“I remember when we first encountered the dragons..” The faded ink on the ancient parchment read, “They were massive beasts, with power over the primal elements like fire or ice. Thick, scaly hides, covered in spines and razor sharp teeth.. But they weren’t aggressive. In fact, they were quite friendly with us as we moved through the mountains. They acted as guides, traded some of their treasures for some of our own.. It was unlike anything the stories prepared us for. That was until someone got the bright idea to invade the mountains to claim the dragons’ hoards for themselves.. Then we saw the true wrath of the dragons. They swept through the armies, each a whirlwind of teeth and claws and tails, with elemental power in every blow. Very few of us survived, and then the dragons disappeared deep into the mountains, to a place where man could never find..”
That’s what people were supposed to believe. The truth was, however, that some humans found a place in the dragons’ ancient city.. They improved upon it, creating a human charm to the otherwise draconic civilization. They carved homes out of the mountains themselves, tended animals at the edge of the river, grew crops and caught fish.. All under the protection and guidance of their draconic companions. Some even found love from the dragons, and made families. Slowly, however, the humans began to die off as their isolated city failed to grow past the foreboding mountains. Seeing this, the dragons urged them to leave and return to the land of man, which many agreed. Thus, legends of an ancient, lost city began to spread throughout the world, and its location became lost to time as the generations passed. Nobody could find it, though many tried.