Deep down, I’m scared. As we get closer, I feel… conflicted. On one hand, I want you to be happy, more than anything. And I knew going into this, you weren’t like other girls. For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve been a believer in free love, in pleasure, a self-described hedonist. I told you I wouldn’t expect you to give that up. And yet… I can’t stand the thought of you being with anybody else. Even as we sit here, you in my lap and cuddled close, kissing me with such love and passion, my heart breaks at even the passing thought of you ever kissing someone else.
I try and push those thoughts aside for now, and instead and I pull away, but only to lift the t-shirt you’re wearing up and over your head. I press my lips back to yours, my tongue sliding into your mouth slowly while I just felt your body, exploring it, feeling every bump, crevice, peak and valley, dip and curve, trying to memorize every detail about you. How you looked, smelled, felt, tasted, and sounded like.
I pull away from the kiss and nuzzle my nose to yours, my fingers absentmindedly playing with one of your nipples. “You know I care about you, don’t you Natalie?” I ask quietly.