Captured. He was ashamed of himself. How could a holy knight of his caliber be captured by such weak forces? He remembered the battle clearly:
Dark forces had begun their assault on the kingdom. Hordes of infernal shadows and evil beings marched in droves towards the powerful city-state of Asteria. Being the captain of the armed forces, Art led the charge. Incubi, succubi, imps, and large, slow beasts seemed to make up the majority of the army. A rather weak showing from the supposed Queen of Darkness, he had thought.
His army easily dispatched the forces of Darkness and stood victorious with only minor injuries to speak of. Art would return a hero of the kingdom yet again and he would embrace his fiancee, the princess. Or... that's what he thought was going to happen. In the celebration, he had failed to notice the growing shadow underneath him. In an instant, tendrils of shadow reached up and wrapped around him before dragging him down.
When he awoke, he found himself chained up in a dungeon.
Any semblance of magic or strength he had were sapped, most likely by some spell or perhaps even the cuffs around his wrists that held him against the wall. So, now he waited. He had a hunch that the Dark Queen had grabbed him when his guard was down, but as for why? He was unsure. He would find out soon, though.