The kingdom of Gyrindor is one of proud people, skilled artisans and valiant warriors. Their soldiers, known far and wide for their strength and strategy, are legendary archers and brawlers. Gyrindor artisans create goods that are sold all over the world, made out of the finest stones, metals, and silks. Weapons sharp enough to cut through steel, pottery that can withstand the greatest of earthquakes, gowns that make anyone look like the most beautiful person in the world.. They had it all. Their politicians were loved by all, and nothing ever goes wrong, right?
Well, not quite. While it is true that the world at large sees Gyrindor as a place of wealth and prosperity, and in many cases it is.. Beneath that pearly facade, there’s always shadows that follow all that dazzling light, no? Yeah, the humans, the dwarves, the elves.. All those races you expect to see, they all have great lives because of their alliances and agreements. But what about those behind the curtains? Your Orcs? Tieflings? Trolls? Hell, any kind of monstrous race. They all get treated as second-rate, no matter their origins. Typical humans, hating on anything that has any kind of storied past with them.. At least the storied past that the people up top want them to know. Hidden libraries and the longer-lived races speak of conflict between the allied races however many hundreds of years ago, in hushed whispers of course..
And don't even think about magic within their cities, unless you're a state-sponsored mage or a clergyman. Presumably due to these past wars, the people of Gyrindor have a severe distrust of magic as a whole, unless it is tied to nature and actively helping them. Rogue mages, called Apostates, are hunted down and executed on the spot in many cases, since any kind of unregulated magic could lead to widespread death. That’s what they say, anyway..