The immediate thought that this might be heading in a different direction quickly receded as she would point over in the direction of some boxes that seemed to be piled in the corner of the building. He looked over at her with a smirk for a moment, not sure what he was thinking would happen before nodding, "Sure, I will go see what I can find and begin working," he said with a smile, the idea of going to his lonely apartment floating further and further away from his mind in the moment, "Could do with some organizing anyway..."
He would walk over to the boxes and begin to sort as she would walk away in the moment. In the pile, he found four or five plastic totes that were extremely heavy and an old standing toolbox. Craftsman, had to be over a hundred years old. He smiled as he went to open it to see if he could see the treasures inside, but as he opened the drawer, nothing was in the box. All the tools must be in the totes, but this was a good start for him. He would push the toolbox over to an open side of the room and grab the first tote, moving it over to in front of the box. As he opened it, tool after tool would lay there.
Reaching down, he would grab the first tool, an older 1/8th wrench as he would inspect it for the moment before reaching for another without looking, he would feel a sharp pain across the end of his finger. He had sliced it that was for sure, what on those? An old saw blade that was placed right in the middle of everything, "Ms. Reyna," he would ask in a normal voice, she had good hearing right, "I need some help..."