Juliet has always had a comfortable life, sure her family wasn't super wealthy, they had just enough money to live comfortably. And Juliet supposed that was the best thing you could have in a home, love and stability. They weren't the most social family, all of them opting to stay on the mountain. That was never really an issue until Juliet attended online school, she didn't know how to speak to people that weren't her family due to never seeing anyone else. You'd think with it being online, it would eliminate bullying all together.. but that wasn't the case in Juliet's instance.
Once the school reached out to Juliet's parents about what had been going on, it caused fights in the household, the once lively and happy home was now tense, both her mother and father blaming the other for Juliet's issues with communication. And of course, with none of them ever leaving the mountain, they were all cramped within the four walls of their cabin, which certainly didn't help the fighting calm down any. Juliet's mother finally had enough one day and pulled juliet out of school, deciding it would be more effective to homeschool her instead. Though, juliet did see a speech therapist to help her be able to communicate with the outside world better.
Once Juliet was old enough to work, her father began making her help out around the house, teaching her how to plant crops, how to know when they were ready to be harvested, everything she would need to know to keep the farm running when he one day couldn't do it anymore. Finally Juliet had an area she excelled in, farming and caring for the land. Though of course, her mother had something to say about that as she was no longer getting help around the house because Juliet was spending so much time on the land with her father. And once again tension rose.
Now Juliet was older, she was 27 now, finally old enough she didn't need her parents guidance for everything. She rolled out of bed today before the sun had even woke up. Getti