100 years was a long time. Laurent wondered what this man had all seen in those years, but a part in him did not want to know.
Once I turn you...
Laurent froze, eyes widening in shock as his mind began to spin a little again. His heart began to flare with panic as he tried to get up at least to look at Claude and protest, but it seemed as if he'd fallen asleep already.
After that Laurent was certain: This man was dangerous. He had to get out of here, away from him. Laurent carefully turned around on his bed, placing his feet on the ground and standing up slolwy. Claudes words had made him feel nauseous, his knees weak and trembly. With the strong determination to escape from death, Laurent managed to walk over to the chair where his clothes were laying, nearly falling to the ground but Laurent caught himself just in time on a nearby table, but the thud on the table was loud nonetheless.
Somehow and after some time, Laurent had been able to fully dress himself and to get up on his less shakey knees towards the door.
"Where are you going?"
It was Claude, mumbling as Laurent just had grabbed hold onto the door handle and immediately froze as he felt caught.
"I'm leaving..." He spoke with determination, pushing the door open without looking back to Claude.
"When are you coming back?"
"I won't. I'm getting fucking out of here." With those words, Laurent closed the door without looking back to this man.
Through some sort of wonder, Laurent made it barely back to his house, the morning sun barely standing above the horizon. He let himself drop into his bed, curling up into a ball of pain before falling asleep into a dreamless exhausted slumber.
A week had passes since Laurents odd encounter. The man had been able to recover from his illness, few of the biting marks still evident all over his body. He had not heard or seen any of Claude over the this week which seemed like an either good or bad sign.
This evening Laurent did not feel like visiting the ga