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Archive 26 / then-came-you
Triggers: mentions of war, general mental health issues, mentions of death, ptsd, mentions of suicide.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/10/2023 22:21
A blaring alarm rang through Amelia's room at exactly 6:30 am, a sound of irritation leaving her lips and she rolled over, her hand reaching out of her blankets to smack at the alarm clock. With a small huff she sat up a bit in bed, shivering a bit as the chilly air hit her skin, her home was never known for being the warmest. She knew she needed to get up, she had errands to run before work later that wouldn't do themselves. The thought of everything she had to do eventually pushed her out of bed, suddenly regretting the choice to go to bed in a tank-top and shorts. She decided to slip on a robe before getting ready, hoping to warm herself up and get rid of the goosebumps that now littered her skin. After a moment she figured a shower would be a good start, walking in the bathroom so she could get ready. After her shower was done she got changed into a pair of blue jeans and an oversized tee, she didn't have anyone to impress after all, and there was no use dressing up for errands. She put her hair up in a ponytail, spritzing herself with two sprays of her lavender perfume. Once she was content with how she got ready she walked to the kitchen, making sure she had her wallet and her phone in her bag, her eyes drifting over to the photos that lines her walls for a moment, a daily occurrence, doing it to remind herself there was still a reason to keep going. Soon she headed out the door, stoping at the local cafe to treat herself to some coffee. Usually she made her own at home, but she had too much to do to waste any time. Between stopping at the farmers market, getting some things sorted for her home renovation- one that was long overdue- and stopping to drop off some snacks to the veterans center her day was booked, she had around 6 hours before she had to leave for work, figuring that was enough time to get everything done.
a few hours later. Amelia got home at 11:30 am, much sooner than she had anticipated. Perhaps she would take a quick nap before bed. The more she thought, the more she realized that wasn't a good idea, she would have to leave in an hour anyways, no point in risking not waking up and being late for work. So she decided to just watch a movie and eat lunch in the mean time. Making herself some pasta as she pulled up her laptop, waiting for the time she would have to leave before she had to work.
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/11/2023 15:38
Getting out of the haze of gripping nightmares was never easy for Taylor. The night terrors held an unrelenting hold on him, dragging him deeper into an abyss of horrifying images that flickered in an orchestration of pain and sorrow. But the moment something wet and warm touched his hand, a whine sliced through the nightly images, and Taylor felt being pulled back into reality. His heart was still racing as he looked around his bedroom before finally noticing Buttercup by his hand, her shimmering black eyes expressing concern. Buttercup was panting, but her tail was already wagging in the air as she noticed her owner was finally back with her. “Good morning, baby girl,” Taylor murmured, rolling onto his side to caress Buttercup’s head. She lay beside him, eagerly awaiting his praise. He was glad that another day had started, the sunlight bringing a warm embrace with it, erasing the night with the cold and sadness it held within. Sometimes he wondered how many mornings he could experience. He wasn’t by any means old or terminally sick, but he wasn’t sure how many more pictures of his memories he could endure or if he would soon break under the weight of his bills. But for today, he had Buttercup by his side, and it brought meaning to his life, as he could never leave her alone. She needed care just as much as he needed her companionship. They stuck together as a pair, and this was enough motivation for Taylor to get up and face another day. Taylor’s day was never busy. His only objectives were to go for walks with Buttercup around the forest path three times a day and make sure she got her food and fresh water. His life centered around the dog, sometimes to the detriment of his own well-being. It was easier to take care of his fluffy girl than himself. Yet, the walks provided movement, beneficial for his prior injury and a respite for his mind.
The sunshine and fresh air lightened his spirits. Buttercup was let go of her service dog duties and had the possibility to run up and down the forest path, her tongue sticking out as she fought against the air holding back her speed. It brought a smile to Taylor’s lips, and as Buttercup sat by his side, her tail impatiently tapping the ground beneath, he grabbed the stick she found and hurled it into the distance. An excited bark left Buttercup, and she sprinted off along the forest path to retrieve her stick. It was a peaceful time every day, walking through the forest, breathing in the air. But it was torn by a loud whine, which erupted through the calmness of rustling leaves. This sent Taylor’s heart into turmoil as he proceeded to shout for Buttercup, starting to run toward the whine. He felt panic rising inside of him, his head in a dizzy storm, but he had to hold onto the surface, for Buttercup. Soon he would find his dog; she was lying in the bush, whining as if she was in pain. Taylor quickly noticed that there was something wrong with her mouth, as her little black nose was already swelling up. Buttercup was never stung by a bee before, and the reaction she was having didn’t seem normal. Instincts overtook Taylor as he packed his dog, sprinted back home through the pain in his back, before reaching his car and speeding toward the vet. Little did he know, another bill would come along his way, as he was, in fact, speeding on the road and breaking a law. Yet, for Buttercup, he would do anything. Taylor would later find himself in his garage, sitting on the cold concrete floor, looking out the opened garage door into the dark driveway of his countryside house. He felt all alone, and the world around him was crumbling. Buttercup had to stay overnight at the vet, as her allergic reaction to a bee sting was too severe. For the time being, Taylor’s garage would also remain empty, as a couple of hours ago, he sold his old broken-down car to a car dealer, just to
have money to cover the vet bills. He kept staring into the cold darkness outside, his heart skipping beats as his breath quickened from the panic chaining him. It wasn’t clear to him what he was worth in this world. It didn’t make any sense for him to stay and keep wasting any resources, which could be used by someone else. It was a dead end for him, and the gun hidden in one of the drawers in the garage was reeling him in. But when he got Buttercup, he also got a number with her, which he promised to call if he ever felt like he couldn’t take care of Buttercup anymore. He wasn’t sure what the number was, but he already had his phone in his hand and the small ripped paper with a number in the other. He was determined to call this number, tell whoever was on the other end to pick up Buttercup and take good care of her. It was the only thing he had left to do before he could finally let go of the thread he was hanging on. So he called. The beeps on the phone were dragging on, making his heart go faster. For a moment he wondered who would answer and where he was calling. He was hoping he would reach an older heartless woman or some kind of man, whom he could tell to take his dog. Taylor hit his head against the wall behind him, waiting for the answer, as his eyes shut. He only had to make sure Buttercup was taken care of. And then, he could go.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/11/2023 22:24
Once it came time for Amelia to leave for work she made sure she had everything, slowly making her way out the door and to her car. As she got in she hooked her phone up to the aux, the sound traveling through her car as she put it in gear. As she drove she prepared to mentally block herself off, something that automatically came with having the job she did, she could allow herself to let the calls she has to take upset her, or she would never make it. While she could feel sympathy and worry for them, she had learned long ago that you can't take the job home with you, which led to having to mentally steel yourself for the calls you would inevitably receive. Her fingers tapped against the steering wheel to the best of the music, her mind racing and her heart aching, much like it always did, as she thought about how many people she would have to potentially talk off the edge tonight. How many lives she could either save, or possibly lose. That was one of the worst parts of the job, if you couldn't save them you carried that guilt with you, no matter how much you steeled yourself off, that aspect never got easier. There had been a few times she had been on call with veterans when they did what they did, those calls would always haunt her. Staying in the back of her mind. Once she got the building she pulled in, parking in her designated spot before putting her parking pass on the rear view mirror. She took a deep breath as she grabbed her bag, slowly getting out of her car. The building wasn't much, a simple red brick building surrounded by trees. . She straightened her shoulders as she stood, greeting the coworkers that were on her shift and saying farewell to the ones just getting off. As she walked through the front doors she made her way to her office, a small room in the corner of the building, paintings of different scenery lined the walls. A simple kitchen-lounge combo for veterans that decided to come in instead of using the help-lines.
Amelia soon got to her office, it was a simple room, a pristine desk sitting at the edge with a couch in front of it. Amelia preferred that over chairs, feeling it gave her more of a comforting atmosphere than two simple chairs that made it feel like a doctors office. She sat down at her desk, getting everything in order for the possibly slow night, they didn't get a lot of calls, but it was still enough to make her heart ache that anyone had been pushed to that point. later that night It had been a slow night, Amelia getting maybe one or two calls, both very successful, the perosn on the other end being talked down from what they were going to. Pulled away from the ledge that they were ready to jump over. It was reaching the end of her shift, 10 more minutes before she could go home. As she heard the phone ring she debated, she could either take the call or head home and give the call to one of her coworkers, though, amelia could never find it in herself to ignore a call, no matter what time it was. So she picked up the call. “Thank you for calling new hope, this is Amelia speaking how can I help you?” She greeted, waiting for the person on the other end of the line to respond. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/12/2023 00:54
Time stretched endlessly before the phone was finally answered, and for a moment, Taylor contemplated ending the call to pursue his plan. Yet, the mere thought of Buttercup tethered him to the line, a compelling force he couldn't ignore. Unprepared for what awaited him, he braced himself as the call connected, and a soft voice gently wrapped around his senses. A fleeting spark ignited within him, a brief respite before plunging back into the same void. However, in that moment, he forgot his initial purpose, caught in the grip of the voice as if it were a lifeline. Amidst heavy, shallow breaths, he stared into the darkness, momentarily forgetting the necessity to respond. Eventually, a groan escaped him, and he rubbed the back of his head, still holding the phone to his ear. An unexpected sense of embarrassment washed over him, returning him to the uncertainty of adolescence. "Um, I'm sorry... I didn't expect someone to pick up," his deep, raspy voice shattered the lingering silence. A hesitant chuckle followed, accompanied by another groan and a shake of his head. "Hi. It’s Taylor Eastman... TJ Eastman. I called to see if someone could take my dog, Buttercup. She's been my service dog for the past few years, and I was given this number to call if I ever wanted her rehomed." As he spoke, he absentmindedly tapped his fist against his forehead, his voice trembling, and his heart threatening to escape his chest. Feeling like an idiot, he struggled to maintain composure under the influence of the voice on the other end. "Buttercup was stung by a bee today and is at the vet overnight, but she needs to be picked up tomorrow morning," Taylor explained, his tone implying an intention not to retrieve his dog. His gaze shifted to a drawer, momentarily reminding him of his plan. The spark that had briefly ignited was now extinguished, leaving him once more engulfed in darkness. He was hoping that Amelia would quickly resolve the issue and he could proceed to finally break th
e chains of nightmares pulling him down.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/12/2023 01:13
Amelia waited patiently for the person o the other end to speak, she acknowledged sometimes it could be hard to get the first words out. She couldn't even imagine how she would react if she were the person in their situation. Amelia had a high respect for people who called these lines, they were using their last resource even in a moment they didn't want to. As she heard the groan she opened her mouth to ask if the man was okay, though she quickly closed it when she heard a voice finally come through. The tiredness in the man's voice was palpable, and it made her heart hurt a little for the person on the other end of the line, she gave a sympathetic smile as they said they weren't expecting anyone to pick up. She knew he couldn't see her, nor could she see him, but she couldn't always control her natural reaction to things. She listened to him give his reasoning for the call, the tremble in his voice awakening a nurturing part of Amelia. A lot of the times people who called here wanted help without actually asking for it, sometimes without even realizing they wanted help, and Amelia felt as if this was one of those situations. “And what is the reason for rehoming?” She inquired, her voice carried a hint of softness, silently letting the man know that it was okay. She tapped her pen silently on her desk as she waited, biting the inside of her cheek. Of course she knew the reason for rehoming, everyone who called this line had the same intentions for calling, though the reason was always varied. At his next words she nodded, deciding to speak. “Of course we have a few other questions, what is buttercup like?” Realistically Amelia didn't need this information, but the way he spoke about the dog with a hint of adoration in his tone gave her a prime opportunity to distract him, potentially reminding him of something good in his life. A lot of people that were on the edge needed that, a reminder. No matter how small. She knew these calls could go a million different
ways. There was always a possibility of the person on the other end hanging up the call, she looked up at the ceiling as she prayed the man would stay on the call. Even if she could get him help for just the night, that would be enough, baby steps were still steps after all. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/12/2023 15:19
Taylor's anxiety escalated with each echo of Amelia's voice. Its gentle cadence burrowed directly into the depth of his heart, but an underlying concern in her tone stirred an unexpected turmoil, igniting a frustration that made his blood simmer. He felt weak and pathetic by making this call. The mere presence of a woman capable of halting his speech and causing him to stumble was a rarity, a reminder of the prolonged isolation he had subjected himself to in recent years. His interactions had dwindled to routine exchanges with a diner server on the highway, sweet but lacking the ability to captivate Taylor's attention. Yet, somehow, Amelia's voice managed to resurrect dormant emotions within him. Battling to suppress these resurfacing feelings, Taylor redirected his focus to the task at hand. "I was told I don't have to name a particular reason," his words were a shield, delivered in a cold and unexpressive tone, a defense mechanism to ensure the completion of his intended task. The unexpected inquiry about Buttercup caught him off guard. Taylor had anticipated a brief call, a mere exchange of details about his dog’s whereabouts, and yet, the conversation veered into uncharted territory. A heavy sigh escaped him, frustration mingling with embarrassment as he grappled with the urgency to end the call. It felt as if Amelia had breached a long-closed-off segment of his soul, forcing him to discuss the one entity that truly mattered to him – Buttercup. "Buttercup is a really great dog, she was by my side for the last few years and helped me… go through some stuff," Taylor struggled through the admission. He felt this conversation was an absolute disaster as his voice kept shaking and breaking but he tried to pull through. "She loves to go on a walk through the forest three times a day but she won’t go out of the house without her duck toy… Yes, the new owner shouldn’t forget the duck toy, when they pick her up, the toy is very important to her." Taylor groaned again
, he was an idiot who spoke about a duck toy of his dog and how important it was to her. It felt awkward to him to open up to a woman talking about a duck toy. He felt his protective barriers shoot high into the sky and he cleaned his throat, gaining the composure to continue speaking with a firm voice. "Listen, Amelia," the resonance of her name on his tongue caused a momentary pause, a ripple through his very soul. "I simply want my dog to find a new home where she'll be cared for better than I can manage. The vet has everything in order, and she can be picked up tomorrow at 10 am. I'll provide you with the vet's details." Determined not to let a soft voice derail his plan, Taylor acknowledged the impending challenges. The night without Buttercup and filled with nightmares loomed dauntingly, bills would persist, and without a car, job hunting was an elusive dream. Even if he desired to open up to a woman, Taylor saw himself as a failure with an injury-laden past and an uncertain future—a mere drain on resources that could benefit someone in genuine need.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/12/2023 23:26
Amelia bit the inside of her cheek as his tone turned harsh, she could just tell this man- Taylor- was going to be harder to get to open up. “That's okay” she reassured, wanting him to know he didn't have to provide a reasoning. She could already take a pretty good guess what it was. At the pause she wondered if he was still on the other end of the line, leaning forward to look at the receiver, relaxing a bit when she noticed the call was still going. Amelia listened to him describe buttercup, a small smile overtaking her face. The love he held for his dog was clear. Her heart broke a bit at that thought, he would be leaving his trusted companion behind. She could tell how far gone he was just by that simple thought, she thought of a game plan in her head, trying to figure out a way to take this man who was metaphorically drowning, and bring him back to shore. “A duck toy?” She said with a hint of amusement in her tone. Trying to hopefully get Taylor to smile from the other end. Amelia looked at the receiver sympathetically as she heard the groan, almost as if he were there she could feel his pain, the joys of being apathetic she supposes. The sound of her name on his tongue sent a small shiver through her spine before she quickly recovered, reminding herself why she was here- to help this man and stop him from doing whatever it was he was intending to do. “And I understand you want her to go to a good home, Taylor, and how would I provide her that without knowing what sort of things she likes? Her duck toy for example, that's a very valuable piece of information” she spoke trying to wrack her brain for things she could ask. She thought for a moment before deciding to be a bold, hoping and praying this was something Taylor needed to hear.
“You're very brave you know, for calling and trying to find a good home for her, not many people would have that courage, im proud of you” she let out a small breath as she spoke, this could go one of two ways, either it could make him feel a bit better, or it could just make things worse. She was hoping for the former. “Buttercup seems to mean a lot to you” she added. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/13/2023 20:28
For Taylor, the conversation felt like a slow descent into frustration. Each attempt to steer it towards a logical conclusion seemed conquered by Amelia's unpredictable detours. A sense of entanglement grew within him, a realization that shaking her off would be no easy task. Deep down, his intuition hinted that she might be someone to stay in his life for good. Amelia's amused reaction to his tale about Buttercup's duck toy served as a sharp reminder that he was a pathetic idiot. The realization gnawed at him, emphasizing the need for a change in strategy. A spark of excitement flickered within him—a familiar thrill of engaging in a strategic game. Taylor had been a player before and he now geared up for one last game, curious about its outcome. Her comment on his bravery hit a nerve, an unexpected threat to his masculinity that resonated within him. "Amelia, there's nothing to boast about. I'm just a responsible owner trying to find a better home for my dog," his voice turned resolute, each word punctuated to convey urgency. "I understand it is your job to ask these kinds of questions, but Buttercup just needs someone attentive, willing to take her on walks, and ensure she's cared for. She's a good girl and would suit anyone." The way Amelia talked to him somehow felt off to him. It wasn’t usual that you would call about rehoming a dog and then get told how brave it was. It was the right way to care about a dog you own, to make sure they have the best life. Even if Buttercup meant the world to him, he couldn’t take her with him in the afterlife and even if he didn’t go through with his plan today, he was running out of money due to the bills digging him under the ground. And these kinds of thoughts made his blood boil, which led his tone to change again. "I already told you everything you need to know. Look, I have plans for tonight and I want to get this resolved quickly," his voice escalated, resonating with authority from his military days. "It's late, and
there's no reason to prolong this conversation. I'm sure a woman like you, Amelia, has plans for tonight as well."
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/13/2023 23:43
Amelia's brows furrowed at the urgency in his voice, a small huff escaping her lips. He was stubborn she'd give him that, but at this point it was a battle of who could be more stubborn. Either Taylor would give in and change his mind first, or Amelia would give up and take the dog, the latter not very likely when there was a life on the line. She couldn't risk giving in to see this man's name in the paper tomorrow, she wouldn't risk it. So she rolled her shoulders a bit with a newfound determination to change this man's mind. She couldn't let Taylor be just another number of the people she had lost. He deserved more than that. “And I understand you want to rehome her, taylor, but that process doesn't just happen overnight and our shelter is currently out of spots.” She commented, hoping this was the right thing to say. No matter how many times she did this, it was always a hit or miss on what could change someone's mind. At the mention of him having plans Amelia grimaced a bit. She couldn't let those plans become a reality. Feeling even more determined to change Taylor's mind than she had been in a while, something telling her this call would be different, the voice in the back of her head screaming at her to think of something. She said the only thing she could think of. This may have been the wrong move but she was running out of options, screw being professional, this was someone's life, she didn't have time for formalities anymore. “My night is actually free” she spoke, a small smile taking over her face. “Perhaps you could change that?” She suggested, her voice soft and suggestive to make sure her flirting was clear even through the phone. Her mind racing on if that was the right move, she could very well lose her job like this, but for some reason she didn't care. The stern tone of his voice, the way he spoke about buttercup, the way he was being responsible. Was it possible to find someone attractive through the phone? Was now the wrong time to find
someone attractive? “That is if your plans can be changed?” She mentally kicked herself. ’now is not the time Amelia' she reminded herself. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/15/2023 14:22
Taylor's carefully laid plans were unraveling, torn apart by the weight of Amelia's words. The hope he held for a swift resolution to Buttercup's rehoming was fading fast. Amelia's revelation that there were no available spots in the shelter shattered his expectation that rehoming meant placing Buttercup in the care of a qualified, loving individual rather than a cage in a shelter. The mere thought of subjecting Buttercup to the harsh environment of a shelter was heartbreaking. Buttercup thrived on her three times a day forest walks, a routine that had become a staple in Taylor's life as well. Deep within him, a voice echoed, emphasizing that those walks were as crucial to his well-being as they were to Buttercup's. Frustration welled up, and Taylor pounded his forehead with his fist, a groan escaping him once more. Desperation drove him to consider alternative solutions, but the harsh reality set in—there was no one else he could call, no alternative support system to care for Buttercup. A feeling of ultimate sorrow overtook his senses. A thread which pulled him toward the gun was ripping. It was a sense of responsibility for his dog that held him together. "I don't want Buttercup in a shelter. When I called to rehome her, I thought there'd be suitable candidates ready to provide her a loving home," Taylor's voice, now quieter and tinged with a rasp, betrayed the emotional toll. "And you never told me where I'm calling, Amelia." The realization hit him like a sudden revelation—he couldn't proceed with his original plan. Leaving Buttercup without proper care was inimaginable. His heart shattered at the prospect of facing mounting bills and the continued job search, all for the sake of one dog with deep, trusting eyes—eyes that looked to him for everything. The night's plans transformed, uncertainty clouding his ability to get any sleep tonight. Nightmares threatened to consume him. Amid these tumultuous thoughts, Amelia's unexpected personal disclosure disrupted h
is mental turmoil. A dormant part of his soul stirred, reminiscent of times spent carefreely with friends. Yet, buried deep beneath the scars of an injury, Taylor struggled to reconcile his past self with the shattered fragments of his current reality. Amelia's soft voice, in contrast to the chaos in Taylor's mind, left an indelible mark on his senses. A longing emerged, a desire for her continued presence in the conversation. However, he couldn't fathom why someone like her would be interested in a seemingly broken soldier seeking to rehome his dog. "Amelia, I doubt you want to be part of my plan. I doubt anyone would," Taylor's enigmatic tone hinted at his mysterious nature, a subtle undertone of his once-playful flirtatiousness. "Why is a woman like you without plans tonight? I can’t imagine there is no one who begs for your attention."
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/15/2023 16:43
Amelia let out a soft sigh at Taylor's words, normally they'd be able to at least provide a fallback plan for dogs if they couldn't save the person on the other end. But unfortunately due to it being summer there wasn’t exactly a plethora of people lining up to adopt or foster. “I understand your frustration,” she acknowledged sympathetically. “But at this moment there aren't many people that are looking for a dog” she added. At the last part of his statement she paused. Her eyes widened a bit. Amelia had never been a good liar, her tone always giving away when she wasn't being truthful. Telling him the truth could very well scare him away, usually she didn't reveal where they had called until they were successfully off the dangerous ledge they were teetering on. She couldn't remember the last time someone had actually asked. “The veterans center help line… it's a suicide hotline..” she explained quietly. Selfishly praying he didn't hear what he said. At the pause Amelia facepalmed. Has she said too much? Gone too far with trying to help Taylor? Only time would tell she supposed. The only indication he was still on the line was the fact that she could hear his steady breathing, that was a good sign at least. She wondered what he could possibly be thinking at this moment. Her mind racing as she wondered if the fact that there was no available home for buttercup had perhaps saved him, even if just for tonight, they could worry about the rest later. As his voice emerged again she relaxed back into her seat, he was still okay. A lot of the precious tension leaving her muscles at the revelation. She wasn't sure what was so different about Taylor, she had thousands of calls over her career at the help-line, but Taylor stuck out, she felt herself drawn to a man she knew nothing about other than his name and what his dog likes to do. At his comment she smiled a bit to herself, apparently her flirting hadn't been unwelcome. Deciding to be a bit bold and return the energy
she opened her mouth to reply. “I suppose no one's caught my attention yet, but that seems to have changed” she commented. Biting her lip for a moment as she thought, her brows furrowed in concentration as she tapped her finger against the desk. “But I have an idea, give me one night… one night to show you why it's worth staying, after that I promise what you do is up to you, plus, you'll be filling an otherwise alone night for me” she offered. Praying that he would say yes, her mind was already thinking of things she could do to show him life was worth living, no matter how hopeless things may seem. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/15/2023 19:32
Taylor found himself struggling to comprehend Amelia's words, especially the bewildering suggestion of a suicide hotline number in the context of rehoming his dog. The idea that his situation might be misconstrued as a cry for help left him profoundly confused, adding a layer of discomfort to the conversation. Despite the countless reasons one might have for parting ways with a pet, the notion of his emotional state being the trigger resonated with Taylor, making the previous words from Amelia suddenly click into place. It was disconcerting to realize she suspected he was on the brink of suicide, and he felt compelled to justify his call. "Suicide hotline? Is this some kind of joke? I called because I want to rehome my dog… I can't provide for her anymore," he mumbled quietly, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment at admitting financial struggles to someone he potentially was interested in. The revelation that he had sold his car to cover his dog's medical bills felt like exposing a vulnerability he had kept hidden. As Amelia seemed to make subtle moves, the conversation grew even more perplexing for Taylor. Amid the internal turmoil, the thought of the gun in the drawer lingered, but the unexpected force of Amelia's presence prevented darker thoughts from taking over. Closing his eyes and shaking his head, Taylor grappled with the swiftness and irresistibility of Amelia's impact, like a train derailing his carefully laid plans. The conflicting emotions within Taylor were palpable. On one hand, he felt frustration at the absence of an easy way out, while on the other, a strange gratitude emerged that Amelia was the one on the other end of the call. Amelia's way of talking surprised him, leaving him unsure whether it was a result of her training or genuine interest. Deep down, he yearned to find out, eager to explore where this unpredictable connection might lead, even if he acknowledged the obstacles presented by his own problems. With thoughts of contempl
ating suicide already looming, meeting with Amelia felt as daunting as a bullet to the head. "As I mentioned, all I wanted was to rehome my dog tonight. Do you often receive calls at night and then try to meet with the callers? Is this your way of helping someone?" he continued, his deep voice vibrating through the air. A hint of playfulness colored his tone, as if he sought to unearth a sensitive spot and provoke a reaction from Amelia. "I'll spend one night with you, Amelia, if that's what you want." Still seated in the dark, Taylor shook his head, yet a small smirk crept onto his face. He couldn't help but smile at the way Amelia attempted to appear reserved while betraying a subtle shiver in her voice. Perhaps, he could survive a night of nightmares without his dog after all.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/16/2023 02:23
Amelia listened to his reaction to the realization of where he had called. It made sense he would view it as a joke, especially if someone had just told him it was a number to purely rehome an animal should he have needed. “It's not a joke, Taylor” she replied softly. At the mention of him not being able to provide for her, Amelia's eyes lit up. Finally something she could potentially help with. “You know… there's actually a good shelter nearby that has an assortment of dog food as well. I can also provide you with some resources for animal insurance.” She offered. Finally an olive branch that she could extend that could possibly help the man. She had the resources for the animal insurance from when she had her cat a few months ago, she knew how expensive vet costs could be so she kept the flyer should she ever need it. Amelia's face turned red at his next words, being called out for being unprofessional making her embarrassed. Truthfully it wasn't something she had ever done. Normally she would never speak or see someone past the time that they were on the phone. Her mind starting to race, was he uncomfortable with her offer? Should she have stuck to being professional? She sat up straight at those thoughts, deciding to bring back her professional exterior incase of uncomfortability. Her shoulders rolling softly as she mentally scolded herself. This slip up could easily cost her job. If anyone were to find out how unprofessional Amelia was being while on the call she would be fired on the spot, but she couldn't remember the last time talking to someone had went so smoothly, even with both of them being as stubborn as they were. At him accepting her offer a wide smile made its way onto her features. She had her in, both a way to quench her own loneliness and a way to make sure Taylor would be okay. This was potentially the best outcome Amelia would have wanted for this call, even as unexpected as it was. She didn't come into this thinking she would gather a c
ompanion for the night, and that wasn't her intention at all. She for some reason cared about this individual. “Good good… is there somewhere we can meet…? Or I can come pick you up?” She offered. Biting her lip as she waited for his response. It was risky, the two knew nothing about each other, granted, Amelia knew more about Taylor than he knew about her. She knew his dogs name, his dogs favorite toy, his name. And alls he knew was her first name. “I promise I'm not some creepy killer or something” she added, realizing how potentially creepy her offer could sound, cringing a bit at how awkward she was being. She hadn't had the chance to hang out with people outside of work much since her husband passed away, especially not a male who she found herself strangely pulled towards. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/16/2023 20:54
Taylor, adrift in a sea of loneliness, struggled to remember the last time someone genuinely cared about him. The harsh reality of adult responsibilities weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he had grown accustomed to facing life's challenges alone. Leaving the army felt like being tossed onto the unforgiving streets, where rank and military experience held no sway in the civilian world. The transition was tough, and Taylor found himself wrestling with the solitude that clung to him. Despite Amelia's well-intentioned attempts to help, he couldn't bring himself to let go of the image of self-sufficiency. Accepting his vulnerability was a bitter pill, and he desperately wanted to convince Amelia that he was far from broken. He carried his pain internally, unwilling to burden others with it. "Thank you, Amelia, for trying to help me," he uttered with a deep, resolute voice, hoping Amelia would finally see his call in another light. "But as I said before, I called this number to rehome my dog, not for a rescue mission of my own." For a fleeting moment, Taylor couldn't help but entertain the absurdity of the call. The shadows of suicidal thoughts retreated to the background, and the rationale behind wanting to rehome Buttercup became hazy. After all, he still possessed a house that could be sold, offering an alternative solution. Yet, a sigh escaped him as the memory of parting with his car resurfaced, washing over him with a tide of embarrassment. In a bid to impress Amelia, Taylor recognized the need to elevate his game and unleash his dormant charm. In the past, he could often get away with anything by saying some sweet words and flashing a playful smirk. With deliberate intent, he suggested, "You can pick me up, I'll give you my address." Lowering his tone even more, he unconsciously sought to evoke a reaction from Amelia. "Don't worry, I know how to protect myself. I've got special techniques for disarming a woman, Amelia." A quiet chuckle escaped him, and he c
ould feel his heart quickening with the thrill of rediscovering a playful side he had long forgotten. Surprisingly, it was a woman over the phone who had rekindled this aspect of him. Taylor thought about the unpredictable path of the night, wondering where this newfound connection might lead. One thing was certain - Amelia had managed to divert his attention from the persistent nightmares that usually plagued his thoughts. Such distraction only occurred during his walks with Buttercup, prompting Taylor to entertain a glimmer of hope. Eager to explore the potential of this unexpected adventure, he resolved to uncover what the night held in store. Maybe there was hope for Taylor afterall.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/17/2023 03:43
Amelia silently groaned at his stubbornness, feeling her own willpower being weakened by someone so headstrong. This was going to be a tough challenge. Perhaps if he accepted her offer she could just slip him the details when they saw each other. Helping him in her own way. She leaned back in her chair, the back of it creaking under the pressure. As she looked at the time she realized she already got auto-clocked out. But she couldn't find it in herself to be upset that she was still here after hours, this particular call didn't feel like she was doing a job, it felt like she was just having a normal conversation with someone on the other end. Something Amelia hadn't felt in a very long time. That thought sent a twinge of pain rushing through her stomach, had this man not have called tonight she would've never had the chance to meet him, she would've never got the chance to find this unexpected connection with a stranger. On top of that he would've been… no. She quickly shook that thought from her mind. He was here and that's what mattered now, not what could've happened. As Amelia heard his tone drop a shiver ran down her spine, a shaky breath leaving her lips. The effect Taylor could have on her through a phone was insane to her. Imagining what it would be like if they truly did hang out. She took a moment to gather herself, willing her brain to just spit out the words she was thinking of in an even tone that didn't betray the feeling his voice had given her. “Perfect, and what would this address be?” She asked as she grabbed a sticky note, clicking the pen she had been using previously so she could write down whatever he told her. Her eyes widening at his words, deciding to feed into his teasing a bit. “Oh yeah? And what would those techniques be?” She hummed curiously. She was admittedly a bit rusty with flirting, as she hadn't done it properly in two years. She hadn't even been interesting in flirting with someone since her husband had passed, let alone wanted
to meet up with someone. She twirled the phone cord in her hand as she waited for his response, debating what she would do to show him life was truly worth living. To give him at least a little bit of hope things would get better. After a moment she got an idea, her eyes twinkling as she patiently waited for his response. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/18/2023 23:12
Amelia's reaction to his words sent a surge of satisfaction through Taylor, his grin widening as he interpreted it as confirmation of her interest. Though uncertain about his plan, the act of flirting ignited a spark deep within his soul, a warmth he hadn't felt in what seemed like an eternity. A quick glance at the drawer containing the gun reminded him of the persistent weight of his ongoing struggles, but Amelia had injected a lightness into the evening. In her presence, Taylor felt a breath of fresh air, as if he could momentarily escape the burdens on his shoulders. He shared his address with Amelia, providing additional directions for navigating to his house situated on the landside. After parting with his car, he found himself trekking a mile from the bus station, exacerbating the pain in his back and causing him to limp, but he accepted it as a necessary sacrifice to aid his dog. Despite harboring thoughts of a quick resolution to his problems through ending his own life, he had made a promise to Amelia. True to his character as a man of his word, he couldn't leave her alone for the evening. Memories of his past, where he frequently went out with female friends, flashed through his mind, reinforcing the lessons ingrained in him about cherishing women. Even if this night turned out to be his last, he was determined to make it count. “You will have to find it out yourself, Amelia,” he said, forcing a deep, mysterious tone, trying to mask any self-perceived inadequacies. Despite feeling like a pathetic idiot, his past experience with flirting resurfaced, reassuring him. He ended the call without saying goodbye, sure there was nothing more to discuss for now, convinced she would come anyway. The silence that enveloped him, coupled with the darkness, made him sit against the wall for a moment. Glancing through the opened garage door, he saw the sky adorned with sparkling stars. A sigh escaped him as he rubbed the back of his head, urging himself to calm the tum
ultuous thoughts rushing through his mind. Eventually, he found the strength to stand up, a groan escaping him as the pain in his back flared up from the extended walk. Determined to make himself somewhat presentable, he made his way inside. Drawing on his military experience, he quickly showered and changed into fresh clothes – military boots, black cargo pants, and a grey t-shirt. His military tags hung over his neck, a constant reminder of his past. Noticing the chill in the air, he added a dark green flannel shirt with rolled up sleeves, ready to play the gentleman if Amelia needed warmth. Taylor reached his porch, the pain in his back a persistent reminder of his struggles. Despite the doubt creeping in, he clenched his jaw and sat on the porch swing. His house shrouded in darkness, he thought if Amelia were to arrive, the flashlight from her car would reveal him on the porch. The weight of earlier thoughts about suicide lingered, but he leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and his hands under his chin. He was determined to keep the promise, even if it meant facing destruction.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/19/2023 13:40
Amelia nodded and write down his address, along with any notes she may need to know to be able to get to the right house. Once she was sure she had it down she stared at it for a moment. For some reason she was giddy to go see a man she knew little to nothing about. At him words she opened her mouth to reply, her brows furrowing as she heard the sound that meant the call had been ended, she slowly pulled the phone away from her ear, leaning over to look at the receiver to see if she had heard that correctly. Letting out a huff when she seen ‘call ended’ flashing across the screen. Throwing her hands up in disbelief. “Not even a goodbye or an I'll see you later” she grumbled as she stood to her feet, putting the phone back on the receiver before pushing her chair in. “Unbelievable, how rude” she whispered to herself as she grabbed the paper and her bag, finally being able to leave work, but now with plans afterwards that she could look forward to. She slung her bag over her shoulder as she made her way out of her office, bidding a good night to the people that would be taking over. She decided to make a quick stop in the lounge on her way out, as much as she hated the coffee they had here, she figured she would need it. Once she got her cup she headed out to her car, positioning the thin piece of paper to sit on her dash so she could check it over as she made her way to Taylor's home. Slowly backing out of her designated parking spot, and beginning the journey to the man's house, it was a bit chilly out so she decided to turn the heat on, she had a blanket in her car but figured it would be best not to drive with that resting over her lap. Sipping her coffee and bopping her head along to the music that was coming from the speakers. As she got closer she turned the music down a bit, figuring blaring music wasn't the greatest first impression you could make on someone- was this technically their first impression, or had the phone call already solidified that? Soon
Amelia pulled up infront of what she could only assume was Taylor house, double checking his address to be sure, it was always better to be safe than to make a fool of herself by pulling up at someone's house this late. She looked up from the paper to see the figure sitting on the porch, slowly unbuckling herself as she got out of her car to lean against it. “TJ?” She called out. Hoping the figure would raise their head and show some sign of recognition, rather than confusion on who the hell was at their house. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/19/2023 22:51
As Taylor sat in the dark, his anxiety escalated. Uncertain if she would actually come and when it might happen, his impatience made the wait agonizing. This impatience also played a role in his job search, as he tended to give up quickly rather than waiting. The act of waiting drove him to the brink of madness, yet he remained on the swing, attempting to distract himself from painful thoughts. The waiting felt like an eternity, prompting a moment of contemplation about heading back home and executing his previous plan. However, curiosity about Amelia kept him rooted on the swing, stiff and watchful like a guard dog awaiting its owner. When he spotted the car's headlights, Taylor straightened on the swing, attempting to erase any foolish expression and maintain a serious demeanor. Changing positions on the swing to find a more presentable look, he settled with elbows on knees and chin on hands to avoid appearing creepy. Amelia's arrival heightened the tension, and Taylor, unable to see her face due to the blinding headlights, felt drawn to her brown curls. Clenching his jaw, he pushed himself up from the swing, aiming for a natural movement despite the pain. Walking up to a porch column, Taylor leaned against it, crossing his arms, and observed Amelia with a stern expression, though a mischievous spark glinted in his eyes. His low voice broke the silence, "This is private property, Miss," accompanied by a smirk. He pushed off the column, making his way down the stairs with a casual stride, hands in his cargo pants. Approaching Amelia with a lingering smirk, Taylor clenched his fists in his pocket, masking the pain in his back. He stood tall, subtly leaning to the left to seem nonchalant. As he stood a head taller than her, Taylor leaned down to look at her, the smirk persisting. He had a faint scent of nutmeg and pine. "I was thinking you wouldn’t come, Amelia," he smiled, scanning her face. Leaning in, he delicately touched one of her curls, testing the waters
, before meeting her eyes with another smirk. "It is brave of you to come to an unfamiliar man in the night, to a house in the middle of nowhere." Taking a step back, he leaned on her car's hood, aiming for a casual appearance but also to ease his back pain. Uncertain about Amelia's thoughts, he continued to eye her face, arms crossed with curiosity. Despite a momentary heartburn, he focused on the woman before him, inviting her to open up in the quiet night.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/20/2023 05:41
As Amelia heard the man's voice speak she straightened up, mentally slapping herself for going to the wrong house. “Oh my god I am so sorry I thought this was someone else's house who I'm meant to be meeting tonight, it's our first time seeing each other so I wasn't sure where to go and I think he gave me the wrong address” she rambled, embarrassment covering her face and dripping from her tone. Her brain not yet registering that it was in fact the voice she had just heard not long ago. As he stepped closer her head tilted back so she could properly look at him, her heart racing at the close proximity the two were in. “I had a promise to keep didnt I?” She breathed out. She was going to scold him, to tell him he scared her, but it seemed as though the closeness paired with his faint smell had made her brain short circuit. Her gaze traveled over his face, he was a very handsome man, the kind Amelia could see herself getting lost in trying to memorize. “Much like you, I have ways to disarm someone should it come to that” she teased back. Watching as he leaned against the hood. Despite her calm demeanor her heart was hammering against her chest. Even getting full sentences out seemed to be a struggle. Who was this man and why did he seem to have such an affect on her? Her cheeks now dusted with a blush of fluster, rather than embarrassment. Amelia huffed as he moved away from her, leaning into her car to turn her headlights on dim so it wouldn't blind her as she moved to stand infront of him. Her arms crossed slightly. “Plus, you don't seem like that type that would hurt me” she commented, even leaning, Taylor was still a bit taller than her. “I must say, you're much more handsome than I was expecting” she flirted slightly, cringing a bit at how awkward she sounded. Before she reminded herself it was only natural as she hadn't flirted with someone in years. After a moment she debated. She had many places she could show him in this one night, but two stood out. “Are
you ready for potentially the best night of your life?” She asked softly, motioning towards the passengers side of the car. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/20/2023 15:48
The way Amelia responded to him amused Taylor, who was keenly attuned to her every breath and warm glance. For a moment, the circumstances leading to this night faded, replaced by a lightness that enveloped him. He pondered how someone could wield such influence over him, realizing he couldn't recall the last time he felt this safe with someone. Yet, a sobering thought cut through the calmness – Amelia remained oblivious to the chains of his past and the burdens he carried. Determined not to reveal the intricacies of his life story, Taylor focused on discerning Amelia's reactions to his actions, exploring how he could bring her to life. It was akin to a child testing the boundaries of this newfound connection with her. "Hm, you'd have to work hard, Amelia, to disarm an experienced soldier," he smirked, his eyes shifting to the starry sky, silently pleading for strength to prevent himself from unraveling into a pathetic idiot during the night. He granted Amelia the chance to keep him tethered to this world for just one more night, allowing him the opportunity to rehome Buttercup and depart in peace. As he leaned on the hood, gazing at Amelia, a sense of proximity enveloped him. Though he stood slightly taller, their eyes met at nearly the same level, affording him the chance to study her once more. Tilting his head, arms crossed, his muscles accentuated by the rolled-up shirt sleeves, Taylor responded playfully to her attempts at flirtation, his smirk widening as he squinted his eyes. "Looks can deceive," something flickered in his eyes before the playful gleam returned. Speaking in a low voice, he continued, "You don’t look bad either, your voice matches your face." Winking at her, he pushed himself off the hood, positioning himself right in front of her. Despite standing close above her and leaning down, it could have been intimidating, yet a warmth emanated from his body, and the scent of pine carried a calming hint. Maintaining this stance for a few moments,
a playful smirk adorned his face as he once again intruded her private space, touching one of her curls. The curls seemed to pull him into madness, an unexplainable force compelling him to touch them. Allowing himself a fleeting moment, he finally retreated towards the driver's side. Without a spark of politeness, he pushed past her and positioned himself by the opened door, ready to take the wheel. Hoping she wouldn't object and relying on his boyish charm, he reflected on how, since the incident in the army, he couldn't bring himself to be in a car he wasn't in control of. Unwilling to test if tonight would be different, he grunted as he noticed the limited space between the seat and the wheel upon getting inside. Without a second thought, he adjusted the seat and mirrors swiftly, then, before Amelia could react, he pressed a button to lower the windows, leaning his elbow on the door and looking outside at her. "Are you ready for the best night of your life?" he declared in a mockingly teasing tone, a boyish smirk on his face, devoid of any apology. "C'mon, hop into the car, I need someone to navigate the way."
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/20/2023 16:47
Amelia smirked softly at his words, leaning up closer to him so the two were mere inches apart. “Don't believe I could disarm you, taylor?” She inquired “I'll have you know, disarming someone isn't just about physical strength” she teased before dropping off her tiptoes and going back to her normal height. Amelia let her eyes travel over Taylor's form, her eyes stopping at his arms that were now crossed, admiring the way the shirt seemed to be purposely clinging to Taylor's body just to distract her. With the way gaylor was acting, she was in for a hell of a night. A visible shiver ran through her body as he spoke, something about the way he lowered his tone when he spoke to her made her body light up. Feeling as if a delicious fire was spreading through her veins. Her cheeks dusting pink at the slight compliment taylor had given her. How the hell was this man so good at making every conscious thought she had revolve around him? Amelia watched as he touched her curls, her gaze moving from his hand to his eyes, observing him much like he had previously observed her. Amelia's mouth dropped open as he pushed past her and got in the drivers side. Giggling when he realized how obvious their height difference was when it came to how far the drivers side seat was up. As he rolled down the window she glared at him. Opening her mouth to speak but he beat her to it. Her cheeks dusting pink as she just grumbled and walked to get in the passenger seat, huffing as she sat down. “Hijacking my car like that! The absolutely audacity!” She stated, throwing her hands up for extra effect. Though, there was no clear signs of actual anger, her voice was still as soft as it had previously been, her body language relaxed and a playful flint her eyes. All of that giving away the fact she just needed a moment to be dramatic about being told what to do, but if anyone asked she would deny how easily she listened to the man who was now in her car. “It's actually not far from here” she started
as she adjusted the passenger seat so she could comfortable, if he was going to drive you bet your ass she was going to play the role of passenger princess. Reaching to the backseat to drape the blanket over her lap, a blanket she knew would come in handy at their destination. “It's around 6 miles to the west, it's a hill so it's hard to miss it” she explained. Leaning forward to turn the radio on, making sure it was quiet enough so it wouldn't disturb Taylor, not knowing if he preferred no music when he drove. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/20/2023 19:23
Hearing Amelia complain about him hijacking her car made him burst into laughter. It was a deep, resonant laugh that filled the entire interior of the car, and it had a rejuvenating effect on Taylor, something he hadn't felt since his injury. It surprised him that this version of himself, buried deep within, was still present, and Amelia somehow managed to draw it out in a matter of minutes. Shaking his head with a smile, he checked the mirrors and headlights before fastening the seatbelt across his chest. As Amelia settled into her seat, he casually placed his arm on the back of her headrest, turning to glance at her before checking the mirrors once more. "Put your seatbelt on," he said, his voice carrying a more authoritative tone, losing the playfulness from earlier. A fleeting image of past nightmares flashed through his mind, but he shook it off, reassuring himself that everything would be fine. However, the seriousness in his voice left Amelia with no choice but to comply. Glancing back through the rear window, his hand still resting on Amelia's headrest, he skillfully maneuvered the car out of his driveway. Navigating the narrow roadside with only one hand on the wheel, he guided the car onto the road before finally removing his hand from her headrest to focus both hands on driving. Allowing a moment for his guard to slip, he flinched, shifting his weight toward the door and leaning his elbow against the armrest to ease the pain he experienced. One hand on the wheel, the other lightly tapping his lips, he fought against the urge to flinch again. To distract himself, he turned his attention to Amelia, noting the blanket over her lap, which brought a small smirk to his face. Glancing down at the panel, he located the buttons to activate her seat heater before returning his gaze to the road. In silence, Taylor smoothly guided the car in the right direction, his focus unwavering on the road ahead. Even though he didn't want to live tonight, he couldn't bear the
thought of Amelia getting hurt. "So, Amelia, tell me something about yourself. What led you to work at a suicide hotline masquerading as a dog rehoming hotline?" He was genuinely curious about her journey. The confusion lingered regarding why he was given this number for rehoming his dog, only to end up at a suicide hotline. He was also intrigued by how someone like Amelia, seemingly young and cheerful, found herself there. "Do they hire people based on their 'sunshine' factor?" A foolish smirk played on his face as he glanced over to Amelia, eyes primarily on the road. The background music's quiet rhythm was familiar, and he found himself tapping the beat on his lips with his fingers, barely noticeable. Although he had no idea where he was driving, he fully trusted Amelia, knowing there was no place she could take him that would scare him off. Having experienced the seven circles of hell, nothing could compare. For a moment, Taylor drifted into his thoughts, his eyes turning glassy before he blinked and frowned slightly, refocusing on the road. Despite the internal turmoil, he tried to stay present. Focusing on Amelia, his hand gently traced one of her curls, tugging it lightly before winking at her and returning his attention to the road. Little did he know, those curls would be his downfall.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/20/2023 20:53
Amelia's brows raised as his tone turned authoritative, she just nodded and buckled her seatbelt, looking over at him as he began driving, trying to think of a conversation to fill the space. Her eyes traveled to his hand as he turned her seat heater on, a content sigh slipping past her lips as it began to heat up. As if noticing how he had been favoring one side of his body, she turned his on low as well, hoping to ease some of his discomfort. At the question Amelia paused, it wasn't something she was expecting to come up, after all, how do you tell someone you just met- and have been flirting with, that your husband died from the same thing you prevented them from doing tonight. “They definitely don't hire us based on sunshine factor” she replied with a small giggle. “Honestly it was never somewhere I saw myself working, especially not so young, but my late husband, a veteran, he died while on deployment” she started. “After I lost him things were hard, probably the hardest thing I ever had to go through, and I wanted to help people, both the people this world could lose, and the people that would lose the people that are their world, if I can prevent even one person from feeling the pain I did… I'd say that's worth it” she explained, giving him a small smile. “And as for it being a coverup, would you have called had you known what the number was for? It's so we can at least have the best chance of saving someone as we can” “Anyways, tell me something about you, what sorts of things do you enjoy other than hikes with your dog?” She inquired, her head turning so she could focus on him once again, trying to steer the conversation from a more morbid one, to a more pleasant and easy conversation. Amelia smiled softly as he tugged on her curl again, the hold this man already had on her was scary, but she couldn't deny the adrenaline it gave her. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/21/2023 13:21
Driving through the night, the hushed notes of music on the radio provided a soothing backdrop, calming the knots in his stomach. Little did he anticipate the response that awaited his question. In his imagination, he envisioned a narrative of her kindness, a tale woven around her compassionate heart yearning to help others. The revelation about her late husband, a fate mirroring his past, was an unexpected curveball. Each word she uttered seemed to embed itself in him, a painful assault on his heart. The static in his ears grew louder with each passing moment, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. He managed to refrain from accelerating further, nightmares flickering across his mind like an unsettling slideshow. The moment Amelia spoke of her late husband, he ceased to hear. The unfolding words held little significance, as he was already ensnared in the tendrils of the past. The world around him crumbled, breaths quickening as he clung desperately to the steering wheel, trying to focus on the road ahead. Responding to her story became an afterthought, the narrative hitting too close to home. A cruel thought slithered into his mind, gnawing at his soul. For an instant, he felt as though he plummeted into an abyss, a haze clouding his vision. He couldn't stop what was happening, the lack of power suffocated him, the air in his lungs growing thin. He found himself back in the armored van, traversing the desert under the morning sun's scorching heat. They were five soldiers on the move toward another base following relocation orders. It was a tranquil day, and no one anticipated the road trip taking a sinister turn. Despite being fully equipped with rifles within easy reach, an earlier assessment had deemed the route clear, devoid of nearby enemies. Inside the vehicle, Sam, his friend, kept the atmosphere light with jokes and tales of his conquests at the bar. Laughter filled the car, mingled with disbelief and persistent queries about the authenticity of Sam's s
tories. In the back seat, Taylor sat by one of the doors, leaning into the conversation. Contemplating the prospect of returning home in a week, he entertained thoughts of employing some of Sam's tactics. A broad smile adorned his face as he shook his head, gazing out into the desert. The view consisted only of sand and the heated air above, yet it brought him a sense of peace that he sought to etch into his memory. He cherished the desert. With a week until his return home, he looked forward to another attempt at civilian life, hopeful that this time he might find someone to be his anchor. As he transitioned beyond his wild twenties, thoughts of starting a family seeped in, and the future held an air of excitement.
Suddenly, laughter erupted once more in the van, abruptly halted by a gruesome explosion that sent a force wave through the vehicle, flipping it into the air. The incident unfolded swiftly, devoid of remorse, with the air filled with the screeches of metal and the haunting sound of screams. Chaos reigned for a moment before silence descended—an eerie quiet louder than anything else. Taylor found himself in a disorienting blur between reality and the past, yet the car continued its journey smoothly along the road. His breaths quickened, and the sheer horror was palpable in his eyes. Momentarily lost, he struggled to discern his surroundings until the stillness was shattered by a soft voice, pulling him back into the present. This jolted him into action, his foot slammed onto the brakes, eliciting the sharp screech of tires gripping the asphalt. Breathing heavily, he clutched the steering wheel with both hands, his gaze fixed on the road. After a brief moment, he slowly turned his head in horror toward Amelia. “Why did you come, Amelia?” he exclaimed, his breath still heavy, hands gripping the steering wheel as he locked eyes with her, finally unleashing his pent-up emotions, almost shouting at Amelia. “Why the hell did you come, Amelia? To play a pity game? I've told you before I don't need a rescue mission. Are you using me to reminisce about your dead husband? What kind of cruel game are you trying to play?”
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/21/2023 16:57
Amelia watched Taylor's reaction to her words, watching as his eyes glazed over. Looking between the road and the man who was driving her car. “Taylor…?” She asked hesitantly, not wanting to startle him, she had been around enough veterans at work to recognize that look. He was somewhere other than here right now, and yet he was still driving the car perfectly. Her mind raced as she went over her story, realizing that what she said probably set him off, mentally cursing herself as she clenched her fists a bit. As the car came to an abrupt stop she was pulled out of her thoughts, her hands gripping the seatbelt to lock herself in, her heart beating rapidly against her rib cage. As he looked over at her she shrunk a bit in her seat, she had admired Taylor so much tonight she knew that look in his eyes wasn't what it normally was. She flinched a bit everytime he raised his voice, Amelia had never been good with people yelling at her. As he finished his rant she shook her head softly, her eyes were watering but she willed herself not to let them fall in the case that it would just upset the man more. “No! No that's not what this is!” She defended, her voice was shakey, but dripping with honesty. “I'm not here to give you pity nor am I here to reminisce about my husband. I came because I liked you okay? You started talking about your dogs duck toy and then you were flirting and I just-” she paused, trying to get a grip on all the emotions she was feeling in this moment. Going over everything in her head to figure out how this might had gone so terribly wrong in a matter of seconds. “I felt drawn to you… I don't know what other explanation you were looking for” she simplified. Looking away from his intense gaze to look out the window, doing anything she could do avoid eye contact with the man in fear she would break. She didn't want him to think she was using him to think about someone who was long gone, but it seems that happened anyways. Her fingers rubbed against e
ach other nervously, shifting a bit in her seat before taking a deep breath, turning her head to look back at the man. “There is no cruel game being played taylor, you simply caught my attention and I wanted to see it through, you think I would risk my life to meet a brains guy just to be reminded of my again, dead husband? Why the hell would I do that to myself” she spoke, throwing her hands up in the air. She let out a shaky breath, realizing that she was getting defensive for no reason, whether he chose to believe her or not was in his hands now @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/21/2023 19:21
The expression on Amelia's face shattered Taylor. Even as he observed every subtle twitch while the words left his mouth, there was an unstoppable force compelling him to speak. This situation felt profoundly wrong to him, the idea that she was the widow of one of his comrades brought him to the edge of madness. Despite never having met the deceased, an unspoken rule within their ranks dictated that one should not mess with a woman whose partner belonged to someone else. Even in death, the rule lingered for Taylor. The realization that he sat in the car of a military widow overwhelmed him. He pressed his hand against the steering wheel, slamming his head against the headrest, and closed his eyes momentarily. Amidst the static in his ears, he could barely hear Amelia, his heart racing dangerously fast. No matter how hard he tried to breathe, her words seemed to suffocate him. He acknowledged her attraction, a bitter chuckle escaping his chest as he shook his head. The car's interior seemed to constrict, the sweet scent of lavender invading his lungs like poison, accelerating his breath. Finally, he leaped into action, activating the emergency lights and pushing the car door open to escape into the cold air. He made sure to slam the door behind him, the air in his lungs burning as he almost wheezed. Taylor needed distance, the thoughts in his head in turmoil, making no sense. He couldn't concentrate on any one of them, looking into the dark field ahead. The world spun around him as he found himself wandering toward a tree. Leaning against it, he bowed his head, attempting to stop his wheezing. He had failed at the one thing he promised himself — he had become a pathetic idiot, unable to control his emotions. A firework of pain, sorrow, rage, embarrassment, and confusion exploded within him. He wanted to escape, but the only anchor was the tree under his hand. A guttural scream erupted as he lunged forward, sending his fist into the bark. Instantly, pain shot through h
is body, a final wheeze escaping him. Whining, he took a deep breath, less painful than before, leaning his forehead onto the cold bark and closing his eyes. The pain in his hand cleared his mind momentarily. It was a mistake to let Amelia witness his vulnerability. He should have had the courage to end the call before and send a bullet through his head, just to spare Amelia from witnessing the essence of him. The turmoil in his head subsided, allowing him to breathe a little easier, but embarrassment set in. He felt pathetic for exposing his emotions to Amelia, who was not at fault. Taylor had no idea what she now thought of him. He sighed, weakly striking the bark with his injured fist again before pushing himself off to return. He hoped his breakdown had only occurred under the cover of the night. These were his own demons, and he preferred to keep them hidden from the world. Taylor walked back to the car with flashing emergency lights. His breathing had finally slowed down, but apart from his wounded fist, he appeared normal. He felt guilty for unloading his frustration onto Amelia and could only hope she would still talk to him when he returned.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/22/2023 15:14
Amelia observed Taylor's every reaction, watching his breathing quicken, feeling concern latch onto every ounce of her. Amelia jumped back a bit at his abrupt movements, her eyes a bit wide as she watched him get out of the car. Her heart rate sped up as she hurried to unbuckle her seatbelt, getting out as well, slowly closing the door behind her. She decided she would give him some space to calm down, carefully leaning against her door as she watched from a distance, her heart hurting seeing Taylor so upset. Missing the boyish smile that had once graced his features, but was now replaced with panic. Amelia pushed off the cat a bit when he screamed and punched the tree, wincing a bit as she thought of how painful that contact must have been. “Taylor…” she whispered quietly to herself. Under any other circumstances she would've ran to him to make sure he was okay. However, she didn't know Taylor well, didn't know if her approaching him would set him off more, so she decided to play it safe and stay by the car. Amelia never would've guessed her answer could've led them here, pulled I've in the dark of the night with Taylor being upset. She felt bad, she had promised to show him life was worth living, she had one night to give him that, and yet, it seemed she had done the exact opposite. Despite what had just happened, Amelia thought no differently of him than she had when he called her line. She knew he had his own demons, everyone did. Even though she was startled, and a bit frightened by his reaction, she knew he could control it, silently hoping he was at least okay. She bit her lip anxiously as she looked down at the gravel, wanting to give Taylor a moment to himself without prying eyes, assuming her gaze did nothing to help ease the pain he was feeling. Her head lifted as she heard the crunch of his boots under the gravel, giving him a cautious look as he came into her line of sight again, the emergency lights illuminating his figure with each step closer h
er took. A small, hesitant smile took over her lips, probably appearing less reassuring than she had initially planned for. Where do they go from here? Did he want to call the night off and just go home? Did he want to continue? Would things still be as playful and lighthearted as they had been? That last one she doubted, she could feel the tension she was holding, afraid to say something that would upset him again. Although he appeared to be back to normal, she couldn't help but think of how quickly that had changed before. But she quickly shook that thought from her mind. It would do no good for either of them to dwell on what had just happened. Once he got to the car she let her eyes travel to his now beaten up hand, letting out a small sigh. “Are you okay?” She asked hesitantly, her gaze moving up to return to his face, every nerve ending in her body trying to will her to move to check on him, to make sure he was truly okay, but she stayed rooted in her spot, not daring to move a muscle. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/23/2023 14:06
Taylor came to a halt a few feet from the car, his rugged features illuminated by the flashing emergency lights. The sight of Amelia in front of the vehicle caused his heart to race dangerously once again. Although he was now more composed, the pain in his hand anchored him to the present, while an internal storm brewed within his chest. Without uttering a word, he maintained a distance from Amelia as she stood by the car hood. The flashing emergency lights cast a halo of yellow around her curls with every tick, causing Taylor to forget how to breathe. His body remained rigid, his expression devoid of any emotion. The only visible movements were the clenching of his wounded hand and the rapid rise and fall of his chest. Amidst the tumult of emotions inside him, he struggled to comprehend what was happening. The world before him morphed into a cruel picture, with each flash of the emergency lights alternating between past nightmares and the angelic figure of Amelia. Desperate to stay in the present, Taylor found himself unable to escape the haunting images of the explosion that sent the armored van soaring into the air. Despite his inner turmoil, he stood beneath the starry sky, captivated by the flashing image of Amelia. He scrutinized every twist of her curls and became entranced by the dark eyes aglow with a golden shimmer from the intermittent yellow light. Every fiber of his being screamed that this connection was wrong. It felt improper to be drawn to a woman who was a military widow. The thought of becoming involved with her, especially when he had nothing to offer, felt misguided. He considered himself an empty shell abandoned on the battlefield, overlooked and unclaimed. The words Amelia had spoken earlier echoed in his mind, prompting a sigh to escape his lips as he continued to stand at a distance. Raising his gaze to the starry sky, his profile cast in shadows by the emergency lights, Taylor resembled a statue of sorrow and tragedy frozen in time. He long
ed to scream, to unleash his frustration with clenched fists, or to sprint away from the chaos. Above all, he yearned for it to stop — for peace. After a moment, he reluctantly redirected his attention to Amelia standing before the car. Her expression revealed worry, her stance exuding insecurity, and her voice betrayed unease. These factors pushed Taylor over the edge. His eyes darkened, hands clenched into fists, as he descended into an abyss previously unknown to him. It was the final blow, the moment he reached the depths of the deepest scar on his soul. There was nothing more to unearth, nothing more to fight against. Yet, he found himself at the bottom, and having something beneath his feet meant he could push himself back to the surface. Driven by an urgent need for redemption, Taylor surged towards Amelia, a tidal wave of emotions crashing within him. Desperation clawed at his heart, seeking relief from the relentless turmoil that gripped him. Closing the distance with hurried strides, his true intentions veiled by a storm of conflicting feelings, he stood before her. His hand, as if guided by the ache in his soul, buried itself in her curls, tenderly cradling the side of her head. Simultaneously, his other hand moved with an urgency born from the chaos within, sliding to the small of her back. He pressed her body against his, lifting her onto the car hood, bringing her face to his level.
His light green eyes, now clouded with a dark haze, betrayed none of his true intentions. In a seamless dance of emotion, the hand on her lower back urged her pelvis against his body, while the other hand gently seized her curls, pulling them to the side as he leaned forward. It was a desperate leap into the unknown, a gamble for solace, as he kissed her fervently, his lips seeking not just hers but a sanctuary from the tempest within. Reason had abandoned him, the burning desire surged through him like an uncontrollable wildfire. His lips, already parted, sought to claim Amelia’s, and his warm tongue ventured forth, a testament to his longing to lose himself in the consuming passion. Enthralled by the soothing scent of lavender that swept away his sorrow, Taylor found himself utterly captivated by the soft curls entwined in his hands. In any other circumstance, he would have recoiled in self-disgust, as it deviated from his respectful past behavior towards women. However, the tempest of emotions left no room for rational thought, only a yearning for respite. He pushed the boundaries, speeding over the limit, his sole focus on finding peace. A fragment of that peace lay within the embrace he now sought. In that charged moment, only the sensations held significance — the tender curls, the rhythm of Amelia's breath, the lingering scent of lavender, the pulsating yellow lights, and the cool caress of the night air. Taylor pleaded for release from the clutches of his darkest nightmares, his lips desperately seeking solace in the fervent connection with Amelia’s. She was his last refuge, and in that whirlwind of emotions, it became Amelia’s decision whether to allow him to finally breach the surface of his tortured soul.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/24/2023 14:20
Amelia watched in concern as Taylor came to a halt in front of the vehicle, she watched on with worry, she could tell he was battling with himself, but for once, Amelia didn't know how to help, just watching and waiting for him to be okay again so she could check in. Her eyes traveled to his hand every now and then. Wanting nothing more than to take this man's pain away, both mental and physical. She hasn't known Taylor very long, literally a couple hours at most, but she could tell he didn't deserve this, no one did. She found herself missing the boyish charm he had displayed before she brought up her reasoning, his charming smile that he seemed to know how to use to his advantage. Amelia's heart started thumping in her chest as he took long strides towards her, her brain telling her to get out of the way because she didn't know what this man was capable of, but her body wouldn't comply, staying rooted in place, looking at him like a deer caught in the headlights. Once he paused in front of her she lifted her gaze to meet his, now her heart was beating for two different reasons, one being this man could easily kill her, he was a soldier and she didn't even want to think about the strength he possessed, and another was at the close proximity she now found the two of them in. She cursed herself, she could be in danger and all she was thinking about was how close he was, how his body heat felt when it radiated against hers. Her eyes followed his hand as it moved closer, surprise covering her features as he buried his hand in her curls. The area surrounding them was quiet, save for Amelia's squeak of surprise when Taylor lifted her onto the hood of the car, her hands instinctively making their way to his shoulder for support, though her gaze still hadn't left his, unless you count the quick break in eye contact to let her eyes travel to his lips for a split second. At the connection of his lips to hers, her brows raised in shock, her brain trying to catch up to th
e fast paced change of events. She could pull back, yell at him for making such a move on her but she couldn't deny how good the warmth of taylor's lips felt on hers, she couldn't deny the undeniable connection the two seemed to already share, the attraction between the two was undeniable. It only took her a moment to kiss back, her hands moving up to cup Taylor's cheeks, pulling his face closer to hers as she got lost in the kiss, parting her lips slightly for him. Letting herself forget about the previous insecurities she had felt after she had upset Taylor, letting herself get lost in his lips, the way he smelled, and the way his stubble felt under her touch. Her legs resting on either sides of his hips, one of them curling around him to pull him impossibly closer, their bodies now pressed together fully. Amelia's back straightened so she could deepen the kiss a bit, trying to soak up every ounce of Taylor as she could get. Not wanting to miss out on this opportunity that could very well be once in a lifetime for her, not knowing how the rest of their night would go, not knowing whether he would decide to just go home after all this, though she was hoping that wasn't the case. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/25/2023 15:04
Taylor was losing himself in the enthralling sensations, a welcome escape from the incessant thoughts plaguing his mind. Amelia’s hands on his cheeks felt electric, sending shivers down his spine as he drew her closer with a firm hand. The kiss wasn’t gentle, his lips fully claimed hers, his tongue exploring her mouth. His hand buried in her curls, massaging her head. Even if the world were to end in that very moment, nothing could pull Taylor away from her. It was a new kind of drug, erasing the memories of the past like a tornado. Amidst the desire, a twinge of guilt overwhelmed him. Amelia’s leg on his back made him push a little more forward, a heavy breath escaping him. As much as Taylor wished to stay in that moment and let his thoughts vanish until sunrise, guilt crept in. His hand slid up her back to the other side of her head, finally holding Amelia’s head as he pulled away. Breathing heavily, he pressed his forehead against hers, eyes closed, trying to find himself back to reality. “I’m so sorry, Amelia,” he said, his voice deep and slightly raspy. Still catching his breath, he continued, “I should’ve never jumped onto you like this. I should’ve never lashed out like this. Truth is, I’m stuck in my personal hell, and this is the first time in two years I have felt alive again.” He pushed himself away, still holding Amelia’s head with both of his big, rough hands, looking directly into her eyes. His face carried a hint of sadness, but one corner of his lips was slightly raised. His breathing slowed down even as his heart beat dangerously fast. After a last look, he let go of her, taking a small step backward, painfully aware of the emptiness filling his chest as the heat of her body left him. “I’m sorry for your husband. Two years ago, I should’ve died in that armored van. I did die in that armored van,” his words didn’t make a lot of sense, but he needed to explain himself. He rubbed the back of his head, looking up at the starry sky again, seeking a si
gn. A sign of how to act further, as he had no idea why he did what he did and felt guilty for doing so. Shaking his head, he finally headed back to the driver’s side, already pulling the door open and looking over to Amelia. “I can take you home if you want. I’m sorry this happened,” he held onto the door handle, looking down to the ground, a sour taste filling his mouth. He never learned how to handle his feelings, leading him to this confusing moment. It was hard for him to process the nightmares of the past and the sensations of the present. It was previously so easy to get lost in Amelia’s embrace, but he understood that what he did was nowhere near respectful. He couldn’t remember if he ever let himself go over a woman like this, even as a known player in the past. Despite the guilt, he clung to the hope that there was still a way to feel alive again, letting a spark of life flicker in his soul. The thoughts of killing himself before looked silly now; there was still a will to live in Taylor. He only needed to survive the night.
Amelia Belmore BOT 11/27/2023 16:44
As Taylor pulled away Amelia was breathless, her heart drumming against her rib cage as if it were trying to escape and follow after him. Moving to rest her forehead against his. “You don't have to apologize” she reassured softly, her hand still resting on Taylor's cheek. Her thumb moving to run along his cheekbone. His scent was intoxicating, wrapping around her like a warm blanket that she never wanted to leave. She could see herself happily staying in his presence for the rest of the night. Though, that delusion was soon shattered as she watched as taylor pushed himself away from her, the aura around her suddenly feeling cold without the closeness that Taylor had previously granted. She watched him intently, slowly sliding herself off the hood of the car. Her head tilted curiously at his explanation, trying to decipher what his words would have meant, but she came up blank and just gave him a soft smile instead. “Hey, look at me” she spoke, moving a few steps closer to him but giving him his space should he need it,, her tone was soft, as if trying to reassure him with just the tone of her voice. “I don't want to go home” she started, taking a deep breath. “If what you did wasn't welcomed I wouldn't have kissed back, and I surely wouldn't have let it go in for as long as it did” her cheeks turned a bit red as she thought back to their kiss. “I promised you the best night of your life, and I intend to still follow through with that” Amelia wished there was something she could do to take Taylor's worries and pain away, but unfortunately that's not how life worked. Though she was determined to give him at least one night where he didn't have to think about the things that haunted him. After a moment of silence she decided to speak again. “For what it's worth, I'm glad you didn't die that day” and she was. Despite the many turns tonight had taken, she can't remember a night where she felt so…. alive, at least since her husband died. @Princess Taiga
Taylor 'TJ' Eastman BOT 11/27/2023 18:56
Taylor finally re-entered the car, seizing a moment of solitude while Amelia remained outside. Leaning back against the seat, he allowed his hands to rest on the steering wheel. It didn't take long for him to notice the bruises and wounds on his right hand, a sigh escaping him as he quickly attempted to clean them up with the inside of his flannel shirt. However, the damage couldn't be undone, and he had to accept the injury. Although Amelia's earlier words were intended to calm him, the way she phrased them made it seem as if she wanted to ensure he had the best night solely because of his distress. He closed his eyes as he waited for Amelia to return to the car and fasten her seatbelt. Trying to muster the internal strength to improve his behavior from before, Taylor was convinced that he needed to step up his game. His upbringing implied that it was his responsibility to ensure Amelia had a great night, not the other way around. After collecting himself, he opened his eyes, put on his seatbelt, turned off the emergency lights, and turned to Amelia with a small smirk. "Let's finally go to the place you wanted. If you tie me up and kidnap me there, I wouldn't complain," a slip of his boyish joking came through as he looked at Amelia, a big grin on his face without a single hint of apology behind his somewhat dirty remark. Taylor checked every mirror again before finally starting the car and driving off. With only a few miles left until they reached the place Amelia mentioned, he couldn't figure out their destination, as he usually drove much farther on this road without stopping this close. However, the word of a woman was an order, and he would do anything to make Amelia happy, even if he hadn't realized this fact yet. As he drove, he made sure Amelia's seat heating was on and clicked around the radio to find the channel she had turned on previously. Although sorrow still gripped his heart, he tried to appear relaxed. The pain in his back persisted, especially a
fter lifting Amelia, but he was determined to hide it, not wanting to add any more bad mood to the evening. He had to be strong enough to tame his demons for just one night. The car's interior fell quiet for a moment as one of the songs on the radio ended, leaving them with the low hum of the road outside. Taylor gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white from the pressure, but they suddenly relaxed as he heard the first notes of a new song. The soft humming filled the interior, and Taylor's grin reappeared with a new brightness. Leaning forward, he turned up the volume, sending a mischievous glance towards Amelia. A spark in his soul reignited, bringing back old memories of his high school years. The song on the radio was "Fantasy" by Mariah Carey, and nothing could make Taylor forget even a single word of the lyrics. "Oh, when you walk by every night," Taylor's deep voice erupted in the car as he dramatically turned his head toward Amelia. "Talking sweet and looking fine." After the distraction, he kept his eyes on the road but continued singing every word of the song without missing a beat. He made a show with his singing, ensuring to match the expressions Mariah Carey made in the music video, also pouting his lips and squinting his eyes. Suddenly, he felt seventeen again, standing in front of a girl in the middle of the school hallway, holding a big boombox on his shoulder, singing his soul out. Overhearing how the girls went crazy over Cameron Crowe with the boombox in his hands, he thought it was the best way to ask a girl out to prom. Choosing the song was easy—it was one of his mother’s favorite songs, and he knew the words by heart since childhood.
Now, sitting in a car, driving through the night, after all the years, he delivered yet another performance of the song. It didn't matter how silly it looked; he possessed the confidence to pull off such idiotic things, and his boyish charm helped him with that. He knew he probably looked like an absolute creep, but in the moment, he didn't care, giving his best to provide the performance of his life for Amelia. The song soon ended, leaving Taylor with a smirk as he turned the volume down and pretended he didn't know what happened, looking more serious while driving the car. It was now the time to play it cool and not acknowledge his previous performance. Not long after, they finally reached the hill, and Taylor parked the car off the road. He didn't wait long, already turning off the engine and getting out of the car. He packed the keys inside the pocket of his pants, looking over to Amelia as she emerged. "I have to make sure you won't drive off without me," he smirked and winked towards her as he walked up to her side, waiting for her to lead the way. "Lead the way, Amelia."
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