As Will took a deep, appreciative breath of the cool morning air, the hairs on the back of his neck began to twitch. Then his feet registered the soft tremors of hooves, and as he finally turned around, the man was face to face with a fairly large buck. It's hooves were raised, and it's antlers were coming down on him. Fast. He barely had a moment to step to the side, the sharp jagged edges of the animal's crown. As the two squared up again, Will held out his hands and began to speak softly. "Hey buddy, relax~ Relax~ I'm not here to hurt you ok? You're ok.." His voice was barely a whisper... but it seemed to reach the creature as it huffed loudly, stomping its hooves into the rocks as it settled down, allowing the man to pick up the bundle of twigs and logs he had dropped.
As he stood back on his feet, he held out a hand to gently rub the buck's snout, again speaking softly as he did. "There you go buddy... that scream startle you? Me too bud... must be one of the village girls, going too far to forage again I bet." Will's voice was like a sweet melody, and the soft glint in the creature's eye's told him that the thing had no clue what he was saying. Will sighed soflty before looking deeper into the forest, not exactly sure where that voice was... or how someone else had made it this far in.
Eventually, the sun began to fall, as day came to noon and soon an orange glow begun to fill woods. Soon, the biting winds began to cut through the thick bush lands, and Astrid's dress and furs proved not thick enough. At the same time, Will had gotten himself completely lost, treading past unfamiliar and strangely twisted trees. Strangely enough though, the buck hadn't left his side, instead walking next to him, and in some cases showing him the easiest path through these strange woods. "I'm glad I got you mate. Think I'll call you Compass. Well compass, vocal rest's over." He huffed out as he shook his empty canteen, sighing as he took one more deep breath in