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Archive 20 / social-isolation
NSFW | Primal Play, CNC, Supernatural Creature Sex, Death, Violence
Nassar Yousef BOT 02-Jan-23 12:08 AM
TW: Primal Play, CNC, Supernatural Creature Sex, Death, Violence
Arella Nightwalker BOT 02-Jan-23 12:23 AM
The howls of wolves would fill the air around them. It was a cold night, the kind that made your breath fog in the air. The sky cloudless and showing the many stars at the sky through the thick forest ceiling. The moon was out as well, spreading it’s light to give sight to the wolves that roamed the forest. Enough to give them enough sight to move around efficiently. And what a sight they were to behold. A pack full of brown and black wolves, a single white one running among them. She was small, even compared to her peers, her white fur standing out and making her almost appear as a ghost among them. Her feet light on the forest floor making her able to keep up with the rest of them. Because even if she was a little bit of a runt, she could hold her own among them. The pack was moving fast and not without a goal. An intruder had been spotted near their borders. It was unclear in that moment where they had come from or who they were, but it was clear that he or she did not belong here. So they had moved out with the six of them, plenty to deal with the threat. Arella felt determined to do her part. It was not often that she was invited to go along for a patrol, let alone one that was meant to chase of an intruder. Her white simply stood out to much to do her job right. But this time would be different, she would prove her worth to them. She would prove that she deserved her place in this pack, that she deserved a mate and that she was more then just a runt. They ran a few more miles before the pack suddenly came to a stop and the growl of the alpha’s son at the front rang through the air. The group formed a line on either side of them, their growls joining the chore. Her own growl just slightly higher pitched then the others. Right before them was the intruder, but it was not what Arella had expected. He was not even a wolf.. but a tiger. Much larger then even the Alpha’s son he was quit a sight to behold. It was a good thing there were six of them. They wo
uld need it if they were to chase off this intruder. Leave. The body language of the leader of the group was clear enough for even the foreign animal to understand. Leave, or we will make you. Teeth bared and white shining in the moonlight. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 02-Jan-23 02:34 AM
The issue with humans was their need to spread their influence beyond their sphere’s of understanding. They had abandoned the ways of the migrant hunter thousands of years ago, and over the past millennia, they had done all they could to reduce the amount of struggle or unpredictability that they had to deal with. Sounds like a good idea, right? Wrong. They did not simply pull away from the things that they didn’t like and keep living their lives in their own areas of comfort. No. They sought out the areas that did not meet their standard of acceptable living and made efforts to bend it to their will. Cutting down forests, clogging rivers, killing off predators and prey alike. The human machine, the virus to nature that it was, continued to spread with impunity as they cared not for the creatures they might be harming. They were lesser than the humans, and therefore they were expected to get out of the way or die. Nassar had been the recipient of such treatment from the time he was a cub, watching his brothers get caught in a trap before being thrown into the back of a garbage truck. Their mother had done as was expected of her: abandoning them to their own resources when they got too old for her to reliably feed. This, however, meant that Nassar and his siblings were not aware of the true horror that was humans. They were told to stay in the forest and let the spirits of nature guide their lives, but they were never told what to do when the spirits and forest both were killed off by this invading force that stood awkwardly on two legs. Unnatural beings that stood in a way that made no sense for stability or power, Nassar had watched them from a distance that was not shared by his siblings. Their curiosity got them killed before they could grow to be wary, and their existence pulled the humans deeper into the forest in search of more blood to claim and conquer. .
Living on the run from the bipedal approach had kept Nassar from finding his own land to claim as his own hunting grounds, so he was used to skirting around the borders of his neighbors in search of food. It had been successful thus far, allowing him to grow large, strong, and fast. He had hunted where he pleased and simply avoided detection from the beings that claimed the lands, but tonight had been a different night. A deer he had been stalking darted deep into the territory of a wolf pack in the region, but Nassar refused to let his prey get away so easily. A short chase ensued until he caught the deer and crushed its windpipe before breaking its neck and dragging it towards the border again. It was in the process of dragging the animal that he heard the wolves howling on the wind. He could not understand the words in the calls, but he knew well enough that he was the focal point of their alarm. Stopping where he was, he decided to make the best of his efforts and began devouring the deer carcass before the policing wolves could reach him. He could make it to the border if he left the deer, but that was not an option. Ripping into the deer’s flesh and swallowing large chunks whole, he paid no mind to the way the blood spread over his muzzle and colored the white fur of his cheeks. He needed to eat quickly, so there was no time or reason to be careful and dainty in his efforts. He was deep in the deer’s abdomen, ripping out its precious liver and heart, when he heard the footfalls of the approaching wolves. Pulling his head back and swallowing the organs, he crouched low over the deer, his lips drawn back to expose his pronounced canines and other teeth. Nassar released a low rolling growl as he saw the wolves lining up in front of him, his tail standing out behind him in a relaxed stance to be ready to balance him if he chose to challenge this approach. .
His orange snout was largely covered in a red hue from the prey’s blood, but the pattern of orange fur with proud black stripes continued over his entire body. Narrowing his eyes when the largest of the wolves stepped forward with a low growl, Nassar released a quick roar of aggravation before looking down at the deer in front of him. He did not want to lose his hard earned meal, but he also was not looking for a fight. One or two of the wolves, maybe even three, and he would have fought them for his meal. But with half a dozen in front of him, Nassar knew that wasn’t a fight he could handle. The wolves were clear in what they wanted him to do. Leave their territory, or be ready for a fight to throw him off of it. Growling deeply as he stepped over the deer to place his forward paws in front of it, Nassar made a clear indication of his thoughts on the matter. This is mine. I will take my kill. Growling and baring his teeth to punctuate how intent he was on keeping to his word, Nassar stepped back slightly while looking over the pack before him. Most of them looked like the traditional wolf he had crossed paths with, but one of them stood out from the rest. Noticeably smaller in stature, it was her coat that stood out the most to him. Bright white in the moonlight, she nearly glowed like a beacon in the night. Tilting his head slightly as he looked her over curiously, Nassar shifted his eyes back to the wolf that had stepped the closest to him. Offering one final growl, Nassar lowered his head and grabbed the throat of the dead deer in his jaw. Picking up to let him drag the animal, Nassar watched the wolves for a reaction as he started to slowly walk backwards with his deer dragging over the ground. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 02-Jan-23 02:52 AM
Her growl would almost create a harmony as it sang out along with the others around her. While the Alpha’s son took the lead she just stayed at the back, her ice blue eyes never leaving the target before her. She had never seen one of his kind before. The tigers did not belong in these parts and it made her wonder where he had come from. A being like him had been hunting their prey for a good while now, showing an appetite that was greater then anything they had faced before. Yet she had expected a bear.. not him. He stepped forward to claim his prey, but the Alpha’s son was having none of it. Almost instantly his growl deepened and a threatening bark followed it. You will not. The message clear between them even if the language they spoke was so vastly different. And she could not blame the Alpha’s son for his decision. That prey was hunted on their ground, it belonged to them. Even the meat that had already found it’s way into the tigers belly rightfully was theirs. He was a thief and thieves did not deserve to get away with it without consequences. Besides.. there were six of them and only one of him. Yet the tiger seemed unwilling to step down even after the warning, closing it’s red stained muzzle around the preys neck and starting to drag it forward. Arella lurched forward with an audible snarl, how dare this creature before her be so disobedient to the son of their Alpha. Yet the gesture was not appreciated and she found herself getting snarled at herself for stepping out of line as she did. Her ears landing in her neck for a moment as she cowered for just a moment before she focused back on the tiger and bared her fangs again. Yet this time she stayed back, not stepping forward like she had. It was clear in that moment that her ranking within that group of wolfs was low, most of them having a say over her. And then the Alpha’s son had enough of the disrespect that was shown in front of them. Out of seemingly nowhere he lunged forward and charged
at the tiger. The other wolfs, including Arella, soon followed after. The Alpha’s son was the first to make contact, sinking his fangs into the tiger’s side. Two others followed, flanking him from the other side. It didn’t take long for the tiger to be surrounded. Arella flanking his left side with her fangs bared and her head low. Her whole body tense as she anticipated the fight that was bound the be breaking out. Unwilling to be the weak link in the barrier that had been created. Yet it was clear that she might be just that. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 02-Jan-23 02:16 PM
Hearing the largest wolf bark at him in a clear message to keep him from taking the deer, Nassar looked from him to each of the other wolves that were obviously sizing him up. He had hunted this deer fair and square; the damn thing had just darted into this pack’s land during the chase. But he knew better than to try to argue his case when the wolves were so obviously looking for a fight. Growling deeply with the carcass still in his mouth, Nassar tried to back up further while raising the fur on his neck and shoulders to make himself look larger than he was. This isn’t worth a fight. Let me leave with my kill. Looking between the wolves as he started dragging the carcass further back from the scene, Nassar saw anger building up in all of them as they watched. He kept his grip loose on the neck of the deer, knowing that he would need mobility and power combined to get out of this situation with his life if it turned ugly. Watching the wolf closest to him, Nassar nearly missed the movements of the smaller white wolf as she leapt forward to bite at him. His snout wrinkled quickly in a fierce snarl while a deep growl rolled out of his throat, but it seemed the other wolves had her contained before he needed to act. Watching the wolves biting and nipping at her to get her back in line and subdued again, Nassar narrowed his eyes before looking at the largest wolf in front of him. You don’t want to fight me. His attempt to intimidate the wolf seemed to fail as the male lunged forward and attacked him. Dropping the deer carcass as quickly as he could, Nassar was moving to bite at the wolf and intercept his attack when he saw two others wheeling around to flank him. Roaring loudly when the first wolf’s teeth bit into his side, Nassar swung his left paw backwards at the wolf that had bitten him. Feeling his claws extend and rip into the creature’s neck and face, Nassar turned his attention to the two wolves moving to flank him when the first was dislodged. .
The pained whimpers of the first wolf fueled him onwards as he coiled on his hindlegs and then leapt at the two wolves. Sailing over their heads and causing them to look up to track him in, Nassar caught the widening of their eyes that told him how surprised they were by his agility. They had never fought one of his kind, so he was more than happy to educate them. Lowering his front paws and twisting in the air, Nassar dug his claws into the back of the brown wolf under him before driving him to the ground. Hooking his claws in its back and pulling it backwards, Nassar lowered his head quickly and bit the base of the wolf’s skull and neck. Feeling the bone give way under his powerful jaws and sharp canines, he shook his head back and forth twice before dropping the limp, lifeless body to the ground. Leaping at the wolf to his side now, Nassar brought his right paw forward to smack the creature in the face as it charged at him. Extending his claws as he swung, Nassar felt one of them gouge deep into the side of the wolf’s head before coming out through his eye. Ripping free and seeing the wolf immediately lower its head as it was blinded on one side, Nassar swung with his left paw at the other side of the wolf’s skull. Causing it to stumble from the force of the impact, the tiger surged forward and slammed the top of his head into the wolf’s snout to knock its head up and out of the way. Turning his head as he charged, Nassar took the wolf’s throat into his powerful jaws and bit down in a crushing grip. Feeling the wolf’s windpipe give way under his teeth while his canines cut deep into the soft flesh of its throat, Nassar held his grip and shook his head while backing away from the remaining members of the pack. Looking at each of them while he felt the wolf in his jaws struggling to fight back, Nassar bit down more fiercely to secure his hold before whipping his head to the side and ripping out a large chunk of the wolf’s throat. .
He knew that this was his opening to leave without suffering anymore injuries, for there could be more wolves sent to help this hunting party that had found him. Dropping the piece of flesh with a low roar, he looked at the wolves before turning and sprinting away quickly. His orange fur did not blend into the foliage here as well as it did in his homeland, but Nassar hoped that he would be able to outpace any wolves chasing him until he got to their border and could seek safety. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 02-Jan-23 10:11 PM
The fight that happened before her was going so incredibly fast. It didn’t take long for the tiger to start to maul it’s way through the wolves like a bulldozer. Yet Arella was determined to stand her ground. She kept barking and growling at him, changing her position so she was behind him at all times. And while he was mauling down their numbers, causing injuries left and right, the rest of the wolves were nipping away at him. Arella got in several bites into his flank, causing nasty punctures that oozed blood. She had been lucky that so far he had ignored her and gone for the others. Her own white muzzle now slightly stained red, but this time from the tiger’s blood. The yelps and cries that rang the air from time to time were nerve wrecking, but she decided to concentrate on what was happening before her. She didn’t even notice that one of theirs had passed away by the tigers teeth. It seemed to have taken ages when there seemed to be a break in the fight. She had her head low, her muscles tense so she could run from him if she needed to. Two of theirs were on the ground, one unmoving, the other moving only just. Yet the Alpha’s son was not ready to let go of this chase, his pride did not allow him. So when the tiger ran, he howled into the air. He is not getting away! It was all she and the others needed. In seconds they were after the tiger. The creature was so much faster then they had anticipated. He easily outpaced most of the wolves even at their faster speed. But not Arella.. This is where she shined. She was fast and nimble. Her head low she became almost like a ghost with the speed that she ran, her paws seeming to barely hit the ground as she pushed off again. The adrenaline of the fight still rushing through her she had only eyes for what happened before her. She didn’t even notice when the others started to fall back and she was practically left alone. She just knew that she needed to get him. This was her chance after all. She could prove he
r worth to the Alpha’s son. She could show that she was more then a runt. She could fight too, she could be part of the hunting crew despite her colors. She finally caught up to him and would be at his side, just slightly behind him. Her teeth nipped at his back paw. She missed the first time, but the second time she connected and managed to make him trip and fall into the forest floor. I got him! Her bark speaking of how proud she was of herself. But that was till she realized that she was alone. Her head turned to either side of her, but there was nobody there. As she turned back towards the tiger he was already scrambling back to his feet. Her head went low, her ears back as she felt fear grip at her. She had seen what he had done to her peers. But at the same time she could not show her weakness. She bared her teeth, her white fangs glistening in the moonlight and her lips curled up. A body language that spoke both of fear and courage. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 08-Jan-23 06:14 AM
Thankfully the wounds he had suffered from the other wolves had not gone deeper than the muscle underneath his hide, protecting his softer inner organs from their sharp teeth. However, as he looked to the wolves before running, Nassar could feel a level of lightheadedness coming over him. He was not going to die from blood loss, or he hoped not at least. But he could feel the effects of losing as much blood as he had in addition to the pain that came from being bitten that many times. He was grateful for his speed when he took off at a sprint, trying to keep out of reach of the wolves for long enough for them to lose interest or hope in the chase. It seemed to be working for the most part, but as he glanced over his shoulders mid sprint, he saw a flash of white fur moving up behind him. Nassar’s eyes widened slightly as he turned his head forward to see where he was going. He had been listening to see when the wolves pulled off the chase, but he had not heard the paws of this white wolf as she got closer to him. Growling deeply with each pounding leap from the ground, Nassar was looking for a tree that he could use when he heard the jaws of the white wolf snapping behind him. Lowering his head to try and become more streamlined and pick up more speed, Nassar made the adjustment one step too late it seemed. Yelping and growling as he felt the teeth bite into his paw, the tiger tried to push through and get traction off of her face, but as he pulled his paw forward to push forward into the sprinting leap, he felt his balance go out from under him when his rear limb did not come forward immediately. Falling forward as his movement pattern had been disturbed to the point of failure, Nassar rolled forward over his shoulders before landing in a jumble of orange, black stripes, and tangled limbs. .
Resting on the ground for a moment as the fall had knocked his breath out of his lungs, Nassar looked up at the white wolf as she barked excitedly and looked around her. Smirking as he noticed that she expected to have back-up support but had none whatsoever, Nassar chuckled softly before righting his limbs and moving them to lift himself. Rolling over and standing up quickly with a deep growl as he watched the white wolf come to the realization that she was alone, the tiger snarled his upper lip back to expose his long, powerful upper canines. Watching the wolf lower her head as she took on a more defensive posture compared to the confidence she had had before, Nassar stepped forward slowly, his head lowered as he looked at her and angled his circular ears forward to catch any incoming sounds. There was no point in pressing his advantage if he heard her comrades coming to catch up behind her. He was not losing his confidence in his own abilities, but the more he felt blood seeping through the fur covering his flanks, the more he realized he was not in a position for a long fight. Seeing the white wolf bare her teeth in a snarl, Nassar charged forward a few feet, stopping a couple meters short of her and unleashing a powerful and deep roar. Showing his canines and teeth in a proud display, he made his intent very clear to her, or so he hoped. Leave me alone or I will kill you. Snarling and watching the wolf for any kind of clue as to what she was thinking, Nassar allowed his eyes to slowly move over her lupine form. She was much smaller than her contemporaries were, which is likely what aided in her ability to catch up with him, unlike the others. Walking side to side in a slow pacing fashion as if there was a barrier separating them, Nassar allowed his fur to fluff slightly with the wind to make himself look bigger than he actually was. He was not a small tiger, but he knew that being intimidating couldn't hurt. .
If the wolf held her ground while making no attempt to back track towards her friendlies, Nassar would allow his pacing pattern to grow in size. He would attempt to circle the female wolf slowly, his eyes moving over her frame to measure her up and try to gauge her abilities or defenses. He could tell from her coat and the sleekness of it that she took care of herself very well, which seemed strange on a hunting wolf. From the packs he had seen before in his life of traveling the lands, wolves that had her features were usually kept far away from the border and protected by their pack. Looking her over, he narrowed his eyes before releasing a low growl and heavy hormones in the air to communicate. I recommend you let me go. Stay here and something bad is going to happen to you. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 08-Jan-23 06:52 AM
As he pressed closer to her, she would edge backwards. She bared her teeth even more, but her body language made it more then clear that there was fear inside of her as well. The tiger before her much larger then her, probably at least three times as heavy. She knew she was no match for him, but she also knew that turning her back to him in that moment was the worst thing that she could do. As he jumped forward towards her she would leap back as well. Her lip falling and her ears going into her neck as he roared before her. The softest of whines left her throat at the same time, probably not heard by the tiger before her. She soon recovered and once more would bare her teeth against him. His message to her was clear and she would like nothing more but to obey him. But as a predator there is one thing above all else that she had been taught. And that was to never turn your back on your enemy. So she simply tried to think of a plan as he started to circle her. She would match his stride, constantly stepping back as he tried to closer the distance. Her hind legs stepping so she would turn in order with him. She could only hope that her pack members would catch up to her. That they would have caught her scent and went after her. But matter how much she turned her ears back to hear their sounds, she didn’t hear them. She was on her own.. and as a low rank in a pack of wolves, that was something that was terrifying to her. Especially when facing the predator much larger before her. Even if he was wounded more then she was, she knew that he was capable of doing just what he promised.. to kill her. She could feel his intent, could tell his warning. Leave or I will hurt you. Yet she was not convinced that turning her back to him would get her away safely either. So as he growled towards her, she did the same thing. Turn around and I will do the same. It was a demand that was way outside of her position, yet the only one that she could make in that moment witho
ut appearing as weak as she felt before him. She would not run with her tail between her legs. If any of the others would learn of her cowardice.. she would really become the runt of the pack. She was not about to destroy the small reputation that she had finally build for herself for a stranger invading their lands. Do not return! A snarl his direction, the final bit of pride that she needed to show him in order to feel right about the situation. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 08-Jan-23 11:10 PM
He had noticed the way her lip fell to hide her teeth and her ears fell back, but as he finished his roar and closed his mouth, Nassar snorted slightly when he saw her lip drawing up again to expose her teeth again. He knew that roaring like that would alert the other wolves in the area and let them narrow down where he was, but he had hoped the display would strike enough fear into the white wolf that she would run from him. Growling deeply as he recognized that his attempt to dislodge her through intimidation would not work, Nassar allowed his eyes to glide over the she-wolf as he looked for a weakness he could exploit. She was smart and experienced though; Nassar could tell she knew what she was doing by the way that she was moving as he circled her. She moved to keep her face and teeth facing him, but the action in itself displayed her fear and nervousness in the situation. A braver wolf or other creature would have stood still and simply watched him as he moved, giving off the image that they had no need to fear him around their flanks. However, moving the way she was meant that her pride and confidence were not going to be tools that he could use against her to make her slip up. The wolf’s ears continued to flick towards the direction she had come from, no matter how she turned her body to keep up with his movements. Sneering as he realized just how much she was hoping to be greeted by familiar sounds, Nassar shook his head and released a rolling chuckle at the hopelessness of this female’s situation. He could feel the pain in his flanks screaming at him for having been so foolish earlier, but he was confident that it would not take much effort to make this current issue disappear from his path. Growling and delivering his message, he breathed in deeply through his nose as he heard her growl and detected her hormones in the air. Turn around? No, he would not be giving his rear and flank to this wolf that had already once chased him down.
Continuing to circle her slowly, Nassar stopped when he had his back in the direction that he had originally been running. He was only a few miles from the border if he remembered correctly. It was a short distance that he could cover quickly at an all-out sprint, but in his current state, he wasn’t sure if he could make it without needing to rest. Resting would be next to impossible if he was being chased back the whole way. Hearing the she-wolf snarl at him while communicating one final message, the tiger narrowed his eyes as he snarled back and lowered his ears back along his head. This was the last time he was going to let an animal smaller than him tell him what to do, especially if they were alone. Growling and baring his canines again, he charged forward and straight at the white wolf. He had his tail behind him to increase his balance and reaction time if she felt the need to try and dodge around him. Swinging his left paw towards the white wolf with his claws extended, he drew it back to make it miss and give the she-wolf an air of confidence. Pressing forward and swinging his right paw in a quick follow-up, he kept his claws retracted to avoid cutting the white wolf if his blow landed. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 09-Jan-23 12:03 AM
The sudden lurge came out of nowhere. Had he not requested to leave? She had given him the option to turn around and leave. Yet it seemed the tiger had different plans for her. She instantly jumped back, having kept tension in her legs for just this moment. But his leap was way bigger then her size would ever allow her to be. She saw his claw coming towards her and she managed to dodge around it. As it whiffed around her face she quickly stepped forward seeing a small opening. She bared her fangs and opened her mouth ready to bite him in the side of his face. But she never connected before that second paw came around and hit her hard. She yelped as she felt herself snatched from the ground and flung to the side. A tree there broke her fall, smashing into her side. She could not help the whimper that came from the pain, but she instantly pushed it down again. She scrambled back to her feet and for a moment she considered her options. He was stronger then she thought.. She had not fought against him directly when the pack was there and had not landed a hit by him before. She could not help but know that she was outmatched now. Suddenly pride did not matter anymore.. if she stayed she would end up as her pack mate. Dead on the ground. Right at that moment she heard a howl rang out in the forest. A deep one that she recognizes as the Alpha’s son. He was reassembling the pack, regrouping. It meant that they were giving up the chase and getting ready to head back. She was in trouble.. and she knew it. She had to get back to the pack. So out of nowhere she shifted her weight the other way and started to sprint off. She was far enough from him that she didn’t think he could catch her flank as a reaction before she was gone. She had outrun him before.. she could do it again. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 09-Jan-23 01:11 AM
Feeling his paw connect with the side of the white wolf’s head as she had lunged towards him, Nassar felt his lips rise up in a sneering snarl again. He had hoped that he could get her with the feint in his movements, and it seemed that his efforts had been rewarded with a successful blow. Letting the momentum of the lunge carry him forward a few more steps, Nassar turned slowly to walk the other direction with his eyes locked onto the she-wolf's form. His paws settled lightly on the ground with every step he took, keeping his balance shifted back slightly to give him free access to using his forelimbs as weapons if the wolf got aggressive again. Part of the tiger wanted to see the wolf stay against the tree, giving him his window to leave, but there was also a part of him that was becoming excited at the spunk and energy this wolf showed. She pushed up to her feet and Nassar allowed his eyes to travel slowly over her, less looking at her features as possible weapons to be used against him and instead looking over her more attractive features. The clean white fur that made her stand out like the moon in the dark of night. The intelligent blue eyes that were flicking over him and then at the area around them as she seemed to be assessing her situation. Hearing the howl ring out over the wind, Nassar could not understand the words of the Lupine male that sang into the night, but he could understand the spirit behind the call. It no longer held the edge of confidence and aggression to it that he had heard when the wolves first started to chase him. No, it seemed now to be heavily laden with pain and grief as it sounded more sad than abrasive to his ears. Shaking his head and letting a deep chuckle roll from his lips as he saw the white wolf’s ears reacting to the sound and listening to the details he couldn’t understand, Nassar lowered his head with a deep growl. There is nowhere for you to go now. .
Seeing her weight shift on her legs to throw her body towards the howl still flowing through the air, Nassar pushed off with his rear legs to pounce at the white wolf with his paws and claws outstretched. His right paw brushed through the smooth white hair of her tail, but he was too slow in his reaction to get any purchase before the tail moved away. Landing and bringing his hindlegs tight under his chest, Nassar pounced again towards the white wolf while releasing a loud growl. His paws dropped with no attempt to catch her flesh this time, instead pushing off of the ground to pull him forward into a fast run behind the wolf. He knew wolves were endurance runners more than tigers, so there was no way he would catch up to her as he ran after her. He was confident, however, that he would be able to maintain the close spacing until he saw a good position that would allow him to sprint forward and close the gap. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 09-Jan-23 01:38 AM
She could feel her heart beating so fast in her chest. She had felt that touch to her tail, but she knew that if she looked back over her shoulder that she would give away the small advantage that she had. Not that she needed to look. The heavy creature behind her making plenty of noise as his paws came down into the ground. The complete opposite of her light steps that seemed to make her float over the space. She knew where the howl had come from, but she also knew that it was far away.. much to far away for her liking. She tried her hardest to keep her footing, to keep up that pace that she knew she had. Yet even with her trying to push her speed she could hear his sounds behind her and he was not falling behind. Slowly she was losing her confidence. Her ears going further into her neck and her eyes darting from side to side to look for a place where she could possibly get away from him. She needed a small space.. a fallen tree that would slow him down.. something that she would fit into but he would not. But there was nothing that she could see. She only had one option. She needed to call them. She needed to call for help, let them know where they were. She needed to admit defeat and trust her pack that they would come for her to help. Because if this tiger caught her.. she was not sure she would make it out alive. There was only one problem.. She could not howl the way she needed to while running. So she suddenly took a hard left, hoping to throw him off with the sharp turn, hoping that his massive body would not allow him to make that same movement. She then took as big of a leap as she could to buy herself time before throwing her head back and attempting her howl. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 09-Jan-23 02:32 AM
Pushing forward on the ground underneath his paws, Nassar felt his patience with the white wolf in front of him shifting in its purpose. He had been impatient with the attacks of the pack, wanting to get them done with as soon as he could so that he could get back to his meal or get to safety. However, as he propelled himself forward on all fours and dug his toes into the soft forest floor, he could feel himself growing to enjoy this chase. The bounce to the she-wolf's strides, the way her paws clung to the ground and moved with grace. She was drawing more of his interest, and he knew that he did not want this chase to end. However, as they continued to run, he knew that they were getting closer and closer to her pack and their howls from before. He could feel the discomfort in the wounds on his sides becoming more painful with every heavy stride, so he knew that it was not in his best interest to allow this chase to push them back to her pack. He could easily break away and slow down, letting his naturally stealthy paws carry him away and blend into the forest as far as hearing went. But, as he followed her on this path, Nassar could not help the smile and excitement that played at the corners of his lips. He did not want to give up this chase because he didn’t want to let the wolf get away. He saw her ears, which had been moving naturally with the motions of her running, fall back along her head and could tell that something had shifted. This was a sign as clear as any to him that she had lost the confidence that she had had when she charged him down and bit into his paw. Narrowing his eyes as he scanned for some sign up ahead that they would be leaving the more winding paths of the forest, Nassar was trying to find a place where he could pour on his speed in a final sprint to hopefully close the distance. If she got away from the sprint, he would have to give up the chase as he would not be able to match her speed again. .
To his surprise, the white wolf took a sharp turn to the left and blazed off of the path that they had been running on. Stomping his paws down angrily to try to slow down quickly, Nassar glared over at her in time to see her leaping forward to try to create distance. Turning and launching himself at her with his tail back for maximum speed, he closed the gap in a flash of orange and black while her head raised up to howl. Slamming his shoulder into her side to throw her to the ground, Nassar followed his momentum to step over her and lower his head quickly. Taking her throat between his sharp canines, he held his mouth open so that he was not biting into her flesh, but she would be able to feel their presence as he emitted his hormones. “You have lost, admit it.” @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 09-Jan-23 07:48 AM
She had only just raised her head, her howl barely even ringing from her throat, surely not loud enough to alert her fellow wolfs, when she felt her body being launched to the side. His shoulder hit her hard enough to send her flying a small bit away. She yelped loudly at the sudden throw to the side. Once she landed she tried to get back to her feet as fast as she could, but he was faster. She was soon pressed into the ground even more as his mouth closed around her throat. She yelped even louder then, sure that she was moment from death, sure that those teeth would close around her neck and crush her windpipe. She sounded almost like a pup calling out to it’s mom. But that moment of death that she expected never came.. her yelps soon stopped as she just froze in place, unsure what was going on. She could feel the meaning of his actions. Admit defeat. Give up. Yet it was against her spirit to do so. Her own hormones came from her before she even knew it. Hers spoke of fear and insecurity. It was clear that the wolf that had chased him had been reduced to the pup between his teeth at threat to her life. She dug her claws into the ground below him, but each time she moved she felt his teeth poke into her skin. Let me go.. You win. She hated the admittance. She hated that she was giving in to this intruder to their lands. But she was alone.. no pack around her to help. She could not howl for them either as she was sure doing so would result in the crushing of her windpipe. So she had no choice. He had won.. and she could only hope that he would let her go. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 09-Jan-23 08:25 AM
The yelps that the white wolf released beneath him should have simply told Nassar that he had won this engagement and that he could let her up, but as he heard more of them, he felt a stirring in his stomach that he was familiar with. Her cries for help and to express her pain and panic in the moment were arousing to the tiger, and as he held her in place with his teeth, he let his tongue relax slightly to run slowly over her throat. It would seem as if he was tasting her, but he did not stop his arousal hormones when they started to emit from him. Feeling her freeze below him as his stance told her to give up, Nassar released a slow breath from his nose before looking down at her body. He could see her paws moving to try and free herself from his grasp, so he let out a low growl and pressed his teeth against her throat a little more before relaxing to the first position. He wanted to scare her into submission, but he had no interest in spilling her blood or ending her life if he could help it. Feeling the stirring in his stomach expanding to a warmth over his loins, he knew truly what it was that he wanted from her in this circumstance. Scenting her hormones as she stopped resisting, Nassar growled softly before slowly picking his head up to release his hold over her windpipe. Before she could move, though, he stepped over her to stand more properly over her while letting his eyes plainly look over her face and the rest of her body. Licking his lips to clean some of the blood off while also imagining what the wolf below him might taste like, Nassar turned his gaze back to her eyes and growled deeply while emitting his hormones clearly. Roll over .
He did not wait for her to react and simply shifted his left forward paw to scoop it under her lower back and lift it up at an angle. He kept his claws retracted to keep from cutting her, but he kept his lips drawn back from his teeth as a clear show that he was not going to take no for an answer here. Continuing to use his paws to move her body whether she helped him or not, Nassar felt his excitement and blood flow increasing. His member grew in size as well, slipping from its protective sleeve and taking on a fierce red color as it grew needier to be used. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 09-Jan-23 08:47 AM
She had not moved since the moment that she had felt those teeth over her throat in such a threatening way. Stayed right where she was. Even when that tongue moved over her she stayed still. The only thing that moves were her eyes. Looking for a way out. Anything at all that would help her to get out of here. Then suddenly he would release his teeth from her jaw. Her breathing stalling in her throat as she was unsure what that meant. Her body tensed as she prepared herself to run for the first chance that she got. This time she would not let anything stop her. She would run faster then she ever had.. she would outrun him this time. But then the hormones hit her and she froze all over again. They were fierce and powerful. A demand for more then just her admit of defeat, but a demand for her body. Before she could respond she felt that powerful paw shift underneath her and roll her over. As she turned to look over her shoulder she could see him having his teeth bared and the only responds she could muster was to do the same. Her own lips baring and her tongue licking at her lips. Her own hormones emitted soon. She was terrified of him, of what he could do to her. Yet she was also angry and not ready to simply give herself into him. As she felt him growing behind her as he was pressing her deeper into him she would move her tail between her leg, attempting to protect that private part herself from him. A growl would start to come from her throat as well now as they started that display for dominance all over again, a display that she would surely lose. Yet she had to try. As he pressed ever closer she would dig her claws into the ground below her before finally simply snapping at his face. It was never meant to connect, just as a warning for him to get off her. Her jaw snapping together before another growl formed in the back of her throat. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 10-Jan-23 11:41 PM
Seeing the much smaller white wolf baring her teeth and licking at her lips beneath him, Nassar let a deep rolling growl flow through his throat as he adjusted his footing over top of her. His stomach and chest pressed firmly against her back, and his forelimbs were on either side of her shoulders and neck. Nassar lowered his hips to feel how close her rear was to him; the tiger could feel the backs of her thighs at the very tip of his manhood. He knew he would have to shift forward to take what he was wanting from the female beneath him, but he wasn’t going to open up his throat to her until he had her subdued. Sensing her hormones in the air, Nassar released a low moan that sounded close to a growl, but the glint in his feline eyes showed that there was more enjoyment to the sound. She was terrified of him, and there was a large part of him that felt aroused and drawn to that fear. Looking down at her, he emitted hormones of confidence and desire as his eyes trailed over the curled lip of her snout. She should be afraid of him, for it was her and her pack’s fault that this was even happening. Thrusting his hips forward and pressing his throbbing member against her rear, the tiger growled deeply when he felt his access blocked by her tail. Drawing his left leg forward, he was moving to push aside her tail when she snapped at his face quickly. Furrowing his eyebrows in an instant rage response, Nassar bit down at her face twice while lowering his frame to force her down to the ground. Using his greater weight to hold her down beneath him as he bared his sharp teeth, he kept his muzzle right next to her head to make sure she could see the blood still trailing down his teeth and lips. Some of it was the blood of the deer, but there was still more that belonged to the members of her pack that he had killed. The message was clear. I will kill you too if you resist.
. With his chest lowered to press her down and his hips still up, Nassar moved his left leg forward as he had planned and drove his knee into the base of the white wolf’s tail. Pressing forward and then moving his leg aside, he tried to shove her tail aside and open up access to her private regions. The tiger offered a deep growl before snapping his teeth once more at the she-wolf's snout, a clear reiteration of his previous instruction to stop resisting. He was going to get what he wanted, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. The only control she had over the situation was whether or not she lived. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 11-Jan-23 12:07 AM
To anyone who would have been looking out over the two one thing would have been clear as day. Arella did not stand a chance against the much bigger and heavier tiger that had set his mind on taking her. But Arella was a predator, not a prey. She was not going to just give up that easily to let him have his way with her. Neither was she a submissive pup who would just do what just do what he wanted of her. Perhaps that was also the reason why she had been a target within her own pack for such practices. The males of the pack needing release, many of them not having found their mate just yet. The lower ranked, unmated females became their free ground. They could have taken the submissive ones, the ones who would bend down and do as told. But instead they had liked the hunt of taking Arella, to force her down to the ground much like the tiger was doing this time. As she snapped at his face, his recoil was quick. She instantly pulled back again before those closing jaws. Her ears moving back just temporary as she was conflicting between her actions of wanting to cower and wanting to fight back. But that snarl was soon back on her lips, matching his. She knew that he could kill her, she knew that she was pushing her luck. He did not need to remind he off that. But as that tail as pushed to the side she could not help but feel that need to get away from underneath him. Even if she was pressed against the ground, her white fur slowly counted by the dirt he was pressing her into. She felt him press forward more and more, trying to find acces to her privates. She sweeped her tail as much as she could manage, trying to block his way, but he soon had her pushed aside. Her claws digging deeper into the ground in her own frustration. His teeth snapped at her one more time and she found herself flinching back. Slowly her resistance starting to fade, even if that growl and bared teeth were still very much visible. Even if she was going to have to take this, she was going
to make it clear she was unhappy about it. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 11-Jan-23 12:50 AM
The way that the she-wolf drew her ears back, even if only temporarily, let Nassar know that he was closing in on having his way with her fully. He wanted to break the little white wolf below him and force his way on her, yet as he saw her snarling up at him again, he had to admit that he was enjoying the fight that she was giving to him. It would not be an easy task to take her and have his way, but that almost made it more exciting for the large tiger. Returning her snarls and growls with those of his own, he drew his right paw up quickly to press it against the underside of the white wolf’s jaw. Pulling her head up so that he could look down directly into her eyes, Nassar extended his claws to hold them against the side of her throat so that she could feel their sharp points pressing against the heavily pulsing arteries on the side of her neck. Snarling and growling down at her as he looked into her eyes, Nassar felt that her tail was moved out of the way and pushed his hips forward. Pressing his tip against her lips before slipping through them, Nassar lifted his body slightly and pulled up with his paw under her throat to bring her off the ground a little. Sliding his manhood through her lips to spread them open slowly, Nassar growled deeply while emitting very clear hormones. I will make you mine. You will be my fuck toy. Snapping his teeth at her snout to further prove the point behind his hormonal message, Nassar drew his hips back before pushing forward and pressing his tip against her entrance proper. Stopping before he could enter her, he dropped his paw away from her throat to rake his claws over her right shoulder. Pressing in enough to draw across her flesh so that she could feel the sharpness, he did not go deep enough to draw blood yet. .
Lowering his head and opening his mouth wide, Nassar wrapped his jaws around the back of the white wolf’s neck and held her firmly. Pressing his teeth against her tight enough that she could feel the tips of his canines splitting her fur aside, he growled deeply as a final warning before thrusting his hips forward again. Sliding his head once more through her lips before pulling back, Nassar flexed his abs to hold his member steady and on target as he pushed forward again, forcing his tip to press against her entrance. Continuing to press his hips forward, he released a deep growl against the back of her neck as he felt the tip of his manhood push into her privacy. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 11-Jan-23 01:39 AM
It seemed he might finally be getting what he had been hoping for. To feel those teeth against the bloodvessels around her neck made her pause. She didn’t dare to move in that moment, a soft whine leaving her for the first time she hit that tree. Those whines only became a bit heavier as he started pressing up against her. She could feel that he was getting closer to his goal. Her face changing between snarling and whining as she could not decide. But she was still frozen, to afraid he would truly bite down on her. As he first parted her lips with his tip she yelped out softly, almost like a pup being disciplined. She could not help the soft movement that tried to move away from him. Only causing him to press deeper into her. His hormones told her all she needed to know. He was not planning to stop this till he finished. She was not getting away now that he had felt her insides. His paw pressing against her face and making her feet the sharp claws hidden in his mighty paw. So slowly she dropped that fight that had been inside of her. She did the very thing she had done when the alpha’s son had forced himself on her. She dug her paws into the ground and prayed for it to be over quickly. As a responds to her sudden submission to her he took his chance and grabbed in tight into the scruff at her neck. Taken a strong enough hold to make sure she stayed in place. Even if she tried to move forward and out of his reach now, he would pull her right back. He pushed back into her and she whined again, though this one held the smallest hint of something else behind it. Mating with a tiger sure felt different then mating with a wolf and even she could not deny that. If that was a good thing was yet to be determined. Her privates struggling to make space for him inside her. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 11-Jan-23 02:00 AM
Listening to the soft whines that came from the white she-wolf beneath him, Nassar could not stop the shaky moan that rolled through his throat. He had forced himself onto female tigers before, but those experiences always turned into an angry fight of their claws ripping into each other before he threw them down with enough force and purpose to have his way with them. He had already thrown this wolf into the tree and around enough to know how light she was compared to the females he had taken before. Barely a quarter of their weight and half their size, he was able to exert himself over her completely with little resistance physically. He enjoyed the snarls and growls that came from her when she was trying to avoid him, but the transition into whimpers and yelps caused his member to throb and swell with need. These sounds, helpless in their base, drew a hunter’s instinct from within the tiger. She was a fellow predator, yet in this moment and situation, she was as helpless to stop his desires and needs as the deer he had feasted on before. As he held her and growled deeply to show that he was in control here, he could feel her fight falling and see her paws digging into the ground beneath them for stability and purchase. Taking hold of the flesh on the back of her neck with his jaws, Nassar held firmly enough that there were elements of pain delivered by the piercing tips of his canines. However, there would be no puncture unless she tried to resist or get away from his advances. Even then, the bites would be shallow enough and purposeful on the skin of her neck so that she would feel the pain and bleed, but there would be no risk of serious life-threatening injury. Nassar wanted to force his way inside of the she-wolf and have his fun with her; he had no plans to kill her. If he wanted her dead, he could have ripped her throat out when he had her on her back. .
Feeling the tightness of her inner walls struggling to adjust to his size, Nassar growled deeply in a mix of pleasure and a warning for her not to move even if it hurt. Pushing into her slowly, he kept his movements shallow and careful as he went deeper into her. There were elements of discomfort that he could feel at first, so he paused and pulled out slightly before trying to push forward again and see if she could accommodate his size with patience. His precum flowed freely out of his tip and into the wolf’s insides, helping to add some slickness to not make it too painful or rough as he pushed into her. He could hear the small hint of change to her whine, but Nassar could not tell what it meant just yet as he continued to push slowly into her. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 11-Jan-23 02:36 AM
Each time she would try and crawl forward just a small bit to fight against the force that was behind her, his teeth would sink deeper into her neck. The pain that it gave making her yelp and whine into the air. There was still a small hope inside her that her pack would find her, that they would help her and end this right there. But she had not heard their howls in a long time. Had they assumed she had perished too when they had not heard her howl back? His deep growling would almost vibrate into her very being through that scruff of her neck that he held so tightly. She tried to adjust her hips to accomodate him better, trying to dig her hind paws into the ground. But he had her pushed down to far to allow her that adjustment. She felt him pressing deeper and deeper in her. Each thrust pushing the limit of her body just a small bit. She was almost thankful for the moisture that his pre cum added inside her, making it just a small bit easier to bear. Yet it was still hard for her to handle. To be taken by another were-animal that was so much bigger then she was… it was not the easiest thing for the small wolf to take. Yet slowly her whines started to turn into more. She was a female, she had desires inside her body. Even if she hated being taken by the male tiger in this way, her body responded in a way of instinct to make it easier for her to take. Her head lowered slowly, her muzzle parting to bring more air into her lungs as he slowly got more forceful and pressed in deeper. Her paws adjusting to keep her in place better so he would not drag against her scruff as much. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 13-Jan-23 04:42 AM
Every thrust inside of the wolf below him seemed to go in with more ease; be that because of her body relaxing or him forcing his way inside, Nassar did not know at this moment. The one thing he was sure of, however, was that something the smaller animal was doing was increasing the pleasure he was receiving from this act. Releasing the tightness of the hold on her scruff of her neck for a moment, Nassar noticed how she was not trying to get away from the power of each of his thrusts. There was no need to continue pulling her back onto his cock if she was not trying to go anywhere, so he simply held her firmly in place so that she didn’t rock too far away. Seeing her lower her head to pant softly and breathe through the sensations of the play, Nassar chuckled softly and lowered his head as well so that he could hold more of his form against her. He was going to take her and have his way with her, but it was also fully his intention to give her as much of his scent as she could carry home with her to her pack. Lifting his left forelimb to wrap it slowly against her chest, Nassar released his holt on her neck and started to lick at the backs of her ears. He kept his teeth bared so that he could quickly bite down on her if she pushed through his hold with his paw. Driving forward with his hips more forcefully, he could feel himself bottoming out as his hips collided with the white she-wolf's rear. Moaning deeply as he pushed her forward, he shifted his mouth to holding onto the scruff of her neck again while he started to fuck into her with a slow and powerful rhythm. Slamming forward into her, he rolled his hips downwards to force his member against where he assumed her g-spot to be before pulling out slowly so that she could feel every inch of his length leaving her. Once he had only his tip left in her, he would slam forward with a deep moan as his paws dug into the ground to keep purchase of his own. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 13-Jan-23 11:55 AM
She had not believed he could enclose her even further, but he soon proved her wrong. Her small body almost completely disappearing underneath him as he adjusted his grip on her scruff. When he suddenly released her and instead let his rough tongue move over the back of her ears she would once more let a growl escape her throat between the whines. A clear warning for him to not get to familiar with her. Even if she was not fighting him anymore, she was not going to to his willing victim either. It made him grab into her once more, his teeth back in the scruff as he seemed to be adjusting himself. By then he had managed to force the entirety of him inside of her, pressing against her cervix in an almost uncomfortable way. Yet at the same time it made her panting worse and the heat in her body build beneath that white fur. The sudden change his movements made those whines out of her turn deeper. Each thrust forward into her knocked the wind from her lungs and making his teeth dig into her scruff as he held her in place. The thrusts were powerful enough to launch her body forward with each one of them. Each time his tip almost left her she almost had to brace herself into the ground with her paws to prevent her full weight from being forced forward. It was a rough rhythm to take, but it also did what he aimed for. It hit those spots inside of her that he was searching for. Those spots that made her sex twitch and clench around him, that made those soft whines turn into that both of the discomfort, but also of the bit of pleasure that she could not deny. Yet at the same time the she-wolf was very aware of the danger that she was in, of the smell that he was leaving on her. The Alpha’s son would know exactly what she smelled off, where she had been. Would he accept that she had been taken by force? Would he call her weak because of it? How had she been supposed to fight the big creature off her? All those thought making her desperate to just have him finish and
get this over with. The hormones around her such a mix of her different feelings. It spoke of her pleasure, but also her discomfort. And it said something else as well. Just get this over with. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 15-Jan-23 09:22 AM
Nassar was aware of the changes in the sounds that the female beneath him was making, and it served to power him forward to enjoy the sensations and sounds to their fullest. He had finally found the angle that he needed to bring pleasure to the she-wolf, and while his pleasure was most important to him in this moment, he knew that in bringing her pleasure, he would increase the sensations for himself. If she was enjoying it, she would get wetter and her walls would grip to him like they wanted him to stay, rather than trying to force him out. Lowering his paw from her chest to the ground to hold his position firmly in the ground, he let a rolling moan work through his chest and throat into his hold on the back of her neck. Not as aggressive sounding as his growls from before, he had reason to suspect that she would be able to feel the difference in the noises he gave. Drawing back and thrusting back into her with the same amount of force that had reached deep within her, Nassar closed his eyes and started to move quicker with his thrusts. He could feel her inner walls clenching around his member with every move, and he knew that he would not be lasting much longer with this increase in pleasure. He was not trying to hold out for any protracted amount of time to elongate the sensations, but he also would not allow himself to end this sooner than he wanted. He had worked hard for his meal, but the wolves had chased him away from it. Now, with his cock deep inside one of their females and his scent on her fully, he would get back at them for this wrongdoing. He would fuck their pack member and take from her what he felt he was owed. .
Pushing forward with more force and a deep growl, Nassar breathed in deeply to take in the scent of pleasure and discomfort from the white wolf beneath him. He loved the scent of her pleasure as he felt it growing in himself as well, but the scent that truly caught his attention was the message he was intended to receive. Chuckling softly as he detected her urgency for him to get done with this already, Nassar allowed his hormones to carry out of him as he picked up new intensity. With each more powerful thrust that drove himself in deeper, he let his pleasure and satisfaction wash over her. Why stop what we are both enjoying? @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 15-Jan-23 10:02 AM
The rhythm that he was setting was rough on her small body. His powerful muscles driving his hips deep into her. She knew that the next day she was going to sore and hurting from that. In both her sex, but also her scruff from his teeth and her side from the plunge she had taken into that tree earlier that chase. Her head lowered more till she was almost laying down underneath him and her head resting on the ground. Her breath coming in pants from deep in her as each thrust still stole the air from her lungs. She heard the change in his sounds, the way that he was moaning into her instead of the angry growls he had made before. Her own ears low and in her neck as she had give up hope of her pack finding her. Her own sounds also kept changing. With the way that he had found that spot into her, her body had started to produce more of her juices, making it easier for him to slip in and out of her. Even if she was still tight around him, growing even tighter with the clenching of her sex around him, he was slowly easier to take. The discomfort disappearing and making way for her body to just let her get lost in what was happening. But his hormones brought her back to a sound mind. What they were both enjoying? She refused to let him feel how she enjoyed this, refused to give in to the fact that she was getting close to an orgasm herself. Her teeth once more bared and a soft growl rang from her throat between the breaths that he still forced out of her. Piss off. The message was clear, the anger in her for being found out. She was being taken by someone outside of her species, someone outside of her pack. She was not enjoying this.. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 20-Jan-23 01:13 PM
Nassar’s deep moans continued to spill from his lips with every plunge into the white she-wolf beneath him. He could feel the slight change within her where her body was creating more of the liquids within her that would make this easier and more enjoyable for them both. Nassar continued to keep up the same angle with his thrusts to slam into her sensitive portions and bring the most pleasure to himself also. He noticed the way her head lowered as she pressed down to the ground, making his angle that much more pleasing as he felt less resistance from her. Nassar knew better than to loosen his hold on the scruff at the back of her neck, as he was not planning on letting his toy get away from him sooner than he desired. Toy. That’s what the white wolf was going to become for the tiger that was using her. He would take back all that he felt he was owed, and he would take it from her. Willing or not, he would get the payment he required for the loss of his meal and the injuries he had suffered. The bites to his flanks were beginning to bleed more with his exertion, and while they were not threatening his consciousness, they were growing increasingly more uncomfortable. The pleasure of fucking the wolf below him was helping to distract him from the pain of his wounds, but as he filled the air with hormones of his enjoyment, Nassar heard the wolf’s growl and scented her hormones as well. Offering a deep growl of his own, he pushed down with his bite on the back of her neck to force her head down against the dirt beneath them. If she was not going to admit to liking this, he would no longer care so much about the pleasure that she experienced in contrast with his own. Slamming his hips forward and adjusting his rear legs to slam back into her again, Nassar stayed deep in her with his hips pressed against hers. As you wish.
. Biting into the scruff of her neck again, Nassar forced her head down with a snarling growl while pulling his hips back. Sliding only half-way out of the wolf beneath him, he slammed forward and started a fast, hard rhythm. Driving deep into her with every forceful thrust, Nassar pulled back on her with his grip on her neck to keep her in place. Even as he tasted a little bit of blood from where one of his canines had cut her scruff, he continued forward with his thrusting. Deep into her with every thrust, his cock drove until his hips slammed into hers and stopped him. His growls and moans mixed into a deep rolling sound punctuated by slick slapping sounds where his hips met hers and his sack slapped into her. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 20-Jan-23 11:09 PM
The longer they went to more she was pushed down underneath him, forced in an even more submissive position underneath him. Her fur being pushed into the mud more and more, turning that white fur of hers into a dirty mess. He returned her growl with his own. And she could feel it rumbling down her scruff. Yet she still kept that growl of hers going, making sure he would not forget that she would bite his throat if she saw the chance of it. She refused to be a limp being underneath him, to give him the pleasure of knowing he had subdued her like a prey. Yet that growl got interrupted as he suddenly adjusted and pushed deep into her. She could not help the soft yelp that came as he pressed almost painfully against her cervix and stayed there. Her sex once more pulsing around him in an attempt to force him out of her. She tried to adjust her rear legs as well, but his weight was to much on top of her, making her unable to do much with her head pressed so low into the ground. After that his rhythm became merciless. His hips slamming fast into hers without remorse for her well being. His force slamming her forward, the only thing preventing her from being pushed out from underneath him was those teeth in her scruff. Teeth that had started to sink into her skin deep enough to draw blood. Her whines soon became higher pitched, her breathing even rougher as he kept forcing the air out of her lungs with each push. Every thrust hitting the very deepest point of her and slamming into her cervix. The pain mixed with the way he kept moving over that space inside of her was causing her pleasure inside of her to heighten to a place that she did not wish to admit to. Eventually she could not deny it any longer, her body betraying her. Her sex suddenly gripping around him as a sound that was almost close to a soft howl left her throat at the same time. Her back legs quivering as she came around him, giving him even more sensations to enjoy within her. Her body suddenly pulle
d him into her instead of trying to push him out. Her climax lasted long as he never let up those thrusts inside of her, letting her ride it out. Until that howl faded and her body seemed to slump into the mud even more. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 21-Jan-23 12:21 PM
Nassar did not miss the changes in the sounds that came from the little she-wolf beneath him. The yelp when he started his deep, fast thrusting only fueled him with more intent to fill her with his manhood and show her that escape was not an option. He was greatly enjoying the way her body pressed up against him with every move she tried to make, drawing a smile up at the corners of his lips as he felt her trying to struggle with no success. Her efforts to move out from under him or get more comfortable were futile. The tiger used his greater size and strength to move and hold the white wolf wherever he wanted her for his own pleasure. The whines spilling from her lips and the breaths he forced from her excited him further and with every thrust into her, Nassar felt his control over his orgasm falling apart. He would not be able to go much longer at this rate, but he wanted to achieve his goal of breaking the wolf beneath him first. He needed to make her admit that she enjoyed it enough to release her hold on her own orgasm. His efforts were soon rewarded, and as he felt a flood of slickness come over his cock, Nassar continued to push through the constricting walls that massaged him. Closing his eyes as her soft howl rang out, he thrusted deep into her and kept up the same pace to keep her orgasm rolling. He adjusted his pressure enough to focus more on her pleasure again. Nassar enjoyed the sounds that the wolf made beneath him as her orgasm rocked through her body, and he wanted to keep the coming from her for as long as he could. Nassar’s hold on himself failed as her body continued to react around him to the pleasure that she was experiencing. Lightening his hold on the scruff of her neck as his moans rang out of his throat, Nassar’s hips started to stutter in the rhythm that he had set before they slammed forward and stopped completely. He could feel his member swelling as his release was on the edge, and he also felt a rush of blood through him. .
Deep moans rolled through his throat as he thrust forward and stayed deep within her. Thick, hot ropes of his seed shot from his head as it was buried deep within her, moving to fill up all available space. While his orgasm rocked through him, the base of his cock started to swell as his knot formed and filled the white she-wolf's entrance. He was locked deep inside of her, keeping his cum from being able to drain out of her. Nassar kept his grip on the scruff of her neck though, holding her down as his moan transitioned into a deep, challenging growl. Do not fight it. Take it all. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 22-Jan-23 12:01 AM
That long howl continued for much longer then she had believed that it would. The way that he kept up that pounding inside her never letting up her sex that pulsed around him as he kept pounding. It was only when he was nearing his own climax and slowed his pace somewhat that she fell away from it. But of course that relief did not last long as she felt him swell inside of her and then those first sign of his own release inside of her. That growl was instantly back in her throat as she hated the fact that he had stayed inside of her. But that growl soon was changed back to a soft whine as his base started to fill up and that knot locked them in place. The fullness that it made inside her almost painful as his seed kept running out in her. Do not fight it. Take it all. His hormones annoyed her greatly and she found that growl again. The feeling of him inside her uncomfortable and too tight for her small body. She knew it was no use to try and get out from underneath him. They were stuck together and she hated it. Once more she tried to snap at him, but that hold on her scruff was to tight and all she ended up doing was injuring herself more. A small bit of blood now dripping down her scruff and staining her white fur. She just had her face to the side then, showing him her teeth. You got what you wanted. Now let me go. Once more defending herself, wanting to return to her pack. He had gotten his wish, had been able to toy with her and even release himself inside her. She wanted to go now. @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 23-Jan-23 02:10 AM
Every growl from the white wolf beneath him excited Nassar and kept his hips moving slightly to push his cock against her inner walls. Even as his knot held him in place with no room to move, he still pushed forward to make sure she could feel his length and girth where it was deep inside of her. No matter how much she wanted him to take his cock out of her, there was nothing she could do to make him pull out of her. He should have taken her growls as the threats that they were and respected the challenge behind them, but in his post-orgasm fog, Nassar could think only of how good the female beneath him had felt. He could feel her tightness and knew that he desired to feel it again. Inhaling deeply through his nose, Nassar took in her scent. He tried to ignore the hatred and pleasure in the hormones that she had released, and he focused on her personal scent. He committed it to memory, for he knew that in the future, he would want more time to play with his toy and fill her holes with his cum again. Feeling her try to snap up at him, the tiger held his grip on her scruff firmly so that there was not much room for her to move. The flavor of her blood on his tongue struck him immediately, and while he did not want to bring her undue harm after finding a new toy, he enjoyed seeing her actions having immediate consequences. He could treat her to pleasure if she would abandon her pride and allow herself to be taken, but he would not give that pleasure freely. If she wanted to be aggressive, he would match her aggression with his own to show her that he was not a male that was going to back down at what seemed to be empty threats. Seeing her teeth bared as she held her head to the side to show them, Nassar growled deeply and pushed down with his grip on her scruff. Forcing her head down and holding her head against the dirt, he bared his teeth in her stained fur and growled deeply. I can’t pull out of you now, unless you want me to rip you open. .
As if to prove his point, Nassar pulled his hips back slightly but stopped with a deep groan when he felt the swollen knot at the base of his manhood being squeezed by her entrance. He didn’t mind a nice tight embrace around his member when he was fucking, but this sensation was painful to an extreme that he would not try unless he had to. He knew it would not last long and he would have to be careful when he released her, but as it was right now, he was locked inside of her and there was nothing he could do about it. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 23-Jan-23 09:34 AM
She knew that, she knew he could not pull from her now. Yet even so he seemed to be needing to prove his point and she soon yelped as he tried to pull his swollen knot out of her. It did not work, her opening to tight for him to do so, they were stuck together for at least as long as it took for him to lose his erection. That did not mean that she was going to like that time. He slowly pushed her into the ground again, leaning his weight on top of her. For the first time she just let herself lay down on the ground, even her hind legs now lowering, pulling him along with her to a more comfortable position. She was tired. Both from running around after him, from him and then from fighting him as he took her. The orgasm not having helped either against it. Her growl slowly fading more and more as she was simply not able to keep up that level of outwards aggression for very long. Her lips lowered and her growl fading into more of an annoying buzz and he just stayed there. The process of his knot deflating took a long time, but after a while she finally felt that tight sensation starting to take off. Not by much at first, but at least it gave her space to breath. The closer they got to the point where he could actually let go of her, the more nervous she almost became. Would he let her go? Would he allow her to return to her pack? Or would he only let her go to chase her once more? Like a house cat chasing a mouse around the house, picking it up again and again until eventually it died and they would show it to their owner with pride. Because he had made one thing clear. He had seen her as a toy and nothing more. In a way she was relaxing underneath him for the first time, just biding her time during this space where he and she could both do nothing but accept the situation they were in. No more movement between them, no more forcing of his weight against her hips. Just nothing, almost silence between them. Just waiting their time. Her hormones would speak of tha
t same thing. Wafting through the air between them as they seemed to be calming down from the anger and pleasure that it had emitted before. Even if it was still a bit on the hostile side, it was not also leaning towards nerves. Nerves for what would happen to her when she returned to her pack with his smell all over her, if she would be barrated for splitting from her pack, if she would even be accepted back in after this. After all.. what was a wolf without their pack? @Himbo Tie
Nassar Yousef BOT 31-Jan-23 02:48 AM
The little white she-wolf beneath him had finally submitted to what was happening, at least physically. Nassar could see her lip lowering to cover her teeth and heard her growl lessening in its intensity. He narrowed his eyes in slight frustration that she couldn’t have submitted before and worked to both of their pleasure like he had been working them towards, but he was just thankful that he could let his guard down a little. He wanted to wait out the last of this time together without having to fight her and constantly worry about getting an unlucky set of teeth around his throat. He also felt it was a good way to enjoy the last sensations that this gave to him. Feeling her lowering herself to the ground more to be comfortable, Nassar followed her and lowered himself as well. He was careful not to put too much of his weight on her hips as he squatted down with her and rested his abdomen against her back. The slight pressure of their angle changing brought a low moan through his throat, but it was not enough to inspire his slowly softening erection to find new life within her tight walls. The white wolf had served her purpose and he had gotten his fun and revenge that he wanted for the earlier inconvenience. There was no need to push this any further, not when he knew it was just going to be a fight the whole way. If they crossed paths again, they could see where the moment took them. Today was done, once they got separated. Feeling his knot beginning to deflate and lose some of its intensity, the tiger knew that it would soon be time for the two of them to separate, and that was one of the most dangerous moments in this entire exchange. His throat and soft underside were pressed against her, and if she wanted to turn and deal significant damage to him, she could. The wounds from her bites and those from her pack had been annoying and dangerous, but nothing nearly as dangerous as the wounds she could inflict on him if he wasn’t careful now. .
Nassar could sense her hormones in the air as he settled over her gently, and he could not stop the slow swallow of regret that squeezed at his throat. She could suffer serious punishments for what they had just done, even though it wasn’t her fault or something she had chosen. He had not been thinking of her outcome when he started all of this. He had simply felt wronged and enraged at the fact that they had cost him his meal, but now, with the heat of the moment having slipped by in this post-orgasmic state, he could not help but feel concerned for her well-being. He had no real experience with a pack or any kind of unit like that, so he had no idea what might happen to her, but he could not imagine it was anything favorable. Pulling back his hips slowly, he stopped when he felt that while his knot was considerably smaller, it was still not at a comfortable place to pull out of her. If she darted, they would come apart with pain for them both, but they would be separated. Hoping to not let her get the opportunity to do that, Nassar pushed back into her slowly to stroke the underside of his cock over her sensitive inner walls before releasing a gentle hormone. Very soon, but not yet. We must go slow. @Nakachu
Arella Nightwalker BOT 10-Feb-23 09:07 PM
She knew that she had to be patient, that trying to rip way from him in that moment was going to be bad for them both. Yet those muscles in her body were tingling with that need to run. Even though she a predator, she also was a runt. She had learned when to pick her fights and when to avoid them and this had seemed to be one of the ones she wanted to avoid. He was still so much stronger then she was and even if she did manage to disconnect them, there was no telling what he might do. So even though she was more then ready to sprint off, she stopped herself from actually doing so. And with his bodyweight starting to press into her back more and more, she knew that her chances of actually doing so were dying down to. It seemed that she was not going to go before he was going to let her. She felt him pull out and she couldn’t help the soft whimper as she felt that knot still in place keeping them together. It wasn’t as painfully tight as it had been moments ago, but it was not comfortable still. He pressed back into her soon after and a different kind of sound left her. One that made her nails dug into the ground as she tried to keep herself grounded. He had taken her hard and fast and her insides were sensitive to reflect just that. Him pressing himself back in just emphasizes that. When his hormones hit her she wanted to simply grown at him again, a small part of that growl even escaping her before she forced herself to hold it in. Her tongue coming over her lips in an attempt to shut herself up. She was still so angry, though by now she was unsure if she was angry at him or at herself. She should have known better, should have stayed with her pack. This is what trying to prove herself had gotten her to. A small bit of self loathing sneaking into her mind. Are you going to let me leave? It was the first time that she had asked him a question. It was even the first time she had done something different the shouting at him or fighting him. Her hormones nervou
s more then anything. Because he had claimed to wish her as his toy had he not? What if he never planned to let her leave? What if he was just going to chase her like a mouse across that forest.. take her again and again before getting bored of her and leaving her to fetch for herself. @Himbo Tie
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