It was the safety of his apartment that Jansen thought that he was not going to have to worry, until there was a knock on the door. He wanted to just leave it, hoping that the other was just go away but with them saying on how they were going to knock down the door if they don't open it got Jansen a bit worried. Slowly he pushed up the ground wiping the last bit of blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. With a deep breath he went to the door and opened it only slightly. Jansen held the door tight, just trying to keep himself from freaking out more then what he was.
"T-Talk quick please." He said looking around and then back at the other just trying to understand on what they even wanted. He understand that his freak out was something of concern but he didn't do anything, he didn't hurt anyone nor did even be around anyone. It was hard to keep his diet of animal blood when people are around him just there for the taking and killing, but Jansen was nothing like his father, his Sire in a way. He hated the way that he was always pushed to do things that he didn't want to do. Nor did he even like to leave his apartment, but it was hard to not do so when you are running out of the things, that keep you sane.
Jansen held the door even more as he felt the pain go through his gut. He grunt in pain, his teeth clentched not meaning to, but showing his fangs that he had been trying to get to go back into his gums since he went out of his apartment.