His steps were quiet, heels clacking against the flagstone streets as he passed the crumbling buildings and winding alleys. The splattering of rain padded the scent to a murky, dull haze. His passing was noted only by the birds come to feast on the dead left in the mud and dreck of the gutters.
He was blood drunk and he knew it, lost in the high that came with it. Fucking becoming a lush now? He dragged his tongue across his teeth, his bleeding gums reddening his mouth. He couldn't help it. It all was so overwhelming. So new. Free feeding was strictly forbidden but he had slipped. And he reveled to find it soothed the ache that gnawed at his mind. He needed to find more and the Dredges would provide. No one here would pay mind to a bloodless corpse. Theyd be carted away with the rest. The sick and ill found respite beneath his teeth, and he descended like a Reaper without distinction. All would support his strength.
He broke into a building to rest, the rotting wood shattering beneath his shoulder. The glass window looked down over the street lit by streaks of muddled moonlight. Silently he dragged the half broken wardrobe over the now broken door, forcing it shut then blocking it up.
It was their fault, for assigning him such a weak handler. The man had actually begged him to 'behave'. Bah he tsked setting to sit on the floor, gloved hands resting on his knees, boots under him. He often found this to be the most comfortable for him to rest in and allowed his mind to fall between the layers as easily as another would to sleep.