Seeing the colonel nod before calling over an aid and speaking to him, Romulus looked over his shoulders where his five surviving wolves were carefully laying down the bodies of the deceased. Pointing at them, Romulus reached his other paw out and grabbed the colonel bey the shoulder. “They must be sent home, before they begin to rot. You understand this, yes?” Seeing the colonel’s face take on a slightly annoyed expression at being told how to do his job, Romulus narrowed his eyes and growled out his next words, “Send their bodies home, or I will take them myself.”
Remus placed a hand on Romulus’s chest, pushing him back and raising his head to whisper up at his friend, “Peace Rom, we are in this together.” Looking over his shoulder, he spoke in a louder voice, “I’m sure the honorable colonel will make sure that our brothers are sent home today. We just need to wait until after our attack so that if there are more, they can be sent together.”
Looking between his friend and the colonel, Romulus growled in annoyance before stepping out of the makeshift hut and back into the frigid air of the north. The snow was not as thick here as it was behind the lines, but the air still carried an unnatural chill to it. The Ursine did not worship Gaia, their beliefs being in Artio, their Mother Bear that offered her children protection. Searching the bodies of the bears they had killed revealed a collection of totems to Artio that had been painted blue, calling on the blizzard that had masked the bears’ approach. Gaia helped her followers through abstract ways, but this level of direct aid from Artio was concerning. Looking into the northern sky, Romulus moved his paws to his chest, his fingers lacing over the minotaur horn as he closed his eyes.
His words came in a soft mutter, “Gaia, my mother, hear my words. Help us to defeat these pagans, for they do not follow Your desires. Please let my words reach you.” Smiling softly, he brought the horn to his snout and rubbed agai