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Archive 20 / heaven-sent
NSFW | Sexual Content, Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, Suicidal Topics, Trauma, Violence, Abuse, Christian references
TW: Sexual Content, Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, Suicidal Topics, Trauma, Violence, Abuse, Christian references (edited)
Angel of Heaven, my guardian dear. To whom Heaven's love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Incredible, awe inspiring and a miracle on it's own. A sphere among the darkened space with only the stars to light it. It held so much life from the smallest organism that couldn't be seen with normal eyes all the way to the largest creatures all coexisting on the land the sky and the sea. Everything in harmony, everything in it's place. A bright beautiful world that was so close, and yet so far. At least, that's what Alyssa felt. Today was different though. Today the sun had stretched across the world and given her hope. It had lit a sparkle in her eyes and excited the young being. For years she had spent gazing down at the world below, watching as things changed in their infinite amount of choices, watched as creatures were born lived and then died. The most interesting and perplexing of these creatures, she found were the bipedal humans that inhabited every corner of this beautiful blue marble. They fascinated her, how they moved about their world with their little habits and mannerisms. Everything about them excited and prompted curiosity, that when finally given the task and chance to go to the world below for her very first real mission, Alyssa had all but leapt at the chance. "Now remember... You are not to reveal yourself." The older mentor had advised, his words quiet and gentle. "Yes, I remember. I promise!" Her words were bright and excited, nearly bouncing in her elation. "Do you know your charge? Have their name and image memorized?" There was a worry in his tone, like an older brother would to a younger sibling making their way out in the world. "Yes! I have it. I promise Malach. I'll be careful, and I know who my first charge is. Please don't worry, I'll check in as soon as I arrive." She assured him, turning and taking her leave with a bouncing little skip off the fluffy white and golden cloud she ha
d been standing on. She tumbled down backwards, allowing the wind and the air rush past her as she fell. So many times she'd seen humans do this out of giant shining metal things that traveled the skies; it looked like it might be fun, though it confused her since they didn't have wings like she did to catch themselves. The large white feathered appendages on her back spread and caught the air, turning herself around to let the young Angel soar down towards the earth. It was a beautiful day, the clouds were light and fluffy, the sun bright and brilliant to wake all below. The city Alyssa descended upon was a typical metropolitan area, filled with skyrises and buildings with shimmering glass office windows. Alyssa floated easily lower and lower, looking around as the people started coming into focus, walking along the sidewalks and driving in those metal boxes they called vehicles. Her smile was bright as she turned a little, gliding onto a shorter building's rooftop to land so she could observe where she was at first. Alyssa was a young Angel of Heaven. Granted permission after decades of waiting for her turn to finally begin the tasks necessary to become an official Guardian Angel. For now, she was just in training, earning her Halo as it were in order to be truly official. Her form had taken on the look of a young woman, her hair a soft golden blonde color that bounced and hung short along her shoulders. She wore a long white gown, flowing gently in an unfelt breeze. Her eyes were a soft gentle gray-blue color like a passing rainstorm cloud, and they shone brightly looking down at the people below her. They couldn't see her of course, so she didn't worry about hanging off the edge of the roof looking down at them. "Hmm... I should probably blend in better I think.." Alyssa thought, her gown changing to a simple off white colored top that hung loose on her average body, a pair of jeans covering her lower half in a soft blue color.
Her large fluffy wings folded gently on her back in her new outfit, while she leaned back up and checked for where her mission would send her. Alyssa's palm held out, the image of the man in question who needed her help appeared in a light near translucent image. He looked to be huddled on the ground somewhere dark, with tattered and dirty clothes and messed hair. The image of him was sad, down and out in an uncaring world it seemed. Getting her bearings, Alyssa looked around for the location that he would be, her wings spreading again as she headed towards where the streets became a busy and noisy freeway. My first mission. Let's see how I can help you William Moore. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 12-Oct-22 11:29 PM
The bottle beside him had been emptied hours before, the contents having helped to warm him through the night. He hadn’t been early enough to get into the homeless center, and after the fight down by the tracks, he was not welcome at the burn barrels. Therefore, he had had to use some of his begged for money to buy a large bottle of whiskey that he could nurse through the night. Sitting here now, his eyes were unfocused due to the tail end of the intoxication still having a hold on him. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes raced by in front of him as he sat there on a poorly padded sleeping bag, the olive drab green color having been covered by dirt and mud not long after arriving here. It was one of the pieces of equipment he was allowed to take with him with his discharge, along with his clothes that he had purchased, and his side arm. He kept his pistol on him at all times, thought his ammunition situation was something abysmal as he couldn’t afford to replace it. Pulling it out of the back of his camouflaged pants, Will chuckled when he pulled the slide back and saw nothing but the magazine spring plate staring at him. Shaking his head, he looked out at the cars. No bullets, no easy way. Putting his pistol back into his waistband, Will stood up with a groan, his legs aching as he had been seated on the hard concrete of the underpass for the better part of twelve hours. His head pounded as he moved, dehydration killing him and making every move nauseating. Looking down at his feet, he saw a concrete street with a soccer ball wedged into storm drain. His feet had much cleaner boots and his hands held his standard issue assault rifle. Down the street, he saw a man stepping out of his sheet metal house, his extremely dark skin covered in a sheen of sweat that shined in the light of the moon. He wore a blue shirt and black pants and the biggest smile Will had seen on the face of any person he had seen in this town. Kenya was a beautiful place to be, if you stayed
where the society suggested, but as Will and his team moved down the street without any flags or tags identifying them, he could not help but be reminded of every other shit hole in the world. Three lasers targeted the man’s chest as he turned and gestured for an unseen person to step out. It didn’t take long before the person was seen, a young boy sprinting out from behind a pile of pallets with a rocket launcher on his shoulder. Three more lasers designated the boy as he stopped in the middle of the street and turned towards them. As the tube rose towards them, Will had squeezed his trigger, dropping the boy with two silenced shots before his man on his right dropped the signal man. Closing his eyes as the gunshots turned into the rumble of 18-wheelers on the interstate, Will growled and brought his hands up to the sides of his head. Squeezing his eyes shut as the pain spiked up as if a red-hot knife was being driven into his temple, Will let out a bellow of pain and anger mixed into a strangled cry of desperation. The two other men that had been sleeping further up under the overpass grumbled, calling him crazy before shifting and going back to sleep.
They weren’t wrong, as Will stood there seething, his eyes seeing a scene that had been playing in his mind for the past three years. The mission continued on as they approached the target house, but Will's dirt covered face streaked with tears as he stood powerless to stop that which had already occurred. Crying out for them to stop, Will dropped to his knees and lowered his head as his past-self moved into position to watch the approach while the rest of his team kicked down the door and stormed into the building. Will had turned to enter when the bomb detonated, vaporizing everything inside the house and blowing its walls out twenty feet. Will brought his hands up to rub the sides of his head where he felt the scars under his dirty hair. His chest shook with wracking sobs as he curled into a ball, his words coming in a soft whimper, “No, no, please don’t go. Please, don’t leave me.” Staying like this for nearly thirty minutes, sobbing until he had nothing to give, Will eventually pushed himself up to a kneeling position. His eyes were bloodshot, and his face was tracked with tear trails that fell off his jaw. Sitting like this for a moment, he looked down at the road and pushed himself to his feet. A cluster of eighteen wheelers were speeding towards the overpass, Will’s ticket out of this pain. Walking down to the guardrail, he ignored the blaring horns as he stepped out in front of the lead truck, his eyes closed and a smile on his face as he spoke softly, “I’ll see you soon boys.” @Fiory
Every so often, Alyssa would twirl in the air, doing little barrel rolls in the sky and looping around like a free bird as she made her way to where her Lost Soul would be. I wonder what he'll do today. I'm supposed to observe first. I hope he goes somewhere interesting. I can't wait to meet him. She thought excitedly. A Lost Soul was one that was right on the precipice of darkness, needing just that shove in one direction or the other in order to do something horrific either to themselves or another human being or to not. They were the ones that were in need of help the most, and for an Angel in Training, they were the ones that would be the final test in order to become full fledged Guardians. "Hmm lets see.. I think he was supposed to be somewhere over here... right?" She said idly, pausing a moment above the freeway and glancing around to see if she could find her charge. Frowning a little, she checked where he was with her palm, conjuring his image under the overpass where he looked to be sobbing into his knees. Alyssa tilted her head at the image. Poor guy... Don't worry though! I'll help you. Just.. Gotta find you first. Waving her hand away she looked around for the area where she thought she had seen him crouched down. Gliding up and over one freeway pass and then another, sometimes looking underneath the pass of concrete upside down in order to try and find the man in question. "Where could you be?" Alyssa wondered aloud, crossing her arms and looking at the ground as she hovered above the freeway. How humans were able to navigate these confusing knotting and twisting roads was confusing and hard to navigate. Quietly she turned her head to the side and a bright grin spread across her face. She'd finally spotted him just a small flight away at the next overpass. Perfect! Now I jus-... wait...What's he doing? Alyssa tilted her head, watching as William had stood up and was walking towards the road. He looked to be in pain, and possibly upset, thoug
h that was understandable since he had been crying before when she saw him. Those stormy gray eyes widened as she saw one leg and then the other lift over the guard rail and William step into the nearest lane. Panic flooded the young Angel and she immediately heard Malach's voice in her head. You are not to reveal yourself "I can't let him die though! That's the point!" Alyssa had gone into a dive, her wings tucked tight as she hurdled towards William, glancing over at the large semi truck that was speeding down the road just as quickly as she was. Her arms outstretched, willing for to go faster, reach him first. She got just close enough to him to grab hold of the man around the side and middle of him. Holding tightly and with a powerful push from her wings and the momentum she'd used to get to him, the two of them tumbled back over that guard rail. Her wings folded around the pair of them to try and minimize damage as the pair of them rolled a couple feet away from the freeway. Alyssa pulled herself up, her wings coming back from around him and shaking the dirt and debris from her feathers. Quick as she could, they were tucked behind her and dissipated in a light wisp of sparkling dust, hidden on her back as an intricately designed tattoo instead of out where they might be seen. She'd done it, saved him from the oncoming truck that sped by still blaring it's horn. A moment delay, just a moment and Alyssa would have immediately failed her test. Though, I may have failed anyway considering...I deliberately disobeyed Malach's orders... "Oh my goodness... I um... Are... uh.. Are you alright?" Her voice was sweet, knowing for sure while she had saved his life from that truck, she had made herself visible in order to be able to grab hold of him. Whether he would have noticed her wings or not was another matter. Maybe... Maybe he didn't see... It's... It's fine.. right? Alyssa wasn't so confident about that. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 14-Oct-22 10:25 AM
From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli; We fight our country’s battles, in the air, on land, and sea; Standing on the interstate and hearing the rumbles of the approaching eighteen wheelers, William heard the Corps’ hymn playing in his ears. Eight men stood around him, their smiles sympathetic and understanding as they saw the pain their brother Marine was suffering. Their pain had stopped in a fiery instant, and since that moment, their faces had coursed through Will’s mind in the quietest moments of the night and the harshest moments of the day. When he was sleeping under the concrete sky of his overpass, Will could hear them laughing while flipping through different magazines behind the wire. As a man screamed at him to get out of his way at a fast-food joint, Will saw his brothers stacked up outside of a building before a successful mission. First to fight for right and freedom and to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine. The blaring of the horn brought his brothers closing to him, clapping their hands on his shoulders in greeting and congratulations that he would finally be coming home. No more would he be freezing at night and sweltering during the day. No longer would he have to wonder when it would be his turn to be jumped by a group of teenagers and left dead behind a dumpster for the sake of their entertainment. He wouldn’t have to worry about dying in his sleep as one of his fellow homeless brothers came over to slit his throat for his blanket. Smiling as he heard the horn getting closer, Will opened his eyes just as a bright white light appeared on his right side. Not having enough time to turn his head, Will was tackled to the side and thrown over the guardrail. However, the white light stayed with him the entire way. Seeing the whiteness beginning to lose its light and mystery as he was enveloped in it, William was able to see that it was a collection of large feathers surrounding him i
n an oval. Feeling a sturdy pair of arms wrapped around his waist, Will coughed softly as the impact of being tackled and then falling to the ground had rattled his chest. As soon as he stopped moving, the arms left his waist and the white feathers moved away, forming a very recognizable silhouette in the sunlight behind the figure. Angel wings weren’t a popular symbol used in his unit as they preferred the Punisher skull, but they were a symbol of safety and security. Watching through shaky vision as the wings disappeared, Will brought his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes gently before looking to the figure standing over him. Seeing her jeans and the white top, Will breathed out a shaky breath before lowering his hands from his face to his body. How had he moved so fast? He had stepped out knowing that the truck had no time to react. He was supposed to be dead, and then this winged woman appeared from nothingness and saved his life. Saved it...or elongated his pain? Feeling his brows furrowing as he pushed up from the ground, he snarled and pointed a finger at her while screaming, his Southern accent coming out strong as his words were fueled by passion, “What in the fuck is wrong with you?! You coulda got hurt!” Stepping back and bringing his hands to the sides of his head, he turned around and let out a wordless shout. The sound carried shame, pain, and large levels of anger with it. He realized what he had been trying to do, taking the pussy way out when his brothers had had the choice stripped from them. Growling and looking at the homeless men that rolled over and looked at him, Will put his arms out in a wordless challenge before turning back to the woman. Holding his hands out with his palms facing her, he shook his head and spoke, “Look, I dunno if you’re some kinda superhero, but you can’t go round jumpin’ in front of trucks. You’re gonna end up dead long ‘fore you save somebody.” @Fiory
The young woman stood there, brushing her shirt and jeans off of the dirt and dried grass that had clung to it when they had tumbled over the guardrail. Her wings had disappeared completely, and she now looked relatively human. Her hand had outstretched to him to help her charge up, but he was able to force himself from the ground easily enough. Oh good, I’m so glad he wasn’t hurt. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be good for me if I had hurt him… Her chest rose and fell rapidly, a little surprised at how quickly she was able to get to him and thwart his suicidal attempt. Why in the world would humans want to end their lives in such a horrific way? Didn’t they see the miracle that was around them? Didn’t they know how lucky they were to be here? If William didn’t know, then Alyssa was determined to ensure to educate him. Before she had the chance to even check again that he was alright, wanting to be sure that the man she was supposed to be guiding and helping hadn’t been injured more than just a bruise or two, the young angel was then subjected to shouting from her charge. She leapt backward a little, having never been shouted at before, never been reprimanded so harshly. Why was he so angry? Her head tilted a little listening to him; He was concerned, for her getting hurt? That was an odd thing to say, considering he was the one who was standing in the middle of an interstate lane waiting for a semi-truck to end his life.
“You were the one in the middle of the road. You would have gotten hurt if I hadn’t intervened.” She said simply, standing in front of him and blinking a little in bewilderment. Did he not understand that he was in danger of dying more so than she would have been? Technically speaking, she wasn’t alive anyway. At least, not in the way that would make sense to William. Her hands came up a little to tuck her soft golden hair behind her ears, removing a leaf from her gentle strands out of her hair. Those soft gray eyes gleamed a little gazing at the different colors of orange, red and brown that littered the little plant matter. Alyssa found it to be quite beautiful, and even gave a small smile as she let it fall back to the earth, watching it glide and flip in the air. William was shouting again though, nothing that made sense but it pulled her out of her curiosity of the world around her. Right, I need to focus. I wasn’t supposed to show myself to him… but… Since I have now, I don’t know if I can go back…I’ll have to figure out a way to help him like this then. “A superhero? Oh no... I’m nothing like that.” Alyssa said in a gentle voice, trying to understand his anger or frustration. It was a new emotion for her, not something she normally encountered. It both fascinated and frightened her a little. Additionally, she wasn’t sure what exactly a superhero was, other than a story that humans told each other. “Again though… You were the one in the middle of the road. Between the two of us, you would have died had I not gotten here in time. I’m very glad that I was able to find you… I thought for sure I was lost.”
Despite his frustration, which seemed mostly to be at himself then at Alyssa in general, the Angel stood firm, allowing William to fume and rant and vent as much of it as he wanted. She was patient after all, having dealt with noisy and fussy cherubs for the better part of a century. Every so often she would glance around, just taking in the location at which she found him. While she knew that the task at hand would be a difficult one, and that she was supposed to be guiding this man back towards the light of life, she couldn’t help but feel that the task that had been bestowed upon her was harder than normal. He lives, here? Outside? I thought humans lived in little homes. Does he not have one? Or does this count as one? In a relaxed motion, Alyssa put her hands in front of her, crossing her fingers delicately together while she waited for William to calm down enough to speak with. If he would of course.
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 15-Oct-22 12:29 AM
Looking at the young woman in front of him, Will’s hands went up in the air in a frustrated display as he pointed at the cars flying by behind her, his voice coming at a shout that echoed off the concrete around them, “God dammit woman, don’t you understand? I was wantin’ to die. I’m fuckin’ tired of bein’ alive, and now you’ve gone an’ made me live longer! Why the fuck did you get involved?!” Turning his finger to point it at her more directly, Will snarled and screamed wordlessly again, a growling sound that came from deep within. However, this display of anger and fury was quickly dropping away, his arm falling down by his side as he dropped his chin to his chest. Feeling his chest beginning to squeeze as a new set of sobs threatened to take over, Will squatted down and sat back down on the concrete with a heavy thud and sigh. Not caring about the discomfort of the concrete and dying grass beneath him William looked out at the cars that sped by on the interstate. Looking beside him and smiling, he patted his fist on one of his brother’s thighs before speaking in a soft tone, “Well Jimmy, turns out I won’t be seein’ you jus’ yet. Somebody thinks I need to wait ‘fore I see y’all in Hell.” Grinning as Jimmy patted him on the shoulder and told him not to rush his trip, Will shook his head and muttered under his breath, “Easy for you to fuckin’ say. You’re already dead, you bastard.” Looking up and watching Jimmy walk away before disappearing in a fiery blaze, Will rolled away from it quickly and brought his hands up as if holding his rifle in his hands. Shaking with a steady shiver of fear, Will breathed out slowly before looking over his shoulder at the woman that had saved his life. Nodding slowly, he stood up and walked over to her, his face calmer as well as his tone as he spoke, “Sorry, ‘bout before. I ain’t used to bein’ saved or havin’ anybody give a shit. My name is William, but you can call me Will. Most everybody else does, so you might as well.” Offe
ring his hand to her, Will did not give her a smile as he had to admit that homeless living played hell on keeping a normal hygiene plan. He brushed his teeth at least every other day, but today he had not given a damn about cleaning up. Standing before her, he was able to look her over with less strain on his eyes. Not only that, but it was the first time he gave a damn enough to give her the time of day. Dressed in a plain white tee and a pair of blue jeans, Will nodded slowly as she seemed to fit every stereotype of a white Christian woman that would be shouting for attention for her kind deed. And yet, she was doing none of that, her eyes simply looking around them to every little detail that seemed to move. Narrowing his eyes as he stepped back from her no matter if she shook his hand, Will shook his head and walked over to the sleeping bag he had been in before. Kneeling down beside it, he rolled it up tightly on itself, a method he had learned in the military for stowing your gear. Putting the strap of the sleeping bag over his shoulder, he grabbed a desert-colored digital pattern jacket and threw it over his other shadow. From his tan combat boots that were laced up perfectly to the same digital pattern on his pants, as well as the olive drab shirt he had on, Will looked like a Marine that had stepped out of a horrific sandstorm and was just looking for his unit. Looking to the woman who had materialized out of thin air, Will breathed in and could smell the stench of the city as the hundreds of thousands of cars emitted their emissions into the atmosphere in addition to the scent of the beach rolling in with a touch of shit mixed into the air from the wastewater treatment plants nearby. Shaking his head as he adjusted the strap on his shoulder, Will spoke with a disappointed smile, “Welcome to Los Angeles, the City of Angels.” @Fiory
Alyssa blinked as he continued to shout at her, indicating the passing noise and bustle of traffic behind her. Idly, she turned around keeping her feet planted where they were and swiveling her shoulders so she could look behind her. The cars zipped past at a near blinding speed, some honking and others giving off loud trumpeting noises. She watched it for a moment before turning back to face him, those soft gray eyes taking in his expression and giving him a look of deep concern. “It just, wasn’t your time yet…” She tried to explain, unsure how much or how little she really should say to him. Humans had, in her opinion, a relatively short existence on this planet that only gave them so much time to do or say or complete their wants and needs to reach whatever life goals they desired. They never knew when their time would come to an end, and they would be called away. For William, he had wanted to cut his time short, and that was why Alyssa had been tasked to prevent this from happening. As well as to prevent it from possibly happening in the future. Though with how angry he was at her, she wasn’t sure how well she would be able to do this. He seemed to get less and less furious with her and the situation as time went on though. Good, looks like he might finally be settling down… Certainly took longer than a fussy cherub did, but I was hopeful he’d calm eventually Alyssa thought, watching him move away from her and sit down on the concrete with his back to her. She took a step or two towards him, not wanting to bother or pester the poor man, but just because she thought she had heard something. He seemed to be talking to someone, a specter or a mirage of his imagination. Her eyes turned in the direction of where he was looking but no one was there. Just empty air. Do humans do this often? Speak to themselves as if someone is there? I’ll have to ask Malach, as I’ve never heard of something like this before.
Slowly he rolled away from the invisible figure, holding his hands out in an odd way, as if he was holding something and pointing it. Curiously, Alyssa attempted to mimic the actions, standing there with her arms lifted while she tried to match his stance while standing. Holding her arms in the same direction that he was, she looked at them, puzzled. What was this supposed to accomplish? Was it a human custom of some kind, a way to end a greeting? After a moment, she lowered her arms shaking her head. She wasn’t sure what this was supposed to achieve, so she thought to perhaps ask him about it later on. It seemed that his imaginary conversation though, had calmed him down significantly. Alyssa stood still, looking him over carefully before glancing down at the hand he extended to her. She had thankfully seen a few human customs, and recognized this as a proper way to greet someone. Perhaps the first way is only for imaginary people… Her hand fit in his easily, and she held his gently in the simple gesture. While he wouldn’t smile at her, she couldn’t help it. It was just a natural reaction for the young angel to do. “It’s very nice to meet you William. My name is Alyssa.” She said in a kind and almost bubbly voice. He seemed to look her up and down, trying to establish who or what she was. Along with her simple white shirt and jeans, she also had black ballet flat shoes, all simple an attire and casual. The outfit didn’t stand out, nor did it show being dull or boring. It was just enough that if she were to walk through a crowd you could lose sight of her easily. When he moved towards his things, Alyssa followed a few steps behind him. She watched as he pulled on a pack and had his sleeping bag rolled up tightly with it. Her eyes darted over the olive colored jacket and pants, with a strange block like pattern on it. It dawned on her that perhaps she had been incorrect earlier in her assessment that he lived here. *Perhaps he was just staying for a night? Th
at must be it* she thought quietly, watching him gather the rest of his effects and then begin adjusting the strap on his shoulder once everything had been accounted for. Walking up next to him, she tilted her head again a little confused. He seemed to say the oddest things, and as he made to leave, she followed right beside him, her hands gently placed in the small front pockets of her jeans. She couldn’t help but mumble a little under breath, trying to work out what he had meant. “Thank you… Though, I have to ask if you know… Why do you call it that? I didn’t know there was a city on earth for Angels…”
Tupperbox BOT 15-Oct-22 08:41 PM
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William Moore BOT 16-Oct-22 01:27 AM
Will caught sight of the tail end of the woman holding her arms up, clearly trying to copy his stance of holding his rifle. Chuckling softly as he felt like a fool just by seeing how goofy she was, Will lowered his arms and moved to greet her. He was angry that he was alive, there was no other way to put it. He had been wanting to die since his brothers had perished in that inferno, but with the luck on his side, he had never managed to find death’s sweet embrace. Even today, his body at the mercy of eighty thousand pounds of steel and cargo, he had not managed to die. He had spent some time after the incident speaking to the psychiatrist who was trying to determine if he was healthy enough to redeploy. The initial answer had been yes, but as he started see his brothers on missions and calling people the same names as those he had lost, his command had decided to pull him, and the eventual decision was made to discharge him. He had received promises of aid from the Veterans Affair’s office, VA for short, but he had only received the silence that so many others in his place had. In this silence, his life had slowly grown more and more filled with pain, regret, and guilt. His brothers would still be alive, if he had seen the bomb inside the building before they entered it. If he had seen the man that was waiting to trigger the explosives, he could have eliminated the threat and saved his brothers. He needed to be vigilant; they needed him to be vigilant, and he had failed them. Looking to the woman in front of him, Will saw nothing but the same smiles and promises that he had received from pretty ladies sitting in the VA and telling him to wait while the doctor helped someone else. That wait would turn from fifteen minutes before his scheduled meeting to five hours later, the secretary announcing to Will and the assortment of other veterans that the office would be closing. It wasn’t the secretary’s fault. Honestly, it wasn’t the doctor’s fault, and William knew t
his. A nation needed soldiers and Marines out there but had no plans for caring for them if they didn’t die in their holy crusade. If they came home and needed help, they were looked at with shame and disgust. Being willing to lay down your life seemed to strip you of the rights to struggle and ask for help. Being willing to lay down your life meant that you were expendable and therefore you were not worth the resources it took to help you. Being willing to lay down your life ultimately meant you were already dead as soon as you signed that dotted line to Uncle Sam. Narrowing his eyes as he learned her name, Will looked down at her hand as it fit in his rough and calloused hands almost perfectly. It felt like the ideal handshake, if that was something that could really be quantified. Raising an eyebrow as he matched her gentleness in the gesture, Will hummed softly before stepping away from her to gather his small collection of personal effects. A small book, a green canteen, and a combat knife were rolled up in the sleeping bag that he kept on his shoulder.
Looking at her as she stuck her hands in her pockets and walked up to him, he glanced up at her face with a small quirk to his eyebrows. He was not used to anyone wanting to talk to him, much less be close enough to be right beside him. The people of the city viewed him and the other homeless people as vermin, nothing more than a stain on their city that they would like to see cleansed. He had almost been the victim of that a month before, when a pair of young men had walked up to him where he was sitting out front of a coffee shop with a small coffee in his hands. He had been nursing it slowly, the first thing he had had to eat or drink in two days, when suddenly a black shoe had kicked the drink from his hands. He had looked up only to be met with a fist across his jaw. Caught off guard and dazed by the punch, he had been kicked down to the ground until he had been able to get a fierce kick out to his harasser's shin. Sending one of them to the ground, he had fought his way up and was beginning to defend himself when the siren on a police cruiser had sounded to break them up. He spent the night in jail, his USMC tattoo on his right forearm saving him from any harsh treatment or a true arrest on his record. Two hot meals and a night under a roof did him well, but he was released and wandering the street by ten o'clock the next morning. Looking to Alyssa, Will realized he had been staring off into space and had yet to answer her question. Clearing his throat, he shrugged before answering in a slow drawl, “Los Angeles means The Angels in Spanish. When the Spanish owned this land, they called it the city of some angel I believe, so the name stuck. I only knew Camp Pendleton before I left the Corps, so I’m out of my element too.” Glancing around and then tilting his head for her to follow him, he started to walk out from under the overpass and across some service roads used by official vehicles needing to navigate the interstates. @Fiory
She tilted her head at him, listening to the explanation he gave regarding her question. They just called it that? It wasn't actually? Well that was a relief. Alyssa was sure that she had misunderstood; Angels don't normally live on earth after all, let alone have enough of a population to form a city known to humans. Her soft eyes blinked kindly at him, giving a little nod so he would know she understood what he meant. "I see. I didn't realize." She said, though more questions seemed to pop up the more he spoke. What was a Camp Pendleton? Was it a fun place? Alyssa had seen children's camps before when she worked with cherubs and had snuck glances down to earth. The kids always seemed to have fun there, swimming in lakes or making little objects, or running around in fields. However, considering William was no child, Alyssa was sure after thinking about it that perhaps this particular camp was not the same as the ones she'd seen before. Her gait was a bit shorter than his, though she seemed to have no trouble keeping up with him. On the contrary, she almost seemed to float in her quick steps to keep pace with him at his side. All the while she kept her hands in her pockets, smiling lightly and every so often looking around at their surroundings. For a little while, Alyssa was quiet, following along when he had indicated that she should follow him. Well, I was going to do that anyway. The young woman thought, glancing around the service roads and out in front of her. The concrete tunnels were long in some places but shorter in others. She didn't complain, glancing around at the different graffiti works on the concrete walls. Her eyes would glance over them, the bold colors and the dark lines. They were fascinating, but why create artwork in such a dark place? Why hide something so creative? Humans were so odd in their different actions. Fascinating and interesting, but odd all the same. There was dirt and grime on the ground and in the corners, leaves that had
flown in or strands of grass; it was hard to tell. Every so often, Alyssa would glance back over at William trying to gauge if he knew exactly where he was going. He seemed to have an idea perhaps. Maybe I should ask him, just in case. "Will... " She said gently, looking over at him and standing straight to see him better. "Where are you going?" It wasn't like she knew exactly where she was in the city, and she certainly couldn't leave Will to be by himself now that she had revealed herself. Every so often she skipped a little in front of him, mostly so she could keep up but also because she couldn't keep her excitement at being on earth at bay entirely. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 18-Oct-22 05:59 PM
Walking through the tunnels under the interstates ran the risk of meeting a few druggies that were looking for someone to beat the shit out of for some cash, but they were also the safest way that homeless people could move from the city for aid to the interstate to sleep. The cars were loud at first for most people, but Will had learned years ago how to sleep through even the most annoying noises. Looking at the walls of the tunnel as they walked in relative silence, Will was not seeing the graffiti that decorated the wall. His mind was elsewhere, the art taking him from LA and throwing him into Northeast Syria. His boots were tied tight, and his rifle held in his hands as he crouched behind a thick cactus and the surrounding brush. He was with his unit moving forward of the main Marine unit in the region, the 1st Division. As an element of the 1st Recon Battalion, it was his unit’s responsibility to report back on anything they found while also working to eliminate the enemy if they found each other. A battery of artillery guns had been firing on the advancing force, causing them to stop while the air spotters tried to find the origin of the shells. Unable to, they called on William’s unit and sent them forward to locate the artillery on foot. They were instructed to destroy the enemy wherever he might be laying up in wait, but that they should call in artillery support or air fire support when they located the artillery pieces. The home beside him had a painting of Muhammed drawn on it with spray paint, a clear sign that the people in this little town were Muslims. That wasn’t a strange occurrence, Muslims in the Middle East, but it was not a message for them. It was meant for ISIS when they would drive into the town so that they knew they were in friendly lands. With this information, they had to be slow and careful in their approach, not wanting to set off a large fight where they would be horribly outnumbered. Moving through the backyards of homes, Will
and his men moved slowly to not make too much noise when suddenly the booming sounds of the guns could be heard ahead of them. They were in the right place, but they had to get a positive ID and make sure there were no civilians near the emplacements. That was harder to do as they moved through the buildings, for the sounds of their own artillery guns seemed to wake up the ISIS fighters. Multiple fire fights opened up between the Marines and the fighters. It was a deadly process that seemed to move at a glacial speed as they cleared through complexes. Every step deeper into the town, they could feel the noose tightening around them. Hearing gunshots ringing out all around him, Will had been in his element until his memory was interrupted by his real foot kicking the leg of a man and tripping him. Stumbling as he came to, Will turned to cuss the man out until he saw the grey tint to his skin. Exhaling slowly as he turned back to Alyssa, he nodded and started walking again. Watching her skipping to keep up with him, William shook his head and chuckled softly at the display of energy. He couldn’t understand why she was so happy but looking at her it was clear that she had never struggled. But then again, her wings made him curious. Glancing at her to try to figure out where they might have gone, he gave up and looked forward as he walked. Hearing her question, Will shrugged slowly before speaking in a soft voice, “I’m just findin’ sumthin’ to eat. ‘Fore that, I need to take you on down to the bus station. I don’t know where you came from, but you needa get on back. This ain’t the place for you.” Looking at her seriously, he let a small nod move his head as he turned right towards a tunnel that carried with it the sound of a subway train. @Fiory
The sight of the spacing out man gave Alyssa a moment of pause. He seemed so lost in his own thoughts, she wondered what he was thinking about so intently. Was it something nice? Something cozy? No.. his face looked so serious, it must be something like that. The woman continued to watch him, skipping along on light steps. Every so often she would hop a little to avoid little piles of garbage or debris, a soft smile on her face. It seemed that nothing really tended to bother her, she encapsulated the 'glass half full' mentality and wore a smile like she would a casual every day outfit. The only time that she happened to stop and let her face fall a little, was when she watched as Will nearly tripped over a man who clearly was no longer living. "Poor sir... " Her words were quiet, crouching down next to the man's body with zero fear or disdain or discomfort. Her knees came up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them as she squat down. There was a pity expression on her face, her hand reaching out to place itself palm down on the top of one of his that was laying on the concrete. The body was of course cold and stiff to the touch, but Alyssa did not shy away from it. On the contrary, her smile returned and she gave a nod of understanding. "That's good... He's already been taken home. Enjoy your rest Benjamin." Slowly, the woman removed her hand and stood up. There was nothing she could do for the man, he had already been called home and she seemed to confirm that he had made it safely. This was such a normal thing for an angel to do, she hadn't even considered the fact that William could have seen her act in this manner. Ensuring the souls of the dead were guided to where they belonged was a task for a special type of angel, but most angels knew the duty was necessary for all of them if the opportunity arose. Even Alyssa on her first trip to earth. Skipping to catch back up with William, she caught him answering her earlier question. He was hungry, so he was
going to go eat something then? Well that was a good idea. However, he continued stating that he would be taking her to a bus station first. A bus station? Well I can't really go there unless you're there with me... She thought, shaking her head a little at him. "Unfortunately, I can't... um... Get on Back... like you said..." Alyssa said, attempting to repeat what William had told her. There was no going back to Heaven for her until her mission had been complete, and she was having far too much enjoyment out of being on earth to want to go back yet anyway. She wanted to see as much as she could, learn all she could, and help as best she could. That meant for better or worse, Will was stuck with her for the time being. "I do agree with you though. This place isn't the nicest I've ever seen. I don't think it's the right place for you either, so I'll keep you company until we find the right place for you." She said brightly. That was her mission after all, though she felt quite clever being able to word it in a way that didn't give it away too much. At least, she hoped she hadn't. Her gray eyes gazed in front of her as they continued their walk, her little ballet flats skipping and jumping piles of debris again before she was able to walk side by side with William again with relative ease. "May I ask..." she started, her hands back in her pockets of her jeans as she looked up at him. "You seemed to be talking to someone earlier... who was it?" From the tone in her voice and the expression on her face, it was clear that Alyssa wasn't poking fun or trying to upset Will by asking this question. She seemed genuinely curious about who he had been speaking to, or at least who he thought he had been speaking with. She was trying to learn all she could about humans and their behavior, but she had never seen on speak to nothing as if someone was actually there to have a conversation with. It was intriguing, so while they were walking alone together, she thought to ask.
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 20-Oct-22 12:32 PM
Death and corpses were nothing new to William, his entire career having been devoted to creating them. Therefore, when he was forced out on the streets by a landlord that was tired of complaints of screaming and drinking, Will was not surprised at the sight of dead homeless people in the nooks and crannies of the city. Anywhere you went, if you looked just right, you could see where a homeless person had taken their last breath of hope before their life came to an end. There was a since of solidarity that all of them shared, a small smile touching their lips as they finally stopped suffering and were going to see their loved ones. Will looked down at the body and offered him a respectful nod, but as he turned to walk away, he saw Alyssa move to the body and crouch down beside it. Starting to open his mouth to bitch her out about letting the man rest before snatching her up and dragging her away, Will was frozen as she spoke softly and touched the man’s hand with a smile. Hearing her words about the man being taken home, a man apparently named Benjamin, Will looked from the corpse to Alyssa slowly. This was very strange behavior, not anything like he had seen before except maybe from a chaplain overseas. Looking over her slowly as he remembered the white wings he had seen earlier when she saved his life, Will breathed out softly and shook his head. No, there was no way this young woman was an angel. Angels were supposed to be so horrific that you ran in fear, not this admittedly cute woman that was now skipping to catch up with him. William wanted to keep a stern expression and a cold outlook as it made surviving the streets easier, but as she caught up to him with her smile, Will could not help the momentary lifting of his lips into a small smile. The smile disappeared nearly immediately as he felt his brothers glaring down at him for enjoying life while they were dead. Offering a silent apology as he looked down in front of his feet shamefully, Will held his br
eath and forced his lips to stay flat. Rolling his eyes as she mentioned not being able to leave, Will turned to her and grabbed her shoulders firmly. There was a look of mixed fear and anger in his eyes as his eyebrows worked between furrowing in anger and lowering in fear. Looking into her face, he looked from her eyes to her forehead before speaking in a forceful tone, “Listen here, God Dammit. You can’t be down here. This ain’t no place for you.” Squeezing her shoulders lightly before releasing, Will stepped back and brought his hands to his temples. His head throbbed as he was reminded of a neighborhood in Iraq where he would frequently patrol with his platoon when not deployed on a recon mission. There was a family with a daughter that was nearly twenty-five years old. She was nice to the Marines and would greet them with flowers and baked treats, thanking them for being there and wishing them safety. Al Qaeda had pushed the Marines from the town only for them to recapture it three weeks later. When they returned to the neighborhood, they found the girl strung up from the side of her house, her body clearly abused before her death. Hanging by a noose, she had a piece of wood nailed into her abdomen with Arabic words that translated to ‘Whore of the Infidels.’ Bringing himself back to the present, he growled with two tears working down his cheeks. Will bit his lip and looked back at Alyssa as she spoke about this not being a good place for him either. He shook his head and ignored the tears welling in his eyes as he stepped back and shouted, “No, you don’t understan’! This is exactly what I deserve, you don’t know. I deserve this, you don’t!! Please, just go!” .
Shaking his head as he walked past her towards the subway tunnel at a faster, more determined pace, Will looked back at her as she asked her question. Seeing the authenticity of her expression and hearing the honest curiosity in her voice, he shook his head before speaking softly, “One of my brothers. A Marine I served with ‘fore I got ‘im killed. Jimmy Jackson. A boy who wanted to fix the world, but it killed ‘im ‘fore he could.” Looking down at the ground as the light in the tunnel started to light up, Will knew there were people in front of them waiting to catch a ride on the metro rail. He kept his head down to avoid their notice as he and Alyssa walked out onto the platform. He had been removed from the platform before for sleeping there to get some shelter. In case there were any familiar faces, he wanted to show that he was not meandering and had no intent on staying as he led Alyssa towards the exit stairwell. @Fiory
Will’s voice echoed a little off of the walls of concrete. It carried up and down the service tunnels, starting strong and easy to understand before fading and becoming undistinguishable. Alyssa however got the full force of what he was saying; he had made sure of it by grasping hold of her shoulders. This action confused her a little. He had seemed so upset at her that she couldn’t leave. It’s true though… I can’t leave… Did you want me to lie to you? That’s a sin William, I can’t do that… Alyssa thought hearing him out and shrinking a little until he had released her. Even after releasing her, he still seemed upset at her words. Why did he get upset every time she said something to him? He was yelling at her now because he seemed to think that he deserved this. Deserved this suffering or deserved to be in such a cold and dark place. It had taken a little bit for Alyssa to see him calmed down again when she had asked her question, dwelling on his shouting earlier at her all the while. So he was speaking to a Jimmy Jackson? It seemed that this person was dead and that Will was blaming himself for that death. That wasn’t in William’s information that Alyssa had received. A lost soul, one that needed rescue in the way that he did, wouldn’t qualify if they had killed someone out of hate or vengeance. If they had murdered someone, they would already be lost and unable to be brought back. There were exceptions to this of course, but that was a complicated matter; above Alyssa’s station to understand. Regardless, this Jimmy Jackson, was not the reason that William deserved to be in the gutter the way that he was.
“William…” She said gently, continuing to stay at his side regardless of his outbursts and angry words. They did give her cause for pause, but she was going to do her job. She was going to do what she could for him, as she was supposed to. His anger couldn’t stop her from that. “What makes you think that you deserve to be in a place like this? That you deserve to suffer? That is not the plan for you… you’ve just lost your way.” She said gently, a small note of maturity in her voice that replaced the bubbly almost girlish attitude that had been there before. Her steps kept pace with him easily, her head held up as she looked at him, watching his gaze lower while they moved through a brighter area. The subway platform. It took every amount of patience that the angel could employ not to want to look around to explore this new area. It was so new and so different, but she had to keep reminding herself that her charge needed her whether he thought so or not. William needed her attention first. Though how she would relay to him that he didn’t deserve the heartache and suffering he thought he did was a different problem altogether. I don’t want to lie to him… because that’s a sin… and I’m already breaking rules just speaking with him in the first place…so…
“Even though… you swore the way you did…which you shouldn’t do by the way… I don’t think He would want you to be here…to suffer. If that was the path for you, then I wouldn’t be here. If you were too far gone, then you would have succeeded I suppose back there.” Alyssa spoke quietly, not wanting to draw too much attention to herself or William. It seemed to her by the way he was acting now that he was uncomfortable in this area, and she didn’t want to make that worse for him. Her little shoes took the stairwell easily, keeping herself at his side as best as she could until they emerged topside and out of the underground area. She ended up unable to contain her excitement once she realized they were heading out of the darkness, and bound up the remaining steps in front of William. The sun shone brightly now, and Alyssa couldn’t help the bright smile that came to her face being out in the fresher air and the sun and out of the dark damp service tunnels. It made her want to soar again the way she had when she arrived earlier, but instead she just held her arms open wide in a stretch before turning around to wait for William to catch up.
“You are important, and like I said before it’s not your time yet…” How could she put this into a way that perhaps he would understand better. An index finger came to her chin and she thought for a moment as he came up the stairs and was eye level with her for a moment. The sun seemed to break through the mild cloud cover that was lingering over the city, which made her white shirt seem brighter than before as she leaned forward. He had said he was a Marine right? From what she understood of humans, that was some kind of fighter right? A soldier? Her face brightened a little out of thought and she snapped her fingers a little before turning to Will. Perhaps this will make more sense to him then.. “Your mission isn’t complete yet. And it is my mission, to make sure that yours is a success.” This had to make more sense to him right? He was a soldier, a warrior of the human race in a way. Similar to how Heaven had angelic warriors too. They fought eons ago in wars with those who had fallen, and while the majority of them no longer did such work, there were some that still held missions given to them by their creator that they needed to complete. Alyssa was hoping that this kind of way of speaking with him, might help him to allow her to stay near him instead of being angry at her for following him around. It would be much harder for her to do her job if he kept telling her to get away or buzz off.
“Now. You said you were going to get food because you were hungry. Where do you normally go?” She asked brightly, her hands stuffing themselves back into the pockets of her jeans while she waited for Will to show her the way. Alyssa needed to see how his life was, how his everyday encounters were; that way she could experience it first hand and know where to go in order to help him. The morning was bright and slowly getting busier around them, but all the young looking woman focused on was her human charge. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 20-Oct-22 10:23 PM
Hearing the switch in the woman’s tone as she spoke about him not deserving to suffer, William could not help but pause in his stride. Looking over at her as the noise of the subway platform echoed softly down the tunnel, he looked into her face for a moment before shaking his head. Putting his hands on his hips as he looked at the ground, he cleared his throat before speaking in a soft voice, “You wouldn’t understand. I’m a Marine, Alyssa, that’s somethin’ that will never leave. I was trained to embrace the Suck, so I see no point in changin’ now. I got my brothers killed cause I wasn’t able to stop that bomber. When they died, my fate was sealed. I don’t deserve peace when their wives, girlfriends, and children are sufferin’ their loss.” Shrugging as he looked at the woman, hoping to see a moment of understanding and acceptance before starting to walk again. He was able to avoid most looks except for the few people that looked over and immediately started to cover their noses. It was a normal reaction, people just accustomed to assuming that homeless people smelled like shit and piss. A moment’s flare up of anger at such an assumption was ruined and turned into embarrassment when William remembered that it had been over a week since he had had a standard shower at a truck stop. He had had to save up several days’ worth of food money just to go get a shower at a truck stop. He had bought a pair of jeans and a polo shirt and had gone to a job fair, trying to get a job, but when they found out he had no home, they immediately turned him down as he had no reliable source of transportation or hygiene. Looking over at Alyssa, he suddenly felt very filthy. She was in brand new and clean clothes, and she just looked clean; was wearing the same clothes he had worn for the past three months, and his hands and arms had a visible amount of dirt or dust collected in the creases. He had given the polo shirt and jeans to another homeless man whose clothes were ripping apart,
finding no point in being well dressed. A homeless person with new clothes won’t get pitied and therefore won’t receive any help from passersby. Listening to Alyssa as she spoke softly, he glanced over and could only figure that by how she was talking, it was about God. Smirking and chuckling softly, he looked at the ground before responding at the base of the stairs, “Alright, if you know His plan so damned well, then why don’t you explain to me why I’m here. If he didn’t plan for this, then why did I live only to be another useless piece of shit on the side of the road? Death was a gift offered to me, if God sent you to stop me from finding that peace, then...” Trailing off as he spoke and started up the stairs, Will hated the level of exhaustion he was beginning to feel from walking all this distance. It had been several days since he ate and all he had had to drink in the last forty-eight hours was that bottle of whiskey. Breathing harder than he would have liked as he made his way up the stairs, he shook his head when Alyssa skipped and finished the flight of stairs quickly. Looking down at himself, he saw the several holes he had punched into his belt as he had lost a considerable amount of weight since his discharge. Looking into her eyes as he topped the stairs, he smirked when she placed her finger on her chin. .
Not his time? Will shook his head as he finished the flight of stairs. Leaning against the handrail with a smirk, he looked down at the sidewalk. He had always viewed that he chose his time when he signed his name on the enlistment paperwork. There was a saying that every soldier or Marine had a bullet with their name on it. Somewhere out there, somebody had your bullet. There was nothing you could do to stop it. The scary thing was grenades, rockets, or mortars. Weapons delivered ‘To Whom it May Concern.’ There was no stopping those, hence why men simply stopped worrying about them and would not duck when one ripped overhead. A certainly fatalistic habit, but by no means a rare one. Hearing her talk about missions with her finger on her chin was humorous and cute, causing Will to shake his head and chuckle. She was annoying with her chipper attitude and that she wouldn’t let him die, but the longer they walked together, the more Will found her tolerable and even verging on pleasant company. She wanted him to value his life; she wanted him to live. No one had wanted that for him for some time, and he wasn’t sure what to feel about it. Nodding and looking down at the ground, he chewed on his lip softly before looking at her and speaking, his voice an authentically curious tone, “What is my mission? I don’t see a direction or purpose Alyssa; what am I to do?” Looking at her for a moment of vulnerability, William shook his head before stepping away from the railing and looking out at the streets and shops around them. Pointing at a few restaurants and diners, he answered her, “Each of those places throws their food in a dumpster at the end of the night. They’ll bag up their left-over food and put it in the dumpster, so it doesn’t get in the actual trash. That’s breakfast before it goes bad in the heat of the day.” Looking at her and shrugging, Will started walking across the sidewalk as he headed towards an alley that would take them back to the dumpster. <@25725
Why would their families continue to suffer though? That seems like a cruel human concept. Their loved ones are Home. Safe and secure I’m very sure. There’s no need to continue to grieve the dead… The thought remained in her head while they continued to walk. Eventually when Will made it up the stairs, chastising and challenging her, Alyssa sighed a little in what appeared to be irritation but also a note of hesitation. How much could she really tell him? To be fair, she didn’t know his specific mission either. It wasn’t something she needed to know in order to rescue him. Usually that was something that was discovered in life, and the Angel of the human would just guide them towards that end goal. In William’s case however, it seemed there was a specific goal for him, or one that he perceived to be, and somehow he had gotten sidetracked down the wrong path that landed him there. At an intersection of Mission Rd it appears, which she seemed to be a little fitting for the pair of them.
“Well.. um.. I don’t actually know His plan William…I know that this was all part of it, but I wouldn’t know how to explain it properly to you… It’s umm..” The angel stammered a little, biting on her lower lip and crossing her arms in front of her in thought. It was above her station to know, so she wasn’t exactly sure how to answer him on this. “It’s not my place to question or ask Him.” She explained, a hand lightly raising to run through her soft golden locks in thought. She’d never considered being asked something like that before, so Alyssa just hoped that the answer was an adequate one for Will to understand. When he got closer she turned her gaze to look up at him, intently listening to his next inquiry of her. Those stormy gray eyes seemed to brighten when he asked her what his mission was supposed to be. Where was he supposed to go, what was he to do? Those were good questions, and those at least Alyssa had a good idea of how to answer him. Her lips moved into a sweet smile at him, her hand reaching out to gently hold his cheek while she answered him. Her palm was warm against his skin, gentle and soothing even though it only stayed there for a moment while she tried to reassure him.
“Your mission, what you are to do.. Is to live your life. That is everyone’s base mission here on earth William. And you do that one step at a time. That’s why I’m here, to help you figure out what you should do with your life, what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. And the first step we can tackle for you, is getting you fed and cleaned up. Then we can look ahead and see what our next steps are.” She pulled her hand away as he shook his head and turned from her. His actions hadn’t deterred or offended her. She didn’t know if she could get offended to be fair. That was a human emotion. Instead she focused on what he was saying next. He ate food out of a dumpster? A trash bin? Well that won’t do.. Why doesn’t he just ask for the food from the kitchen? Is he not allowed? She thought, nodding before following after him again. Her eyes softly fell to the sidewalk and all at once she brightened up immediately. She’d seen lines like this on the roads before, and often would see children jumping between the lines as they crossed. It had always looked so fun to try, so Alyssa decided to give it a go. Thankfully there weren’t many others around as it likely would have looked fairly odd for a full grown woman to be skipping and jumping on the painted white lines of a crosswalk alongside a homeless Marine.
Her little leaps looked effortless, stepping in little hops and landing on her toes on each of the thick white sidewalk lines. While it appeared to be a simple kind of game, Alyssa found it enjoyable nonetheless. How silly human children were, using these arbitrary lines to determine how they walk from one place to another. Humans are so imaginative, coming up with a little game just by painting lines on the street The angel thought, floating to the next line and then the one after it before landing on the other side of the sidewalk. She turned on her heels, waiting for William to catch up and once he had, she continued at his side following towards a back alley. It seemed just as dirty and ill fitting for William as the service tunnels had been, which only made the angel frown a little.
“Can’t you just go in and ask for food though? Instead of taking it from the garbage?” There was a naivete to her question, as genuine as it sounded. It was clear she didn’t understand the concept of needing to have some kind of currency in order to get the food from the kitchen. She certainly wouldn’t have any kind of money on her, or the ability to materialize something like that. Looking around she thought about how they could get something more nutritious for him. He certainly looked thinner now that he was out in the sunlight and Alyssa could take a good look at him. Alyssa was sure the food, while separately bagged in the dumpster, would not be adequate sustenance for him, and an alternative should be considered. Just how though, was another problem in itself. This problem she kept pondering, as she didn’t know enough about the inner workings of human society in order to help with this yet. There has to be a better solution…
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 21-Oct-22 10:25 PM
The warmth of her palm on his cheek was surprisingly welcoming, despite the fact that William had had to resist the urge to flinch away as he was expecting some kind of slap from her for how he had been mouthing off. Leaning his head slightly into her hand to savor the moment, Will felt his eyes beginning to burn as he realized this was the first interaction he had had with a person in a long time. His cheek was not prepared to be touched, a small amount of dirt on it and in the stubble, but that did not make him want to be held less. Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them when her hand moved away, and he looked directly into her eyes. Listening to her speak, Will nodded slowly and turned away to look up at the street. Walking along the sidewalk before crossing the road at the crosswalk, Will thought over what she had said while smirking slightly at the obvious excess of energy she displayed as she jumped across the white lines. Live his life? How was he supposed to do that when he had trauma ripping at his mind and no therapist in sight. He had asked the VA to schedule a therapy appointment several times, but each time they failed to bring one into existence. Even when he had his phone and went to the office every day for an update, they had nothing to tell him. Now, with no mailing address or working phone, his ability to use the resources offered to veterans was next to zero. .
Looking at Alyssa as she skipped the final few lines before landing and looking back at him, Will smirked and shook his head. Who sent this woman to him or was she what his mind was digging at. He had seen the wings clear as day, and the way she spoke of helping him, she seemed like she had been sent by some divine power. William had nearly lost his faith, but as he looked at what could only be described as an angel, he shook his head and focused on the steps she had mentioned. Fed and cleaned up. One he was about to tackle now but getting cleaned up was not worth the money spent to achieve it. A clean homeless man was still homeless and disposable to most of society. Shaking his head as he tried to dismiss these ideas of having an angel here to help him, Will let the small smile that had been forming on his lips fall back into the stoic expression he carried. It was emotionless with dead eyes that could quickly turn to anger or to sadness depending on the stimuli. Smiling was not a normal occurrence, though it did happen every now and then if someone gave him a considerable amount of money or food. He had seen others snub up and away from food donations, but William was always happy to take them. For a while he had pushed a buggy around with plastic bags to collect recyclables to be taken to the dump and exchanged for money, but that had ended when a couple of gangbangers had kicked him to the ground and stole his buggy. Grocery stores had become stricter with their buggy policy, so replacing it was no easy task. .
Listening to her questions, William paused after taking a couple of steps into the alley. Turning towards her, he felt an immediate flair up of mocking anger, but he took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly through his nose. She had no idea what was going on around her and she was completely out of her element. Probably the daughter of some rich businessman that was taking a day to explore the world and try to understand how the other ninety-nine percent lived. Lowering his chin to his chest, William looked at a small brown bag that was holding a shattered bottle. Smirking at the symbolism of a ratty outer layer covering a broken inside, he lifted his head and responded in as gentle a tone as he could manage, “The food costs money, and that’s somethin’ I don’t have. I can save up some money, but that means beggin’ for it. It’s too early in the day, no one’s lookin’ for the next charity case.” Walking deeper into the alley, William slowed his strides as he approached the corner to look at the open area behind the restaurants where delivery trucks or trash trucks could access them. Sucking in a breath of air, he groaned as he heard the hydraulics of the garbage truck around the corner lifting the dumpster up into the air to empty the contents. Shaking his head, he cursed under his breath, “Mother fucker, what day is it? Of course, it’s fuckin’ Thursday. I thought that was yesterday. God damn it all to Hell.” .
Pressing his fists to the side of his head, he breathed out a heavy sigh as he listened to the empty dumpster slamming into the ground. As the reverse signal beep of the truck could be heard retreating around the corner, Will stepped into the open area and kicked his foot in the open air. There was nothing left in the dumpster, but as he looked around, there was something white in the corner of his vision. Looking over and seeing a biscuit sitting next to a dirty magazine where it had fallen out of the dumpster, he walked over and sight softly. Kneeling down and picking it up, he ignored the dampness of the bottom and the slight scent of rainwater. Shaking his head, he took a bite of it and held back a grimace as he chewed and swallowed. @Fiory
Alyssa’s brows furrowed with his answer to her. He needed money in order to get food? How much money did he need? If you had lots could you get lots then? It was an odd concept for her, mostly because Angels don’t eat. They can but it’s not something that is necessary for her to partake in. Still, she followed Will into the alley only to hear the creaking and loud sound of a trash truck removing the dumpster that he had wanted to raid. Her gray eyes went from the truck to William, who seemed incredibly upset that the garbage was no longer available to him. Inwardly, Alyssa didn’t see the problem with this as eating food from the trash seemed to be more of a bad idea and subject to getting William sick instead of nourish him. However, she did recognize that he had no other way to eat, and eat was something he needed to do.
. “Oh.. you… you really shouldn’t say that…” Alyssa had said quietly, biting her lower lip in what looked like an anxious way. She watched as he continued to swear and grimaced at the words he chose to use. Honestly, what was his obsession with wishing for the Father to damn everything? The young angel was just glad that He didn’t do punishments in the same way as He used to. Otherwise, she surely would have lost her wings by this point. In the meantime, she watched as he seemed to kick out in frustration, only to find a morsel on the ground. Even Alyssa, who was not accustomed to the ways of humans in an intimate setting, could tell by the grimace on his face that this was not the ideal breakfast for him. There had to be somewhere else, something else that she could get for him in order for him to eat. Her eyes looked towards where the dumpster had been emptied from. It looked like it was outside of a small cafe. It was early in the morning but it seemed that this place was open already.
. “I’ll be right back, William… Please don’t leave here. I promise I’ll return shortly.” Alyssa said quietly, moving out of the alley and glancing towards the front door of the cafe. At the very least, maybe she could ask where a meal that didn’t cost anything could be found. Surely there had to be somewhere right? She turned lightly to leave him there, eating the soiled biscuit as she made her way to the front entrance of the cafe. At first, she wasn’t sure how the door was supposed to open. She pushed on it with no effect, before pulling and it swung open a little. Oh I see.. That’s odd Alyssa thought, walking into the restaurant and up to the counter where a waitress was wiping down the bartop and filling the sugar packets into the dishes. Alyssa looked in wonder at the little restaurant, themed to the fifties diners of the earlier century. A little nervously, the angel wiped her hands on her shirt and down her pants, holding the hem of her shirt a little in her fingers as she approached this new human. She needed information though, and William didn’t seem to want to try.
. “E-Excuse me…” Alyssa started, and the middle aged waitress turned her head and looked the young woman over. Her hair was graying and tied in a messy bun, wearing a dark green dress with a black apron. The name ‘Liz’ engraved on a chipped gold name tag. “Table for one?” Liz asked and Alyssa shook her head. She didn’t need a table, she needed information. “Oh, no thank you. I was hoping you could help me, if you’re not too busy.” Alyssa asked, and Liz seemed to raise an eyebrow at the girl. The angel could tell that the older woman was looking her up and down a little suspiciously. So she cleared her throat and put her hands together in her lap. “I was wondering… do you know of a place where I can get some food without a cost? I’m not sure where to look, and my friend is hungry.” It wasn’t entirely a lie, Alyssa did hope that William would see her as a friend eventually. It just might not be like that now. Liz continued to stare at her. “Could try the Open Pantry place if you need a hand out…but you don’t look like you take handouts often…” She had said, and Alyssa blinked looking down at her clothes. Was she too clean? She hadn’t considered that as a possibility. “Oh… Would you mind pointing me in the right direction for that then?” “Yeah… just follow down the road south, turn left at the light and you can’t miss it. Right by the church there…But… you don’t look homeless…” Liz continued. Alyssa just shook her head and smiled. “Oh, no I’m not. I’m helping my friend.” “Who’s your friend? Some transient begging for money for booze?” “No no.. nothing like that. I found William in the street. He almost got run over by a very large truck, but I was able to save him. Now I just need to make sure he is fed and healthy.” The way Alyssa was talking about him, would have probably made Will angry; He almost sounded like a lost puppy that Alyssa had found, even though the young angel was telling the truth on this. Which in this case was a good thing that Liz thought so
too. Her face softened a little, and she put a hand to her chest giving a little ‘awwww’ noise. On her wrist was a small gold bangle bracelet with a few dog and cat charms on it. . “Oh the poor thing… Can’t imagine why anyone would abandon them on the side of the road…” She started, turning around to a case where muffins, scones and other pastries were housed. Alyssa blinked at her, a little confused. “Yes… I’m hoping I can find him a good home to stay in soon…” She started but Liz just nodded, preoccupied with pulling out a pair of metal tongs and handing Alyssa a brown paper bag that seemed to have about a few day old muffins in it. Looked to be a blueberry, a couple bran and what looked like a more plain vanilla one. Beaming, the angel looked up at Liz sweetly smiling. This was certainly better than a soggy biscuit on the ground in an alley. And she knew of where William could get other food too, which had to be a good thing right? Liz was looking over the counter, looking at Alyssa’s feet for something before she spoke up again. “Where is your little friend?” “Oh.. he’s outside. He’s pretty dirty, I don’t think it would have been a good idea to bring him in here.” Alyssa answered, and Liz nodded. It was a good thought, considering only service animals were allowed in the cafe. “Well you take good care of that little friend of yours. And you find him a good home.” “Thank you ma’am.. But I don’t have a way to pay for this…” Alyssa said gently, but Liz seemed to just push the bag into her hands. “You’re doing God’s work, taking care of the poor animals that people discard. No chocolate in there, so it should be safe if the little thing is hungry.” Liz insisted, and Alyssa just nodded a little in confusion. William wasn’t a little thing, he was quite tall.
“Oh, I know. Thank you Ma’am.” She said gently, still a little confused about the exchange as she made her way out of the diner with her little doggie bag in her hand. The entire exchange lasted about ten minutes, and she walked back to where she had left William with her head tilted to the side, a look of confusion on her face as she rounded the corner to the alley, looking around for William. At the very least she was able to get him something better than a dirty biscuit, though she felt like she had almost lied to Liz by not confessing that William was not a lost puppy, he was a person. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 22-Oct-22 01:35 PM
William was growing less annoyed by the way Alyssa told him not to cuss, more so just assigning it to her upbringing or the strange wings that he could not get out of his head. He had seen paintings of angels in the past and could not ignore the big white feathered wings that he knew had wrapped around his body. And yet, as he chewed on the biscuit and swallowed as quickly as he could, he could not see them on her body anymore. They had been there one moment and gone the next. What if they were just a trick of the light playing havoc with his shattered mind? Shaking his head and rolling his eyes at the fact he considered his own mind shattered; he finished the biscuit in one large bite, thankful for the sogginess as it kept his mouth from drying out. Watching her leave the alleyway, Will grunted and shrugged as he stood up and looked around the area for something else to eat or drink. There was no way everything had made it into the garbage truck. Something had to stick in the bottom, grease causing the bag to not fall out. Even if it had some mold, his renewed hunger could ignore it. He walked over to the dumpster and put his right foot in the fork pocket that the garbage truck used to lift it. He pushed up with his leg and pulled with his arms to vault himself into the dumpster. As he landed in the dumpster, he immediately felt the weight of an additional one hundred pounds of gear, and the dumpster was no longer empty. Ducking against the inner wall of the dumpster as a duo of helicopters roared overhead, Will turned back and looked at the ever-smiling face of Jimmy. Shaking his head, he smirked before asking, “Now what in the Hell are you smilin’ ‘bout over there? You like the smell of Syrian trash?” Jimmy shrugged before shaking his head and responding, “No, I just never imagined I’d be hiding in a dumpster, a redneck’s ass in my face, trying to avoid detection by old Russian equipment.” The two looked at each other for a moment before laughing softly. Th
e sound echoed slightly but did not cover up the fact that the helicopters had peeled off and were now flying away from the area. Breathing out mutual sighs of relief, the two Marines opened their respective lids enough to glance out like comical villains in Saturday morning cartoons. Seeing nothing but the sandy roads of the hamlet and the hardened clay of the nearby buildings, Will brought his rifle up and scanned the surroundings before vaulting out of the dumpster. Covering the area with his rifle, William kept watch while Jimmy pulled himself out. Once the younger man stated he was clear of the dumpster, the two of them started to walk to the corner of the house next to them. They had sprinted away from two attack helicopters after they had strafed their squad, and in their haste, they had not looked back to see who was with them. Looking around the corner, William groaned sadly as he saw two Marines on the ground, their bodies less distinguishable and looking more like two tangled masses of uniform, flesh, and blood. .
Walking over to one of the men and rolling him over onto his back, William cursed himself when the man’s head lolled back and showed that it had been hit directly by one of the 30mm high-explosive rounds fired from the cannon on the helicopters. Bringing his fist to cover his mouth as he tried to compose himself and hold down his latest MRE in respect for his fallen comrade, Will laid him back and checked his dog tags in order to identify the body. Mark Cuthers. A good man from the plains, he had always talked about his twelve siblings that he sent money back for so that they could get off the family farm. Twenty-six years old, he had made it to a point in his life where he was able to support his single lifestyle. Shaking his head and pulling a black body bag from Cuthers’s rucksack, Will laid it out and opened it up. Other Marines had reappeared from their cover and were looking at the other corpse, but Jimmy had come over to help him. Jimmy shook his head as he arrived, turning away and burping as he tried to hold down his own meal. He was not as successful and emptied his guts on the ground, but as he turned back, Jimmy controlled any further reactions and helped Will load the body into the bag. Zipping it up and stepping back, Will wiped some of the blood on his gloves onto his pants. Reaching for his satellite radio, he asked for a casevac via ground vehicles and was told that a convoy would be passing three miles southeast of them in thirty minutes. If he could get there, they would take the bodies. Nodding, he opened the bag back up and retrieved ammunition and food from the corpse. The other bag was opened and given the same treatment; it was not a gesture of disrespect. Their deceased brothers would want to give their gear if it could help their living brothers, so they did so as respectfully as they could. Once finished, William selected six men and sent them with the bodies to the rendezvous point while he and the remainder of the unit continued to s
weep the hamlet in order to hook up with the rest of the platoon. Kneeling in the dumpster as a pigeon cooed above his head, William’s eyes came back to focusing on what was around him. Bending over and retching, the biscuit in his stomach quickly found its way to the floor of the dumpster, his mind filled with the image of Cuthers’s face. Tears ran down his face as he cried quietly in the dumpster, unable to hear Alyssa’s return, “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you in that street. I ran like a fuckin’ coward and now you’re dead. If I had grabbed you, you’d still be alive. But I fuckin’ ran. I am so sorry Mark. I’m so damn sorry.” @Fiory
Slowly, Alyssa turned the corner and found the alleyway where she had left Will to his grotesque biscuit. However, when she looked around he was nowhere to be seen. Oh no… I told him to stay right here?? Where did he go?? She thought, taking her palm and turning it upwards to see if she could locate him like she had before. The image of him showed up in a somewhat transparent way. He was retching somewhere dark it looked like, dark and cramped. Where had he gone? It was then that she realized she could hear the sounds he was making slightly echo down the alley. Waving her hand to rid herself of the image of William getting sick, the other holding tightly to the brown paper bag of pastries she’d procured, Alyssa slowly made her way down the alley towards the sound. “William? Are you still here?” She called out gently, standing on her tiptoes to see if she could see him anywhere. Unfortunately, Alyssa wasn’t very tall, and barely came to the top of the dumpster’s opening let alone able to see inside of it. She could certainly hear him, at least the echo of him. Her head turned and she finally took a look inside the dumpster after having looked around it for a good solid minute to see if he had crouched himself down outside of it. . “William? What are you doing in here?” Alyssa asked quietly, though her voice trailed off a little. He was crying, asking for forgiveness to someone named Mark. What sparked this? Did something happen? Who is Mark? Carefully, Alyssa looked around for something she could stand on to get a better look within the dumpster. A large twisted crate would have to do. So she pulled it slowly closer and gingerly stepped on top of it in order to bend into the dumpster a little easier. . “Will… It’s time to go…” Her hand was barely able to rest on his shoulder nearest to her, but she held it there as gently as she could. She had to lift one of her legs behind her and reach pretty far in order to do so. It was her way of trying to bring a sense
of calm to the man. She wanted to make sure he knew he wasn’t alone and he certainly didn’t have to throw himself away. Which Alyssa supposed he was trying to do.
. “Mark isn’t here William… he’s gone home… It’s time to come out now.” Her words were stern, but in a gentle understanding way. There was no other in the dumpster with him, and she certainly wanted him to come out. The stench of it with the recent addition of the biscuit vomit wasn’t pleasant and William shouldn’t have had to be subjected to remaining in there. Alyssa would wait, wait for Will to finish crying to collect himself and to get himself out of the bin. She certainly couldn’t assist him in this endeavor. Looking around she made sure there were no other people that would happen to walk by. It seemed it was too early in the morning thankfully for anyone to really be out and about. The angel took stock of the area while her charge continued to mourn and beg forgiveness of a specter that was not there. A few birds flew around, and the sun was already beginning to heat the area with its warmth. Despite being in an alleyway, Alyssa was quite pleased at the atmosphere. It was quiet and peaceful, except for the few cars that would honk or screech or loudly drive by in the early morning hours. I suppose he’s alright, if he wants to stay in there for a few minutes longer… but we really should keep going… I don’t want him to stay in a garbage bin for the rest of his life, and I’m sure he doesn’t want that too…
. Turning, Alyssa made to hop down from the crate and away from the dumpster. The plastic creaked even under her light weight and before she realized, the young woman slipped off of the crate entirely. The box was kicked out into the alley with a loud twacking sound as it bounced. Alyssa however had fallen against the dumpster, her shirt snagging on a sharp edge and holding her tightly against it. Thankfully her shirt was long enough that it really only raised up her midriff a little. The bad news was that it was currently snagged in a place where Alyssa couldn’t reach in order to free herself without tearing the back of her shirt. This was a problem, as she needed her shirt in one piece so her wings could remain a secret. Remain covered. Under the fabric of her shirt, were normal human undergarments, and adorning her back were a pair of large intricately detailed feathery angel wing tattoos. Squirming a little, she made a few noises to try and free her shirt from the jagged edge of the dumpster it had snagged itself on. . “Ouch! Oh goodness…” She complained, holding tight to the bag of pastries for William as she struggled to free her shirt from the dumpster’s side. Her elbow banged a little against the metal of the bin and she winced in pain at it. Pain was a new sensation she wasn’t used to. Had never been exposed to it before today. It sent a shiver from her elbow up her arm and down to her wrist. The sensation almost made her drop the brown bag of pastries for Will. The slight sound of fabric tearing made her eyes widen in alarm though and she quickly stopped moving.
. “Hey… W-William?” Alyssa called out, tilting her head so her voice was a little louder and carried into the bin so he would be able to hear her. “I um… I could use your help please… if you could.” How embarrassing, the angel that was supposed to be guiding this man on his path, stuck and in need of assistance herself. Malach will never let me come to earth again after this…how humiliating… Thinking for a moment, she wondered if a little incentive might help him to want to come out and help her off of the sharp edge of the dumpster before the back of her shirt ripped in two. “I’ve got breakfast for you…Please..”
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 23-Oct-22 12:07 AM
William was faintly aware of the sound of Alyssa’s voice as she asked what he was doing in the dumpster, but he kept his head down as his tears continued to stream forth. He was looking at his hands and saw nothing but blood and pieces of flesh on them and Mark’s mutilated body below them. Mark’s face had come back onto his body, and he was smirking and speaking to William, ‘Look at you, the brave Marine we were supposed to follow. All those years and you forgot the one lesson we all learned. Leave no man behind. I guess it’s okay if that man is Mark. It’s okay to leave his pregnant wife a widow and his unborn daughter and two-year-old son as orphans. Yeah, just grab what you need, I won’t need it. You made sure of that as you left me to die.’ Looking down at his hands and then at the phantom being that lay on the ground, his stomach split open and covering his magazines and grenades in blood, William could not stop crying. His tears flooded down his cheeks as he set his hands down on the bottom of the dumpster and felt them press into the still warm insides of his comrade. Mark laughed loudly, looking around and screaming in his hallucination, ‘Look at this!! He is fucking playing with my insides. Get a look at this, you little angel. You want to save this man? He desecrates the dead!! Tell her about that time in the Helmand Province yet? Oh my, she is going to love hearing about that.’ Bringing his hands up to look at them, William’s tears turned hot on his face as they turned to rivulets of blood running down his face. Reaching up to his head and feeling his hair with his left hand but his Kevlar helmet with his right, Will screamed out angrily as he felt confusion pulling through his mind. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he reached up and grasped it with his left hand before turning to look at the owner, a single name on his lips, “Jimmy?” Seeing not Jimmy but some stranger instead, his head dropped down again, and he bellowed at the floor of the dumpster. T
aking his hand back from holding Alyssa’s, he screamed loudly and angrily before punching the wall of the dumpster several times. He held his form well and risked breaking no bones, but the last blow against the steel caused the knuckle on his right hand’s middle finger to split and begin to bleed. Looking at his hand as a small river of blood made its way through the collected scum covering his hand, Will looked up with a renewed clarity in his eyes. He knew where he was, and he looked into Alyssa’s face with a slight smile and nod. Pushing up from the floor of the dumpster, he looked around and seemed to be taking in his surroundings, as if he was confused how he had gotten here in the first place. Sighing softly as he put his hands on the edge of the dumpster, Will saw the blood covering them again and his eyes grew wide as he looked down at the smirking face of Mark. His jaw worked at a slight tremble as the corpse shrugged and played with his own mutilated abdomen. Growling and squeezing his eyes closed in a sign of defiance, Will brought his hands to his pants and wiped them clean, scrubbing intently to get all the mess off of them, both real and imagined. .
He stayed that way, wiping at his pants until his hands were cleaned, until he heard the clattering of the plastic bin that Alyssa had been standing on. Looking up and seeing Alyssa pressed against the dumpster with her shirt hung on the corner, Will felt his clarity return now that he had a task at hand. Pressing on the edge of the dumpster, he vaulted over the side and stumbled slightly as he landed on the outside. His boots soon found purchase however and he walked over to Alyssa. Looking at her for a moment as she asked for his help, he smirked before taking the brown package and setting it on the ground. Walking back over to Alyssa, he grabbed her wrists and moved her hands to his shoulders. Looking into her face, he was struck by how attractive she was, but he ignored that realization as he spoke, “Your wings don’t work anymore? Alrighty, push down on my shoulders and then step up into my right hand. I’m gonna hoist you up so you can stand high, then I’ll undo your shirt.” Leaning forward to give her an easier time, he lowered his right hand and bent it at the wrist to make a flat platform she could step up onto. In moving like he had, he was closer to her exposed midriff, but he ignored the gentle skin of her abdomen close to him and instead looked at the tips of a feather tattoo that was exposed on her lower back. If she used his hand as he had instructed, he would lift her several inches further so that his left hand could easily unhook her shirt from the metal of the dumpster. Once she was clear, he would lower back down away from the dumpster so that she could step down. Going and grabbing the paper bag, he placed it back in her hands before speaking in a soft voice, “I need to wash my hands ‘fore I can eat.” Looking down at his filthy hands, there was a shift in Will’s behavior and mood. He was disgusted by his living conditions and wanted to be free of it, some of his pride glinting in his eyes as he recognized how far he had fallen. <@25725275300
Her stormy gray eyes looked a little sheepishly at him, a soft groan on her lips at her own inability to free herself. She wasn’t overly short or anything, but there were times where being 5’4” had it’s disadvantages. This unfortunately being one of them. On tip toes so she wouldn’t rip her shirt or pull it over her head too much, Alyssa watched him leap out of the dumpster after banging and beating the metal inside. She lightly handed the brown paper bag to him and watched him place it on the ground out of the way. When he came back and took hold of her wrists, her face flushed a bright pink over her cheeks and nose. What was he doing? What was this sensation she suddenly got, this flutter like little birds in her chest. This feeling was new, and weird and unknown. Compliant, she pushed herself up gently at his shoulders, putting her small shoe into his palm and stepping upward. There was a small tearing sound that made Alyssa panic a little, but for the most part it seemed like her shirt was in tact. ”Your wings don’t work anymore?” “I… um.. “ She stammered, looking wide eyed at him. So he had seen them?… is that right? So he knows…Oh heavens I’m in trouble… The panic was hard to hide on her face. She had thought she had tucked them away fast enough that he wouldn’t have noticed, that he would have thought them a trick of the early morning’s light, a mirage or an overactive imagination. Had he truly seen them this whole time then and knew what she was? No… I… I think he might be joking… What’s that human term? ‘Pulling on your leg’? I think that’s what it is… Alyssa did her best to calm down, thinking perhaps she was overthinking the disaster angel she was turning out to be. Instead she decided perhaps to play along, just smiling weakly at him as he helped her untangle herself from the dumpster.
. “Well you know.. Um… they’re very sensitive so… I wouldn’t want to damage them…” This wasn’t an altogether untrue statement. The wings of an Angel were quite sensitive, and it was true that if they were forcibly cut off or removed then the Angel in question would not only feel the excruciating pain of this, but they also would become mortal; a human. It was one of the biggest reasons that Angels had to hide their wings in a manner that would be safe for them. Just tucking them under clothing was too bulky, so they usually ended up as painted artwork on their backs instead. Though she wondered if he would think she was joking with him or not. Alyssa had tried to put on an air of confidence, a small amount of jest in her voice that was etched with a nervous anxiety. She stood light in his hands, until she was free and then set back down gently. “Thank you William for your help.” She said gently, taking the bag of pastries back in her hand and nodding to him. Washing up would be a good idea. Alyssa brushed her pants off and looked down at her shirt. It wasn’t stark white anymore, having touched the dumpster there was a bit of dirt now that had stained it. That’s alright I guess… I’m sure it will come out if I clean it She thought quietly, dusting herself off as best as she could. Standing straight to look back at him, she gave another weak smile, certainly less so than it had been prior to this moment before beginning to head out of the alley way.
. “I um.. I was told by Liz in the restaurant there that there is a place called Open Pantry down the road… you can get food without money there… Maybe… they’ll let you wash your hands?” This she wasn’t quite sure of exactly. From what Liz had mentioned, the Open Pantry place had been near a church, so certainly there would be some ability to go inside. Everyone was welcome in a place of worship right? Surely they would not turn William away if he just wanted to wash his hands. All the while that she began to lead Will out of the alleyway, she seemed lost in thought. Wondering or perhaps worrying a little if she truly was found out for sure. Revealing herself was one thing when she thought perhaps he just thought her a random young human woman, but if he had figured out that she was in fact an angel sent to him from Heaven that might mean she would be punished for disobeying and breaking the rules. Malach had always warned her not to interfere, not to reveal herself, that it was dangerous… Now Alyssa was wondering just how much dangerous trouble she would be in.
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 23-Oct-22 03:36 PM
Seeing Alyssa's eyes growing wide in surprise and shock, William felt a slight smirk playing at his lips in response. So, he had seen them, and he wasn’t just going crazy. The growing panic about her features gave William a mixture of amusement as they proved him right as well as concern. He was happy to know that his eyes had not betrayed him or fallen behind his mind into some deep pool of insanity. There was a way out of this mess if he was able to keep his wits about him, however as he saw her panicked expression calm slowly, he decided not to bring any more attention to his observation. He did not want to scare the woman or make her feel like he was a threat to her well-being. As she mentioned them being sensitive however, he glanced back into her eyes and spoke softly, “I can understand that. Hide the most sensitive things so the world can’t hurt them. I know how that works, Alyssa.” Her weight in his hand had felt like she weighed nothing at all, or at least seemingly close to it. William had retained a measure of his strength, but his new life had sapped much of his excess strength, making his ability to hold her weight effortlessly quite alarming to the man. Nodding slightly as she offered him thanks and took the bag back, Will nodded back and spoke in a slightly teasing tone, “You saved my life, least I can do is help you get unstuck. Eighteen-wheeler versus a nasty dumpster and a tetanus shot, I think we’re just ‘bout even.” Looking at Alyssa as she dusted the dirt off of herself, he looked down at his hands and then at his own clothes. He looked every bit like the bum that he was, some washed up veteran that couldn’t even manage to clean up and keep his uniform in good shape. Feeling a wave of disgrace flowing over him as he saw how poorly he had treated his uniform, the Marine Corps’ uniform, William bit his lower lip hard and shook his head. He was supposed to be the perfect image of what a Marine was. The men in his unit had looked to him as the o
ld blood that had served in the opening engagements in Afghanistan, but now he looked like some wannabe that couldn’t figure out how to lace up his boots, much less hold a rifle and defend his nation. Nodding at the mention of the Pantry, William spoke in a soft tone, “Open Arms Food Pantry, I know what you are talkin’ about. We could try ‘em out, jus’ stick close to me, okay? The crazies ain’t up yet, but we’re gonna be movin’ closer to ‘em as we go further into the city.” William set his jaw and started out of the alleyway, his eyes looking around as he oriented himself and started to walk along the sidewalk. He had been to the food pantry times before and they had been kind to him, but as he got tired of them forcing repentance down his throat as the thing holding him back, he had stopped going back. There had been an incident early on where a pastor had told him that if he repented for his sins, he would no longer be on the streets. William had asked him what sins, to which the pastor pointed at his uniform and said one word: murder. William was soon later pulled off the man after having launched himself at the man, slamming his fists into his face while screaming that it was his murderous sins that gave this jackass the freedom to insult him like that. The staff had thrown him out, warning him to never return, at which point he had flipped them the bird and told them to start practicing how to speak Arabic. .
William was not proud of his outburst now and as he walked over sidewalks with his hands in his pockets, he glanced up and saw a small diner that said public bathroom. Dipping in off the streets, William scooted past three men in line with a soft apologetic grunt before going to the side hallway that led past the kitchen and to the bathrooms. Pushing open the male bathroom, he stood in front of the sink and dropped his sleeping bag to the ground. Taking off his jacket and tying it around the sleeping back, he put the strap back on his shoulder before turning on the water in the sink. Scrubbing his hands together under the water, he got some soap from the dispenser and started rubbing his hands together intently. The crud and blood washed off his hands after quite a bit of scrubbing, but he was eventually able to see his skin color clearly and cleanly like he used to keep it. At the clean texture of his skin, he was able to hear the whispers of Mark Cuthers finally disappear as he no longer felt as if his hands were covered in blood. @Fiory
Alyssa glanced back up at William stating that they were about even. She saved him from a truck, and he saved her from being stuck on the dumpster. I’m not sure how those are quite equal… She thought, tilting her head a little at him. The biggest worry though that she had, was the fact that he seemed to not really be joking with her. Reassuring that he understood what she was, but the fact that he understood what she was was in itself the problem. “ I was… just doing my job. It’s what I was supposed to do.” She said quietly, giving a little shrug and a smile back up to him at that comment. All the while in her head she kept arguing within herself on what to do next. Do I come clean? Do I just tell him that he is correct? I can’t lie to him, that’s a sin… But I know I’ll surely be in trouble if I tell him he’s correct…What do I do… Malach’s words rang in her head, that she wasn’t to be seen. She wasn’t to interfere. And here she had done so anyway. Alyssa hadn’t anticipated William figuring out what she was, but she also hadn’t anticipated meeting him via a mid flight tackle either. Her fingers fidgeted at the hem of her shirt a little after dusting it off the best she could. She would continue to think it over, nodding her head as he told her to stick close. This at least brightened her mood a bit. Even if he had figured out what she was, at least he wanted her to be nearby then. That would make her mission much easier, knowing he wasn’t going to shove her away any time soon.
. As the pair of them walked, she listened to him about finding a place to wash his hands. It would be a good idea after all. She could certainly go for cleaning her own hands a little after touching the dumpster. Her stormy gray eyes kept looking around in amazement as they traveled further into the city towards the Food Pantry place that Alyssa had been told about. However they didn’t actually get there before William decided to turn into a small diner. Not wanting to lose sight of him, Alyssa joined, walking into the diner close behind him. Light on her feet she slid around the group of men and watched as William walked into a room marked “Mens”. She didn’t know a lot about human culture, but she did understand at the very least that she wasn’t allowed in that room. Alyssa didn’t present as male. Glancing next to it, there was another door that said “Womens” and she walked towards that one instead. Quietly, she looked around and after confirming that no one was there, Alyssa made her way to a sink to wash her hands and inspect her shirt. The faucet fascinated her for a moment. She put her hand under it and the water came out in a steady stream, and when she pulled it away the water stopped. For a solid few minutes, Alyssa couldn’t help dipping her hand under the faucet and retracting it, giggling at the invention that the humans had come up with. It looked like magic to her, suddenly the water was on, and then it was off. This of course wasn’t getting her hands washed so after giggling at the invention, she did set about actually scrubbing the dirt off her hands and a little off her arms. The soap smelled odd, more like alcohol than an actual smell. Alyssa just used as much as she thought she would need and got herself cleaned up. Once cleaned up and rinsed, Alyssa looked around for something to dry her hands on. There were paper towels on the wall so she pulled a few out and dried her arms with it. The towels helped and she even took one to her shirt to contin
ue cleaning off the front of it. It would need to be washed somehow, though how and when was a question in itself. Glancing at the full length mirror as she made to leave, Alyssa paused. Her gray eyes stared at her own reflection for quite a while. It was the first time she’d seen herself before, and it was an odd thing recognizing but not recognizing yourself.
“Hm… interesting I guess…” She said finally, opening the door and making her way out of the bathroom to wait for William. She stood in the hallway, looking around at the different art pieces of the diner, listening to the restaurant get busier and busier as the morning continued on. Alyssa took a look inside the brown bag she still carried with her, checking the contents to make sure they hadn’t been spoiled by being set anywhere unpleasant. The anxiety of being found out still plagued the young angel’s mind, and while she felt somewhat alone waiting for William to come out of the bathroom, she bowed her head a little closed her eyes, letting her thoughts reach those she could communicate with in heaven.
. ”Malach….” ”Good Morning Alyssa… I see you’ve met your charge…” ”Y-yes…I have…” ”Didn’t I tell you not to interfere? Not to be seen? What were you thinking??” ”I was thinking that I couldn’t just… let him die! What was I supposed to do? He was going to be hit by that… that truck…” ”Alyssa… I know this is your first mission… just be careful down there. The human world is a mess and no place for an angel..” ”I… I know… I’m getting him some food, and then I will work on getting him shelter so his life can go back on track…” ” See that you do… Don’t dawdle… We’re all watching out for you…” “Thank you Malach…” The last sentence she said aloud, her eyes opening to a half lid as if she expected to see the head angel standing in front of her. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 24-Oct-22 10:45 PM
Standing in front of the mirror after he washed his hands, William investigated his face and barely recognized himself. It was not the fact that he had lost weight that made him a stranger; his face had not been known for being very thick or soft. No, the man that stood in the mirror had hair that hadn’t been washed in days and skin that had not felt the gentle embrace of a pillow in weeks. Even now, as he brought his clean hands up to his face to wash at the collected dirt, William did not recognize the man underneath the dirt either. Looking up at his head, he narrowed his eyes as he did not see the Kevlar helmet he was supposed to be wearing. There were no night vision goggles reflecting the imagery back into his eyes while he peered into the darkness. He saw nothing but a worthless lump of flesh hanging onto a skeleton and wasting the good oxygen that other people could be using. Baring his teeth in a savage snarl, he brought his hands up to his face and squeezed his cheeks, his fingers dragging deep white lines through the flesh as he pressed the blood out of the tissue. He wanted to scream at the face looking at him, but as he felt the anger wavering, William was reminded of where he was and what was going on. He was in a public restaurant that allowed people to walk in without making any kind of purchase. There weren’t many like it anymore and he did not want to anger them by taking advantage of their kindness and causing a scene. Public restrooms had disappeared with the influx of homeless people on the streets in the past several years, but the homeless community knew of a few stores and restaurants that would keep their bathrooms open for them to use. Bowing his head in a silent thank you to the business owner, William placed his hands on the edge of the sink and breathed in and out deeply. He had heard Alyssa follow him into the restaurant, so he knew she would be out there to greet him when he stepped out of the bathroom. Looking at the olive shirt h
e wore which had been protected from the grime in the dumpster by his jacket, Will nodded as he deemed it clean enough to be seen in around other members of society. Stepping away from the sink after drying his hands on a couple paper towels, William used them to open the door and left the bathroom after tossing the paper towels into the trash can. Stepping out of the bathroom, he saw Alyssa standing with her head bowed slightly and the bag of muffins in her hands. He wanted to take the muffins while she did whatever she was doing, but as he walked up to her, she lifted her head and spoke softly, thanking a person that wasn’t there. Reaching out and gingerly taking the bag of muffins, Will spoke in a soft but humored tone, “I sure as shit wish Jimmy was that nice when he showed up. Most of the time he just leaves in a burning ring of fire, some nod towards how he died I’m assuming: massive, blazing inferno filled with the hatred of some Allah worshipping bomb maker.” Opening the bag and looking down into it, Will nodded before leaving Alyssa in the hallway and walking back towards the exit. Scooting past some of the men in line, he glanced back to make sure Alyssa was following him. .
Out front of the restaurant were a couple of bistro tables and as they exited, Will chose one to sit at before putting the bag of muffins on top of it. It was a small distance from the door, meaning that people coming in and out would not be able to easily hear or understand them. There weren’t many people on the sidewalk, and those that were there were so distracted by their phones, the rest of the world may as well not exist. Opening the bag and pulling out one of the bran muffins, William smiled before raising it and holding it between the two of them. Looking over the pastry slowly, he closed his eyes and nodded once before bringing the muffin to his lips to take a small bit. Humming softly as he enjoyed the taste of the muffin, William tried to imagine what the ovens smelled like when these things were coming out from being cooked. Swallowing the bite of muffin slowly after having savored the flavor, Will looked at her and spoke in a low voice, “So, Alyssa, is this your first time on Earth? Don’t bother lookin’ confused or givin’ me some bullshit answer. I know what it was that I saw by the interstate, so don’t try lyin’ to me or tryin’ to redirect my thoughts.” @Fiory
Alyssa barely registered that the person in front of her was William, blinking a little and looking up at him when he started talking to her in a low voice. His sudden presence had startled her a bit, but she ended up smiling and following him back out of the hallway quietly. The imagery of what Will said, with regards to his friend Jimmy was a little upsetting to her. Why would his friend show himself in William’s view in such pain? She wondered if it was a guilt that William had, as Alyssa was very sure that Jimmy had never truly shown himself to the Marine at all. While humans believed in ghosts or spirits of some kind, it really was the imagery of those that hadn’t passed on that they were seeing. Those that were not ready to leave the world of the living and had refused the hand of the Angel sent to take them home. Some were not actually human at all, but demonic beings that came from Hell instead of Heaven to torture those above. They were usually spiteful, or died in a manner that was excruciatingly painful or evil. With what Alyssa saw about Will, he didn’t have any kind of mark on him that would indicate that someone had died in a horrific manner because of his direct or indirect actions. It just simply hadn’t shown itself to be counted. Probably what also helped him to count as being on the list for those in need of angelic rescue.
. Stepping out into the sunshine, Alyssa made her way over to the table that William had found. She took a seat next to him, pulling her legs up to her chest on the iron chair and looking around excitedly at the people walking by and the setting they were in. Everything was so interesting to her, and she delighted seeing how people walked without having to watch where they were going. What was so fascinating about those little boxes they held in their hands? What was so important for them to never turn their gaze from the little screens? She was about to ask Will, as he went to take a bite of one of the muffins she had procured for him, when he asked her a question that made her freeze. How was she supposed to answer that? She couldn’t rightly lie to him, that was a sin, but it was clear he hadn’t been joking earlier and he was asking for answers now from her. She had just gotten done talking with Malach in her prayers, telling him how she would continue to be careful, and here he was ensuring that she had to go back on her word with the angel again. For a while, Alyssa remained silent, trying to figure out the best course of action to try and respond to him, before she let out a heavy sigh and shook her head. It would be better to just come clean, perhaps he would understand.
. “Y..Yes…It’s my first time here… on Earth.” She answered in a very quiet tone, wanting to ensure that even the passersby didn’t hear her or even the whisper of her words. “I’m… I’m still in training… you’re actually my first mission William Moore.” He hadn’t given her his last name, and it wasn’t something she could have easily seen on his jacket or shirt with the grime and fading of his patches. She knew his name because she had to. It was part of her job, part of her role. Her fingers fidgeted in front of her a little, and her gaze moved from his face to her hands on the table. “I wasn’t… supposed to let you see me either… But I didn’t know what else to do when I saw you on the road… I panicked…. I do hope that I didn’t hurt you or anything.” she continued, feeling anxious as she confessed what she was and why she was here. “You… You can’t tell anyone about what I am though William… I’ve already broken so many rules just by speaking with you and letting you see me… I was never supposed to.. “ The anxiety in her voice was clear. It made her waver a little telling him this, worrying that she either wouldn’t be believed and be told that she was full of it, or that he would think he had some kind of Heaven-Bargaining-Chip for his next suicide attempt or something. Alyssa really didn’t know. All she knew was that her identity as an Angel was something that wasn’t to be widely broadcast. Humans already believed in strange things like aliens and creatures that didn’t exist. Some even believed that angels and demons existed. Letting the masses know that it was true, would surely start a panic among the masses, and that was the last thing that Alyssa or Heaven wanted. “I’m… I’m sorry if you thought I wasn’t being truthful to you…I never lied to you William.” @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 26-Oct-22 12:59 AM
William did not like seeing the shock on Alyssa’s face, his heart going out to her as it was clear that he had caught her in an awkward situation where she was not sure what to say. Whether it be a lack of training or simply her mind having never played through the scenario of being found out, Will did not feel any victory. He did not want to cause her any distress, but in a moment such as this, he needed the truth that she could offer him if she allowed herself to tell him. Taking a bite of his muffin as he waited on her to find her bearings, William kept a calm and patient expression to try to encourage her to take her time. He was not going to rush her, as he wanted her to tell him without feeling threatened or held for interrogation. Nodding slowly as she spoke of it being her first time, Will went to take another bite of his muffin when she said his last name. Raising an eyebrow before smirking slightly, he looked up from the muffin to speak in a soft tone, trying to seem encouraging, “It seems they picked a real hard case for your first one, huh, Alyssa? You’re experiencin’ what we call a Baptism by Fire in my old line of work, but I’d say you’re handlin’ it far better than some could have. First missions’re always difficult, but it’s the lessons you learn there that will define your career.” Smiling gently as he took another bite of muffin, Will blinked slowly as a form of confirmation that he meant his kind words. Looking down at her hands fidgeting slightly, William leaned forward and gently placed his left hand over hers to hold them still. He felt a slight electric pulse in his arm as he did so, not from any real sensation other than the joy of physical contact. Looking into her face and smiling with his lips closed, William got a good look at the gentle beauty of her features before listening to her words. Squeezing her hands gently, he shook his head slowly before responding to her, “I’m glad you panicked, Alyssa, or else I’d be dead, and I wouldn’t
have had an opportunity to meet you. You didn’t hurt me none, don’t you worry ‘bout that. I’m tougher than I look.” Grinning as he took a bite of his muffin, the grin dropped as he heard the serious nature of the words she spoke. Bringing his left hand off of hers in order to cover his mouth, he spoke softly around the food, “Your secret is just that, yours. I will tell no one as it ain’t mine to give freely to others. I’m sorry I forced your hand and made you have to break your rules, I really am. I don’t want you to get in any trouble jus’ ‘cause you saved me.” William finished chewing the bite in his mouth before speaking softly after swallowing, “Sorry about that, I should know better than to talk with my mouth full. My mama would have my rear if she saw me just now.” Smirking softly before his eyes grew slightly darker, William looked down at the table as memories rushed over him yet again, but this time before he was in uniform. A junior in high school, William was a strong young man and had a promising future ahead of him if he wished to pursue football. He already had colleges approaching him about going there with a full-ride scholarship, loving his aggression on the defensive side of the ball. He had an average of 2.3 sacks per game and his tackles for a loss were so substantial that he kept the opposing team in negative numbers for rushing yards. His mother and father were happy as hell for him, cheering him on as he moved in his middle linebacker position, calling out plays to the defense and acting as captain of the team. .
It was at a football game when all hell broke loose, and his life came to a stop. He was on the field and had just sacked the quarterback while forcing a fumble. He was scrambling up from the ground when he heard his mother and father calling his name in excitement. He grabbed the football and took off running towards his endzone when the sharp report of a handgun firing caught his and everyone else’s attention. Digging his cleats into the ground and turning around as fast as he could, young William looked in terror as a great red stain spread across his mother’s chest. He ran out of bounds and dropped the ball as he approached the stands with a nervous smile. William could see his mother fall backwards while his father leapt forward towards the man that had been sitting in front of them. A short scuffle resulted in three quick shots catching his father in the chest and dropping him as well. William had come to a stop, his helmet falling from his hands as his coach turned and grabbed him. Tears and rage spread over his features as the man was arrested and disarmed, his feet trying to propel him forward until three of his teammates came over and grabbed him. At the end of the trial, the man was sentenced to two life sentences, but it was not enough for William. He had lost his parents over the small act of his mother bumping into a man who had had a bad day and knocking his beer and hot dog out of his hands. Football was forgotten. Will was sent to live with his father’s brother and his wife, and he had to change schools. His grades fell as he grew apathetic and depressed, his life only finding meaning when his uncle showed him his Marine Corps memorabilia from the Vietnam War. He allowed his dream to shift to joining the Corps, walking in the steps of his uncle and his grandfather who had served in the Second World War as well as the Korean War. He found through research that his great-grandfather had served in the Great War, fighting in Belleau Wood and helping
the Corps earn their Devil Dogs nickname. Closing his eyes as he remembered looking at the proud faces of his aunt and uncle when he stood in formation as a Marine at Parris Island, William breathed in deeply before looking up at Alyssa and speaking in a soft voice, “You didn’t lie. You haven’t and I don’t think you will. Thank you, Alyssa.” Finishing the bran muffin in a large bite, William kept his eyes lowered as he chewed, seemingly trying to avoid her gaze as he felt ashamed of not being able to save his mother and father. If he hadn’t sacked the quarterback, they would still be alive; they died because they were proud of him. @Fiory
Alyssa blinked a little listening to him, slightly confused at the saying he had mentioned. A baptism by fire? I suppose it’s similar… but… Angels are not baptized like that… Alyssa thought quietly. She would have to ask him exactly what it meant, though she couldn’t deny that He had given her a strangely difficult task with William. It would be something that she could ask Malach about, but that would be questioning and that certainly wasn’t something that Alyssa or any other angel for that matter did. Questioning the will of the Heavens, just wasn’t done. So whether she thought that William was a hard mission or not for her, it was her mission to help him, so she would take it and do her best. Surprisingly still, she felt his hand softly fall on top of hers. Alyssa had a habit of fidgeting a little when she was nervous or anxious about something. She always did it when tending to the cherubs in Heaven and one couldn’t be located for one reason or another. So she hadn’t really recognized that she was doing it again now. His hands were gentle, even squeezing hers in a comforting kind of way. Alyssa watched his hands for a moment, before turning her gaze up at him instead when he started talking again. It was odd to be comforted not by her mentor Malach, but by this human, this man that she was supposed to be comforting and guiding herself. Am I really that bad a guardian angel that my charge has to comfort me? She wondered, tilting her head a little at him. Being in such close proximity, she could take in his features a little easier since he wasn’t shouting at her, sobbing in a dumpster or otherwise indisposed by washing his hands or being distant with her.
. All together, despite the rough exterior, William was actually a handsome looking man. For human standards at least. He was certainly malnourished and thin, but under the grime and concave look his cheeks held, William had a strong looking jaw line, easy going eyes when they weren’t glaring and his voice though rugged had a pleasing sound to it. All together as far as Alyssa was concerned, she thought him quite handsome. Though she really had no reference to compare it to; he was the first human she had ever met of course. “If you had died William… I probably would have met you, but… just not like this.” Alyssa admitted, biting her lower lip and grimacing a little. She would have been the first angel on the scene after all, so like Benjamin the corpse in the service tunnels, Alyssa would have been compelled to guide William home. Now granted when she herself returned to Heaven, it would have been as a failure, and she didn’t know the kind of punishment she would have gotten for it and her lack of action in saving William’s life. Malach had always told her that ineffective angels were dismissed, reformed into clouds or done away with all together. It wasn’t a thought that Alyssa had wanted to have happen to her.
. His hand moved off of hers so he could cover his mouth, which she did appreciate the politeness of the gesture. She more appreciated that the muffins were good and that he enjoyed eating them. Alyssa wasn’t sure if Will would have liked those, and Liz hadn’t really given her a choice, so it was just a guessing game for the angel to ensure it was something Will could eat. “I am glad that you weren’t hurt. I feel like I might have bruised myself a little but I should be alright too.” Alyssa said with a light chuckle, letting a hand rest on her shoulder a bit. Her shoulder didn’t feel or looked bruised though. Not that it would have been easy to tell. No she was referring to her wings, tucked away neatly in the lines and marks on her back. The roll onto the ground was something that she hadn’t been used to, so she was eager to find someplace quiet and tucked away eventually to let them out so she could inspect them properly. The last thing she wanted was for them to be damaged and unusable. As Alyssa sat there and watched William’s face change, his eyes seeming to draw a blank like they were cast into a dark room, she tilted her head and watched him. Was he getting lost in memories again? Was he alright? Hesitantly, the angel lightly put her hand over his, similar to the way that he had done to her. She wasn’t psychic and couldn’t read his mind but she did have a way to get snippets of his life. Feelings and emotions mostly, sometimes names or faces but that tended to be a much harder thing to do. Even experienced angels had a hard time with that. When the body was dead and the soul was left, those feelings were much clearer and easier to read, much more ready to give up their memories for fear of them being forgotten, but when the subject was still living it was like they had several doors and windows that would be shut and locked at every turn. It took a lot more to penetrate those defenses.
. However, with William now, she was able to get a sense of sadness. Overwhelming grief. It wasn’t just with friends or colleagues but this was closer. Much closer to home. It was almost invasive what Alyssa was doing, though she hadn’t meant to be. While he sat there reminiscing and letting his memories dictate what world he saw in his mind’s eye, the emotions of it were far too stimulating for Alyssa. She didn’t understand why he was so grief stricken, or who was involved. All she knew was that she had the feeling of wanting to hide and sob. Unable to stop them, tears began to well in her stormy gray eyes, and slowly fall down her face. She didn’t look upset necessarily which was odd to see these tears falling then. Her other hand came up to lightly touch her cheek, catching a tear and looking down at it curiously when Will expressed his gratitude to her, thanking her for being truthful and assuring her that he didn’t think she could lie to him. Alyssa said nothing, completely perplexed as to why she was so upset on behalf of Will. Without moving her hand, she looked back up at him confused and concerned. “Will… why are you so sad?” She didn’t understand. He was cleaner than he had been when she met him. He had something better to eat than a soggy biscuit, and yet here he was feeling horribly grief ridden and the reason was elusive to her. The little angel just hoped that her actions and question wasn’t too personal of her to do. She was there for his benefit, there to help him; even still reading his feelings like this wasn’t exactly polite. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 27-Oct-22 01:35 AM
William came to and appreciated the feeling of Alyssa’s hand on his own, a kind gesture that was accepted as nothing more than her trying to comfort him. And yet, as he felt the way her hand felt, he could not get over how soft her hands were. It was as if she had never even touched a piece of rock, much less done a hard day’s labor. The attention to her hand was not done out of judgement or harshness, his own skin just blessed to be feeling something so soft on it. This made him wonder how disgusted she was when his hand, with its callouses under each knuckle, was laid on top of her angelic flesh. He felt as if he had dirtied her hand when touching her, as if he had exposed her to a side of life that she had no place in seeing. The side of life that chewed you up and spat you out without the decency to comment on your taste. Looking up at her face as he wanted to thank her again for her concern for his well-being, his eyes narrowed when he saw the tears on her cheek and in her eyes. Looking around swiftly for anyone running off as if they had hurt her and were now running from retaliation, it wasn’t until he heard her words that he looked back to her puzzled. Sad? No, he was fucking pissed. If someone had hurt her... Will looked down at their hands on the table and nodded slowly, his mind piecing together some of the unspoken facts. He had spaced out, his mind going back to his past, and she had put her hand out to comfort him. He knew empaths were real, having come across one in Afghanistan. .
She was a reporter who came to document the Marines as they moved through the valleys, wanting to get a good view of what the Marines actually went through. There were always articles talking about the expenditure of vast amounts of money on the defense budget, but no one ever looked to see where that money was going. She wanted to see the Marines in combat, in their element, to see if the funds given to the military-industrial complex were actually going to the front. She saw ammunition shortages, aged vehicles and weaponry, food shortages, and medical supplies that were from three wars before. She was there for the men and women in country, and her articles reflected that. Praising the efforts of the boots on the ground, while tearing down the system that put them out there without the means to properly operate or protect themselves. She had grown quite close with the men, and despite a rule to not touch, she and Wiliam had gotten very close. One night after a hard firefight that she had been present for, the two of them crossed paths on the way to the mess hall. Small talk was out the window as soon as she pulled William out of his formation stance and into a kiss. They went back to her bunkroom, ignoring the complaints or cat calls of the other reporters as they fell onto her bed. Clothes ended up on the ground beside his weaponry and her technology. Following their escapades beneath the sheets, they had talked for some time, off the record. She asked Will about what made him click and why he was there, and while he did his best to answer truthfully, his emotions transferred to her, and she got the brunt of them. She had shipped back Stateside two weeks later with promises of reaching out to each of them. Contact was kept for a bit, but as they went into the field without internet, contact was lost. .
Looking from her hand to the tears in her eyes, Will smiled softly before shrugging. He shook his head as he tried to find the words, not wanting to dump everything on a woman he had only met that day, even if she was his new guardian angel. Breathing in deeply before exhaling shakily, he looked back to her and spoke in a soft voice, “I’ve been surrounded by death since I was a youngin’. People die ‘round me ‘cause I do somethin’ stupid. I do somethin’ stupid, or I don’t see somethin’ that I should’ve. I don’t wanna get you killed, s’that’s why I wantcha to leave me here. I ain’t gonna get you killed too.” Shaking his head as he reached into the bag and brought out the vanilla muffin, Will brought it to his lips and repeated softly before he took a bite, “I ain’t gonna get you killed too.” Chewing the muffin slowly, he looked into her eyes with tears welling up to fall from his. Sighing and looking off to the side as he tried to overcome the shakiness that he felt in his chest, Will breathed in and out slowly before letting his eyes focus on a couple of men that were sitting on a bench across the road from them. One of them had their phone camera angled towards them and the other was speaking into his hand. Narrowing his eyes and feeling his lips snarling up, he shoved the muffin in the bag and stood up quickly. He did not care about the fact that the chair fell back to the ground, his mood had shifted, and his eyes were locked on the two men as they jumped slightly. Pointing his right hand at the men, he screamed across the street at them, “What the fuck are you lookin’ at?! You trying to record this for your fuckin’ Instagram story or some shit? Get the fuck outta here ‘fore I come over there and whoop your ass!!” .
Will stood seething as he watched the men get up and quickly walk away, their heads quickly looking over their shoulders as the typed furiously on their phones. Looking at the people on their side of the street that stopped and stared at him, he put his hands out to them as well as to ask them the same questions. Several of them shook their head and walked away, muttering about crazy people or how he needed to get back on his meds. One man stood still though with two of his friends behind him, a smug grin on his face. Narrowing his eyes and pointing his finger at him, Will tilted his head as he spoke, “You keep grinnin’ at me like that, you’re gonna make me think you wanna fuck me. Is that what you want? Do you want to fuck me? If not, then fuck off!” The man shook his head before scoffing and speaking, “Crazy vet, what the hell are you doing? Too pussy foot to stay over there? Couldn’t handle it?” Snarling as he heard this, William started to walk towards the man, his fists balled up. He was standing just behind Alyssa, another issue to Will as he didn’t like how close he was to her. Will swung his left hand open towards the man to try to push hi, back so that if there was a fight, it wasn’t right behind Alyssa. @Fiory
Alyssa would have answered him, listening to him explain how he just was around death. He thought perhaps that it just followed him around, was there whether he wanted it to be there or not. It was flattering almost to hear him show concern for her wellbeing. William… I’m… I’m not alive… So I can’t die. She thought, wondering how exactly she would explain this concept to him. For all intents and purposes, Alyssa was already dead. She wasn’t like some thing that had lived before and had come back from the dead or anything, she just had never had a life to begin with in order to be defined as ‘Living’. Coming to that conclusion in her head, the angel turned to him to try and explain, only for a wave of anger to rush over her. She was still holding his hand, still reading his emotions without meaning to. The rush of anger felt like an uncontrollable heat in comparison to the overflowing ocean of grief that had been there before. It was overwhelming and made Alyssa recoil her hand as if she had touched a fire for too long. She burned on the inside, breathing heavily at the sudden shift in his emotions and temperament. The sudden rush of emotion made her jump, hearing the chair that Will was sitting in crash to the ground behind him. He had been grief stricken, and now he was enraged. Human emotions are so complicated Alyssa thought, watching Will rage at a pair of men who were moving away, still obsessed with the little rectangles in their hands. Was that what had made him so angry so suddenly? Alyssa looked down at her hand, feeling a sharp tingling sensation in her finger tips, and quickly shaking her hand to try and rid herself of the foreign emotion. It felt like they had been burned, seared with this new emotion she had been exposed to.
. The angel sat still watching the exchange as Will seemed ready to fight just about anyone. She knew she had been a little invasive, but she was only trying to understand him better. What had set him off so badly? It wasn’t until he swung at a man behind Alyssa that she stood herself up. With arms outstretched between the two, Alyssa looked frightened but earnestly into William’s face. “William, that’s enough. Let’s just go. We don’t have to stay here if it upsets you.” Her words were kind, urging as she kept her attention on the man she was to be guiding, not anyone else. Until of course she heard the man behind her call William a “crazy vet” and begin to berate him, urging him onward. The residual effects of feeling the heat and the rage from William made Alyssa turn around and face him with her face scrunched in an angry exasperated expression. As much as she tried, she couldn’t look truly furious or angry. She ended up just coming across as adorably cross.
. “You should be ashamed of yourself! He’s not Crazy. He’s done nothing to you; He’s suffered more in his lifetime than you’ve ever been through! You have No Right speaking to anyone like that! Go back to your life and treat others how you would want to be treated. Stop assuming you know better than those around you; Find Repentance somewhere, you don't know your own Plan let alone another's!” Her voice had never been raised before. It still held a kind note to it, even though it clearly was bristling, louder than she’d ever been. The sound made her pause immediately, confused and alarmed at herself. Her face felt hot, flushed red and she immediately turned back to William, her head down apologetically. “We-We should go Will… P-Please…” Her voice shook, and it wasn’t just her voice, but her little body too. Without asking for permission or checking whether or not he would even be alright with the contact, Alyssa leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his midsection. She didn’t care how dirty his clothes were. She didn’t care that he hadn’t had a proper shower in God knows how long. She didn’t care that he was still amped up and she was trying to collect herself. Alyssa had never dealt with the emotions she was currently dealing with, and she needed to go elsewhere, somewhere that she could settle back down again so her mind wasn’t so filled and swirling with confusing thoughts and plans and ideas. Human emotions are Complicated…and overwhelming @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 10-Nov-22 01:19 AM
William looked down at Alyssa as her arms wrapped around him, his initial reaction being to push her away so that she could not be dirtied by his clothes. And yet, in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to pull her closer to him so that he could feel the warmth and compassion of her embrace. Looking up at the men that were shaking their head and moving to walk away with snide comments about her being a crazy vet lover, Will narrowed his eyes but chose to hold his tongue. He could see the confusion and fear in Alyssa’s expression as she held onto him, and he did not want to make it any worse by getting into a fight with some cocky assholes. Feeling her body shaking against him, Will looked down and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and midsection. Holding onto her and lowering his head to press his lips against the top of her head in a simple kiss, Will spoke with his lips still pressed to the crown of her head, “I’m sorry Alyssa, I don’t mean to scare you.” Lifting his head and shifting back slightly so that he could investigate her flushed face, Will nodded slowly before letting his chin rest on her head again. Bringing his gaze up as the three men were now walking away and busying themselves on their phones and talking to each other, William nodded slowly before moving to step back, his hands moving to separate Alyssa’s arms from him. He grabbed the chair and lifted it back into position before reaching to take the bag of muffins in his right hand. Looking over Alyssa awkwardly for a moment, he reached his left hand out and gently took hers in his. He gripped his fingers around her palm in a firm hold to get her attention before speaking, “Let’s go, Alyssa. There’s a shelter ‘round here where they’ll give us food and let us get some clothes and a bath.” .
Smiling gently as he gave her hand a gentle tug to get her to follow him, Will looked at the store fronts around them to orient himself. He had learned the city fairly well and knew that there were alleys they could go through for short cuts. There were also alleys he would never take her down, as they were the breeding ground for hatred and crimes. Walking along the sidewalk with his hand still holding hers, he spoke in a soft voice, “I’ve got a buddy that I can talk to and get a new uniform that I can wear. Just, when we get there, try not to stare, okay?” Sighing softly as he realized that would only bring on questions, William paused and stepped into an alcove next to a decorative potted plant out front of an antique store. Pulling Alyssa in next to him, Will looked into her face and could not help the small smile or flutter in his stomach that occurred at being so close to her again. He could feel the beginnings of an attraction that came not only from the physical beauty before him, but also the kindness she had displayed to him. He had to clear his throat to pull himself out of this distracting train of thought. Nodding to himself, he spoke in a soft voice, “The owner’s name is Michael. He’s a veteran like me, but his family was able to help him get back on his...feet, so to speak. He’s out on injuries, so just be kind and don’t stare.” Squeezing her hand gently, he stepped out of the alcove and into the store. Walking towards the counter in the back, he smirked at the dinging sound that alerted the African American man behind the counter that he had customers, or in this case, friends. .
As he turned, it could be seen quickly why he had been discharged. His face was covered in heavy burn scars to the point where the place his right eye and eyebrow had been, was now one large smear of distorted flesh. His lips spread into a facsimile of a smile, except for the fact that the tissues would not spread to their full potential. He pushed off of the stool behind the counter and stepped around it, showing that his left arm was amputated just below the elbow and his left leg was amputated below the knee. His right foot was a prosthetic that extended from the scarred stump above his ankle, but the man moved with confidence on his limbs as he approached William. “Gunny Moore, I was wondering when you were going to show yourself again. I see you’ve worn your uniform down to the seams, what the hell man?” Michael spoke in a boisterous voice, his right hand reaching out to grasp Will’s shoulder while the hook attachment on his left arm hooked itself in the other’s breast pocket. Smiling as he shook his head, Michael looked to Will’s side and saw the blonde woman standing there. Narrowing his one eye for a moment, he smiled kindly before speaking in a soft voice, “Hello there miss. If you can wait long enough for me to get my friend a change of clothes, I’ll be right with you. Unless you’ with him.” Michael looked to the way William had extended his free hand to grip Alyssa’s wrist gently, his head nodding as he understood that she was not a stranger. As such, he waited a moment with a smile before speaking, “I’m Michael, I served with Gunny Moore before I got hit. How can I help you?” @Fiory
The woman could feel her heart pounding loudly in her ears. It was unsettling to say the least, hearing it thundering in her ears as she held onto the man she was supposed to be protecting. Supposed to be guiding. And yet here she was, frightened and confused, unsettled and requiring comfort from him in order to figure herself out. Alyssa had the sudden and immediate urge to fly away, get away as quickly as possible and find somewhere safe to hide until whatever it was that frightened her had disappeared or left. Of course, she couldn’t do that, though she could feel the glittering ink on her back ripple needily for the thought. Some angel I am… The thought was bitter, but didn’t feel out of place. She had never felt a fear like this before having experienced such sadness only for it to be replaced with unrestrained rage immediately afterward. Blinking she felt his arms embrace her back, and she froze at the gesture of him kissing the top of her head. Why did he do that? What did that mean? Did it mean anything at all? Now she was really confused, her cheeks flushing red when he’d checked. When he released her, she did the same, watching in silence as he picked the chair back up and replaced it. When his gaze had moved to the men who were walking away, she felt a wave of remorse wash over her. It was a new sensation, this guilt, but she at least understood it.
. “I… shouldn’t have shouted like I did… I think I should apologize… I’ve… I’ve never shouted at anyone before…” Her voice was so quiet it wouldn’t have been surprising that Will hadn’t heard her. Instead taking her hand and leading her away. To be fair she was easy to lead at this moment, still a little shocked at her own actions, willingly walking with him where he gently pulled. Additionally, it was hard to say that what she considered shouting was actually shouting at all. It was a more raised voice than anything else. There was wisdom in his assessment though that she couldn’t deny. Right, back to work, find this shelter he mentioned for a good meal and a bath. Check those off the list of things to help with She thought to herself shaking her head and letting her fingers curl around his hand so he wasn’t just leading a silent doll. Alyssa made a mental note that she would like to ask him though, perhaps in private, what those emotions meant, why they felt that way, why He had felt so strongly like that. She felt it important, but not so much so to do it in public. “Not… to stare?” The longer she went without being in the moment of confusion seemed to make her come back to her senses. Though when Alyssa looked at Will for an answer to the question she posed, she realized he may not want all her questions. Truthfully she had so many for just the interaction they’d had with those strange men that staring at another human being was the furthest thing from her mind. Her steps had returned to their light as a feather grace, pulling up next to him when he seemed to hide in an alcove by an antique shop. She wasn’t quite sure why he wanted her so close, but it did make her smile softly at it. That meant she was needed right? She had purpose, and he was content with letting her help him, right?
. However it seemed her little smile back to him seemed to make him uncomfortable. No, this isn’t uncomfortable that he’s feeling… is it? It kind of is… but it’s different… I don’t know this feeling… Alyssa though, looking away and down at the hand that still clutched hers. She felt like she had butterflies inside her, swirling and fluttering around. It was an odd sensation, what would he call this? It wasn’t altogether unpleasant. No, it had a warmth to it that felt familiar. While she contemplated this new emotion she was feeling through William, it seemed to fade away as quickly as it came. Humans are so complex… I never realized… She thought, giving a little nod of her head before following William into the shop close behind.
. Unsure why William would think she wouldn’t be kind to him, Alyssa merely smiled as Michael made his way over. Her gaze had been distracted for a moment with the different things on display in the shop, but when addressed by the smiling veteran friend of William, she merely smiled warmly back to him. Though she couldn’t help tilting her head a little at what Michael had said. “It’s very nice to meet you Michael.” Alyssa said gently, moving so she could be more square with the two of them. “My name is Alyssa. I’m here with William to help. It’s very nice to meet a friend of his.” Though, the word he’d used puzzled her. With brows furrowed, she blinked at the word, wondering what the meaning of it was. What did it mean? Why was it being used? Was this a word used between friends? She didn’t understand as it was the first time she’d heard such a word before.
. “Gunny?” Her gaze turned back to William for confirmation of this. “But… Your name is William. What does Gunny mean? Should… I have been calling you that from the start?” She couldn’t help the questions, looking between the two men, unafraid and undisturbed by either of their appearances; William with his disheveled homelessnes and Michael with his distorted and damaged body. Alyssa just couldn’t see why Will would have worried; she found Michael no different than any other human, as they were all different in their own interesting and beautiful ways to her.
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 13-Nov-22 08:56 AM
Michael chuckled when Alyssa introduced herself and spoke of wanting to help William, his eye glancing at his friend before he spoke in a more serious tone, “Good luck with helping him out, Alyssa. He’s a stubborn bastard, and he absolutely hates handouts. Get this, I heard he was discharged, and I tried offering him a job here. He tried it for a week before disappearing, something about not wanting to break anything and worrying about how he was around the customers. The mother fucker worked in the back; he just didn’t like the fact I was paying him double his wage to try to help him get an apartment.” Michael shook his head as he looked at his friend before breathing in deeply and walking behind the counter to head to the back room where he kept various things. Lowering his chin to his chest as Michael walked away, William glared at the ground before grumbling softly to himself, though at a volume Alyssa could hear, “I thought I would be able to get a job with a military contractor, somethin’ that would help me get back to doin’ what I was good at. I’m not good at cataloguin’ old folk’s treasures, I’d rather be fightin’.” Despite the negative nature of his words, it would be clear to see the guilt that penetrated William’s face as he glared at the ground. He was thankful for his friend’s help, and he had tried to do the job well enough to earn the wage he was offered. But he saw the way the store was running tight on money due to this increased wage, and Will could see the disappointed look on Michael’s parents’ face when they saw where their money was being invested. Some down on his luck vet who couldn’t even do the job that well, his heart not in the business and his mind tormented and distracted by demons that caused him to accidentally break things on multiple occasions. .
Glancing over at Alyssa as he lifted his head slowly, William smirked slightly at her question. He had not explained any of his military history or anything to her, so there was no way for her to know without asking. Squeezing her wrist between his thumb, index, and middle fingers gently in a playful way, he grinned as he answered her question, “No, you’re right to be callin’ me William or Will. Gunny is jus’ what Mike calls me because of my rank in the Corps. I was a Gunnery Sergeant when he and I served together, and the nickname for that rank is Gunny. It’s a term of endearment given to the bastard that gives you tough love and lessons, so you don’t end up dyin’ due to some stupid mistake.” Looking into Alyssa’s stormy gray eyes as he finished speaking, William felt the all-too-familiar fuzz that started to come over his mind as his memories and trauma mixed with what was really around him. Bullets zipped past his head as Alyssa turned into Michael three years prior, the two of them, William and Michael, crouched behind the tracks of the Abrams tank that had been called forward to support their movements through the town. They were not on a typical recon mission as the enemy had been spotted and the Recon Marines were needed to add extra oomph to any offensive action taken. They were currently pinned down by overlapping fields of machine gun fire, but they could not see where the enemies were exactly. They would take turns peaking to try and adjust fire, but when they would, another gun would open up and drive them back into their cover. .
William shuffled to the back of the tank and took the phone off the back and shouted into the receiver, “Muzzle flashes!! 150 yards, 285 degrees. 200 yards, 310 degrees. 400 yards, 335 degrees. Fire at will, high explosive.” Hanging up before he could get confirmation from the tank commander inside the armored beast, William heard the gears of the turret rotation device beginning to move to get the gun on target. Knowing being this close to the gun when it fired could hit them with dangerous amounts of concussive force, William grabbed Michael’s shoulder and pulled him to his feet before sprinting away from the tank. He kept the tank between him and the enemy locations as best he could, but the current state of the town meant every direction could host an enemy position, they were just lucky enough to have found this one. They reached a short clay wall and jumped over it, landing awkwardly in a tangle of limbs with the Marines that were already in position there and using it as cover. They waited there as several loud thumps could be heard with each shot the tank took, sending a 120mm HE round into each marked position that the muzzle flashes had been seen at. The shots were largely effective, but there was no way of knowing if they had gotten them because the Afghans were not trying to shoot small arms at the tank. They needed to be baited into shooting, and that required soft targets. .
Looking over the short wall and seeing the splotches of scorched rocks and brush on the hillside that the shots had been coming from, William brought his rifle up and aimed through the scope to try to see any movement on the hill. Signaling for the others to get up as well, he shouted while looking through his scope, “Harris!! Go tell them good effect on target, but I’ve got eyes on a suspected MG nest at 300 yards, 250 degrees. We’ll cover you.” Glancing over to see Michael nod before vaulting over the wall, William and the other Marines opened up a few quick bursts of fire at likely positions where an enemy combatant could be. As Michael got to the tank and started speaking into the receiver again, a screaming sound could be heard coming overhead as an RPG launched from behind them flew overhead. Everyone ducked, but Michael was next to the target. M1A2 Abrams main battle tanks have blow-out panels over their ammunition racks, designed to allow the explosives to be stored separate from the crew compartment. If the rack was struck and the explosives detonated, the panels would blow off the turret and vent the inferno out of the tank rather than killing the crew inside. The RPG struck the back of the tank’s turret and immediately cooked off the ammunition inside. The panel closest to Michael broke apart and flung burning propellants, shrapnel, and a general inferno at the man. His screams ran through William’s mind as he closed his eyes, his ears aware that the sounds were only phantoms and not really there. Opening his eyes as he felt tears running down his cheeks, he looked over to Alyssa with an apologetic smile before looking in the direction of Michael’s back room. @Fiory
Alyssa just smiled kindly at Michael, listening sweetly when he seemed to wish her ‘Good Luck’ with helping William. The sarcasm was lost on her a little, as she agreed that he was a bit stubborn though she couldn’t be sure if he was a bastard or not. Surely he had had a father she surmised, but that would be questions for another day perhaps. As Michael swore when speaking about Will, her smile faded but only just. Humans sure do use foul language so often…Maybe that’s just normal? She wondered, deciding that would be something else to ask William when they were alone again. To which, she hoped would be soon; she could feel her nerves still on edge and she wanted nothing more than to stretch her wings out and let the nervous energy she had compiled shake out of her. She felt like everything was buzzing, and Alyssa wanted to be able to set that energy loose and free of her. It was distracting and she wanted to get back to feeling relatively normal again. That however would require somewhere private, as she couldn’t just let her wings out in the middle of the day out in public. That would certainly gain Malach’s ire and some kind of reprimand for Alyssa for sure. That and she couldn’t be too far from William; he was her priority after all, even over own needs. She turned to listen to him, grumbling to himself but loud enough she was sure he wanted her to hear. Alyssa let him finish, let him speak about why he didn’t want to stay at the job that Michael had offered to him, and slowly nodded her head in understanding. Surprisingly she understood where he was coming from, knowing of the wars that Angels had fought and been slaughtered through. This was eons ago of course, but she knew several archangels that were now at rest in heaven. Everyone deserves rest. Perhaps William didn’t know this, so quietly she let her other hand lightly touch at the one he was holding her wrist with. Just enough to get his attention, not enough to startle or suggest.
. “Every soldier deserves rest though William… Your fight is over… You don’t need to do that anymore…I’m sure there are plenty of other things you’re good at, we’ll just have to find it for you.” Her words were quiet, trying to be kind to him. Brimming with positivity was just how Alyssa was. She couldn’t help the positive outlook she had to things, but in this she was very sure that there were certainly other things she could help him find for himself. Fighting was an aspect of his life that he had done, and while he might consider himself good at the position, there was more to life than just fighting. Surely there was more he could do. More he was good at. The potential was there, it was just a matter of finding it. “Oh… I see.. It’s a nickname. I understand.” Alyssa responded, smiling at understanding the term now, though her face fell a little when she noticed how intensely he was staring into her eyes. While lovely, she didn’t find those gray eyes of hers that captivating. No, he had a familiar look on his face. He wasn’t looking at her necessarily, but through her, reliving a memory like he had back in the alley, or under the overpass. He was seeing his past again flashing in front of him as clear as she was standing there. Her head tilted a little watching this change on his face, wondering what nightmare he was living through again, what memory was tormenting him this time. There has to be something I can do to remind him that the past can’t hurt him anymore…It’s just a ghost, a memory, nothing more… Alyssa thought, taking her hand that wasn’t being held at the wrist and reaching up to his cheek softly.
. “Will… Don’t get lost in the past… I’m here, you’re not alone…” She couldn’t know what he was seeing, but all she could understand was that these memories that plagued him were often it seemed to be painful ones. Ones where he expressed sadness or despair. Watching as he closed his eyes, she held fast there. She had to remind him that he wasn’t there, wherever there happened to be. He was here, in the antique shop owned by his friend Michael. He was in Los Angeles. He had a guardian there, hoping to lead him back out of the dark that was threatening him. In any way that she could. The tears that fell when his eyes opened again threatened to build in hers and she had to blink quickly to keep from feeling that pain, to keep from letting that emotion overwhelm her again. Instead she just used her thumb to wipe away a tear and pulled her hand back when he gave that small smile and looked away. He seemed to be turned away waiting for Michael to return from the back area of the shop. Focus on that. Try to distract him. Bring him back. Yes, that was what Alyssa could focus on. “These… are all old human things?” She asked, moving a few steps forward. Not enough he would have to let go of her wrist if he didn’t want to, but he certainly could. There was a fascination in Alyssa’s eyes, looking at the different antiques in the store. Paintings lined up against a wall, knick knacks on shelves, different old appliances that likely no longer worked but were there purely for a collector to admire. Her fingers gently played at an older rotary phone, turning the circle dial with her index finger and tilting her head at the clicking sound it made. The woman giggled at the sound, unsure what the device was for but enjoying looking around at the different baubles and items in the cases and on the shelves. Part of her hoped that Will would focus on this too, explain to her what these things were for, what they were used for, what significance they were meant for. Though she certai
nly didn’t want to bombard him with her questions. So she kept it to only a couple of them while they waited for Michael to return from the back room. Bending down, she found a lovely vase that had elegantly painted cranes in gold on it. Her fingers traced the bird’s wings and she smiled at it.
. “How come these are all here? Do they not have a use somewhere?” She asked, continuing to look around at the different items of various shapes, sizes and likely costs. Alyssa was careful though, light on her feet as she gazed around at the gadgets and different gizmos that the store provided. She wondered why anyone would hold all these things if there wasn’t a use for them. Perhaps their purpose was just to be pretty? She wasn’t sure, so Alyssa just waited to see if Will knew or if when Michael returned if he would be better to ask. It was his shop of course.
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 17-Nov-22 01:01 AM
Hearing Alyssa’s kind words suggesting that there were things other than fighting that he was good at brought a smile to Will’s worn face. He raised his gaze slightly as he listened to her, his eyes looking towards her knees and shins while he positioned his head so that his ears could hear her clearly. A slight smile danced across his lips as he nodded slowly, his mind finding its way through the catalogue of things he had enjoyed when he was younger. Sports, guitar, and reading were things he had enjoyed, but none of that was something he could make money doing. Currently, he was in a position where manual labor or skilled labor were his best options. He wasn’t necessarily disappointed by that, as he had always enjoyed working with his hands, but he was not hopeful of finding something that would pay him well enough to make the money needed for rent. Where he was now, he needed an address before he could get a job, and that was something he was without. He was vaguely aware of Alyssa stating that she understood the nickname before his memories captured him and ripped him out of his body. As he fell back into them and saw the horrors of war, he was able to feel her contact on his face, but it did not make sense in his memory. As his mind released the stranglehold on his consciousness and he began settling back into the moment, he felt her hand more wholly on his cheek as well as hearing her words telling him he was not alone. Something about those words, telling him that he was not alone and that she was here with him brought a warmth through his chest that he had not felt since being discharged. It was a warmth of belonging, a sense that he was where he was supposed to be. As she wiped his tear away slowly, William fought the urge to reach his hand up and take hold of her wrist, wanting nothing more than to feel her hand on his face again. There was a hint of want from his attraction, but it was mainly born from a desire to belong somewhere. .
Hearing Alyssa’s curious words, William slowly turned his gaze from where he had been watching the door of the back room. Looking over the side of her face and allowing his eyes a moment to look over her gentle jawline, Will responded in a low voice as he stepped forward to follow her, “Yeah, these are things that get given to Michael and his folks, or he goes and gets them from an auction. There are these things called storage lockers that people can rent out and throw their shit in if there ain’t room in their homes. Most people put collectable things or just random things that they have no use for, but they don’t want to get rid of. Some fuckin’ materialistic bullshit if you ask me, but they put them there so that they don’t have to make the decision to get rid of it. Well, some folks forget that they have them or they can’t afford to keep them, so after a couple months of not being paid, the storage lockers will be sold at auctions for people to claim everything inside. I helped Michael unload a few of them before, and let me tell you, you’ll never guess some of the shit people keep in them.” Watching her play with the rotary phone, William chuckled softly as he heard her giggles coming lightly from her mouth. Looking at the smile that decorated her face, he grinned before lifting Alyssa’s other hand to place it gently on the receiver of the phone. Placing his hand over hers slowly, he gripped her hand as well as the receiver before lifting it from the cradle and bringing it to his ear and mouth. Looking down at her forearm where it rested just below his jaw, William bit his lower lip before speaking gibberish into the receiver with a wink. Setting it back down in the cradle, he released her hand before making a gentle gesture for her to do the same and take it to her ear. Reaching his right hand up to place his index finger in one of the holes of the rotary wheel, he swallowed thickly as he felt her hand just underneath his. .
“You use this to call people that can be just down the road, or halfway around the world if you’re willin’ to pay for it. A lot like...your prayers.” William added the last portion as a gentle whisper so that only Alyssa could hear, something that showed he remembered what she was but accepted her secretiveness with it. Taking his hand away from hers and resting it on the base of the older machine, he smirked as he continued speaking, “These haven’t been used in quite some time. Everybody ditched them in favor of a home phone that could go on the wall of the kitchen or the living room, then they slowly fell out of use as the cell phone came into being. Those annoying little bricks those assholes were using. Addictive little bastards that people can’t keep their faces out of for long enough to just get to enjoy the world around them. Put things like this out of use.” Watching Alyssa as she shuffled back slightly in order to bend down and caress the vase gently, William could not help the gentle flush that crept over his cheeks as he admired the way her hand and arm delicately reached out. There was another way he would like to see her touching something, but he bit the inside of his lip to ignore those urges and instead turned his gaze to the vase as well. Smiling as he nodded approvingly and silently at the beauty it displayed, he allowed his eyes to look over some of the other similar vases that populated the shelf it was on. It had come from an older Chinese couple that had donated their belongings before disappearing out of the city. Michael tried to reach out to them, but nothing had come from the calls. .
Hearing her ask her questions, William reached down to gently take hold of Alyssa’s wrist and pull her up. If she allowed him to, he would walk her over to a glass case that held several baseball cards and other collectible paraphernalia from different sports. Laying his hand on the chest, he pointed at a few of the cards before speaking in a low voice, “Some of these things hold only the value that people who want them place on them. Antique gadgets, vases, or little things are all special only because they are no longer in production or use. They are desirable because they no longer serve a purpose except to stand out as decoration. These here, these cards, hats, and figurines, they have a true value. Some of these are worth fifty dollars, whereas some others could be worth a million dollars to the right person. It all depends how much someone thinks it is worth, or how badly they want to add it to their collection.” @Fiory
The young looking woman had just watched as Will came over and gently took her hand placing it over the phone she had been playing with idly. Those stormy gray eyes watched as he lifted her hand with his up to his ear, her head tilting a little as he started to have a conversation but certainly not with her. Can he hear someone in there? What’s he doing? She thought curiously, as her hand and the phone had been replaced on it’s cradle again. When he motioned for her to repeat the gesture, she had taken both hands on it, gently holding it against her ear and eagerly waiting for something to be said on the other side. Some kind of noise or conversation to start. But nothing was there. Her brows furrowed, just hearing the little clicking noise of the dial when he’d played with it. Gently, as he had explained it’s use, Alyssa put the phone back down a soft flush on her face when he had mentioned her prayers quietly in her ear. “Oh… I see… That’s so creative…” She had said quietly before moving to the vase to caress the wings of the crane there. She smiled up at him when William had followed, feeling like he was slowly coming out of his shell, slowly relaxing and allowing himself to feel a bit of joy perhaps in the world around him. Alyssa recognized he did seem to be a bit happier when he looked her way. She caught a couple smiles he’d made and the angel was sure that she was doing well if he was able to feel joy enough to smile. At least he’s not upset like he was earlier this morning when I found him. This is good! I am sure things will turn out better for him.
. While her gray eyes had been transfixed by the intricately painted bird on the porcelain, she was aware of his fingers gently wrapping around her outstretched wrist. It wasn’t unwelcome, firm or too soft. On the contrary, a gentle flurry ran through her from the touch and she looked over curiously at his hand as he guided her to standing again. She easily stood up with him, turning and walking with him where he directed her attention. It was a curiosity that was starting to pick at her. Every time William seemed to hold her hand or her wrist, she got this odd sensation that ran through her. It usually started in her chest, but would spread throughout. Was it joy? Was it nervousness? Was it fear or some other emotion that she wasn’t used to? Alyssa really didn’t know. It wasn’t unpleasant, just confusing. I wonder if Will knows what that feeling is… I really do need to ask him. She thought, watching him lead her to what looked like a glass case full of much smaller pieces of paper. They had little pictures on them of different people in multiple poses holding sticks or oddly shaped balls. Alyssa couldn’t help leaning forward over the case and peering down at the cards inside while she listened to him. “But…” She said quietly as he finished his explanation of the supply and demand of the collectable cards and paraphernalia within the case. “None of these things are worth.. Anything… They are just things.” The way she said this wasn’t that she was upset or confused. It was more a matter of fact, as if she were also saying that the things in the case were nice, but it wasn’t like anyone could take the cards or figurines with them when they left this plane of existence. Which in that aspect was true. As she peered in the case, something quite old glittered and caught Alyssa’s eye. It was further down the case on the other side of where William stood. Gently, she took her hand that he had held and made her way to the other side of him. She walked behind him, gently
letting her hand touch his back as she moved. Similar in a way that you would let a horse know where you’re at when walking behind them, but this was done more in a way to get his attention to follow her. As if that wasn’t quite enough as she got to the opposite side of him, her fingers ran down his arm til she felt his hand. She didn’t take his hand, but merely tapped the back of it like she was trying to be sure he knew she wanted him to look at what had caught her attention. Further in the case was a display of different rocks in settings of gold and silver. They glistened in the light but one of the things in this case was far more interesting than the jewelry that sparkled inside it.
. “Does this have value too?” She asked, pointing at a small statue of an angel. It was made of porcelain and looked very old, with the figure sitting upon a swing that fell from a tree. She seemed to be wearing a long flowy gown in white that made Alyssa’s eyebrows raise staring at it. The little figure’s wings were small and splayed out to the sides on either side of the ropes that held the swing. “This is beautiful…” She said finally, looking back at William with a kind and flattered smile. Her eyes turned back to the little figure, looking over it’s soft golden hair and black painted eyes. The price tag on it wasn’t very high, but for Alyssa it looked a miniature version of herself which made her flush a soft pink. “It’s not entirely accurate though…” She said with a lighthearted chuckle. “We don’t really look like that… not all of us at least.” Alyssa gestured from the figure to herself, and it was clear she was trying to show how the figure had a striking resemblance to her. Both with soft blonde hair, black or gray eyes, and both angels of course being the main similarity. The biggest difference was that one was a small inanimate object in flowing robes and the other was full size in jeans and a fairly dirty shirt now with her wings safely tucked and hidden away. In addition to all that, the little figure seemed to not have a care or purpose in the world so was able to just be leisurely on the swing. Alyssa on the other hand, had a job to do and was determined to do it well.
. “What kind of things, other than fighting, do you think that you’re good at Will?” She asked gently, letting her hand rest on top of the closest one of his, leaning against the case a little while she waited for his response. That familiar little rush made her glance at it for a moment, a little confused that this same sensation happened when she touched him too now, but dismissed it to discuss later and brought her attention back to the Marine in front of her. Figuring out interests of his and then working on how they could bring him the money he needed to afford proper housing would be a harder goal of hers, but she was at least determined to get started on it since she imagined it would prove the longest one to get. It at least would be something to discuss while the pair waited for Michael to return.
@Himbo Tie
The Figure in Question for reference.
Image attachment
William Moore BOT 19-Nov-22 11:25 AM
William could not help the grin that played at his lips when he saw the confusion on Alyssa’s face as she held the phone to her ear, her expression making it clear that she thought he had truly been talking to someone before. Shaking his head slightly as he thought how wild most things were going to end up being for the angel in front of him, he let his eyes rest their gaze on her cheeks when he saw the flush that his whispered words had brought forward. Grinning and looking over her face slowly in their closeness, he looked back to the phone when she replaced the receiver in the cradle. Hearing her comment, he shrugged slightly before looking from the phone to a small typewriter that sat beside it. The device was much smaller than a standard typewriter, and as he looked at it, he recognized it to be one of the devices used in court by the recorder to write the proceedings in shorthand. Seeing her smile as he followed her attention to the vases, Will could not help but allow a similar smile to take hold of his lips. He could not remember the last time he smiled this much, and he had to admit there was some ache growing in his cheeks at the way it seemed to stay flexing his cheeks to stay. Though in this moment of joyful intimacy as Alyssa learned more about the world that she knew nothing about, William could not see himself anywhere but beside her to guide her through the experience. Her innocence in a world that had done nothing but leave Will jaded warmed his chest. It was a different warmth from the arousal and attraction he had felt before, and he knew this as the warmth spread through his chest and up into his cheeks. He wanted to feel this joy and warmth, and he wanted to explore it and the world around him with Alyssa at his side. .
William was used to seeing the world as a dark slate that was covered in all of his misdeeds and misfortunes, but being beside Alyssa, it was as if some of that slate had been scraped clean to show the truth beneath. A truth that stated his life was not over, despite how much he felt like it was. He was not destined to stay in a life of misery, and the woman beside him was proof of the. He wanted to thank her for being this ray of hope and joy, but he could not form the words. So instead, he made up his mind to help her understand anything she had a confusion about, promising to himself that he would be there for her so that the same dirt did not cover her slate. Hearing Alyssa’s statement about the worth of the items in the container, Will shrugged and looked down at the cards before responding in a low tone, his eyes showing a degree of sadness to match the softness of his voice, “They aren’t worth anything more than the price of the paper, ink, and the rights to use someone else’s image and information. But it’s that information and image that gives them their worth, as they remind people of things that are very important to them. My uncle had a book full of baseball cards above his mantle, cards he had collected through his life and that his father had before him. They helped him relax some nights after work, when he was pent up from being worked to the bone all day. He could come home and look through his cards, and it kept him from yelling at his wife or myself. He’d always apologize afterwards, but it was nice to avoid it in general; these cards helped with that.” .
Looking at a card that had a pitcher with good stats, William was aware of Alyssa looking beyond the cards and further down the case. He saw her move and was about to step back when he felt her hand trail across his back, bringing a series of goosebumps up his back as he held his breath at the contact. It was not meant to be sexual, that he could almost guarantee, but as she touched him and allowed her hand to trail down his arm, Will could not help but bite his lower lip as he tried to keep from making any kind of inappropriate or suggestive sound. Looking over to where her fingers tapped the back of his hand gingerly, he followed slowly behind her and looked at the jewelry displayed in the glass container. Many of the rings were beautifully crafted and he saw the worth in them, but it was then that he looked past the initial glimmer and saw what it was that had caught her attention. Hearing her question, William glanced at the price tag and swallowed down an immediate answer to tell her what the price said. He was not a collector of angelic figurines, but he knew his mother had been before her passing. She had a collection of porcelain angels as well as those made from willow trees that were carved and beautiful. Looking over the carefree nature of the angel on the swing, he looked from the figure to Alyssa when she looked to him with a kind smile. Biting his lower lip, he swallowed thickly as he responded in a soft voice, looking into her eyes with a returned smile, “People collect these as well, but I don’t think they match the beauty of the real thing.” .
Chuckling softly at her comment about the accuracy of the angelic figure, Will looked over the gentle features of her face slowly as she spoke. Glancing down at the figure as she asked what he was good at, he shrugged slightly before freezing when he felt her hand rest atop his. Instant goosebumps ran up his arm as he felt a dance in his stomach, his nerves telling him that he was getting too attached while his instincts tried to make him clam up and protect himself. However, he pushed against those thoughts and let his thumb loop up and over to rub against the side of her hand gently. Sighing gently as he looked into her eyes, he let his eyes drift to her cheekbones before he responded in a soft whisper, “I used to be really good at sports, but I’m not really young enough to go back into those. I work well with my hands, so factory work could work.” There was a rustling sound of a plastic bag coming from the back room as Michael emerged, a black trash bag in his hand as he came into view. Holding it out in front of him, he smiled as he called out in a friendly tone, “Browsing the wares, are we? Just let me know if there is something you might want, and I’ll hook you up, miss.” The man continued forward, obviously not intending to sell anything at the register that he passed. Stopping next to them, he glanced at the way their hands were touching before narrowing his eye to look up at Will’s face. Raising his eyebrow slightly, he shrugged as if to say it was none of his business before handing the bag to his friend. Smiling as Will took it with his hand after slipping it from beneath Alyssa’s as he turned to face him, Michael nodded before speaking in a kind tone, “Got you a couple changes of clothes, two water bottles, and some peanut butter. Where are you guys heading now?” @Fiory
She had given a gentle shrug at his words. It didn’t make sense to her, the idea of collecting something just for the sake of having something to own. The concept of money wasn’t really a familiar concept to her either, though she did understand at the base level that humans used money to trade for things like food or clothing or whatever else. Perhaps even for these baseball cards and knick knacks in the store. Her attention had moved to the little figurine that had put a warm smile to her face. I wonder.. If the person who made this, had actually seen an angel before.. She thought, though she imagined that wouldn’t be possible. It was strictly against the rules to show yourself to humans. Which, in her case, made Alyssa swallow a little at the thought. Malach hadn’t sounded pleased when he found out she had deliberately disobeyed a direct order from him, and the young angel wasn’t looking forward to the reprimand or punishment she’d receive from her mentor. Her question had rolled off her tongue gently, her gaze moving towards the different objects in the case while she waited for an answer from her charge. Alyssa was beginning to think she was asking too much of William. It wasn’t his job to teach her about the going’s on of this world; it was her job to set him on a better path, help him along and ultimately ensure he was able to live the rest of his life in grace. ”People collect these as well, but I don’t think they match the beauty of the real thing.”
. The compliment had come out of nowhere, and caused Alyssa to freeze. That was what it was right? He was complimenting her? Calling her beautiful? Her face felt warm and idly, her fingers moved so she could tap at them a little. How odd… why do I feel so warm? She wondered, before blinking and shaking her head so she could pay attention to William’s answer to her. Alyssa nodded her head, her soft blonde hair waving gently at the movement. “Hmm well… Maybe there’s something that’s sports related, that you can do. I know sports are like games that people play… But I don’t know about each individual kind of sport out there. Was there one that you really liked? I’m sure you’re not too old…Games are supposed to be for everyone.” She said pleasantly, letting the hand that had rested on top of his squeeze around it with her fingers kindly. The sensation of his thumb rubbing against the side of her hand made her a little satisfied. She saw this as a good thing; he was opening up to her. Allowing her to help and in a way confessing what he needed to in order to move forward. I might not be going about this Guardianship in the ‘correct’ way Malach, but you can’t deny the results I’m getting! She thought, positively elated at William’s willingness to listen and speak with her.
. When he had mentioned factory work, she made a curious inquisitive face. What factory work could he do? As far as what she knew, factories made things. But she wasn’t sure what exactly they made or how she would even go about helping him to get a job in something like that. This might be harder then I thought… Maybe tackle the job thing another time… Clothes and a place to sleep and steady food to eat is more important I think then a place to work. That can be acquired anywhere… I hope… Alyssa thought, but even her thoughts regarding this made her face fall a little. It wasn’t that she doubted that he could get a job somewhere, anywhere to give him the income he needed for a shelter and to turn his life around. It was more she was ill equipped to be able to assist in helping him get the types of jobs that would make him happy. Make him feel fulfilled, if these were the things he liked. She supposed she could see about some career in fighting, as he said that he was good at that but the angel was very sure that he should rest. Put up his sword as it were, and allow himself the retirement of the battlefield that he deserved. The issue was that even visible and tangible in the world for him, even with the positivity and clarity and support she brought with her, Alyssa could really only lead him to the door; it was up to William to step through it. “William… I -” Alyssa began, wanting to perhaps tell him this herself, to reassure him that even though he would feel like he was on his own in these endeavors, she would be right there to help him. It was her job not to leave his side, and she certainly wasn’t going to fail him. Not on purpose. However she was cut short when Michael returned from the back of the store carrying a large black trash bag. Alyssa jumped a little at his appearance but simply shook her head kindly at him.
. “Oh.. no thank you. I appreciate the offer though Michael.” She responded, looking down at the bag he had procured for William. The movement of Will’s hand away from hers wasn’t lost on her, but she wouldn’t complain. Simply pulling her hand away and putting both in her jeans pockets. Alyssa listened to the contents of the bag listed off for William as he opened it to inspect the things. Changes of clothes, water bottles, and peanut butter. Peanut butter? She wondered, thinking this was an odd food item to give someone. Not necessarily unwelcome as the gesture was kind in and of itself, just an odd idea for her. “William said that we will be going to a homeless shelter because they have clothes, food and a way there to get cleaned up.” Alyssa answered Michael’s question as if it had been directed at her while it allowed Will to search through the bag and inspect the things he’d been given. These words were said in a pleasant conversational way, as if they weren’t something to hide or something that might be a bit embarrassing to admit to anyone. Michael was Will’s friend right? It wouldn’t be a bad idea to tell him where they were going, since he had asked and seemed willing to help. “I hope to help Will find a more permanent place to stay soon. That way he doesn’t have to sleep outside anymore, unless he wants to I suppose.” She imagined that it might not be too unpleasant to sleep under the stars, on something comfortable and cozy, kept warm and safe on a clear warm night.
. Alyssa had seen several humans before in her years observing doing such a thing, outside temporary homes made out of colorful sticks and equally differently colored plastic coverings. Sometimes they had fires outside too and used that to cook food. She wondered why the families she’d see would travel away from their homes just to go into the woods to live temporarily but humans did do the strangest things. Who was she to question what they might enjoy? And as long as it didn’t hurt anyone or the planet, it wasn’t her concern to look into further. At first she thought perhaps William was living this way by choice as well with where she had found him, but that was quickly dismissed. He obviously didn’t like living like that, or at least he gave no indication that he enjoyed it, so a more permanent location would be necessary. That and surely he wouldn’t see very many stars living under the freeway, so there wouldn’t be much point in staying there longer than necessary.
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 07-Dec-22 01:41 AM
William noticed the stillness that came over Alyssa’s frame as he complimented her, bringing a thickness to his throat as he began to worry that he had said too much or been too forward with her. She was an Angel of the Lord, and here he was making a comment about her beauty and allowing his human interests to drive the words out of his mouth faster than he could think about them. What if he had offended her and she was now going to leave him to his own devices? William knew how to survive, but he could not ignore the pang of panic that drove through him when he thought of losing Alyssa and the warm presence that she provided for him by being at his side. Looking at her face as he struggled to think of the appropriate way to apologize, it was then that he saw the blush creeping over her cheeks. Grinning slightly at the way that she tapped at the warmth of her cheeks, William fought the follow-up urge to lean in and kiss her on her cheek. Grinning as she shook her head and then nodded, William could not take his eyes off the way her hair danced delicately around her face. He loved the way it framed her gentle face and stayed slightly forward, obscuring his vision in a playful yet purely accidental way. Bringing his free hand up, he moved some of her hair back slowly to let it settle behind her ear before listening to her comments about sports and work. The feeling of her fingers tightening around his hand warded off the immediate spiral he felt creeping up on him when the conversation turned to sports. Looking down at her hand with a blush and small smile, Will breathed in deeply and nodded slowly as he let his mind wander into the realm of sports. He was immediately slammed with the reminder of his parents’ death, but he pushed through that gate of bad memories to try to remember how much he enjoyed playing when he was younger in order to speak, “I played football when I was a youngin’, but I worry I’m too old to get out there and play again. I could get hurt.” .
“I played defense in high school. Hell, I was bein’ looked at to go play ball for college, but some shit happened and all that changed. I’d rather not get into that right now, if you’re okay with it.” Will let his words end quietly, not wanting to dive too deeply into the memories that scratched at his mind to be listened to. His mind threatened to allow the pain to resurface, but William focused his eyes instead on Alyssa’s features as she listened to him and stood quietly in thought. He knew he shouldn’t let his mind flow through thoughts of appreciating her beauty and the features of her face, but in these moments of weakness and sadness, he felt it was better to lock his mind on something real and tangible. The tickle at the back of his mind began to fade as his eyes focused on the innocent curiosity in her features as she looked at the figurine before her. William glanced down at the angel figure and felt an immediate need to take it and buy it for her, but he also wanted to pull her attention away from it to show her just how much more beautiful she was than it. Looking over her frame slowly, he was able to take in the gentle curves of her feminine features, letting them linger for a moment before he flicked his eyes back up to hers as she spoke. Her words were cut off as Michael approached and handed him the bag of goods, but William quickly looked in the bag and saw a few pre-packaged spoons next to the peanut butter jar. The big thing that he saw that was not mentioned was a box of ammunition for his pistol as well as two additional magazines packed with the clothes. Looking up at Michael and nodding slowly, William communicated a silent thanks to the other man for solving the issue that he hadn’t even stated he was struggling from. He was thankful for the peanut butter as he knew it was a type of food that had a good shelf-life, didn’t need to be refrigerated, and would stick to his ribs well enough to fill his stomach without needing to eat a lot. .
Hearing Alyssa speak of her plans with helping William to get his life on a better foot, Michael raised an eyebrow slightly before looking at his friend. Looking the Caucasian male over for a moment, Michael smirked as he thought of the bitching that he would hear when he offered to buy the other man lunch. It was strange to see his friend accepting help from anyone, much less this stranger that he had just met or had only met very recently. Michael tried to keep tabs on his Gunnery Sergeant, and he had never seen this woman hanging around him before. She was new, which meant she either wanted to take advantage of William’s situation or was looking to try to earn some good karma after a life spent in the riches. Tilting his head slightly as he glanced towards Alyssa, he listened to her speak of finding a place for William to sleep at night rather than outside in the elements. It had always broken his heart to see the proud man he knew broken down and tossed out with the other homeless people like trash or wastes of space. Nodding as he accepted that this woman at least sounded like she wanted what was best for his friend, Michael extended his hand to Alyssa to shake while speaking in a low voice, “You’re doing God’s work, ma’am. William has had a rough life, so if you aren’t ready to hear about it, don’t stay around. You seem to want to help him, but please take care of yourself. Love him like I do, that bastard has some real darkness locked inside. You can’t help him if you don’t take care of yourself.” Smiling slightly, Michael offered his hand to William, who returned the grasp heartily and shook his hand firmly. Michael glanced at Alyssa before nodding to Will and speaking in a gruff tone, “Weekend safety brief time. Don’t add to the population, don’t subtract from the population. Stay out of the hospital, newspaper, and jail. If you do end up in jail, establish dominance quickly.” .
William chuckled softly as he shook his friend’s hand and stepped back, his hand moving up to scratch the side of his head in faux confusion. Tapping his chin, he nodded his head before pointing his finger at Michael and replying with a grin, “I almost feel like that was my place to give you the briefin’. Alright you bastard, take care of yourself and don’t do anythin’ stupid without filmin’ it first. If you’re going to engage in any ‘extracurricular activities,’ what do you need?” Michael shook his head before responding, “Personal protective equipment, Gunny.” William nodded before continuing with a smile, his back straightening slightly as he spoke, “Because we don’t want?” “Babies, Gunny,” came Michael’s response, his lips splitting into a smile as well. “Don’t drink and drive; don’t be a douchebag. Now, fuck off,” William finished, both men grinning at each other before Michael brought his hook hand up in a crisp salute. Snapping his heels together and holding his head high, William brought his right arm up slowly with his hand formed in a sharp edge that ran in line with his forearm. Holding his left arm straight down by his side clutching the top of the bag, Will held his index finger of his right hand just off from his brow in a solid salute. Holding the pose for a moment or two, he dropped the salute and nodded to Michael before turning on his heel and dropping his right hand to take hold of Alyssa’s hand gently and pull her after him without another look to Michael. The veteran shop owner dropped his salute with a single tear threatening to roll down his scarred cheek, but he quickly busied himself with heading back to the counter. Approaching the door to leave the shop, William looked down at Alyssa with his grin still on his lips before speaking in a gentle tone, “Sorry about the profanities, two Marines can’t have a civil discussion without some cuss words flying.” .
Stepping through the door, William looked out into the daylight and nodded firmly, his hand holding tight to the bad lifting to loop his thumb through the strap of his sleeping bag. Allowing the trash bag to rest on his upper back, he could not help but feel the similarity to the duffel bag he would carry with him when walking to the charter bus that would take him to the airfield for deployment. He recognized that he was back home, but when his life still felt like a daily struggle for survival, there was a certain difficulty in separating the differences of his life. However, there was one new addition that had never been imprinted in his memories or traumatic episodes. Never had he walked to the plane and held the hand of a loved one as he weighed the future against what he knew. Looking down Alyssa’s hand in his, he swallowed his nerves when he shifted his hand enough to allow their fingers to interlace rather than gripping her thumb. William could not deny the butterflies that flurried in his stomach when he looked at her hand in his or the way her eyes filled with wonder at seeing the city around them. The population had woken up and with it brought thousands of cars to the roads at any given moment. Grinning as looked down at her, William could not resist his urges and leaned down, his lips finding Alyssa’s cheek in a gentle kiss before he pulled back enough to speak, “Thank you Alyssa, for everything you have done and everything you will do.” Keeping her hand in his, William started walking them through the city, his feet finding the familiar route to the food pantry that he knew was closest. He had been before after all; he just hoped this visit would go smoother than the last visit. As long as the pastor from before wasn’t running his mouth, then they would be able to get food enough to help the two of them survive long enough to make their way to the shelter that they could stay the night in. @Fiory
“Of course… I understand Will.” Was all that Alyssa had responded with when he mentioned his days playing sports, and how he didn’t want to talk about it. While her hand had been on his she felt that soft pang of sadness again, but this time it seemed not to linger as long as the last time. That’s good… maybe whatever made him sad isn’t as strong this time… I wonder what he’s focusing on instead. She thought, letting her mind go blank for a moment while she still had a connection to him. That skin to skin contact. Beneath the sadness and the grief was a new sensation she wasn’t familiar with. It was warm, and felt what could only be described as fluttery. It wasn’t all together upsetting or painful, but it filled the angel with calm and comfort. She made a mental note of it to talk to William about this new feeling too. For a while she thought she had too many questions for him, she would never be able to ask them all. Why had he gotten angry before, what feeling this new one was, what exactly was football, all kinds of questions popped to mind, though she had no idea which ones to ask first or which ones were more important. Or which ones to ask at all. Though the questions would have to wait for another moment. Michael had come back at this point, offering to pull things out of the case for her, to which she had declined politely. She watched the exchange momentarily between Michael and William, before explaining her mission. The plan she had had for Will. ”You’re doing God’s work, ma’am.”
The sentence had made Alyssa perk up visually. How did Michael know that, had he been told perhaps? Did he just guess? It was a little exciting but additionally perplexing to the angel, standing there in front of Michael wondering how he had known of her mission. At his words of worry and concern, she just shook her head lightly, letting those golden curls glide again around her face. Though this time when she stopped, her hand raised and pulled part of her hair back behind her ear, the way Will had done just a few moments ago. She wasn’t exactly sure why, but she realized she liked the way that had felt and the thought that perhaps William had liked that look on her as well, sparked a curiosity to continue it. At least for now. “Oh, I know Michael. It’s my job here, so I’m sure I can handle any darkness that William has. It’s why I’m here after all, so I’ll be fine. I appreciate the concern though, that is kind of you..” The words were said gently and full of kindness, the same way she had spoken this whole time. She wasn’t necessarily lying, as it was the reason that she was put there but she was also not wanting to not acknowledge him either. Michael seemed to be well versed in the ins and outs of William’s life, and Alyssa believed it to be a good idea to keep him close. He was a good person, and he deserved to be in Will’s life to better it. So as she finished, she gently took his hand in hers, but only for a moment before Michael turned away towards Will to go over the items in the sack or speak with his friend.
The interaction had her perplexed, and visibly tilting her head to the side. She had never seen such a ritual that the two men shared. It was odd watching William change so quickly and hear that gruff tone come out of Michael. The pair made her smile lightly as they continued. It almost seemed like he was taking orders perhaps, or was being told what he should be doing. But then the roles switched and Alyssa got a good look at perhaps what William would have been like in his prime as a fighter, giving an order to another soldier, and she couldn’t help but admire the dedication he had. The cussing did make her flush a little though she was starting to get used to it. It just seemed that this was part of his vocabulary, or at least part of the human vocabulary these days. They’re just words, I… I don’t think they should be saying them, but free will dictates they can if they want to I suppose. The salute Will gave, had Alyssa intrigued. It mimicked what Michael did, but he looked so stoic, and it made her look down at her own hand. Should she have done that too? Was that a proper way to say goodbye to one another? I think… that’s probably something just for William and Michael.. I get the feeling that I shouldn’t try it. Alyssa determined, putting her hands in front of her to wait in quiet patience. When Will reached out with his hand, she instinctively reached back out. Gently led out of the shop, Alyssa turned just for a moment as they reached the door to say goodbye to Michael; it was only polite after all. However she found herself unable to speak. The man looked like he might cry, and Alyssa wondered if their presence had upset him at all. Or perhaps, he had just been overjoyed to see his friend again. She quietly hoped it was the latter.
William’s apology to her for the profanities was just shaken off. Alyssa was getting used to it, even if she wouldn’t necessarily use the words herself. It was just something that humans did, and she would just have to accept it. “I can’t tell you how to speak, William… Free will and all that.” She responded with a slight giggle. Outside, she blinked to get used to the brightness of the day. It seemed the day was just beginning to fly by. It certainly was much busier she noticed as her soft blue eyes adjusted. She seemed fascinated with the different vehicles as they sped by. It had been harder to notice them before as she had been focused on finding Will, but now that he had a firm grasp of her hand and she was sure to not lose him, Alyssa allowed herself to watch them speed by. Large SUVs, small sedans, trucks and even commercial vehicles of every different make, model and color. There was such a variety, it made Alyssa wonder why so many different kinds were needed. Though, this question wasn’t something she was going to ask William about. Something else had caught her attention, and it was far more interesting. A soft flurry like butterfly wings erupted in her midsection, almost out of nowhere. It wasn’t an altogether unpleasant feeling, just confusing to her. Where had it come from? Her gaze turned from the cars on the road to her hand, feeling him interlace their fingers. She allowed this to happen, with no resistance and the sensation in her midsection traveled up and flooded her chest too. Was that where these feelings were coming from? Were they William’s? But… What does it mean?
Her face lifted briefly because she was surely going to ask this question. It was affecting her and she wasn’t used to human emotions. Understanding them would better help her to help him after all but in the process she felt something against her cheek that made her flush a bright shade of scarlet. Whereas the compliment had made her cheeks a gentle pink, the kiss shocked her to her core. It felt so…nice...It was warm and exciting and nerve wracking all at once. There was a tingling sensation she experienced all over her skin, but especially where he had touched her cheek for that briefest of moments. In a word it was exhilarating. And Alyssa had the urge to feel that again, for as soon as he had lifted away and spoken his thanks, the sensation lingered for only a moment before dissipating. “Y-You’re..welcome…” The words were hard to say. It was like her voice wouldn’t work and was choked in her throat. Her mind raced and her heart pounded a little. Was this an after effect? It had to be, right? It took her taking in a deep breath to try and settle herself again, though the butterfly feeling never truly left. She imagined it was because William was holding her hand. For a moment she had the thought to remove her hand, solve the problem she was having, but the thought made her a little sad. So instead she decided that if must help him or make him feel better or secure, she could endure the confusing sensation and feelings. Besides that it seemed that they were nearing their first destination anyway, so she didn’t mind keeping hold of him. The food pantry itself was a small building just past a church along the road they turned on. As they approached, Alyssa tilted her head a little at the odd angles that the church had, though her attention quickly moved to the small building and the volunteers wearing blue shirts helping and welcoming people inside. The plaque on the side of the building read “Blessing’s Food Pantry”, the building itself more like a portab
le building then a permanent fixture on the church grounds. There was a small ramp to allow for handicapped individuals to gain access to the double glass doors, and the building itself was a gentle powder blue.
“This looks like the right place… right Will?” Alyssa asked kindly, turning her attention to William with a bright smile. The butterflies remained, and she still felt the buzz in her chest, but Alyssa was going to try to ignore it as best she could. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation, just one she was unfamiliar with. And while it did feel overwhelming in a way for her, it wasn’t enough to make her upset or angry enough to lash out. What it did instead, made her want to soar, her back tingling dangerously at the feeling. It took more of her concentration to keep her wings hidden then it did to keep herself and her attention where they should be. Hopefully, William and I can go somewhere privately and I can release some of this excess energy… I’ve never hidden them for so long before…and it’s starting to get harder and harder to keep them hidden. She thought, swallowing a little as the pair crossed the street towards the portable building. First the food pantry to gather some food to have for later, then the shelter would be next in order to secure a place for him to sleep. One step at a time, one foot in front of the other. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 11-Dec-22 11:59 PM
Alyssa’s remark about his free will to choose the words he used brought a smirk to William’s lips, his eyes dancing down to look over her features once again as he heard her light giggle. The sound held a purity to it that brought warmth to Will’s gut, his mind automatically starting to move into a mode that would allow him to protect her and preserve this view of the world. He had positioned himself between her and the road, using his body as the first level of protection between her and any car that might lose control on the road. It was an irrational plan, but it was something he had learned from his earliest years. When walking on the street with a lady, especially one that was important to you, it was his job to put himself closest to the road. William wanted to press his lips yet again to her cheek as soon as he had pulled away from Alyssa, but he knew that it would likely not be very appropriate for him to kiss his guardian angel. Not only that, but he had an immediate pang of worry that she wouldn’t like it and guilt that he was taking advantage of her. These negative feelings were fleeting in his mind however when he looked down at her and saw the bright scarlet that raced across her cheeks. Grinning as he listened to her difficulty answering him and speaking, Will brought his hand up which held her hand in it slowly. Looking at each of her slender fingers for a moment, William smiled slightly before turning their hands just enough that he could press his lips to the back of Alyssa’s hand. Holding his lips there for a moment, he looked at her once again and met her stormy gray eyes with his own steely grays before speaking with his lips ghosting her skin, “Thank you, Alyssa. Please don’t get tired of hearin’ me say that. I ain’t even close to done tellin’ you.” .
Even as the words left his mouth, William could detect the lie that had unfortunately crept into the kind words that he had tried to issue. Alyssa had caught him in the middle of the act of trying to end all of his pain, and while he had to admit that he was thankful to be walking beside her, he couldn’t promise that he wouldn’t try it all again. She brought a new light to his life in her excitement and generosity, but William could feel the edges of his darkness beginning to seep past the light in her being. You’ve killed far too many people to deserve this happiness, you fucking murderer. What makes you think that you deserve to find any kind of peace in this life, after all the lives you have taken away from those that just wanted to go home to their families? Friend or foe, you don’t understand what those words mean, do you? They all deserve to die, just because poor Will had a sad life. Closing his eyes and allowing his feet to travel beside Alyssa with her guiding him for a moment, William swallowed thickly and tried to focus on the happiness he had seen in the antique shop. Not only the happiness he had seen on Alyssa’s features and heard in her voice, but also the happiness he had heard in his own words when he answered her. He had thoroughly enjoyed showing her the different things in the shop, and her innocent joy at seeing them had sparked true happiness within him. Even ignoring the urges that he had felt, he counted himself as truly being happy when he stood beside her. And yet, as he walked beside her and opened his eyes, he could not shake the feeling that he did not deserve this happiness. Looking across the road to orient himself, he could not ignore the small crawling feeling that spread over his body. .
You deserve to be a feast for the creatures of the ground, just like those men you sent to their death. Feel the maggots and worms feasting on you as they feast on them. Join Jimmy and Mark, good men that should be home, but are dead because of you. You let them die, now join them. William’s eyes never made it across the street, instead locking themselves on a box truck that was driving along the road with the rest of the traffic. It was a furniture moving truck, and by the way its body was squatted down on the suspension, he could tell that it was heavily loaded down for a delivery. If I dart out now, I can get in front of the truck and get creamed, then I’ll see the boys again. I just need to go now. Let go of her hand and move, Marine! Even as the thoughts ran through his mind and his eyes tracked the movement of the truck down the street, William could not take his hand out of Alyssa’s. Her touch, even if it was new and strange to him, grounded him and kept his feet on the sidewalk as they walked. His breathing was fighting against him as he regained control of himself and walked along with her, but his eyes were quick to flick back over to her. The way her blonde hair bounced with each step she took caught his attention, reminding him of how full of life she was and how happy she had made him with this energy that she possessed. Closing his eyes and breathing in deeply, he forced control over his breathing and heart rate by concentrating on the way the sidewalk felt under the soles of his boots. Feeling every crack or divide in the sidewalk as well as listening to the sounds of the city, William concentrated on the things that he had yet to show Alyssa, things he couldn’t show if he was dead. .
As the furniture truck sped past them, William released a short breath that he didn’t realize he had been holding, his eyes looking beyond it to the steeple that rose into the air above the church they were heading to. He could see a small line of tables out front on the front lawn, staff members standing behind them with bright smiles on their faces as they spoke to the various people that approached. Homeless people in raggedy clothes. Single parents with their children grasping at their shirts. A husband here or there with his family sitting to the side in a tight huddle of arms. A wide variety of people were receiving aid from these staff members, the tables filled with backpacks and changes of clothes that could help the kids in school or the people stay warm at night and in the elements. The portable held the food in a small amount of air conditioning to keep the fresh food fresh for longer than sitting in the midday Los Angeles sun. Glancing away to see a crosswalk near them, William walked quickly towards it and clicked the button to trigger the crosswalk light. Looking down at Alyssa as her eyes looked over the setting before them, William smiled slightly and answered her in a soft voice, “This is it. Blessing’s Food Pantry, our first stop for some food. Keep with me, please.” Looking down at her face set the butterflies to buzzing again in his stomach, bringing a blush to William’s cheeks as if he was a teenager again and looking at his schoolyard crush. Holding Alyssa’s hand gently, he waited for the “Walk” signal before starting across the street slowly. Looking at the traffic and offering the drivers each a firm glare and then nod, William guided Alyssa across the street quickly until their feet hit the sidewalk on the other side. .
Will kept his hand firmly laced with Alyssa’s as he pulled her with him slowly, his eyes checking back towards her occasionally as he guided them through the people lined up at the tables. He didn’t need anything off of the tables closest to him, though his eyes had landed on a table closest to the portable building. Easing through the line with Alyssa right behind him, William smiled at the person tending to the table and looked over the backpacks that were on the table. Seeing several that would be big enough to hold his extra clothes, William reached for one that was colored black with red accents on the zipper tabs and in the structural supports. Glancing at the attendant who smiled at him and moved the bag closer, Will nodded before looking over his shoulder to the woman behind him. Gesturing at the table, he spoke in a soft voice, “If you need any changes of clothes, they have some here. We can get them before we go get some food.” Offering Alyssa a kind smile as he started to move towards the tables of clothes, William felt his neck grow chilled as if someone was staring at him. It was a feeling he had trained himself to get used to and to use to his advantage when he was active duty, and it still served him now. Lifting his head and slowly turning towards the direction he felt watched from, he narrowed his eyes when he met the gaze of the pastor of the pantry. Breathing out softly, Will glanced down to Alyssa with a small apologetic smile before looking up at the pastor that was quickly walking towards him. Glancing to the pastor’s rear and seeing a couple event staff members watching the proceedings, William nodded slowly before looking to the pastor and allowing a smile to come over his lips casually. Removing his hand slowly from Alyssa’s, he shifted himself between her and the pastor before speaking in a friendly tone, “Good afternoon, Pastor McClain. I appreciate your flock’s kindness.” .
Pastor McClain paused in his steps a few feet from William, his eyes moving slowly over the homeless man’s body before speaking in a kind tone, despite the venom behind his words, “I’ll be happy to tell them how well their kindness served the Lord’s will, and how they are giving to those that would only take otherwise. Tell me, have you thought about my offer, Mr. Moore? Repentance could serve you well. The Lord asks only that you beg forgiveness for your crimes against Him, and then you will find your life changed and more fortunate.” Despite his desire to launch himself at the man again, William stood his ground and simply stayed quiet with a smile growing tired on his lips. Glancing back at Alyssa, he cleared his throat before speaking softly, his voice tense with repressed emotions, “I am workin’ on findin’ a way back into His light, thank you pastor.” Watching the way William glanced behind him, McClain narrowed his eyes and stepped to the side slightly to get an eye on the woman standing close behind the homeless veteran. With every step McClain took, William mirrored him and kept his body between the two. Raising an eyebrow at the man’s insistence, McClain scoffed before speaking, his confidence growing as two men in the church’ uniform moved up behind him, “Have you found another person that can prey on my congregation’s generosity while hiding in the shadow of Satan? Truly despicable, even for a murderer like you.” @Fiory
The walk down the street had seemed like such a pleasant one. Her cheeks burned a little but it had nothing to do with the California sunshine that flooded the world. The kiss he had given and then the follow up one to her hand had made Alyssa feel like she was melting. It was confusing and electrifying all at once. It wasn’t unpleasant, even though it made that butterfly sensation erupt in her chest further. “ Will try not to…Will..” her voice was very quiet, her gaze following her hand when he had let it go. They were still walking, in relative silence, and she felt compelled to say something. Anything. Everything, but then also nothing at all. This is such an odd feeling… I need to know what this is… I feel like I’m going to burst. No sooner had the thought to turn to him and ask if William was feeling this same butterfly sensation, did a new one seep into those butterflies. It was like someone had filled the meadow of her insides where the little insects had been dancing with a poison gas. There was pain, anguish, suffering. The only conclusion of where this sensation was coming from, was from the hand that grasped hers. It took everything in the young angel to keep herself upright, as if there was a weight that was pushing her down and chains dragging her further. What… is this..? Even her steps had seemed heavier, not their normally gay and lighter then air delicate steps she had been taking. Her stormy eyes glanced down at Will’s hand, and an overwhelming desire to hold tighter to him made her fingers squeeze around his hand without her telling them to. Alyssa felt like she would be dragged under if she didn’t hold on to something. Almost as soon as the feeling had come, it rushed away again with the passing of a large truck on the road. Her eyes watched him in silence, noting the breath he released like he’d been holding it far longer than he physically should have. I… I see… so that’s what he was feeling… This was actually a feeling she kne
w the name of. It was something spoken about in heaven, a disease or condition that humans had when they felt their lives were not worth living. It was one of the single most reasons that there was so much work for the guardian angels, and why some even allowed those suffering to go through with their final plans. So they could be there in their end, and take them home after suffering enough. I have my work cut out for me then… C’mon Will.. Cheer up.. There’s lots of life left to live… and I’ll be here for you the whole way.
It was both a relief when Will seemed to come back to her, to release that troubling sensation and let that poison gas fade away as well as come closer to the church and the food pantry destination they had been headed towards. Alyssa watched as Will pressed the button on the crosswalk, lighting up a little again as they crossed. A soft giggle escaped her lips, leaping from one faded white stripe to the next, pausing only to let Will catch up to her so his arm wasn’t pulled too terribly hard. Her smile remained once they got to the other side and Will told her to stay with him. Of course I will.. Where else would I go? She thought tilting her head at him curiously though deciding not to press him on it. She had only felt a taste of that horrible feeling, so she couldn’t imagine how hard he had felt it. Instead she just nodded her head determined, letting her other hand gently cover the back of his while it held its counterpart. She was trying to be comforting, reassuring that she wasn’t going anywhere. That she would always be right there if he needed her. And if the earlier moment had been any kind of tell, Alyssa knew that he did. This place was amazing. Her eyes grew wide at all the different items that were laying out, at the different people that were there. The only thing that seemed to break the angel’s heart was the children that clung to their respective adult’s clothes or hands or stood as close as they could. Downtrodden and beaten at the hand that life had handed them. Poor kids… She thought as they neared the table that William seemed eager to get to. He mentioned how she could get a change of clothes if she needed them and Alyssa immediately looked down at her flowy white t-shirt, that was white no more.
“Oh… Yes I suppose so…I’ve never been dirty before.” She said aloud, giving a gentle shrug as he pulled them along that had different clothing items available for people to take with them. Lots of different shapes and colors that Alyssa seemed fascinated to look at. She wasn’t necessarily a fashionista, having only given herself a white shirt and jeans to wear while out and about in the human realm. It had never dawned on her that she would need to change her clothes at all, so she wondered what she could wear or what she should. Was there something that would be best? Less conspicuous? Did it matter? She was about to ask if this would be alright, if it was okay for her to take something when clearly it should go to the people who needed it, when she heard the nervous way William stopped cold in his tracks and spoke. Her attention turned to the man speaking to William. He had a piety about him that made Alyssa’s stomach turn. There was something about the religious people of different churches that never sat well with the angel. They never got it completely right, and they weren’t completely wrong either. That judgmental stare that he had and the clothing he wore, tight and clean pressed, made even Alyssa uneasy. She couldn’t imagine how Will felt in the situation, except for the fleeting feeling she’d pick up on with their physical connection. Crimes against Him? Alyssa thought, picking up on the conversation and listening closely. This, Pastor McClain seemed to be chastising William for something and despite his best efforts, Will seemed to only just be able to remain calm. I can’t let this continue… William was doing so well, I don’t want him to have a setback already. The look he gave to her before continuing gave the angel a little ray of hope. He was trying, it seemed, to take the high road. To appease this judgemental person and be polite. You’re doing well William. She thought, a sense of pride bubbling in her chest at her charge. When he wanted
to, it seemed, he could be motivated to remain calm, to turn the other cheek.
”Have you found another person that can prey on my congregation’s generosity while hiding in the shadow of Satan? Truly despicable, even for a murderer like you.” “Excuse me.” Alyssa couldn’t remain silent with this. This man, this Pastor McClain, was too full of himself to be a man of God. And Alyssa had heard enough. “William has done no such thing. It is quite the opposite actually.” Slowly, Alyssa moved herself around to William’s side. She didn’t need him to shield her, not from the likes of this man. It always perplexed her, why those of the church were always the ones casting the first stones at those in need of help. “I am here to help him. And by His authority.” A scoffing sound came from Pastor McClain’s smirking face. He didn’t seem impressed by the young woman that stood to claim William as her charge and responsibility. His arms folded in front of him indignantly as she spoke, judging her just as much as the veteran next to her. “Young lady, this man has committed terrible sins of which he has not repented. I have implored him to see the error of his ways and he has refused. I am a pastor of this church; what makes you think he’ll listen to you over me?” The words were challenging, his eyes glancing down at the dirty clothes that Alyssa wore and then back up to her sweet face. There was a finality that crossed her face. A higher power that looked far more menacing in its calm nature than the sweet smile and giggling nature Alyssa normally had. Her face remained fairly blank, taking in the church surroundings and the man in front of them.
“Pastor McClain…” She began, her words holding the wisdom and unyielding power of the ages behind the polite calm that came from her lips. “Is it not said in your book, ‘Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: Condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven’, Luke chapter six, verse thirty seven. It appears to me that you are judging one that is not of your flock and have forgotten this passage sir.” “So you know of the good book then.” McClain said, almost as if he was not impressed by the logic that the angel gave to him. “That does not excuse this murderers sins. He must repent and I have given him every opportunity to do so. Instead, he squanders it an-” “It does not.” Alyssa interrupted. She knew her words could be cutting to Will, which is why she didn’t leave the pause there for too long. “Which is why I was sent to him. He has suffered enough for his crimes. He has been judged by the highest authority, and he has been found worthy of grace.” Alyssa took a step forward, closing the gap between the pastor, herself and William. She never let go of his hand, squeezing it gently behind her as a reminder. As a constant feeling he could hold on to. It was her silently telling him without having to say anything or look at him. You’re alright. I’m here. I can protect you too.
“I see he’s gotten to a sweet young lady like you too with his lies and sins.” McClain spat at them, glaring at the pair with pursed lips and a slightly puce color coming to his face. “How would you know if he is ‘worthy of grace’? How could anyone forgive this murderer for what he has done?” Alyssa shook her head a little, almost solemnly at the man in front of her. He didn’t seem to understand. What kind of shepherd for his flock was he? Blind to what was standing in front of him, square and easy to see. William was a man in need of help, wasn’t it his profession, his calling to Him to help the lost sheep of the flock? “Let him without sin cast the first stone, John chapter eight verse seven.” Alyssa said softly, looking the pastor in front of her up and down. It wasn’t as large a display, but there was a small stone on the table nearby that held a passage on it. Decorative, not one that would normally be out but was just as decor on the tables. To remind those downtrodden and hard on their luck that they were welcomed. They were given a chance here. One of those kinds of things you would find as a knick knack or kitchy item for sale with other religious memorabilia. Alyssa held the stone out to Pastor McClain, knowing full well he couldn’t in good faith actually take it. Of the three of them there, and including the rest of the people sifting through clothes and getting aid today, Alyssa would be the only one who could qualify as ‘one without sin’. She was an angel after all; sins were a human thing.
“If you believe yourself without sin, as much as He is without sin, and you think yourself righteous enough to judge in His stead and turn away one of His lost sheep when they come to you for help and need and nothing more… then please. Do as you see fit Pastor McClain.” It was Alyssa’s turn to challenge him. Daring him to take the stone she had picked up, the passage on it reading in gentle cursive letters: Forgiveness is not about forgetting what someone did to you. It’s about saying to God, ‘I give them and the situation to You because I know You can handle it better than I can.’ @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 15-Dec-22 11:46 PM
Will could not stop the smile that came over his lips as he watched Alyssa walking beside him, her steps carrying her through light hops to each of the crosswalk’s white lines. The sound of her giggle brought a crinkle to the weathered skin next to his eyes, creasing with joy as he walked a little faster so that her leaping didn’t have to wait long for him. He was not feeling energetic enough to join her in such a jumping walk, but he wanted nothing more than to let her enjoy her moments of walking beside him. How else was he going to make sure that she stayed beside him and continued to help him? William had to keep her interested in being near him, so he was willing to start by walking fast enough that she could enjoy the games she came up with. Looking down at where her unoccupied hand moved to cover the back of his, William felt the warmth on his cheeks growing more intense as his skin turned a light shade of pink. Blushing and looking up at her face, he felt his lower lip slip between his teeth as Alyssa smiled at him before nodding to seemingly confirm that she was here beside him. Walking by the first tables, Will’s eyes moved steadily from the assorted goods and then back to Alyssa, enjoying the energy that she carried with her as she looked at the tables. It was clear that she hadn’t seen something like this before, and William was enjoying getting to be her first. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, the blush on his cheeks grew fiercer and his eyes snapped away from the angel beside him, focusing more on the grass beside the sidewalk. His mind filled immediately with images and scenarios of Alyssa in compromising positions underneath his body, filling in the mystery of what her body looked like beneath her clothes with safe assumptions based on her appearance. Staring at the ground as a shuddering breath escaped his lips, William forced himself to ignore the butterflies and arousal in his gut while he raised his eyes to the tables again. .
Hearing her comment about being dirty, William nodded slowly and bit the inside of his cheeks, trying his best to keep his mind in an appropriate place. The thoughts seeped into his mind of helping Alyssa undress and clean up, but he was able to distract himself from continuing that fantasy by pulling her along slowly beside the tables. Will wanted to help the angel pick out clothes that she could wear, but he was distracted by the appearance of the pastor that he had fought before when the man ran his mouth. It seemed the bastard had not learned his lesson from their previous tussle, but the Marine knew he needed to concentrate on making a change in his life. He needed to be worthy of Alyssa's time and show her that he was willing to try with her help, so he held his tongue as the man spoke to him. This came to a head when he stepped beside William, his eyes clearly falling on Alyssa as he spoke in a purposefully insulting manner. Will could handle being judged; he had been judged by anyone and everyone his entire life. Church potlucks, sporting events, and school dances. Every one of those had their fair share of someone standing to the side and watching what you brought or wore. Did you actually think someone was going to eat that? Was that what you think tackling someone should look like? You really think someone is going to want to dance with someone in their grandfather’s hand-me-downs? It only got worse and more intense as he enlisted and started his career. Judgement from Drill Instructors, NCOs busting his balls if he didn’t have everything in tip top shape, and even the civilians that would stand outside of the base to picket and chant how they were nothing but baby killers. William could handle that, so nothing the pastor said could compare to anything he had heard before. This made his reaction the other day strange as it seemed like he couldn’t handle the judgement, but Will had hardened himself since that day so it wouldn’t happen again. .
William could not handle Alyssa being judged and talked about in such a pious, arrogant manner. Setting his bag down on the ground beside his left leg, Will snarled and raised his eyes to meet McClain’s, his hand already hardening into a fist that was going to be aimed for the pastor’s jaw. As he was about to step forward and tear his other hand free from Alyssa’s grasp, so it was ready for the fight he was preparing for, William was stopped when he heard the stern tone in a voice he had not heard before. Glancing over his shoulder, he felt his eyebrows raise on his forehead slightly as Alyssa stepped up beside him the sweet angelic features replaced with ones of firm disappointment in the behavior of the self-proposed ‘Man of God.’ Watching her step forward and begin speaking with McClain, Will wanted to pull her away so that he could handle the matter in his normal way, but he was caught in a frozen trance as he watched Alyssa speak and dismantle the man with an eerie calm to her. Glancing to the pastor to see his response, William stood quietly beside his guardian angel, watching the display of calm conviction defeat the hateful words of the religious man. Will felt a guilt rolling through him as the two spoke of his sins and transgressions to the Lord, but he was comforted by the fact that through it all, Alyssa never let go of his hand. She moved forward slightly, putting herself between the Marine and pastor, but William felt no need to push her back and get between them. He trusted her completely to take care of him at this moment, and as she continued to speak to McClain, William could not help the small smile that creased his lips slowly. He recognized the bible verses that she was quoting, having read many of them when he was just a boy and in church with his mother and father. His faith had slipped when they died, but his uncle and aunt worked hard to get him back into the church in an effort to find some kind of peace for the young boy. .
When McClain spoke of Alyssa being a sweet, young lady that he had gotten to, William lifted his gaze from where it had been resting on his angel’s face. Turning his attention slowly to the man that stood looking at both of them in disgust and shame, Will had to fight the urge to step forward and grab the man by his throat. Don’t prove him right, keep your temper under control Marine. You didn’t murder anyone; you did what you had to do. She knows that. You know that. God know that. Don’t let this bastard win, do you hear me? Prove him wrong. Lowering his gaze slowly, William allowed his focus to return to Alyssa, a small smile crossing his lips as he saw her shake her head at the pastor’s words. She seemed to be disappointed in the man’s ignorance and behavior, which helped Will to feel justified that he disagreed with this man. Nothing about him screamed ‘holy’ when he stood here talking trash about a struggling man that was trying to find his way back into the good graces of their shared Father. Pastor McClain breathed out heavily through his nose when the woman before him picked up the stone from the table, his stomach immediately falling as he felt his argument crumbling before his very eyes. He could not, in his right mind, reach his hand out and take that stone from her hand, but he also refused to be schooled on the front lawn of his own church. The irony was lost on the man as he accepted his steps further into his hubris. Reaching out and taking the stone within his hand, McClain smirked before reaching over and setting it down on the table. Resting his hand on it, the man spoke in a low voice, his volume just so that the three engaged could hear him, “You will burn for your sins, that has already been decided. Not by me, but by our Lord in heaven. Continue this mockery all you please, but do not spread your filth over these gifts from the community that you so easily insult.” .
As the man started to turn, William cleared his throat and lifted his gaze to match McClain’s, his eyes narrowed as he spoke in a firm voice, “You hold yourself higher than you should, pastor, for as is written in Romans 3:23, ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ I know my sins, and I have begged forgiveness for them. I just don’t choose to beg you for forgiveness. You are just as filthy as I am, but you don’t seem to realize that. As it says in the seventh book of Matthew, verse three, you cannot see past the log in your eye in order to help me with the speck in mine.” As McClain’s eyes narrowed at the insult of having his own verses thrown back at him, William nodded slowly before allowing a small smile to cross his lips. Picking up his bag from beside his leg, he glanced down at Alyssa with a smile before speaking, his eyes flicking back to the pastor, “I appreciate these gifts from your congregation, and the chance that they will provide for me to get back on my feet. I am not in your flock, Pastor McClain, but I am thankful to be a part of His.” Pastor McClain took a step back and looked between the Marine and the woman beside him, his mouth opening to speak before it closed firmly. Nodding and chuckling to himself, he turned to walk away but paused to speak before continuing, “Take within reason, but begone. You are not welcome here ever again, William Moore. I will be getting a restraining order in place to protect my church from your violent urges.” .
Shaking his head as the man walked away, William breathed in deeply before releasing it in a slow exhale that whistled from between his lips. Looking down at Alyssa and allowing his smile to grow slightly toothier, he squeezed her hand gently before leaning down and kissing her cheek. Biting his lower lip slightly, he looked over her features and admired the calm confidence for a moment before speaking, “Thank you Alyssa. I could not have done that without you. Let’s get you some clothes and a backpack too, then we’ll get the food. Sound good?” Squeezing her hand and pulling her back towards him, Will walked to the table with the backpacks on it and took hold of the black and red one he had spotted before. Opening it and slipping the trash bag into it slowly so as not to rip it on the zipper, he nodded his thanks to the person behind the table. Holding it in front of him, he judged that it was about half full before zipping it up and holding it on his left shoulder with his sleeping bag. He would not need any more clothes, so he was holding the rest of the open space ready for any food they found to take with them. Turning to Alyssa, he smiled before moving to help her grab any bag or clothes that interested her. @Fiory
Alyssa stood as firmly as she could, her frame not small but not large and intimidating like William’s would have been. In this moment she knew that she had the righteousness of heaven on her side, but there was still a gentleness even in her disappointment of this ‘man of the cloth’. She allowed McClain to take the stone, smiling just a little as he placed it back on the table where she had picked it up. That’s a good decision. I’m glad you made it. She thought, those stormy gray eyes watching his every move and her ears open to listening to the words he said. William’s words to him did not fall deafly on the angel either. A swelling sensation rose in her chest hearing him react so calmly in the face of the ignorance of Pastor McClain. Alyssa made a mental note to ensure he understood just how well she believed him to have done sooner rather than later. His thanks for the generosity of the church congregation was something that made Alyssa think he had taken a step further in the right direction. That’s it William. You do not need to answer to him. You’ve already been judged. His judgment here means nothing. Alyssa beamed brightly, though her face fell again hearing the hateful words from Pastor McClain. Didn’t he understand? Didn’t he study these things? Didn’t he know? “Thank you, Pastor McClain, for your congregation’s generosity and your patience. We won’t be long.” She began, her voice much softer but still holding that stern conviction from before that could not be swayed. “Please know that while you struggle to forgive others, you are yourself forgiven. To err is Human after all, and everyone deserves forgiveness.” This was the last she would say on the matter. While disappointed with how the Pastor had behaved towards one who was in need of help, she would not continue to preach to the man as that would certainly do no good. Humans are fickle that way, needing to learn on their own sometimes what is best and what isn’t for them. He would either reco
gnize that he had strayed from leading his flock correctly, or he wouldn’t. It was as simple as that.
Once out of earshot, the angel turned a little towards William. She wanted to check he was alright. She could feel the slight anger that had passed between the pair, and at first she hoped that the fury she held deep within hadn’t translated too terribly. Alyssa wasn’t angry, just disappointed with McClain and his lack of compassion. She would have said so, if she weren’t silenced by William’s gesture once more. That sudden rush of butterflies erupted in her chest again and her face flushed a bright pink. Every time he does that… I get this same feeling. What Is this? It feels almost familiar… when have I felt it before? The thoughts raced through her head as William began speaking to her about getting clothes and a backpack, about thanking her again for her help. “I… Of course…” Alyssa’s voice had gone very quiet in response to him though her gaze never left his. She seemed to be searching for something, perhaps a reason or an explanation he might be able to give her as to why she suddenly would feel so strange every time he kissed her, whether that was on her cheek or her hand she realized. It was a familiar feeling, one she had felt but couldn’t quite place. Or at least, it seemed similar to one. At his question she gave a small nod, walking with him towards the tables again. There weren’t many backpacks there, but she was sure it would be helpful to have some kind of satchel in order to carry things. Carrying them in my arms would be a little cumbersome… So she glanced down at the table at the different bags, one catching her eye a moment that made her reach out. The volunteer there smiled and moved it closer to her though she did have a bit of a puzzled look on her face. The bag that Alyssa found was pink and white, with small swirling flares decorating the sides. The bag looked to be something a child had once owned, with different patches of brightly colored animals in rainbows haphazardly sewn onto the material. It was small, but it would work for A
lyssa at least.
“Will this one work?” She asked, turning to William to show the small bag she had found. The volunteer looked from Alyssa to William and smiled at the pair of them. Hoping so, she thanked the volunteer who just waved her on politely. At least with this, I can help carry things for William. She thought, continuing on to find herself a new shirt. That was what was dirty afterall, and if she was dirty, then it only made sense to get something cleaner to wear. It was the first moment in quite a while that she actually let her hand slip out of his as she needed a spare hand in order to look through the different stacks of shirts available. It immediately made her feel cold and rigid. As if her normal warmth had been stripped from her. It was a bit of a shock to her, feeling so immediately pulled back to how she should have been behaving this whole time. How could she have strayed and forgotten so easily that she wasn’t supposed to be his friend; she was supposed to be his guardian, his protector, the one to steer him on a better path.
”You forgot yourself Alyssa…” I.. I hadn’t.. ”Now you’re lying about it… Perhaps you were not ready for this assignment after all.” No! No I’m ready! I…I just got distracted. That’s all. He’s doing so well, can’t you see? ”Perhaps… Just try to keep from meddling too much. You’ve already stepped in for him twice now. He needs to learn to stand on his own you know” I.. I know.. But isn’t it my job to protect and guide? Malach you can’t deny that… that I’m doing what is asked of me.. ”Just… be careful little one…” The conversation had been quick, as soon as Alyssa’s hand had removed itself from William’s. Almost like the call couldn’t connect as long as Will and Alyssa were touching. It almost made Alyssa angry, thinking that her mentor didn’t trust her, didn’t think she was ready for the experience on earth, didn’t think she could handle the responsibility that he had been given. I’ll show him. I’ll be fine. Everything has been going well so far… I wish he could see that… Alyssa thought, almost irritably before letting her head clear as she shifted the shirts around. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular, but she did find a fairly loose looking shirt in a powder blue that she thought would work well. The sleeves were long and bell shaped, and while it would be loose on her, it still would hug her curves delicately with the hourglass cut it had. The biggest reason she liked it was because the neck hole was fairly large, so it draped off her shoulders a bit. This meant the fabric was looser on her back, which she thought could be more comfortable for her stifled wings while they remained hidden as an elaborate tattoo. She carefully folded the shirt up and neatly placed it into the little bag she had before returning to William’s side.
Her hand immediately reached forward again to take Will’s as he seemed far more confident and settled when he was holding her hand. A thought struck her though, relacing her fingers in his gently as to not startle him of her returned presence. She had been contemplating since McClain had left about the feeling she had experienced when William had kissed her cheek and her hand, and it dawned on her in that moment as she replaced her hand where it had been before, that she hadn’t let Will know something that she felt at least was vitally important. Just to get his attention, she tapped her index finger against his leg twice so he could turn towards her. If he did, Alyssa would let her little bag sit on the ground at their feet quietly so her opposite hand could be free to use. Her palm would softly cup his face while she rose up on tip toe to reach his other cheek. It was soft, and warm, the first she’d ever tried to do for anyone other than a cherub. Planted sweetly, she pressed her lips against his cheek not caring about any onlookers and their giggles at the action. It didn’t matter, they didn’t matter. That fireworks sensation rushed through her again, and Alyssa slowly pulled away relishing in the sensation of it. Now she recognized where she’d felt something like this before. When she’d fallen earlier that morning before dawn, off the cloud she had been waiting for. It was excitement, and thrill and elation all wrapped up in a sparkling bundle of joy. There was another word for it, but she wasn’t quite sure exactly what it was. All Alyssa knew was that he recognized the sensation now as something positive.
“I want you to know, I’m very proud of you… for before.” She said in a gentle whisper, letting her hand fall from his jaw and cheek to rest quiet on his chest over his heart. “And despite what was said… You have been judged and been found worthy. I couldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case.” While McClain’s words would have probably bitten the veteran and made him angry or upset, Alyssa wanted to reassure him that they were just that. Words of a man who had forgotten how to forgive. Ultimately words that did not have true meaning. That butterfly sensation seemed to go into overdrive after her own action. Before when it had just been Will kissing her, it seemed intense enough, but when she had returned the gesture, it was like the entire tree had been shaken instead of just a branch. This elation and freeing joy was a little addicting she thought, her distracted thoughts recognizing a little later than she had anticipated that she had left her hand resting against Will’s chest for longer than she had meant to. She could feel the faint thudding under the fabric of the organ used to keep him alive when she realized how intimate that might be considered. “I.. um.. Sorry Will…” Alyssa said quickly, retracting her hand away and holding it against herself for a moment. Her cheeks were a bright red, and she suddenly felt a buzzing nervousness all over. The angel just hoped she hadn’t offended her charge. Last thing she wanted was for William to slip from the light and her grasp. Clearing her throat a little, even though nothing had obstructed it despite feeling like something had, she gave a gentle nod as if trying to get them back on track. Next was food. Then shelter for the night. We’ll work on a job maybe next.. One step at a time… “Shall we?” She said softly, indicating the inside where the food was stored and ready for those in need to take what they needed to survive. Alyssa didn’t expect there would be a need for a lot, but whatever William’s bag couldn’t fit
, she was sure she could help with her little bag too. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 21-Dec-22 12:39 PM
The blush that spread across Alyssa’s cheeks drew William’s attention, his eyes leaving hers for a moment to see the effects of his kiss on her. He had already started to admit to himself that he liked seeing the way she could so easily be flustered, but he could not help but worry that he was beginning to be too forward or manipulative in these moves. What if she didn’t enjoy the kisses and other expressions that he had for her? What if she was just being nice because she was supposed to be? If that were the case, you would know. If she didn’t like it, I’m pretty sure she’d be a big girl and say something. She can take care of herself; you don’t need to hold her hand through this...figuratively. Will nodded slowly at the thought running through his mind, rationalizing that Alyssa had the ability to say something if she wanted him to stop. The most she had done was blush and get flustered, so there had to be some degree of her liking his advances and actions. Meeting her gaze as her eyes seemed to be searching his for an answer, William bit his lower lip and nodded slowly while letting his thumb stroke the back of her hand slowly. He wanted to let her know that what he was doing was to make her feel appreciated and comfortable, but he wasn’t sure what to say. No shit Marine; you are trained to kill, not to woo. If you wanted to get in her pants, you should have gone to the Navy or Army. Tighten up your bootstraps you Devil Dog bastard, it’s time to move. Gritting his teeth as he tried to ignore the negative words in his mind, William forced his lips into a semi-awkward smiled before he spoke in a low voice, “I hope it’s okay when I do that, Alyssa. I jus’ really ‘ppreciate what you’re doin’ for me. I figure I could jus’say thank you, but I was hoping that would be okay.” William lowered his eyes for a moment before looking back up at Alyssa with a sheepish smile. His eyes flicked over to the tables as an opportunity to distract her from his awkward words.
Michael had packed several pairs of underwear and socks in with the new clothes at the store, as well as an olive drab T-shirt and black gym shorts. With his change of sensitives and a pair of clothes that he could use as pajamas settled, William was able to turn his attention fully to Alyssa and help her pick out new clothes and a bag. Will did not resist the smirk that played at the corners of his lips when he saw Alyssa’s bag selection. It was very cutesy, but when he looked from the bag to the angel standing beside him, he could not think of anything that better matched her purity. Grinning and nodding slowly as he looked over the different patches that were sewn into the bag, Will could see that he would at least be able to fix that with his own sewing skills if it came apart. Looking from the bag to the volunteer, he nodded his silent thanks to the woman before turning his attention more directly to Alyssa. He reached his hand out to gently check the zipper before nodding as he verified that it didn’t seem cheap enough to fall apart. “Yeah, it’ll work jus’ fine. Let’s get you some clothes now.” Will grinned as he moved with Alyssa to get closer to the tables of clothes. He did not like the fact that she had to take her hand from his, but he knew that she was close enough to be safe here. Using the moment of freedom, Will zipped up his new backpack and put it over his shoulders before gripping Alyssa’s in his free hand. He left his hand closest to her available if she wanted to take it again while his eyes drifted over the clothes on the table. He did not miss the stillness that overcame Alyssa, her expression losing a fraction of its joy to be replaced by a cold confusion of some sort. He desperately wanted to reach out to her to comfort her, but William was aware that he had no idea what to say to an angel to ease her worries. .
Besides, as he looked at her, her face seemed similar to the expression she had had outside of the bathroom after talking to her other angel at the diner. Resorting to leaving her to what seemed to look like a check-in with who he could only assume was her superior, William busied himself with looking at the people around them that were getting aid. He saw a couple of familiar faces a few tables over when he saw a Hispanic man in a pair of carpenter pants and a denim jacket. Glancing past the man, he saw a Hispanic woman with a blue dirty stroller in front of her. Stepping back to glance over, he saw the two kids he knew would be sitting in the seat of the stroller; they were between the ages of five to eight. William had seen the small family several times walking through portions of the city where the father could beg for food at a grocery store while the mother and children sat to the side out of the way. This was for their protection. Will had seen the man and others like him jumped and harassed by the people he asked for help from. Nodding slowly before turning his attention back to the table, William was reminded of a time that he had been asking for help outside of a gas station. A simple cardboard side on his lap read, ‘Homeless Vet, anything will help. God Bless You.’ An old man with a Vietnam Vet hat had given him a bag of chips and a bottle of water, a gift that William had thanked him for immensely. The kindness was ruined when two young men walked by him, their eyes spotting the food and then the sign. They had immediately begun mocking his sign and him alike, but William had kept his head down and focused on eating the food that he had been given so graciously. This angered the young men, who started to kick at him to make him drop the food and waste it. When their attempts failed and William retained his grip, one of the men took it to the next step and decided that he would use William’s pants and the bag of chips as a urinal. .
Setting his jaw as the stench of urine filled his nostrils, William narrowed his eyes and turned his attention to the shirts in front of Alyssa. Watching her sort through the shirts that were available to her, Will felt his eyes tracking slowly up her arms to rest on her shoulders and face again. Feeling the cold anger within him at the memory beginning to subside, he focused on the gentle curve of her jaw before it came to her chin. A chin which looked perfect for holding his thumb over as his index finger rested beneath it to tilt her head up slowly. Letting his eyes continue their slow movement, William felt a smile pulling at his own lips while his eyes drifted over hers. Her lips were full enough to invite him to kiss them while still being thin enough that he could imagine how cute she would be if she nervously bit her lips and hid them. Feeling a warmth of attraction spreading through his gut, William swallowed thickly before turning his attention back to the shirts on the table. Seeing the shirt that Alyssa chose, Will nodded at the way it seemed to be a cute shirt that would look nice on her. Shifting the bag back onto the table so that she could put her shirt in it, Will spoke in a gentle voice, “That looks like a perfect fit for you, Ally. I really like the color. Feel free to get a couple more though, you don’t need just one spare shirt.” William was about to move to help her select another shirt when he felt Alyssa’s hand find his, her fingers moving immediately to lace their hands together again. Freezing for a moment and looking down at their joined hands, Will was aware of the warmth on his cheeks that spread as he enjoyed the sensation. He felt more at ease when he was holding her hand, but he could not explain why or if he even felt it was appropriate. In this moment, he did not care if it was appropriate to be crushing this hard over a new woman that had shown up in his life. .
No, the only thing that mattered to Will was to do what he could to not run her off or make her afraid of him. Feeling his bottom lip slipping between his teeth as he looked up from their hands to meet her gaze, William felt his stomach jump with excitement when he saw that she was looking back up at him. Releasing his lip to let a shaky breath flow from his mouth, William was trying to think of something to say rather than just staring into her stormy gray eyes when he felt her index finger tap his leg gently. Turning to face her more fully with a slightly raised eyebrow, Will watched her set the bag down on the ground before his eyes widened when he felt her hand gently caress his cheek. That touch would have been enough, but William felt his breath catch in his throat when Alyssa lifted herself and pressed her lips against his cheek. Closing his eyes as his lips spread into a grin, William hummed softly as he enjoyed the warmth and softness of Alyssa’s lips against his cheek. He could hear the giggle from the volunteer at the table, but his mind ignored the woman while he felt his chest beginning to warm and burn with a passion for Alyssa’s lips. Looking from her eyes to her lips as Alyssa pulled slowly away from him, William felt his breathing grow slightly steadier before hitching when her hand shifted on his cheek. He had expected her to fully retract from him, so when her hand merely fell to rest over his heart, Will could do nothing but stare into her eyes in surprise. He had a desperate urge to lean down and kiss her, but her words and the fact that they were standing outside of a church rooted him in place. Hearing her declaration of her pride in him as well as her reassurance that he had already been judged and deemed worthy, William smiled and nodded slowly, his eyes shifting from hers to her hand that stayed put on his chest. .
He could feel his heart beating faster from the intimacy of the contact, but he tried to control his breathing enough to speak, “Thank you, Alyssa. You have no idea how grateful I am for what you are willing to do for me and see in me. I could never have imagined this, but I’m glad you are here. With me.” Looking up from her hand on his chest, William allowed his eyes to settle on her lips again. His tongue dabbed out quickly to lick at his lower lip, but Will closed his eyes before the hesitation could be built into a movement fueled by his courage and confidence. No matter how badly he wanted to kiss her, it would not be appropriate to do it here. Feeling Alyssa’s hand fall from his chest, Will opened his eyes and felt his smile grow slightly wearier from losing the contact with her hand. However, the smile quickly turned up in the corners when he heard her words and saw the flush of bright red on her cheeks. Shaking his head and squeezing her hand in his gently, William glanced at the portable trailer and spoke in a low voice after returning his gaze to hers, “You got nothin’ to apologize for Alyssa. You’ve done nothin’ wrong. Trust me, I’d tell you if you had. But yeah, let’s go get that food and get outta here. Don’t wanna overstay our welcome.” Grinning as he started walking towards the portable, William let his eyes move freely from Alyssa to where they were walking, as if he couldn’t get enough of the angel beside him. This was true though, for with every glance and look, Will felt his chest growing warmer and his eyes lingering on her face for longer. Every look seemed to display something new about her features that attracted his attention and made him want to look longer. It took only a few steps to reach the bottom of the steps into the trailer, but as William got closer with his hand in Alyssa’s, he could feel the familiar haze and coldness with it beginning to settle over him. @Fiory
After he had mentioned grabbing more than just one shirt, Alyssa blinked and nodded, making sure to pick out two additional ones and sliding them into the bag. The first was a v-necked t-shirt in a faded pink color and the second was a black tank top with thin straps. Alyssa assumed it didn’t matter what kind of shirts she put in, as long as they were ‘spares’ according to William, so she just made sure that they looked like they would fit her and nothing else. So these were just simple shirts, nothing too complicated. It was an odd feeling, to need material things. She had assumed that one spare shirt would have sufficed; she couldn’t wear both shirts at the same time after all. And up until today, she had never had the desire nor the need to possess material things. Though what had her smiling a little more was the shortened version of her name that he mentioned. ’Ally’? I’ve… I’ve never been called that before…it’s.. It’s kind of cute. I think that’s alright. She thought pleasantly, a warmth spreading over her at the idea of a shortened version of her name that Will came up with himself. It almost seemed like a secret just for the pair of them. Something only they knew. Such a small thing brought quite a lot of joy to the little angel, at being called something unique and not just the given name she had. The slight scolding she’d received from her mentor was quickly forgotten. Malach had to be wrong. There had to be another way to help, and Alyssa was quite sure that what she was doing for William, was no less than a miracle. He seemed to be smiling more often, more at ease around her and he was even lessening his temper and anger. Holding his hand was beginning to feel like the right choice to do too, which was why she replaced her hand in his when she had finished picking out her shirts. Upon putting her hand back into his, her head cleared again. It was like that interference drowned out the noise that would often come to mind from heaven. It was a nice s
ilence, even though she didn’t really understand why it occurred.
One thing she was beginning to notice was her own daring. The feelings she could pick up on from William were affecting her too with their touch. Which was probably why angels tended to keep their distance or were better trained at keeping those emotions from overwhelming them. Alyssa however, was young in that respect. She didn’t have the experience to fight those emotions away, and due to her curious nature she actually enjoyed the little bubbling moments that flitted from Will to her. She more or less wanted to understand them better though, feeling like she was looking at an unfinished puzzle and be expected to just know where the pieces fit. Alyssa was starting to feel desperate to pull William aside, and really ask him the questions that had been bubbling in her head all day. Which was probably why she felt so startled at herself after kissing him. This time, she was sure she had gone too far in trying to figure out what emotion he was feeling, what she was feeling too. It was warmth and excitement and joy and new, and she had no idea what to call it. Holding her hand gently against her, her stormy gray eyes peered down at the palm that had rested over William’s heart before being pulled away. It felt warm and tingly, different then the warmth that the sunshine was bringing to it. It was such an odd sensation and it was fascinating to experience. So… it’s not just holding his hand that produces this feeling… how strange…It’s not a bad feeling, but I just.. Want to know what it is…
”You got nothin’ to apologize for Alyssa. You’ve done nothin’ wrong. Trust me, I’d tell you if you had.” Will’s words were kind to her, and she gave a gentle smile in return to them. This was true, at least in respect to him and what upset him at least. He had had no issue whatsoever shouting at her under the freeway this morning or in the tunnel as they were leaving. Though that seemed like such a long time ago now that she recalled it. Given the height of the sun, it was well past noon at least, the warmth beating down on the pair of them in the dry heat that California was known for. She let her thoughts linger for just a moment until he had finished speaking, before returning to that bright and positive glow she had before. “You have nothing to thank me for. I’m glad to be of help in any way I can be for you Will.” She said kindly as they turned and made their way towards the portable building and the promise of food inside. A quiet chuckle escaped as they stepped up towards the door, her face turning back to him just before reaching the door’s handle. She felt lighter than air, which should have been a normal feeling for her considering what she was. But no, this was different. This was nicer, warmer even. While she still didn’t know the direct cause for the butterflies that never seemed to settle within her midsection and check, Alyssa was at least delighted that they were there. Almost enjoying the sensation of it instead of being taken by surprise when they flurried about. Her hand reached out towards the door to pull it open, keeping her other hand gently held by him. She was certain they would have to release again eventually, but if it helped to keep him calm he could hold her hand all he liked.
“Unfortunately, I think you might be right though… about overstaying our welcome.” Alyssa said, walking forward into the portable building and feeling the gentle chill of the air conditioning from within it brush past her face. Without too much difficulty the pair of them walked in, Alyssa taking the lead just so they could fit through the doorway easier. Once inside she smiled at the volunteers there willing to help. A few tables set with stacks of cans and other fairly non-perishable goods. A couple shelves with boxes of processed foods like cereals, granola bars, even candies for those who were diabetic and needed to watch their sugar levels in some way. There wasn’t a lot of it, but there were fresh fruits packed too along a back wall on another table. The volunteers were making pre-packaged paper bags full of clothes for people to take. Easier than ‘shopping’ for them yourself or for one person to take more than their fair share. Alyssa grinned at one of the ladies who was straightening the paper bags on a table, and took a couple steps closer in order to ask if she could take one for William. It would certainly be enough, at least, she assumed it would be. However, that’s when she began to feel it. A slight twinge of doubt and hesitation. There was resistance from him in her hand, and she paused to see why. William was rooted to the spot, his arm stretched out with hers only because she had taken a step or two further than he had. Her head turned and those soft gray eyes looked up at William’s face. It was slight, just starting, but Alyssa could tell that something was off. Something not quite right. The warmth outside had not permeated the cooler indoor area, but Alyssa felt a chill run down her spine. Slowly, she moved back so she stood in front of him, the volunteer she had been walking towards looking over at the pair curiously.
“William..?” Alyssa said gently, barely above a whisper so that only he could hear. If he could hear or see her at all that is. Something was wrong, so very wrong, and Alyssa imagined it had to be his past haunting him again. Had to be something he was seeing that wasn’t truly there. Her hand held his tightly, trying to remind him that she was still there. He wasn’t in his past, he was safe and cared for. The other hand gently lay over his chest again, where it had been before. Her fingertips could feel his heart pounding, but this beat was different then it had been just a few moments ago outside. Before, it had thudded like an excited drummer, given the sticks for the first time and wanting to show just how quickly they could make the heart race. This time, it felt like his heart was pounding against the bars of a cell, desperate to get out, for freedom from whatever was after it. Swallowing a little, Alyssa remained in front of him, holding her hand against his chest and waiting patiently. “Is he alright?” She heard one of the volunteers ask kindly and Alyssa nodded her head with her back turned to the gray haired older woman. She meant well, and Alyssa could feel that in her words. A good soul. Thank you for caring. The angel thought, keeping her gaze up at Will to try and figure out what was going on in his head. This wasn’t the first and wouldn’t be the last time, but she was patient. She could wait, and she at least hoped it would be an ease for him to know that on the other side of his pain, she was there to provide any kind of comfort he needed. While he held the backpacks and his own things, in addition to her hand at their sides, Alyssa quietly let her forehead fall softly against his collarbone. The angel didn’t know what else to do, other than to wait until he had come back to her. From wherever the depths of his mind had taken him. Her words were quiet, softer than the sound of an owl’s wings in a still summer night. Just enough for his ears only. J
ust enough to try and soothe and comfort. Just enough, to hopefully bring him back. “I’m here Will… You’re not alone.. You’re safe, and cared for…I promise, I won’t leave you…There’s nothing to be frightened of…” @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 02-Jan-23 01:42 AM
William could not shake the fear that reached out and grabbed at him, slamming into his chest as his eyes fell to the door handle of the portable building. The voices around him were beginning to weaken and grow distorted. They transitioned from volunteers offering clothes to screams of wounded men and women who laid on the side of the street. Their bodies were broken and twisted from the effects of a vehicle-bound IED that had blown up at the front gate of the base. The vehicles on the roads transitioned to Hummers, armored personnel carriers, and lightly armored vehicles armed with cannons on top. Closing his eyes as a wash of cold fear washed over him and the warmth of California was leached from him, Will could feel the warmth of Alyssa’s hand in his as they stepped through the door of the portable and into the building. It was something that he tried to latch onto in order to stay here in the moment, but as the air conditioning of the building swept over his face, his memory fully took him. The weight of Alyssa’s hand was replaced by the hard polymer grip of his standard issue assault rifle. Looking down at the weapon, he checked to make sure that he had a round chambered before the stench of the room hit him. Spent explosives, burning flesh, and blood filled his senses as he looked at the bodies of fellow Marines and Soldiers laid out in the concrete guard room before him. The bomb had detonated beside the building, a clearly purposeful attack to try to ruin the base’s initial defensive measures. The Afghan citizens caught in the blast were acceptable casualties to the man that was vaporized by the detonation. The wall closest to the bomb had been blown inwards, decimating the gate attendees that were on duty to check the identification of any vehicles or pedestrians entering the base. The windows in the wall made the concrete too weak to stop the shock waves of the blast, and the men inside the small room were completely crushed. .
William didn’t even waste his time by walking into the smoking room where they were, knowing from the collapsed structure that the men inside were gone. Kneeling down beside a Marine with an amputated right leg beneath the knee, he set his rifle down and reached into the man’s leg pocket for his first aid kit. It was common practice to use a wounded man’s equipment on him rather than using your own, so most everyone kept them in the same general area. Pulling a tourniquet from the kit, William set it on the man’s good leg before reaching his right hand behind his back to grip the handle of his KA-Bar knife that he was issued. Seeing the man sit up to grab at him with tears streaming down his cheeks, William heard the man’s pleas for morphine and simply shook his head. With the amount of blood the man had lost, as evidenced by the puddle beneath him, he could not safely give him the pain relief. There were too many variables affecting and lowering his blood pressure, he didn’t want to accidentally kill the Marine by giving him morphine and further lowering his blood pressure. A massive gash was in the man’s pants where the shrapnel had amputated his leg but had failed to cut through his pants entirely. Slipping the blade of his knife into the opening, William quickly cut away the excess cloth before rolling it up to expose the man’s wound. Narrowing his eyes when a jet of blood squirted out of the savage wound and sprayed across his chest, he rolled the pants up above the man’s knee and reached for the tourniquet again. Wrapping the band around the man’s thigh, he buckled it tight before gripping the rod and turning it to cinch the band down on the leg. Turning several times until the visible blood streams from the wounds started to lessen in intensity, William locked the rod in place before reaching back to the man’s kit. Grabbing several packets of gauze, he ripped them open and pressed them against the bloody stump. .
William ignored the Marine’s screams of pain as he worked, knowing that without this, he would likely die. The other men that had entered the security building with him were either helping other wounded or were busying themselves with starting to excavate the men in the collapsed room. They could not know for certain if they were all dead, but Will had chosen to take action on someone that he knew without a doubt was alive. Sighing as he finished wrapping a bandage around the stump, he looked around the room and felt his stomach drop when he saw the mangled remains of the man’s leg. If it had been in good enough shape, he would have given it to the man to carry with him in case it could be reattached. In its current state, it was best not to put false hope in the man’s heart when it would be deemed impossible in the medical tent. With the most obvious wound treated, William sheathed his knife before looking the man over for any other injuries. Nothing stood out, but as he looked the man over, the wounded Marine started coughing and sputtering with blood spilling from his lips. Feeling his eyes quickly widen in immediate worry, William reached up and pulled the quick release tabs on the Marine’s chest rig to expose his chest and allow him to see any wounds. No immediate signs of injury stood out to him, drawing more worry from him. Looking at the bright white rectangle that was the exit door, William breathed in deeply before bellowing for a corpsman. Calling out a few times and hoping that someone would hear him, Will shuffled on his knees to kneel beside the man’s chest. Grabbing his opposite shoulder, he rolled him up onto his side so that the blood could drain from his mouth and throat without risk of drowning him. It was with his hands against his back that William noticed the man was no longer breathing. His hands clenched at Will’s arms and chest rig in the terror of suffocating, but there was nothing he could do to start breathing again. .
Shaking his head in a fit of rage as he looked down at the man, William felt a sense of desperation crawling up his throat as he watched the man struggling to breathe to no avail. He had suffered an internal wound that had either burst a blood vessel that was now pumping blood onto his lung and depressing it or his lungs had been blown out by the force of the explosion. Trusting his initial instinct that it was the prior, William crawled onto the man’s legs and knelt over him as he pulled his overshirt apart at the buttons. Reaching under the man’s back to pull his knife from his sheathe, William brought the blade quickly down the man’s body as he lifted his undershirt away from him. Cutting the cloth and exposing the man’s chest, WIlliam looked at the door and bellowed for a corpsman again before looking back down at the man below him. He knew what he had to do, but it would be much easier on his conscience and skillset if there was a medical person there to guide him. As the man gasped uselessly to try to breathe, William knew it would be too late by the time a corpsman or medic got there to guide him. Moving his open hand over the man’s upper chest, he felt lightly for any distortion in the man’s chest and winced when he felt a swollen area under his left collarbone. Breathing in deeply, he looked into the Marine’s eyes as a silent apology for the pain he was about to bring before moving into action. Driving the point of the man’s knife into his chest at the area of swelling, William pulled his head back quickly when a jet of blood shot from the wound and sprayed up to hit the ceiling above. Pulling the blade out and setting it aside, he squeezed his fingers over the swollen lump as more blood poured from it. The man below him took one short gasp of air before a coughing fit came over him, his right hand moving to cover his mouth. The coughing subsided as the man forced himself to suck in deep breaths of air that pushed more blood from the wound in his chest. .
Pushing back off of the man, William breathed out deeply and shook his head as he crawled to a place where he could stand up. Picking up his rifle, he held it in his right hand before looking up quickly when a distinctive popping sound could be heard from outside of the base. Recognizing it as small arms fire quickly, he glanced down at the man and reached his left hand down to help the man up to his one leg. He needed to get him to the medical area for a real fix to his issues, but there would be no way of moving him if the owners of those shots were assaulting the base. Leaning the man against the wall and scooting over a broken chair, William pointed at it and spoke quickly, “Lean on that til I get back, do you understand?” “Yes, Sergeant.” The man’s words were soft and weak in their delivery, but William could only understand that it had to be because of the wound he just suffered. Looking to the other Marines that were patching up others, he nodded firmly as he decided that he would be the one to go and get the stretcher bearers to help get them out of there. Sprinting out of the building, he immediately took cover behind a barricade of sandbags. Heavy thudding sounds on the other side of the barricade told him that someone had fired at him. Grinning as he silently thanked the sandbags for doing their jobs, he raised his rifle and glanced over the barrier quickly. Three Afghani men were sprinting at him with rifles in their hands, and behind them he could see easily two dozen more approaching. Leveling his rifle and squeezing off three short bursts of accurate fire, he dropped the closest men before pushing to his feet and sprinting to the next barrier that he could see. Crouching behind a Hummer which already had two Soldiers behind it, William spoke quickly after seeing their ranks, “Lance Cor- Fuck, Specialist. Any sign of a medic or corpsman? I got wounded in the buildin’ over there.” .
Seeing the man shake his head quickly before flinching as several loud impacts could be heard against the up-armored Hummer, William nodded slowly before peaking up and glancing over the vehicle. Bringing his rifle with him and squeezing off two more bursts to drop a man with a rifle, he saw a man to his left with an RPG tube and felt his eyes widen quickly. Seeing the weapon pointing directly at him, William whipped his aim around and emptied the rest of his magazine into the man’s chest. He could hear the ignition of the propellant as the man fell forward, but his aim had been adjusted by the shots to his chest. William’s immediate joy at surviving was dashed when he watched the projectile skitter across the ground before disappearing into the building he had just exited. Standing and screaming in furious denial, William could do nothing but watch as the dark rectangle of the doorway lit up in a fiery explosion. The building shook for a moment, as if trying to fight gravity, before it collapsed on itself in a billowing cloud of concrete, dust, and blood. Standing as he was, William was exposed behind the Hummer. A solid impact slammed into his chest, dropping him to his ass. He looked down at himself and saw the ripped fabric that showed where he had been shot. However, in addition to the shot, he also saw the beautiful blonde hair of his guardian angel. Alyssa was leaned against him, and he could feel her warmth and her presence. The memory fought back though, showing him the specialist beside him pulling him in behind the vehicle before looking him over for any sign of injury. Struggling to catch his breath after having it knocked out of him, William could hear the man declaring how lucky he was that the armor caught it. His lips moved to say those words, but the sound reaching William’s ears was a distorted mess. .
“I’m here Will… You lucky son of a bitch...You’re not alone.. You’re safe, and cared for…Somebody is looking out for you, the armor caught it...I promise, I won’t leave you…Oh fuck, there are more coming!! Get up, we need you!!...There’s nothing to be frightened of…Oh my God, we’re going to be overrun!! Feeling the heat of the desert dissipating into a soothing stream of air conditioned air over his face, William blinked slowly to see the interior of the portable building that he had followed Alyssa into. He could see the food immediately, with the smiling faces of the volunteers following quickly after. A wash of awkwardness flowed through him as he realized that he had just had a PTSD episode in front of complete strangers. The wash of self-hatred fell away quickly when he felt warmth over his heart and pressed into his collarbone. Looking down and seeing the top of Alyssa’s head, he breathed in deeply before leaning his head down slowly to press his lips against the top of her head. Lifting his free hand with the bags held in it slowly, he wrapped his arm around her and breathed out steadily as he held her against him. Smiling softly, he whispered in a low voice, “Thank you Alyssa. I could feel you and hear you.” @Fiory
The young looking woman stood still, holding herself there and refusing to move. Why now? What had triggered him? She couldn’t rightly say, had no way of truly knowing. His eyes had gone blank, staring off into a world only he could see and hear. His fingers trembled like they were grabbing hold of something other than her hand. His muscles twitched where he stood, clenching and flexing in reaction to whatever memory was pulling him onward. Alyssa did her best, tried to coax him back gently, concerned for how long he might be trapped within his own mind but no matter what she seemed to say or how she held him, William was lost in his own head. I can’t just stand here and wait… there has to be some way, something I can do to understand what he’s going through… She thought, her stormy gray eyes blinking and glaring at his chest that she had laid her head against. The emotions she felt were faint this time, for whatever reason they were being blocked. Unlike before when she had felt the overwhelming sense of grief and anger from him, this memory was locked down tight. Something was far worse in this memory than he wanted to share, and for Alyssa that was troubling enough. A twitch in his hand made her think for just a moment. Blinking as she glanced down at his quivering fingers in her grasp, Alyssa had a moment of clarity. She had a bad signal reaching Malach when she was holding William’s hand. Almost like she had a bad connection to heaven itself. Maybe this was similar. Maybe she needed a better connection point. I don’t know… but… it can’t hurt to try right? She thought, grasping his hand tightly and pulling it up to her face. Without hesitation, watching his digits quiver like they were trying to perform some kind of action within the confined prison of his memories, Alyssa pressed her lips to the back of his hand. She held there, willing herself to stay still and reach out deep to find out what was wrong. Wanting him to let her in, knocking on the door of
his subconscious. It happened faster than she had thought, a flaming hot burst of a feeling that seared her insides and burned her chest. No fire was visible, only felt for the angel and her eyes snapped closed tightly to try and make sense of it. There was heat and fear and desperation. There was a sense of urgency and pain and Alyssa was overwhelmed with it all. What was worse was flashes of light and fire danced over her closed eyes, unable to decipher what the images meant or what they were, or even where they were. It was everything and nothing and Alyssa finally had some semblance of understanding the horror that went through Will during these episodes.
"Oh Will…" she murmured, her eyes opening and welling with tears as she couldn't stand the fighting and the devastation any further. Angry at herself for being cowardly and filled with fear enough to snap herself out of it and back to reality. Knowing full well that William would continue suffering in it alone. He's not alone. I'm here. I won't leave. I'll be here when he comes out of it. She thought determined to keep that promise as the tears fell and wet his shirt. "Miss..?" It was the older lady, the volunteer that had asked if Will was alright before. Her gnarled hand fell gently on Alyssa's shoulder and the angel sucked in breath at the foreign touch. She was too sensitive, too in tune with Will's emotions to be able to handle the concern and worry that she felt through the woman's touch. "Are you two alright?" "Y-Yes..We…We’re alright…Pl-Please…." Alyssa whimpered, breathing heavily as she let Will's hand fall back to their sides. Her arm was trembling, and the back of her shirt fluttered. To the untrained eye of the volunteer who gingerly removed her old hand from Alyssa's shoulder, it would just look like the air conditioning had wafted her shirt and lifted it slightly. Alyssa knew better. She could feel her wings aching under her skin and fabric, pulling for just a moment to be released and fluttering dangerously against the fabric of her shirt. The angel wanted nothing more than to fly away from the pain and the sorrow and the hurt that she was experiencing vicariously through William’s touch. But her feet remained rooted to the spot, everything in Alyssa willing her wings back down, back into that intricate tattoo she held on her back, flattening her feathers accordingly. They seared in pain, but complied, leaving Alyssa breathing a little heavier against William. The older woman nodded, and moved back to her station, letting the pair be on their own to get over whatever they were going through.
All Alyssa could do was stand there and wait, her knees threatening to give out on her, her legs trembling at holding herself strong and waiting there. The emotions that he was feeling with his memories had been so intense they nearly knocked the wind right out of her. Coupled with the kindly woman’s attempt to comfort her, Alyssa was nearly at her breaking point. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold herself up, afraid of failing William and not being strong enough to help him. Frightened of giving herself away to more humans when she shouldn’t have revealed herself even to Will, and worried she would be recalled to heaven and dismissed. Back to Cherub sitting for another thousand years, never to visit or learn or enjoy earth again. Please… Please please come back… She begged, not daring to open her mouth as she leaned herself back where she had been, holding her hand over his heart, her forehead resting on his collarbone. Her soft blonde hair covered her face a little and shrouded her eyes in shade as she inwardly pleaded for him to be alright. Suddenly she felt him shift, he was finally moving, his free arm wrapping around her back and she felt her chest breath in rapidly like she’d flown a thousand miles without stopping. His hold around her was warm and gentle, and she felt his breath steady on her head through her gentle locks. Her eyes opened wide, thinking perhaps that her prayers had been answered, that he was coming out of it, that he would truly be alright. ”Thank you Alyssa. I could feel you and hear you.”
Relief washed over her like a crashing ocean wave. It broke so hard she nearly lost feeling in her legs and collapsed right there and then. It was lucky he had his arm around her as it helped her regain her footing and hold herself up. Her hand on his chest trembled and her fingers gently curled to grasp the fabric of his shirt just so she could try and steady herself again. This episode had been so much on her as much as it was on him. Her breath was a little ragged against his chest before she finally was able to stabilize herself and lift her face to look at him. Alyssa’s cheeks were red and there were clear streaks where her tears had fallen, but her face glowed with a soft smile at him. There was a sense of pride that he was able to guide his way out with just her feeling and her voice. She had wanted to reach in and pull him out herself, grab him by the hand and walk him out of the memory but she had gotten too overwhelmed to get far enough in to try. It was something only advanced Guardians could try, to walk the memories of the charges they were with. To guide them out of the tragedy that plagued their minds. It usually came across for the person of a white light, a warmth that pulled them in another direction during a memory or a dream. Sometimes it appeared like they were becoming more aware of the dream itself, and the angel was able to use that to pull them awake again. Alyssa had never tried it, and nearly exhausted herself trying without the proper training or tutelage. She just hoped she hadn’t made the experience worse for him. “W-Welcome back… William…” Her voice shook even though she did her best not to let it. She had to be a pillar, a beacon for him to lean on. It wasn’t fair of her to potentially make him worry about her wellbeing. Her fingers slowly released his shirt, flexing a little to rid her hand of the trembles that ran through her muscles and bones. Quiet like a church mouse, she raised that hand to his face, her palm gentle on his
cheek as she looked up at him. Alyssa was examining him, checking that he was back, that he had escaped the torment of his memory and when she realized that he had indeed escaped the hellish prison he’d been in, she sighed in relief. “I’m.. I’m glad you’re alright Will…”
For anyone looking, it might have appeared that the pair were romantically involved. He held tenderly against her in a warm embrace, while she reached up to hold his face softly in her hand. At any moment the couple of volunteers that were looking at the pair imagined they would share a passionate kiss right there in the portable, just like in so many movies and books. Alyssa gently let her thumb caress over his cheek, before she blinked and realized just how intimately close they had gotten. She hadn’t cared necessarily when he was going through that episode, knowing he needed her warmth and her presence in order to snap out of it, but now that he was aware of himself again, Alyssa’s face flushed a brilliant shade of crimson. “We…um… should get the groceries we need… and… um… if… if you’re feeling b-better… We can continue on…” Her words were stammered, flustered and quiet as she retracted her hand but never let her stormy gray eyes look too far away from him. She felt all wrong, all turned upside down and around. And not in the way that she would have while in flight and enjoyed it. Her heart hammered against her chest and she felt the need to be as far away as possible, but never to leave Will’s embrace. The feeling was strange and foreign, and try as she might, Alyssa really had no idea what to make of it. Gently, she pushed herself back as she tried to right herself, trying desperately to be that rock that he needed. So transfixed on Will and on making sure she wasn’t acting too strangely, the feeling of a hand on her shoulder made Alyssa flinch and jump, startled at the touch.
“Deary?” It was that same older woman, and in her other hand she held a bag that had been filled with an assortment of different foods. It looked a little more full than others that had been on the table, and while Alyssa whipped her head around to look at the woman, her gaze traveled to the bag and then back to the volunteer’s face. “I’m sure you’re here for something to eat… It was admirable watching you take care of your boyfriend like that…Poor dears…We packed this sack for you both to take…God bless you both.” The woman’s words were kind and soft, comforting like an old grandmother and Alyssa just nodded unsure what to say. “I… Th-Thank you ma’am…” Was all she managed to squeak out of her mouth, though she was so confused by what she had said. Alyssa was sure that the old woman had complimented her, hadn’t she? It sounded like she had, so the proper thing to respond with was ‘thank you’ right? But… What’s a boyfriend? She wondered, puzzled at the word. She wanted to ask Will right then what it meant, but the words wouldn’t form on her lips. Deciding it was best to save the question til later, Alyssa merely waited for Will to speak up and say anything, or take the bag himself. It likely wouldn’t fit in her small backpack though she was confident she could put some of the items in it if they tried. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 05-Jan-23 08:21 PM
Looking down at Alyssa as his mind came back to the present, William felt a wash of emotions that threatened to make their way to the surface. The first of these was a momentary confusion as he did not recognize her as someone that should be touching him. All in all, the angel had only been accompanying him on this trek through the city for about five hours now, so he was not used to having someone pressed against him and waiting patiently for him on the other side of his hallucinogenic episodes. The confusion was then replaced by anger with himself for allowing the memory to surface from walking into a building. People walk into buildings every day, you dumbass. You think you can just freak out every time a little bit of air conditioning sweeps over you? No, asshole. Get your shit together and suck it up. No one has time to deal with you freaking the fuck out and causing a scene. Nut up or shut up, Marine. Hugging Alyssa against him and kissing the top of her head helped William to calm down; the anger dissipated to hide in the back of his mind until it decided to come out and play again. Too much was on the way to turning towards the better for him to focus on such negativity, so Will breathed in deeply while holding his lips to the top of Alyssa’s head. Her hair carried with it a plain scent of cleanliness that wasn’t spiced up or altered by different scented products, but it brought with it a wave of comfort over the man that fought to control the shiver of fear that trailed up his spine. He hated that after effect of an episode when his mind was still rattled by what he had seen so that his body had a physical reaction. Sighing softly and holding his lips against her even after he spoke, William ignored the people around them for a moment as he allowed himself to melt into the embrace. He barely knew the woman he was holding onto desperately, but when he felt her warmth pressed against his chest, he could feel the coldness of his mind’s terror fading. .
William was working to regain his own steady breathing, concentrating on his pulse and willing it to slow down to where it had been before they entered the building. In doing this, he became hyperaware of the contact shared between him and Alyssa, giving him a clear recognition of her rapid breathing. Not only was her chest expanding quickly as she struggled to catch an actual full breath, but William could also hear the way her breathing was ragged against his chest as if she had just run a marathon. He felt her hand trembling against him before she clenched at his shirt to hold onto him and seemingly anchor herself in this moment of panic or fear. Closing his eyes and rubbing his left hand slowly up her back to try and calm her down, William was aware of the fact that their other hands were still holding each other tightly. He had speculated before that she seemed to know how he was feeling by their contact, much like an empath, so he had to only guess that this contact allowed her to feel the terror and pain of his episode. Opening his eyes, he shifted his head slightly to let his cheek press against her temple. Holding his head against hers as he stilled his hand on her upper back, William breathed in deeply as he thought about what he should say to her. I should apologize to her; I know that for certain. She doesn’t deserve to be swamped with the intensity of these memories. She isn’t even trained or equipped to handle them. She wasn’t there with me. There was no debrief for her to allow her to talk it over with someone. Feeling her head shift slightly as she raised her face to gaze up at him, William lost his train of thought when he saw the flush over her cheeks and the streaks of tears that had poured over them. Torn between wanting to wipe them away with his thumb or kiss them away with his lips, Will settled for simply returning her smile with a small one of his own. .
Seeing her face looking up at him, William could feel the impact against his plate carrier again, but there was no pain with it this time. Instead, he felt nothing but the warmth of her hand holding onto his shirt and the feeling of her body pressed against his with how his left arm was holding her. Aware of how close they were, Will lessened the strength of his hold around Alyssa to allow her the freedom to pull back if she wanted to. Hearing her voice shake as she spoke, William looked over her face slowly to see if there was any sign of injury or bruising that he hadn’t seen before. A spike of fear drove through him quickly as he looked over her again. He had seen clips of other veterans - and heard remarks about himself – that were deep in the throes of their hallucinogenic episodes and struck out at their surrounding friends and family. There was no animosity towards the people they struck; they just happened to be wearing the face of the enemy at that moment in time. Seeing no wounds on her to suggest such an event, Will released a soft sigh of relief. He could feel her hand releasing from his shirt, but Will had not been expecting to feel Ally’s hand coming up to hold onto the side of his face. Holding still for a moment as if he were afraid any movement would disturb her and ruin the contact, William turned his head slightly to press his cheek against her palm. Closing his eyes as he relished the warmth and softness of her touch, he allowed his lips to gently touch the inside of Alyssa’s wrist before his eyes opened slowly. A light blush creeped across his cheeks as he realized what he had done, but he focused on meeting her eyes and nodding a hair when she released her sigh of relief. Feeling his lips pull up at the corners into a grin, William nodded again before speaking softly with a warm chuckle, “You and me both Ally, you and me both.” .
Holding her against him, he could feel a warmth beginning to spread through his stomach as he let his eyes trail over her face again. Instead of letting himself pay attention to the way she was pressed up against his groin, William kept his focus further up as his hand splayed gently across Alyssa’s back. Drawing it slowly up along her spine to her upper back, William held to her desperately and felt his gaze going from her eyes to her lips that were only a few inches away. He wanted to press his own to hers to thank her in a way that he could understand, but when her thumb stroked across his cheek, he could see the rapid flush of crimson that raced across her cheeks. Grinning as he realized what she was likely embarrassed by, he nodded slowly when her hand pulled away from him to be followed by her shaky words. Looking into her eyes and seeing her own drawn to look at him, Will cleared his throat softly before speaking with a small smirk, “I reckon we probably should, shouldn’t we. Daylight’s a burnin’.” Feeling Alyssa shifting to pull herself away slightly and stand up straight rather than being leaned against him, William released some of the strength of his left arm that was holding her against him. He missed the contact nearly immediately, but he knew in his mind that this was probably for the better. No matter how much he enjoyed being pressed up against Alyssa, if she made any kind of sign that she wanted it to stop, he owed it to her to respect her wishes and allow space to be made between them. He lowered his left hand from her upper back to her lower back, resting at the curve of her back before pulling his hand free completely. It was difficult to do, but he wanted to give her the space that she required. His right hand stayed interlaced with hers however, as neither one of them moved to separate them. He was glancing up from her eyes to see their surroundings when he felt Alyssa flinch and jump slightly. .
Turning his attention quickly towards the direction she jumped from, he furrowed his brows and felt his eyes immediately narrow into a glare. His fierce gaze landed on the older woman beside them, but it immediately softened when he saw the bag in her hand and heard the words that came from her lips. Feeling a warmth spread through his chest as he was reminded of his grandmother’s sweet antics back home, William relaxed his eyebrows and smiled kindly before realizing what she had called him. Feeling his eyes widen in surprise quickly, he glanced down at his shirt where there were still wrinkles from Alyssa’s grip earlier. Blushing slightly as he could see how the woman came to her conclusion, William looked to her and smiled warmly while nodding to silently give his thanks. The way they had been embracing would definitely make him think that he was looking at a couple or two people that were at least wanting that. He glanced over to Alyssa to see her reaction, though when he saw the confusion in her features, Will could not help the small grin that played across his lips. William set their bags on the floor before bringing his left hand up to wrap his arm gently around Alyssa’s lower back. Holding his hand on the outside of her hip above the waistband of her pants, William turned to the woman and spoke in a kind tone, “Bless you, ma’am. We ‘ppreciate your kindness. We were here for some food, so thank you for packing this bag for us. Thank you, ma'am.” William did not miss the woman’s words of ‘poor dears.’ Are you sad for us that we are here for food, or are you pitying us because of my position? Is this another person feeling pity for a struggling veteran? Do you want a prize for being one of the many? If you feel so bad, why don’t you actually do something that would help us? Help get us off the street, or, I don’t know, make the government actually support us rather than discarding us like spent brass. . (edited)
His flash of anger sputtered out quickly when he looked into the woman’s eyes. He saw the way her eyes looked over the olive drab and camouflage of his gear and immediately saw his grandmother standing in front of him. A strong woman filled with love and the ability to always smile no matter the situation, she had stood beside his grandfather, uncle, and aunt when he departed the bus station to go to Parris Island. She had stood beside his uncle and aunt to see him at his graduation from bootcamp, her hands resting on the back of his grandfather’s wheelchair. His grandmother had watched her husband put on his boots and grab his gear before walking out of the house and to a bus to the Pacific twice, once to fight the Japanese and then again to fight the North Koreans. She had watched William’s uncle walk out to go and fight the Vietnamese. Smiling gently as he saw his grandmother looking back at him when he left for the Middle East, William separated his hand from Alyssa’s slowly before reaching out to take the bag from the older woman. Watching her smile before turning back to her table, William kept his eyes on her for a moment before looking down at Alyssa with a smile. Pressing his lips against her cheek before tilting his head to look into her eyes, he spoke in a gentle tone, “Let’s get this packed away and then we’ll be on our way to the shelter.” Smiling as he finished, Will lifted his head and glanced over at an empty table meant for gathering your belongings before you left the portable building. Releasing his hand from around Alyssa’s waist, he bent over to grab their bags and carry them over to the table. Once he had set them and the food bag on the table, Will opened both bags and started to sort the food into each of them to make them easier to carry. He had no idea how much Alyssa could carry, but he had to remind himself that she wasn’t human. She could help him balance the load. .
Six cans of baked beans were put into his backpack, along with two jugs of applesauce, two plastic jugs of pasta sauce, another jar of peanut butter, and eight cans of tuna. Zipping up his backpack and adjusting the strap of his sleeping bag that held it to the pack, he lifted it with a soft grunt and put it over his shoulders. Adjusting the straps on the shoulder pads, William shifted the weight higher on his back before finding a strap that reached across his chest to buckle on the other pad. Wiggling his shoulders slightly to feel the weight, he felt an immediate wave of disappointment in himself over the fact that this felt heavy to him but was much lighter than his rucksack he carried in the military. Sighing sharply as he felt his anger building up, William clenched his hands into tight fists before muttering to himself, “You can keep bitchin’ ‘bout this ‘til the cows come home, but it ain’t gonna change shit. Get’cher shit together, Marine. Keep telling yourself you can’t do this or that, and you never will. Can’t never could.” Closing his eyes and exhaling harshly through his nose, William felt his anger still rolling under the surface, but his hands opened and were able to work again. Sifting through the rest of the food they were given, he put it in Alyssa’s bag in a way that would balance out nicely: four boxes of whole wheat spaghetti noodles, two boxes of whole grain crackers, and two boxes of granola cereal bars. Zipping up the bag and picking it up, he walked around behind her and spoke in a deep tone, his voice strained on the edge as he tried to hide his frustration with himself, “Alright, put your arms through. We’ll tighten the straps once you’ve got it on.” @Fiory
It took a good few moments for the angel to compose herself, flooded with human emotions she wasn’t familiar with and the flashes of memories from William’s past. They had made no sense at all to her, and the violent nature of them even had Alyssa a little frightened. How could someone have seen so much pain and devastation in their lifetime? Never had Alyssa known of this kind of destruction and death and heartache. Not since the wars wages by heaven would she have known of anything so horrendous, and even then Alyssa hadn’t actually been present for those. She was created far later, a couple hundred years or so ago by human standards and relatively young in comparison to other angels. It was difficult to determine her exact age, as even she didn’t know. Time works differently in heaven, and it wasn’t something to keep track of. It wasn’t like angels had a birthday to celebrate each year either to help jot down how old they were getting. I don’t know how I can help him. He’s seen so much… I don’t think I can help. I’ve no idea what he’s really going through and when I tried, his memories forcibly removed me. Why would Malach assign me a case that I couldn’t handle though? I’m sure there’s a reason that William was assigned to me. I don’t know what that is.. But.. I’m going to keep trying.. Her had swam with the initially negative and defeated idea of not being able to help Will or bring him to a path he should be on. It quickly melted into more determination; Alyssa had never been one to quit, and she was far too curious to learn about the world around her to throw in the proverbial towel already. Nope, whether William liked it or not, he was stuck with her until such a day that she was no longer needed.
Though judging by the way he held her, Alyssa was beginning to think that a day like that might never come. Her gaze moved to the way his hand had held the outside of her hip when he spoke to the elderly lady. Alyssa tilted her head down at it, unsure of what to make of the close gesture. It wasn’t unpleasant she noticed, though she wasn’t altogether sure what to make of it. It was like he wanted her close but was trying to give her the freedom of movement as well. She contemplated removing his hand, thinking perhaps it was something she should do, but in the end Alyssa just let William keep her close in this way. It was keeping him calm, keeping that anger in check and while it wasn’t a permanent fix it certainly was something to work off of. Some progress was better than no progress at all. Alyssa smiled instead up at him, proud of the fact of his manners being used towards this older woman, that he had made it back from his memories that tortured him, and while she had attempted to help, she really couldn’t take any credit for his achievement. As far as she was concerned, she merely waited for him to return, and was a warm smile for him to see first once he’d come to. Now that she’d calmed a little, knowing that Will was alright and he was able to come back to his senses, Alyssa was able to really get an up close look at him. She’d gotten quite close this time, enough that the smell he held about him was still tickling her nose. Other than the normal body odor that was expected and not complained about by her, there was a rustic warmth he had too. He might have thought he smelt horrible, but all Alyssa caught was the smell of grass and dirt, musk of the males of humans but a warmer version that was a specific cologne only for William. He vaguely smelt of gunpowder and fire and smoke. She wasn’t necessarily sure why his particular brand of scent was this way, but she couldn’t deny that it didn’t bother her. Alyssa thought it should have, but strangely it didn’
t. She wouldn’t deny that a good washing was in order for him regardless, it just surprised her that she wasn’t bothered at all by the assault of her nose. In addition to that she was noticing how easy it was to get close to him. Was it always this easy to get close to your human charge? Did every angel feel like this? It must make it difficult not to reveal yourself if everyone feels like this She thought quietly, lost in her own thoughts on the matter and replaying the day in her head thoughtfully.
“Let’s get this packed away and then we’ll be on our way to the shelter.” “O-Oh.. Yes. That’s a good idea.” His words seemed to shake her from her intense thought session, nodding in agreement and following him over to the table he had begun setting up on. She watched with interest at the different foods he placed in his bag and placed in hers. It didn’t look like items she immediately recognized as food, but Will didn’t seem bothered by the assortment of items they had given them. Alyssa was grateful for anything they got. Anything that helped William was a step in the right direction. It wasn’t lost on her however that he seemed to be putting the lighter items in her bag, and the heavier ones in his. I.. Can carry stuff. I’m sure I can. You don’t have to take everything Will.. She thought, her eyes watching as he adjusted the bag on his shoulders and seemed to glower at the weight of it. She didn’t quite catch the mumbling he said under his breath, just that it seemed agitated not at anyone specific in particular but at himself. Her head tilted at a particular statement he made. “ ‘Get yer…um..stuff.. Together?’ “ She repeated, changing the language in it so she wasn’t quite swearing like had. Wasn’t that what they were doing? Gathering items and putting them in bags to put together? Why did he need to tell himself to do exactly what they were doing? The concept of his pep talk wasn’t quite something that made sense to her, but if it helped him to focus and it didn’t seem to hurt him, Alyssa just shrugged a little allowing it. Instead she watched him go behind her and request her arms to go through the straps of the bag. She put her right arm through the trap and then the left, just as she’d seen Will do before and even though her bag was not as heavy as his, she instantly felt heavier.
“Huh…This is so strange..” She said softly, feeling herself tip backward a little at first before she caught her foot behind her to right herself. “I’ve never carried anything before. It’s an odd feeling, being heavier than you are.” She said with a light chuckle on her lips. She was careful to say this quietly so only William could hear her, fascinated with the idea that humans must be very creative and strong, able to carry weights on their back like this. Alyssa looked at the straps and adjusted them so that the bag fit snug on her shoulders but winced as it pressed against her back. Hm… Guess they don’t have that issue… She thought, loosening the strap again so it wasn’t quite so tight. Once it was comfortable, she turned so William could inspect the job properly. He certainly knew what he was doing far more than she was. Alyssa watched as he took the straps of her bag in his hands, tightening and adjusting here and there just to be sure it was secured. Was this what he was used to doing? Had he done this before when he was a soldier? Perhaps… She thought, letting her gaze lift to look him in the face instead. She noted how he seemed a little frustrated with himself and she tilted her head at it. What did he have to be frustrated about? Alyssa wasn’t sure what to ask him in order to find out what was wrong. Something certainly seemed to be bothering him, it was written on his face and she had a way of seeing that. Blinking a little, her hands came up and she realized she still had streaks on her face from when she couldn’t hold the tears back. During the episode she waited for him to return from. Oh! Maybe he’s mad about that. I.. Couldn’t really help it. Human emotions are a lot to take on.. He shouldn’t be upset about that. She put on a brighter smile, wiping her face gently before holding the straps in her thumbs after they’d been adjusted.
“I’m alright Will… You don’t have to worry about me. I hope you won’t. I’m here for you, remember?” It was gentle, understanding. Hoping she had read him correctly, that he was upset with himself about something and she just wanted to make sure it wasn’t with her or anything she had done. Without another word she turned to take a few steps forward with the new weight on her shoulders. She looked a little odd, her gaze at her feet to make sure she knew where she was stepping like she was certain that the added weight wouldn’t allow her to move properly. It wasn’t like it was very heavy at all, perhaps a few extra pounds but certainly less than twenty. For her, it was enough of a difference that she felt heavier than the feather lightness she was so used to. It was such a strange feeling, it made her softly giggle thinking how humans did this all the time, carried things like this and how amazing they were to her. Then her mind went to the heavier items that William had put in his own bag, having heard how they had thudded in his bag and how he had struggled more than she had put them on her back. As the pair of them walked out of the portable building, bags secured and ready to leave, Alyssa couldn’t help the admiring look she gave him. “You must be quite strong William… Carrying all that. It’s very impressive.” Her statement was genuine, no malice or ill will made with it. She was quite impressed with how William seemed able to carry so much at one time. She had hundreds of years under her belt of being near weightless, floating from cloud to cloud, and now suddenly with a little weight she no longer felt so lighter than air. So she couldn’t imagine how much stronger he was taking on much more than she was and able to walk with little trouble in his step. Sweetly, she waved to the older woman who had helped them as a way to say goodbye before pushing walking towards the door and pushing it open for both her and Will to step through. The sun shone brightly down
on them as they walked with the church and its helpful congregation and not so helpful pastor. Keeping strides with him, Alyssa made sure to walk at his side, leaving her hand low if he wanted to take it again. She had liked holding it, as it gave her a little clarity into his emotions and somewhat his memories. Strangely she wasn’t getting messages from heaven at the moment either and she wondered why, as she was sure Malach would have some strong words for how close she’d gotten to William. Though, she wouldn’t deny the continued quiet was nice and she wasn’t about to disrupt it.
Once the pair were out of earshot of anyone at the church, walking on their own without prying eyes or eavesdropping passers by, Alyssa couldn’t help herself. She had bottled up so many questions, and her curiosity was getting the better of her. She turned to look up at Will’s face as she spoke softly to him. Alyssa wanted so badly to ask him every question under the sun. Why did humans do this or that? What was the purpose of some of the items in that shop with Michael? Could they go back sometime to look at them? Everything fascinated her, capturing her curiosity in its depths. Earth was marvelous, so beautiful and so full of life. But before she could get out one question, a pressing subject came to her mind that she needed to ask him first. There would be no going forward without knowing the answers to the questions in this line of inquiry. And Alyssa knew the answers wouldn’t come easily either. So she would start with questions that were more lighthearted, that felt easier to answer before hitting him with something that might make him upset or angry. “Can… Can I ask you a couple questions? I’m so curious to know, but I don’t want to upset you or bother you with them…” She started, looking up at Will as they walked along.
If he was agreeable to it, she’d smile brightly at him, immediately going into her first of many inquiries. Asking questions about the artwork they’d seen in the tunnel earlier that day, like why people painted them in such a dark place? Why would they want to hide something so creative? Her questions continued after that to later in the day, things she’d been keeping back to ask him but couldn’t bottle up any more. She asked what the little boxes that humans had in their hands all the time were and why they seemed so transfixed on them? What was so interesting about the little things that fit in their hands? The questions would then turn towards William’s career, asking what a Gunnery Sergeant did? Were there others like him? Did all Marines wear the same thing that he did? Michael hadn’t, why was that? Though any question he didn’t want to answer Alyssa certainly understood and didn’t press him on it. If he was not agreeable to it, she would just nod her head quietly, understanding that perhaps this wasn’t the best time to be asking a thousand different questions about humans and how they operated in the world. She certainly wanted to know but she had plenty of time to learn, and Alyssa was patient. Regardless if he allowed her to question him as they walked along, once they spotted the shelter building in sight, Alyssa couldn’t help herself as they neared the building. Her gaze turned to him again quietly, wanting to ask this before they stepped inside the building and dealt with anyone inside. Before possibly triggering another memory for him, or making him go through an episode of fear and pain. “William…” She began slowly, just to get his attention first. “Can.. Can you tell me, what memory you were stuck in? I tried to pull you out… and… I couldn’t get through…” Alyssa explained, her gaze moving towards the concrete in what could only be seen as shame or defeat. “So… I imagine it was a strong memory… and I want to understand why your past a
ffects you so much. That way… I hope that I can help…” her voice dropped a little more, her shoulders slumping a little before she finished the last of her sentence to him, the hint of disappointment in her words. “Better than I did today at least…” @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 12-Jan-23 01:48 AM
William was aware of Alyssa standing beside him as he packed their backpacks with the food provided by the church. He was also very aware of the little movements of her eyes and her eyebrows as he portioned out the items and decided where they would be settled. He knew that somewhere in a social circle well outside of his own, an action like this would be seen as rude and belittling towards his female companion, but Will couldn’t give a shit what any of those people might say. He had been raised to take care of the women in his life, and Alyssa was quickly becoming a central part of his life. Jimmy had not done anything to stop him from climbing that guardrail into the interstate. Jimmy had watched from his fiery abyss while William waited for the suffering to end. No, the only one who helped him and saved him was Alyssa, so she was quickly climbing the ladder of importance for the Marine. He knew that she could likely carry more than he gave her, but he also knew how much she had already done for him so loading her like a mule felt grossly inappropriate. It seemed that his grumbling to himself had not been internalized, so when Alyssa repeated a form of what he said, William looked to the Angel with an immediate look of worry. How much has she heard? I can’t keep talking like this in front of her or she is going to leave me. Swallowing thickly as he lowered her backpack to help her with getting her arms through the straps, Will nodded slowly before clearing his throat and speaking in a soft voice, “It’s a phrase I grew up hearin’. It ain’t necessarily talkin’ ‘bout gettin' yer phys’cal stuff together. It’s more ‘bout getting' yer act straight so you can keep movin’ forward. Pick yerself up and knock the dust off, kinda.” Holding the weight of the bag until her arms were through the straps appropriately, William lowered the backpack the rest of the way onto her shoulders. .
Seeing her tip back slightly at the weight, he braced his right hand against the backpack with a grin before chuckling. Holding his hand in place until her foot went back and she braced herself against the weight, Will looked at the small smile that played over her lips as she spoke. His eyebrows rose slowly on his forehead at the words before he nodded in silence. How had she never carried anything in her life? Do they not have items to take from place to place in Heaven? Or do they carry everything by hand? That can’t be very productive in a time crunch. Watching her adjust the straps and tighten them, he saw the wince on her features and immediately knew what it came from. He didn’t have to worry about them himself, but he remembered her wings and knew that must have been the pain she felt. Stepping around in front of her, he whispered softly in reply, “Hopefully you don’t have to carry much, but I’ll be careful to make sure yer...back doesn’t get hurt. You’ve gotta make sure yer posture is right or else you’ll do more harm than good.” The smile on his lips fell into a stern tight-lipped expression as he moved his hands to grip the padded sections of her straps, his hands moving with practiced precision to make sure that her backpack was settled correctly. High enough on her back that the weight distribution wasn’t pulling back on her balance, but loose enough to not chafe her from the natural movements of the bag during a walk or jog. He slipped his right hand under the backpack to feel her upper back gently, trying to get a feel of if her wings were coming out or if they were simply sensitive. Feeling only the soft fabric of her shirt, William felt a blush creeping over his cheeks as he realized how private and sensitive her limbs might be. Yet here he was touching them. Slipping his hand out and swallowing as he focused his eyes on the straps of her bag, he tightened them and situated them so that there was room over her wings while still being secure. .
What the fuck is wrong with you, Marine? You think she wants your dirty hands all over her fucking body like she is some cheap whore? No!! Keep your hands to yourself or I swear to Chesty, I’m going to break my foot off so far in your ass that you’re going to be flossing your teeth with my God damn bootlaces!! The voice screaming in his head was an amalgamation of his own commentary to new recruits and the voice of the drill instructor that had screamed in his face during processing at bootcamp. Feeling his brows furrowing as he saw the straps of her backpack changed from their white hue to an olive drab, William slowly lifted his head to see not Alyssa standing in front of him but Jimmy with a smile spread over his youthful face. Hearing the engines of the plane sounding around him as he adjusted the straps of Jimmy’s parachute, Will closed his eyes tight and felt a snarl playing at his upper lip as he heard Jimmy’s voice. ‘Alright Gunny, you be careful with those straps. I don’t want to freefall suddenly, but I also don’t want my family jewels cracked.’ Holding firmly to the straps in front of him as he tried to push back the memory of jumping into Kenya with his team, William concentrated on the sound of the air conditioning humming much quieter than any plane engine ever had. Feeling the thick fabric of the parachute harness becoming the thin straps of Alyssa’s backpack again, he opened his eyes and glanced up to see her wiping her cheeks of the tears that had streaked down them before. Releasing his hold on her backpack and moving his hands down by his side, Will could not help the small smile that played at the corners of his lips when he saw her hook her thumbs with the straps. It was such an innocent and simple gesture, and he was instantly reminded of how he would hold his hands with his backpack when he was a boy in school.
Before his parents’ murder and the destruction of his peaceful life. Before he had ever even thought of going into the Marine Corps. Before he could risk falling into memories that would rattle his spirit and psyche. .
William nodded when he heard Alyssa’s gentle reassurances, his eyes closing slowly while he swallowed down a knot of worry and regret. He was concerned that he had hurt her in some way, physical or not, but the comforting words she gave were able to bring a sense of peace to his mind. Letting his lips curve up into a more proper smile, he nodded with a little more purpose to show her that he believed her even if he was struggling to find the words to convey such things. Watching her as she turned to walk towards the door, Will could not help the soft chuckle that fell from his smiling lips. The way that she looked down at her feet reminded him of a child in elementary school that would lean forward at the waist to run with their head down and their arms out like some kind of plane or bird. Grinning and shaking his head as he followed slowly behind her, Will rested his right hand on the back of her bag to be able to grab it and right her center of balance if she looked ready to take a tumble. Hearing her comment and seeing the way that she looked up at him brought a fierce blush to his cheeks, and William couldn’t help the small glance that he made to look at Alyssa and grin as they got to the door. “If you think this is heavy Ally, you should’ve seen what I carried in the Corps,” grinning as he spoke, Will reached over Alyssa’s head when she pushed open the door for them to step out. As he did, he felt a small hand that settled on the outside of his left elbow with a gentle grip. Turning to glance over his shoulder slowly, he saw the same older woman from before holding a second brown bag in her hands. Holding it out to him, the woman spoke with a kind voice, “Here you go honey, some hygiene products and what not to help you two out. I didn’t have room with your food, and I forgot to show you guys to that table. Have a blessed day young man, and may God look after you. Thank you for everything you’ve sacrificed for us.” .
Seeing a tear beginning to form in the woman’s eye as her left hand shifted to a small pin on her shirt, William glanced at the small piece of jewelry and saw the green, khaki, and black stripes on the small rectangle. He recognized the pin as the Desert Storm service ribbon and immediately nodded, a small smile on his lips as he took the small bag in his left hand. Seeing her step away with her now empty hand moving to her eyes, Will nodded slowly before glancing down into the bag to see what was inside. Taking out three bars of soap and a small bottle of basic shampoo, he stuck them into the right leg pocket of his pants. Next came a two-pack of toothbrushes and a container of toothpaste which were quickly deposited into his left leg pocket. The final items caused a gentle blush on his cheeks, but considering the woman’s words earlier, he understood their placement. Wrapping the bag around the five condoms and two pregnancy test strips, William slid the bag into his left front pocket before following Alyssa out of the building. Squinting his eyes to resist the brightness of the sun, he turned his head down and ignored the sensation of needing to sneeze as best as he could. It was to no avail though, for as he looked down, a glint from a window across the street caught his eye. Leaning away from Alyssa as two powerful sneezes racked through his body and caused him to stumble slightly, Will stared down at the ground for a moment before picking his head up and shaking it slightly to try to regain his balance. Looking over at her with a grin as they started to walk, he positioned himself on the outside of the sidewalk again before seeing her hand reach out slightly for his. Lowering his left hand and taking hers gingerly, he laced his fingers through hers before slowly lifting her hand and placing his lips against the back.
Holding there a moment as he looked in her eyes, he lowered her hand after and spoke with a small grin, “Next stop: the shelter. It’s a bit of a walk, but we’ll get there ‘fore the sun goes down.” .
They hadn’t walked far from the church when William saw Alyssa’s face turning up to look at him. He felt immediately like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar and looked away quickly. While they had been walking hand in hand on the sidewalk, he had been taking the opportunity to glance down at her as he could because the sidewalk was not crowded, but now he felt worried that he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t have. When he heard her question and the reasoning behind it, he looked down with a kind smile before nodding and answering her, “You ain’t gonna bother me Alyssa, trust me. Anythin’ you wanna ask, you go right ahead. I’ll be happy to answer what I can.” Smiling as he saw her bright smile back at him, Will breathed in deeply in preparation for the list of questions before answering each one as best he could. The first answers came with a shrug. “Not everybody likes those paintings and stuff as much as you do, Ally. They’re real pretty and creative, sure, but they’re also illegal. The government don’t want people to be markin’ public property with those things because they worry it will ruin the beautification of the city. Therefore, they gotta do their graffiti down in the tunnels so nobody from city hall sees ‘em and gets rid of ‘em.” Shaking his head and sighing softly, Will grinned down at Alyssa before bringing his right hand up as if it was typing on a cell phone as he answered, “Fuckin’ cell phones. They’re helpful and can keep you connected to people, but they’re as addictive as heroin. They let you surf the web and get any answer you want, but they also distract people from the world that is out here waitin’ to be seen. I’ve actually seen someone walk into a pole because they were so focused on that little screen.” .
Laughing softly as they continued walking, William shook his head as he remembered the instance in question. A corporal had been walking with fresh coffee through the rain on base and was checking his phone when he walked into the flagpole and splashed himself and a nearby colonel with the coffee. The screaming that ensued was followed by the corporal mopping up the rain in a downpour while the colonel and the young man’s sergeant watched from under a covered porch with their own coffees in hand. His smile stayed intact as the questions turned to his career, though his brows did furrow slightly. Not out of any upset emotion or reluctance to answer, but more because he didn’t want to mislead her. “There are some Gunnery Sergeants that are in charge of supply or paperwork to make sure the men of their company get everything they need. They are staffers though. I was the kind that worked out in the field with my men. I was what would be called a Platoon Sergeant and shoot yeah there are others like me. Every platoon is led by a LT, short for Lieutenant, and a Staff Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant. We tried to have it be the Gunny so that the other could lead one of the squads or fire teams, but if somebody died, there were promotions made without the usual plannin’.” Looking down at the olive clothes he wore, he nodded slowly before speaking in a lower voice, “Not all veterans wear this, no. Michael and others were able to make a livin’ or some sort of progress when they got out, so they adopted normal clothes. Me? I guess I’m still stuck in the past. I should get some regular clothes at some point, but nothin’ feels right except these. I know it don’t make no sense, but these just feel right, ya know?” .
By the time they finished their walk and Will had answered any other questions that came from the excited Angel, the sun had dipped below the tops of the skyscrapers in the city and doused them in a gentle shade. There were still a few more hours of daylight, but as the shelter came into view, they would be feeling less and less of the sun on them. Glancing over to see how Alyssa reacted to the change with the sun now only reflecting off the west faces of the towers around them, William was met by her gaze back up at him and felt his breath stolen from him immediately. He had looked at her several times in the day they had been walking together, but each time seemed to strike him with more of her beauty and his growing desire. The desire was not helped by the weight in his pocket and the implications behind their presence, but he tried to ignore them as he listened to her questions. Seeing her face and shoulders falling as the disappointment in herself permeated through her words and being, William shook his head slowly before lifting his right hand and cupping his forefinger and middle finger gently under Alyssa’s chin. Lifting her head slowly and holding his thumb on edge of her jaw, Will leaned down and placed his lips against her cheek. Holding there for a couple of moments, he breathed in deeply through his nose before pulling back and speaking in a soft voice, “You helped more than you can ever understand or know, Ally. You saved my life on that interstate, and while I’m still wrestling with whether or not that prolonged my pain or solved it, you’ve been with me every step of the way since. You’ve held my hand and grounded me to reality. You have helped me, and I could feel you in that memory. You helped draw me out. Trust me.” .
Placing his lips against her cheek again, Will held there for a moment longer before pulling back and speaking again, “There was a car bomb in Iraq at the gates of the base I was on. It killed dozens and wounded over a hundred. I was helping the wounded when there was an attack. I was going into a guard tower that had collapsed; that is what I saw first. The portable must have reminded me.” Rubbing his thumb against her jaw idly, William looked into her stormy gray eyes with his own steely orbs and smiled awkwardly. He wasn’t sure how she would receive the details of the flashback, but he also knew that she had asked to hear about it. Looking down at his hand which held her chin, he stroked his thumb over the top of her chin and felt the tip touch the softness of her lower lip. Breathing in shakily, he lowered his hand and looked over her head to the shelter in the near distance. Trying to ignore the flight of butterflies in his stomach, he started walking along the sidewalk again towards the large gymnasium building with a banner over it announcing it as the ‘New Hope Living’ shelter. Walking up to the front door, he smiled at a broad-shouldered black man that was standing in a dark blue polo that had the shelter name embroidered over the left breast. Recognizing the man from before when he had stayed in a nearby overnight shelter, William walked up and stuck his right hand out to shake the man’s. Noticing the glance that he gave towards Alyssa, Will cleared his throat softly before speaking, “Hey Phirlon, I was wondering if you guys had any openings.” The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor tattoo on Phirlon’s right forearm was clearly seen when he took William’s hand, his eyes running over the fellow veteran in front of him before he spoke in a deep voice, “Yeah, we have some cubicles open, but they only have one bed. If you need a cot, just let someone know. You guys will be in G25.” .
Squeezing the man’s hand in a firm, grateful handshake, William nodded his thanks as he recognized that the man hadn’t gone through the normal questions of asking about drug and alcohol use. Will didn’t have any on him, but the fact that he had been drinking this time last night would have barred him access until he went a month without touching any liquor. Pulling Alyssa through behind him before she could ask the man anything, he walked with a purpose as he glanced at the tape marked on the ground that climbed slowly up the alphabet. Walking past cubicles made of plywood that created little eight-foot, square living quarters, Will turned quickly down the G row when they arrived at it. Each cubicle had a plywood door that swung shut and locked in some form of privacy while having an open ceiling so that the gymnasium ventilation reached them. On the plywood door were two stickers that counted up from 01 at the end they were at to 40 at the far end. Continuing down the row and passing silently by the doors that were shut and occupied, William stopped at the front of their assigned cubicle. Inside was a basic bed that was built on a wooden frame and had two pillows and a single thick blanket on it. In the corner was a single chair and on the far wall was one mounted shelf. Looking into it with a small shrug, William looked to Alyssa before motioning in with his right hand, “Home sweet home for now. I’ll go get a cot if you want once I drop off my bag.” @Fiory
The day was beautiful and sunny, and the woman let the rays bask on her skin enjoying the warmth after being in the cooling temperatures of the portable building. Alyssa had walked out just before him while the door had been held open, stepping into the sun and smiling at the glory of the day. She let her thoughts wander to what had happened just moments prior, how William had helped her with her backpack and how he even had seemed concerned for her well being with it. A light tingle ran over the back of her head a moment, thinking of the small moment when he’d stepped in front of her and kept his voice low so only she could hear. ”Hopefully you don’t have to carry much, but I’ll be careful to make sure yer… back doesn’t get hurt.” It was kind of him, compassionate to have thought of her extra appendages that he didn’t have to worry about. Hers thankfully were well hidden, but with the stress of the day that she hadn’t been prepared for, it had made them quite agitated. With the heightened emotions it had made it difficult for Alyssa to keep her normally spread wings tightly held against her. It would be as if you spent your days with both arms and then suddenly one was bent and tied tight against itself, unable to stretch. This was an unfamiliar feeling for her, which was why she’d felt the discomfort of it. It could be managed and Alyssa was confident she could, it would just take her a bit to learn how. However, this wasn’t exactly what she thought about as she stood in the sunshine. It was more what had happened afterwards; Alyssa could still feel his hand against her back and it made her spine tingle in delight. She was quite sensitive, but touch was never something that the young angel would have thought felt as nice as it did. Without even meaning to, she’d even let out a contented sigh, enjoying the brief contact before he’d slipped his hand away. Oh, I hope I didn’t make him uncomfortable… it just felt nice, that’s all… She thought, realizing the pos
sible mistake she’d made.
A hand pulled her hair softly behind her ear as she thought to perhaps ask him later if he wanted to see them, wanted to touch them, mostly because she thought that was perhaps what he had been trying to do. She’d always been told that humans were curious. Or rather that she had a curiosity that could rival a human’s. However her thoughts were paused as she heard the sneezing fit behind her. She hadn’t realized he was only just coming out of the portable building, thinking that he had been right behind her the whole way. Her head tilted watching Will sneeze not once but twice almost violently as he exited the building. What had made him do that? Alyssa looked around, thinking perhaps something had tickled his nose only to find the same sensation making her own twitch and tingle. Unlike William who was loud and forceful, Alyssa’s sneeze came out as a soft high pitched squeak that made her blink in confusion. She’d never sneezed before, there weren’t allergens or dust in heaven after all. She wondered if the practice was normal, or if perhaps Will was getting sick, though it seemed like he was fine and came over to her with a small grin on his face. The pair talked for hours on their way to the shelter. Alyssa asking one question after the next, sometimes adding additional ones to her previous as one answer Will gave would spark one or two more from her. Some things he said she asked clarifying questions to and others she just seemed to nod in acknowledgement. Everything about the human world and how they lived fascinated her. She was so interested in how they did the smallest things, and how creative they were in their everyday lives. Inventing gadgets to do small or large tasks and how sometimes those things seemed to consume their existence. When he got onto the subject of his career, Alyssa was very quiet. This was information she really wanted, wanting to know as much as she could about his past, and what made William who he was today. His career seemed very
complicated, though she noted how William was very patient with any clarifying questions she had when she brought them up of course.
The day dragged on and Alyssa inquired more and more until it seemed she ran out of things to ask. At least for the time being. Her gaze moved to the dipping sunshine, realizing the day had fallen into a warm orange glow of evening without her really even realizing it. The world glimmered with a golden and orange light, sparkling off the skyscrapers and buildings windows as the sun began to pull it’s warmth from the world. Alyssa was mesmerized, she’d always watched from above, but never had gotten the chance at witnessing an evening on earth before. The dying light cast a glow over her soft blonde hair and gentle skin, her stormy gray eyes gleaming brilliantly at it all. It’s so beautiful here.. She thought to herself about her adoration of the glorious sight. This was when she decided to ask her final question, having thought it over and decided that she needed this information in order to be a better guardian angel for him. So Alyssa had asked, her gaze turning up to him to get the answer she so needed. Instead what she got was William taking her by the chin gently and kissing her cheek. As if she’d been sunburnt her cheeks flushed a brilliant red, but her attention was locked on the man in front of her. She had helped? She grounded him and for a moment she felt a swelling of appreciation and pride well in her chest. She wasn’t completely useless then, that was good to know.
His second kiss to her cheek lasted a little longer, and Alyssa felt herself move with him a little when he pulled back, almost like she didn’t mind the connection. On the contrary, the fluttering throughout her body was something she was recognizing as a pleasant experience, one that was exciting and new and enjoyable all at once. Though her joy at the touch was short lived, listening to the horrors that his memory had plagued him with. It sounded horrific, a literal hell on earth. And William had lived through it. Had been there and couldn’t get the scene out of his mind. There was understanding in her eyes, her free hand quietly holding the back of his on her cheek. It was a gentle apology, her face pressing against his palm a little, trying to make sure he knew she was here. He wasn’t alone anymore. He didn’t have to suffer through such a tragedy again. Not if Alyssa could help it. You’ll be alright now Will… I pro- Her thoughts immediately stopped. This was a new feeling, one that made her shiver and her spine to straighten. Why did he do that? Run his thumb over the gentle curve of her lower lip. She recognized the butterfly storm that erupted from her chest at the sensation of it, but the question of why was still there. What had been so intriguing about her lips that he had felt the pull to touch them? And in such an intimate way too? That was the right word for it, intimate, and as she thought more about it Alyssa remained silent as they made their way along the sidewalk towards the shelter entrance. How… How strange… I… I don’t know how I should feel about that… The thoughts in her head were mostly blank. So many questions but no way to vocalize them. As if the words wouldn’t settle enough for her to form the questions she was trying to say. Alyssa had time to quietly smile at the man she didn’t even catch the name of before Will pulled her along towards the inner gymnasium of the shelter.
Her eyes glanced around taking the large interior room in, taking in the rows of cubicles and following along diligently as William stopped at what appeared to be their assigned space. She glanced up at Will to confirm before slowly stepping into the smaller sectioned off space. It was quaint, if small for the pair of them. One thing was for sure, it would be far more comfortable than sleeping on the ground outside. This made her beam gently at the thought. She’d gotten William fed and a place to stay for the night. Check those achievements off the list. See Malach! Progress! My way is working just fine, you can’t deny it! The silence that came back to her just made her smile more. This had to be a good thing, had to be a positive change for him. She just knew it. “This looks great, Will. Far more comfortable than sleeping under the freeway.” She said brightly, gently taking her backpack off and placing it quietly on the floor and out of the way. Alyssa brought her arms over her head and a quiet stretch was made. She wasn’t used to carrying anything, especially for as long so she had even though the weight really had been very minimal. The adjustments he’d made to her bag surely had helped to alleviate any pain she might have had. Her head tilted for a moment and she leaned forward at him as Will moved himself in after her. In comparison, his bag was much larger and the soft thud it made next to her bag clearly showed the difference in weight between the two.
“Why would we need a cot? Is it important?” She asked unsure why it would be necessary. Angels didn’t really need to sleep. They could rest, but it wasn’t the same as sleeping for a human. Besides that it was Alyssa’s job to watch over him, so she didn’t need a place to sleep. There was already a bed, and a chair. And if she felt so inclined to be closer she already imagined being on the floor at his side if he needed. I guess I could sit on the edge of his bed too, if he wanted me to. That would be alright. She thought, nodding at the idea. This seemed to solidify in her mind that it wasn’t something they needed, nodding in silence at her assessment. “No, I don’t think we need one. It will take up space and there’s already not a lot of it here for you. I’d rather not make it feel too crowded for you.” Her eyes glanced down to her shirt and the spots that littered the front of it. Now that she focused on it, it did appear to be fairly filthy. Her mind drifted to the backpack on the floor. Alyssa barely registered that after Will had put his bag down, his next action was to quietly flop onto his back on the bed. For her, it looked like it had been a while since he had somewhere comfortable to lay down. So seeing that he had something, anything other than the hard ground outside brought a soft warm hearted smile to her face. Though seeing that he seemed willing to try and relax, made Alyssa think that was perhaps a good idea. Her eyes glanced towards the door of the cubicle, noting it had been closed so the two of them were in relative privacy. Oh! Well if he’s going to relax. I’m sure he won’t mind if I try to as well.. It was her job to guard and protect him, but certainly he wouldn’t mind if she let down her hair too.
“I’m glad you can be comfortable, Will.” She said gently, genuinely happy that he could settle and wasn’t being plagued by his insecurities. Her fingers played at the hem of her shirt for a moment, trying to straighten it a little and dust off the dirt that her shirt had collected. It’s no use.. Just needs to be washed I suppose.. She thought, her gaze turning to William a moment. Seeing him relax made her really want to as well, so she thought to ask. It wasn’t that she needed his permission, but it was more she didn’t want to do something that might make him uneasy or uncomfortable. A thought crossed her mind and that seemed to help her make her decision regarding the subject. He seemed to want to see or touch them earlier… so this should be alright I think… “Hey Will?” Her voice was quiet, waiting for him to respond before continuing. “Do you mind.. If I stretch a little? I’ve… I’ve never hidden them so long before… I just thought to ask first… I didn’t want to scare you or anything.” Again she would wait for the confirmation that William was alright with her stretching out. Once confirmation of it was received, Alyssa let out a quiet sigh of relief. It would certainly feel much better flexing them out a bit. Gently without hesitation, she let her arms cross in front of her, delicate fingers taking hold of the hemline of her shirt. Her elbows bent and she lifted easily, her body turning just a bit so she stood with her back slightly to him. It was the best angle, as it gave the angel the most room for her wingspan to spread out. Her shirt glided over her skin, quietly over the indentation of her waist and the soft curve of her breasts and as it lifted the intricate tattoo on her shoulder blades became visible slowly starting from her waist and moving with the removal of her shirt. The off white shirt was removed quietly, folded and gently discarded on the chair nearby. Her back curved a little to the left and then to the right, the intricate design that
spanned her entire back shifting with her. With regards to her body, she was average by human standards, not large but not petite either, just perfectly made as she was intended to be.
Slowly, as if the feathers on the design moved, they became more three dimensional. A blink or two later and where ribbons of gold and silver wings had been inked on her fair skin instead a pair of large white feathery wings bent in their place. The left straightened out to her left side to its full extension, and the right repeated the process. Her long flight feathers tickled at the end of his bed a moment without meaning to. She couldn’t exactly help how long her wingspan was, approximately fourteen feet from tip to tip. The cubicle wasn’t large enough for both wings to be extended at the same time so she settled for stretching one and then the other in turn. There was a gentle noise that Alyssa made, a contented whine at being able to finally let a little of the tension she’d been feeling for half the day out. Her shoulders rolled one at a time before she turned a little more to face him. Her arms raised above her head again to finish her stretching comfortably, her wings softly folding behind her but remaining out as if they needed to be aired out. Her right arm bent at the elbow above her head and her hand sweetly held her left arm standing there. A grateful smile fell over her sweet face, looking at Will with a gentle glow about her. “Thank you William… You don’t know how much better that feels.” She said softly, her eyes glancing towards her bad as she wondered if she should perhaps change. Alyssa didn’t want to wear the same dirty shirt from before, though she knew putting one on she would likely have to put her wings away for that again. Just a few minutes longer than I think… It’s nice having them out in the air a bit. Humans were embarrassed normally by the nudity of one another, but that was a human concept. It was Adam and Eve that ate the apple after all, so for Alyssa she saw no issue with having her shirt removed and standing there bare in front of him. It didn’t even cross her mind that it might be uncomfortable for him, or that she should p
erhaps put a shirt on to cover the soft curves she sported. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 17-Jan-23 09:11 AM
The soft sigh that Alyssa had made when his hand touched over her back was not lost on William, though he tried to keep his mind and intentions on track. He had only been trying to feel if her wings had any kind of risen flesh that would be rubbing against the backpack. But as his hand lingered over her for a moment or two, he was able to feel the delicate softness of her flesh that was hidden beneath the shirt. Her sigh told him that she was enjoying the contact in some way, but William knew that this was likely highly inappropriate for such a setting and did not let his hand linger for long. He was finding himself being drawn to hearing the sounds that his angelic companion was capable of, so when she sneezed after him in that high-pitched squeaking manner, William could not keep the grin off his lips. You’re so fucking cute Alyssa. His eyes danced over her quickly to see if she would sneeze again before walking with her, his self-control on overdrive to not lean down and kiss her cheek or nose. As they walked along the sidewalk, William continued to answer Alyssa’s questions as best he could when they came. He kept his mind on task as best he could, keeping his eyes looking from her to their surroundings as he avoided roads where he knew there was a chance of running into unsavory characters. It was partly to protect them and keep their new belongings as firmly theirs since Will had not had the time or opportunity to reload the handgun in his waistband. The longer travel time also meant they had more time for Alyssa to ask her questions, and William enjoyed listening to her curiosity and giving her the answers that he could. Not everything could be answered simply, but he made a concerted effort not to mislead her by letting his opinions answer more than the facts he knew. He was happy to answer any questions about the details of his career, but there were times he would have to think for a moment before he answered, as if he was judging what he could say. .
The warm glow of the setting sun danced on Alyssa’s features in the most brilliant fashion as William looked down to meet her gaze. The gleam in her eyes seemed hungry for even more knowledge and experiences, and Will found himself drawn to looking into them. She was extremely intelligent, that he wouldn’t doubt, but there was so much that Alyssa didn’t know in this world. That lack of exposure and experience gleamed with a curiosity that brought a smile to Will’s lips. He wanted to be there when she got to see all the things she desired to and learned all the answers to the questions that she had. Letting his eyes drift from hers to the soft glow that the reflected sunlight cast over her hair and perfectly gentle skin, Will had to swallow softly to keep his urges under control. The woman in front of him looked like every superstar or model that stood in the light of the setting sun, and he wanted to let her know with a kiss to her lips that he could hold for hours. Dipping his tongue out to wet his lips, he started to tell her about the flashback. William felt as if Alyssa followed his lips just a hair when he broke away from the second kiss to her cheek, but he resisted the urge to see if she had truly by going for a third to see how she reacted. He wanted to turn her head and take his next kiss on her lips directly, but the warm blush creeping across his cheeks as well as hers told him that he needed to settle down. No matter how much he was enjoying the contact, he could not keep forcing it onto her. She was kind, sweet, and there to help him; forcing her to accept his kisses was not what she had signed up for. Feeling her hand on the back of his own as she leaned into his touch, William met Alyssa’s gaze and smiled gently as he finished retelling his flashback.
It was a horrific scene to recall and describe, but he hoped that his contact with her and his calm tone would have been able to keep her calm and able to handle it all. His final attempt to ease the pain was the gentle swipe of his thumb against the bottom edge of her lip. .
The path through the gymnasium reminded William of walking through a supply warehouse when he was deployed. He would move through with the rest of his unit to find his belongings that had been shipped over with them and laid out with their names on pieces of tape to denote whose items were where. Ignoring the smell of gunpowder that threatened to pull other similarities to the past, William focused on the hold of Alyssa’s hand in his. These shelters were much safer for her than if they had gone back to his interstate location, but he was not going to risk her safety by getting distracted when pulling her through an area laden with people he had seen doing such acts. There had been multiple nights he had fallen asleep to the screams of other homeless people begging for help, and he had not been able to do anything to help them. The times he got up and tried to find them, he was cast into a world of darkness and memories that took him away from the task at hand. When they got to their assigned cubicle, William breathed out a soft sigh of relief for having navigated all the way here today without anything happening to Alyssa. He knew she was his guardian angel, but there was still an instinct with him that screamed to protect her and keep her safe from the troubles and horrors of the world. The smile that danced across her lips when she saw the interior of the cubicle brought his mind back from obsessing over the dangers that she could have seen. It was a pure gesture without any ulterior motives or any sense of a lie, and William felt himself being drawn to return it. There was a purity about Alyssa that he could not deny and seeing her so thoroughly pleased and impressed by their living quarters affirmed that. He grinned as he followed her into the cubicle, his right hand slipping behind him idly to push the door closed and lock the doorknob and deadbolt.
The key had been given to him after the cubicle was assigned; only the staff supervisor had a master key that could open this door. They were safe in their own cube of privacy so long as there was no reason to doubt that they were keeping to the building’s rules: no drugs, no alcohol, and no violence. .
Alyssa’s bright mood was infectious, and as William watched her setting down her bag, he could not help the smile that spread over his lips. Unclipping the strap over his chest, Will slipped his backpack off his shoulders before catching its weight with his left hand. Setting it down with a soft thud on the gymnasium floor beside hers, he breathed in deeply and stretched his chest forward to relieve some of the pain in his lower back. He had sorted the items to balance their weight and situated it on his back as best as he could, but it had been several months since he had last done a rucksack march with any considerable weight on his back. He knew he needed to break down their supplies and organize them on the shelf, but he also wanted to relax some first. Grinning at her statement about it being much more comfortable, William nodded slowly while turning a slow circle to look over the small room. The only easy way in or out was the door, the back wall was open to the next row for walking, so they only had to worry about two shared walls. “It is a lot more comfortable; I agree with you there. It makes a helluva difference to the wind under the overpass.” William nodded and smiled as he finished, though his eyes quickly moved to Alyssa when she refuted the need for a cot. He narrowed his eyes slightly in thought before glancing towards the open ceiling of the cubicle. Chewing on the inside of his bottom lip for a moment, he thought about how to ask his question without spilling her secrets to any of their new neighbors. Nodding slowly, he gestured towards the bed before speaking in a soft voice, “I was gonna get a cot to sleep on so that you could sleep on the bed, Ally. If you wanna...there is room on the bed if...would you like to...?” His words fell away as a bright blush crept over his cheeks.
Looking down at the plain tan blanket that covered the mattress with a white sheet set on it as well, William smirked as he saw a small card on the pillow with the words ‘Fresh Linens for a Fresh Start’ printed on it. .
Looking down at his clothes with a soft sigh, William shook his head before turning to sit on the edge of the bed. He knew there was a laundry area to get fresh bed clothes or to wash what you had in case he made the bed too dirty, but he had no plans of standing for much longer. Laying back across the bed with a sigh, Will closed his eyes and smiled as he let his arms rest down beside him. It had been months since he last laid on a bed, so he immediately sank into the softness of the mattress and stayed still with a contented smile. Only after lying down for a few moments in a comfortable silence did he open his eyes and look down at where Alyssa was standing with a warm smile on her lips. He could not help but grin as he watched her playing with the hem of her shirt, an obvious need to ask him something coming over her as she fidgeted. Lifting his head and sliding his left arm up to rest his hand under his head, he watched her for a moment before nodding with a smile as he spoke softly, “It ain’t that normal to be comfortable, so you can bet’cher ass I’m taking advantage of this. Thank you for helpin’ get here Alyssa.” He watched her stand for a moment, his eyes looking over her slowly as his brows furrowed in a moment of confusion and worry. She wasn’t looking like she was comfortable, so he slowly sat up with an eyebrow raised in a silent question. Hearing her start to speak, he raised his eyebrows slowly while speaking softly, “What is it, Ally? Are you okay?” Hearing her question, he smiled and nodded slowly before bringing his right hand up to place his index finger loosely over his lips. Raising his hand and then pointing it at the open ceiling, he responded in a soft voice with a smile before lying back again, “Of course you can stretch and get comfortable. This is as much of my home now as it is yours. Stretch out and make yourself at home. Just be mindful not to stretch too loud and wake the neighbors.” .
Glancing down at Alyssa, William offered a single wink to show that he wasn’t upset with her; he only wanted her to be mindful of her words so that no eavesdropper could hear her secret. Laying back with his hand under his head, Will watched with a small smile on his lips as he waited to see her wings sprout out of nowhere like some hidden magic. Though, that was not what happened. A flush of bright crimson washed over William’s cheeks as he recognized the slow movements of Alyssa’s arms to pull her shirt up over her head. He was caught off guard when her shirt creeped up slowly and revealed the curve of her waist and the gentle dimples in her lower back. Seeing the beginnings of her silvery tattoo, Will turned his head to look away and give her some privacy, but his gaze betrayed him and drifted over again. Shallow breaths washed over his lips as he watched her shirt rising, his eyes taking in more of the detailed tattoo as well as the gentle curve of her waist up to the edges of her breasts that he could see. Pulling his eyes away from her so that he wasn’t ogling her, William breathed in shakily and focused his eyes on the hinges of the door. Looking at each of the three slowly, he could see Alyssa moving in his peripheral vision to place her shirt in the chair before she started to shift to the left and right to stretch her back. He allowed his eyes to trail over as he saw the tattoo beginning to shift independently from the movements of her back. Seeing her wings shifting out and becoming their true selves, William sat up slowly on the edge of the bed and watched her in silence as she shifted to stretch her wings out slowly. Blushing still, he glanced up towards her head when he heard the soft whine of contentment ring from her lips, but his attention was quickly drawn back to her wings as he felt a sensation of familiarity.
He had some clue what it must be like to stretch them out and fly from his time parachuting, but he felt a strange pull in his shoulder blades as if he were trying to familiarize himself with how the wind would pull at her wings. Glancing over his shoulders to where wings would sit on him if he had his own, Will shook his head slowly before bringing his gaze back to the angel before him. .
Watching her wings fold back up to rest against her back, Will let his eyes move slowly over Alyssa’s body as he saw the soft curve of the side of her breast. The move of her arms up to stretch accentuated the sight, and as he tried to look away, William felt himself drawn back immediately. Biting his lower lip softly and feeling the warmth of his blush over his cheeks still, he watched her stretch before turning towards him slowly. Seeing more of her side profile revealed before she stopped, Will swallowed thickly and brought his gaze up to Alyssa’s eyes as he felt the warmth in his cheeks glow more and travel to join a warmth in his stomach. Feeling a shift of warmth in his groin as his attraction to her started to have a physical effect, William nodded and smiled as he responded, “I can only imagine how tight and pent up you were feelin’, Ally. You are very welcome. May I...touch them?” Waiting for her permission, William slowly stood up and walked around to stand directly behind Alyssa’s left wing. He was removing his temptation to look at her body any longer while being within her view if she wanted to turn and look at him. Wiping his hands on his pants to get rid of his sweat that had been gathering with his blushing, Will lifted them slowly to grace his fingertips over the edges of her wings. Running his right hand along the main limb slowly, he let his left hand flow down along her flight feathers slowly to feel how soft they were. They had a stiffness to them that would rival what was beginning to grow in his pants, but he ignored the sensation so that he could pay attention to her wings. He assumed the feathers were stiff to catch the wind and generate lift, much like the wings of a plane or helicopter. Looking towards her back where they met with her flesh, William started to slowly move his hands over her feathers. .
Reaching the joint with her back, he slid his right hand over the flesh at the base of her wings and pressed into it gently as if working to massage it. He left his hand there only a few moments before his face burned bright again as he realized what he was seemingly doing. Will only meant to massage her sore muscles like he had offered to comrades before after a long march, but the way hand had slid over her only worked to excite him further. Stepping back and breathing out slowly, he swallowed before bringing his hands together in front of himself to press the heels of his hands against his growing erection to force it back down. Looking at her wings, he lifted his left hand to rub the back of his neck as he spoke, “They are very beautiful, Ally.” @Fiory
”Of course you can stretch and get comfortable. This is as much of my home now as it is yours. Stretch out and make yourself at home. Just be mindful not to stretch too loud and wake the neighbors.” The statement had been a bit of an odd concept for Alyssa, though after she thought about it she realized what William was actually trying to tell her, coupled with the motion he’d made with his finger against his lips. Her gaze moved to where he had pointed, where the openness of their cubicle was to the rest of the domiciles around them. While it had four walls, a roof within the building it did not, so their voices could carry if they weren’t careful. Don’t say too much, you might give away your secret. That’s very smart Will… I’ll try to do so quietly. She thought, just responding to it with a quiet nod. Her mind went to what he had tried to ask her before, regarding getting a cot in their little area. Her fingers were nimble against the fabric of her shirt as she folded it back up and proceeded to allow her wings to extend to their full capacity. What was he trying to ask me? Something about wanting the cot to sleep on… why wouldn’t he sleep on his bed though? Isn’t that what it’s there for? Humans are so complex…And what was he wanting me to do? ‘If I want there is room on the if…’ Did he want to share it with me? Her body leaned left and then leaned right, mulling over what he had asked of her regarding their sleeping arrangements. That had to be what he meant right? That he just wanted to share? A quiet smile fell on her face. She found it very sweet of him, though it wouldn’t be a problem for her to rest on the floor.
“That’s very kind of you… but you don’t have to share your bed with me Will.” she said quietly just over her shoulder as she let her wings extend and her long flight feathers tickle to each side of her. It wasn’t that she was opposed to it, she just had never slept in a bed before. Angels rested, but sleep was a little bit of a foreign concept for her. Though now that it had been brought up, Alyssa wondered if it would be a bad idea for her to actually engage in something restful like sleep. It wasn’t like she had a cloud anywhere that she could nestle into like she could in heaven, and this way it did leave plenty of space for the pair of them to move around so they weren’t too crowded. If… If he’s offering, I guess the polite thing would be not to deny that… right? “If… If it doesn’t bother you though, I don’t mind sharing with you. I promise I won’t take up a lot of room…and as long as you’re able to stay comfortable with it...” She said, giving a light nod to her wings as they began to fold back against her in a more relaxed state. This was said more as a way to let Will know that she wouldn’t have them out since they’d take up the whole room if she were to do that. Though, as she thought that, she wondered if she should have them out. They did make a warm blanket for her, wrapping herself up in them was always comforting too. Regardless, she’d cross that bridge when they eventually were to come to it. ”May I…touch them?”
This was a request she imagined he would ask. It was something that the Angel thought might be a good idea for him too. In her slow turn she gave him a quiet nod. Part of her was a little nervous of someone touching something so sensitive on her body, but the other part of her thought this was a good opportunity for him. William, she had noticed, suffered quite a lot with seeing things that weren’t there. Hearing things and people that hadn’t been said, and she thought perhaps her just telling him what she was may not have been enough. But showing him, letting him feel her wings in his own hands, would be something tangible, would be something that he could prove to his head that she was indeed real and not another one of his hallucinations. And as he seemed fascinated with them, she gave a shy smile at the idea. “Yes, you can touch them.. Just.. um.. Be careful… they’re delicate.” Alyssa said quietly, keeping her voice down in their cubicle so as to not alert anyone in the neighboring pods beside them. As he approached, she extended her left wing out so it would be easier for him to see and feel the feathers and muscles she had on the limb. As much as she tried not to show it, she was a little nervous. No one had ever touched her wings before, other than her of course, and it wasn’t like those in heaven were just lining up to do so either. So she didn’t know what the feeling would be like; would it hurt or tickle or feel all together pleasant? Alyssa wasn’t sure. She imagined it would be a good feeling, considering she had liked the way his fingers had touched her back earlier in the day, the physical contact gentle and stimulating to her skin. The anticipation was killing her though, listening to the bed creak and groan a little when he stood up, and the step or two he took in order to get up behind her.
It was like a wave of warmth, gentle and soothing that started where his hands fell against her. The wing in question quivering a little at the sensation before falling a little more limp as he continued to touch it. This was nice, Alyssa found, something she’d never really experienced before. It sent a soothing chill down her spine and just made her muscles want to give in and relax as far as they could. They became so docile he likely could manipulate them to an extent had he wanted to. Breathing in gently and letting it out in a calmly relaxed sigh, Alyssa turned her head to watch Will’s inspection of her a little easier over her shoulder. Playful and sweet, the Angel smiled at him as he ran his hands over her powerful appendages. “See? I’m as real as you are. Just wanted to make sure you knew you weren’t seeing things.” It was kind the way she said it, not meant to belittle or tease or point out a flaw that he had. She recognized that there were serious issues, and that facing them would be a challenge. So having something that was real, that he knew was real, could touch and see was real right in front of him, Alyssa thought that could help to continue to ground him. Bring him closer to recovery even. She had hoped that what she said made sense, only to find another tickling shiver run down her spine as he pressed against the muscles at the base of her wing. It was a very satisfying sensation, one she’d never felt and even inadvertently pressed into a little. It was short lived, as he seemed to be uncomfortable suddenly and pull away from her. Had she done something wrong? Overstepped?
“Thank you…I never thought about how they looked before..” Her arms slowly lowered and she let her wings drape around her a little like a large fluffy feathery cape. It did well enough to cover her front at the very least while she turned around to face him. Not that that was something she had tried to do, she was more or less looking at her own feathers inquisitively. Her hands quietly ran down the outer edges of her primary flight feathers, her fingertips softly grazing the spines of some of the longer ones before she gave a quiet shrug. Her stormy gray eyes then peered over at the man that stood back from her. He seemed tense, and his face was incredibly red. That reminds me.. “William.. Can I ask you something?” She said quietly, her head tilting just so while she stood there waiting to see if he would object to another volley of questions. When it seemed he wouldn’t, or at least she assumed he wouldn’t mind. Her fingers fidgeted in front of her for a moment, her arms partially covered by her long white feathered cloak as she tried to find the best way to ask this particular question, or rather set of questions. In the end, the angel began to softly pace back and forth, her brows furrowed a little in thought. In the action of this, her arms crossed in front of her chest, with her right hand quietly placed against her chin, and her left holding her elbow. Considering her movements, her wings ended up behind her, folded neatly and raised so they wouldn’t drag on the ground while remaining tight against her back so that when she turned she didn’t actually hit anything in the cubicle or Will by accident.
“See.. I…Well emotions are not something I’m used to feeling.. If I can be honest with you." Her words were quiet, her eyes glancing at him every so often as she tried to word what she was saying so that they made sense to William but wouldn’t give her away if a neighbor were to overhear her. “And I’ve been feeling one all day that I can’t quite… understand. I’m hoping that you know what it is, so I can understand it better.” Yes, that sounded about right. She paused in her pacing, turning a little to face him there in just her well fit jeans and little black flat shoes. “It… it feels like butterflies I think..” Alyssa started, her hand against her chin rolling a little in front of her as she spoke. “And it’s warm, but not in a burning or a hot way, but.. In a comfortable one. Like…when the sun was on our faces earlier today…but it’s on the inside… and it kind of goes from my chest to my stomach and then back again… and it’s hard to explain.” Alyssa was doing her best to explain this different feeling she’d had. It had occurred to her that perhaps Will knew what it was, which was why she was keen to ask him. The reason she thought of that, came in her next sentence, the only conclusion she could have come to so far throughout the day of being around him. “I feel it every…well every time you kiss me. And when I kissed you back earlier today… So.. that has to be related… right?” Her frame shifted from side to side on her limbs, moving her weight back and forth as she tried her best to work out this new emotion she felt. Anger and Joy and Sadness were something that she registered and understood, but this was different. It was nervous and excited and anxious and joy all wrapped up in a shy little blanket of uncertainty and Alyssa was at a loss for words for it. All she knew was that it wasn’t altogether unpleasant, and she was actually beginning to like the sensation when it surprised her, feeling like she needed it and was beginning to crave it in a wa
y. She wondered if it was dangerous in that aspect, or if it was something to give in to.
Sighing a little, as she was sure she wasn’t making any sense to the poor marine in front of her, who she recognized was either sunburnt or embarrassed, Alyssa shook her head a little defeated and stumped. “I just don’t know what to call it. I’ve never felt it before, so I don’t know what it’s supposed to be… and I was hoping you might… it’s okay if you don’t though, I know I probably didn’t explain it very well.” She said softly, giving a little shrug and taking a step closer to him. He was quite red now that she realized it. Did he have a fever? Was he ill or something? “Are you okay William? Your face is very red.” Alyssa said quietly, her hand reaching forward to lightly feel his cheek and the heat that radiated off of it. It didn’t occur to her in all honesty that she was the one actually making the poor man flustered and uncomfortable, being without a shirt in their small intimate space. Her palm was soothing and cool against him, but she registered just how warm he was in comparison to how his skin had been outside. It didn’t necessarily seem feverish, but it certainly was different. Hmm… did something change? Did something happen? Alyssa thought, standing there and quietly holding his cheek while she tried to think of a reason for affliction. We were walking, and talking.. He likes holding my hand, and I don’t mind that, but that didn’t cause this before.. We met that other man, but didn’t chat long, so that couldn’t be it.. And no one seemed to make him angry after Pastor McClain had… And I hadn’t seen him drift off into his memories…We came in here, and we both got comfortable…and..
A soft flush ran over her cheeks and darted across her nose. Was he uncomfortable because of her? It was the only other reason she could think of. Her hand quietly removed itself from his face, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable with her presence if that was the case. She could almost hear the way his heart raced in his chest, in a way it hadn’t previously and she noted how he was rubbing the back of his neck like he was nervous. Alyssa ran through what happened in the few minutes they had entered the cubicle a few times up until the point where they were now before it finally dawned on her. Blinking she looked down at herself, topless and bare chested where as he was not. Was that the reason? Alyssa hadn’t thought about it before; Angels don’t exactly get embarrassed by their own bodies. “Did.. Do I make you uncomfortable?” She asked slowly, more inquisitive and kind than accusatory or upset. “Would… Would it help if I put a shirt back on?” @Himbo Tie
Tupperbox BOT 17-Jan-23 06:22 PM
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William Moore BOT 20-Jan-23 10:47 PM
Biting his lower lip as he heard Alyssa talking about his request to have her sleep in the same bed as him, William felt his pants growing tighter as warmth washed through his body. He had asked her to share the bed with him before he had seen her taking her shirt off, so he felt he could justify that there were no ulterior motives to the offer. However, the longer his eyes trailed over the angel before him, he knew that such motives were sprouting to life in his chest and loins. As he let his eyes flow over the dips and curve of her back to the subtle swell of her rear in the jeans she wore, Will knew that he wanted to sleep next to her out of kindness and desire. He wanted to feel her body pressed up against his, so when she hinted at keeping her wings out of the way, William could not help but grin. Every part of Alyssa that he had seen was beautiful and fueled his desire, her wings included. Clearing his throat softly, he smiled as he spoke, “It doesn’t bother me at all, Ally. I would love to share my bed with you and sleep next to you. Don’t you worry ‘bout taking up too much space either; they are beautiful, and I wouldn’t ask you to hide them.” When he let his fingers glide over the appendages in question, William fought down a soft moan that threatened to leave him. Feeling a soft tickle at the back of his throat as it tried to come out again, he released a slow exhale as he moved his hands over the wings in front of him. He had seen diagrams of them on birds in school, but he had never touched anything like them. Looking along Alyssa’s precious white wing, William could not help the mix of emotions that swelled within him. High on his list of emotions he felt swelling up to the forefront of his mind was attraction and arousal for the woman before him, but he could not ignore the tears that started to well in the corner of his eyes. He could only imagine how much his mother would have given to feel the wings of the angels she cherished so much in person. .
Breathing in deeply to push away the thoughts of his mother and the bad emotions that could come with them, Will felt his focus coming back to the soft limb under his touch. Flowing his fingers over her feathers slowly to not pull on them, he was reminded of how she had described them. Delicate. Everything about you is delicate in the best ways, Alyssa. I never want to hurt you. Biting his lower lip as he moved his right hand towards the base of her wing, William could feel the weight of her limb shift slightly as more of it fell to him. It was incredibly light, but still held enough power to it that he had no trouble remembering how these same wings had propelled her forward to save him and then wrap around him. Holding his hand against her limb and smiling slightly as he ran his fingers over her, Will glanced up to see Alyssa’s sweet smile. Feeling his lips tug up in response as he blushed slightly, he breathed in deeply and let his eyes drift down to her wing as she spoke. William breathed out shakily as he nodded slowly, knowing the validity of the woman’s words. He had been struggling with hallucinations the entire day, and that was not a freak occurrence as if today was particularly worse than any other. Every day he struggled with seeing Jimmy and the other members of his teams going through their various struggles and deaths, yet none of them were truly there for him to interact with. These wings, beautiful limbs attached to their angelic owner, were real. His fingers played at their delicate feathers and stroked over their strong core. They were real, and he could touch them. Smiling and looking up to Alyssa, William nodded slowly before stroking his right hand gently up to her back. The gentle massage he gave had immediate effects on his arousal, but the biggest thing that made it clear to him that he had overstepped was the fact that Alyssa had pressed back against his touch. .
He wanted to feel more of her need for contact, but he could not help but realize he was likely tainting her if an angel was feeling drawn to his touch. Pulling his hand away was one of the hardest things he had done in recent memory, but William forced his hands away and busied them with trying to save her purity by not letting her see the effects she had on him. Hearing her response to his compliment, Will grinned and shook his head slowly. How have you never thought about your beauty before? You are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, Alyssa. Blushing as he let his eyes roam slowly over her back again to take in her beauty and cherish it himself, William snapped his attention up when he saw Alyssa starting to turn. Keeping his eyes focused on hers to try and resist the urge to look down at her potentially exposed breasts, he felt his willpower breaking when she turned her gaze down as well. Looking at the way her wings draped over her, William was filled with a desire to see more as well as an appreciation for her beauty now. Her wings covered her modesty nearly perfectly, but there was a clear patch of fair skin over her breasts where he could see a slight dip to her cleavage. Allowing his gaze to focus there for a moment before following her slender neck up, William breathed in softly and held his breath before looking over the features of her face as she looked inquisitively down at her feathers: the gentle furrow of her brow when she concentrated, the softness of her lips that sat in silent pondering. Smiling softly as he watched her lift her head and gaze to his own, Will could not help the deep red blush that spread over his cheeks. His thoughts in this moment were incredibly impure, and even as he tried to focus on the purity of the angel and his manners in this moment, he could not help the move of his teeth to bite gently at the inside of his lower lip. .
William wanted badly to lean forward and kiss Alyssa on the lips directly in this moment, but he held fast to his self-control as he heard her request. Offering a small smile and a quick nod, Will let his eyes move from Alyssa’s to her lips and then back up to meet her gaze. He waited for a moment to hear her question before a gentle smirk played at the corner of his lips when no questions were forthcoming. He opened his mouth to ask her if she needed a moment when she dropped her wings from their cloak-like stance and pulled them back. Breathing in quickly as he saw her breasts bared before him save for her left arm covering them slightly, William felt his resolve crack as he looked down and let his eyes settle on them. Tracking her movements as she paced back and forth in front of him slowly, he could not stop the soft moan that played over his lips. His desire to touch them grew stronger, but he quickly remembered his manners and tore his eyes away. Looking up at her face with his jaw set firmly to resist any further urges, William focused on what her questions were. His cheeks burned a fierce red as he recognized where her questions were leading. William made no move to stop Alyssa from asking them, though his control over his gaze did fail a few times over the course of her questions. Dipping down over her breasts and appreciating the round mounds, Will could see the curve where her arm pressed up into them and put them on perfect accidental display for him. He could see her nipples clearly, and before Will could tear his eyes away from them, he pressed his lips together to try and hold in the sound of a soft moan rolling through his throat again. Looking up to meet Alyssa’s gaze again with heavily flushed cheeks, he nodded slowly with her questions before watching her hand move slowly as she spoke. Nodding and grinning slightly as he felt the same warmth rushing through his chest and stomach, William breathed out shakily before focusing his eyes on her lips.
Hearing her comments about when they would kiss, William nodded slowly as his tongue dipped out to lick his lips quickly. The move let out a soft moan when he exhaled, but Will did nothing to stop it this time. Letting his eyes fall to Alyssa’s collarbones, he felt his lips pressing against each other before opening slightly as he desired to feel them pressed against her. His head started to move forward before he noticed it, but William quickly stopped himself and brought his attention back up to Alyssa’s eyes. Smirking slightly when she sighed, he could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks and deep inside of him. The breath was not meant to be, but he could not help but feel his attraction growing with her exhale as he felt a desire to make her breathe out in such a way again with a display of affection. Clearing his throat and blinking quickly to try and pull his mind back from the hormonal roller coaster it was on, William bit his lower lip and tilted his head to the side a little. Glancing down at the ground, he brought his eyes back up to Alyssa’s in time to see her shake her head. He chewed his lower lip again as his eyes narrowed in thought. How do I tell her that I’m attracted to her. How can I presume that an angel is attracted to me? Is she? I think she is, but am I just projecting? Before he could come to a conclusion, William’s eyes widened significantly when Alyssa stepped forward and laid her hand on his cheek. Breathing out shakily as he looked down to meet her eyes with how close she had gotten, Will pressed his cheek gently into her touch. Closing his eyes as he relished the contact for a moment, he lifted his left hand and gently took hold of her hand on his cheek. Holding the back of her hand to keep her in place, William opened his eyes and looked into hers again with a new heat in his gaze and on his cheeks. .
He had resisted the urge to touch her during this struggle, but with Alyssa’s hand on him, he felt his foundations of good manners and keeping to himself falling away. He watched her eyes as they looked over his face, trying to find the source for the blush creeping down his neck. William let his eyes dip down to take in more of Alyssa at this closer distance. The curves of her breasts screamed for his attention, and he could not stop his eyes from idling there for several moments before coming back up to meet hers again. It was then that he saw the flush moving over her cheeks and nose before her hand pulled away from his face. Following the movement with his hand still holding onto hers, Will stepped forward so that his shirt was brushing gently against Alyssa’s arm over her chest. Looking down and smiling, he met her gaze and shook his head slowly as he responded in a soft voice, “Ally, you do not make me uncomfortable. You make me feel whole and like there is hope and reason. If you want to put your shirt on, you can, but I’m not asking you to.” Moving his right hand forward, he rested it on her hip above her pants before lowering his head towards her. Releasing his hand from holding onto hers, William cupped her cheek gently as his lips bypassed his self-control from before. Feeling her lips under his, Will held for a moment with his lips not moving before he deepened the kiss with a soft moan. Pushing his hand forward, he slid his fingertips into her hairline before pulling back slightly and whispering softly, “Alyssa, I’ve been wantin’ to do that for a couple hours now at least. Those butterflies, the ones I’m feelin’ now, are attraction and desire. I am attracted to you, and I find you beautiful. I want to be close to you, and I hope you want to be close to me.” @Fiory
”Alyssa…” Malach.. The sound of her mentor in her head was both a comfort, a confusion and beginning to become an annoyance. What could he possibly want now, while she had been pacing back and forth in front of William. His words were echoed and distant, which made it harder for her to hear them over her own curious and gentle thoughts. It was for this reason that she had a few long pauses while inquiring to William about this feeling that just wouldn’t go away. Something she’d never felt before and didn’t know what to name it. It had to have a name, had to have a purpose, right? ”Why do you need to know so badly Little One?” I don’t know… I just.. I just do. Each step she took, she continued speaking aloud, finding it easier and easier to have both conversations at once, since Malach’s voice was not encompassing all of her mind. Her soft blonde hair swayed a little in the air when she moved, and her long feathered wings held close to her back. They had felt like velvet clouds. Soft and serene to the touch for William. Light against his skin and ticklishly delicate in his hands. Alyssa could still feel his fingers along them, which was odd considering he’d backed away from her. She could still sense his presence along her flight feathers, the warmth his fingertips had had against her bare skin where her wings met her back. All the while she was still trying to explain what exactly this feeling was that she couldn’t quite place. Did this lingering sensation of him touching her have something to do with it too? Was it part of it? Alyssa had so many questions, and her soul thirsted for the knowledge. ”You’re growing quiet Alyssa…This was a mistake…You’re not ready.” I am! I know I am! I’m helping him, can’t you see that? ”But damaging yourself in the process!” I’m.. I’m not damaged! ”Come home. You’re too young, too close to him.”
It was maddening, trying to figure out something that she desperately wanted the answers to, but having a voice in her head that wasn’t hers that repeatedly would tell her what to do. Malach had always been a mentor for her, a figure of respectability and honor. Alyssa looked up to the older angel and had all her known days. To hear her mentor, the one she trusted and learned from. The one who had always been in her corner and had advocated for her ability to advance. Who had trained her and taught her and held her up to where she was now. To have him say she wasn’t ready, that she couldn’t do it, made the angel seethe. Of all the divine beings above, he was the last one who should be thinking so poorly of her. With her brows furrowed while she attempted to make her question to William make sense, she would look perplexed or perhaps a little frustrated but nothing more. Inwardly she was angry, an emotion she registered recently after learning of it first hand from William. William Moore. The man who she was supposed to be helping. The man who was a lost soul who was so close to teetering over that edge that had she been just a moment later, he certainly would have and been lost for good. The man who was teaching her so much about the human world, things she’d never known and had always wanted to. Things Malach would never allow.
I know what I’m doing, Malach. You trained me! Am I not supposed to be kind to him? Am I not supposed to be helping him? I’m doing my best! And he’s made progress in less than a day! You can’t tell me th- ”Alyssa! You had to Expose yourself to him in order for any of that progress to be made!” If I hadn’t, he would have died! ”You don’t know that! You couldn’t know that! It would be like knowing His plan!” Malach you didn’t see the truck! You didn’t see how close it got! I had no choice! And… And if given another chance… I’d do it all over again! She desperately needed Malach out of her head. It was threatening to split in two with trying to keep her attention on William, the one who actually needed her instead of her chastising judgmental mentor who was on another plane of existence. Berating her for her actions and for her questions and for the progress she had made on her first mission. It was at this point she had noticed how red William’s face was, and had decided that perhaps this was the best course of action to take. Alyssa was tired of being scolded, and the best way she knew to silence Malach, was to hold William. I’m sorry Malach. I’m not leaving until my mission is complete. ”Alyssa! Don’t get too close to him! I’m just trying to look out for you!”
There was a soft buzzing in her head as she held her hand against William’s red face. She had inquired about the feeling she had had, but now it seemed that she could focus more on what was troubling Will. His face had turned so red, and she was curious if perhaps she had been the cause of the affliction. She knew he couldn’t have heard the argument happening between Heaven and Earth in her head, but her innocent eyes searched regardless before that dawning realization occurred. ”Ally, you do not make me uncomfortable. You make me feel whole and like there is hope and reason. If you want to put your shirt on, you can, but I’m not asking you to.” The words made her relax a little. So she hadn’t been the cause of the affliction. Truthfully she would likely put a shirt on anyway, as she thought it would be best to appear as human as possible out in public like this. The only reason she’d felt comfortable enough to remove her dirty shirt before was because it was just the two of them in this small room. And William already knew what she was. That buzzing in the back of her head continued when he put his hand against hers and leaned into her touch. Something about how he seemed to need this, seemed desperately to want her touch was increasingly flattering to Alyssa. She hadn’t thought it to be much what she did for him, didn’t think that her touch could be so grounding and so necessary, but the look he gave back to her seemed to drink her in like he hadn’t had nourishment in a millennia.
With her face significantly more pink, she had pulled her hand back only to find that William’s came with it. That’s..odd.. Did he need to hold my hand then? Does that help? She wondered, not disliking the additional contact he craved. He had stepped forward into her and all at once Alyssa felt her heart begin to race. Her skin shivered and she felt the beginnings of those butterflies again, the ones she’d tried to describe to him. This unknown feeling that she couldn’t quite name. Alyssa was becoming desperate, the desire to know what this was and why she felt it was consuming everything and all of her curiosity. It had to be a good feeling right? Had to be something that was good. Why else would she want to feel it more and more? Why else would she consider herself nearly obsessed with knowing exactly what it was. His hand slowly cupped her face and a voice shouted in her head. ”Alyssa! Get away from him! You’ll be corru-!” Ally’s soft stormy eyes widened, the sound of Malach vanishing from her mind as instantaneously as if a breeze had blown his echoing and distant voice out to sea. Everything and nothing happened all at once. The small swarm of butterflies that had jumped gently back and forth between her stomach and her chest became a tempest that infected her whole body. Her lips felt like they were on fire, but it was a warmth and a heat that permeated and rippled through her. The large white wings she sported shot upwards, threatening to stick out the top of their cubicle. They stood tall and as straight as she could get them, quivering and visibly shivering. And then he pressed deeper and Alyssa was thoroughly overtaken. The sound he made was alluring and cried out to her deeper self. It sunk down deep to her very core where she could not deny it’s tether over her. Her hands fell against his chest a moment, immediately wanting to push away but her arms would not listen. It was like they were moving on their own, much like her wings had, her finger
s just barely grazing the edge of the collar of his olive green uniform. As if it had been pulled out of her and by no means by herself, Ally made a quiet muffled noise that both alarmed and delighted her. It was gentle like a sigh, quiet like a mouse but there was no denying it was a sound that was enjoying the sensation he brought to her. This was a fireworks show of the greatest magnitude, dazzling and spectacular and it was all happening in those soft stormy gray eyes. It lasted so long for her that she thought for sure she was likely to drown in it when before she realized the connection was broken.
Alyssa’s breath came in shallow rapid succession, her chest rising and falling in rhythmic pants. Her lips remained slightly parted when he released his hold on them and while he explained what the feeling was that she had been enduring all day, her eyes rapidly blinked in surprise. Attraction? Desire? These were Human emotions. So why was she feeling them? Was it just because she had held William’s hand or had allowed him to kiss her cheek? Alyssa really didn’t know. It was her first time feeling something so strong and so overpowering. Something that had made her tremble from the tips of her toes all the way to the very ends of her feathers. It was Exhilarating. To put it mildly. She barely heard the words coming out of William’s mouth, except the last ones he said that seemed to ring louder than the others. ”I want to be close to you, and I hope you want to be close to me.” Alyssa felt a chill, a frigid cold run through her the longer that her lips were parted from his. It was such an odd sensation. It felt quiet and silencing and cold. After feeling such intense heat for the feeling to be stripped away from her was jarring. It was nearly painful, agonizing to not have that touch again. His words just echoed in her head, and it was just that. Just William’s voice. In the distance as if calling from a far away hillside she could nearly hear her mentor calling out to her but his voice was so far away that she couldn’t understand the words. Just that it was Malach desperate to reach her. But he didn’t think I could do this. He didn’t believe in me. Kept telling me that I’m not ready. He’s been scolding me since I arrived…I know I’m ready… I know I can Do this…I know I can Save Will… And… And I need to know more.
Like a rubber band being wound too tight and threatening release, something snapped. Alyssa looked up at William with glittering stars in those stormy gray eyes, dancing little lights that suggested the fire she’d felt before. Unable to stand the freeze any further or perhaps she just wanted to know if it was only a one sided feeling, Alyssa slid her right hand up past his shirt collar to rest at the base of his neck. It was warm and inviting and she could feel the pulse that pounded through his veins there. Something deep within her, something that had always been there and had made her different from the other angels in heaven urged her forward. It had granted her the curiosity and questions and utter need for knowledge about everything that Humans were involved in. Normally she suppressed it, wanting to fit in, wanting to just do her best as an Angel and not to cause problems for Malach. Now though? It was the only voice that was giving her instructions and Ally was glad of it. Her wings rushed downward sending a gust of air billowing around the pair. The movement and power behind the shivering white appendages thrust Alyssa forward, lifting her feet off the ground momentarily as if she had leapt forward into him. Crashing against his lips she took in that heat he had, feeling a sizzle that could burn the place down and flood through her. It was warm and inviting and full of joy and excitement. Everything about it was over stimulating and yet so simple. Ally felt a sense of calm rush through her as if this had been the best decision she’d made all day. As if this had been something she had needed to do right from the very start and her reward for it came out in a gentle humming sound. She floated there unable to help it for a moment before she too pulled back again. Her face thoroughly flushed a brilliant shade of scarlet, and her eyes dazzling with delight.
“I…I would like nothing less William.” her voice shook as she blinked and tried to compose herself. Her lips remained parted, as if she needed them open in order to breathe properly. There were so many emotions flooding through her she didn’t know how to categorize them. How to feel each one individually, so she just let them wash over her like waves. Kissing was amazing, this she had decided as the tingling sensation crept over her lips and slowly dissipated the longer the pair were separated. After a few soft breaths, a tremble in her fingertips, Alyssa slowly pulled back from Will, though it was hard to remove her hands from his chest.
“I… I’ve never felt.. This.. it was.. It was overwhelming... I.. I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me… F-Forgive me Will..” Her wings hung low behind her, dragging on the ground and slightly shivering as the sensation ran through them and left her body. I.. I shouldn’t be feeling Attraction or Desire… I don’t think they’re.. Bad though… How can something that feels so good, be bad? Alyssa waited for Malach to scold her, to tell her off and order her straight back to heaven. She waited for a good solid minute, but there was no voice in her head. It was eerily silent. A nothingness that Alyssa wasn’t used to. Like someone had left the door open for so long that shutting it was an odd experience. Her arms slowly went to cover herself, realizing just how exposed she was now and just how red her face was. Embarrassment was a human emotion, but she recognized it easily, easier than she thought she might. Her gaze dropped to her bag on the floor and she swallowed as she attempted to allow her body to settle itself. It had been an intense moment, a lesson she thought she had been ready to learn, and now she wondered if she’d crossed a line. Not just with William for kissing him passionately back, but with Malach as she felt the thread that had held the pair together for so long as mentor and apprentice, severed. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 23-Jan-23 11:57 PM
William could feel the warmth of Alyssa’s blushing cheek beneath his palm as he waited a moment to initiate the kiss that would push them beyond where they were currently. He had only just met the woman – no, the angel – before him this day, yet he felt as if he had been drawn towards her for the better part of a millennia. Everything about her drew his eyes to a desperate attempt to take in all that she had to offer him, and he was more than willing to be a competitor in the game of seeing every piece of her that he could. Looking over the soft pink flush of her cheeks, Will’s steely gray eyes met Ally’s own stormy grays. If I do this, there is no going back. She is an Angel, for God’s sake. I can’t take this away from her. She isn’t someone I can just kiss and not be struck down for it. Swallowing thickly as he looked from her eyes down to her lips slowly, William traced his gaze back up to hers. She is so beautiful though. I want this, and I think she does too. To Hell with it. If she doesn’t want this, I’ll stop, but I have to know. Just turn a blind one on this one Big Guy, this is not her fault. Closing the distance between them steadily, William pressed his lips against Alyssa’s and closed his eyes in a short blink before they opened to look into hers. The widening of her eyes startled him as he worried that he had gone too far, but the fact that she did nothing to get away from him encouraged him further. He was not holding onto her so tightly that she couldn’t push him and step back if she felt the need to, so this had to mean she was enjoying this. She was everything he had imagined in their time together: the skin of her hip was smooth and inviting under his hand, her cheek was begging for him to caress her further, and her lips carried a pillowy softness with him that he hungered for more of. Alyssa was perfection, and the explosion of warmth and butterflies in his stomach was absolute proof of that. .
The swarm of butterflies within him gave William a sensation of weightlessness as if they might carry him off his feet if he wasn’t careful. It had been far too long since the last time he had felt any kind of intimacy with a woman, and the sensations he was getting from this kiss seemed to eclipse any memory of an intimate exchange that he had. Closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of her lips contrasting with a chill that ran up his spine, William held himself to Alyssa as if she was a lifeline that he could not risk letting slip between his fingers. His eyes opened again to take in her beautiful features up close, though they quickly widened when he saw her wings spring up in excitement. Whether they were above the walls of the cubicle or not did not cross William’s mind. The only things he could think of was deepening the kiss and enjoying all that Alyssa would allow him in that moment. Pressing against her lips with more force as he risked opening his own to mold against her lips more than before, William let his hand on her waist reach back slightly behind her to draw her forward against him. Feeling her fingers at the collar of his shirt, William lowered his left hand slightly so that his palm rubbed over her jaw to rest on the side of her neck. Keeping his thumb raised to stroke along her jawline slowly, he let his fingertips thread into Alyssa’s hair before he heard her soft sound against his lips. Feeling a low moan rolling through his throat and against her lips in return, William’s hand on her hip pulled at her gently to press them together even more. However, as his need for air rose and he realized what he was doing, Will smiled softly and separated their lips. His words came in a breath of air over her soft lips, his own ghosting over hers lightly as he kept close to her just in case he wanted to try his luck again. His chest raised in time with Ally’s, brushing his shirt gently against her chest before he took a deep breath to try and calm himself.
. Watching Alyssa’s eyes as they blinked quickly, William swallowed a ball of regret in his throat that seemed to fill his chest. She had seemed to enjoy the kiss that he had given to her, but as she processed the information that he had given to her, Will could not help the fear that he had overstepped and misread the situation. How the fuck can you expect her to like you back? You are a homeless slob that probably stinks to High Heavens. She is a fucking Angel. She has so much more to look forward to than a fucking kiss from you. Way to go William, you fucked it. Breathing in deeply as his eyes searched hers for any kind of answer to the opposite of the thoughts roaring in his head, William lowered his gaze to her lips before biting his lower lip in anticipation of a lightning bolt frying him like a fly. He was nearly ready to close his eyes, expecting to wake up under the interstate overpass with his bottle of liquor clutched in his arms. There was no way this day had been real. He wasn’t lucky enough to actually have a higher being watching over him with enough concern for his well-being to offer him a Guardian Angel. He knew that his hallucinations could manifest in extremely vivid dreams, but as he rubbed his thumb on Alyssa’s jaw, he could not shake just how real she felt in his embrace. The warmth she provided under the pads of his fingers grounded him to this moment, and as he brought his eyes over her features to reach hers again, he could have sworn that Alyssa was looking back up to meet his gaze. Breathing in quickly when he saw the intensity in her stormy gray eyes, William held his breath as if worried his exhale would disturb the dream dust that was holding this hallucination in front of him. When her hand slid up beyond the collar of his shirt, Will felt his hold on himself slipping with the warming touch of her fingers. His eyes glistened with tears that threatened to spill out of them while his lungs emptied in a shaky exhale. .
He was not ready for the gust of wind that came over them both, but William held gently with his hand on Alyssa’s hip as she rushed forward. Reaching his right hand further around to settle over her lower back and hold her against him, he met her lips with a passionate embrace. The warmth from her stole his breath again, though William was confident he never needed to breathe again as he enjoyed the sensations that came from this contact. A warmth that threatened to burn his lips on contact quickly became a warmth that seemed to be the only thing keeping him alive. Holding onto her and threading his left hand into the hair behind Alyssa’s ear, Will moaned softly into the kiss as his thumb stroked up from her jaw to the sensitive flesh in front of her ear. Feeling her soft hum against his lips, William moved his lips to press hungrily into Ally’s before he felt her starting to pull away. His lips followed for a moment before he stopped moving forward. His cheeks were flushed a deep red and his lips stayed parted as he breathed in slowly. Meeting her delighted gaze with his own that was filled with desire and happiness, William grinned before sliding his hand back from her hair to rest on the side of her neck in a mirrored embrace of her own hand. Breathing deeply as he watched Alyssa’s eyes blinking quickly, Will bit his lower lip as his grin grew brighter. She wanted that one, and she seems to have enjoyed the first. I didn’t fuck up. She kissed me back. His lips closed before opening as he tried to find the words of how to thank her and express that he wanted her close to him again. However, before his words could find his tongue to be articulated properly beyond a carnal need to just kiss her again, William felt Alyssa’s fingers tremble gently before her hands pulled away from him. Sliding his right hand back to the side of her hip as his left hand fell away, Will went to offer a smile when he saw her wings droop behind her. .
He didn’t need to be an Angel anthropologist to recognize that such a posture change could only mean that she was regretting what she had done or felt guilt for it. Watching her step back as she spoke, William lowered his eyes to the increasing distance between them on the gymnasium floor before shaking his head. Picking his gaze back up to look over her face, he breathed in and closed his mouth before looking to the door of the cubicle when her arms moved to cover herself. Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and felt the tears from before growing warmer in his eyes as they welled up to spill over. No, not like this. I can’t lose you too Ally. Please, don’t leave me here. You are the only one that stayed. Clearing his throat as he felt the tears trickling down his cheeks, William took a deep, shaky breath to try to talk but felt his chest constrict on him. Holding back the soft whimper that threatened to leave his throat, he cleared it again with a gruff sound before opening his eyes and looking into Alyssa’s. Shaking his head slowly, he spoke in a soft voice, “No, you didn’t do anythin’ wrong Alyssa. I’m not gonna accept your apology or forgive you when you haven’t done anything to require them.” Stepping forward while lifting his hands, he gingerly rested them on both of Alyssa’s cheeks before leaning forward. Holding his forehead against hers as his thumbs stroked gently over her cheekbones, William looked deep into her stormy eyes with his own steel ones. He took a deep, shuddering breath before speaking again softly, “If you don’t want to kiss me, you don’t have to. But it is nothin’ to apologize for. I want to kiss you, and I think you want to kiss me too. There is nothin’ wrong with that, I swear.” Licking his lips quickly before swallowing, William pressed forward to press his lips against Alyssa’s. The contact was brief, lasting only a few seconds, and when he pulled back, he offered her a half-smile to try to convince her of his words. .
“You did nothing wrong, Ally. Unless you didn’t want to kiss me, you did nothin’ wrong.” Stepping back and lowering his hands slowly, William nodded before looking down at her bag where he had seen her glancing before. He could see the zipper there waiting to open and reveal her new clothes, but he shook his head before looking back to Alyssa. Reaching his hands up and resting them on top of her shoulders, he smiled softly before reaching beyond her and gently taking hold of the edges of her wings. Pulling them carefully around her so that they could wrap over her like the cloak they were before, William smiled and shook his head before speaking at a volume only she could hear, “You don’t need to hide ‘em, Ally. Let them stay out and stretch. You don’t need to get dressed just yet.” William ran his hands gently down the lengths of her flight feathers before stepping back to give her more space to adjust her wings as she might need. Looking at his bag where it rested on the ground beside the bed, Will stepped back further until the backs of his legs hit the edge of the bed. Sitting down slowly and bringing his hands up to wipe at the dampness on his cheeks, he let out a dry chuckle before glancing up at Alyssa and speaking, “The best thing I can do right now is go get cleaned up, alrighty? I’m gonna take some of our stuff and go get washed up, but I won’t be too long, okay? Just stay here so that you can keep stretchin’ and gettin' comfortable. I ain’t gonna take the key with me, so I’ll leave it here with you. Don’t open this door unless it is my voice on the other side, do you understand?” .
Nodding before lowering his gaze back to his bag, Will reached over and pulled it to between his feet. Unzipping the main section, he started pushing past the food stuff inside and pulled out a pair of black gym shorts, red boxers, and a navy-blue T-shirt. Laying them on one of the two pillows on the bed, he reached behind him and pulled the pistol out of his rear waistband. .
Sliding it into the pocket of the backpack, he started emptying his pockets of the hygiene products that they had been given at the church. A bright blush spread over his cheeks as he shoved the condoms and pregnancy strips into the backpack. Having taken out all the hygiene products, he retrieved a bar of soap, one toothbrush, and a tube of toothpaste. Zipping up his backpack and sliding it back to where it was, he set the hygiene products on the clothes that he had pulled out. William stood up and held the bundle in his right hand before stepping closer to Alyssa once again. Resting his left hand on her shoulder, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against her forehead in a gentle kiss before speaking softly, “I ain’t mad at you, Ally. I need you to know that. I’m gonna go shower now, but I need to make sure you know that I ain’t upset with you. You did nothing wrong; do you understand?” William pulled back slightly, his eyes looking over her features for an answer if her lips would not provide one. @Fiory
”You did nothing wrong, Ally. Unless you didn’t want to kiss me, you did nothin’ wrong.” The brief contact that he made just continued the flood that rushed over her. Like ripples disturbed in the still waters of a pond, they grew and glided through her. It was warm and gentle and comforting. Even in the intensity of emotion that it brought with it for her. Alyssa’s hands held tight to her, her fingers grasping her arms with white knuckle force in the quick kiss, just wanting to prevent herself from leaping forward again like she had before. She felt rooted to the spot but wanted to return the gesture immediately, so it was probably for the best that it had been brief and fleeting against her overstimulated lips. Alyssa was very quiet, just trying to process the rush of emotions that had swallowed her whole. It was a rush, like a wave from the ocean that engulfed every fiber of her being. How was she supposed to navigate these waters? Why hadn’t Malach warned her of human emotions and how strong they could be? Everything felt like it was simultaneously on fire and tingling like she’d been struck by lightning. Her mind raced and her soft blonde hair gently fell a little into her face while she thought things through. While her arms covered her chest as best as they could, she could feel the pounding rhythm that the heart she had was rapid against her ribcage.
It wasn’t that she didn’t hear William, and what he said. She even would acknowledge what he said with a little nod of her head while she attempted to process. Ally registered what he was saying, that nothing she had done was wrong. That she was alright, and that she had nothing to forgive. But hadn’t she overstepped? Hadn’t she invited herself into his embrace selfishly? Didn’t she force herself upon him? The thought brought a tingling sensation back to her lips, as if they were remembering where they had just been and requesting another action of it. I… I think I liked that… She decided after a few moments of quiet contemplation, though it would take a little more time for her to really rationalize why, or if there was some kind of reason for it. In silence, Alyssa watched as William came closer to her and her body stiffened. Her heart raced and she had the sudden urge to lift off and hide somewhere in the rafters of the building. At the same time, her body felt far too heavy for flight, ready to remain a statue if he was to ask it of her. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears when his hands came forward, and while she thought he might kiss her again, instead he just gently put them on her shoulders. There was a soft quiver that he’d be able to feel under his palms, a shiver she couldn’t control at all even if she had wanted to. Her wings even shook a little in small vibration, the tips of her smaller feathers quivering delicately. His hands were warm, comforting even but she couldn’t shake the chill that kept racing up and down her spine.
I liked that. Why did I like that? Why do I feel attraction and desire? Those are Human emotions.. I shouldn’t be able to feel those.. Is.. is it because I let him kiss me before, and… and that I liked kissing him here? I feel like I’m drowning and can’t get air but… but when Will kissed me… I felt ready to drown. Like I never needed to breathe again…I don’t understand.. Her thoughts were all encompassing, like a storm cloud that kept swirling and building until it felt like it might burst out of her ears. It wasn’t until she felt his fingertips against her wings that a breath rushed into her lungs and was exhaled softly out taking many of the worries and anxieties with it. Her body began to relax, softening its rigidity, and her wings were easily manipulated and drawn to her front. A soft velvet feathered cloak to cover her modesty. Slowly, Alyssa tilted her head to look up at him as he spoke to her, her fears draining slowly out of her as he spoke. He said she didn’t need to hide them? Oh, he means my wings.. Ally realized, giving a soft nod to his statement.
She might just get dressed anyway, not that she was cold or she thought perhaps he was uncomfortable. It was more she wasn’t sure what else to do. The stretching had felt nice but now her body tingled and quivered all over at his touch. A barrier of some kind, she had thought, might help to relieve some of the over stimulation that she was experiencing. The large appendages shuddered at his touch, but seemed to settle and relax over her front as he moved his fingers along the larger flight feathers. His touch was still a welcome one, that Alyssa realized very quickly. When he moved back towards his bag, she listened intently to what he said, instead of letting his words wash over her like a passing breeze like what she had done before. “I.. I understand William…” Her words were very quiet, the first she’d said in quite a long time since their passionate embrace. It felt odd to speak again, as if she was only just regaining her voice after having lost it for an extended period of time. He would be going to shower, get himself cleaned up. For Alyssa, she didn’t feel the need necessarily to get cleaned up, so the idea of remaining behind in their little room with the bags was a welcome idea. She needed to process a little more, and perhaps try and get contact back with Malach. He would certainly know what all of these emotions were, but try as she might while she stood there watching William gather his belongings from his bag, Malach would not answer her.
“I’ll wait here then… for you to return.” It was something she thought she should say, though she wasn’t sure why. Perhaps to let him know that she wouldn’t leave, or that she wouldn’t wander off. As curious as Alyssa was, for the first time in her existence she just wanted to remain put and think. Slowly, she moved from the other side of their little room, keeping her wings quietly in front of her so she had to shuffle a little to ensure she didn’t step on the dragging flight feathers. Her stormy eyes were watching Will take out a pair of clothes and then a shine caught her attention. It caught her attention but William was quick to put the thing into a pocket in his bag. Along with several other items it seemed that he had had in his pants pocket. “Oh.. should I have put things in my pockets too?” She asked, looking down at her jeans and pulling her pockets inside out. They really wouldn’t have carried much, but at least she was returning back to that quiet inquisitive nature that she had. Looking at the lining of her pockets, she bit the inside of her cheek a little, wondering what she could have possibly fit into them. They weren’t large, barely big enough to fit her hands that fell softly at her hips before stuffing the lining of her pockets back into her jeans. Next time, I’ll be sure to be more useful. She thought to herself, her hands coming up to run her fingers through her soft blonde hair. She pulled the locks out of her face, and even tucked a few of the gentle strands behind her ears. Before long, William was walking back to her, the hygiene products he needed in his hand to add to the change of clothes he’d removed from his backpack. His hand was a warmth that ran through her, a welcome touch and a soft smile fell on her face as the gentle kiss he placed on her forehead. There was a sweetness to it, it made those butterflies swirl but not nearly as tempest like as before. More manageable at the very least.
“I’m… I’m glad I did not upset you William… I am not upset with you either… I.. I just don’t know what to feel. It’s so new, that’s all…” Alyssa tried to explain, a hand reaching out in front of the confines of her winged cloaked. She hadnt meant to, and hadn’t known why she did it, only that when her fingers found the edge of his shirt, she held tight to it. Her eyes dropped to her fingers, as if she was confused with her own action. Her head even tilted, as if she were trying to ask her hand what exactly it was doing in a silent look. It took a moment, perhaps two if she was truly honest about it, for her fingers to softly release the fabric of his shirt. The way they had grasped him clearly showed she didn’t want him to leave. That his presence was a welcome one, and that if he had to leave, at least to make it brief. Return to her quickly, whole and safe again. It was an odd feeling, one that was full of warmth and comfort and purity. Soon enough, William would walk out of their little cubicle home. Alyssa felt a quiet coolness wash over her when the door closed behind him and she turned to her own small bag. While he had said that she didn’t need to put her wings away, that she could leave them out, Alyssa thought it best to change anyway. She had grabbed a few clothing items while at the church as he had instructed, though she hadn’t really inspected them too well. In silence, she pulled out a tank top camisole with small spaghetti straps and a low back, one she thought would be helpful if she did want her wings to be out in a faded charcoal black color. Next came a pair of small shorts that barely covered her lower half let alone any of her legs. They had looked comfortable in a soft pink plaid pattern with a black bow on the front to tie them against her hips, so Alyssa thought they could be used for resting instead of the more rigid jeans she currently wore.
While she changed, removing her pants and letting them slide down to the floor, she went over the interaction between her and William over and over again. Each time she relived the embrace they shared, her body quivered in delight and appreciation of the memory. Her hands quietly folded her pants up and put them with her shirt, slipping her little flats off and deciding to sit on the bed to wait for William to return. Part of her thought it wasn’t a good idea to not have her eyes on him. She was supposed to be his guardian angel right? She wasn’t supposed to let him just walk away and she did not know where he was or see him. Another part of her thought perhaps this was best, he was just going to clean himself up. That would be safe enough, right? “Oh! That’s right!” How she had almost forgotten was beyond her. Her palm opened in front of her, her wings draping behind now that she was clothed and didn’t feel the need to cover herself with her cloak of feathers. In a soft image that sparkled over the palm of her hand, she looked for her charge, soon finding him walking towards the bathroom area of the gymnasium. Her knees came up to her chest as she watched him walk, his clothes tucked in one hand under his arm, while the other swayed back and forth with each step he took. A quiet flush ran across her face that she wouldn’t register having, her stormy gray eyes taking in the features of him. His broad shoulders and his dark hair, the quiet muscles he had under his shirt that her fingertips had tasted a tease of earlier to the stubble that dotted his jaw.
Alyssa took a shaky breath, before waving her hand away after watching William for a solid few minutes until he’d made it to the bathrooms and showers. She wasn’t going to continue to watch him while he cleaned up; that wasn’t polite or necessary. Her arms came around to hold her knees and she sighed gently in a steady exhale. Her eyes closed for a few minutes, just to think of everything and each time she thought of the interaction, even so many moments later, she still felt herself shiver. It was such a delightful sensation, despite how new it was. After a little while, Alyssa began to rock gently, her eyes closed and a soft humming noise escaping her lips. It was quiet and gentle, sweet and light to the ears. Her wings remained still and her face broke into a soft subtle smile. Her little song made her body glow, her wings a soft faded white and her body a gentle sunshine gold. It spread a warmth to the area and permeated through the walls of the cubicle shining gently out the top of it. A sense of calm settled on the row her and Will’s cubicle was in, a sense of peace and tranquility. Of rest and gentle reflection. The only word to describe the soft sound and calming warmth, was heavenly. Any neighbors nearby certainly would have been affected by Alyssa’s quiet psalm, soothing aches or pains, clearing mental blocks and darkness at least temporarily and providing that peace that was so needed. Alyssa would continue until she heard the knock on the door, pausing in her gentle prayer and turning to look towards the door and the sound it made. For a few moments, she waited, still and quiet on the bed holding her knees up to her chest. She would wait, and wait, remembering what William had told her regarding opening the door. Only if it’s William’s voice on the other side. She reminded herself, waiting to hear Will’s voice before opening the door at all.
It felt like it took far too long for William to say anything, and he’d taken his time in the shower which Alyssa hoped was a good thing. She thought perhaps he would have enjoyed the warmth and the body cleanse he was able to enjoy. Quietly, she stepped down off the bed, taking a deep breath in and letting it out in a soft calming exhale. She had had time while he was away to think of what she was feeling, what to make of them, and she had slowly come to the conclusion that they were not bad feelings. They couldn’t be sinful. Something that good, that exhilarating couldn’t be bad. And angels weren’t supposed to feel attraction or desire, so she came to the idea that perhaps she was different enough, and was supposed to. Her logic had come to the idea that perhaps it was His way of helping Ally to connect with humans, to understand their feelings, and to better help her charges; Starting with William. I don’t think I want to kiss every human though.. She thought, her smile broadening a little at the idea. But… I think kissing William is alright. It certainly feels nice, now that I’ve been thinking about it. Yes. I think it's alright. A soft nod of her head made her blonde hair shake gently, her hand reaching for the knob of the cubicle for a moment. There was a slight hesitation, before Alyssa turned the knob and peeked out into the hallway area of the cubicles to let William back inside.
“Welcome Home William.” She said gently, stepping back to allow him entry, her wings tight against her back and pulling a little on the black camisole she wore. It was comfortable at least even if it was a little tight on her. He had called this his new home, so Alyssa thought it best to welcome him back to it seeing that he had returned refreshed and hopefully feeling at peace. @Himbo Tie Alyssa's outfit
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William Moore BOT 01-Feb-23 01:23 AM
Seeing Alyssa’s body stiffen as he got closer was heart breaking for William. His hands hesitated in their movement from her shoulders to her wings, not wanting to make her uncomfortable or push her in any direction that she wasn’t comfortable with. Swallowing thickly, he continued his movements and tried to be reassuring with his smile, but there was a feeling he couldn’t shake even as his hands fell to gently grace over her feathers. Why would she want me, though? I don’t know if Angels have lovers up in heaven, but I’m sure she can get one helluva Angel that is an actual good person. Why would she want to be kissed by some dirty Marine that can’t even get off the street? Glancing down at his hands as he stepped back from Alyssa, Will felt his gaze beginning to draw up to where he had just been touching her perfectly white feathers. At first, he saw them in their grandeur, a purity that showed what dwelled within their owner, but as he looked longer, the white began to stain black and red where he had touched, as if soot and blood were soaking into them. How dare I touch her with such filthy hands? She deserves to be cherished and held on high, not covered in the sewage of human life. William had been able to feel the gentle shudder that Alyssa gave under his touch, but he could not get the image out of his head that such a movement had been born from a sense of disgust and revulsion. There was no way that her wings or her flesh had been excited by his touch and were moving to show that anticipation. Look with your eyes, not with your hands, William. If it ain’t yours, don’t fucking touch it. How many times have I told you this? Wiping his eyes as he sat on the edge of the bed, Will kept his gaze lowered at the distance between them before glancing up to tell Alyssa about the door and the low level of security it offered. He realized quickly that he wished he could lock her behind a steel door to keep her safe from the world and its poison. .
He knew for a fact that would include him as well, for what better personified the filth of the world than a grizzled veteran who was drowning their sorrows and anger in alcohol? You shouldn’t have touched her, Marine. You should have just let her return to Heaven to help someone that actually matters, but now you’ve gone and tainted her. Now she can’t ever get back up there with your filth coloring her like this. Great job Marine. It wasn’t enough to kill your team; now you’ve gone and damned an Angel. Holding his hands in fists on the insides of his knees, William closed his eyes and felt a warmth wash through his stomach as he recalled the way that Alyssa’s wings had seemed to relax so that he could move them easily without having to fuss and struggle. Remembering the way that her head had tilted up to look at him after she had exhaled a soft sigh, Will opened his hands and placed them over his knees. If she didn’t want me to touch her, why would she let me? She has every power and capability to escape my touch, yet she seems to enjoy it and wants it when it is offered. I trust her to step away if I am bothering her. As he thought crossed his mind, a wash of darkness passed over William like an entity draping a cloth over his head and covering his eyes. However, as quickly as it came, it was lifted away, and he was granted the vision of a lifetime. Standing before him, radiant with beauty and perfection, was his Guardian Angel. A woman sent from above to help him in his greatest time of need. A woman who had thrown herself in front of a speeding eighteen-wheeler that likely would have killed her as well. Offering Alyssa a lopsided smile before his eyes fell back to the task at hand, William released a soft sigh to try to right himself and bring a wave of positivity over himself. He had to believe that Ally wanted to be here with him, otherwise she would have left. If she wanted to be here, then he hadn’t scared her off or disgusted her with his presence. .
Glancing up when he heard Alyssa say that she would wait for him here in their shared room, William felt his cheeks burn with a soft blush. He had been worried for a moment that she might leave him here to go back to Heaven while he was gone, but hearing her state that she would stay solidified the fact that she was here by her own choice. He hadn’t captured her, and she wasn’t here out of some form of manipulation. Smiling as he lowered his gaze back to his bag, he continued to bring out his belongings. He knew that the shower area had simple flip flops that he could take to keep from having to walk barefooted where others had, so he didn’t need to worry about putting his boots away now. As he continued to put his things away, he was aware of Alyssa’s movements in the small cubicle, and he couldn’t help the blush that continued to burn on his cheeks. The way she walked with her wings around her, while more than likely practical, was extremely adorable. The small shuffle reminded him of a penguin in some ways, and he could not stop the smile that spread over his lips. “Nah, Ally, you’re perfectly fine. The lady at the church gave this to me as we were walking out, so there wasn’t really time to put it in our bags.” Will spoke with a small grin, hoping that this was explanation enough. He was not sure how he could have explained to the Angel before him what condoms were, or what their uses were. Why explain when I can show? A warmth spread through his gut as the thought crossed his mind, ending in a warmth and twitch in his pants. His manhood liked the idea of slipping a condom on so that he could show her how to use them, but William knew this was not the time or place. No matter how he felt about Alyssa or how long his eyes lingered on her feminine form, he wanted to bathe and take care of some basic needs before he attempted to fulfill these desires with her. .
Clearing his throat softly to remove the image that started to form in his mind, William glanced up and watched as Alyssa pulled her hair behind her ear before finishing getting his toiletries. There was something about that simple movement that drew William’s attraction again to his groin, and as he stood, he could feel the gentle tension in his pants from the fabric tightening around his growing desire. The smile on her lips as he pulled back from kissing her forehead did nothing to calm the warmth raging in his stomach, and William knew that his pupils were likely enlarging as his arousal was growing. He just had to hope that Alyssa would not notice or recognize what such a change would mean. Looking from her eyes to her lips as she spoke, Will nodded slowly as he listened. He could understand her confusion and felt his own in a way, but there was one thing for certain that he knew. The closer he got to Alyssa, the more he wanted to take her. “I’m not sure what to feel either, Alyssa, but I know it feels right when I’m close to you. I feel like everything is as it should be when I get to kiss you. I just...” William’s words trailed off as he felt the contact against the hem of his shirt. Looking down with a fierce red blush over his cheeks, he released a shaky exhale when he saw Alyssa’s fingers holding to his clothing. There was an innocence in her move, as if she did not want him to leave her alone in the cubicle, but the innocence was quickly lost on the man standing before her. His manhood had already been pressing firmly against his underwear and creating an impression along the leg of his pants, but now with her hand holding his shirt just above his waistband, he could feel a swell rush through his length. The fabric shifted to respond to the swelling beneath, tenting out noticeably from where it had been resting before.
Inhaling shakily as he tried to ignore his urges, William bit his lower lip and smiled in silent reassurance to Alyssa before stepping back and leaving the cubicle. He would be coming back to her in their cubicle, that he was certain of. .
The walk to the bathroom was an easy one that he had taken before, and as he passed others on the way, he avoided letting his gaze linger for too long. There were people in this building that would be describable as distasteful on their best days and outright criminal on others. While he was confident that he could normally protect himself when armed with his pistol, he did not have it on him, and he did not want to cause any problems. That did not mean he walked without confidence or a purpose, however. He kept his shoulders squared off and broad, not wanting to let there be any image that he was an easy target for those in the shelter that had been there for some time and were looking for fresh meat. No, he would be quick to prove that he was not someone that they could fuck with. Thankfully, no such threat arose as he walked, and William was able to keep a good and safe passage to the showers. There were plastic flip flops bagged up and available for them to use when they were in the showers to keep them safe from any of the possible contaminants on the ground. Grabbing a set of black ones, William walked past the shower stalls and stopped in one with a toilet to put his clean clothes in the plastic bag with the flip flops. He used the restroom quickly, enjoying the comfort of using a traditional commode before finishing and taking his belongings with him to one of the shower stalls. Shelters had long ago moved past the earlier communal showers as reports of sexual harassment and abuse hit the media, so there were individual closets that had shower heads, drains, and most importantly – a locking door. .
Undressing quickly, he set his dirty clothes on one of two shelves near the door that would not get wet with the splash of the water. Dropping the flip flops to the ground, he pulled out his toiletries and then stowed his new clothes next to his dirties. Finally, he put on the flip flops and set his boots next to the door so that they could stay dry and keep the dirty soles on the ground. Standing naked in the stall with his soap and shampoo in one hand and his toothbrush and toothpaste in the other, William looked down over his body at the thickness that stood proudly out on display. He clenched his teeth and tried to ignore it as he set his shampoo and soap on the shelf next to his dirty clothes. Reaching forward and turning on the water, he sighed softly when he felt its warmth washing over him and beginning to wet his body. He ignored the warmth over his manhood that caused it to throb as it attempted to get his attention and busied himself with his toothbrush first. Using the water to wet his mouth and the bristles alike, Will started to brush his teeth quickly and ignored the discomfort that came with it. He was able to keep a semiregular hygiene habit with his oral care, but he had thrown all his hygiene products away the night before when he had been drunk and debating on how to end it all. Soon enough, he had finished with his toothbrush and put it back in the plastic case it came in before grabbing his shampoo. Wetting his hair and then starting a healthy lather, William was scrubbing at his scalp and cleaning his hair when he accidentally pulled on the hair at the back of his head. A deep, throaty moan escaped him before he realized what he did, his eyes opening quickly and looking at the shower stall’s door before looking down at his manhood. Pulsing and standing fully at attention, he repeated the motion and pulled on his hair while watching himself. .
His member swelled before bouncing a little as his lower abs flexed automatically, as if it was begging for more attention than just the teasing touch in his hair. Running his fingers through his hair and pulling on more of it as he went, William closed his eyes and sighed softly as he felt as if his hands were falling away from his head. The weight on his head stayed put, but as he opened his eyes, he saw Alyssa standing before him in the nude with her hands up to his hair. Moaning deeply as the image of Alyssa pulled on his hair before pressing up tighter against him, William felt his manhood throb again before he felt a slow trickle of precum run through the length. Tilting his head back into the stream of water from the showerhead, Will could not stop the gentle thrust of his hips forward as he started to rinse the shampoo from his hair. Closing his eyes and moaning deeply as the warm water rushed through his hair and over his body, William rinsed the final suds away before reaching out blindly to find the bar of soap. The water trickled over his arm as he reached, dripping off in small lapping kisses that his mind immediately attributed to Alyssa’s lips moving over his body in a way to claim him. Finding the bar and bringing it back, William wet it in the stream of the shower before stepping forward to leave its warmth and begin lathering the soap over his body. Scrubbing and moving quickly over his chest and arms, Will closed his eyes and let a soft moan slip from his lips as he felt Alyssa’s hands everywhere that his hands traveled. Over his back, chest, and stomach, down his legs and over his arms. William focused on cleaning every part of his body thoroughly, but he avoided any contact with the portion that wanted the most attention. Only when the rest of him had a healthy lather did he change, and it was a good thing that he had waited. .
Sliding the bar of soap over his pelvis and down past his leaking shaft, William opened his eyes and watched his hands move with practiced skill to lather himself. The sensation of the soap sliding over himself was incredible, but he knew that it paled in comparison to what it was that he truly wanted around himself. Removing the bar of soap after he had lathered his privates fully, he rinsed off the bar and set it beside his shampoo before wrapping his right hand around the base of his shaft. Gripping firmly while gliding down a little, he extended his pinky and ring fingers to pull up at the sides of his jewels and draw them up slightly. His left hand rubbed up to his abs before gliding down slowly, drawing a deep moan from his throat as his hand rubbed past his base to find his jewels beneath as well. Cradling on the underside and tightening his fingers around the sensitive pouch to hold it up against himself, William brought his right hand up his shaft slowly to feel every inch of his hardened length. Immediately, he felt several drops of precum drain from his slit and run over the bottom side of his head. Leaning back to let the water of the shower wash over his body and start rinsing himself off, William closed his eyes and allowed his mind to drift to the blonde woman that his desires screamed for. The water of their shower washed over his body as he stood in their home, Alyssa on her knees and fully in the nude before him. Her eyes were trained up at him as her wings were held back behind her on display. When they were in their home, she would never have to hide her beautiful appendages, so long as they did not have any guests over. However, their guests had already gone home for the night and William had behaved the entire time that they were there, rewarding him this pleasure. .
Drawing his hand up and down his length as he pulled gently on his sensitive pouch, William tilted his head back and felt his hips beginning to want to get in on the action. He had to deny himself though, as his hand continued to travel up and down his shaft slowly, his fingers massaging gently as he went. Tightening his fingers and releasing the pressure as he traveled up his cock towards his swollen, leaking head. Swiping his thumb softly over the top of the spade while he brought his index finger up slowly, Will let his finger slide over the sensitive underside of his head before they came together over his tip. Rubbing his fingers gently over each other to spread the collected precum between them, he drew his hand forward the rest of the way until the heel of his hand rested against his needy head. Alyssa looked up at him, her stormy gray eyes round and need as she held her hand around the base of him. A firm grip with her thumb pressed against the thick vein on the underside, she was keeping him on edge while her soft, pillowy lips pressed against the underside of his head. She drew her tongue slowly up over his frenulum before stopping at the precum leaking slit. Her lips closed over his head, but quickly pulled back so that his tip rested at the gentle opening of her lips. “Oh fuck, Alyssa. Your lips feel so good.” William kept his eyes closed as he moaned out softly, his lips carrying his message more like a prayer to worship the Angel on her knees rather than to be heard by anyone around him. His hand tightened into a lose fist as he pressed his tip forward against the small opening between his palm and pinky finger. Sliding the hand down over his length slowly, William released another deep, rolling moan as he went. He could feel every dip between his fingers with the firm ridge of his swollen head, but in his mind, these were nothing but the details of Alyssa’s heavenly mouth. . (edited)
His Angel’s tongue swiped back and forth along the underside of his shaft as her lips traveled further down him. Her advance was slow and careful, drawing back a few times to bring her lips back to his head before she continued along his shaft. There was a determination in her eyes that Will treasured, as if Alyssa had made it her mission to take all of him into her mouth. Her eyes begged for him to let her, and as he nodded slowly, he could feel her lips curl into a smile before she sank deeper and deeper. Ally’s eyes stayed on his as she went lower, taking his head and the first inch or so of his shaft into her throat until she eventually bottomed out with her lips pressed against his pelvis. Drawing his hand down his shaft before stroking back up to his head, William kept his eyes closed as he heard the steady rhythm of his hand sliding up and down along the slick flesh of his cock. His fingers cupping his pouch had begun undulating slowly, giving gentle squeezes to the sensitive orbs within. His mouth was open and releasing needy moans as he went, his hand moving up and down his shaft quicker and twisting gently when he reached his head to pantomime her tongue under him. His moans continued but were quickly becoming joined with soft sounds of prayer to the woman on her knees for him, “Alyssa, just like that Baby. Oh my God, you are so fucking perfect Alyssa. You take my cock so well. Alyssa, mmm fuck. Oh Alyssa.” Her hands found the sides of his legs as she sank down deep, her throat filled with his cock and her lips pressed firmly against his base. He had been standing stock still, allowing her the freedom and choice to dictate their pace. Now, however, as she pulled back and started to stroke his shaft while kissing up and down his length, William knew she wanted more from him. Alyssa wanted her lips used for his pleasure. She wanted her throat fucked with no sign of stopping. She needed him to take his pleasure that he desired. .
Giving his sensitive pouch one final squeeze as he slowly stroked his length with his other hand, William leaned his head back and let the warm shower run over his face and down his chest. Breathing out deeply from his nose as he pulled his hand up along his shaft and off his head, William released a shuddering moan before leaning forward again. Feeling the water trail down his abs and along his throbbing manhood, he felt Alyssa’s lips on his shaft in teasing touches to beg him for more. Bringing his left hand up to cup her imaginary cheek, he stroked where her cheekbones would be before speaking with a soft moan, “Are you ready for this Alyssa? Do you want my cock down your throat?” Seeing her image nod in the fog of the shower, William nodded before bringing his left hand up to hold it in front of his right to create a longer channel. Bending his knees slightly and drawing his right foot back slowly for a better stance and balance, he slid the underside of his shaft over the knuckles of his right hand. Watching his cock glide over Ally’s lips before slipping off her cheek quickly, William bit his lower lip and drew his hips back to align his tip with the entrance to his hands. Pushing against it slowly and feeling his fingers opening in a gradual release like it was her mouth and throat, Will paused when he felt his fist pressing against his pelvis. Looking down at the mist before him, he muttered softly before pulling back and beginning to thrust at a slow rhythm into his hands, “Alyssa, you’re so fucking beautiful with my cock down your throat.”
Thrusting in and out of his hands slowly, he was able to keep that pace for only a short amount of time before he felt the swell in his cock growing more intense. He was getting close already, a testament to how badly he wanted the woman in his fantasy, but he needed more to get over the edge. Speeding up his thrusts and slamming forward into his hands, he closed his eyes and watched Alyssa’s hair bouncing forward and back with the thrusts of his hips. .
Ally’s eyes were looking up at his as he went, his balls moving forward firmly against her throat with every thrust deep into her mouth. There were small tears forming in her eyes as he went with more power and drove himself deeper into her throat with each thrust, but there was never any fear or refusal. She stayed on her knees and took him as he went, her hands resting on his hips to act as a message system if she needed him to pull back. His left hand threaded itself in her hair at the back of her head to keep her from falling back as he went, and his right rested on her hand on his hip. He was holding her wrist as he went, a sign of comfort and appreciation as she took his thrusts so dutifully. Thrusting into his hands over and over, William could feel his orgasm approaching at an unstoppable pace. As his pouch started to tighten up and his girth swelled within his hands, he started to see flashes of light behind his eyes. His climax was arriving, and his mouth could only form simple phrases on repeat with the moans that spilt out around it, “Oh fuck, Alyssa. Mmmmm fuck yes Alyssa. Fuck yes, Alyssa. Mmmm Alyssa. Oh Alyssa.” His manhood throbbed and released within his hands, coating his palms and fingers with his thick ropes of release. Pulling back from his cock with his left hand and stroking himself through his orgasm with his right, William watched as a few more thick ropes shot from his member and coated the wall of the shower stall. Alyssa held his member in her mouth as his cum drained from within him and coated her throat. Her head started to slowly bob back and forth as she sucked gently, pulling the last of his thick seed from his shaft and allowing it to drain down her throat. As his last rope spilled from him, she held it on her tongue and opened her mouth for him to see before swallowing it slowly. Once finished, she kissed the underside of his tip before shimmering out of the shower’s mist. . (edited)
Closing his eyes and washing his hands and cock quickly, William sighed softly before looking over to the wall where his seed was slowly dripping down. Splashing some water on it to allow it to drain down with the rest of the water, he could not help the bright blush across his cheeks when he turned the water off. Each shower stall had a locked dispensary of towels within them so that other shelter dwellers could not touch the towels within. Turning the knob on the side and producing his, William pulled it out and started to dry himself off quickly. He ignored the small twitches of his cock that tried to get excited again and simply focused on the task. When he was satisfied with how dry he was, he pulled on his new clothes and then stuffed his old clothes in the same plastic bag. It was a tight fit, but it gave him a way to carry his dirty clothes without getting himself dirty again. He kept the towel and wrapped his toiletries within it before gathering his bag and boots to leave. One of the female attendants raised an eyebrow at him as he walked by, a clear sign that she had overheard his session with himself, but he tried to ignore her by turning his gaze away. This was an adult only shelter, so there was bound to be some sex or at least sexual activities within. It was just an embarrassing eventuality to be the one that got overheard. William had cleaned and dried his feet before leaving, but he kept the flip flops on as he walked back through the gymnasium. He could ignore the soft squeaks that it gave behind him; he didn’t want to take the chance of stepping on a shard of glass or needle that had someone else’s blood on it. There were supposed to be measure taken to keep drugs out of the shelter, but it never hurt to be careful. He was finally losing his blush when he arrived at the door to their cubicle and knocked gently on it before speaking, “Alyssa, it’s me William.” .
“Welcome Home, William.” The words brought an immediate smile to William’s lips as the door opened, before a light pink blush crept over his cheeks as he saw what Alyssa was wearing. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it, and he immediately found himself loving the cute appeal that it had. However, his eyes quickly lifted to see her wings on full display, and he stepped forward quickly. He got closer to Ally than he had intended, his chest brushing lightly against hers as he reached behind him to pull the door closed and lock it. Now, with their security taken care of, Will let his eyes travel slowly over Alyssa’s face at this closer distance. Before she could step away, William dropped his belongings and brought his hands forward to wrap his arms around Alyssa’s lower back. Hugging her tight and lifting her slightly, he stepped forward while looking into her eyes with a grin. Letting his gaze travel slowly over the intricacies of her stormy grays, William breathed out a soft moan before leaning forward and placing his lips against Alyssa’s cheek. He held the contact for a moment before whispering softly, “Thank you Ally, that feels so good to hear.” Lowering her slowly so that her feet could find the floor beneath them, Will slipped his hands back from her lower back so that they could rest on her hips gently. Looking down at her, he ignored the images from his fantasies before and focused on her features that were not muddied by his memory. From her soft lips to the delicate nose over them, William grinned before seeming to recognize what he had just done. Lowering his hands to his sides with an awkward chuckle, he scratched the side of his head with his right hand before squatting down to pick up his clothes. .
Taking them over to the bed and setting them down on the ground underneath the middle of the bed, William brought the towel up and wiped his face slowly. He sat down on the edge of the bed and draped the towel around his neck before leaning forward with his elbows braced on his knees. Glancing up at Alyssa, he smiled before speaking, “I’m gonna get our food stuff put away if you’d like to help me. Dry goods on the shelf over the foot of the bed, wet goods on the shelf over the chair.” @Fiory
While Alyssa had sat in that cubicle, every so often taking to her feet and pacing around the room in thought, she let the day wash over her senses and drown her over excited nerves. His life had been spared, if barely. The entire day she had stayed close, and had grown close to him. It felt so natural, like they had been next to each other for all time. Why was that? It was perplexing, and with the silence in her head without Malach to scold and guide her, Ally was unsure how to proceed. Her lips still tingled in excitement and her skin remained a soft flush of pink at the kiss he’d planted to her forehead before leaving. “Why did I do that?” She asked aloud, mostly to herself though she had hoped to stir her mentor from his silence perhaps with it. “I.. I didn’t want him to leave… Why didn’t I want him to leave?” She asked herself, looking for the answers she needed so desperately to be able to understand the interaction. When none came but that confusing pit in her stomach, Alyssa found herself seated again on the edge of the bed, her knees up into her chest and her arms gently holding them tightly. Quietly, Alyssa let her eyes close, allowing for reflection upon the day and a gentle smile came to her face. She had learned quite a lot about the human’s realm here on earth. They had little devices they could speak to each other called cell phones, similar to how she would speak with Malach but in a physical form. They seemed to obsess and value oddities and objects that had no soul or purpose. Other than to be beautiful and give them more money than what they had. There was generosity here, thinking back to the morning where she’d gotten the pastries for William, and then later when Michael had helped. Her smile began to falter as she thought of the church and the people who had been there for help. It was heartwarming to see that kindness and compassion was still here, though she unfortunately came face to face with some of the hatred that was here too. And f
rom one who claimed to be of Heaven’s Speakers on earth no less! The very idea of Pastor McClane made Ally feel a bubbling of disappointment in the man stir deep within her stomach. She couldn’t be angry at him, just disappointed that he was taking his role with such disdain. As if it wasn’t his calling to care for those around him.
Her thoughts traveled to when William would have his episodes; he’d had several today and Alyssa had been there for all of them as best as she could be. The last one in the portable building, had been so intense it brought a tear back to Alyssa's eyes. How he had suffered, had languished for all this time in his life. It was cruel and felt so heartless. Why did William suffer like this? Was there a reason? Was it just luck? Or was this part of His plan the whole time? Alyssa really didn’t know. There was no real answer to her questions this time regarding Will’s past and what he lived through when his mind played tricks on him. The image of how frightened and how upset he was, how angry and how embarrassed he seemed afterwards was horrible to witness. She could still remember feeling his heart race under her fingertips. Nodding into her arms, Alyssa felt a conviction come over her, a determined look on her sweet face. “You are safe William. I’ll stay with you and keep you safe. I promise.” The words were her own contract, a promise she would never break. Whether it was her mission or not, William was in her care. She couldn’t stand the idea of him suffering as it made her heart hurt in a way she didn’t recognize. The only thing that seemed to make the pain lessen was ensuring this promise into the air. That he wouldn’t be alone for the rest of his days if that’s how long it took. Alyssa could wait, she was patient, and had all the time in the world after all.
Her thoughts soon moved as she sat on the bed to their previous encounter just before he’d left for the showers. With cheeks softly flushing, she relived over and over the embrace she’d shared with him. Her lips tingled each time she saw herself leap up to crash into his in her mind’s eye. Each time she thought of him holding her close and touching his skin, she felt a rush flow through her and straight to the core of her. This feeling was attraction? It was desire? For her it certainly seemed to be the case. All she wanted to do was to repeat the action, to feel those sensations flood her body again. Alyssa wondered if holding his hand all day the way she had perhaps had opened her up to more human emotions and that’s why it was affecting her so. Perhaps these feelings weren’t even her own, but merely borrowed from William. Similar to how she had borrowed his anger when the men at the cafe were making fun of him. This line of thinking made her head dip a little further in sadness; if they were borrowed emotions, and not her own then it was easy for the young angel to surmise that without her, William might just be fine. Perhaps she was kidding herself, thinking she could keep him safe when she couldn’t even keep herself from feeling the emotions he had. What good was she, if such a simple thing couldn’t be done? She had no idea how to help William through the episodes he suffered from, and had no idea where to even begin to search for something like that to help him. Perhaps… Malach was right… ”Alyssa…” The sound startled her a moment. It wasn’t Malach who’d spoken her name, and Ally lifted her head immediately to look around the room. She could have sworn she’d heard it, something softly spoken and only just audible. Her brow creased a little seeing no one in the cubicle she currently found herself in.
“William?” She called gently into the empty room. But there was no answer back to her. This was perplexing. Alyssa was sure she had heard William’s voice, but it was very clear that he had not returned yet, and was nowhere in sight. I know I heard him.. He spoke my name.. I’m sure of it She thought, listening in silence to see if the sound would come to her again. ”Alyssa. Your lips feel so good.” A bright flush rose on her cheeks. That was William’s voice, but it echoed in her head similar to how Malach had spoken to her. There was a dripping emotion in his voice that she couldn’t quite place, but his words were certainly a prayer, something that reached her no matter the distance and called to her when he breathed her name. He… likes my lips? She wondered, her head tilting a little. She couldn’t see exactly what he meant by the statement, and she thought it might be rude to check on him while he was likely in the shower as she had confirmed him walking into the bathroom area before. It was an odd statement, one that made her think. But the only time he’d felt her lips was earlier when she had kissed him. Out in front of the church on the cheek, but again here in the cubicle they were calling their home. Her lips parted slightly and her fingertips felt along her lower lip a moment, wondering if that was what he meant. That he had liked kissing her. That he had liked the connection that had been made when she had returned it.
“I… I don’t know if it was worth the prayer William…but..” She began, her gaze moving to the floor of the cubicle softly. In truth, she had liked it too. Every passing moment she realized more and more that she had enjoyed those sensations that flooded her and threatened to cause her to drown. A quiet smile spread over her lips at the thought of it. “I’m sure it.. It wasn’t of any consequence to you… but I did enj-” ”you are so fucking perfect Alyssa..” Alyssa could tell that she wasn’t getting the full message, just snippets here and there. The emotions carried with his words were intense enough to feel. Heated and desperate and longing. There was a warmth to them and a need that laced them. Alyssa’s face remained that rosey flush as she listened to him. He thought she was perfect? In such a way that it pulled heavily at her heart and forced her to listen. There was so much riding on the words she was able to pick up, that the emotions she could now identify as attraction and desire made her body rush in euphoric appreciation. There was a warmth in it that permeated through her. Radiated out and filled the cubicle home that she sat so quietly in. “I… I’m not perfect William..” She whispered aloud, unable to convey her words to him, as she had no way to tell him so far away. However she felt the urge and needed to answer his pleas to her. The desperate prayers that he spoke out with passion and conviction. “In fact… I… I don’t know if I am the best to help you… I want to.. I don’t want to leave you.. I’ll do all I can… for as long as it takes…I just…” There was uncertainty, a worry perhaps that she wasn’t the right angel for this. That he deserved someone more qualified, and yet everything pulled at her that she needed to be here. That he wanted her here. That he needed her here. ”Are you ready for this Alyssa?”
The words ran in her head and for a moment she almost mistook them for Malach. As if William was echoing his sentiments. The uncertainty vanished from her eyes and a cold thunder washed over the stormy looking hues. Yes. She was ready. She could do this. All day she had been arguing with her mentor about how she was ready for this, that she wouldn’t fail. And hearing William in a way echo to her a phrase she’d heard Malach ask her almost solidified her determination and conviction that she was indeed ready. “Yes. I’m ready for this William. I know I am. I’m going to stay with you for as long as you have need of me.” Saying the words again aloud, with a deeper sense of confidence, Alyssa’s smile returned to her face. She Could Do this. If it wasn’t His plan for her to be here, then she simply wouldn’t be. So she had to be doing the right thing being here, helping William. And with all the progress he’d made, the brighter and happier he seemed, Alyssa knew that she had to have been doing something right at least. From the angry man she’d tackled this morning mid-flight in order to keep him from becoming a stain upon the pavement, William had smiled so much now and was slowly becoming a Marine again. Someone with honor and righteousness, at least that’s how Alyssa quantified it. The feeling made her warm and comforted. So much so that she couldn’t help the gentle song that came from her lips. The glow she’d had was nothing but heavenly, a mercy to those struggling in the night to see her light and know they were safe. They were cared for. They were loved.
The light pulsed and washed over the gymnasium, bathing the row that held Alyssa and William’s cubicle in its gentle golden light. Her gentle psalm was quieter than a whisper, gentle like a dove’s wingbeat and brought a sense of calm and peace to the row and a few of the neighboring homes beyond it in the gymnasium. It was an overflow of love and devotion that she couldn’t help, needing it to spill into the area to rid herself of the excess energy and emotion. And what better way to do that, then to spread that joy and love and compassion to others who might be suffering nearby. It gave their specific area, in no other terms, an angelic glow, and when her song concluded and the glow began to fade, Alyssa felt at peace with her decision. She would remain, for as long as she needed to, with William until such time that he no longer needed her. Not only because this was her mission, but because she wanted to. ”Alyssa, it’s me William.” His voice had nearly startled her, seeming much louder and clearer than the prayers he’d spoken before in her head. It took her a moment before she slid herself off the edge of the bed and made her way towards the door. Her fingers came forward and lightly touched the doorknob, quietly opening it and smiling in relief to see William standing on the other side. Her greeting brought a smile to his face and she made a mental note to be sure to greet him in the same way again. If it makes him happy, then I don’t see a problem with it She thought, not having any idea just how powerful those three words could be to a former soldier returning somewhere safe. For her, he had called this place their home, so it only seemed appropriate to welcome him back to it in this same manner.
A quiet inhale was the only mention of any kind of surprise she gave when he quickly moved inside and locked the door behind him. The casual brush against her made her wings flutter slightly, wondering if perhaps she had just been too close, or had been in the way. The action hadn’t offended her at least, only making her inside swirl again as if she had just raked up a pile of leaves in the fall, and a playful breeze decided to mess all her work. She had less than no time to rectify the feeling before she felt herself embraced by William. This was different than before. It was intimate, but it was also warm and comforting. Thankful and appreciative came to mind, and Alyssa took him gently in her arms. With the way that he held her, her arms really only had one place to go which was gently around his shoulders and neck. One hand quietly fell along his back, while the other softly held the back of his head and neck. She was careful not to accidentally pull his hair, just holding him gently in a comforting embrace. Alyssa even hummed a light chuckle against the kiss he gave to her cheek, that gentle breeze increasing to spread those leaves through her in a flurry but it was much more manageable it seemed. She would get the hang of this, this intense emotion that flooded her, eventually. “You’re welcome William.” She said softly, her head coming forward a little to bask in the warmth he provided. A soft inhale brought the smell of his shampoo and soap to her nose and without really realizing it, Alyssa brought her nose closer into the side of his neck where it met his shoulder to better enjoy the smell. While he had been quite dirty before, and had smelled of body odor and dirt and alcohol, the clean scent he sported unmasked his natural cologne. He had a freshness to him, along with that warmth he’d had before. It was pleasant and Ally smiled a little at the new scents he came back with.
“You smell much better now. Do you feel better too?” She asked as he lowered her back down to the floor, stepping back a little to allow him further into the room. Alyssa would wait to hear his response, before hearing him ask for her help. Gently, she nodded, crouching down next to him so she could take the food items and put them away as he asked. Her hands were nimble and she’d place the dry goods on the shelf at the foot of their bed, while the wet went over the chair. More than once she’d spread her wings out a little for balance reaching anywhere that was taller than her. While putting things away and happy to be of help, Alyssa turned to Will, looking at him over her shoulder for a moment. “I.. I heard your prayers William…” She said softly, taking her fingers and lightly tucking her blonde hair behind her ear softly. A soft flush ran across her nose and over her cheeks, but she looked warmly at him. Her face didn’t seem upset or angry, but grateful in a way. Slowly she turned around and took the few paces back to him, her wings held against her back loosely as she bent her left knee and then her right to kneel in front of him. The quiet storm of her eyes looked up at him, and she smiled sweetly, her hands coming forward to quietly place on his knees in a gentle comfort to him. She couldn’t have known that this would look very close to how the apparition of her had been with William in the shower, all Alyssa wanted was to convey her gratitude for his belief in her. Without it, she surely would be summoned away, and it was for that reason with as close as she was to him that she wanted to ensure he knew he could count on her.
“You didn’t sound like you were in danger or in trouble… so I didn’t check on you… but if you ever are…I’ll be right there for you Will. For as long as you need me.” Her right hand moved to quietly reach up to his cheek, but it quietly ran further than that. In a comforting and calm way, she ran her fingers through his wet hair, smiling up at him sweetly from the floor. The gentle thudding in her chest told her this was a good feeling, that this was the right thing to do. That this was what she was supposed to do, and this was part of her purpose here. It had taken his whole shower to come to the conclusion of this, and she still didn’t quite understand it in its totality, but she was certain that this was the right path that He had wanted for her to take with William. There was a slight hesitation, more because she was nervous not because she didn’t want to, her body slowly rising up on her knees. This was soft and warm. It certainly wasn’t as passionate and desperate as before, but filled with a calming peace. Her soft lips found him gently, guided by the hand that cupped his face and held him just for a brief moment. That same rush flew through her and this time Alyssa closed her eyes to surrender to it. It was thrilling and warm and she could see how an addiction could come from something so euphoric. This surely had to be a good thing then, and as she pulled away in quiet respect of him, Alyssa opened her eyes and held his gaze kindly. “Thank you… for your belief in me William..” Her words were quiet and warm. A gratitude for him needing her like he did. For his compliments that she heard in his prayers, that she could only take as compliments without knowing the full context of them. If only she knew just how much he had needed her, her actions might have been slightly different. @Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 14-Feb-23 12:56 AM
The way Alyssa allowed him to pick her up filled William with a warmth and feeling of belonging that he had not realized he had been missing and needing so badly. He was finally in a place where he could let down his walls, and there was nothing that seemed to be around any immediate corners to make him regret this ease and happiness. Holding her in his arms was easier than he had expected, probably something to do with the way that Angels walked on the clouds and bounced across the sky on their wings. Whatever the cause of this newfound ease, Will was thankful for it as it allowed him the pleasure of feeling Ally’s arms around his shoulders and neck. The gentle touches were not meant to excite him as the Angel likely knew nothing of this topic, but he could not help the soft moan that rolled through his throat when he felt her hand rubbing at his head gently. Leaning his head back slightly to enjoy the sensation, he grinned broadly before pressing forward to press his lips against her cheek. Feeling his lips grace the soft flesh of her cheek, William immediately missed the memory of her lips but also found himself falling in love with the feel of her cheek. It was not as personal of a touch, but he knew that after what he had just done in the shower, it was best to let his emotions and arousal lower some. He could feel a slight thickness beginning in his pants as he held her and his blood reacted, but William ignored the sensation and focused instead on Alyssa’s cheek. Smooth and free of any blemish that would mark her as a human or mortal less than what she truly was, he kept his lips in place and enjoyed the sensation before pulling back enough to let his words flow out easily. William thanked her with true authenticity before returning his lips to her cheek and kissing slowly towards her jawline. Holding his lips just beneath her left ear as he breathed in deeply, he hummed softly as he took in her clear and crisp scent. .
He welcomed the warmth on his cheeks that came not only from his close contact with her but also the way she had worked her own face forward into the warmth of the crook of his neck. Turning his head enough so that their cheeks would touch so that they could both enjoy the warmth, William listened to her breathe in his scent and could not help the smile that spread over his lips. He had noticed from the moment they met that Alyssa was an incredibly clean woman, and her scent had always reflected that whenever he had been in a position to take it in. Fresh linens, freshly washed hair and body, and perfect hygiene seemed to be the very epitome of Ally. Now, with her nose pressing closer to his neck and shoulder so that she could take in his scent more directly, Will could not help the chill of satisfaction that ran along his spine. He would be closer to matching her now, and he knew that would likely make him more approachable and hopefully more attractive to his Guardian Angel. Noticing where his mind was going as his thoughts lulled on the idea of being attractive for the pure woman before him, William knew it was high time to set her down and get some separation. Alyssa was not here to be the object of his sexual desires and fantasies, so he needed to respect that and keep his thoughts and intentions to himself. Setting her down and hearing her question about the shower and how he felt, William blushed fiercely as he stepped away and sat down on the edge of the bed. I feel better, there is no doubt about that, but how do I voice that to her? I can’t tell her that I just got done masturbating to her image and using her imaginary throat for my pleasure. She likely wouldn’t understand, and if she did, it would not be flattering at all. She would probably leave me here to die, cursing me for ever wasting her time and steering her on this new course. No, think about it William. Be smart and tell her what she needs to know, nothing more. .
“I’m glad I smell better. I know I was probably a little funky before.” William chuckled softly, scratching the back of his neck casually with his right hand while his left reached for his backpack. Pulling it over to between his legs, he reached for her backpack and set it down beside his before continuing, “Yeah, I feel a lot better. The water was a nice massage that I haven’t had in a while, and it is nice and refreshing to be clean again. It’s a weird thing to say, but I don’t like feeling dirty. The extra layer of grime is just gross.” William grinned and shook his head slowly, licking his tongue over his teeth to enjoy the slick sensation that showed he had brushed them clean. He hated the fact that he couldn’t often experience that pleasure, but he would be making the most of it now that he was here with Alyssa to help him take care of his needs. Opening the zipper of his bag as he asked for Ally’s help with the food items, Will was impressed with how quickly she took to the task. He hadn’t expected her to have any difficulty figuring out what went where, but he had not expected to be able to just hand her the items without any guidance. Grinning and bringing more items from the bags, he started unloading them quicker than Alyssa could put them up; if she was going to handle the food so well, there were some things he could work on. Having emptied both bags of the food items and laid them out on the bed, William reached into his bag and retrieved his pistol, the three magazines, and the box of ammunition. A Sig Sauer P320, the pistol was a well-cared for piece of black polymer and steel. It was clear by the way that he handled it that William took care of the weapon and made sure it was functional, even when he himself was not. It may not be his M4 carbine, but the training of the Marine Corps was deeply ingrained: he was nothing without his weapon and his weapon was nothing without him. .
Working the slide back and forth several times to make sure it was still oiled and tensioned as it needed to be, he slid it back and flicked up the slide catch and release button. Locking the slide back, William selected a single cartridge from the box of fifty rounds and slid it into the chamber. Releasing the slide and flicking on the manual safety, he set the pistol down next to the pillow before picking up one of the magazines. With practiced ease, he loaded them each with their fifteen rounds to capacity, though he let his eyes glance up as he worked. Seeing Alyssa moving freely back and forth in front of the shelves with the food in her hands, he could not help but grin when he saw her wings extend slightly as she leaned in order to help her with her balance. Chuckling softly as she leaned particularly far with a box of crackers in her hand, William allowed his gaze to travel slowly over her body. Taking in the majesty of her wings once again, he let his focus shift to her newly exposed legs. The shorts were a new addition, and while William had been able to get a good idea of the slim-athletic build of Ally’s legs in the jeans, he could not help but see them on full display here before him. Thin lines of definition lined the insides of her thighs as she stretched, joined by soft lines on her calves. The gentle creamy hue of her face and arms continued on her legs with a slight degree of extra paleness that came from the lack of exposure to any sun. Finding his tongue dipping out to wet his lower lip before his lip found its way between his teeth, William looked up along Alyssa’s thighs and over her rear to her back. He had already seen her bare torso and chest and seen this change in her skin tone as well, but he found himself desiring to see it again. Pausing in his motions as he loaded the last magazine, William closed his eyes and lowered his chin to his chest. .
She is not some fucking pin up, Marine. Keep your eyes off her and focus on the task at hand. Quit eyeing her like Halloween candy and get to work. If that pistol ain’t ready to fire, how do you expect to keep her safe? Didn’t think of that, did you. Focus up, Marine. Sliding the last few rounds into the magazine, Will reached over and picked up the pistol. Sliding the magazine home and nodding slowly as he immediately felt more secure, he closed the box to save the additional four rounds and slipped them all back into his bag. Pushing his backpack and Alyssa’s back over to the foot of the bed on the ground, William was about to get up and help with the last of the food when he realized it had all been put up already. Watching Alyssa put the last box of spaghetti up, Will grinned and rested his hands on his thighs as he saw her looking over her shoulder at him. There was a strange degree of domestic life here with her, but William was not going to ignore how it warmed his chest to think of it. Closing his eyes for a moment, he pulled his attention from Ally and tried to think of the next task that they would need to do. Before he could get too deep, however, her words penetrated his focus and disrupted any attempt at further thought. Looking up to see her blushing lightly as her hand moved her hair behind her ear, William felt his heart begin to beat more rapidly as he recognized the way that Alyssa had seemed to make that simple movement a new habit. It was a simple gesture, but there was no denying the impact that it had on him. Not only did it give him the opportunity to feel her silky hair when he did it himself, but the unobscured view of her facial features that it granted was nearly heavenly. Grinning and blushing as he realized how corny that realization was, William swallowed thickly before nodding slowly. .
Thinking back to the earlier moments, he could only think of one thing that would have equated to a series of prayers, and it brought a heavy blush across his cheeks and a gentle increase to his heartrate. Had she heard him as he masturbated to her image and his ideas of what he would do with her if given the opportunity. Feeling his cock beginning to twitch and grow steadily as his thoughts began to track back to the fantasy from before, Will dropped his right hand from resting on top of his thigh over his crotch slowly. Balling his hand up into a fist and pushing down on the swelling base of his manhood, he forced his erection down and started to dissuade it with the measure of pain that he was inflicting. Grinning and laughing softly, William shrugged before responding to Alyssa’s statement, “I...I hope the message was delivered well. You have been a massive help to me in ways you can’t understand, Ally.” The blush on William’s cheeks spread quickly across his nose and down towards his jaw as a blush began creeping up his neck as well. The way that Alyssa knelt in front of him and placed her hands on his knees immediately reminded him of the imagined form from his shower beforehand. Fighting back a soft moan as he felt his erection growing stiffer despite his hand’s attempt at hold it down, William admitted defeat and simply discreetly adjusted his underwear and gym shorts so that his erection would run along his right thigh rather than standing out away from him in a straight line. He had to simply hope that his shorts would not betray him and shift in their position to allow the head of his needy manhood to peek out for a view of its own. .
Sliding his right hand forward as if to hide the true intentions of its movements to conserve his decency, William let it come to rest gently on top of Alyssa’s left hand on his knee. Wrapping his fingers under her palm and holding her hand gingerly, he drew his thumb slowly back and forth over her knuckles to comfort her and show that this was a gesture of kindness. William moved his left hand forward to mirror the hold, but before he could, Alyssa’s hand lifted to reach for his cheek. Letting his hand follow a new pathing, he rested it softly on her arm at the crook of her elbow before he turned his head to gently rub his cheek over her palm. Closing his eyes for a moment, he looked back to her as she spoke and explained her ability to hear him. The idea of her checking on him and being able to see him in his throes of pleasure crossed Will’s mind and he was not happy with the initial contrasting buzz of ideas. There was the immediate reaction of wanting to cover himself so as not to bother Ally or scar her with such a sight. Then, following soon after, was the idea to keep stroking himself so that she could see all that he had to offer and know that she was the target of his pleasure and fantasies. Accompanying that was a fantasy of its own, where she had appeared in the shower stall in her true form and they had made steamy hot sex with their hands bracing on the wall as he pounded inside of her. He would let her wings cascade back around him as his hand rested on her hip and the other gripped the back of her neck. He could feel the supple flesh of her rear slamming back into him with every thrust forward, but he was able to bring himself out of this daydream and fantasy. .
William was keenly aware of how much his erection had grown at the idea of fucking Alyssa in the shower stall, and he could see the way that his gym shorts had adjusted. Seeing that there were only a couple inches of loose fabric between him and embarrassment, he was thankful for the fact that Alyssa moved closer to him. The closer she got, the better hidden his throbbing manhood was from her innocent gaze. Will had enjoyed the way Ally’s hand had held gently to the side of his head and played through his hair, but there was no way he could deny the way he held his breath in anticipation of her next movements as she guided upwards towards his lips. Responding to her kiss with gentle movements of his lips, William brought his left hand up from her elbow to gently caress her cheek and hold his thumb over her cheekbone. Swiping gingerly over her soft flesh as his right hand lifted as well, he let it rest on the side of Alyssa’s neck with his fingers extending into her blonde hair. Closing his eyes and moaning softly into the kiss, William held gently to her in order to not hurt her, but there was an unshakable solidity to his hands that would not let her move even if the other Angels came down to wrestle them apart. Only when he felt her beginning to pull back did he open his eyes and loosen his hold on her. Dropping his hands to gently hold onto her forearm, Will smiled and bit his bottom lip before turning his head to kiss the inside of Ally’s wrist. Holding his lips there for a moment, he glanced over at her to listen to her speak. Grinning against the arm, he turned his head and placed his cheek against her wrist before replying, “Of course, you’ve never given me a reason to doubt you, Alyssa.” .
Pulling away from her arm slowly, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers again, though this time there was a certain degree of passion and hunger that accompanied the move. Bringing his hands up to hold onto her cheeks, he let his fingertips thread into her hairline under each of her ears. William allowed his fingers to glide over the sensitive skin beneath and behind Alyssa’s ears as his lips continued to work with the kiss. There was a sense of fulfillment that came with this embrace, as if he had finally reached the zenith of his life and had found the purpose he had been struggling for. However, as he ran his tongue over the bottom lip of the gorgeous Angel before him, he felt this high growing more and more. He had not reached the zenith or climax that would show his life at its highest point to only decline from here on out. No, as he let his lips hold to hers and would slip his tongue into her mouth for a moment if she let him, William knew that he had only just now found the path that he had been meaning to find his whole life. This was the path to completion and climax, the route that would take him to his zenith and absolute fulfillment. Lowering his hands to rest on the sides of Alyssa’s neck, he pulled back to separate their lips and breathe in deeply as if he were about to suffocate. Before he could regain his breathing, though, William pressed forward again and captured Ally’s lips again. Lowering his hands to her waist, he gripped gently and pulled up while leaning back, trying to urge her up onto the bed and into his lap. As if to help with communicating the unspoken, he broke the kiss for a moment to gasp out his words between quick inhales, “Ally, put your knees beside my hips and sit in my lap. You trust me, right?” Will pulled gently with his hands to guide her to the spot he begged her to enter, his lips finding hers and his tongue requesting entrance once more into her mouth. @Fiory
The light of the gymnasium flickered a little while she sat on her knees, going over everything that had happened just prior to this moment in time. It was like everything had halted, frozen for just a moment so she could collect and examine each small motion, every slight movement and listen again to every little sound that was made. It started back when William came in from his shower, smelling more crisp and clean and looking far more confident. Alyssa had enjoyed the way he held her tightly, as if he had missed her and had needed her embrace. There was a feeling that had bubbled with it, what was that exactly? She recognized it not as attraction or desire, two new emotions she was just figuring out, but more as longing. A sense of wanting to belong somewhere, or to someone. “A little ‘funky’? I wouldn’t know…” Alyssa had said softly, giving a light shrug of her shoulders to his statement to her. “I’ve never known what a human was supposed to smell like before…” This had been true. It was her first time on earth; how was she to know that humans could have a different smell to them? That they weren’t supposed to smell of dirt or grass or body odor or even the trace hints of alcohol? She could admit, that the combination hadn’t been the most pleasant thing to imagine, but she knew no better. William was, in more ways than just one, her first human experience and while certainly she could assume that he had the potential to not smell the way he had before, who was she to say that that hadn’t been his natural state? Regardless, it had brought a smile to her face knowing that urging him onward today and bringing him here, he was able to regain a bit more of himself. To wash the grime and layer of dirt that had hung heavy on him off. And Alyssa could agree, he did smell much nicer now. The light fragrance of the soap and shampoo he’d used was pleasant, like flowers and it made her wonder how it worked; certainly the little bottle and the bar he’d taken with him didn’
t have a field in it, and certainly didn’t look like flowers or trees or other natural things.
”I…I hope the message was delivered well. You have been a massive help to me in ways you can’t understand, Ally” “Well… I’m not sure actually… I heard bits and pieces, but I don’t think I got all of it…” She would admit, giving a gentle shrug to him while she had continued to put away the food like he had asked.. “It’s… my first time hearing a prayer before… directed at me at least… so I’m sure I got enough of it, if it wasn’t the whole thing.” There had been a bit of innocent apprehension in her voice and on her face saying this. Not only was William her first human to work with, but she’d never actually had prayers directed at her before. So hearing them was a little new for her. Certainly she’d heard a recited prayer before, that was nothing new up in Heaven, however it was a completely different matter to have one directed specifically at her. This had been nice, a gentle exchange between the two and while she felt a little embarrassment at how inexperienced she was, Alyssa didn’t think the exchange too terribly made.
He had seemed a little flushed perhaps, or even a little flustered. But Alyssa didn’t think it was too much to concern herself over. Perhaps he would tell her what was embarrassing or make him feel reserved, though she wouldn’t pry thinking that might be rude and inappropriate of her. Instead she did what felt right. What had felt natural and what had pulled her close to him. The kiss had been soft and gentle, a pleasant feeling of petals against him more to say thank you than anything else. Though certainly it had an effect she couldn’t have anticipated on the man. It had lifted her spirits and made her wings tingle in delight, so perhaps there was a part of her that did it for her own satisfaction as well. As selfish as that seemed. ”Of course, you’ve never given me a reason to doubt you, Alyssa.” “I appreciate that Will… I rea-” Cutting her off from the small statement she was making, Will had moved to press against her again. It startled her at first, until that wave she was growing familiar with washed over her. Alyssa enjoyed kissing him it seemed, enjoyed the feeling that ran through her body that was too new to really understand what was going on with it. The sound he made sent a shiver through her body and before she realized it her throat had made a similar sound back. As if she were speaking to him in another language. A language she didn’t know she was fluent in. It was almost like a song in a way, melodic and soft and gentle on the ears. But nothing short of a moan herself. It was a quiet noise that she curiously wondered how she came to know to make it.
“W-William.. “ Alyssa gasped gently, a light shake in her voice when he released her. Her breath came heavier, a soft pant that lifted and fell her chest a little harder than it had been before. His hands sliding down her frame to the swell of her hips made the angel quiver. Never had she been touched so gently and yet so thoroughly before. It was an invigorating sensation. Before another word could be uttered, he’d silence her again, at least temporarily before begging for her compliance. Pleading with her to be closer, intimately so. As if she had been compelled to obey, given no other choice, Alyssa gently stood up in front of him. Guided by his hands against her hips, she bent her left leg and slide it over and to the side of right side, mirroring the movement with her right leg. It took her a moment, just enough of one to realize the movement and the intention behind it. “I… Yes I trust you William…” She said quietly, as if she wasn’t sure why he was asking. What reason did she have not to trust him? Her head tilted a little, looking from one leg to the other nestled gently on either side of him, her core sitting carefully on his lap as he had asked. This is… intimately close… Why did he want me so close? She wondered, her hips rolling a little to try and get herself into a more comfortable position. It wasn’t that she was necessarily uncomfortable sitting on his lap, but because there was something hard under her that she didn’t recognize and it pushed against the inner skin of her thigh that made her uncomfortable sitting there. Angels in heaven didn’t have genitalia, so how was she to know what exactly it was or why it had gotten so excited.
Most of the time, a guardian angel is unseen and takes on a shape that they choose to identify as. Whether that’s human or an animal of some kind or even just a ball a light is up to the angel’s discretion. For Alyssa, she had chosen the form of a young woman and while under normal circumstances her charge would have never knowingly seen this shape, because William had been in dire need and Ally had shown herself to him, she was now stuck in this human-like body. The trouble was, the more she remained on the same plane of existence in this form the more it would change and take on the characteristics of the form’s natural state. So an angel that chose the form of a cat would become more or less a cat. For Alyssa, she was becoming more and more human, even if she didn’t quite realize it yet. The final break would be if her wings were ever removed; that would be the only way to completely become human. A one way ticket, as there would be no going back to the life of an angel with that route. So for her, everything was very new and very foreign. Her body was new and adjusting to being alive and experiencing everything that it was. Her wings hung low behind her, dragging her flight feathers on the ground on either side of his legs where she sat. With her knees on the bed on either side of him and her body squared in the middle, Ally was really in no position to protest the advance he made on her lips again. Not like she would; the feeling he gave her of belonging, of desire and attraction, of some ancient desperate need was exhilarating. It flooded her system and made everything so sensitive. It made her tense and relax at the same time, her stormy gray eyes closing in sweet reverent surrender feeling him slide against her lips with his tongue. This was a new sensation, a new feeling that rushed over her nerves. Without realizing she had, Alyssa’s lips parted ever so slightly and a similar sound to before played out of her throat. A gentle delighted whine, that mad
e her cheeks flush a brilliant shade of pink. She had never made sounds like this before, singing in an erotic tune she didn’t know existed. All these new sensations were amazing and frightening all at the same time. They washed over her one by one, unrelenting and unyielding.
“W-William…Please..” It had taken everything she had in her, to force her lips away from his. Panting gently, Alyssa looked up at Will with eyes that spoke volumes. Confused, scared, unsure all wrapped up in wanting and in desire and in desperation. Her curious nature strangled by caution of the unknown that he was showing her. Almost to ensure he would not kiss her again and silence her words, Ally rushed forward gently, her arms wrapping around his neck and shoulders as they had before, her face cradled and warm against the skin on his shoulder and neck. There was a shake that ran the length of her spine, unsure what to do or what to even say. Her hands gently held his back and the back of his neck and head as they had before when she had welcomed him back home. Her fingers laced through his dark damp hair gently, feeling a comfort there. It surprised her; why would it feel comforting to hold here? There was no answer that came to her mind, just emptiness. Just silence. No matter how many times she tried to get in touch with her mentor with questions of wanting to know more, he remained silent as the grave. “I… I don’t understand…” Her words were murmured, trying to find themselves and breathed in gentle heavy pants that fell on the exposed part of his skin. “I… I should not Desire or Want like this… I’m scared that I do… I’m not Human… I’m not human….” Her words continued, quiet and muffled as if she were trying to work out the excitement that had flooded her body out loud instead of just in her head. Alyssa tilted her head just slightly so she could look down at him. She could feel his chest rising and falling in a more rapid way than it had been before. His core seemed stiffer, tightened after she came to sit atop his lap at his request. His hands were holding her hips, a way to keep her steady there but they also seemed to enjoy the touch of her too with how gently they held her. Whether it was because she felt she had to or because she wanted to, Aly
ssa’s wings gently came around on either side of him. They folded just a small amount, as if they were trying to embrace William in a similar manner to what their owner was doing, holding quietly at his sides. It was similar to how she’d saved his life that morning. How she had wrapped her wings around him and held him tight as they tumbled over the guard rail and out of the way of the eighteen wheeler truck that sped by.
One thing was certain, even as confused and in that confusion there lined a bit of hesitation and fear, Ally was able to calm herself down the longer she was allowed to nestle close to William like this. It was like he was a soothing aid, his very existence helping to calm her nervousness and let the apprehension she felt slide back gently. Without realizing she was doing it at first, Alyssa quietly ran her fingers through his hair. She did this once, and then twice, before continuing and losing count with the amount of times she did this small hand motion. It wasn’t meant to tease or to excite, but it did help to settle her. After a few more moments she took a deep inhale, sighing gently out against his shirt. Her arms stayed put, holding him gently as that seemed to help her calm the nervousness that ran through her and breaking that bond felt like the worst idea to do. Even thinking about it made her insides flip as if they would be sick to even try. Slowly, she leaned herself back once she was sure that the pair of them had calmed a little. At least when she had recognized that her body was in a more relaxed state. Quiet, her storm gray eyes looked up at him, lost in his own eyes for a moment as if looking for the path forward. What did she do now? Where was she supposed to go? So uncertain with how to proceed, she really wasn’t sure what she could do. Her body unbeknown to her was becoming more and more human-like, more and more acclimated to the world and feeling more and more. Her hands, sensitive and gentle with the feeling of wetness of his hair slowly slid forward, the other remaining on his shoulder. Her palm came up to his cheek, resting carefully on his jawline and tingling at the stubble that scratched at her there.
“W-Will… I.. I don’t know what to do…” her words were a quiet whisper, pleading for answers and unsure how to ask all at once. She enjoyed the closeness, thoroughly so even if it frightened her at first. She wasn’t sure if she should want that closeness either as much as she did. As much as her body begged for more of it. Part of her worried that perhaps she was being selfish, that she was demanding sin from him, and that in so doing this, she was becoming corrupted and addicted to him just as Malach was warning her. On the other hand, she felt so right anytime she was in his arms. She felt soothed and calm and needed. The world didn’t exist, Heaven was right there against his chest and in his embrace. Each kiss was like a drop of starshine, and Alyssa was hungry for more of it. Was this selfish of her though? It felt similar in a way, to put her desires and wants above what was best for William. “Does…. Does kissing me… help you?” She asked finally, her words quiet like a mouse, her head tilting slightly. There was more to this question than it seemed. She enjoyed the intimacies that she shared with William, but if they were not helping him then she couldn’t in good conscience continue. If her kisses and her touch were not helpful, if they were somehow leading him astray or were harming in some way that even Alyssa couldn’t imagine, then despite not wanting to she would have to cease and desist immediately. Alyssa shifted a little, trying to reposition a little and get herself comfortable over him again, wondering if the firmness she sat against was part of the problem that she had inadvertently caused. “I’ll do anything, Will, to make sure I help you. I’m here For You....for as long as you have need of me… So… please tell me if I… if I…” She let her words trail off, adjusting again and moving her hips a little in discomfort. “If I ever make you uncomfortable…. And if I do… if I can help rectify it..” @Himbo Tie
(Tie on writing hiatus - Will discuss what he'd like to do with this RP)
William Moore BOT 24-May-23 12:18 AM
William did not enjoy cutting off Alyssa when she went to speak, but his lips did not stop when he was in this sort of mood. If she fought against him and demanded that he stop, he would, of course, listen. But at this moment, with her lips working back against his to further the passion, he could not stop his advances. His fingers continued to hold on either side of her face, and as he felt her moan against his lips following his own, Will could not help but move to deepen the kiss. If she was enjoying it as much as he was, why would he pull back and deny them both the pleasure that they sought? Oxygen. It was a bastard of a thing, but it was something that at least he needed. Shifting back and pulling in a lungful of air, Will could not stop the deep moan that immediately robbed him of some of this air when he heard his name on Ally’s lips. Pressing forward with a quick inhale, he molded his lips to hers and lowered his hands slowly over her frame towards her hips. He let his fingertips linger on her sides, enjoying the softness of Alyssa’s back and her sides before finding her hips in a gentle hold. His words came with breathless insistence, but he would have released his hold on her in an instant if she had decided that this was too far. William was aware that Alyssa likely didn’t know much about sexual attraction, but he had every faith in her ability to feel uncomfortable and want to get away from such a situation. Watching her move back and to her feet slowly, William kept his hands on her hips for the most part. His right hand moved back slightly to feel the round curve of her rear down to the back of her thigh, but he quickly brought it back to her hip in an attempt to help keep her steady. He had no way of knowing how shaky Alyssa might be feeling at this moment, so he wanted to be able to support her fully. -
“I…Yes, I trust you, William…” Hearing those words brought a wide smile to Will’s lips. His eyes lit up with a degree of excitement as he looked at the angel sitting in his lap, his hands holding to her hips for a moment before they started to move slowly as if with a mind of their own. They didn’t travel far, more wanting to feel her lower back and the gentle dip of her waist before traveling back down to the swell of her hips. His lips felt lonely at this moment without hers against his, but he could not deny the beauty and fulfilling nature of the view in front of him. With her wings held back slightly, Alyssa captured the full imagery of an angel, and he could not believe his luck that she would want to spend this time with him and be this close to him. And close to him, she was. With Alyssa’s subtle movement to try and get more comfortable, she pressed down unknowingly against William’s erection which had shifted with his weight to be pointing upwards. He was thankful that his gym shorts had stayed down and continued to cover his manhood, but there was no denying the effects of the additional weight resting on it. This had largely been by design, William wanting to feel Ally against him in such an intimate way, but the longer he sat her there, the more he realized how wrong of him it was. They had known each other for such a short time, and while he had had one-night stands before, they were never with a woman of the caliber that he saw in Alyssa. The woman sitting in his lap deserved lifelong love, and he did not want to push her into something she was not ready for too soon. And yet, with every move that Ally made to get comfortable, she never seemed to make a move that would remove her from Will’s lap. Taking this as an invitation to continue his advances and kiss her again, William held his hands to her hips while leaning forward to press their lips together. -
William allowed his hands to roam yet again as his lips held to Alyssa’s, molding to match hers with every needy kiss. He pressed against her as if she were the last thing on Earth that he had any want for, and in some ways, that was not a terribly inaccurate statement. In a world that seemed to have discarded him along with others in his predicament, having a woman that wanted to be with him exclusively was intoxicating. Will’s right hand tracked down her bare thigh, holding to the flesh there and letting his fingertips press in with hunger. His left hand moved slowly up Ally’s side, holding just next to the swell of her breast before continuing up to hold the back of her shoulder. When his tongue coaxed her lips open and pulled the delicate moan from her throat, Will moved his hands toward her lower back and center. He wanted Alyssa to feel secure and grounded, and as he pulled more sounds from her, he didn’t want her to feel she might be falling. His tongue moved slowly to play with the inside of her lower lip, wanting her to become more comfortable with this new sensation before he pushed onwards and made to taste her fully. His efforts, however, would be stopped as Alyssa pulled back from him. Feeling the warmth of her lips replaced by cold air, William’s eyes opened from their half-lidded state and met her stormy grays with a concerned depth. Had he gone too far? Had he hurt her? Immediately, William felt his cold walls beginning to grow from the ground up. Way to go, you piece of shit. Get a pretty girl in your arms, and you already want to fill her belly with your seed? You sick fuck!! You’re just like they all say. Fucking Marine, get your head out of your ass and see the full picture!! Why, in all the fucks, would she want to be this close to you?! Fucking moron!! -
Lowering his hands to her hips, the warmth in William’s eyes started to cool into a passionless blank slate. There was some fight, however, for he stole a glance up into her eyes to see if there had been something he could have done better. Seeing Alyssa’s confusion helped him realize that he may not have been entirely at fault, but his lips still closed slowly to form a simple, uninviting line. If she was not sure what she wanted at this moment, he was not going to influence her and lead to a decision that she might end up regretting. William accepted Alyssa’s embrace with no contest, simply feeling the impact and tightening his abs so that he did not fall back by the force of it. Feeling her face buried into his neck, Will turned his head so that he could press his lips and nose against Ally’s neck in the crook of her neck. He hoped that she would not be able to feel the dampness that grew from his cheeks and tears or the shake in his chest as he fought to control the urge to sob in her arms. Bringing his hands up Ally’s back, he held his fingertips tightly against her as if he were afraid she might slip away from him. The sensation of her fingers in his hair helped to calm him down some, bringing him to a time when one of his lovers would draw her fingers through his hair to help him relax. Holding his face pressed tight against her neck to feel the warmth there and try to fight the cold edges of his self-hatred, William could not help but feel Alyssa’s words as much as he heard them. He could understand some of her confusion, having battled with the confusion of what to do once he was released from active duty and tasked with returning to the civilian world. Nodding against her cheek before kissing the base of her neck, William pulled his hands slowly down to Alyssa’s hips to help stabilize her again. -
She doesn’t hate me. She’s just confused. I understand confused. Help her, Will. Help her to acclimate and find herself, and you can find yourself. Holding his lips against her neck as he steadied his breathing through his nose, William held the position for as long as Ally would allow. When she started to pull back in order to look down at him, Will breathed in deeply to take in her scent in a final attempt to calm himself before looking up at her. Letting his lips curve into a small smile, Will nodded slowly before speaking in a soft voice, “You aren’t human, Ally, but that’s okay. You’re not meant to be human, but that doesn’t mean you can’t feel what we feel, does it? These are emotions, Alyssa, and without them, you’d be no better than a rock on the ground. You aren’t a rock. A rock would have watched me die today. You. Saved. My. Life. You’re allowed to feel, to want, and, most importantly, to have.” Smiling as he finished, William leaned up and pressed his lips to the side of Ally’s chin. Holding for a moment before his eyes glanced to either side, he smiled and chuckled softly when he saw the familiar imagery of her wings coming around him to shield him from the world around them. Turning his head and lifting his right hand as if to follow, Will traced his fingertips gently along the inside of her flight feathers. Her wings moving to wrap around him had seemed perfectly timed to his statement, and as he grinned up at her, William slowly drew his fingers along her wing back toward her back. Lowering his hand to hold her hip once more, he winked up at her before moving his lips to find her chin once more. -
Tucking his face back into the crook of her neck when she embraced him once more, William could not deny the sense of wholeness that came from this position with Alyssa in his arms. Feeling her one hand resting between his shoulder blades while her other played with his hair, he could not ignore the feeling of domestication that came with it. Here he was, the warrior Marine that had sworn never to fall for the softness of a woman’s touch, melting with the woman of his dreams in his lap. Her touch in the short hair drew out something in him that was close to a moan but was entirely foreign to him. A contented sigh. Never before had William felt he deserved the opportunity to truly be relaxed and content with where he was, yet at this moment, he wanted nothing more than to exist in this moment forever. He was able to enjoy the warmth and lovely scent of Alyssa without moving his face, and he had one of the most relaxing sensations on the back of his head. Sighing softly while offering a hum of comfort, Will closed his eyes and buried his face deeper into Ally’s neck. When he felt Alyssa sigh against him, Will let his hands loosen their hold on her back. He expected her to push away and climb out of his lap, but he was surprised once more by his angel’s movements. Linking his fingers together at her lower back so that she rested gently against the insides of his forearms, William smiled warmly as he looked up to meet Alyssa’s eyes. His own steely gray eyes carried their own confusion and uncertainty, but as he looked into hers, he could feel his sense of being lost falling away. He was exactly where he needed to be, and judging by the way Ally cupped his cheek, she agreed with the sentiment. -
Turning to kiss the heel of her palm before simply resting her cheek in her palm, Will closed his eyes for a moment before looking to meet Ally’s with care and compassion in his. He listened to her words, nodding slowly before closing his eyes again. Holding against her, he whispered softly before opening his eyes, “You have to do what feels right for you, Ally.” Smiling slightly as he lifted his right hand and placed his palm softly against her cheek, Will continued, “I want to be close to you, and if you feel the same, then do it. If you don’t, let me know, and I will not force you into anything you don’t want or aren’t comfortable with.” “Does…Does kissing me…help you?” Smiling slightly and closing his eyes, William lowered his face again to press his cheek against Alyssa’s palm. He could feel more words following behind that simple question, and he would not cut Ally off as she gathered her thoughts. He could not ignore the way her shifting hips pressed against his erection and threatened to pull moans from the back of his throat, but he tried to ignore the primal want from his hormones. Now was not the time, and he had been trying to ignore the pleasure for a few moments now. He had already gotten his time to himself this night, so he needed to think with the head that Alyssa was holding in her palm. “You are helping me, Alyssa, more than you can ever imagine. I wanted to die when you found me today. I wanted to get creamed by that truck or take a bullet through my head. I was done. There was nothing left in me but a desire not to be here.” Will paused for a moment, his hand cupping Ally’s cheek shifted so that his thumb could stroke her cheekbone gently. “You have helped me find a want to be alive. Even if it is temporary and I have to find it again every day, you have helped me find it. You promise you’ll be here to help me fight this battle, and I do not doubt you.” -
William pressed forward slowly, his lips finding Alyssa’s in a gentle kiss before he pulled back and held his forehead to hers. He breathed shakily, his eyes closing slowly before his words continued in a soft whisper, “Alyssa, you are my reason to live today. Tomorrow, you might be able to help me find another reason to add to my belt. But, for now, I am damn happy to have you as my reason. I need you, Ally. Without you, I would want to be dead. With you, I want to live. Whether that is for a future with you or myself, I don’t know or care.” @Fiory
Alyssa had felt so much in such a short amount of time. Happiness and Sadness were standard faire for an angel to feel, but anger and desire and attraction were all foreign to her. Human emotions were complex and came out of the smallest things. The truth of it was, that Alyssa just didn’t have any experience in feeling much of anything until she came to Earth. Until she met William. I’m not human… and that’s alright? It’s alright to feel these things, even though they are not for me to feel? It was a conundrum for the young angel to wrestle with, having heard his explanation that despite being not of this world, she was allowed to feel, to want and to have. It was an odd concept. For all of her existence, she had been told what to do, how to feel, and how to go about her tasks. This had started as one of them, a task she had been given and was entrusted to complete. Unlike humans, angels didn’t have the luxury of free will. They were not granted this necessary addition to their being. So being introduced to the idea that she was allowed to feel and to want and to have, without someone telling her how much, when or where it was allowed was new. It was all so foreign, and yet it also filled her with a bristling sense of excitement. She was allowed to feel human emotions? This was alright? It hadn’t been something she’d considered would be allowed for her, that she would get the chance to experience something like that, but the dawning realization of it had Alyssa nearly bouncing with glee at the prospect. She could learn so much, and understand the human race so much better this way. Why humans did or acted the way that they did. This had to be a good thing. ”You are helping me Alyssa, more than you can ever imagine.” William’s words brought her back down from the clouds, paying close attention to everything he said. His hand against her cheek was gentle and comforting, and she listened with every fiber of her feathers to the words he had to say. He had bee
n so close, so close to tipping over the edge. To slipping through her grasp and being lost. It was like the almighty had planned it in such a way that Alyssa would have had no choice but to show herself or let William die and fail her heavenly mission. *Perhaps.. That’s why I wasn’t punished.. Or.. haven’t been punished yet for showing myself.. * She thought quietly, shifting again a little and letting a quiet whine escape her lips.
“I… I promise I will help you William. As much as I can. I’m sure we can find so many things that are worth living for.” She said gently, letting her hand slip from his face and run carefully down his neck. Her fingertips fell over his chest and she could feel the way his breath came deep and heavy. The way his heart thudded in excitement behind his ribcage. It was a strange feeling, as she’d never felt a human heart beat before. Was this normal? Alyssa wasn’t quite sure. Her free hand moved to her own chest to compare, finding funny enough that her own heart beat just as rapidly, just as profound. What was this feeling, so sudden and new? Was this still attraction and desire? They had both calmed quite a bit now, but it was still a curiosity for the angel. The slow approach was gentle and quiet. It was so easy for Ally to surrender to the quiet kiss he gave, pressing back into him and enjoying the rush of excitement flooding her body again. It flowed from his lips onto hers, and permeated through her like ripples made in the water. It was a lovely feeling, one she found that she enjoyed. There were several things that William seemed to do that Alyssa was finding that she enjoyed. The gentle caress of her wings made a tickling shudder run through them. The way he held her cheek or pressed his face into her neck. The way he kissed her and held her close like she was the only reason he had for breathing. All these different interactions, Alyssa categorized as something that she liked. No.. Perhaps.. That’s attracted to.. Maybe that’s more accurate she thought, letting her forehead rest against his as he continued to speak. ”Alyssa, you are my reason to live today. Tomorrow, you might be able to help me find another reason to add to my belt. But for now, I am damn happy to have you as my reason…”
He needed her. She was necessary to him. I have to be doing something right then. Alyssa thought with a gentle smile spreading across her soft lips at the sentiment. Alyssa felt a wave of appreciation wash over her. It was happy and yet she wanted to cry at the same time. She had never felt needed before, not like this. She was needed in the way that angels were needed to raise and teach the cherubs. To hear the prayers of humans. To perform their last rights and bring them home. She was needed in the same way that a worker bee was needed to the hive. One bee was of no consequence, and would hardly be missed. But here, William outright told her that he needed her. Specifically her. She wasn’t just the drone sent on it’s mission, Alyssa felt like the queen of the hive. Irreplaceable. “Thank you William.” She whispered softly, as if she was afraid to be much louder and ruin the quiet peace that had fallen over the cubicle they were calling home. “I will do my best to be a worthy reason for you to live. I want you to live a long and happy life, and I’ll do all I can to make that happen for you.” Her words were a soft promise to him, wanting to be the light in his darkness, to pull him free and point him in the right direction. She wasn’t sure how, but she had faith that if she kept following her instincts that she would eventually continue on the path that was meant for her. Meant to help Will. “I think I liked that…by the way..” She admitted, a strong flush rising on her cheeks. “Kissing you.. And.. and your hands… It felt so nice..” Alyssa couldn’t help but shift one last time before finally she’d had to ask exactly what she was sitting on. It was so peculiar that his lap felt so odd to her. And every time she shifted or moved, her body shivered at the sensation of the thick poking lump within his shorts underneath her. The feeling wasn’t all together bad, though it was a little awkward at first. As everything had continued, any small movement sent a shiver
through her and coupled with how he touched her and how he kissed her, all at once it had just been overwhelming to the understimulated angel.
“Um… W-Will?” She said gently, unsure exactly how to approach this particular subject and not knowing if this was normal or abnormal. “I’m…um.. I’m not.. Hurting you… am I?” the question came as her hand on his chest slid down between her own legs and felt gently to where his lap was. There was very little gap between them, but it was enough for her fingers to gently press the base of his erection, gently trying to move it perhaps so he would stop poking her. It wasn’t like she didn’t enjoy that sensation, she just was unsure if she should enjoy it. The moans he had made while they had kissed and held each other close sounded more enjoyable than pained, but Alyssa wanted to be sure, not knowing if her sitting on his lap like this was part of the problem. He asked me to sit here though… Maybe he wants me to do more? She wondered, letting her fingers press gently against him and realizing that what was hidden in his shorts was firm yet pliable. “You’re just… uh.. Kind of p-poking me..” the words came out slowly, her hips shifting a little to allow her fingers to try and move him just a bit more. It ended up making her rub against him and sent a shiver through her body. Her head kept telling her to get off him, that she was harming him in some way or making him uncomfortable. Her slowly awakening human body however just craved for a repeat of the sensations that he could give to her. Wanting to feel them all over again. This time was no different, sending ripple up from her core to flood her body that made Ally shiver and squirm a little on his lap. While one hand was trying to adjust herself on his lap the other came forward over his shoulder, her fingers threading into his hair on their own. As if they knew where they needed to be. As if they instinctively knew where William would want them. The shiver that ran through her made her fingers clench a little, gently pulling on the hair that got caught between her fingers. It had only been a quick moment, just a s
mall thing and her wings trembled as she realized it. “S-Sorry.. Just.. sensitive I guess…” Ally said sweetly, “I didn’t realize…Desire and Attraction… made one sensitive l-like that..” Slowly, Alyssa moved her fingers out of his hair and away from his groin, a quiet whine playing on her lips feeling him press just like before into her. It wasn’t a bad sensation she realized, just one that tickled and made her shiver at the same time. Something that she recognized she enjoyed from him and decided that this particular sensation must be Desire. Or at least, part of it. “I don’t know much about human emotions.. Do.. Do you think you could teach me? Show me and help me to understand them. Will?” It was a tall ask, and Alyssa knew it. She wanted to experience everything, her mind thirsty for as much knowledge as it could hold. But mastering these emotions and the physical aspect of what happened to her body during those emotional moments, would be no easy feat on her own. She would have a hard time figuring out what something felt like and properly categorizing it so she could express it when she wanted or needed to. “I’ll help you find your reason to live. Every day. If.. If you help me with this.” She said brightly, wondering if he would be alright with that. Wondering if this would be acceptable to the veteran she’d only just met that morning. Under an overpass and ready to end it all.
@Himbo Tie
William Moore BOT 26-May-23 05:33 AM
William glanced down at the way Alyssa’s hand rested over his chest. It didn’t require a very active imagination to rationalize what she was doing, and as he watched her mirror the movements with her other hand on her own chest, he could not stop the broad smile that played across his lips. Her curiosity was truly endearing, and Will knew that he had to help preserve that curious, hungry nature for as long as he could. Too often, he had seen the world take a naturally curious person and chew them up only to discard them like a used condom behind an alley dumpster. No. Ally’s curiosity had to be safeguarded. He wanted her to learn of the world but in such a manner that she would not be wrecked or ruined because of it. Feeling the warmth of her hand over his heart, he knew she would feel his heart hammering against his chest, and he hoped that she would want to learn more about that. And not just for sexual gratification. Will desperately wanted to show Alyssa the different things that could get her heart beating like this. His eyes slowly raised back up to Ally’s features, and Will felt his heart beat faster when he saw the gentle smile spreading over her lips. That smile was quickly becoming the drug that he was addicted to seeing, and he felt absolutely no guilt in indulging himself in it. Looking up from her smile to her stormy eyes as she spoke in her soft voice, William could not help the smile that spread over his lips to match hers. Her promise to be a worthy reason seemed ridiculous, especially when her very existence was enough to satisfy that requirement in his life. Cupping her cheek and running his thumb gently over her cheekbone, Will smiled and let his eyes lock with hers in a relaxed manner. Ally, you are absolute perfection. I’m happier now than I’ve been in so long, and that is solely due to you. You are more than enough, and I can’t thank you enough for being here. -
William’s eyes slowly tracked down Alyssa’s cheeks, taking in the growing flush that spread over them as she admitted to liking the kisses and touches that they shared. He could feel a matching warmth spreading over his cheeks and up his neck, but the biggest reaction was the flex and swell that his manhood experienced when she moved against him. He had been trying to ignore the soft sounds that came with each of her little movements, but now, feeling her move against him and react vocally, he could not ignore the reaction that came. A low moan played at the back of his throat as his eyes slipped closed for a brief moment. Glancing down her frame towards where she sat over his lap, Will swallowed thickly and smirked slightly as he tried to think of how to explain away this development. See, I just really want to take your innocence so that you can never return to Heaven. I want you all to myself, in every way possible. I want to hold your hand, hear your laugh, kiss your lips, and fill you with my cum until you are dripping on me. Is that okay? Before he could form more appropriate words, however, William was aware of Ally’s hand moving slowly down his chest as she spoke. His body reacted immediately to the curious hand trailing down his abdomen. His muscles rolled at the touch, wanting to experience them again while also flooding his manhood with blood so that it swelled and pressed up against her with more force than before. His eyes closed as his mouth opened slowly, a low rolling moan leaving his throat as he felt her hand rub past his waistband and to the base of his member. Leaning forward without thinking, Will kissed the corner of Alyssa’s mouth and held his lips there for a moment as he tried to regulate his breathing and heart rate. It was all for naught, and Will forced his words to come through despite how deep the pleasure had pushed his voice, “Oh fuck Ally. No, baby, you’re not hurting me at all. That feels so good.” -
Hearing her comments about him poking her, William felt his cheeks burn a bright red as he continued to keep his lips pressed to Ally’s cheek. He slowly kissed along her cheek and jaw so that his lips ghosted over her ear. Allowing his needy breaths to gently flow over her ear, Will could do nothing to stop the deep moans that mixed into the breaths and rolled over her. The combination of her hand pressing over his member and her body squirming brought his hands over her hips and up her sides. He wanted to feel more of her, and his fingers moved hungrily to map over her sides and upper back. When her fingers found his hair and pulled on it sharply, William made no effort to stop the needy moan that flowed with his words, “Do you like the way that feels, Ally? I know it is new, but do you want more of it?” As the words left his lips, Will realized the hunger that was coursing through him uncontrollably at this moment. He wanted desperately to roll them over and truly introduce Ally to the member that was pressing up against her. He wanted to hear the different psalms that she would sing in the pleasure throes of their bodies coming together. And yet, as he felt his member swell and his hips roll to press against her with more purpose when her hand freed him, he knew deep down that it was not the right thing to do. Alyssa did not know any better, and as much as he was hers to keep safe, she was his to protect and teach. This was not the way to do it, so no matter how badly his hormones wanted to rule this interaction, he would have to take charge of them. Will grunted softly as he stilled his hips and closed his eyes, a small smile playing at his lips as he responded in a breathless voice, “Yeah, desire and attraction get you ready to touch and have fun with each other. They generally lead to sex or other sexual acts, so our bodies are wanting and trying to get ready for that.” -
William breathed in deeply as he finished speaking, his mouth forming a tight circle as he tried to control his breathing. It would not do well for either of them to lose control of their cravings, and since Ally had no experience with them, the responsibility fell firmly on Will to stay in control. Thankfully, Alyssa moved her hand away from his hair and his groin at the same time, helping him to distract himself away from the thoughts as best he could. He couldn’t ignore the weight of her body or the way she shifted on his erection, but he could focus his attention on something else. The way gentle squeaks of people walking around the gymnasium could be heard no matter where they were. There was privacy in these areas due to the cloth in the cubicles helping to soak up the acoustics, but there were certain sounds that reverberated and could not be contained. Allowing his mind to focus on those sounds rather than the gentle whimpers from the angel in his lap, William slowly opened his eyes and brought his focus back to Alyssa. Smiling and nodding slowly, he chuckled softly before speaking, “Sensitivity can be a bitch to handle, but with time and practice, you can learn to ignore it for the most part.” Slowly bringing his hands up so that they were both gently cupping Ally’s cheeks rather than being tempted with holding and caressing her sides, Will nodded slowly with a smile on his lips. Leaning forward, he kissed her gently and held the touch for a moment. He enjoyed the sensation of their lips touching and would not pull away from it or shy away from it. The best way he figured he could teach Ally emotions was by not teaching her to reject natural emotions. Sure, there was a time and place, but ignoring or demonizing emotions would just be unhealthy. -
“I would love to help you learn Alyssa, and I will try my best to make sure I teach you everything you need to know. Starting off, I think it is best if you get off my lap. I really, really want you to stay so that I can keep touching you, but this isn’t the time for that. You can sit beside me or we can lie in the bed next to each other, but you can’t stay in my lap.” William blushed as he finished, his hands lowering to rest on the tops of Ally’s thighs. However, as he let his thumbs slowly drift to trace the seam of the legs of her shorts, he made sure to add quickly, “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not mad or upset with you for being in my lap. I just…I want to do things with you right now that I ought to not do. Things based off that desire and attraction. They would get in the way right now of me teaching you things.” Smiling as he tried to seem reassuring, Will lowered his hands on Alyssa’s thighs to grip their undersides. He could feel the swell of her rear and the subtle tone of her thighs and his cock immediately reacted by swelling beneath her. However, he tried his best to ignore the sensations and accompanying urges as he left his hands there simply to help Ally move wherever she chose. He would help her as best he could, and if she decided to stay where she was, he would still focus on ignoring the enticing warmth and weight on his manhood that caused a rush of precum to pool at the end of the excited member. @Fiory
The words that spilled from William’s mouth did quite a few things all at the same time. They were a little confusing at first, as Alyssa was quite sure that the moaning sounds he made and how breathless he seemed meant that he was in pain. That he was hurting in some way. However, those same sounds sent a vibration through her entire being. It was like it was a sound that she wanted to hear over and over again. For that reason, she wasn’t sure exactly why, other than it sounded good to her. Did she enjoy hearing him in “pain”? That couldn’t be it. Lastly, when she’d shift or when he made the noises that he did or said words when they came to him, Alyssa found herself singing out in the same kind of tones. As if her body was calling out to him after being called to herself. Human bodies are so complicated.. Was the only true conclusion that the young angel could really come up with for the bizarre state of affairs she found herself in. In addition to all that, he had asked her a couple of questions, ones that she hadn’t answered because she didn’t know how to answer them. They had followed shortly after William had kissed at the corner of her mouth and seemed in a blissful agony when she touched him. When she’d pressed against that thick disturbance between her legs underneath her. The words were almost desperate in the way he said them, pleading with her that she wasn’t hurting him when she had asked and that despite the nature that he said it, that what she had been doing had felt good to him. ”Do you like the way that feels Ally? I know it’s new, but do you want more of it?” It had been shortly after that moment when he asked that she’d released him and felt him with more vigor between her legs. It sent shockwaves through her body, ones she didn’t recognize and sounds that she made that were new and foreign to her. While also feeling so natural and needed. Like her body wanted nothing more than to surrender similarly to how she had with his kiss to these
new and intoxicating sensations. So she had posed her question to him. Alyssa just had to know more. Had to know why her body felt the way it did, and what it meant to be human. Especially considering that while she didn’t realize it fully yet, her body was slowly becoming more human and feeling more of the human experience. ”I would love to help you learn Alyssa…” “Oh.. Thank you William. I do appreciate it, and I hope I won’t be too much trouble for you.” Her words were more excited, unconsciously bouncing a little in her own jubilation at getting to learn new things and so much more about the world around her. This action wasn’t exactly without it’s consequences as her body shivered and her back arched a little at the motion. ”Starting off, I think it’s best if you get off my lap….”
“O-Oh…um… y-yes.. Yes of course…” Ally breathed gently, letting him finish what he was saying and feeling her face nearly glow with a quiet heat across her cheeks and over her nose. She was about to ask if she had done something wrong, if she had upset him or perhaps made him angry even though she was just doing as he had asked her but Will was quick to deter that line of thinking. Carefully, Alyssa shifted one last time before rising on her knees a moment so her body wasn’t so pressed down against him. Her lower lip slid between her teeth for just a moment, while her hands quietly placed themselves on his shoulders to keep herself upright. This new angle had the effect of pressing against his chest but only for a moment or two before her right leg lifted and she was able to pivot to her left off of his lap. A cool sensation slid between her legs, one that had been warm and comfortable before when she had been sitting on his lap. It made her knees desire to be together so as she got situated sitting on the bed beside him, her wings lifted high so they were not in danger of being sat on or pulled, Alyssa pulled her legs together tightly. Quietly, Alyssa leaned forward, mostly so that her body could stretch and she could try and shake a little of the shuddering energy she had left out of her. Her wings trembled in the air a moment before Ally decided they would be in the way sitting on the bed like this. Surely they would take up the entirety of it, which would do neither of them any good if William was going to get any kind of sleep. In the blink or two of an eye, they quietly slipped back into hiding, the elaborate tattoo of silvery ribboned wings spreading across Alyssa’s back in their place. Each feather intricately detailed, falling from her shoulderblades all the way down to the small of her back and a little into her waistband. Her black tank top hid most of this, and her pink plaid shorts hid anything else, though leaning forward made it so her shirt lift
ed a little to show just how large the tattoo appeared. It covered nearly her whole back, as her wings needed to be large enough to give her the ability to fly. “You… You asked me, if I liked the way that felt…” She said quietly, sitting back again and pulling her legs up to her chest with her feet held on the edge of the mattress. Her eyes were inquisitive, while her arms pulled around her knees sweetly. Her head tilted a little over her arms and she laid it down just so she could look over at him in order to answer that question he’d asked.
“I think I did like that too. It was different then the kisses though… Kissing you feels like… drowning. But I don’t want to come up for air…This was…hmm.” Alyssa was trying to find the best way to describe this feeling, as she recognized it might be a good one, considering that her body shivered in delight at it, and her heart raced every time he pressed against her. “A warmth that made me shiver… even though I wasn’t cold.” It was hard to describe that as well, even though she was doing her best in hopes that Will would understand. “I think you liked what I did too…is that right?” She asked, though she wasn’t specific regarding what exactly she meant by what she did. She inadvertently did a lot of things to be fair; climbing onto his lap, kissing him, making those soft playful sounds, running her fingers through his hair, holding him. The list could go on for quite a while. As if recognizing that herself, she let her legs slide down so her feet were planted on the floor, leaning close to him and reaching her fingers out. She had touched his face before, and recognized that he had appreciated that kind of embrace of her, but just now on his lap he had made those desperate sounds, but only one came to mind. It was that sigh. It was content and relaxed. It was at peace and there was a tranquility with it that Alyssa hoped she might be able to replicate. So her demonstration to show him exactly what she meant when she asked if he liked what she did, was to gently let her fingers slide into his hair, running the delicate digits through the short hairs on the back of his head gently and smoothly. It was at this angle that she looked down at the floor of their cubicle and was able to peer into the backpack that still sat at his feet. While her hand quietly stroked him a few times so he would know this was the sensation she was speaking about, Alyssa tilted her head noticing the pistol for the first time since coming there.
That’s a weapon.. Isn’t it? Don’t humans use those to kill each other? But… why? It wasn’t a secret in heaven that humans tended to be very self destructive with their own kind. Wars were fought and won or lost over the millennia and it was something she was at least familiar with if not having ever seen one up close. Alyssa would slow her movements before retracting her hand away from him quietly, letting her palm softly land on his shoulder instead as her eyes searched his. “William…do you need that? Are you not safe?” She asked, wondering perhaps if he knew of a danger that she did not. They didn’t seem to be in danger, and didn’t seem to be somewhere where dangerous things typically happened. But Alyssa wasn’t sure; this was her first time in a shelter before and while she didn’t like the idea of violence as it was just her nature to oppose it, she wondered if William knew something, that she did not. That and talking about it might help to settle him down too as he seemed quite worked up from having her sit on top of him like that.
@Himbo Tie
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