The silent and relaxing nature of the forest was a calm reprieve. Though as the day started to come towards an end the forest seemed to light up with life. All types of animals could be seen going about their nightly business. However the forest was weary, the appearance of Nadia was sudden and unexpected. It would have to get used to her presence. Nature almost had a mind of its own out there, it commanded respect and majesty.
Suddenly a blood curdling growl could be heard. It was low and visceral. A pair of reflective eyes shone from the tree line. One after the other paws emerged from the trees and bushes, followed by a nose and a canine face. The four legged creature galloped forwards and howled. He was trying to intimidate, potentially scare this new human off. The wolf growled and stood 40ft from the porch, staring the human down. He circled like a shark, on the spot. Using his territorial attitude to attempt to drive this woman away. It was clear his heart wasn’t in it though.
The wolf barked a few times, waiting to see what the human would do. How she would react. He was skittish, making sure not to stay still for to long. In his experience, humans were often bad news. Sure, the old man that lived here previously was okay, he didn’t bother the wolf or the forest. But this girl? There’s no telling what she might be capable of. There was a fine equilibrium out here, and a human would certainly upset the balance. Or so he predicted, at least.
The wolf had Matte black fur, his pelt was thick and heavy. That as well as his sharp teeth were quite impressive, though it was probably hard to make out from the distance they both stood. The wolf was large, larger than a dog that was for sure. Perhaps Nadia would have to take this wild animal… a wolf, more seriously. Or maybe he just needed some love. That was to be determined.
@Pumpkin-Field: Battlefront