His comment made her chuckle a little, she guessed that was fair, neither one of them was alone now after all, the thought made her stomach flip a little at how uneasy it made her feel, she still didn't know this guy and whilst he seemed okay on the outside who knew what he was truly like, as the question came her way she smiled shaking her head. " Nope just me, wanted a holiday on my own away from everyone " she said a slight perhaps sadness to her tone as the elevator doors finally opened to reveal the large buffer style restaurant bustling with her, it was always like this the first day, it was the open place open right now so everyone had no choice but to come here.
After you she gazed back to him smiling warmly. " Well ain't you the gentleman..." she teased before making her way in, collecting a tray she gazed around at the options, she wasn't that hungry she ate breakfast before she left, opting for some grilled chicken and salad with a tropical punch type of drink she made her way over to the table he was sat at, listening as he berated her about the no truffle oil fries causing a small chuckle to leave her lips.
" Oh I'm sorry, this is the basic restaurant, look at it like flying, this is economy so the meals here are rather basic, not up to great standard but it's food and it tastes okay, they never open the other restaurants until the evening on these trips, but if you go to the Bella Carter for dinner, it's a steak restaurant, best steak I've ever eaten come from there your get your truffle flies...and your enjoy it even more knowing its free..." she teased gripping her glass she brought it to her lips before grabbing her fork to make a start on her dinner.
" So, I suppose we better go over some ground rules right? If we're sharing I want it to be easy and stress free, I've had enough stress these last few months and I really need this holiday..."