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Archive 23 / plan-f
Triggers: erotica, smut, pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, alcohol, drug, cursing, abusive language, TBD
Asa Christensen BOT 26-Jul-23 05:27 AM
It had been sometime since he started with the Xyloc group back in the middle of summer, but as winter seemed to approach, he had finally gotten comfortable at his post. As professional I.T. for the company, it would be his and one other person's job to make sure that all the systems were running perfectly for the thousands and thousands of works that were running their data entry software through their VPNs and systems. He had a wealth of knowledge in the I.T. world, but coming to a new job after working with his previous for almost 10 years before that was a bit of a switch, but nothing out of the ordinary in the I.T. world. Most of the systems were the same and any new stuff he had to learn was just a Google search away. He would smiled as he typed away at one of the remote servers. Today was a day of celebration, the management group had decided to throw a little celebration for the two of them, both of them hired at the same time to work the I.T. program after changes were made internally, but now they were out of their probation period and now full time Xyloc employees. He smiled as he looked up and seen the activity going the right direction, but poked his head to the side of the server when he heard the door open, "Hey, you..."
Naima Grant BOT 26-Jul-23 08:34 AM
"Asaaaa!" Naima grinned as bright as the sun as she walked up to him, practically vibrating with excitement. "Guess who just got promoted!" For whatever reason, she'd been called into their manager's office in the middle of the party. Did she think he wanted something a little spicier than a promotion? Yes. But more money was never something to complain about. "That's right. Me. You are looking at the new Executive Assistant to the head manager of the entire IT department! Isn't that insane?" She pulled down on her tight little black pencil skirt and hopped onto the desk he was sitting at.
Asa Christensen BOT 26-Jul-23 08:43 AM
"Promotions!" He woulc exclaim, throwing his hands up in an excited manner as he did, "And EA to the HM of the IT? So, that means, you are working with me directly now?" He smirked as he went back to the computer a second, typing a few things before closing the lid to the laptop and spinning his chair around to meet her gaze as she sat on the desk. His 6'2" frame stretched out from under the cramped small desk that he had been working on as he looked up and gave a soft stretch. He had been sitting there a little while. "So, when do you start over here," he asked with a smile, "Today?"
Naima Grant BOT 26-Jul-23 08:53 AM
"It means I'm gonna be watching youuuu like a hawk." She grinned and let her eyes scan over his stretched out frame. "God I always forget how tall you are." At a very petite 5'3, Asa towered over her no matter what position they were in and even if her hair added an inch or two. "I'm kidding about watching over you, but I can schedule your meetings with the head honcho with you in mind instead of him. Don't tell him though."
Asa Christensen BOT 27-Jul-23 01:31 AM
He would giggle at her commenting about his height, she always seemed to do that. He didn't know if she was smitten by it or was just truly amazed. He wasn't the tallest guy in the world, but in this industry, he was above average. He would put his hands up like a caught prisoner when she said that she would be watching him like a hawk, "I got nothing," he said with a smile, "And you will not get a word out of me..." "That would actually be nice," he would agree in reference to the meetings with the head manager, "However, I think we might be working a little closer than that. I guess you will be the one who will be getting the daily reports and sending them to the boss?" He smiled as he would grab a stack of papers, "Speaking of which..." handing them over, "That is the last of my duties for the day, wanna drop those off at your new desk and we can go see what kinda of cake is left?"
Naima Grant BOT 27-Jul-23 03:08 AM
"This stack is comically huge. I gotta figure out how to put this into reports?" She pouted softly and took the stack of papers. "Thank god for google. You've given me my first job as EA. I hope you feel honored." She teased and carefully slid back off of his desk with another adjustment to her skirt. "Lead the way Asa. I want cake and booze. I hope there's something better than beer left. I haven't met a beer yet that I like." Tequila though? She'd drink any tequila down like it was flavored water. "What are the chances we see some of our coworkers getting a little messy tonight? My money's on Jason. He seems like a lightweight."
Asa Christensen BOT 27-Jul-23 03:15 AM
"You know," he said with a smile, "I bet it is one of the older ones that get tore up. You know how the older folks, myself included, like to get wasted at company parties... I am just surprised they allowed it to happen on site." He would swipe his badge and hold the door open for Naima as the two of them would walk into a bigger room. This room was meant to held as a classroom of sorts for training new hires that would be coming into the company, but it appeared that everything had been moved out of the way so the group could set up there party. Food and alcohol were already flowing as they walked in as catering and a free open bar was present.
Naima Grant BOT 27-Jul-23 03:25 AM
"Asa you are absolutely not old! I mean older than me sure but you've got half your life left!" Naima teased as she followed him out, dropping the papers on her desk before they entered the training room where the party was in full swing. "I don't consider someone old until they're at the age where I wouldn't screw them anymore." It was a completely silly and arbitrary metric that she'd just made up to flirt with him. Which she'd been doing since they were both hired on. Not that it had ever amounted to anything. Yet. She still had all the hope in the world. He was a hot, older, single guy, and Naima was a hot, younger, single girl. As far as she was concerned, they were 100% compatible for fucking around, and she was eager to test her theory. "I see the tequilaaaa." She chimed when she spotted the open bar. "Take a shot with me Asa, we're here to celebrate-!...wait wait maybe that's not on-the-clock behavior." She cleared her throat and stood up straight. "Let us get a drink, colleague of mine." @Jake
Asa Christensen BOT 27-Jul-23 03:32 AM
Asa would give olut an almost snort laugh at her standing and being professional, but he would agree as they began to walk over to the bar. It was just a little plastic table that was set up. A younger man was bartending and would be giving out drinks across the table for some kind of travelling set up behind him, "Two tequila, and put it on her tab..." Asa laughed cause he thought it was funny, but the bartender gave him a fake laugh like he had heard it a million times tonight... "Sheesh, tough crowd," He would say to Naima as he handed her a shot, "Maybe I should leave the Dad jokes for people who enjoy them... But, wait, what was that you said about wanting to screw me?" He gave her a smirk as he downed his shot...
Naima Grant BOT 27-Jul-23 04:16 AM
"Oh as if you haven't heard it before." She took her shot right after, face contorting with the strong flavor and burn in her throat. "Damn that's just as nasty as ever." She turned a mischievous smile up to her coworker and friend though. "The real question is when are you gonna let me?"
Asa Christensen BOT 27-Jul-23 04:23 AM
She was straight forward, he would give her that, but he had always taken it as just workplace flirtation and banter. The idea of an actual night with her had never really crossed his mind, so he would just smirk and laugh it off as he would grimace the taste of the alcohol away from his face. "Why do you drink this stuff," he would ask with a sour face, "It is awful and burns... Here, we will try something different. I bet you will love this..." He would walk back over to the bartender, "Can I get two shots of creme bourbon?"
Naima Grant BOT 27-Jul-23 04:34 AM
"It's what I know." She laughed and shrugged. It was the first thing she tried at 18 at her first college party, and she'd just stuck with it. "Ya know, my momma always told me never to mix light and dark liquor. Stick with one drink and drink that all night. I was never one to follow the rules though." She added with a grin as she sidled up to him, close, but with enough distance that people wouldn't question anything between them. Office romances were strictly forbidden. Company policy stated one or both employees could be terminated for being involved. And Naima loved her job as much as she needed it. That wasn't to say that nobody broke the rules. She knew of at least two couples within the company, the most surprising being that of a match between someone in HR and someone in Legal. Maybe they figured they could just get away with it with the knowledge between them. Naima didn't think she'd be so lucky. "Creme bourbon huh? and sophisticated." @Jake
Asa Christensen BOT 27-Jul-23 04:40 AM
"It is not," he would joke, "It is definitely a very mellow drink. Imagine if someone put alcohol in chocolate milk. Then forget how disgusting that sounds..." He gave her the shot and would make eye contact with her. Lord knows she was a very pretty girl, but no young girl would could for an older guy like him right? He was 36 this year, she had to be almost 10 years his junior. She couldn't find that 'sexy' at all. That was for made up smut stories online and porn. That never happened in real life. The two of them would kick back the shot... "That is a sneaky drunk if I have ever had one..."
Naima Grant BOT 27-Jul-23 04:50 AM
"Okay that does sound terrible." She said and laughed. "I'll try anything once though. Twice even." And then she tossed her shot back with him. It still wasn't enjoyable, but it was way better than the straight tequila from before. "You are a genius. See this is why I go for older guys. They've got the experience to lead me in the right direction. The wisdom." The ability to work her over with precision and expertise because they'd done it so many times before and just knew what made a pretty girl tick. Or cry out. Or cum insanely hard and ruin the sheets and comforter. She thought to herself that if she couldn't convince Asa into her bed, it might be time to call up an old flame. This little dry spell she'd forced upon herself in pursuit of her coworker was getting old and she was getting desperate. "Definitely the kind of thing that would have me wasted before I even knew it. Good choice." @Jake
Asa Christensen BOT 01-Aug-23 08:57 AM
"Come on," he would call out, the small amount of alcohol in him already making him come out of his shell slightly, "You can't mean that about older guys... We are experienced sure, but I am sure you much rather have some young eye candy to look at. Plus, I bet they would be a better lay anyway, I focus on other stuff too much..." He didn't wanna go into detail, but he would smile at her as he would grab another drink, this time just something to sip on, a Smirnoff, that sat swimming in a barrel of ice.
Naima Grant BOT 01-Aug-23 09:03 AM
"Now what could that possibly mean?" Naima asked, absolutely intrigued by this 'other stuff' Asa so mysteriously mentioned. She grabbed a Smirnoff for herself, the peach lemonade flavor which was very typical of a mid-20s woman if you asked any of the other guys in the office. She was fine with being the average 20s-something woman though. "Come ooooon Asa, you can't say something like that and then not elaborate. I'm dying to know." The bartender wasn't a company employee, but they were talking about something that wasn't entirely appropriate for the office, so she tugged him off to the side a little so they wouldn't be overhead.
Naima Grant BOT 01-Aug-23 09:10 AM
Asa Christensen BOT 01-Aug-23 09:15 AM
"Listen," he said as he would take another sip of his drink, contemplating how he would word things, "We are not in an H.R. setting right now, so I don't want my words to be lead ascue, understood?" Once he would get confirmation and they would find a little area off to themselves, he would sigh before he began to speak, "I swear to God, you start laughing, I will walk away and never speak to you again," he said, looking stern, "Well, for the rest of the day at least..." He would take one more drink before looking at her directly, "Like, when I am with someone, their needs come first. No matter how fucking long it takes. No pun intended. Like, I would rather use my mouth and fingers than I would my cock. And I know how younger women are... They want to blow, fuck, and go..."
Naima Grant BOT 01-Aug-23 09:28 AM
Mid-sip, Naima found herself stopping, eyebrows raising in surprise. It's not like what he was saying was completely shocking, she just wasn't used to hearing it with her own two ears from the source of an older man. It was always through her friends who'd managed to bag a gentleman themselves here and there. She eventually managed to lower her bottle and drum her fingers along the bottle of it as she thought over her next words. She wanted to be coy, alluring. But she was at a bit of a loss because she was already attracted to her coworker to begin with. " that so, Asa?" She settled on. "And...what do you think I want?"
Naima Grant BOT 01-Aug-23 12:20 PM
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 01:19 AM
"You," he said, looking back at her with a nervousness feeling his body that he tried to hide, "Seem like you want nothing I have to offer. Let's be honest, Naima, other than some fun office flirting, there is nothing here, right?" Asa's self confidence had always been a bit of an issue and now, it was playing with his head. The alcohol helped a little bit, but he knew that someone as stunning as her couldn't want him, and he would verbalize this... "Look at you, you are stunning, gorgeous," he said with a smile, "You probably want another younger guy who has that to offer, a semi decent lay with looks that you can hang from your arm..."
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 03:06 AM
It was strange to her to hear self-confidence issues from a guy like him. In her mind, he was attractive, intelligent, experienced, well-dressed. What was there to be self-conscious about? She smiled as his compliments and took another sip of her drink just to let it all wash over her for a second because she wanted to be liked by Asa. Very much so. "Why would I flirt with you and want nothing else? Especially so insistently. Honestly? I'd follow you home tonight if you'd let me."
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 03:24 AM
Those words ran through his ears in the moment, he couldn't help but smile at those words. But, did she really mean it or was she playing games? "Really?" he said with a smirk, the confidence seeming to pour back into him for a moment, she seemed sincere, he would test it, "What's stopping you then?" He would give her a raise eyebrow before continuing, "I mean, besides, what could someone like you see in me?"
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 03:34 AM
"There is absolutely nothing stopping me." She answered back, quick and confident herself. She leaned closer to him, clinking the necks of their bottles together. "I'm just waiting on your invitation. A girl wants to feel wanted you know. I don't wanna be a pest you're trying to get off your back." He'd already called her attractive, so she was pretty sure he wanted her. Still, she wanted to hear the words, and she wasn't beyond asking, commanding for a moment. "Tell me to come home with you Asa. Show me what you have to offer firsthand." Would he take the bait? God she hoped so. @Jake
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 03:42 AM
"I mean," he said with a smirk, the nervousness of the amount setting in again, but he was quick to try and shake it off, "If someone was to tell me what they truly saw in me... maybe I wouldn't just feel like a pity lay..." He finished off what was left in his bottle before looking back at her, leaning in close before he would whisper, "You tell me that, I believe I could make you come multiple times tonight... and not just coming home with me..."
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 03:52 AM
"You are so hot." Naima giggled and finished off her drink as well, uncaring of how ditzy she probably sounded and looked in that moment. Maybe he'd like that and wanna fuck her even more. Whatever it took. Lay it on thick, Naima. "I think you're hot. I think you're smart. And I have a very strong feeling that you know how to use those fingers and tongue and what I'm sure is a very hard cock to make a girl feel really good. I like a man with experience Asa, and I think you have it." She widened her eyes, batting those pretty long lashes of hers, deceptively sweet smile curving her lips up because it usually worked on the guys she wanted to bed. Don't fail me now, Nai. "Would you like me to beg, Mr. Christensen? Because I will if it means you take me home."
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 04:08 AM
"And if I said I did," he would smirk as he looked down at her, the height difference between the two showing very much in these tight corners, "Would you beg for me? Would you get on your knees for me?" He was certainly feeling the alcohol in the moment and the feeling that she was geniunely into him sent shivers through his body that he did his best to hide, but seeing those eyes looking up at him, batting away. All he wanted to do was to see those eyes rolling in the back of her head. "How about we go back to the server room?" he said with a smile, "Probably wouldn't be the best for you to get on your knees and beg for me here..."
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 04:35 AM
"I would." She answered easily, and she couldn't blame it on the alcohol either. While she was a commanding presence at work, behind closed doors she could get pretty submissive. And she liked it that way. She liked to flip the script and give someone the pleasure of taking control when she'd never let that happen in public. But something about Asa had her knees weak and willing to buckle wherever he asked. In the middle of a work function? Hell, anything was possible. "The server room sounds like a brilliant idea Asa. Please lead the way." She did take a moment to glance around them and make sure no one was really paying attention, but then she looked back up at him with an eager smile. "Let's go."
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 04:42 AM
Asa would smile, grabbing their trash and bottles, disposing of them as they would continue back down the hallway they originally came from. While, there was an excitement between them, it seemed to remain a hushed excitement in the moment. Like two kids rushing off and knowing what was coming next. He looked over at her as they moved towards the room, "Stay right here for a moment," he would say, "I have to do something first... I promise I will be right back..." He walked off into the server room, quickly moving to a server in the back of the room that he would know as the cameras for the area. As he would move back to the cameras, he would do something that he had done a dozen times before, turn off the cameras, but manipulate them to run the same footage of an empty room over and over again. Privacy and comfort in knowing they would not be recorded. After a couple of minutes, he would move to the door, opening it slightly for her to come in and as she would walk in. He would walk over to the desk in the room, sitting down on it and look at her, "Now, beg..."
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 05:25 AM
Naima waited outside, trying not to let her nerves get the best of her. What if someone came through on their way back to their own desk to get something and asked why she was standing in the middle of the hall? What could she say? "Oh I just...needed some air." Or maybe "I thought I dropped my keycard around here." Luckily, she didn't get caught by anyone. She didn't even have to wait long before Asa was tugging her into the server room and sitting in a very comfy looking chair, legs spread in a way that made her mouth water. Now, beg... It sounded like a command and she was willing to obey. Her eyes lowered, she bit down into a pouty lower lip, drinking in the sight of such a masculine presence. Everything about him made her heart race. Made her cunt ache. Square, intelligent glasses that framed a face full of strong features. That beard with a little red in it. Thick, muscled arms covered in tattoos that only the head of IT could get away with showing off at the office seeing as the livelihood of the company was really in his hands. And his hands. They could cover so much of her with ease. He could grasp the full of her tits in those hands. Just once could probably make it nearly around her throat. Everything about him was thick down to his waist and the thighs on him she knew could provide the force she needed to really take it all. Every last thick inch of what she knew had to be more cock than she'd ever taken before. All of this had her aching. And he hadn't even done anything to her. Yet. At his command, she walked around to his side of the desk and leaned back against it a little to peer down at him the little she could with the minimal amount of height she now had over him. She licked her lips and smiled that deceptively innocent smile again before she lowered down to her own knees in front of him. "Please Mr. Christensen. What can I do to get you to take me home? I'll do anything."
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 05:37 AM
Walking through the room was enough to just set his world on fire, but now, she was actually giving into his commands, she was truly begging for it. He smiled as he watched her, almost playfully, come to the desk where he had found a seat in the comfort of the chair, before he would indeed sit very provocatively. Watching her bite down on her pouty lip did things to him that he couldn't even describe, but he could already feel him becoming hard. Not like it was hard with the constant flirting between the two of them. He smiled up at her, but once she got on her knees in front of him, he almost had to stop a moan from his escaping his lips. "Why do you want to wait that long for?" he said with a smile, "No one can see us... Why don't you just show me what you want?"
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 05:53 AM
"Aren't there cameras in here?" She tilted her head in confusion. She was already doing something inappropriate by getting down on her knees at all, but she could find a way to pass that off if questioned. Doing more than that though? Doing what she wanted to do? There was no way to spin that if she got called into HR.
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 05:56 AM
"Cameras are off," he said with a smile, "Not a word, sound, or motion is being captured in this room or surrounding rooms. Not that anyone would be able to hear us under the volume of the servers." He motioned around him to all the servers that were peacefully humming away. "You have me all to yourself," he said with a confident smirk, "Is that not what you wanted?"
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 06:07 AM
"Perks of being the guy in charge huh?" She grinned and placed her hands on Asa's strong thighs. "This is exactly what I wanted. Can't believe I'm actually getting it now honestly. Am I allowed to just cut to the chase or should we continue with this flirting Mr. Christensen?"
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 06:11 AM
"We are following your lead, Ms. Grant," he would say with a confident smile, "If you want to play this game, we can play as long as you want... however..." He would lean forward, his forehead pressing into hers softly from the seating position, moving himself back from her a little bit, "If you would rather I make you cum harder than you have ever come before as quickly as possible, you can get your ass on top of this desk and pull that miniskirt up." With that, he would give her a soft kiss on the forehead before resting back in his seat, "Your choice..."
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 06:46 AM
"I wanna show you that I'm serious." She reached out for the belt on his slacks, trying to be bold even now that she'd already started to retreat into her more submissive nature under his gaze. She pulled the buckle open and dragged the zipper down before peeking back up at him with a smirk. "Nice boxers. I like the little diamond pattern Mr. Christensen."
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 06:58 AM
"Would you be surprised to hear that I didn't pick them out for this occasion?" He would smirk, relaxing back in the chair, he could only watch at this point, she knew what she wanted and she was going to let her have it, "But, I know you are very serious now, but I wanna see how serious you will get for me..." He smiled as he would lift himself from the chair slightly, letting her pull the pants down to however she wanted. His diamond patterned boxer briefs held the story though. He was beyond hard at this point. He was never hard to get hard, he could get a stiffie just thinking sometimes, so all the flirting, anticipation, and build, he showed. His cock would almost be too well defined in the elastic of the boxers, he was not long, maybe 5 or 6 inches, but his cock was indeed very thick. Almost looked like a water bottle stuffed in his boxers.
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 07:31 AM
"Jesus this thing is huge." She mumbled it almost as if she didn't realize she was speaking out loud as she ran a hand over the thick imprint in his boxers. "Seriously Asa, my imagination failed me miserably when it comes to this. How is it even gonna fit?" She was eyeing his cock like if she blinked too much she'd wake from a dream. "In my mouth or anywhere else. Maybe it'll be fun for you to try and make it fit though hm? I think that would be fun." She was trying to sus out just how far his dominant nature would go with a statement like that and she just hoped his limits would come close to where hers were as she got him to lift his hips again so that she could pull the waistband of his boxers down as well, eyes widening in excitement when his dick was revealed to her. "My mouth is literally watering."
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 07:39 AM
As she ran her hand over his cock, he couldn't help the soft moan, almost growl, that came from his lips. Pair that with the words and praise that she was giving and he was done for. He was putty in her hands at this point. He smiled at her as she asked how it was going to fit, "We will definitely have to make some lubrication for it," he said softly, "Maybe you could make it wet yourself." As she would begin to pull at the waistband of his boxer, he would again shift in his seat to allow her a little more room without restricting himself, but as he popped out, he didn't think she would ready, but the look in her eyes. His cock would almost spring forward, standing tall by itself. Veins would shine off of either side all the way down to the tuft of pubic hair that covered his base. He smiled at her as he would let his hand fall to it softly, gently stroking it in front of her just to wipe it down.
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 08:15 AM
"Mhmm I think you're right Asa. I could prepare us both for a great time..." She was quick to move his hand out of the way wrapping hers around the base of his cock instead and marveling for just a second at how small it looked next to him, how much prettier her french manicure with a glittery accent line looked with him as an accessory. "God why can't this just be my job. Personal stress-reliever for the head of IT. I'd even take a pay cut for it." She absolutely would not, but her logical brain wasn't speaking right now. Nope, this was all pussy talk. "Mr. Christensen, you don't mind if I just..." She started and then leaned forward to lave her tongue along the underside of his cock like she was born to do it.
Asa Christensen BOT 02-Aug-23 08:18 AM
"I won't complain if this happens more often in my..." a moan would interrupt him as she wrap her hand around his cock, "lifetime... Keep doing that..." He would watch her for a moment as she almost seemed to be studying it before she looked up at him and asked if he would mind and suddenly he would feel the warmness of her tongue run under the underside of him. He moaned with pleasure, "Not at all..."
Naima Grant BOT 02-Aug-23 09:05 AM
It twisted heat in her stomach to hear him moan over such a simple touch. It twisted heat and lit a fire in her. She kissed over a throbbing vein just to be sweet before she thought to stop wasting time. She wanted a real taste and she had no idea how long they really had. So she opened her mouth and wrapped her glossy lips around his cock next. Just to get the head and first inch in was a bit of a stretch she was pleased to feel and the mildly salted flavor of his pre was a relief to taste. Finally a man who drinks water. And when he told her to keep going, she did, pushing forward to fit another two or so inches until he cock was nudging the back of her narrow throat. And the she looked up at him, eyes sparkling and clearing begging for praise as she swallowed around him.
Asa Christensen BOT 03-Aug-23 01:35 AM
He would watch her move her mouth around his cock, the warmth of her lips surrounding him in the moment, he couldn't help but smile as his head would fall back with a loud moan. He was in heaven, no denying that, but as he would look down and catch her eyes again, the two would share a moment. Only two words would come to his lips in the moment as he watched her, "Good girl..." His hand would fall to her cheek, stroking it lightly as he did, before moving to her hair and letting his hand wave through it.
Naima Grant BOT 03-Aug-23 02:39 AM
Naima's eyes fell shut in an instant. Good girl... All she ever wanted to hear when she was on her knees. She felt a tingling sensation she missed entirely too much rush through her body, and she moaned, soft and long and needy. That's right. She needed this. The praise was almost a bigger reward than an orgasm would be for her. She was in heaven. And she wanted to work hard to stay there. So she pushed forward the little bit more she could, taking in his thick cock until she was gagging around it and whimpering pathetically because she couldn't quite bury her nose in the dark hair at his base. She could bob her head though. She could slurp up the shiny spit that was dripping down his shaft. She could wrap her delicate fingers around his base to stroke what couldn't fit in her mouth. And she could keep her pretty brown eyes on his. And that's exactly what she did.
Asa Christensen BOT 03-Aug-23 02:50 AM
He felt her mouth tighten around him again and soon the soft sounds of a gag and whimpering would follow would send him into a place that he never thought he could get too. His hand would follow to the back of her head, slowly moving with her as she would softly move up and down his shaft. He would grip ever so softly when he would feel the tinge of pleasure that he wanted to continue, but through his moans, he would continue offering his praise... "Do you like making me feel good, princess?" He would ask, a tinge of a moan following in the words, "Do you like being a good girl and making me feel so fucking good?"
Naima Grant BOT 03-Aug-23 03:08 AM
His words were going to her head so fast, it was making her dizzy. Or maybe it was all the blood rushing down and making her cunt throb. She wanted to reach down and push her panties to the side to just relieve some of the pressure. But she didn't. Right now, she wanted to focus solely on Asa and his big dick on her tongue and the gentle way he moaned for her. She pulled back for a moment, letting his cock slip out of her mouth and kissing the tip before she nodded and answered him obediently through the slight rasp in her throat from misuse. A through was not designed to stretch around a dick, but you couldn't tell her that. No no no, for Naima in this moment, it was the only thing her throat was designed for. "Y-yes Mr. Christensen. I want you to feel so good. Am I doing a good job?" She couldn't help but as a follow-up of her own. She'd never deny how needy she was, how desperate she was for praise. At least she wouldn't deny it if Asa asked.
Asa Christensen BOT 03-Aug-23 03:38 AM
The moans that would continue to echo under the hum of the servers around them were erotic, even he couldn't deny that. Asa would watch her, she worked for him and for him alone in the moment. He felt her eyes almost beam at him as she looked up, asking if she was doing a good job. He would smile at her, giving a soft nod of his head as another moaned would come across his lips. "You are doing so well, making me feel amazing, Naima," he said with a nod, "Such a good girl. I love the way my cock feels in your throat... But, I bet it would feel better in your pussy..."
Naima Grant BOT 03-Aug-23 05:27 AM
"Do you really think we could do it here?" She was hesitant now, worried about getting caught as if what they'd already been doing wasn't enough to get them both fired immediately. And then her demeanor shifted a little, lips pouting again as she let go of him and crossed her arms over her chest with the little defiance she still had in her. "And what about taking me home, Asa? If I bend over now, you're gonna back out of our deal." She really liked Asa, but she didn't blindly trust any man. She wanted into his bed.
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 03:41 AM
He would smiled down at her for the moment, couldn't risk their jobs, she was right, but fuck, this was fucking hot... Maybe, an idea for later when he knew that he could hide everything between the two of them. "You are right, I did promise I would take you home, right?" He said as he would sit back in his chair, "I tell you what, pretty girl, if you are truly done, you can put away your toy there and once you have me put away, we will go downstairs and call an Uber..."
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 04:35 AM
"How far is your place?" Naima asked, deciding she wasn't yet ready to put away her new 'toy'. Not when she'd just taken it out to play. She swirled her tongue delicately over the fat head of Asa's cock and looked up to him for an answer while she kept herself busy. They'd already come this far right? What was a little bit more before they changed locations?
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 04:37 AM
When he would go to speak, he would feel her run her tongue ever so lightly across the most sensitive part of his cock as he looked down at her, moaning softly before that moan would turn into words, "Not close enough," he would smirk, "But, quick enough... Maybe a 15 minute ride if the traffic is not bad..." He looked down at her and the sight of her just looking up at him melted him.
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 04:40 AM
"And if I make you cum down my throat right now, will you still be able to fuck me after that 15 minute ride home?" Naima smirked softly and kissed the underside of him, those pretty brown eyes sparkling and playful. Just a little blowjob but this was the most fun she'd ever had at work by far.
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 04:48 AM
Those eyes, they could make a sane man do terrible things, he would think to himself softly as he looked down at her. Could he go again, more than likely, would he be able to cum again, he wasn't sure. He was willing to take the risk. Hell, it had been so long since he had sex... "If you feel like you can make me cum," he said with a bit of a challenging tone, "I am sure I would be able to reward you when we get to the bed..."
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 05:09 AM
As much as Naima wanted to keep up this back and forth with Asa, her confidence waned considerably when faced with what felt like a real challenge and she worked to very carefully tuck her partners dick back into his diamond-patterned boxer briefs. "Okay, so here's the truth." She started, sparkle dimming in her eyes a bit, cheeks flushing from the growing embarrassment. "I'm...not actually that confident about my oral skills. I don't actually know if I could finish you off. Especially a man with your kind of experience." It was a lot easier for her to exude confidence in the work place when work was involved. This though? This felt like her first day on the job when she didn't know left from right in the office.
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 05:15 AM
A incredible amount of embarassment, shame, or... something went through his body in that moment, and he wasn't sure what it was. Did the talk go to far? Did the alcohol wwear off and she didn't want to do this anymore? Did he cause an issue? He looked down at her, his face and other areas would almost deflate as he looked at her with a confused stare as she would explain... "Oh, sweet Naima..." he said with a smile as he would lean forward in the chair to the girl sitting on her knees in front of him, "You sweet thing... I didn't mean it as a challenge, because you were going to be rewarded anyway it went for how amazing you are. What I meant was, I was going to call the Uber and you could do what you wanted in the mean time. I didn't mean..." He stammered for a second, stopping to look down at her cheeks, the sparkle missing from her eyes, "Oh, no... this won't do. Come here..." He would lift her chin with a finger, bringing his forehead to meet hers, "You are doing fantastic and you are amazing," he would give her a soft kiss on the lips, a spark of electricity seem to pass from him, "You are perfect."
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 05:38 AM
Naima was taken aback, genuinely surprised that Asa was being so gentle with her, so kind, so...understanding. So accommodating. And that was before he kissed her. The kiss itself sparked butterflies in her stomach that she wasn't sure she could blame on the alcohol. She really liked Asa even outside of wanting to get in his pants. A kiss like that could very easily have her fantasizing about something more she knew she could never have with him. Not to mention how embarrassing it was to be so affected by a simple kiss in the first place. This was the kind of thing guys her age were quick to tease a girl about. Rather than going down that rabbithole though, she focused her attention back to Asa. "Guys don't usually kiss me after I've had their dicks in my mouth." She laughed a little and let her eyes fall shut because his gaze was too intense in how soft it was upon her.
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 05:41 AM
"I am not most guys," he would say with a smile as he looked back into her eyes for a moment, giving her a soft forehead bump, before moving back, "If you want to stop here, I completely understand. We don't have to worry about it going forward and we can just let this be a happy little mistake." He let his fingers fall to her cheek, brushing them softly before pulling away, "Sorry, one for the road..."
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 05:58 AM
"It's not a mistake!" She rushed to say and stood up to straighten her skirt so that they could leave without looking disheveled. "It's not a mistake and I don't wanna stop here. If I can be very clear and...very forward? I want you to take me home and fuck me until I'm slurring my words and drooling all over your sheets or your couch or your goddamn kitchen counter. Wherever you choose to bend me over, I will happily bend. And then I want you to kiss me like that and tell me I did a good job before sending me on my way." That about covered it and she hoped like hell he agreed because if she had to go home and deal with this ache all on her own, she'd probably cry. "Please Asa? I told you I'm not too proud to beg."
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 06:08 AM
He would listen to her, she wasn't too proud to beg, but to hear her verbalize it all again and confirm that is what she wanted, he couldn't deny that... "No need to beg," he said with a devilious smirk, "All you had to do was say please fuck me, which you did, so..." He would casual slide his phone from the desk into his hand, pulling up an app and setting up an Uber to come and pick them up, "When you are slurring your words later, I want you to remember that you asked me to fuck you that hard..." It almost sounded like a warning, but he wanted her to know that he was into it as well, "Looks like we have about twenty minutes until it is here. You can run and grab your stuff or whatever you need," He would stand and begin to adjust himself, "I will be here waiting on you and we can take the back exit."
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 06:37 AM
She lit up again when it seemed like Asa was on board. As he ordered their rideshare, she laughed a little and nodded. "I mean don't break my back or anything. I have a girls' brunch tomorrow and don't want any speculation. I can take whatever you dish out though." The confidence was back. Whatever she lacked in skill with her mouth was always made up by the work her pussy could put in. "My stuff is at my desk. I'll be right back." She flashed him an eager smile, feeling nothing but excitement about what the night might have in store before disappearing out of the server room to go and grab her things. "Alright Naima. Keep it cool until you're out of this damn building." She mumbled to herself and reached up to drag a thumb around her lips to clear any smeared gloss.
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 06:47 AM
Most of the time that he sat there was just relieving the feeling that she gave him. He couldn't remember the last way he felt this way or had felt those kind of feelings, pleasures, emotions... Everything.... He looked at the phone, watching the Uber prepare itself and moving closer to the building, he could feel himself getting harder with each passing thought.
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 07:13 AM
"Okay I'm back!" Naima chimed, pushing back into the server room ten or so minutes later, sounding a little out of breathe as she shut the door behind her. "I got caught up by Jeremy in HR of all people. He wanted to talk all about benefits and salaries, meanwhile my thighs are literally slipping and sliding against each other. I told him to send me an email. Are we still good to go?" The excitement was really getting to her with the way she was talking a mile a minute.
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 07:25 AM
He watched her return with a smile as he looked up, and began to talk a mile a minute, "Yeah, we are still good," he said with a giggle at her excitement for the moment, "I have the Uber dude meeting us out back to avoid any further conversation, you ready to see one of the coolest things in the building? IT eyes only." Without further ado, he would stand and walk, but in the opposite direction of where she would come in at to a door that was on the backside of the server room. Among the hums of the server, the door would open with a click when he swiped his badge, stopping her from doing so to hold the story for longer. What looked like a larger storage closet, he would move to the back corner, where he would reach down to a hatch that was in the floor. Typing a code into a number lock on door, he would pull it open to reveal lights shining from below. "I promise, I am not abducting you," he would say, which in hindsight, might not have been the best thing to say, but the next sight she would see is a underground corridor, concrete walkway that was about four people wide and about ten feet tall. This path had lights over head every couple of feet and pipes, wires, and all kinds of other things running through it. "The original IT guy showed me this," he said with a smile, "It is a underground pathway between this building and the parking garage next door that they used for utilities. You can reach the parking garage on the other side of the street and run into no one from the building."
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 07:38 AM
"Are you sure you're not abducting me?" Naima asked, trying to sound playful even though this secret hatch and tunnel situation was freaking her out a little bit. "Who knew being in IT came with a side skill of navigating secret tunnels like a treasure hunter? This is feeling very Indiana Jones or National Treasure to me Asa." Her voice even echoed a little down here, and even though it was pretty well lit, she still remarked, "I feel like I need a helmet with a lamp on it and a weathered map."
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Aug-23 08:01 AM
"It is safe...ish..." he would say with a little smirk, "No, you are safe, I got you. We do go under the main street that cuts across the building and the garage, so you might hear cars go over..." And almost as if on cue, the sound of engine pulling over top one of the emergency hatches in the middle of tunnel would roar, "Come on..." They would quickly make their way across the garage, opening up a hatch to another storage closet like area. He would open the door the same way and make sure that the coast was clear and they would walk out onto the sidewalk, looking for the Uber, quickly finding it parked on the curb. He would open the door for her to get in first and make his way to the other side.
Naima Grant BOT 04-Aug-23 09:17 AM
"Okay so that was actually pretty cool." Naima laughed once she'd into the car on her side. She pulled her seatbelt on quickly and sat back for the ride. "Do you not usually drive to work by the way? Or is it just the alcohol that made you call for an Uber?"
Asa Christensen BOT 07-Aug-23 01:21 AM
"Just the alcohol," he said with a smile, "My car is still in the parking garage, we passed it on the way out." He would smile as he buckled up as well, an older lady would be taking the two of them to the destination, about a ten to fifteen minute drive. He would let his hand fall to her thigh in the moment. If her skirt did not cover it, he would softly run his finger up and down the inner of her thigh as much as he could under the growing darkness from the end of the day. "You two been together long?" The sweet older lady would ask, obviously sensing something in the moment.
Naima Grant BOT 07-Aug-23 04:26 AM
Naima was certainly no stranger to a little bit of exhibitionism. She quite liked it actually. So when Asa dropped his heavy hand onto her thigh, she dropped her more delicate one on top and dragged it upwards, moving her tight little skirt up a bit too so that he could feel just how much heat was radiating from her core. Of course, she also kept her eyes forward, watching their driver to make sure she couldn't see exactly what they were doing in that wide rearview mirror. She didn't want to ruin what she expected was a five star passenger record for her dear colleague. When the older woman up front asked about their relationship, Naima couldn't help but giggle and shake her head. As much as she wanted to fuck Asa, she wasn't super interested in dating. Her career was on the rise and she wanted to keep that as her main focus. In her free time, all she wanted was fun and relaxation, not commitment and domesticity. "We're good friends." She answered with a friendly smile. "Have been for a while now."
Asa Christensen BOT 07-Aug-23 04:31 AM
"Yeah, friends..." he spoke up, confirming, "Busy night?" He would ask the older lady, but as she spoke, his mind would fall back to the answer she gave, just friends. True, there was nothing more than a friendship before she had his dick in her mouth, but he felt like that should change things a little, right? Maybe he was over thinking things. She just wanted to sleep with an older dude, maybe? He wasn't going to cock block himself if that was the case. Since she had raised her skirt just a little more, his fingers would dive a little more. Indeed, he would feel the heat that she was almost radiating as he would bring his fingers up. With a soft touch, he would glade his finger across her lower lips.
Naima Grant BOT 07-Aug-23 08:23 AM
Naima thought she heard the woman up front talk about it being a little slower than usual for a Friday night in the area, but the way Asa was pushing his fingers under her panties was the kind of distraction she would gladly take again and again. So much so that she spread her thighs a little bit more to encourage his exploration. It helped that the older man hadn't even hesitated upon noticing the soft covering of hair she'd never bother to completely get rid of. Simply not having to think about explaining or justifying herself had her wanting to crawl into his lap in the backseat of this Hyundai Elantra. She didn't though, much to her own disappointment. What she did do was lean over to Asa to whisper in his ear exactly what she was thinking as the driver fumbled through trying to accept her next ride. "Too bad you can't bend me over right in this back seat. Maybe we can make that happen in my car sometime."
Asa Christensen BOT 08-Aug-23 12:56 AM
Feeling the spread of her legs even wider almost brought a surprised look to his face. He shouldn't be too surprised of the voyeurism aspect that she had showed so far, hell, she got on her knees in front of him without even knowing the cameras were off. But, when she leaned up and whispered in his ear, he almost felt like he was going to bust out of his jeans in the moment. He sighed as a smile creeped across his face, softly he would let his finger creep across her more... intently... His fingers would slowly trace up her lips, right below the small tuft of hair that she had growing, which drove him wild, to find a small button. One that seemed to be pulsing and radiating the same heat that she had in her core. Softly, he would let his finger begin to trace around her clit, making soft little circles as he did. "Slow for a Friday, huh?" He said with a smile, "Well, it is a bank holiday, maybe most of the people are going out of town this weekend?"
Naima Grant BOT 08-Aug-23 05:13 PM
Naima bit down hard on her plush bottom lip to stop from swearing over the newfound, albeit very light and teasing, pressure on her clit. And just to distract herself even the tiniest bit, she shifted her focus as best as she could to trying to suck the berry lipstick stain from her teeth from the bite as Asa carried on conversation with their driver like nothing at all was going on in the back. The older woman commented on holidays usually bringing in more work and how she hadn't gotten a ride for the airport all evening, and Naima stifled a whimper when the urge to roll her hips got the best of her and resulted in more pressure to her sensitive bud. "T-There's a big storm due late tonight coming from the west." She offered up, embarrassed by the shakiness in her voice. "Maybe a bunch of flights got canceled."
Asa Christensen BOT 09-Aug-23 02:07 AM
Rolling her hips into him, he felt his hands dig a little deeper into the touch than he was wanting in the moment, but since she did it, she obviously wanted a little more, so, he would give it to her. He would sit back a little deeper in the chair and let his hand fall back further into her, but at this point, he would let his middle finger glide across her clit, moving in a faster and even more pressured like state. They had just a couple more minutes before they would be at his apartment, but he knew he was going to make it the roughest couple of minutes he could imagine. As she stubbled over her words with the older lady driving the Uber, he smiled as he continued to talk, "Yeah, heard it is suppose to bring a lot of banging into town," he said with a smile, "Be a shame for all that wetness to go to waste, I reckon..." As he would speak, his middle finger that had continued to circle around his precious throbbing clit would suddenly move down and slowly slide into her wetness. However, his palm would take the spot of the finger. While not the greatest replacement, his wrist would continue to move across her sensitive clit while his finger hooked inside of her.
Naima Grant BOT 10-Aug-23 07:18 AM
Naima covered her moan with a laugh as Asa teased her more and more. She could see how much time was left in their trip on the driver's phone comfortably seated in a holder up front, and she knew he was doubling his efforts on purpose. Still, his bad attempts at innuendo were dorky and adorable to her, and they provided a good reason for her to get the sound bubbling up in her throat out. She was bold, but so was he, and she wondered how much longer she could challenge that for the both of them. She could see the woman up front frown a little at her colleague's odd choice of words and wondered also if she was catching on. But instead, she started talking about how great it would be for the radishes and cucumbers she'd planted in her backyard garden. Naima could tell that this woman was about to hit a stride too and talk about this until they arrived at their destination, so Naima relaxed a little bit and leaned her head back against the headrest behind her to Asa's touch.
Asa Christensen BOT 10-Aug-23 07:32 AM
They had a couple of minutes before they would be there and the older lady seemed more interested in talking about garden than what they were doing in the back of her very clean car. He would smile in the mirror and follow with plenty of "yeahs" and "mhmms" as she would continue talk, but below view, his finger had never lost its pace. Continuing to hook inside of her as they went, reaching for the top of her walls, looking for any kind of reaction he could get from her in the time. All the while, his palm would continue to move across her clit in a slow motion, almost hooking as his fingers did. Within a minute or so, they would finally be at the apartment building, slowly his finger would come out of her, his palm moving from its resting place as he would step out of the car, handing her his nonused hand to help Naima out of car as well. Asa would give the older lady as wave as she drove off and they would begin to move towards the apartment building.
Naima Grant BOT 10-Aug-23 07:41 AM
The end of their ride came with just as much disappointment as it did relief for Naima because she was seconds from giving their naughty behavior away in the backseat when the car came to a stop and Asa pulled away to get out and extend a helpful hand. She climbed out of the car and quickly tugged the front of her skirt down as Asa waved at the woman and she sped off to her next ride. "Jesus Christ Asa, I swear you wanted me to ruin those leather seats." She laughed and hooked her arm in his to follow him towards the building. She wanted to say that she passed this building all the time on the way to the no-waste grocery store she frequented. She wanted to say that her own apartment was not even 10 minutes from here, but that seemed weird, so she didn't. Instead, she made casual conversation, hoping that anyone passing by wouldn't think she was hired help. "Still can't believe I got that promotion out of the blue." She said, loud enough to be heard clearly by anyone within earshot. "Wonder if my workload is gonna shoot up come Monday."
Asa Christensen BOT 10-Aug-23 07:51 AM
"I know right," he said with a smile, "I think your work may come with a lot of loads involved soon enough..." He knew that the people around him didn't even care enough to listen to a conversation that someone was even making obvious they wanted them to hear, so he would make a silly joke instead as he would walk up to the door of the apartment building, holding it open for her. It was not the most fancy apartment in the world, but it was special in its own unique ways. As they would begin to walk in, Asa would walk her towards the elevator that would be in the middle of the lobby where the mailboxes and managers office would be, he would hit the button to call for the car.
Naima Grant BOT 10-Aug-23 08:13 AM
She laughed and shook her head as they stood in front of the elevators waiting for one of the sets of doors to open. "I sound like an idiot. Most people don't care about other people's conversations right?" Just her and her gossipy friends. The shiny silver doors of the elevator on the left slid open, and the couple stepped inside, Naima taking up the back left corner while Asa pressed the right button before joining her. "I almost can't believe I'm here." She was being honest because Asa didn't seem like the type to tease her too much. "Considering I've been wanting it for months." Yeah she'd been to plenty of guys' apartments for a roll in the sheets, but she hadn't pined after someone before getting to that point the way she had with Asa.
Asa Christensen BOT 10-Aug-23 08:20 AM
As she would move to the back corner of the elevator, he would click the button for the 10th floor. The building was 20 floors high, so he would live right in the middle, but the good thing about it was that below and above him were maintainence floors, so he was never bothered by the noises of the other tenants. He smiled as he would turn and see her leaned against the wall. Listening to her, saying how she couldn't believe she was here, he would smile as she said she had been waiting for months, "Really, huh?" He said as he stepped forward again, almost pinning her against the corner of the elevator, his hand would move to the right of her on the wall as he leaned into her, their bodies centimeters apart now. "Is this what you expected?" he would say as he used his finger to pull to her chin like last time and look up at him for a kiss, his lips coming down to gently meet hers as he did. Thank God for the slow elevator, he said with a smile.
Naima Grant BOT 10-Aug-23 09:03 AM
Was this what she expected? Naima had to wait for Asa to pull back from that gentle kiss because it was hard to think when his lips were pressed against hers. All she wanted to do was turn her brain off and...submit, but he'd asked her a question, and she would answer. "I think so? A high rise building with shiny floors and multiple elevators. I figured you'd live somewhere nice." She tilted her head up to kiss him again because he was still so close and she couldn't resist. All of her senses were captured by him from the feel of his heavy hands brushed gently under her chin to the smell of his masculine cologne flooding her nose. "I don't have expectations for the inside of your place though."
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 01:52 AM
"I mean, its nice, yeah..." he said with a smile, "But the maintenance is all done by the tenets, the rent is still too high for that, but I make due..." He didn't want this conversation to ruin things. He would let his fingers smoothly run across her cheeks for a moment before he would lean down, letting another soft kiss land across her lips. And as he would return, a smile would cross his lips before he would lean in. The confidence of everything that they had done so far filled him with an arrogance that he definitely didn't need to have as he would lean into her ear. "I can't wait to bend you over that fucking bed," he said with an almost monstrous growl, "And fuck the every loving day lights out of you..." With that, a ding as they would hit his floor.
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 04:24 AM
The juxtaposition of that gentle kiss and those filthy words accompanied by such an aggressive tone had Naima's head spinning and her whole body heating up. If it weren't for the elevator dinging and the doors sliding open, she might have simply lifted her skirt and bent over right there. She couldn't imagine doing that for any of the other guys she'd fucked recently, but for Asa? Oh she could do that and much more. Maybe some other time. For now, she hooked her arm in his, trying not to cling as he led her down to the hall to his door. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion, like he was purposely teasing her with how long it was taking to get the door open and she just barely stopped herself from tapping her fingers impatiently against his bicep. Instead, she offered up a cute little reply, much too late, but maybe it wasn't time moving too slow. Maybe it was just the gears in her brain struggling to rotate and process what was about to happen. "I get the pleasure of being in your bed the first time? What a treat Mr. Christensen."
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 04:33 AM
And that he was, purposely teasing her that is, taking an extra moment to look for his keys, an extra moment to open the lock, and extra moment to step inside before he would look at her, smiling, the alcohol and her swooning over his words giving him all the extra confidence that he needed in the moment. He looked down at her with a smile as they would enter the living area. It was small and quaint, offering a large televison hung over a fake fireplace that was a heater and A/C unit, that extended right into the kitchen. A bland blue and grey tinted kitchen with chrome appliances, but she didn't seem interested in all of that. "You do," he would say to her response of being in his bed for the first time, "Unless, you don't feel like you can wait any longer? Which in that case, I can just bend you over the back of the couch and have my way with you..."
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 04:49 AM
As soon as the door was closed behind them, whatever interest Naima might have had in seeing the actual apartment went out the window. Maybe there'd be time for that on her way out later. For now, she kicked off her shiny black heels and tossed her phone and purse on the couch she hoped to be bent over in the future if all went well tonight. "You can't tease me with the promise of a comfy bed and then take it away Asa. You've already got my hopes up." Her words were matched with a sweet little pout before her expression changed entirely, revealing the needy hunger she actually felt. "Is the bedroom back this way?" She asked, turning to head down a short hallway as she pulled her navy blue top over her head and let it drop to the floor behind her. She wished she'd worn something sexier underneath, the reveal of a simple black demi bra with little hearts across the the back band surely being nothing special to Asa, but she'd only dressed for work, not to get fucked by her favorite coworker. Hopefully he'd focus his attention on getting her out of more of her clothes anyway.
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 04:53 AM
As Asa would watch her intently for the moment, she was on a mission and he appreciated that. A soft smirk would cross his lips as he watched her move across the living room, leaving her phone and purse on the couch as she was already beginning to disrobe. "Yes, bedroom is that way," he would say with a smile, "And I am right behind you." As he begin to walk behind her, he would join her as he would grab the bottom of his shirt, just lifting over his head entirely to reveal an under shirt, which he would immediately dispatch of as well. As he would reach the bedroom door, the light would be turned on and he would be able to see her stunning body in a good light. "Holy shit," he said with the same devilious smirk he had worn half the night, "You are fucking beautiful..."
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 05:06 AM
Naima giggled at the compliment. She was confident in her looks. Not a person on this earth could make her believe that she was unattractive, so hearing that from Asa was a given. "You've only seen a little bit Asa please." She made a show of bending over and easing down the tight black pencil skirt she'd worn into the office that day because she knew what her greatest asset really was. The sheer, black thong with matching little heart details clung probably a little too tight to her hips, but she couldn't make herself get rid of the set when she'd put on a few pounds. It still looked fucking good even with the bit of pudge that hugged the tiny strings. She peeked back at Asa and openly stared at him, his bare chest and arms covered in a fair amount of hair just as she'd imagined, the tattoos on his forearms just helping to accentuate how strong she knew he was. Her mouth was watering again just thinking about all of the positions his strength could twist her into. "Hopefully not so beautiful that you aren't willing to make a mess of me."
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 05:22 AM
Asa stopped himself, standing directly at the door of the bedroom, just watching for a moment as she prepared. His upper body was naked at this point, but he knew that as soon as he moved the pants away it was going to be go time. Listening to her speak, she knew what she wanted and he was more than willing to give her that. "Oh, it is definitely going to be messy," he would say as he began to move to her, letting his hands softly roll across her shoulders moving the straps of her bra to either side, "I can't tell you how many times I have seen you walk across that work floor and been stunned at how amazing that ass looked, how perky your chest was, now here they are... All for me to play with. You are going to be a good girl and let me play with them too, right?" As he would step into her, the fabric of his pants did nothing to hide the massive erection that was once again growing in them.
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 05:34 AM
"Oh Mr. Christensen of course." She wanted his hands all over her but he was teasing again, dragging her bra straps down but keeping his hands at her shoulders. So you like to play games huh Asa? She thought to herself and slid her own hands up her body to squeeze at her breasts, encouraging her nipples to bud and strain against the sheer fabric of her bra. "You can play with me however you want. Just don't touch my ears." It was a weird quirk of hers, but she was firm about it. She could feel the man's thick cock growing and pressing against her back and it would have been so easy to just drop down to her knees again, but she was impatient and wanted more. She wanted to be stretched and filled and left speechless with pleasure. So she stepped away from him and climbed into his bed on all fours, back arched, head down, knees spread. "Is this your favorite position Mr. Christensen? Is this how you like your good girls?" She asked, waving her hips back and forth, enticing him forward.
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 05:40 AM
He watched her play with her own breasts, squeezing them against the fabric so much that he felt like her nipples were just going to rip right there the sheer material. He smiled as he let his hands slide up and down her sides before she would move away from him. He almost gave a pitiful pout when she did, but he watched as she would move herself onto the bed, looking back at him with her body spread and ready. He smirked as he walked forward... "No, as a matter of fact," he said with a soft smile as he walked to the edge of the bed, his hands, large and firm, would reach up to grab her hips, firmly, he would begin to move her closer to him, "I like my girls bent over something. I feel like you would be the perfect height for it too, I wouldn't have to adjust my knees or anything for my cock to just destory your insides..."
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 05:46 AM
"You're teasing me on purpose Asa." Naima pouted and pressed her ass back against him. "Show me how you want me. I could take you right now, no prep needed." Having seen him and had that fat cock in her mouth, she knew she was lying, but she often craved the burn of taking something too big. And she wanted to impress him.
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 05:54 AM
"Oh, could you now?" he said with a smirk as he would move her hips even further to where her legs were now dangling off the bed, with her stomach flat on the bed, "We can definitely see about that, stay right there... and no peeking..." He gave her a soft smirk and waited until she turned away and with the quickest of ease, he would unclasp his belt, unbutton his pants, and move out of his shoes. He would step out of his pants, taking the socks with them, and it would leave him in just his underwear. He didn't care to be all naked in front of her, but since she was still in her underwear, he felt it only fair. Within another moment, his hand was around the shaft of his cock and he would pull it from underneath the fabric of his boxer briefs. A step and moment forward, his cock head was pushing against her backside softly... "This darn thing is getting in the way," he would say, a finger playing with the inside lining of her panties, he could feel the warmth and wetness already radiating from her, "Let's just move those to the side. And now..." With another moment, the head of his cock would move forward again, as he adjusted slightly, finding her lower lips and gently separating them.
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 06:28 AM
"Damn panties. Next time I'll have to just come without hm?" She started, only to fall silent again as Asa moved her thong to the side and pressed his heavy cock against her cunt. She could feel him nudging at her slick hole and she allowed herself to moan softly and push back against him. "Please Asa, I feel like I've been waiting months for this. You don't have to hold back. Take what you want from me." Did she sound desperate? She couldn't care in that moment if she tried.
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 06:33 AM
"You don't even want to adjust to it, huh, pretty girl?" He said with a smile, "You just want me to slam it into you, don't you?" Without another word or motion between them, he would thrust his cock into her as hard as he could, looking to see how deep he could truly go. "Is that what you fucking want, Ms. Grant?"
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 06:57 AM
"I'll adjust in time." She managed to get out before he practically slammed his hips into hers. She would have been launched forward if he hadn't been holding tight to her hips. Instead, she was forced to take every inch of him in one go, and she choked on a screech as she did, swearing loudly right after. "Fuck! Y-yes sir!" She dropped the title with ease, like a natural. "Fucking finally yes." She pressed back as much as she could, her supple ass being smooshed against his hips, and dropped her head to his comforter to rest her cheek against the soft fabric. "Fuck me like I know you want to. I know you've fantasized aout me Asa."
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 07:04 AM
"I can't believe you," Asa would almost command as he would pull out of her, leaving just his head inside of her before slamming back in, "I mean, I am honestly hurt..." He would pull himself out again, "You have all this time with me and you just want me to pound into you," another slam into her hips, the sound of skin on skin beginning to echo in the room, "You don't even wanna savor it. You just me to fuck you like a rabbit, huh?" With that, he would grip her hips in his big hands, the hands almost engulfing her handles as he would slowly move himself back out before slamming into her one more time before his pace would quicken almost rapidly. The sound of skin and skin colliding, clapping, sent shivers across him.
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 07:18 AM
"I-I'll s-avor it after you m-ake me cum." She stuttered out as he continued to smoothly pull out and then slam back into her. She wasn't used to him yet, but that just made her more hungry. She dug her pretty manicured nails into his comfort to have something to hold onto, anticipating him speeding up soon. And oh was she rewarded handsomely. He quickened his pace to the point where she could barely get another word out. Surely her loud moans and broken whimpers would would please him in place of any real follow up to his questions.
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 07:57 AM
He would take her sounds as an idea that he was doing a good job. This is not normally how he would go about things when he had sex, but this is what she wanted, and he was here to prove that he could provide. He smiled as his hands gripped her hips even harder. His cock twitched with pleasure inside of her, but it could barely be noticed over the rapid pace that he was slamming into her. The sound of his hips meeting her ass made the room sound incredibly erotic. "Fuck," he would moan loudly, deeply, "You feel so fucking good on my cock, why did you wait so long to give this to me?"
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 08:09 AM
Naima would have snorted out a laugh if she could in that moment. Asa had been the one to make her wait as far as she was concerned with how much she'd been flirting over the past few months. "Y-ou're the one who made me wait sir." She challenged and arched her back a little more to help change the angle of his dick inside her. The new feeling could have knocked the breath out of her too if she was getting a full breath in in the first place. "Think it was- f-uck worth it god Asa where've you been hiding all of this aggression?"
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 08:21 AM
All he could do was give her a devilish smile, but this pace, it was kind of hard for him to keep up. His body was almost not use to such rapid movement, but he continued to push the pace as hard as he could for as long as he could, "Does it not feel good?" He would ask when she started to move on him, "I thought I was in control?" It was almost a challenge to her to see what she wanted to do at this point, if she was just going to sit there and take it or if she was going to give him the same back.
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 08:39 AM
"You are you are!" Naima rushed to say because if Asa stopped right now she'd lose her mind. Her whole body was on fire. She needed this. Still, the ache in her cunt was rapidly becoming a soreness with how hard he was fucking her straight into his mattress, so she reached behind her to grab awkwardly at one of his wrists. "You're in charge sir...b-ut could you slow down just a little?" Would he listen? Would he be turned off by her weakness? She bit down on her bottom lip, worried, breath held for a different reason now.
Asa Christensen BOT 16-Aug-23 08:48 AM
The way she asked was so nice and gentle, he almost felt more pleasure in her telling him to slow down than he did when she wanted him to slam into her. His body would thank her too as he didn't know how much he could take at that pace. He smiled as he moved his hand to meet her and gave it a soft squeeze, "Anything for you, darling," he would say as he would immediately back himself off, he didn't stop completely, but his strokes would turn less rapid and more long, more filling.
Naima Grant BOT 16-Aug-23 08:54 AM
"Oh god that's-." Naima squeezed her eyes shut, trying to force her body to relax because somehow these deep, slower strokes were so much better. Which made them so much worse. Made the fire in her belly so much hotter. That sweet little nickname didn't help either. As if she wasn't dripping wet already, she could feel the slip and slide of Asa's cock get even easier and she knew it was entirely her fault. "That's so fucking good Asa, you're gonna make me cum like this-." It was almost like this was exactly how he wanted to take her all along. This was Asa's style. It had to be with how good she felt. This is what his body was meant to do to hers.
Asa Christensen BOT 17-Aug-23 02:18 AM
"That was the plan," he would smirk and giggle behind her, letting his hand find her ass, giving it a soft tap as he looked down at her, "Fuck, you feel so good. I love how good you make me feel..." His words seem to collide at this point, everything in the pleasure of the moment seeming to rush through him. He needed her to cum for him now, this was the mission, this was the goal.
Naima Grant BOT 17-Aug-23 03:36 AM
Naima reached back awkwardly with both her hands, trying to find balance on one shoulder as she began to rub furious circles over needy clit. She was seconds from exploding but she found that she needed something more from Asa. Her other hand sought his and she reached out blindly for it. She didn't usually care about this kind of intimacy during a hook up, but something about Asa's big daddy energy had her craving a little bit more connection. "H-old me, please." She found herself begging and waving that hand so that he would get the hint.
Asa Christensen BOT 17-Aug-23 03:44 AM
He would indeed follow direction again as she would request to be held by him as his cock was sliding in and out of her, but he managed to do so, letting his arms wrap around her for a moment, trying to find the right position for all of this. As he did, he felt her hand moving, she was playing with her own clit, "Ma'am," he would say with a smile, "That is my job..." He would let his hand roll under her as he would continue to hold her with the left hand. His right hand would fall down to her and with a little reach and a little effort, his finger began to make soft circles around her clit. "Cum for me," he said with almost a demand, "Focus on cumming for me. I need it..."
Naima Grant BOT 17-Aug-23 04:19 AM
She'd gotten more then she expected when Asa moved to hold her. She'd offered her hand, and in return, he'd offered to wrap an arm entirely around her middle, hoisting her up a bit and exposing her entire body to the open window of his bedroom. He was practically hugging her by the time his other hand snaked down to push hers out of the way and take over a more delicate play with the sensitive little nub nestled between her luscious thighs. As if this intimate position and treatment wasn't enough to couple with the slow, deep strokes he was so good at maintaining, Asa decided to practically demand compliance close to her ear in a husky, dark tone. And Naima did not need to be told twice. She didn't even realize how tight she was coiled, but she snapped in an instant, her body going rigid, her thighs shaking, her chest absolutely heaving between loud moans she couldn't dream of containing as she came hard on her coworker's cock. She clung to his forearm around her middle as her body bent forward again, running from the pleasure but also desperate to hang onto it. "Asa- fuck Asa!" She cried out his name as she rode the almost violent wave of this unexpected orgasm, knowing somewhere in the back of her mind that she was probably choking the life out of this man with her throbbing cunt.
Asa Christensen BOT 17-Aug-23 04:35 AM
Once he felt her go almost rigid, he would be hanging on for the ride, her body almost twisted and pushed him away as she would be riding the waves and waves of passion and pleasure that flowed between the two. He could only smile that devilious little smirk as he let her ride it out. She couldn't help it at this point, he thought to himself, I did that to her... The confidence he would get from just this would send pleasure signals throughout his body, ones that would be enhanced by the feeling of her body clenching onto his cock and almost building and pushing him out with each and every pulse of pleasure that moved through her body. "God," he would say, letting another moan escape his body, "You are really enjoying me, huh? Boosting Mr. Asa's confidence."
Naima Grant BOT 17-Aug-23 04:42 AM
"You deserve to feel confident with how fast you made that happen." Naima managed to get out after she'd taken a moment to catch her breath. She giggled softly and pulled away from Asa until he slipped out of her so that she could turn over and pat the bed next to her. "Come here Mr. Christensen. I wanna try a different position and you need to lay down for it." She hoped they weren't done yet. Hadn't he mentioned something about making her cum a thousand times tonight? So maybe she'd imagined that, but she was sure Asa hadn't cum yet and she was determined to put in the work to make it happen. "I wanna ride you." She said it with all the confidence she felt with the buzz of orgasm still running through her.
Asa Christensen BOT 17-Aug-23 05:06 AM
Asa would almost pout as he would feel her pull away from him and begin to move towards the bed, was she finished? Did he not do something right? Questions that were all floating in his head for a moment until she motioned for him to get on the bed with her as she wanted to try a new position. He would nod and begin to crawl on the bed. His bed was a bit off the ground, so he would climb up on top and then crawl to the pillows resting his head on them as he looked up at her, "What would you...?" Before he could even finish the question, she told him she wanted to ride him, "For the love of God," he said with a soft moan, "Yes, please..."
Naima Grant BOT 17-Aug-23 05:16 AM
Naima smiled playfully and very slowly climbed into Asa's lap. She loved to hear a man beg and that 'please' from her coworker was soooooo good. She reached behind herself to grab his cock and lower herself down onto him, taking his full length and girth with ease and a soft moan of her own before her hands came forward to rest on his soft chest. He was strong under a very healthy layer of fat and if it weren't for the fact that they were in the middle of fucking, she thought she could just cuddle with him all night long-. Back to the fucking though. "I'm in charge now Mr. Christensen. We go at my pace for now, understood?" She asked, raising her hips and dropping them back down with a soft plop. "I want you to touch me, but you can't control this dance."
Asa Christensen BOT 17-Aug-23 05:29 AM
"Yes, ma'am..." it seemed that the roles had reversed, but he didn't mind at all as he looked up at her with begging eyes, "Please fuck yourself as you would please..." A little teasing, but entirely fucking raw, his emotions were all over the place as they shared another moan when she put him inside of her. As she would drop her hips, another soft moan would escape. "Am I allowed to touch?" He would asked, looking up at her still bra covered breasts and down to her thong that was still just moved to the side.
Naima Grant BOT 17-Aug-23 05:40 AM
It was such a thrill to be asked for permission. Naima smirked and nodded, grabbing Asa's hands to put on her tits. "You can touch me wherever you want, except my ears. Don't forget that." Hard limit. Always to be respected. "Do you like squeezing my tits like this Mr. Christensen?" She asked as her hips began to roll, grinding against his and keeping his cock gently nudging her insides. "Tell me you do. Tell me what you like about fucking me."
Asa Christensen BOT 17-Aug-23 05:58 AM
As his hands would be moved for him from his sides to her breasts, he would give another smile over the situation, he couldn't believe this was even happening. No where in his wildest dreams did he see anything like this occuring. He would squeeze her fabric covered boobs with his hands, but softly he would lift a little, just enough to wrap his arms around her back and pull her in softly to hook the bra and throw it to the side. When he got to see her skin, he felt chills run across him as his hands move to squeeze them again, paying particular closeness to her nipples. "I love squeezing your tits," he said as he looked up at her with a longing look, "I love that you pussy is just grabbing me right now. It shows me how much you truly fucking want me. Fuck me like you really want me..."
Naima Grant BOT 17-Aug-23 06:24 AM
Her ass was her best asset, she knew that, but her tits weren't far behind, so seeing Asa practically ogling over them was no surprise. Smooth golden brown skin accented with darker, cocoa chocolate nipples. She was absolutely good enough to eat. Maybe she'd let him someday. "I do want you. I've wanted you for months and you finally gave in." She leaned forward a little, using his sturdy body for balance so that she could begin to bounce on him, ass rising and falling at a quicker pace, the sharp smack of their skin slapping together filling the space between them again. And her pussy was dripping, coating his cock and balls and hips and upper thighs with her cum and all the new slick that had come after. It was lewd. Obscene even. Filthy. Naima fucking loved it. As she panted and moaned over the feeling of being filled over and over again, over the feeling of Asa's hands twisting at her nipples and squeezing her tits, Naima let her eyes fall shut, closing off the only sense she could for a moment to heighten the pleasure a little bit more. "Can't believe I'm really fucking you right now. Can't believe how good it feels." She confessed again, finding it easier to say it all now that she couldn't see Asa's reactions. "Haven't been fucked so good in ages Asa, it's not fair. Gonna need to keep you on speed dial for when my toys aren't cutting it." She had no idea how he wasn't fucking a different girl every night, but she would also be more than happy to take up half of his week if it always felt like this.
Asa Christensen BOT 17-Aug-23 06:35 AM
"Fuck," he would moan, just hearing the words that she wanted him sent shivers down his spine, "You have no idea how fucking hot you are right now..." Indeed the sounds of the slapping, the way that the warm wetness seemed to cover both of their lower regions, the noises that they were making. It was like a porn come to life and he couldn't help but be completely into every motion that she made. Soon, he would find her pace and ease his body with her, making even her most impactful movements feel just a little bit more deeper and harder. He moaned loudly as she continued to fuck him. He knew he wouldn't be able to last longer, but he wasn't going to let this night come to an end, so he began to edge himself. He decided to test and see how "handsy" he could get... With his hand falling across his stomach, he would move between him the best he could, finding her mound once again and that clit that seemed to be pulsing and radiating heat. With a faster pace and a quicker motion, he would let his finger continue to move across her most sensitive bud, hoping she would cum again for him.
Naima Grant BOT 17-Aug-23 07:21 AM
"It's supposed to be your turn." Naima gave a breathy laugh before a very targeted thrust from him cut her off. "And I'm supposed to be in charge." She didn't really mind him joining her in this dance though. Riding always tired her out quickly and she had no plans to hit the gym just to build more endurance for sex. "If I cum again, you have to finish with me because I'm gonna have to tap out." One was usually her limit, but if he was gonna try and pull a second out of her, she wasn't gonna stop him.
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 04:20 AM
"Tap out," he said with a giggle, "But, we just started and you are already wanting to give up?" He teased, but Lord knows he was right, he couldn't keep this pace up all night, so he would settle for a moment and look up at her with a pleading face, "Then I am going to let you finish me. Make me cum, Naima... I need it." He would adjust his hips, laying softly down on the bed, looking up at her with a moan.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 04:49 AM
Naima smiled again when Asa relinquished his control to her. The power could easily go to her head even though she usually took on a purely submissive role during sex. "Could I do it just like this?" She asked, continuing the slow grind she'd first taken up. She still wanted a little reassurance from this man with so much experience in her eyes. She didn't want to disappoint him. "Because I'll switch up if you prefer. I'll do whatever it takes Mr. Christensen."
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 04:58 AM
"That is perfect, Naima," he would say with a smile as he watched her, his eyes falling to her hips as they slowly grinded across his, "That is fucking perfect..." He let his hands move again, moving up to her breasts, softly squeezing them in his hands, making sure that his hand more in just the right way to pull her nipples between the folds in his palm, giving them attention as well. He wanted so badly to keep fingering her quivering button, but he knew he wanted this to last as long as she would let him.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 05:18 AM
"You're good at that." She didn't elaborate because she was honestly a little embarrassed to be complimenting him for simply praising her. The way her pussy clenched around him at his sweet words would probably give him all the context he needed. She moved one of her hands back to prop up on his thigh so that she could bounce with just a little bit of force, the angle and pressure that caused to her gspot being exactly what she needed to cum. Hopefully it would be enough for him too, but she'd drop to her knees again and take him own her throat in a second if it came to that. "Tell me now that we can do this again." Who cares that they weren't done with the first round? She knew she'd want a second and a third.
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 05:21 AM
As she would buck and bounce off of his hips and make him feel every pressure that she could give him, he would smile up, feeling his body tense and move with her. The pleasure was definitely beginning to boil over in his body. He looked up at her and smiled, "Oh, whenever, wherever, however you want..." He looked at her, reaching for her hips, "I feel like I am so close, where do you want me to cum, sweetness?"
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 05:38 AM
'Inside-." Naima rushed to say and then her cheeks flooded red. Way to let the breeding kink out of the bag immediately Naima. It was out there though and she didn't want to take it back. So she just dropped down and kissed him, doubling her efforts in fucking him to make them both cum before he could think too much about anything at all. She was close too and she knew that as soon as she felt him cresting, she'd be a goner again.
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 05:55 AM
"Fuck," he would moan as he felt her hips continued to grind, "Yes, ma'am..." He was almost not ready for the kiss when she bent down and planted her lips on his, he smiled as she did though, feeling a wamr sensation run through him. While his mind half told him to grab her hips, flip her and just take her, the way she grinded on him was just perfect. She hit every sensitive point that she needed. It was only a matter of moments before he would tense, "Fuck," he said with a growl, "I am gonna cum..." With a growl, he would grab her hips, moving her as he wanted, the grip on her hips intense as he would move her as his cock would want him too, his seed spilling out with each point she hit. He hadn't cum like this in years...
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 06:07 AM
Was it the kiss that made him explode? She wanted to entertain that thought and also definitely did not want to entertain that thought because it was easier to ignore the fact that the kiss is what sent her over the edge. She dropped her head further, burying her face in Asa's neck, his prickly beard scratching across her skin in a delicious way as she moaned something soft and sweet and muffled with the pleasure of a second but less powerful orgasm washed over her. She continued to grind her hips too until Asa was stilling both of them with his strong arms and hands probably as overstimulation was beginning to set in for him. And in that moment, Naima fell silent, unsure suddenly of what to say and deciding instead to just enjoy this post-coital moment while she could.
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 06:14 AM
And indeed, once silence had set over, Asa would abide with that silence as well, just enjoying the moment, but he would let his arms move over her. Releasing her hips, his hands would move up and over her back in the very loose feeling of a hug, possibly cuddling... It had been so long, he didn't know if he could cuddle correctly anymore. His cock remained inside of her for a few moments, continuing to pulse and twitch with absolute pleasure as the two lay embraced.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 06:21 AM
That feeling of his arms wrapping around her was so calm even in how barely there it was. "You can hold me tighter Asa." She mumbled and placed a tiny kiss to his neck. "We've already fucked, so what's a little cuddling right?" For a lot of guys, cuddling would have been a step too far, but she had a feeling Asa couldn't relate to that sentiment, so she tried to push him and see. "I love cuddling if that helps at all."
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 06:24 AM
"I mean, I didn't know how you felt about all this..." Asa would say with a nervous laugh, this was turning into a conversation now instead of the sexual side of things, "But, yeah, cuddling is nice. I just don't... remember... how..." He would draw out the words, hoping to remember a different way to say it, "Not saying I wouldn't love it and I don't love this now, I just..." He stopped stammering for a moment and let his arms pull her in a little tighter, his hands would begin rubbing the soft of her back, letting his fingers trace lines up and down them.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 06:30 AM
"Mmm..." Naima hummed as his hands started to trail up and down her back. "You're doing a great job if you ask me. I could lay like this until you kicked me out." Because he would eventually kick her out right? Make some excuse about having something to do or simply call her an uber and tell her it's on the way. She knew the drill, and she was fine with it. Still... "If this is uncomfortable, I can help you remember how to be big spoon though."
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 06:34 AM
"I am completely okay with this right here, if you are comfortable," it was almost like having a weighted blanket on him and he enjoyed that, "And why the hell would I kick you out? After a night like tonight? We can lay her forever, if you want..." He was half-joking, giving himself enough leeway to not get hurt if she decided that this was just a booty call to her.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 06:40 AM
"Listen if you let me make us breakfast in the morning, I will stay the entire night Asa. You are the coziest human pillow I've ever laid on and I'm exhausted." She laughed softly and turned her head to breathe in some cool air. "I'll add that by 'make breakfast' I mean scramble some eggs and make some toast because I can't actually cook to save my life." She could hear her grandma in her head in that moment joking about how she could burn water in the kitchen. "I promise not to make a mess."
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 06:46 AM
"That is better than my normal breakfast," he would say with a smile and a laugh, "Plus, both of our cars are at the work parking garage, and you owe me for an Uber. So, I accept." He didn't think about anything else other than the present, and again, how he didn't want this night to end.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 06:51 AM
That was a bit sad. "Asa what do you usually have for breakfast?" She asked and laughed it off. "Maybe you need to have me over here once a week so that you can have a decent meal." And fuck her brains out again of course. Can't forget that. "I can't believe you'd make your booty call pay for the Uber." She added with another soft laugh. "Cruel world. I just gave you an incredible orgasm and I have to repay you?" She was only teasing, but it was fun to do with him.
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 07:16 AM
"An energy drink and a protein bar," he said with a giggle, knowing that answer was not going to work in the slightest, "But, sometimes, I stop at Dunkin and get a bagel or donut or something..." He laughed as he looked up at her, "And yes," he said with a smile, "Uber is a two way street! And plus, I think I gave you two mindblowing orgasms to my one... So, if you plan on giving me another, I might think about paying for the uber!" He realized in that moment, that while he was still deflating his cock was still inside of her, "Umm, you still okay with me inside of you right now?"
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 07:31 AM
"Damn and I thought you were different Asa." Naima pouted and sat up. Not that she was really upset. She made good money and could afford her own Ubers. "It doesn't bother me, no worries. I'd stay like this all night if I wasn't such a mess. Please tell me you're decent enough to let me use your shower though. Don't make me sleep in cum, I'll never forgive you."
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 07:35 AM
"You know I really wouldn't do that, right?" He wasn't sure if it was the way she sat up or the way she fake pouted, but it hit him in the heartstrings and he got paranoid, "I am just messing around..." As she would ask if she could use the shower, "Of course, I mean, all I got is man deodorant and shampoo," he would say with an almost embarrassed tone, "If you are okay with that, then it is wide open... But, like are we done?"
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 07:52 AM
"You wouldn't huh? News to me Mr. Christensen." Naima smiled playfully and climbed off of him to roll out of his bed. "I'll cash app you for the Uber anyway. Can't get to cozy with the hook up right?" "I don't mind your men's soap and deodorant either." The shampoo would never touch her hair. She had very expensive products at home, thank you very much. "And are we doooone...having sex? Yes. I'm wiped. But I promised you eggs and toast, so unless you want me to dip, I'm crashing in your bed in your big strong arms for the night." Sure, she was being a bit forward with him, but he'd responded well before. "I'm gonna remind you how to cuddle after all. I've given myself the very important responsibility for the night."
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 09:37 AM
"No cash app required," he would joke, as she climbed off of him and onto the floor, "But, I will expect those eggs and toast..." He sighed softly as he rolled over on the bed, reaching into the drawer and pulling out some soft cleaning wipes, cleaning himself. He would find the blanket and adjust it while she was in the shower, making sure everything was right, going to the kitchen and grabbing bottles of water for either night stand. He definitely was not use to entertaining company overnight, so he didn't know what he should or should not do.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 10:04 AM
Naima was quick to take her shower and clean off all of the night's action with a bodywash that smelled nice but had absolutely no moisture-infusing qualities. She'd take the 'L' for the night but bring a bag of her own goodies if she ever ended up back over here again. Once she was dry and standing naked in the middle of the room though, she pouted at the prospect of having to put her work clothes back on for the night and decided to peek her head out the door to ask for something more comfortable. "Hey Asa? Do you think I could borrow a shirt of yours to sleep in? My work clothes are stylish but definitely not sleep-comfortable."
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 10:24 AM
As she would get showered and everything, he would lay in the bed and play on his phone, scrolling through numerous things as he would wait for her. He didn't even think about getting redressed as he normally did sleep in the nude, so when she appeared in the doorway and she was naked, he felt blood almost beginning to rush to places again, but the look of sadness did cross his face. "Umm, sure, I do, but just a warning," he would say with a smile, "I am actually naked under her as well, should I get dressed too?"
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 10:32 AM
"You sleep in the nude?" She asked, eyebrows raised as her eyes ran over the outline of his body under the comforter. "You don't have to get dressed if that's your usual. We were just naked together in that very bed, so the awkwardness is out the window..." She hesitated for a moment, running a hand down the frame of the door she was standing in as she thought. "...What do you prefer from me?" And please don't say that it's up to me because I asked you for a reason, she thought to herself. She wanted his control just a little bit again. She wanted a confident answer from him.
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 10:43 AM
"Oh, definitely naked," he said with a smile and a laugh, feeling like they could joke around with each other, "I mean, look at you, you are stunning, why would I not want that in my eyes and hands all night. Plus, what if you wake up wanting some? Clothes would just be getting in the way at that point!" He joked, he really wanted to tell her whatever she was comfortable with, but he decided to wait and see how she would respond to that answer.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 11:00 AM
"Listen I wouldn't have been surprised if you told me to get dressed and get out. I try not to make assumptions that would get my hopes up about men Asa." She sauntered back into the room and climbed into the bed and under the comforter with an easy smile though. "Thanks for letting me stay. Do you mind being my big spoon for the night? Gives you easy access in case you want more before breakfast in the morning."
Asa Christensen BOT 18-Aug-23 01:40 PM
As sxhe slinked into bed, he couldn't help but stare at her body. She had confidence in herself and it definitely showed. He couldn't help but find that more and more attractive. He would nod his head in agreement at the request, "Not a problem at all," he said with a smile, "Come on over here..." With that, he would let his arms out and let her scoot in as she needed too.
Naima Grant BOT 18-Aug-23 02:03 PM
Naima settled easily with her back against Asa's chest and her ass against his hips. "Perrrfect. And then you just take these big strong arms and-." She took one of his arms and draped it over her stomach. "Now do you think you'll be comfortable like this all night? Because we can adjust to whatever works for you." If she woke up not wrapped in this man's arms in the morning, she would pout and overcook his eggs. Okay so that was a bit dramatic, but still. She wanted to be held as long as possible.
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 02:01 AM
"I will definitely keep that in mind," he would say with a giggle as she would position his arms around her as she would like, "I can't let an actually breakfast slip away from me just like that..." He would squeeze her in tight enough to let her know that he was there, their skin meshing together wonderfully and comfortably. He smiled as he looked up at clock, "Damn, we got in the bed early," he said with a smile, "You might get some decent sleep tonight..."
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 03:15 AM
"You wore me out Mr. Christensen." Naima said through a soft yawn. "Nothing like two orgasms to put a girl right to sleep. Please tell me you don't have some kind alarm set that will interrupt my sweet slumber in the morning. She was kidding. She'd be up by 5 or 6 no matter what. Her own internal clock would make sure of it. She yawned again and let her eyes fall shut with the ease in which she felt laying next to this man. "I hope you get some good sleep tonight. You deserve it."
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 03:22 AM
He smiled, "No alarms, but good sleep will be had..." During the night, he would find himself so at ease with her, just feeling the warmth of her body against his, he would sleep very restfully. At around 2 or 3 in the morning, he found himself awaken by his body. He had gotten hard in the middle of the night, not out of raw horniness, but his body screaming that it had to relieve itself. He would slowly try to ease himself out from under a very sound asleep Naima. If she would not wake up, he would softly make his way to the bathroom, being sure to leave the door shut before he turned on the light, finding the relief that he needed before cleaning up and meeting her back in bed.
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 03:35 AM
Naima didn't budge when Asa woke up and slipped out of bed, not because she was still asleep, but because she didn't want to alert him to the wash of anxiety that ran through her at being left. That is until she realized he was just going to the bathroom. She rolled her eyes at herself and relaxed again. This was a one night stand. What did she care if he left or wanted her to get up and go? She didn't care. She didn't care. When he returned she turned to greet him with a sleep smile. "And here I was thinking that hard on was because you wanted another round."
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 03:42 AM
As he felt his body lower into bed, he could feel hers begin to turn as well, "Shit," he said with a smile, "I didn't mean to wake you... But would I turn down another round? Absolutely not, I would have to be an idiot..." He let his arms move to her again, letting her adjust how she needed, but trying to stay in the same places he was, but he would add a bit of extra pleasure as his lips would move to meet hers, softly, gently.
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 04:17 AM
"I wouldn't call you an idiot per say." Naima giggled and leaned into his next kiss. It was so soft. So gentle. Like it was meant to take care of her in ways she hadn't been in so long. She hooked a lush thigh over Asa's hip, rolling her own against his to re-inspire the heavy cock she may or may not have just been dreaming about. "I want it like this Asa. So I can keep kissing you."
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 04:39 AM
"You want it again?" he said with a smile as he would lean in with another soft little kiss, "You devious little devil, you..." He would let her adjust her leg around his and he would adjust his as well. His cock, while not fully hard, was getting there and quickly. He would let his lips meet hers again, this time a little more hungrier than before.
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 04:49 AM
"Now I would be an idiot to pass up on this any time it was on the table." She smirked against Asa's lips and threaded her finger through the hairs at his nape, trailing her kisses down his jawline and inhaling the softened scent that lingered on his skin even hours and hours after his last shower. His hardening cock was starting to nudge against her little hole, quickly slickening up again with sleepy arousal. She couldn't wait for the tip to catch, for him to stretch her out again. "Have I told you how unbelievably sexy you are?" She asked, breath hot and damp against his skin.
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 05:48 AM
"I think you mentioned it a time or two," he said with a smile as he would land another kiss on her lips before moving back again, "But, I think it was lost during all the times I called you beautiful..." He smiled at her, but indeed, the sleepy kisses were having an effect on him as his cock would continue to grow. So, he would reach between them, gripping his shaft softly as he would line it up with her slickness, thrusting his hips. It wasn't optimal as he was definitely not pushing all the way into her from here, but he felt like he was good just being there.
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 07:15 AM
Naima hissed out a breath as she was stretched open again. He was only in shallowly but this felt like exactly what she needed. "Thank god for middle of the night wake ups." She grinned and kissed him yet again as she began to roll her hips to meet his. So what if this was the most intimate way she'd had sex in ages? So what if she didn't usually kiss her partner at all? Her and Asa were friends. This was different than her usual hookups.
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 07:23 AM
This indeed was the first time in a very long time that he had been intimate with anyone, even more like this. He would push into her kiss, adding a little more into it, slowly letting his tongue move towards her lips, parting them as he would push for a more hungry kiss.
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 07:31 AM
"You kiss like you really want me." Naima remarked after several minutes of this slow, gentle pace passed. She was feeling warm and it wasn't from physical exertion or alcohol. She'd probably panic or bully herself out of the fuzzy feeling later, but it was impossible to do in Asa's arms.z
Or with his dick seating snugly inside her over and over. "Do all the girls you bring home get treatment like this or am I getting the coworker special?" She was teasing again, but somewhere under he easy, lustful smile was genuine curiosity over whether or not he'd brought anyone else from the company home.
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 07:41 AM
He smiled at her when she said that he kissed her like he really wanted her, he shrugged and smiled before moving back into the kiss. If there was one thing that he always faulted himself on, it was his passion to being desired and showing that he desired other people. Who knew if this would turn into anything in the future, but right now, she needed to know that this was something that he wanted and desired. "Seeing as you are the only girl that has been in this apartment with me," he said with a smile, "I would see that you are getting the coworker special..." He didn't want to word it as anything more, but this... this felt special.
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 07:49 AM
The only girl? Naima let that go right to her head. And to her cunt, evidence by how she clenched involuntarily around his cock and moaned a little too loud in the quiet early morning of his bedroom. "Fuck, I'm a lucky girl. I might have to show you my place at some point." Which she realized wouldn't be special at all considering she'd had too many visitors there to numerically keep track of. Get a new apartment to bring him to so he can be the only one who's been there-. Naima please get a grip. Yeah, the sweet little fucking she was getting was turning her brain to mush. But she could let it for just a few more hours right? "I need more Asa." She hushed out and wasn't sure if it was because she wanted to cum again or if she just wanted a distraction from those ushy gushy thoughts.
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 07:56 AM
He would smile at her, "The little bit of dick you are getting right now is not enough?" He laughed as he looked down, "I have an idea, but it would mean you would have to stop kissing me, but we could probably sleep in his position if you would let it. So, you choose..." He would pull away softly, his cock pulling out of her softly as well, "Would you like me over top of you, finishing? Or would you rather have me in you all night, but no kisses until morning?"
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 08:02 AM
That cute little pout returned to Naima's lips as Asa pulled out and gave her two choices to pick from. Both had their strengths. Both had their disadvantages. One met a need that she seldom got to play around with though, so the answer was easy enough. "Inside all night, definitely." She met his eyes with confidence in her own, wondering how he would make her choice happen. The lack of kissing was probably better for this 'arrangement' between them too if she was being honest with herself. "Tell me what to do, Mr. Christensen. Tell me how you want me."
Asa Christensen BOT 22-Aug-23 08:53 AM
He smiled over at her, while he indeed would miss the kissing part, he had a feeling there might be more of that in the future, but for her to fall asleep with him inside of her, that was almost too good to be true in his mind. "So, all I need you to do is this," he would reach over and grab her hips, motioning her to flip with back to him. Once she did, before she got comfortable, he would make sure that his hips would line up with her backside. After that, he would take her leg and lift it, hooking it backwards over his leg. The would almost look like a K in this position, so he laughed like a nerd when he said, "Kay... like this..." With that, he would move his leg to hook her leg under his and the leg above his lifting slightly. He would reach down and grab his cock and slowly move it to her lips, adjusting her hips until she was perfect before he slowly slide inside of her.
Naima Grant BOT 22-Aug-23 09:05 AM
"I feel like a marionette." Naima continued to giggle as Asa moved her limbs one-by-one, finding that she loved being gently manhandled by him. It was so comfortable and warm up against his chest. Usually she'd need a blanket to stay warm at night but that wasn't at all necessary when she was wrapped up in this man. And then in no time at all, he was pushing back inside her, deeper than before, stretching her farther than he was able to a minute ago. She pushed her hips back what little she could and sighed out a soft moan. "Asa this is perfect. You're a handsome sexy genius. Just what I needed, how did you know?" Aside from the fact that she'd asked specifically for this, she did still wish she could kiss him. Maybe in the morning. "Can you keep it slow but fuck me a little harder?" It felt safe to keep asking for what she wanted. He'd given in to every whim thus far.
Asa Christensen BOT 23-Aug-23 01:05 AM
"Handsome and sexy?" He said with a laugh that seemed to be interrupted by a moan of pleasure, "I have been called a genius, but never all three combined. I am honored, Ms. Grant..." He would slowly let his body stride into her, but upon her request, he would take to the same motion he had previously. His hips would slide his shaft out of her with delicate ease, letting her feelt every ridge and vein and of his manhood before he would slam it back into her with force, then starting the process all over again.
Naima Grant BOT 23-Aug-23 01:22 AM
And a good fucking listener, he was. A good listener and...what were all the other things she'd just said? Naima wished she had something more to hold on to, the fistful of dark comforter not being nearly enough to ground her with the way every hard thrust was hitting her body and mind. She could feel this man's cock in her spirit at this point. The perfect depth. The perfect speed. The perfect amount of strength. And she was able to just lay there and take what she was given like a g-. He didn't even have to say it. Didn't even have to praise her this time. The thought alone had pleasure rushing through her again. "Oh fuck-." It came out quiet, almost a strained whisper, the orgasm rolling through her this time in a muted way that still had her dizzy. Or maybe it was the lack of oxygen again. She reached back and grabbed tight at the wrist connected to his hand at her hip, urging him to continue. "A-Asa please." Three orgasms in a night were surely over her limit, she thought somewhere in the back of her mind, the words not even close to loud enough to influence her decisions right now. "Don't stop. Please don't stop."
Asa Christensen BOT 23-Aug-23 04:44 AM
He would continue his long strokes, just as she asked, but it felt like he losing her and she was moving further and further away from him, and him moving further away from his previous spot on the bed. He smiled as he listened to her noises, she was really enjoying him. Unless she was faking, this was a very satisfyingly thing to hear, and even if she was, it soothed his mind in the moment. As she would tell him not to stop, he could feel her body moving away from him almost to the point that she was going to be falling off the bed soon and he would have to stop, but with quick thinking, he would pound into her once again, but this time, he would grip her hips pulling her back with him as he moved back to his side of the bed with ease, "There we go, good girl," he said, "You gonna cum for me again, princess?"
Naima Grant BOT 23-Aug-23 07:19 AM
"I can't do it again." Naima slurred out, a mess from the last one and the haze of sleep she was still coming out of. But even as she told him she couldn't possibly cum again, she knee she'd try her damndest to be good for him and fall over that edge one more time. That pretty little name. Princess. Yeah that was doing a lot to help her along the way too. She reached a hand up and back to hang onto him by the back of his neck as he kept them both from falling off the bed. Thank god he had the wherewithal because she definitely did not. "Wanna be good for you Asa." Nevermind how pitiful she sounded saying it. She meant it.
Asa Christensen BOT 23-Aug-23 07:53 AM
"Good," he said with a smile, "You don't have to cum for me again, darling..." He would smile as he rammed in her again, "But, I can';t promise that I won't if we keep going. Do you want me to cum again?"
Naima Grant BOT 23-Aug-23 09:01 AM
Princess. Darling. One more pretty name and she was gonna be a goner again no matter what. "Mhmmm." She nodded her heavy head and arched back against him, dropping her leg forward again to go back to being his little spoon. "Cum inside me again. Wanna be so full of you Asa." She caught herself before her words started getting crazy, the breeding kink she had way too close to thr tip of her tongue.
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 03:05 AM
The way she talked, it was almost like she was just slipping sweet little naughty words right in his ear, he couldn't help but feel the arousal build. He was almost over the edge. He would feel himself pushing hard, his cock filling her up every time as he would moan softly, picking up the pace of strokes until... "Fuck," he said with a growl, "I am coming again..." It was definitely not as much as last time, because he was definitely almost spent, but he could feel himself dripping around himself and out of her. It was beyond hot. He smiled as he would push deep into her one more time, this time just staying that spot, "Good night, Naima..."
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 03:11 AM
Naima smiled through her soft moans as she felt Asa pulse and flood her with the warmth of his seed again. He was giving her absolutely everything she wanted as he pushed in deep just one more time and settled behind her. And then he mumbled a soft 'good night' and she couldn't help but giggle over the way it seemed like he was about to doze off seconds after cumming considering she was usually wired after sex. "Night, Mr. Christensen. And sleep well."
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 03:15 AM
He wouldn't fall asleep immediately, but sleep would take him a couple of minutes later, and like he promised, he had never left her voluntarily. His body would move, but he would remain inside of her until his softness preveneted him from being inside of her. In the wee morning hours, he would groan as the alram on his phone would go off... "Ugh," he would proclaim, "I don't wanna..."
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 03:23 AM
Naima woke with a groan of her own when the shrill sound of an alarm woke her from a very peaceful slumber. "Asaaaaaa. I thought we agreed on no alarms." She turned to face him and dropped her head onto his chest to soak in her last few moments of cuddles as he leaned over to grab his phone and silence the alarm. "That thing is horrible Asa. At least wake up to something less panic-inducing in the morning."
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 03:25 AM
"Ugh," he groaned again, "We agree to no multiple alarms, this is the only one..." He would go to turn it off, but she had turned it off before handing it over to him. He sighed as he looked over at her, "Good morning, sunshine..." He felt his body groan and creek as he would move into her, giving her a deep hug to wake her.
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 03:51 AM
"Mmm..." She hummed into the warm hug he enveloped her in. Waking to cuddles wasn't usually part of her routine, and she wouldn't entertain the idea of getting used to it, but it was really nice for the moment. "G'morning. What time is it?" She took a deep breath with her face in his chest, admiring the way his scent had softened over night. She kissed over a plush pectoral and let her eyes fall shut again. Maybe breakfast could wait a little bit longer for this.
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 03:59 AM
"Uh..." he would check his phone again, the bright flash causing him to flinch and close his eyes, "6:17am now..." He would put the phone behind him on the nightstand and reach back over, snuggling tightly, "We can snuggle for a little longer, but we are gonna have to get up and get ready soon..."
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 04:03 AM
"6:17 good god." She acted as if she didn't regularly get up at that time with having to be in the office by 8, but this was different and she was worn out from all the fucking. "We have to get up?" She grumbled tossed a leg over Asa's hip, effectively trapping him here in bed. "Why? You gotta get to your next hot date?" She asked teasingly.
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 04:04 AM
"I think you are my next hot date," he said with a smile, almost too impatient when asking, "We can keep this going and call out for the day...?" It was a joking response, but in his mind, it was a valid suggestion. His arms would move around her body again, snuggling in even tighter after she moved that leg overtop of him to trap him in.
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 04:10 AM
"Ugh don't remind me of work Asaaa." Even with a new promotion under her, it was was hard to want to do anything other than stay here. "Seriously who hosts a company party on a goddamn Thursday? With free booze? I mean you might as well cancel work for the whole company the next day." Of course, not everyone would be irresponsible and drink too much and go home with a coworker, but surely some would! The company should have accounted for situations like this. "I need to go home. I can't go to work in the same clothes from yesterday."
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 04:33 AM
"No worries," he would say with a smile, "I definitely don't want you to go, but we can skip breakfast for now. Just promise you will get me next time?" He smiled as he held her softly, knowing that time together was now limited and he wasn't really sure if he would get this again. He was going to enjoy it while it lasted, "I can get ya Uber here and take you to your place..."
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 04:42 AM
"The ol' Uber of Shame huh?" Naima grinned and finally sat up to stretch out the kinks in her body from the night before. "How about I stop by your office later with a breakfast sandwich and coffee? I am assistant to all of the executives now. Coffee runs are in my job description." And swiping the company card for a bunch of very successful men is something she'd definitely enjoy.
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 07:23 AM
"That actually sounds wonderful," he said with a smile, but almost letting a pout escape when she moved away from him, "I am excited to see you again..." HE would reach over tapping away on his phone for a minute as he would listen to her, before letting her know, "Uber is on its way, so you probably got like twenty minutes or so, do you need to shower or anything again?"
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 07:32 AM
"I'll just wait til I get home. I wanna use my own products after last night-. No offense to your stuff. I just need like...extra moisture and stuff." She rushed to explain after basically bashing his body wash. "Maybe next time I'll bring an actual spend the night bag. Assuming you want a next time out of me." She wouldn't assume of course. She wouldn't expect it either until the next time he actually asked her over. So, she rolled out of his bed completely and starting to gather her clothes and put them back on, hoping to look put together enough to head back downstairs without crazy looks from other tenants. "Are you a sausage guy or a bacon guy? Croissant or english muffin?"
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 07:50 AM
"I mean I am a little offended," he would whisper at her before looking up with a smirk, "And I would love a next time, this was incredible. I hope you would like to have another night like that..." He sounded almost... worried that her answer would not be what he wanted. He sighed as he would find himself on the edge of the bed, walking over to a dresser and grabbing a pair of boxers that he kicked off so he wouldn't have to dirty another pair. He smiled at her as she would ask, "Chicken biscuit..." he said, throwing her a curve ball.
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 07:55 AM
"Asa, you can hit me up any time. Make me your main booty call and I will show up and serve whenever you want." Why was there something appealing about being the one who was on call? Naima shook her head and buttoned up her blouse. "Chicken biscuit. Didn't expect that one. But it'll be on your desk by 8:15, Mr. Christensen. Can I bring you coffee too, cream and sugar? Or would you prefer the usual energy drink?" She was simply falling into her role with the company, but it was filling a completely non work-related need anyway.
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 07:58 AM
"I don't like coffee, so energy drink would be nice," he said as he would gather a shirt and pair of shorts from the dresser as well, as he waited for her to get ready and once she was, "Come on, I will walk you out to your Uber..." Asa would walk to the door and look at her for confirmation that she did indeed want that...
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 08:10 AM
"Yeah? I'd like that actually, thanks Asa. You're such a gentleman." Naima flashed him an easy smile and followed him through the apartment, stopping to grab her bag and slip on her shoes before they made their way down to the building entrance, choosing to stand outside in the crisp morning air to wait for the car. Things started to feel a little awkward for her as she waited for her car of shame, so she looked up to her coworker so a little more conversation to pass the time they had left. "Yeah so um..thanks again for such a good night."
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 08:13 AM
"My pleasure," he would say with a smile as he would let his hand would across her shoulder and back for a minute, "Anytime, really. And don't look so awkward, we are adults, we can do whatever we want..." He smiled at her, "I can't wait to see you again already, is that weird?"
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 08:24 AM
Naima laughed softly and nodded. She couldn't explain why she felt so awkward about hooking up this time because she hadn't felt like this in years. "I mean if it's weird, I guess we're both weird because I feel the same way. I haven't enjoyed a night like last night in a while, Asa."
Asa Christensen BOT 24-Aug-23 08:28 AM
"I am glad I can make the night good for you," he would say with a smile, moving forward and giving her a soft kiss on the forehead, "I am glad you decided to get drunk and give the old man a chance." He laughed as he looked down at her and seen the Uber come around the corner, "Your chariot, princess..."
Naima Grant BOT 24-Aug-23 08:43 AM
"Whoever told you to use Princess as a nickname deserves a million dollars." She joked and laughed to hide her blushing cheeks from that forehead kiss. "See you in a couple of hours." And with that, she climbed into the Uber to head home, wash off the night, and prepare for the day.
Asa Christensen BOT 25-Aug-23 01:37 AM
As he would let her jump into the car, his mind would flip back to memories of the previous night in his head, just going back and forth over all the sexual escapades that they had. He could do nothing but smile all morning as he would shower quickly himself before getting his work clothes on and begin to head towards the door. Casual Friday, blue jeans, a polo, and sneakers. He was happy with this. Everything was coming up red for him. He would make his way into the office a little earlier than everyone else, I mean, he was awake, why not just head on in. He would find his way to the I.T. office and begin work on his daily tasks, but every time he would hear foot steps outside of the office, he would hope it was her.
Naima Grant BOT 25-Aug-23 03:37 AM
Naima strutted into the office looking like a bombshell, as a head executive assistant should, with coffee for herself, an energy drink for Asa, and breakfast sandwiches for the both of them in hand. It was casual Friday, so she did have on a pair of tight skinny jeans that did absolutely everything for her wide hips and fat ass. She chose an emerald green silk top to tuck in above and went for the shiny black heels over her usual flats or sneakers. Was this all for Asa or to celebrate her new position? She wouldn't say. She greeted someone from HR right before she pushed into Asa's office with the goodies. "Good morning Mr. Christensen! Happy Friday!" She smiled as she crossed the room and placed his breakfast on his desk, dropping her voice to speak again. "Good morning again, Asa."
Asa Christensen BOT 25-Aug-23 04:06 AM
"Ms. Grant," he would say, rubbing his eyes slightly, "You are a sight for sore eyes this morning. It is nice to hear your voice and see you..." And indeed it was, her attire did everything for her figure and made sure to show off every bit of her body. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. "And a good morning again, Naima..." he would say as a smirk crossed his face, almost like they were hiding in plain sight, "Ah, you got the best drink ever and the biscuit... Is that from...?"
Naima Grant BOT 25-Aug-23 04:17 AM
"I couldn't possibly bring the head of I.T. a $2 breakfast sandwich from a fast food place. I stopped at Charley's a few blocks over on my way in." She could have waited in line for half an hour with how popular Charley's was, but she knew the head line cook and called in the order in advance. The energy drink came from 7-Eleven, but that wasn't as important or impressive. She leaned forward if only to show off her cleavage, only visible from the right angle, and tapped her coffee cup against his aluminum can. "You're very welcome before you say it. I do love to fill the needs of my coworkers when I can." She grinned at that and had a sip of her drink. "So, what's your day looking like?"
Asa Christensen BOT 25-Aug-23 04:44 AM
"Charley's..." He would almost moan, "I can't believe you had enough time to get in there and get this this morning, this is amazing..." He sighed as he looked up at her, and he was definitely at the right position to look right down into her cleavage and actually see a few marks on her skin, maybe made by him. He smirked softly as he looked back up. "You definitely love to fulfill those needs," and he smiled as he said, "And I definitely love filling up those needs..."
Naima Grant BOT 25-Aug-23 04:56 AM
"We make a good team." Naima smirked, watching Asa's eyes travel down to her tits and back up a few times. "Don't tell the other execs though. Someone might get jealous." And maybe that was a cute little idea she'd entertain on her own time, but she actually was concerned about her work reputation. "Do you need anything else from me currently, Mr. Christensen?"
Asa Christensen BOT 25-Aug-23 05:20 AM
"Secret is safe," he knew just how frowned upon inter-office relationships were, "Don't worry about that..." As he would turn, beginning to type a little bit, he would let the stuff that he could ignore go ahead and run, "Ah, nothing much, I have gotten a lot of it done already," he would smile as he looked over at her, "Pull reports, email reports, make sure no one is watching porn at work, the usu..." He smiled up at her, "How about you? They got you doing anything special?"
Naima Grant BOT 25-Aug-23 06:04 AM
"Oh my god have you ever caught someone doing that? Always use your own device and data to jack off at work." Naima laughed and shook her head. "I'm just getting access to all the exec calendars and basically learning all their preferences so I can actually assist starting Monday. The girl who's job I'm taking over is super sweet, so we'll probably spend half the day gossiping and going to lunch." Another day of hardwork at the office.
Asa Christensen BOT 25-Aug-23 06:10 AM
"You would be surprised at the amount of times, even after being told..." he would laugh as he watched her for a minute, "Don't tell her anything about who might have the biggest stick in office..." Like a goof, he would use to thumbs and point to himself as he mouthed 'me' to her with a smile, but would quickly look back, "Hope you did enjoy though..." He didn't want to mention anything further, "I know the day after can be a bit of a realization period..."
Naima Grant BOT 25-Aug-23 06:33 AM
Whether or not Asa had the biggest stick was a detail she'd leave to herself, but she laughed along with him and nodded anyway. "I did. And if I realized anything at all, it's that I definitely want more experiences like that again." Was she being too forward? There was no such thing as far as she was concerned for the moment. "What has the realization period been like for you?"
Asa Christensen BOT 25-Aug-23 06:48 AM
"It has been awakening," he said with a serious look, before dropping a smile on her, "In a good way..." He would sit up in the chair and turn to face her as he did, "I think it is good to be with someone like you again. I know you might not be necessarily looking for someone like me or something like this, but I wouldn't turn down any options you presented to me..."
Naima Grant BOT 25-Aug-23 07:22 AM
Naima sat on the edge of Asa's desk with a smile of her own, taking sips of the delicious coffee and mind-stimulating caffeine she was gonna need to get through this day.
Did she have other options for him? Aside from offering her body? She couldn't think of anything off the top of her head. What else was she supposed to be for him? "You're doing amazing things for my ego again Mr. Christensen...when is the next time you can squeeze me in for a meeting of the minds?" Or squeeze into me for a meeting of your dick to my cunt? She snorted a laugh at her own ridiculous thoughts and waited for his response.
Asa Christensen BOT 28-Aug-23 01:19 AM
"Darling," he said with a devilish smirk that covered his face, "I can right you in for a meeting whenever you want a meeting. You have to remember who controls the cameras and access cards around this building..." With that, his eyes would meet hers, almost pleading her to go ahead and make that appointment whenever she damned well wanted it. But, the laugh between the two would be mutual at that point as they would both look at each other. Asa would grab some paperwork from a file that sat to the right of his desk, "In the mean time, I guess we should act like we are working, huh?"
Naima Grant BOT 28-Aug-23 06:08 PM
Naima bit down on her glossy bottom lip, contemplating whether or not naming the time and place outright would appeal to experienced and mature gentleman across the desk from her. She felt like she could see begging in his eyes and that made her bold. "Pencil me in for the 26th and 9." The 26th was a Saturday, and she hoped he would get that she meant 9PM and not AM. She was still trying to be discreet despite the fact that he controlled the cameras. But then she sat up and pulled out her phone to check her work calendar. "Unless you prefer today at...4? I have an hour opening then Mr. Christensen." Because if he wanted to fuck her in the server room on the clock, she was definitely willing to bend over. For him.
Asa Christensen BOT 29-Aug-23 01:37 AM
Asa would smile, "Why not both?" His sense of danger and wild side seem to be dragging him around at this point, but he didn't care. If she was willing, he was able. He couldn't help but smile up at her, "And on the 26th, I will make us a nice dinner as well..." He smiled up at her, waiting for her response.
Naima Grant BOT 29-Aug-23 04:15 AM
"Dinner with the department head? Aren't I a lucky girl." Naima grinned back and picked her coffee up again. "I didn't know you could cook Mr. Christensen."
Asa Christensen BOT 29-Aug-23 04:32 AM
"I have been know to dabble," he would say with a smile as he looked over at her, sipping her coffee, "I mean, I am no Gordon Ramsey, but I make a mean soup, pasta, burger, steak... You name it and I can probably make it..." He grinned back up at her, the feelings that were rushing through him. He had no words to describe how she made him feel. This might have been just a hook up, but it was beginning to feel like something more to him.
Naima Grant BOT 29-Aug-23 04:35 AM
"Does that mean I can issue a challenge?" She could see his pupils dilated over what she could only assume was his thoughts of fucking her again. "Because if so, I will gladly eat a cajun chicken alfredo if you're willing to cook it. I can bring dessert too." Because baking something herself was a recipe for disaster.
Asa Christensen BOT 29-Aug-23 04:41 AM
"Cajun chicken alfredo," he would ponder for a moment, faking a serious thought by putting his hand on his chin, "I think that can be arranged, but no laughing or leaving if it turns out bad..." A couple of thoughts for backups would cross his mind as he looked over at her and smiled, "Glad you decided you would like to have a dinner with me..."
Naima Grant BOT 29-Aug-23 04:56 AM
"I absolutely can't promise that I won't leave if the pasta is bad." She laughed easily and finally slid off her coworkers desk, set on getting her training done quickly. "Dinner before you absolutely ravage me again? Every girl's dream Asa. How could I deny?" She hiked her jeans up and grabbed her coffee and breakfast sandwich. "See ya later then Mr. Christensen."
Asa Christensen BOT 29-Aug-23 05:25 AM
He would hand her the stack of papers that she would need from him this morning as well after she would hike up her jeans, pretending not to watch her nice backside wiggle in the jeans as she did it. "And you as well, Ms. Grant..." The next couple of hours would be an internal drag, but Asa would try to use his work to keep his mind set off of what might come later on.
Naima Grant BOT 31-Aug-23 05:02 PM
As the day went on, Naima found herself completely enthralled in the girl who was training her. They giggled and bopped around the office and went out to lunch and gossiped all day, time completely getting away from the young woman until her bubbly coworker was announcing her leave. "Wait, what time is it?" Naima pulled out her phone and swore to herself, only too look up and see the other woman looking at her questioningly. "I uhhh forgot about needing to stop by HR to fill out some paperwork. I'm gonna head there now." She rushed to get out her lie of an excuse before grabbing her bag and scurrying off to Asa's office, wondering if he was even still there as she knocked on the closed door with his name on it.
Asa Christensen BOT 01-Sep-23 01:06 AM
The normal schedule for all members of 'staff' was 9am to 6pm, when he wanted to meet her around 4pm that day, it would have been around their break time. However, he had something special planned as he had shut the cameras off and turned them onto a feed of empty rooms from 4pm to 5pm, so they could have an hour of just them. He didn't know what that would entail, would it be sex? Would it just be talking? He didn't know and didn't care... All he knew was he wanted more time with her... However, as 4:30pm came and went, his mind seemed to race a little bit as she had never showed. When 5pm came and she still hadn't shown, his heart broke a little bit. Not because of what was about to happen, but that it seemed like she was not wanting to feel the same way about these meetings that he did. However, he would not let that affect him, instead opting to let the cameras reset at 5, and head towards the tunnel in the back of the server room, calling it an early day. The knocks from Naima at 5:20pm would go unanswered.
Naima Grant BOT 01-Sep-23 02:55 AM
After calling out her coworker's name a time or two to no answer, Naima pouted and figured she'd totally fucked up. As she headed down to the parking garage though, she thought it wouldn't hurt to at least reach out and apologize. Asa C. Hey, sorry I missed our meeting. I got caught up with my training and totally lost track of time. Super bummed I missed it.
Asa Christensen BOT 01-Sep-23 03:07 AM
As he would be moving down the road, not too far from the building, he would hear his phone ping off. The message coming through, letting him know that she lost track of time. His mind was already racing though. He had been known to get in his head from time to time when it came to relationships and this was no exception... Naima G. It's okay, I figured something come up where you didn't. All good, maybe next time, huh? Still on for dinner? He would place his phone back on the seat as the stared forward at the back of a Honda Civic. His mind racing for the moment on what this all meant to her and to him.
Naima Grant BOT 01-Sep-23 03:25 AM
Naima perked up significantly when her phone buzzed just as she was closing the door to her cute little Volkswagon Jetta. She read over Asa's text and smiled before tapping out a quick response and getting buckled up to head home for now. Asa C. We are definitely still on for dinner. Just tell me where and I'll be there! She hadn't fucked it up. Asa still wanted to see her. Whether that was because of her ass or her personality was a mystery but she'd be happy with either choice.
Asa Christensen BOT 01-Sep-23 03:28 AM
He would still be stuck in the down town Friday evening traffic, but he couldn't help but smile when he heard another message ping through on his phone. She was replying fast, that was a good thing, he thought, but I guess anything is better than nothing. Naima G. Whenever, wherever. My door is always open. You tell me when and I will have the cajun chicken alfredo ready... He smiled, placing it back on the passenger seat as a car behind him would honk, causing him to move forward the three inches they wanted him to move.
Naima Grant BOT 01-Sep-23 04:36 AM
Asa C. Tomorrow night then. 7 o'clock. It seemed like he wanted her to be the choosey one, so she would. His bed skills were more than worth her stepping outside her submissive little bubble to assert what she wanted. Maybe he'd put her back in her place if she pushed it a little farther. Naima grinned at the thought and buckled up to actually head home herself.
Asa Christensen BOT 01-Sep-23 04:45 AM
He would smile as the next message came in, confirming what they had already previously planned, but it gave him a solid concrete notion that she was wanting to hang out with him again. It felt warm on his soul in the moment. Naima G. Definitely, its a date, see you then!" The traffic would begin to pick up and soon, he would find himself pulling into the below ground parking garage of his building and headed up to his apartment for a night... alone... he didn't like that part, but he was use to it now.
Naima Grant BOT 02-Sep-23 06:59 PM
Naima's drive was long and annoying as she hit rush hour traffic due to leaving work earlier than usual. Still, she was too giddy over getting to see Asa again soon to really be too pissed off at the constant honking and brake-slamming from herself and the cars around her. She got home, showered, skin-cared, and dinnered as she always did and found herself cuddled up on her cushiony, soft pink couch with popcorn in one arm, the remote in the other, a bottle of hot sauce tucked near her side, and a throw blanket over her legs. The perfect Friday night as far as she was concerned.
Asa Christensen BOT 03-Sep-23 03:35 AM
The more the night would continue to drag on, he would find himself feeling more and more lonely. Maybe it was here company, maybe it was the feeling of actually having someone to hold onto for the night, but he felt himself continue to get weaker and weaker to the resistance of sending her a message. He was not some fuck boy, he was actually trying to get that date... But, there was nothing wrong with a little bit of messaging back and forth between them, right? Naima G. Hey, what are you doing?
Naima Grant BOT 04-Sep-23 07:25 AM
Naima wiped her hands of Louisiana Hot Sauce residue when her phone buzzed and she picked it up to see who could possibly be hitting her up at nearly 11PM. Seeing that it was Asa surprised her as much as it excited her though. "Didn't think you were the type Mr. Christensen." She mumbled as she typed out a reply. Asa C. Lounging on my couch with Lifetime in the background. What's up cutie?
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Sep-23 11:12 AM
Asa smiled as he saw the word cutie on the screen. Did that actually describe him? Even if he was a lone a big goofy grin would come across his red hued face. Naima G. Ah, nothing much, felt lonely, figured I'd message. You ate? Food, that was the excuse...
Naima Grant BOT 04-Sep-23 12:25 PM
Asa. C And I was your first call? Damn I'm special. Naima giggled at herself and settled deeper into her couch to tap out another response. She wasn't a stranger to 'u up?' texts. What would he want? Nudes? A little sexting? She could play just about any game he suggested. Asa C. If you mean did I have two bags of popcorn covered in hot sauce for dinner, the answer is yes, and how ever did you know that? 😆
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Sep-23 02:24 PM
Asa would laugh at the back to back messages, but smiled as he might be able to get a way in without this being a booty call. Naima G That doesn't sound very feeling, lol. Might as well come over (or invite me over) with a nice big pepperoni pizza... He resisted the urge to make a sausage joke.
Naima Grant BOT 04-Sep-23 03:05 PM
Asa C. What makes you think food will be enough for me to agree to a booty call Mr. Christensen? Naima rolled her eyes as she sent the text. She didn't need the food to come over, but it was fun to play hard to get occasionally. Asa C. Anyway I'm very selective about my pizza so where would it be coming from?
Asa Christensen BOT 04-Sep-23 10:16 PM
He smiled, she had a way of reading him, that was for sure, but he would still play coy. Naima G. Booty call, whatever do you mean? I am just trying to make sure someone stays fed... And also, you don't take me for a Pizza Hut or Dominos girl, so I was thinking Luigi's on 13th street? That close to you? He would put his phone down on the nightstand, sliding up on the bed to sit on the side of it.
Naima Grant BOT 05-Sep-23 04:24 PM
Asa C. Wait, are you actually offering to buy me a pizza? What's in it for you Mr. Christensen? Because surely he wasn't actually planning to do that out of the kindess of his heart.
Asa Christensen BOT 05-Sep-23 10:57 PM
Naima G. I promise, pizza and company for me. That is all I want out of it... Wasn't a lie per say, but she knew as well as he did what company in this context meant. He wanted to leave it grey for the moment though. No need to offend or make it awkward if she said no...
Naima Grant BOT 06-Sep-23 05:24 AM
Pizza and company huh? Naima sat up again and mosied back to her bedroom to find something cuter to put on. Whether he was coming to her place or she was going to his, the pajamas had to go. Asa C. Are you also planning to send another Uber to get me back to your place? If she had her pick, she'd end up at his apartment again for sure.
Asa Christensen BOT 06-Sep-23 06:51 AM
You got her on the hook, Asa, he thought to himself, make sure you reel her in easy. He look at his phone a moment, pondering his options here... Naima G. I mean, I could, or I could just come there on the way with the pizza? Your choice... Cashapp or Zelle?
Naima Grant BOT 06-Sep-23 07:46 AM
Kali? Now what in the world did Asa know about Kali? Naima snickered as she picked out a cute little two-piece set in her signature green. It was tight around the tits and tight around the ass and that's exactly how she wanted to present herself. Asa C. Your place then. And Zelle because I'm a classy girl. She grinned and took a picture of herself once she was dressed to send him. Asa C. Like my look? Very pizza and company appropriate.
Image attachment
Asa Christensen BOT 07-Sep-23 10:51 PM
Asa smiled as he received the message that said she would be coming to his house. He would immediately go to the Zelle app and send her $25 dollars for the Uber ride over. He would also find the app for the pizza company, very badly made, but it worked and ordered the pizza. However, when he opened his messages again and seen what she was wearing... Naima G. I mean, I can think of eating a few things when I see you in that, but not pizza... Pizza ordered, let's see which one of you get here faster. He smiled as he would sit his phone down as he would walk over to the bathroom, starting the shower for a quick refresher before she got there.
Naima Grant BOT 09-Sep-23 04:31 PM
"Spicy, Mr. Christensen. You'd be lucky to get a chance at it." Asa C. See you in 30 and you can tell me what's on your mind in person. And then she pocketed her phone and sprayed a few more pumps of her favorite floral perfume on her wrists and behind her ears before she ordered the Uber and grabbed her bag to head downstairs to meet her car. The ride to Asa's was short and maybe that was due to the distance or maybe it was due to how easily Naima got lost in her own thoughts about what the night would hold. She texted him again to let him know she'd arrived just before her car pulled up and she got out. Asa C. Come and get me Asa 😏
Asa Christensen BOT 10-Sep-23 10:45 PM
As he waited, Asa did freshen up, finding some decent fitting comfort clothing, a pair of nice shorts and a nice t-shirt. He would wait by the phone almost too impatiently as he would wait for the text that she or the pizza was here. He would smile, seeing that she was the first one to arrive. As he would walk out of the apartment, moving towards the elevator, an almost nervous, excited energy escaped from him. He had never done something like this before, but maybe it was just going to be a hang out and that's it? Still, he was excited to see her... As he would hear the elevator ding, he would see her in the lobby of the apartment building, "Hello, ma'am..." He said with a soft shyness, "Oh, look..." As he mentioned it, the pizza guy just arrived as well, carrying their food. He would stop him, grabbing their food for the way up too... No distractions now.
Naima Grant BOT 11-Sep-23 05:29 AM
Naima grinned at the sight of her handsome coworker in his casualwear and waited for him to grab the pizza before they stepped back into the elevator to head up to his apartment. "Thanks for inviting me over, Asa. I half-expected to never see this place again." She laughed it off to hide the very mild sense of insecurity over it she actually felt. "And Luigi's extra pepperoni. You're really spoiling me here." She tucked herself into his side as the elevator rose, quickly landing on his floor. "I like you in casual clothes. Very sexy."
Asa Christensen BOT 12-Sep-23 12:51 AM
"I mean, not as pretty as you are, but," he did a little twirl in his casual clothing, "I try..." He looked over at her, "Why would you expect not to see my place again? You didn't get the proper tour at all last time... Might as well make sure you get that at least..." And a few other things, he thought to himself, "Plus, Luigi's extra pepperoni is good. But, Asa's sausage is a bit more spicer sometimes..." He gave her a soft smirk at his own joke.
Naima Grant BOT 12-Sep-23 02:45 AM
Naima snickered as they made it down the hall to his apartment, kicking her shoes off once they were inside. "That was very cheesy Asa. Cheesier than the pizza even." She gestured with the snare and cymbal for her own joke and shuffled into his living room to plop down on his couch. "Even before the pizza, I gotta admit, this is better than eating popcorn alone on my own couch. What are we watching while we eat?" Because even if this was a booty call, they could watch a random episode of something before things got hot and heavy.
Asa Christensen BOT 12-Sep-23 03:38 AM
Asa would giggle behind his smirk as he would invite her into the living room of the house, as she kicked her shooes off, he would move over to the kitchen island where he would place the pizza on the counter. Can't forget about it, but that was definitely not what he had on his mind, instead, he would find himself moving directly to her on the couch. As she plopped down, he wasn't too far behind and his body would slide in front of her. His hands falling to either side of her on the couch as his body moved in tight on her, his lips would moves to hers almost immediately.
Naima Grant BOT 12-Sep-23 03:51 AM
Naima couldn't even pretend to be surprised or disappointed when Asa skipped the pizza all together and dipped down to crowd her on the couch. She reached up and pulled him down, meeting his lips in a kiss that she easily melted into. Never had she ever wanted to kiss a hookup so bad. Or maybe that was just the horny energy twisted feelings in her brain. "Asa if you just wanted to fuck me, you didn't need to offer the pizza." She giggled when the kiss broke for a second.
Asa Christensen BOT 12-Sep-23 03:57 AM
Asa would pull away from the kiss for a moment, smiling at her, "Ah, you know," he would begin to stand up and move away, "Just wanted to gauge if you still wanted me... And you totally do..." He would slowly walk back over to the counter, grabbing the pizza and a couple of paper plates that were tucked up under the kitchen island before moving back to the couch. "So, what do you wanna watch?"
Naima Grant BOT 12-Sep-23 04:00 AM
"Oh I definitely do. If I haven't made that obvious, I'm so sorry, but I literally daydream about getting bent over by you again." Blunt. Honest. Forward. "Mmm some mindless cop show so that we can transition back to making out whenever we want?" She wanted background noise because eating in silence was awkward, but they both knew she wasn't here to watch TV.
Asa Christensen BOT 12-Sep-23 04:14 AM
Fingers meet putty... He couldn't help but smile when he heard her blunt, honest, and forward words, so much so that a small snicker of a laugh escaped his lips as he would come back and sit. However, he would stop at the small coffee table that was in front of them... "I think it is like super hot in here, don't you?" With that, he would grab his left shirt sleeve with his right hand and pull his shirt over his head, letting the shirt tumble to the couch before he would reach for the waistband of his shorts, loosening them just enough to fall completely, revealing his complete nudeness before he would just fall to the couch beside her. A gamble he was hoping would succeed. "Mindless cop show, eh?"
Naima Grant BOT 12-Sep-23 05:03 AM
As she watched her coworker disrobe, Naima's brows raised. It was surprising seeing him get ass naked right in front of her like they'd done this a hundred times and not just once with a little liquid courage involved. She was surprised. But she was excited. And she climbed right into his naked lap in response to seeing him lay out on his couch. Her hands found stability on his chest and she allowed her full weight to rest against his hips. "Fuck the show. We can just do this. I need help getting out of this cute outfit though."
Asa Christensen BOT 12-Sep-23 10:53 PM
As he settled on the couch, he was going to pretend like nothing was different, but his plans would quickly be changed for him as she would move to him, straddling his hips as he would sit on the couch, her hands softly moving along his chest. "Sure," he said with a smile, "Where you want me to start?" He gave her a raised eyebrow and looked over the girl in front of him.
Naima Grant BOT 13-Sep-23 09:17 AM
"You mean you don't have a preference between seeing my perfect tits or my gorgeous ass first?" She pretended to pout but dipped down quickly to kiss him. They could still kiss right? "Help me with this shirt then."
Asa Christensen BOT 13-Sep-23 09:21 AM
"I mean, why would I have a preference when all of you is stunning anyway?" She kissed him quickly, but he needed more of her. It was almost like a needed hunger that he felt whenever she was close, he couldn't help but smile when she returned back, but pout when she left. "Kiss me more..."
Naima Grant BOT 13-Sep-23 10:32 AM
It set off butterflies in her stomach when Asa asked her to kiss him more. It was a command really but it came across so soft, and she couldn't ignore how it made her feel. It made her feel wanted, and her hookups never did that. All they did was make her feel useful really. She lowered her body back down and pressed her lips to his with a similar softness and maybe there was a quiet sense of gratitude in there for what he was doing to her. For her without even realizing it.
Asa Christensen BOT 13-Sep-23 10:57 PM
He smiled as she would lower her lips back to his. Wordlessly, the two of them would share quiet moments of passion, pleasure, and just pure enjoyment of being on the end of each other's kiss. He wasn't sure what this feeling was for her, but in his mind, this was more than a hookup or more than a 'friends with benefit' situation, and these kisses, this told him that... He smiled as she pulled away for a moment, "Your kiss tastes amazing..."
Naima Grant BOT 14-Sep-23 07:46 AM
"Can you taste my chocolate lip gloss?" Naima asked before pressing another few light kisses to his lips. She doubted he meant that literally but she didn't want to assume anything else. "This isn't how my booty calls usually go, handsome. I'm usually twisted into a pretzel on the kitchen counter or something by now."
Asa Christensen BOT 14-Sep-23 01:18 PM
"I can taste it and it tastes almost as good as I bet you do," he said with a smile as she would kiss him again. He would moan into her kisses this time with a sastified moan, but his rebuttal to her booty call comment would leave a moment of silence between the two of them, "I mean, if you would prefer that, than we can do that, but I like the taste of you on my lips more than anything..."
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