The main investigator would the sigh just wishing this person was caught. "Sir we looked into the person's virtual info, and the lastest she had been with was a person named White_Dragon." One of the officers would mention, as he gives the list to him. Finally after all this time they finally found a clue to stopping this once, and for all. "Celeste I want you to find this person's address, and get him in for interrogation, and that's an order." The main investigator says feeling relief for once finally.
"One problem to that sir. We tried doing that, and it looks like he doesn't have an address in his account..." The officer replies giving bad news to both Celeste, and the main investigator. The main investigator was in shock, but in more in disappointment. "Though, we might have something worth something to maybe lead on. In their private dms they had mention they were gonna meet up tonight at a tavern in Fantasy realm to hangout. Maybe one of us can make an account, and go in to talk to this person?" The officer suggested. It wasn't an awful idea, but who would go into this virtual world, and make this suggestion a plan.
The main investigator would look around the room, and then look Detective Celeste, as he smirks. "Celeste you're going into the virtual realm, and be talking to this person. Who ever he is he's a suspect, or perhaps the killer that's been doing all of this. We can set you up with a device in the police station, so we can monitor you from the real world. This is an order, so everyone let's get this clean up, and get to work. Officer I want you to get a new headset for Celeste to use at the station. Alright let's go people we have a murderer to catch." The main investigator shouts, and announces.
Who was this White_Dragon though you may wonder? Well is was no other then Arthur Simon who loves to be in the virtual world. Loved meeting new people, and for once being free from the real world.
@𝓢𝓪𝓫𝓫𝔂 𝓢𝓴𝔂𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓮𝓻