I chuckle as I think about the clothes I've brought for you. Mainly a mix of bikinis and otherwise dresses. I make my way to the office, there are some important aspects to check up on. My office operates with a finger print reader, followed by a code input and an iris scan. The only measure left was probably a voice scan, it just echoed how I was as a person too, as well, I kept a lot guarded. The office is the only room in the office where the cell-jammer, did not work, strategically. Anywhere else in the house, people would have to use walkie-talkies.
Another bonus is the VPN connection to the site, so that no one could track us down. I have two goals, number one, to call my office and number two, call up Jeremy. I whip out a small old school phone from the drawer and call contact number 5 from the phone. There are three rings before I hear Jeremy's voice. He seems to have reached back to town and is looking to find out how to get his dad. I advice to just go visit his dad and maybe rest up for a few days and stay indoors only, if possible only be visible to neighbors and anyone in general who can be used as an alibi since the cops would naturally come after him, since they have his dad.
I then call up the office to find out that there have no updates from the police on their search. For now, it seems to be that they are not sure where the car went but the police do suspect it to have gone down the Route 66. We were sure because of our informer. I make my out side my office, locking everything up and getting back to the kitchen as I start to prepare myself something to eat.