He answered back knowingly.
"Well-..I mean yes he certainly is attractive, but that is the least of my concerns! What about-?"
"I did not mean that Adi'ola. I meant that you shared looks between you and have already bonded over your relationships with your mothers. What a fine start to a union!" He clapped his hands as they entered the kitchens to start looking over dishes that were already prepared.
"Father, you must be joking. That 'bond' means nothing for the fate of this kingdom or the fate of my life-."
"Adi'ola. My sweet and overly anxious child. You will be fine." The portly and kind-faced man asserted. "I know that our goddess rains down her love and support over you. She has faith and so do I. Now. Try these tamarind balls, have some wine, and relax."
"Father..." She started wearily before accepting the dessert. "Fine..."
“Permission to speak freely mother” Iskar said.
“You may”
“Why must I engage in this foreign concept?”
“It is what we do to stay connected to the outside world. This is not jsut for our family but for the tribes as well”
“And if they betray us? What then? Our family was accepted into the tribes, and betrayed the spirit’s trust”
“Those were your ancestors my son” said the father. “You are not guilty of those sins, nor is your mother”
“But you have trained me to kill is that not a fact?” He asked a little emotional and irritated in his heart “so therefore I should have been sent to war. Not cramp myself within these walls”
“This isn’t about you Iskar” his mother said walking toward him “this is about assuring we know what goes on in the outside world, who we can trust. And who will come for us. And marrying into this family guarantees an extra pair of ears and guarantees our trust”
“They defile the land mother. They build and tear stone that is not loose. They force the spirits to bend into their own desired shape, is that not why we have come to hate outsiders? They work not with what the spirits give them”
“The SPIRITS, my child. Are the ones of whom we share a bond with. For we know only our own, not theirs. And as much as I disagree with the palace. We know not if their spirits are harmed from this act. Only can we wait. But you will intertwine with her. So we may never be invaded ever again by outsiders filled with greed, am i understood?”
Iskar gulped as he clenched his jaw. He was trained, bred for war. He trained with the Te’kah. He was bred to fight against any storm to come their way. He was filled with excitement to swear unto Mec’to. And yet his mother hath ruined those plans.
Yet she was right. This was a way to ensure their continent not be colonized again like it was done before.
Yet he still yearned for the life of the open field, and the combat against those who dare bring poison to their grounds.
Him and his mother soon walked out of the room, leaving Iskar alone with his thoughts.