"Please.. Too early.."
Mariam paused, eyes widening slightly then relaxing as the small dog had trampled over her chest and now was with it's back upward in a yoga stretch as it had just woken up alongside her. Mariam groaned, was it that early already? Sliding from the bedsheets she turned herself upright and for what felt like forever, stared off at her alarm clock. It's nine o'clock in the morning, that's the earliest she's gotten up in a few days without an alarm and her waking up on her own. She sighed, dragging her slippers against the floor before taking a seat and opening up her laptop.
For the most part, it was the same thing, HUNDREDS of emails. Most of them were fan mail which majority of the time she didn't mind reading, reminders for appointments, or maybe her mother repeatedly tagging her in Facebook posts or sending her things through actual Facebook messenger. At least those were normal, but it seemed that it wasn't about to be the moment she opened Twitter. Well, if they'd insult her, she'd insult them back..