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Archive 2 / loves-flame
DH0123 24-Jun-21 02:53 AM
It was the worst week of Audrey's life. She had found out that her long time high school boyfriend had... well, he had never been faithful to her. The long list of lovers he had enjoyed since he was technically too young had been hammer blows. The story of their relationship was one big lie. Half the girls he had been with he refused to admit he was even in a relationship. David saw her walking home that day, sobbing her eyes out. He gripped the vial. Magic had been discovered recently. It was kind of an explosion. And no one was sure what was going on. But... well, love potions had been developed. They lasted a few days. And were technically illegal. He looked at the small vial of pink fluid. It fit kind of perfectly into his hand. Just the right size. Was he going to do this? He'd had a thing for Audrey since she joined. And... well, maybe this wouldn't be right. Maybe it would be. He stepped out of the shadows and started to follow her. He knew the route she would take... Yes, she was in the dark alley. He grabbed her from behind, a hand closing around her mouth and nose. Stopping her from breathing. As soon as she was desperate enough to gasp, the potion was forced between her lips. And suddenly, the pain, the anugish, was gone. A pink fuzz filled her mind. new feelings. It also tasted like her favourite drink. Soon as it was swallowed. She felt the warmth radiating outwards. The tears stopped instantly. And Joe, her ex, just didn't matter anymore. All the mattered was David. Yeah, he was a little creepy. But he'd always been in her world somewhere. And he seemed perfect.
lizardsnack 01-Jul-21 06:46 AM
Audrey was almost home. Her frustrated gaze was fixed on the ground as she walked, tears welling up and flowing freely down her cheeks. Her shoulders shook with the effort to contain her sobs. Fuck, she thought, the sooner I can get home, the sooner I can lock myself in my room and not have to see anyone. She decided to turn down an alley near her apartment building — a common shortcut she took located behind a few restaurants down the main strip of town. When a large hand cupped her face from behind and covered her nose and mouth, Audrey tried to scream. Frantically, she jerked against the hold of the person behind her, trying to break free. Her body was lifted off the ground and she kicked out with her legs, desperately trying to slip from the man’s grip. A few seconds later, Audrey felt a little light headed. Was she going to pass out? She squirmed, and finally the hand released and she gasped, her head swimming. Suddenly, a glass vial was shoved between her lips and a fruity taste coated her tongue. Audrey almost tried to spit out the fluid, but a switch flipped in her mind suddenly. The girl stopped struggling. Her body went a little limp in the arms holding her as the last of the vial’s juice slipped into her mouth and she swallowed it. Her face felt cool in the evening breeze. Had she been crying? Why? A heat bloomed from deep within her and her vision seemed tinted in a delicious pink. Her feet met the ground once more as the figure behind her set her down and cautiously let her hands free. She patted one of her cheeks, feeling the wetness there before turning to look up at the man who had been holding her. “…David?” Her voice was soft, surprised to see him, but she felt a swell of delight at seeing him with her. Additionally, she felt an impossible surge of desire for him to touch her again. She turned fully to face him, a small smile playing at her lips before they split in a huge grin. “I haven’t seen you all day!”
DH0123 02-Jul-21 05:01 AM
She was aware of what she had been feeling a few moments ago. She recalled every painful moment. Heck, even the fear and worry as she was hauled off her feet and the vial forced into her mouth. But now, it felt good. A high spreading through her body. Whatever her life had been before now was like a distant memory, and nothing mattered. Well, it mattered because it lead her to here. But her mind was being twisted and changed by magic. The feeling would wear off in a few days. But for now, the pain, the hurt. The humiliation. None of it mattered. David was standing behind her. The small vial, tainted pink by the magic, was in his hand. He didn't even hide what he had done. The tears stopped. All that was left was the absense of the pain. And a feeling of love that billowed up inside her. Filling her up. Along with arousal. Desire. An intense need to protect and be near him. For David, he was nervous as hell. He'd had a think for Audrey for so long. Her body, her figure. The way she walked and moved. Every smooth curve, the bright red hair. He'd lusted over her for so long. And with no boyfriend, the illicit love potion he had gotten a hold of had become a possibility. Magic was... well, it was so new that only a few things had been done. But love potions had been ruled illegal under the normal laws. But... that didn't stop him. He heard her talk, the soft voice, then the smile. And the excitement. "Hey Audrey! Yeah, I was busy." But, he held his hand out to her. At first nervous, but soon stepping in close. Brushing his hand over her cheek. "I missed you today. I was thinking about you all the time." He whispered, scarecly believing that it worked (edited)
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