The west is hot as hell, it always is. Especially when there’s barely enough AC left from the generators chugging down gas to stay alive. Only the fancy places have it too, and summer was one of the seasons it wasn’t best to be in, but then what else could you do when the city a couple hundred miles is swamped with creatures that bite and make you something you never dreamed of being?… In the bad way of course. This was like any day, posters of some good and some poorly taken photos of “Shoot for Some Loot!” Posters that lined up the board of the local saloon. The bigger the vermin, the higher the price for it. Some went into thousands, and they were lucky to have a second city to spend it in. And today was like any other. Running slow, bar flys gone, hot summer sun beating. There was a clunk of heavy boots along the wooden porch, the jingle of metal brushing up and down as she pushed open the door to the saloon. Bless the sun, bless summer, but winter was her favorite. She took the black satin cowboy hat from her head, frizzy ginger hair appearing as she stepped inside of the saloon, keeping the hat by her side as she took a seat at the counter. She then set the cap on her lap while undoing the black bandana from the lower half of her face before she spoke to the bar maid.
“Whiskey, please. Lime if you got any.”
She mumbled, southern drawl sliding words off the tongue.