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Archive 2 / freedom-fighters
brotherhood.of.blades 13-Jul-21 11:53 AM
Ah this one?
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 13-Jul-21 11:54 AM
brotherhood.of.blades 13-Jul-21 11:55 AM
So tell me a bit about your intended character if you have them ready yet.
If not just send their bio here once its done:)
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 13-Jul-21 12:01 PM
I’m doing a little bit of thinking
brotherhood.of.blades 13-Jul-21 12:02 PM
Alright take your time.
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 13-Jul-21 12:04 PM
Ok I think I have my thoughts in order
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 13-Jul-21 12:13 PM
So should I do it in the format you used for orna, or something else
brotherhood.of.blades 13-Jul-21 12:32 PM
You can if you like that one:)
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 13-Jul-21 12:37 PM
Ok dokie
Galactic Empire Database: Project D123-B or project Gaia Enter access code: •••••• File opening... Access granted, file opened... - Subject: ↳ XQ-7727 Sex: ↳ Female Rank: ↳ Soldier Date of birth: ↳35 bby Age: ↳ 26 S/O: ↳ Heterosexual Hair color: ↳ black Eye color: ↳ amber Height: ↳ 5’8 Weight: ↳ 178 Scars/tattoos ↳ several surgical scars along back, arms and legs. Had several lightning scars on arms and legs. Has S-B tattooed on neck Mental Evaluation: Positive Conclusions ↳ strong minded, driven, brave, curious, quick to challenge enemy Negative Conclusions ↳ Ptsd, severe depressive and unresponsive symptoms
brotherhood.of.blades 13-Jul-21 01:07 PM
Galactic Republic Database: Project Zilo Enter access code: •••••• File opening... Access granted, file opened... - Subject: ↳ RC-7522 Sex: ↳ Male Rank: ↳ Squad Leader Date of birth: ↳33 BBY Age: ↳ 18-30 S/O: ↳ Heterosexual Hair color: ↳ Dark brown Eye color: ↳ Teal Height: ↳ 6' Weight: ↳ 200 Scars/tattoos ↳ Scar across the right side of lips, lightsaber wound on left side of ribcage, blaster wound on right shoulder. Mental Evaluation: Positive Conclusions ↳ Brave, Loyal, Honest, Calculated, Cold, Obedient. Negative Conclusions ↳ Open minded, caring, protective.
《《I have a different plot if your interested. It would revole around our characters being taken from the jedi temple during order 66 and brainwashed into being vaders inquisitors...?》》 (edited)
brotherhood.of.blades 13-Jul-21 01:22 PM
《《 Your character would still be able to be experimented on and turned super soilder but if you feel the first plot has more room for you to explore you're character how you want feel free to say no》》
brotherhood.of.blades 13-Jul-21 04:38 PM
Also your character seems very interesting
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 13-Jul-21 08:32 PM
I like that idea actually, I’m up for that’s
brotherhood.of.blades 14-Jul-21 12:35 AM
Would you want it to start them out as children on the night of order 66?
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 14-Jul-21 04:27 AM
I wouldn’t mind that either
brotherhood.of.blades 14-Jul-21 04:37 AM
Do you have a faceclaim for your character?
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 14-Jul-21 05:03 AM
Yes I do
She doesn’t have those lightsabers btw
brotherhood.of.blades 14-Jul-21 06:38 AM
And her name? Do you want them to start out knowing each other as children? Like they're friends who trained together as jedi younglings?
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 14-Jul-21 07:06 AM
That’s what I was thinking lol, and her name is Qi Kai but later gets renamed to Kaiser by her fellow inquisitors
brotherhood.of.blades 14-Jul-21 09:53 AM
Okay ill get to work on a starter when I get home.
Any preference about her Palawan lightsaber color or appearance?
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 14-Jul-21 10:13 AM
Nope, just a standard blue one if you don’t mind
brotherhood.of.blades 14-Jul-21 10:18 AM
Alright ill get to writing, do you want it to jump from that night to when they're inquisitors. Or do you want to explore their brainwashing and trauma as their turned?
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 15-Jul-21 10:00 AM
To they’re inquisitor years I’d you don’t mind
The trauma will come later
brotherhood.of.blades 15-Jul-21 10:02 AM
Thats what I was thinking too
brotherhood.of.blades 15-Jul-21 11:14 AM
Qi is first name?
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 16-Jul-21 06:49 AM
Yeah first name
brotherhood.of.blades 16-Jul-21 02:45 PM
The sun had began to set over the sprawling metropolis that was the planetary heart of the republic; Coruscant. Beams of light cascaded inwards through the large windows of the panoramic room, illuminating the space the young padawans trained within. "Now swing." A female Jedi master instructed calmly, the synchronized hum of training lightsabers filled the air as the younglings carried out the commands, "and step, and block" she issued, the padawans feet shuffling as they moved forward before ingaging in a defensive stance. "Very good younglings, that will be all for class today. Don't forget your datapads" The black haired padawan deactivated his training saber and clipped it onto his belt as the children begin to file out of the classroom. Kaz ambled to another younling, "Qi! Still down to watch the grav Ball championship tonight? Bren, Dax, and Fenra will be there." He addressed his friend. Kazuda and Qi were both inducted into the Jedi Order from the same planet and had grown to be close friends over the course of their tutelage, "Lets get back to our room." He suggested as he made his way to the door, handing the female her datapad before grabbing his own and exiting the room. The large halls of the Jedi temple always made him feel small, ceilings that stretched higher then a Kaminoans neck. They bowed respectfully as they walked by Jedi knights and masters, and them in return. Kazuda longed to one day be a Jedi master, to be sent on missions with master Yoda or Windu, to lead a whole army of clones.
"Kaz," Qi nudged his arm and pointed towards the front steps of the Jedi temple, which they overlooked, currently on a walkway above. "Why are the clones here?" She asked, but that question was soon answered with terror, the troopers opened fire on defenseless jedi, led by a robed man in a dark brown cloak wielding a blue blade, slicing though jedi and younglings alike. Sounds of lightsabers and blasters filled the air, "They, they betrayed us, but how, why?" Kazuda stammered, Qi grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "We can't stay here Kaz! We have to get to the command center, we can sent out a warning!" The male nodded quickly and sprinted off towards the command center, not stopping should he meet the fate of the fallen Jedi they leapt over, "Qi!" The boy yelled before tackling his friend to the ground, barley missing the body of a jedi master flung through the air, "Come on!" He shouted in panic as he pulled her to her feet before continuing towards their destination. As they rounded the hallway to the command center, their path was blocked by four clone troopers in all black armor, their visors glowing red, Kaz pushed Qi behind him and reached for his Lightsaber, igniting it in front of him, his hands shaking, "Aw look this ones a brave one." One of the troopers teased, firing a bolt at the boy, he gasped and deflected the bolt into the wall next to him, "Lord Sidious requested a few be bought to him." A different clone said flicking a switch on his blaster and beginning to fire on the pair of padawans, the other three followed suit and fired stun rings at them, soon they both lie motionless on the ground, Kazuda's lightsabers rolled out of his hand onto the ground.
brotherhood.of.blades 16-Jul-21 03:43 PM
. The scolding voice of the grand inquisitor filled the hanger of the imperial star destroyer, a sound the male had come to lothe, respect, and fear throughout the past twelve years. His head was bowed and he was knelt on the hanger floor, "Show your strength inquisitor." The sith boomed, "Yes grand inquisitor." Kazuda obliged, gritting though his teeth as he outstretched his hand, a large crate swiftly lifted off the ground. A lightsaber hummed to life before the flesh on the his side sizzled, a grunt of pain was all he would allow to escape him as the container he held with the force crashed to the ground. The sith deactivated his lightsaber before lifting Kaz off the ground, the male clutched his throat, gasping for air as his feet searched for soild ground, "Pain can be a useful tool, clearly something that has failed to be taught." Their leader spoke, in his tone was disgust of the inferior force users. Turning his arm he threw Kazuda aside, his body colliding with crates nearby as the Sith waited for the next inquisitor he could trial. (edited)
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 17-Jul-21 01:13 PM
The next one up was kaiser, a inquisitor that was known for her prevalence through the training program. Her face was void of expression or shift, stepping towards their leader. “Show your strength.” The grand inquisitor said harshly, waiting for her to do so. She lifted the crate in the air, and the blood red blade ignited against her hip bone, her face shifting into one of pain and concentration. Her blood boiled against the red lightsaber, the grand inquisitor showing no signs of remorse or empathy towards her. The crate fell quickly down, but stopped just barely above the ground before falling again. The grand inquisitor was not happy with this, throwing her against the wall of the training area. “These “inquisitors” are weak. They do not deserve to be the empire. They require more training before my next visit.” He towered over her body, blood curdling onto the floor from her hip, her arm broken at the forearm and grunting and groaning in severe pain. (edited)
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 18-Jul-21 07:26 AM
(Sure let me change it now
Fixed it
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 18-Jul-21 08:38 AM
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 18-Jul-21 10:22 AM
Killing a few of the empire deserters might be good. I’m going to guess they have lightsabers already)
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 18-Jul-21 11:16 PM
(It does make sense to do that)
brotherhood.of.blades 19-Jul-21 02:12 PM
The Grand Inquisitor ambled out of the hanger, a look of disappointment and disgust resting on his visage. The other two apprentices who had went before them met similar punishment, now talking amongst themselves nearby as they injected bacta into their arms one after the other. The reality was that Kaz and Kaiser were the two most skilled in their unit. And believe it or not the punishment was an improvment from the last time, their skills with the force had certainly improved but the Sith strived for perfection not improvement. Kaz had clambered to his feet, showing no sign of weakness as he walked over to Kaiser, the wound on his side cauterized from heat of the saber, leaving only a patch of burnt fresh skin. The male offered his hand down to the female, a cold expression on his face, "I think he likes you." He mocked, a slight smirk breaking through his visage. (edited)
Dr. Doooooooooooooom 19-Jul-21 11:30 PM
“Oh shut it.” She said, smiling back through her pain. She used her free hand to take his, standing up and clutching her broken arm. She then quickly pushed it back into place, groaning in pain but now it was easier to heal. “Fucking hell. Come on let’s go get some rest or something, I don’t want to be around my own blood.” She said, walking off and expecting him to follow. Soon enough, they would be sent off planet to go do a mission of some sorts, not having been told what they were doing yet.
brotherhood.of.blades 20-Jul-21 02:01 PM
Kazuda nodded at the females request to leave the hanger, following behind, clutching the wound at his side. The other apprentices sat on crates near the blast door, the blue skinned Chiss gritting his teeth and squinting his illuminated red eyes, as the Twi'lek girl squeezed her eyes shut and with an outstretched hand hovered her hand over her comrades wound. "Fuck! I thought you've done this before!" The Chiss cursed. This Twi'lek had a rare force ability allowing her to heal herself and others from non fatal wounds, but obviously was still learning the full potential of her power, "I have with small wounds! Never something like this!" She retorted irritability. Kazuda stifled a chuckle at this interaction, ambling towards a medical cabinet containing bacta shots, among other medical items. He threw one to Kaiser, then injected one into his own arm, the transparent blue liquid emptying into his bloodstream. Kazuda crushed the syringe in his palm into tiny shards of metal and glass, before using the force to launch the dust into the air, a simple way of releasing some of his anger. "Good luck with your little hospital." He mocked to his comrades before opening the blast door and entering with Kaiser, the door whooshed close behind them as the pair walked down the corridor of the imperial star destroyer.
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