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Archive 18 / true-self
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 11-May-22 04:13 AM
It had been about six months since Jake had last seen David. His best friend who had left the fencing school on some elvish self discovery journey. David had always been someone Jake knew was... a little bit torn within themselves. Even for an elf David had been a little bit high strung. There was something about him. David had talked about never quite being comfortable within his own skin. But, the friendship had always been solid. Great even. Jake himself had never quite felt he fit in with humans. Being a minor human noble on the borders of elf lands. The Gorvica family was known as elf friends, and Jake himself had picked up some elvish epithet that he knew translated as elf friend. He'd once asked David how you got that, and was told it was just something that elves gave to someone they liked. Weird that. He wondered who gave it to him. He was in his mid twenties for human years. And had decided to take a break from the school for a season. There was talk of some war gearing up somewhere. Two smaller countries who were getting into some squabble over something. The great powers were convening a conference to decide what to do about it. And society seemed to pause. The world was taking a breath as if everything was about to teeter on the brink of another great conflagration. And all the while... Well, he sat in the garden of an inn with a pipe in hand, a glass of wine next to him. Reading the latest letter in front of him. David had sent it to him about a month ago, and it had arrived only a couple of days before. And Jake had read it for the fifth time. No one was closer to him than David. But this letter raised many questions. A great change. Something that David had always needed but never been able to talk openly about. Something he would show Jake when he got back. And hoped that Jake could accept. Well, no time to reply, Jake told himself. David will be back in the next couple of days, maybe even today. What has the damn fool gone and gotten himself in
Davina Faesolor BOT 11-May-22 04:31 AM
It had been a journey for sure. It had never been meant to go the way that it had gone, but in the end Davina.. formerly known as David, was glad that it did. They had meant to go away for a while to get rid of the conflicting feeling within their body, to finally figure out why they felt the way they did and find inner peace for the first time in their life. But soon they discovered that peace would never be found unless they would go through with something quite radical. So instead of a journey of coming to terms with oneself, it had become one to be who they had always wanted to be, someone who they always had felt like. They had searched out a druid that lived deep within the forest that held the promise of being able to change ones body. It had taken them two months to find her and the price for their transformation had been grand. But they had been willing to pay it.. everything to become who they were always meant to be. It had now been three weeks since David had become Davina, a female in every sense of the word. Her voice was high pitched, her skin and face soft and gentle and her body curved in all the right ways. Even her hair had become thicker and more luscious then it had ever been. Even if she sported the same white hair and light colored irises as she had always had, the rest of her was barely recognizable from the tough and musculair male that she had been when she left. And even if she was still getting used to the new struggles that came with it, she was ready to pick up her life again. She knew it was going to be tough. Not everyone would accept her, especially not her own family. They had wanted an heir, a warrior and a great nobleman and in their eyes she would have thrown that all away. But of all the people she would need to face, she had chosen to show Jake first. Because if one person would accept her, it would be her best friend. So she entered the bar that they always used to hang out at, her face hidden under a hood. She had no
t yet had time nor money to find proper clothing so she was dressed in her male clothing. It was ill-fitting as she had lost a good few inches in length as well as width, but surprisingly it didn’t look as bad as it could have. “Jake?” She said as she saw him, a soft tremble in her voice.
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 11-May-22 04:38 AM
Eventually Jake would recognise the face as one that his old friend had drawn. The whole body was one that Davina had expressed that she envied. But it would take time to get there. Jake had been relaxing. Well, if you asked him he would have told anyone but Davina that he was trying to decide what to do. But in reality he was trying to escape. Here is what they never told you about being a noble. You had to lead. In every measure you had privilege, you had luxury. You had no worries about living and affording anything you desired. But at times like this, when war loomed, suddenly you were expected to put your life on the line. And as someone who had learned the sword and had a modicum of magical talent. Jake was... Well, trying to avoid deciding what he was going to do. He was slightly tipsy, and the stimulant he was smoking had him a little bit buzzed. He wasn't intoxicated. But rather in a mental state that had him jovial. It allowed him to keep his thoughts away from politics and philosophy. Exactly what he wanted right now. And that was when he heard the soft voice. The tremble. He looked up and saw her. And his eyes widened. She was... Well, gorgeous. The bright eyes. The hood. His eyes went to the nails. Then focused on the line over her cheeks and nose. He recognized elvish druidic magic. Though that told him nothing about what had been done. All this went through his mind but even as it did he smiled. An elf who knew his name and had recent druid magic done on her. Well, he knew only about 3 lady elves, and none of them fell into that category. At least, none who would approach him in a human tavern. The only person who would come in here and talk to him was David. And... well, this lady elf was wearing male elf clothes. Suddenly, his mind started to work more. Something was up here. "Hey! How are you doing." She could see his brain working, trying to figure out what was going on. "I am at a loss! How are you doing my lady?" She was clearly a noble.
So, who was she. How did she know me? Well, lets talk, and find that out. "Would you like a chair? I have some hipala, a friend of mine introduced me to it and I have a bit of a fondness for it." Hipala was an elvish plant smoked in pipes. "And I can order more wine. Can I ask for your name?" @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 11-May-22 04:47 AM
She had a hard time to keep her disappointment of not being recognized by Jake to herself. Though of course she could not fault him for that. She had gone from a hunking male of 6”3 to a small female that barely stood 5”4 tall. Her hair was much thicker and her frame of course much smaller as well. So she pushed that disappointment away and decided to just take it easy before she sprung it upon him. “I am quite alright and I will take that seat.” She said with a smile on her face as she took the chair that he offered her to sit on. She smoothed over the male clothing a bit so it wouldn’t ride up her rear as she sat down and bit down on her lip nervously. Her eyes would dart from the bar to him and back, still to nervous t fully look at him. When he offered the hipala she accepted it as well, taking a sharp tug from that pipe and keeping it in her lungs as long as she could before blowing the thick white smoke back into the air. It helped, hipala always had calmed her down. “My name is Davina.” She said to him as she held his eyes, finally able to do so now that the smoke had a small hold of her for a bit. “You used to know me as David..” @DH0123
(Her clothes)
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 11-May-22 05:19 AM
Jake stared at her for a long moment. But he could see in the eyes that she was being quite serious. But also... Something in the eyes... He looked at the hair, and then how she smoked a pipe. It was how she held it. The three finger grip was how David had taught Jake to smoke the pipe. That was the click. Jake recalled a few conversations. And it was David who had taught Jake about Druidic magic. It was David who taught Jake what the line across his... Well, her face meant. Jake blinked a few times, just staring at her. And things clicked. "I... wow... You... look... Amazing." He leaned over and pulled her into a hug. The same hug that he'd always given them before. He sat back then and took the pipe, taking a hit himself. His eyes went up and down her. Trying to think. Well, she had said there was a big change. But this was his friend. There wasn't really any doubting that. The eyes were... the same. And the nervousness... David had always been this nervous thoughtful type. Jake had put it down to some historic tension between them and their family. "You've got a lot of explaining to do. But first, more wine." He raised a hand to the bartender, "Bring a bottle! My best friend is back! And more hipala." Jake was acting very much like he always had done. He was always rowdy when he was with them in a pub. And he had his friend back. As the drink and pipe smoke was brought along. "What do you want to eat? And you've got so much to tell me! Strudel got pregnant, and hasn't been training for the last month. You missed that. And Dattadon is sabre rattling against Falton. So they might be coming around for fighters. You can still use a sword right?" @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 11-May-22 05:28 AM
His reaction to her brought ears to her eyes. She tried to return the hug in the firm grip that they had always used to share together, but of course on her part it came up a bit short. She didn’t lose her best friend. He was right here in front of her and without a single bit of hesitation he had accepted that this was who she was now. No why, or what, or how dare you. Just acceptance. She knew he would be the one who would understand. As they pulled away she brought a finger up and wiped out the tear from underneath her make-up. It wasn’t by any way a professional job she had done, after all she had never dabbled in it when she had been male. It had been to risky. But some girls had given her some tips and she was starting to get better at it. It had been easier to just blend in when she had been at a place where nobody knew who she used to be. She knew that was a luxury she might not have now that she was back. She just laughed along with him as he called out for more wine and once their glasses were brought she raised her cup to his before she heard his juicy gossip. She had always liked gossip and Jake knew that. “Studel is pregnant? Ooh god, who?” She asked. “I bet it was Zander.. These two were flirting more then actually fighting during training.” She chimed in, when he asked her about the sword fighting she smiled. “Yeah, I still know how to fight. I might be a bit worse at it as I am still getting used to my.. size.” She said as she motioned to her chest area. “But with practice I will be right back in shape! If my parents will let me..” she added, still unsure about their responds to it. “They don’t know it yet.” She admitted then. “I came here first, wanted to tell you first. I am terrified Jake… I am glad you are alright with this, but I am not sure they will be.” Her eyes flicked up to his with worry written all over them as she took her friends hand into hers. “Thank you.. for being here for me.” @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 11-May-22 07:11 AM
Jake took a big sip of wine and smiled at her. Talking with Davina felt like talking with David in every way that it should do. He didn't think much about that but just leaned back. "It wasn't Zander actually. But it was connected. Zander's family made an alliance with the de Foucets. And he left two months ago grinning from ear to ear. You know the de Foucet third daughter? The one with siren blood in her? Zander is going to marry her was bragging about how good the sex was going to be." He took another puff on the pipe, and then the second pipe was brought along. Jake was already fully turned towards his friend. Eager to share the story. "So Strudel started going through everyone. She even tried it on with me. I..." he blushed, "Well, it wasn't an unpleasant night. But it wasn't the best. Anyway. That's not important. The honest answer is she doesn't know who it was. And you know how noble elf parents feel about bastard children. So, Strudel is being cloistered away till a husband can be found for her. Though I heard from a handmaid that she's going to try and escape. She's gone like... Full penny novel heroine." He paused then, stopping to look at her with compassion. He placed a hand on one of her diminutive shoulders. Giving it a squeeze. "Hey. I know that elves have rules and traditions. Rituals. But... I will always be here. I can't imagine what having this inside you was like. Keeping it locked up. My only regret is that I never made you feel safe enough to let me know. But, the va Gorvica's have always considered you a friend. And we always will. And if you need a new family." He reached to his hand, and pulled his family's signet ring off his finger. He then reached down, picking up her left hand. He slid it onto her thumb, twisting it so the sigil would be turned towards her palm. @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 11-May-22 07:24 AM
She could have cried again right there if she would have let herself, looking at that ring around her finger. Jake’s support was more then she could have hoped for. She did feel guilty about not telling him about how he felt. It had just been something that she had not been able to get out there, perhaps for the exact reason that she was afraid to talk about it now. Afraid to be shunned and abandoned. The only reason that now it was worth it was because she had gotten what she wanted, a body that felt like her own. She lit up the pipe that was brought over and took another deep smoke from that before she dared to open her mouth. “I had wanted to tell you so many times. I just always thought that maybe you would look at me different if you knew how I truly felt. That you might think I was homosexual and after you, that it would change our whole entire dynamic.” She explained to him. Not that she had never been attracted to him, she had. Jake was a handsome guy, he was funny and his swordplay was intense. But their friendship had always come first. “I didn’t leave to do this, it was never the plan. I left to get rid of it, get rid of that aching feeling that my body didn’t belong to me. That I was too tall and too broad and that the thing between my legs was just an accesoiry that I would rather get rid off.” She chuckled nervously. “But it didn’t go away, it never did. So when I learned that becoming who I wanted to be was a possibility.. I went for it.” She explained to him as she looked down at that ring and played with it. “I am not asking you to understand it, I just need you to still be my friend.” @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 11-May-22 08:07 AM
Jake squeezed her shoulder again as she looks like she could have cried. "Hey, its okay Davina." He couldn't call her David, not with how she looked now. But Davina just worked so perfectly for who she was now. He let go of her and picked up his pipe and took a breath. He exhaled it as she explained how she felt. He couldn't imagine or understand. But he had a frame of reference. Everyone growing up had ways in which they didn't fit the role that gender decided for them. For Jake, he'd always had an interest in make up. It wasn't something that he'd ever told anyone. But he understood a little bit of it. "I can't tell you I completely understand, Davina. I haven't experienced that. I haven't ever felt like my body isn't mine mine. But... you know I've always said that I love you. I never hid that. I never lingered on what form that love took. I've read the classics. And I've never allowed much stock in whatever others have thought to hold sway over me. As for whatever is between your legs now. That will only be of interest to me if you want it to be." He grinned and winked at her. "But I am here for you. And I would love to hear your story, Davina. But only if and when you're ready to share it. I... I can imagine that it must have been painful, difficult for you to experience that. To not be what you feel is right." He took a sip of wine and leaned back, looking at her. That comment, about homosexual and after him. "So, you had feelings for me before you left. Davina. I... Well, you know I never had a problem with you or your body before you left. And I certainly don't now." He looked at her and gave her a lopsided grin. "I thought you had figured out that I enjoyed all bodies back when I commented on how lucky Strudel was?" @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 11-May-22 08:24 AM
She couldn't help the slightest of blushes to creep up on her cheeks as he mentioned that she would have had feeling before she left. But even though it was slight, with her fair complexion it stood out like nothing else. She quickly drew another breath from that pipe in an attempt to hide it. "I didn't want to assume.." she just quickly said as she blew out that white smoke from her lungs. Sure Jake had sometimes seemed playful with her back when her body was different. But even if she had wanted to make a move, how did you make a move on someone when you didn't even enjoy your own sexuality? She had tried to be with someone, but it had just made her feel detached and she hardly had ever jerked herself off. Even now.. she had just been afraid to touch herself, afraid it would give that same feeling. She hadn't been ready for it. She quickly cleared her throat, not ready to dwell on that part. "Anyway." She started to change the subject. "I should be back at the academy next week granted that our Master accepts me back in. I would appreciate if you were there with me when I introduce myself to everyone again. I am not planning to hide who I was, I don't want to have to walk on broken glass because I am lying." She explained to him. She set the pipe aside and took a sip of the wine. Instantly knowing the combination would be bad for her. Her body was much smaller now, she was a lightweight. "And maybe I can crash at your place tonight? Tell my folks tomorrow." @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 11-May-22 08:37 AM
Jake didn't know or understand how her sexuality could be so hard. But he was also happy and ready to hear what she was saying. Their fencing club was quite progressive. Though everyone was on a scale. And Strudel given her current situation might not be the most respectful when she returned. But everyone would be more or less accepting of her. Though not everyone would be quite so instantly understanding or there for her as Jake was. He took another sip of wine. But also reached out and touched the stem of her glass. "Be a little slower there, Davina. Much as I have always enjoyed you drunk, you don't have the same body mass. I am happy to help you there. But I want to make sure we're looking after you. Also, tomorrow, before you see your family, we're going clothes shopping. I remember how happy you were when we did that cross dressing play. And I understand that one now. So, we're going shopping for clothes that both fit you, and ones you actually like. I can see you fidgetting. there. "As for crashing at my place, absolutely, do you think you were going to sleep anywhere else? You'll stay at mine as long as you need. Till you get your own place. And of course the Master is going to accept you back. Both our families donate. And even if yours gets all stuck up elvish, he won't turn down a candidate he knows is skilled sponsored by a Gorvica. Now, do you want to get some food? Go for a walk? Stargazing?" He took another puff on his pipe and leaned back in the chair, studying her closer. "You look so similar and so different. But... you look so much happier and relaxed... Like... your happiest before is now your normal state." @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 11-May-22 08:45 AM
She put her glass back down on the counter. He was right, she was going to be pass out drunk if she drank at her old pace, she needed to be more mindful of that. It was just so good to be back with Jake in those chairs. She couldn't help the smile on her especially when he said she could crash at his place for however long she would need. And who knew. Perhaps it would be longer then she liked if her parents got annoying. As for the clothing shopping, she couldn't help but look forward to that. She wanted to see herself in a dress so badly. "I feel happier." She admitted. Even with everything hanging over her head she couldn't help to have that constant feeling of butterflies the whole time. Especially when she saw her reflection or got to do things she couldn't do as a male. And the attention from the guys.. she couldn't help but love that she was finally noticed by them. "Let's go for a walk! And then we can go to your place." She suggested. @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 11-May-22 09:03 AM
Jake smiled and took her hand in his. He never really held her hand before. But now, just on a whim, he took it as he stood up. He also grabbed their glasses and handed hers to her. He waved at the bar tender. "I'll bring them back." He called, before pulling her out of the pub and heading out. The night air was crisp and Jake took a large breath of it. He didn't let go of her hand then. Taking a big sip of the wine glass. "It shows. Damn, you're just glowing Davina. You're radiant!" He started to walk towards the water front. The small town that was tied to the fencing school was set near a crossroads and a bridge. A fairly large river ran by. It wasn't the biggest trading port. But it had a fairly large share of traffic through. "So, where did you go? I don't need all the details. But it must have been... Well, if I remember what you told me, the druids are a fair old way away. Their castles are deep in the forests to the north in the tundra? How was it getting there?" He started to walk along a path along the river. The only sounds both their footsteps crunching on the path and the soft sounds of the water. "What was their magic like? If that is a detail you're willing to share? I can understand that might be a detail that you don't want to share right now." He still hadn't let got of her hand. He glanced over his shoulder at her. Damn, with her pale flesh... she shone in the moon light. Was that a spell or something she had asked for? @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 11-May-22 09:18 AM
"They were not easy to find." She straight up admitted to him as he pulled her out into the crisp night air. She took another small sip of her drink, enjoying the feeling of his massive hand around hers. "Most of the time that I was gone was spend looking for them. I almost froze to death twice before finally I stumbled upon them." She explained to him as she tugged her hair behind her big elven ears. "Their magic is.. interesting." She said for a pack of a better word. He was right in guessing she was not willing to share every detail of what had happened. Even if she had gotten what she had wanted, it had not come cheap. And she did not mean that in the sense of money. "It is powerful and old." She admitted to him. She had gone through hell and back almost literally, at the mercy of what the druids had done to her. "I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else unless they were as sure about it as I was." She chuckled softly. She then turned her attention back to him, her almost white eyes looking directly into his. "So how have you been these last six months? Anything happened in your life?" @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 11-May-22 09:54 AM
Pulling her so she was walking next to him Jake nodded. Druidic magic, elvish or otherwise, was old and powerful. But it was also brutal. Jake looked over at Davina. He supposed it was one advantage that Davina had though. If she did want to shrink in size she could pay part of that price with the extra mass she wanted to shed. Well, she would have to. Conservation of mass was still a thing in magic. But the process of transformation still required energy. He understood more theory of magic than he normally allowed on. Only Davina knew how far his interest truly went. He ran a quick calculation. She seemed to have shed more mass than she would have had to to get to this size. So it seemed this was what she wanted. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, Davina. And I have no desire to change my body right now. I have to be honest I'm happier than I've been today than the last six months. Since you left... Well, I can't lie. I've missed you. As a guy or girl you're still my best friend. Hmm, I bedded Strudel. Trained some more. Bought a book on magic that I never got around to read. And I missed my best friend as she found herself." He grinned at her. ANd moved to sit down on the side of the bank. Looking at her. "Damn, you're beautiful." He whispered
Davina Faesolor BOT 11-May-22 09:03 PM
“You did Strudel?” She couldn’t help the chuckle that left her throat. “Jake! You could be the dad!” She said laughing even though of course she didn’t mean that he would need to take responsibility. Strudel bedded with anyone that showed even the smallest bit of interest in her. She was that type of person and if that is what she wanted, she should. Jake had never really shown much interest in her though, so she wondered why that had suddenly changed. Even though with the way he had brushed over the subject that did tell her that perhaps he had not enjoyed it as much as he had hoped. Him saying that he missed her brought even more of a smile on her face and that smallest bit of a blush as well. She had always felt comfortable with him, but it was only now that sh realized that her most comfortable had still been tense. She had never been able to truly be herself with him, but now she could. She liked her hand in his, more then she wanted to admit. Not even in a sexual way, but in a way that she knew he would be there for her, always. It was only when that last sentence left his lips that she looked up at him with a look of slight shock on her face. Had she heard that right? “Jake..” she said, a small chuckle threatening to escape her lips from how nervous she felt in that moment. “You don’t need to call me that..” She said, feeling like he was saying it out of pity for her, or because he felt like he needed to compliment this new form of hers. He had never called her beautiful before.. it had always been manly compliments, like how her abs looked great or how he admired the way she held the sword. Never.. this. @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 13-May-22 08:57 AM
Jake laughed at that question. He didn't let go of her hand. "Yeah, I did. It was... well, I was drunk, you'd been gone for a month. And it had been about two weeks since your last letter. I was feeling... Well, emotionally vulnerable. And Strudel looked hot and wanted it. But... eh. She... I guess she has relied all her life on looking hot to get people to do what she wants in sex. She's a really selfish lover. And it just wasn't good. And had. I'm not the dad. She knows who it is. She did a spell to check. And trust me, given how her family are taking her if it was me she'd be all over me for a safe place to crawl to. She's a piece of work that one." He puffed on the pipe he'd brought, and took another long sip of his drink. he thought about her reaction. Don't need to call her beautiful. He looked over at her. "Dav... Davina. You've always been attractive. I just never knew I was focusing on the wrong parts of you. As a guy, before, you were handsome. But also beautiful. You were always kind of effeminate. But... I know I don't have to call you anything. You're Davina. You're my best friend." He laughs then, remembering a few things. "I remember the times we've teased each other hard and gotten into so much trouble. But... Well, you've been gone half a year. And now you come back, and you look radiant. Happier than every. And you look beautiful. Not just in this new body. But just... I dunno... Something spiritual. I don't need to say it, But I want to." @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 13-May-22 09:36 AM
"Strudel a selfish lover.. who would have thought." She chuckled to herself. She took a drag of her own pipe, one that was deep and long and held it in her lungs till they burned begging for a release of the smoke. It felt good coming out, the white smoke disappearing in the air. She listened to what her friend told her yet she did not look at him in that moment, simply stared to the river that was rushing by. She would like to believe that nothing had changed, but of course that was a naive thought. Everything had.. and it wasn't even because her gender had changed, it was because she had. She had gone from hiding and trying to fit in to being out in the open and truly herself. Not everyone was going to take that well to it. She squeezed Jake's hand as he finished his sentence. "I will always be your friend Jake." She promised him before she put her glass to her lips and downed her drink. She let herself fall back in the grass and looked up into the night sky. "Tomorrow is going to suck.." @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 14-May-22 03:10 AM
Jake lay back next to her, putting his hands behind his head. Just relaxing. Things felt right again. "Yeah, she's all looks and no substance. I knew it before I got into it but I thought maybe she'd try and make an effort." He looked up at the stars, his eyes picking out different constellations. He did feel the change. But it wasn't a bad one. It was like this tension that had always been there was gone. His mind wandered, looking back for a moment to see if he could find any hint in their friendship. And maybe there were a few things. But nothing he could firmly put his finger on. But it felt just really good. He looked over at Davina after a moment, smiling at her. "I don't think so. I think you'll be able to be yourself. I think it'll be good for you. The only thing that'll suck is your parents. But you know I've always thought they were far too old for their own good. But, you don't have to deal with them just yet." He reached out and held his hand to her palm up. "Tomorrow its just our school. And you know most of us have missed you. I think the only one who didn't was Strudel herself. And that's because you turned her down." @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 14-May-22 04:05 AM
"Well I know one thing!" She laughed. "Strudel won't try me again. If there is one thing that girl likes it is dick all the way and I don't have one no more." She chuckled to herself. Though after a bit she looked over at Jake to make sure that was not to much information. She coughed a bit to clear the ear after that joke. "I am looking forward to seeing everyone. Even if I am a bit scared as well. I am just happy you will be there with me." She took another good huff of her pipe and held it in again. By now she was feeling the effects of it and it was causing her to loose lipped, happy and more relaxed then she had been in a good while. "Did you ever thought about that?" She then asked out of nowhere. "The two of us?" She didn't look at him as she asked. "I always felt like if it would be good with you. Even if I felt like my body wasn't mine and was weird with my sexuality... you would have made it good." @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 14-May-22 04:10 AM
Jake laughed then, shaking his head. "She is such a strange one isn't she? So much like her parents. But also so much against them." He had a massive grin on his face as she made that joke though. He was really at ease. And even when she had been Dave he'd never felt uncomfortable with them. He looked over at her again, "Its going to go well. You know that Frank is going to love it. But he was always happy for anything that wasn't completely by the book. And Jess is all into the tits anyway. You'll have to fight her off with a stick..." Then she brought up that question. And he would be lieing if the thought hadn't crossed his mind since she got back. "Before you came back? No, not really. I'm being honest. But it wasn't because I didn't like you or your body. Its because... hmmm, you never felt like you were comfortable with your own body. And I never wanted to push anything. So I just didn't think about it. I remember when Strudel tried it on with you." He gave her hand a squeeze. "I'm happy to explore with you. Male or female you. I've always been... Well, before Strudel I was always drawn to those I had closest friends with. And I know Strudel was a rebound because my best friend had gone. So, if you want. I'm happy to explore with you. I always liked you. Loved you. I mean that, Davina." @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 14-May-22 04:24 AM
"God.. Getting Strudel away from me was a task for sure.." she chuckled again. The conversation had taken this turn and she had caused it. Yet she liked it. Being open like this. No more secret feelings or weirdness. "I had.." she then admitted. "You were the only one I ever had that feeling with." She said to him. She had wanted him on top of her, kissing her, caressing her.. even when her body had been male. Even if in her fantasies her body had been closer to how she was now then how she was then. His final words had her blushing again and she took another good pull of the smoke before she answered him. Letting that question hang in the air. "I am not ready yet.." she then said and she wasn't. She hadn't even explored herself, so she felt like it would be unfair to ask Jake to do it for her. @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 14-May-22 04:38 AM
Jake looked at her as she explained things. He tilted his head. Looking at her. He had known that they had been into him before they left. It hadn't been any lack of mutual attraction or chemistry. But rather... Her own discomfort. And he'd respected them enough to know to wait. Then, she was blowing smoke in the air, and telling him that she wasn't ready yet. For whatever reason he found that super funny. "Absolutely, I understand Davina. I'm here for you. I always have been. It doesn't... Well, it does matter what shape you are because it matters to you. But you are you. And you seem... just so much happier with yourself. That's part of why you're so beautiful. But I also understand. When you're ready, you'll let me know." For a moment though, the thought lingered in his head. He probably knew more about satisfying a woman's body than Davina did. That caused him a grin. But he didn't point it out. "Now, what I am going to suggest is some practice sparring. You have a new body and your old muscle memory isn't going to help you fight tomorrow. And you know old stone face isn't going to go that easy on you now you've changed." @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 14-May-22 05:07 AM
She couldn’t help the smile on her own face as he said he would wait till she was ready. She would lie if it didn’t make certain images float through her mind in that second. Imagining him naked and on top of her, his hard length brushing against her thighs.. even just that made her feel a strange tingle between her legs, one that usually would have resulted in a boner of her own. But of course.. that whole sensation had changed now. She almost reached down to adjust her pants till she remembered that probably wouldn’t help much. She was happy that he seemed to change to subject, giving her some time to distract herself. “You want to spar? Now?” She said, shooting him a look. “You fed me wine and let me smoke hipala and now you want to spar?” She reminded him of what had happend that night already. “That isn’t helping me be ready. That is just plain out mean.” She chuckled. @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 14-May-22 05:24 AM
Jake laughed as well. He started to run his fingers over her hands. They were so much smaller now. He started to trace patterns on them as he listened to her. Not really thinking what a lot of touching might do to them both. "Well, tomorrow we're going to get you some clothes that you feel comfortable in. I can see how you had these adjusted and which ever tailor you used must have rushed it or something. And I'm sure you have ideas of what you want to get. And I'm going to help." He chuckled then, taking his own pipe and having a puff. "Maybe sparring isn't the right thing to do. But... well, I just... I want to do something physical with you. And dancing with you right now might not be the thing you wanted to do. So I figured something more practical. But if you want to dance I'm happy to. I figure get you to move your body. See how it feels would help?" @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 14-May-22 05:55 AM
The touching def kept her mind in that place it had gone a bit ago. She closed her eyes, just concentrating on the small figured that were being traced on her hand. It was gentle and soft and rhythmic. Leaving a slight tingle behind on her skin, making her feel the next pass over that same bit of skin even more. “Something physical?” She chuckled, because of course that sounded right dirty in her mind right now. It was already in the gutter after all and it probably wasn’t going to fully leave it till she was sober again. Eventually she grunted a little bit in an annoyed way and then got up to her feet. She was much lighter then she had been before and getting up from the floor was a lot easier then it had once been. “Lets spar then.” She said as she got herself in a fighting stance, her hands in fists in front of her. “But be nice to me.” @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 17-May-22 08:53 AM
Jake laughed and walked over to grab a couple of sticks the right length. He tested their heft and weight and tossed one over to her. "Just to the first touch." He announced. And moved to stand facing her. He went through a few motions. Feeling a little tipsy. But he was also having more fun than he ever had. He looked at Davina. His best friend was... Well, so much more relaxed and easy going than they ever had been. This was amazing. And honestly it was much harder than he recalled it being to not kiss her. He went through a few guards. "Unless that stick is too hard for you young lady? How much muscle mass did you lose?" He was playing with her now. He was absolutely enjoying himself now. There were a few other questions he had. But those could weight. Now it was time to spar. He wanted to make sure that she knew that competitive angle, the playful banter and one-up side to their play that they had always enjoyed before hadn't gone away. He was always willing to horseplay with her. Even now. @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 17-May-22 09:11 AM
She grabbed the stick from him and swung it a little bit to get uses to its weight. It definitely was heavier then she would have expected it to be. She did lose some mass and even if she was by no means weak she simply was not as strong as she used to be. So instead of the one handed stance she had always had she adopted to a two handed one instead. It would be an adjustment, but it would be worth it to not get tired muscles to quickly. "Ooh don't you worry about me. I will be just fine. Now don't go easy on me just because I am a lady now." She said to him with a smile as she got in a stance. Once they were ready she launched towards him and soon they were blocking each others blows. She was trying her hardest to keep up with him but soon she was defending more then advancing on him. She found herself needing to step back more then she would like. Then suddenly she dropped low, letting his next blow rush over her head and swung for his leg instead. @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 25-May-22 04:05 AM
Jake was having fun with Davina with this sparring. He was a little drunk and a little high on the hipala. But it was the most fun he'd had. The sticks were far from actual blades, weather sharp or the blunt practice implements they'd been using. But, all the same. Davina was... Well, Davina. He never held back. But this time he felt the rising tension. There was something else. Well, was even tension the right word when it felt like her brakes were off for once? He noted that she didn't have as much strength as she used to. And she had less reach. So he started to use that to keep her on the defensive. But then, she went for the leg. Davina knew better than to try that didn't she? But that was when he made his own... Well, to call it a mistake was bad. He was used to Davina being taller. A simple withdrawal of the front leg was all that was needed to avoid being caught by that trick. But, his own counter attack was aimed at where her head would have been had she been taller. The stick swished through the air an inch above where her head was. He cursed and struck at where she was as he backed up a step. But, well, in his eyes were was a fire. It wasn't an angry fire. But his blood was up. It wasn't fire on his mind. He didn't want to pull away though. @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 25-May-22 04:20 AM
He dodged her attack easily and then swung at her. For a moment she thought she was done for till the stick missed her by a good inch above her head. She paused for just the tiniest of moments in confusion before coming back up to her feet and facing him again. That fire in his eyes wasn’t lost on her and somehow she was feeling some heat of her own. So be here with him, sparring like this.. It was just special to her. Even if they had never seemed to have held back against each other there was something different between them. She couldn’t quite put her hand on it. She blocked a few more of his strikes and the next time she saw an opportunity to come closer to him she put that stick to the side and instead choose to go at him with her hands. Her one arm would block him from grabbing her while her foot would try and swipe his feet away from under them. If she succeeded it would send them tumbling down to the ground together.
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 25-May-22 04:56 AM
Jake had no heart to block the grapple. He continued the sparring but when she moved and leapt at him. Her hand blocking his wrist and then sweeping his feet he just let it happen. His hands moved to her waist and he held her. He shut his eyes for a moment and tucked his head to his chest as he hit the ground. Then he opened his eyes. He held her waist and kept her pulled into him. Looking into her eyes. His chest now heaving. It was the first time he started to breathe hard since... well, they started to spar. He was suddenly very aware of her body. Well, he'd been aware of her body all night, and even more since they started to spar. But now... he looked up at her. And bit his lip. "I like it. You always did hold onto your sword too much." Did he mean that as a bad joke? He couldn't tell. His hand moved up her side, and then up her back. Inside his head a voice screamed at him to kiss her. To run his hands through her hair and just do it. To cross that last barrier.
Davina Faesolor BOT 25-May-22 05:08 AM
And just like that their sparring came to a halt. Just like him she was breathing hard, her lips slightly parted as their breath seemed to mix in between them. She held his eyes with hers. As he said his small joke she couldn’t help the awkward chuckle. A soft blush appeared at her cheeks as sword could for sure be an innuendo for a penis and she had let go of that. Her eyes closed just slightly as his hand moved over her side and to her back. It was so gentle that it was almost ticklish. Everywhere he had gone left this strange tingling sensation behind on her skin. She had always liked him, always wanted him. If she had been more comfortable in her body he would have been the one she had wanted to do it with. She had just never had the confidence. So did she have it now? Was she willing to give this body to him that was so brand new to her? In some ways.. she once more was a virgin. But before her mind could decide, her body had moved on it’s own. She bend forward and claimed his lips with hers. Closing her eyes and parting her lips to invite him in, just hoping he would not reject her. @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 25-May-22 05:15 AM
How could Jake reject her? She was his best friend. And he'd been attracted to them in either body. And now? Her lips tasted so soft and sweet. His hand found the hood and pulled it down. Running through her hair. It felt so much better to have this tension out of the way. His other hand moved around her back and pulled her in tight. His knees moved to either side of her. Holding her in close. He felt just absolutely great. And he wanted more. He pulled her close. And... Well, his body had a mind of its own as well. As the kiss carried on his hand started to slide down. Working under her pants and cupping her ass. He didn't dive below her underwear. But he wanted to feel her warmth. He wanted to feel more. Well, his mind thought, this probably would cause more of a stir in the campus than her coming in as a woman. He couldn't count how many times the pair of them had been told to get a room. And now... He wanted to do more. To tear off her clothes and explore her new body. He remembered the old one. He'd checked David out when they'd changed many times. But this one was new. And there was so much more to explore now. So many new things she was apparently open to. But for now, it was just a kiss. Though saying it like that... Just a kiss meant so much in this moment. 5 years of unrequited desire suddenly unleased in a single moment. He felt great. @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 25-May-22 05:21 AM
She moment he opened his lips up for her were pure bliss. She deepened the kiss, the softest of moans ringing between them. She carrassed his face with her hands before gripping into his hair gently as well. That hand diving down her back and making its way into the pants that were way to wide on her only face her heart beat faster. He had never laid his hands on her before like that. Not when she had been in her old body. Perhaps not even because he had not wanted to, it just had never felt correct. To get close to him. She had always felt detached from her body. Only since that druids magic took hold of her had she started to feel present, alive. Even just the simple act of that kiss or his hand on her rear had ever made her burn more from the inside out. Yet she broke the kiss, a kiss that had left her breathless. She rolled herself away from him and laid beside him on the ground as she stared into the sky. She should not have done that… “Sorry.. I just..” she stumbled over her words. They had been sparring and she had just gone and done that… she wondered if he would even invite her into his place now. @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 25-May-22 05:27 AM
Then she was gone. Jake looked at her and knew exactly what was going on. And she wasn't going to get away that easily. He moved then, getting up and straddling her. He grabbed her hands and pinned them down by her head. He leaned over her, looking down at her. "Davina. Do not be sorry. Don't be sorry. We've crossed a line that I've wanted to cross for so long. And don't think I'm going to let you uncross it." He looked down at her. And now... well, now he had almost a predatory smile on his face. "Don't think I didn't feel your heart beat there. Or the happy little sound you made. My dear friend." He pulled her hands together. Relying on shock to keep her pliant for now. If she'll let him he'll pin both her wrists down with one hand. He knew that before they would be able to break free. And even now she should be strong enough for two hands against one. But if he was able, he'd start to undo her shirt. "But I want this. I am... fucking happier than I've ever been. Don't be sorry. I don't want you to be sorry. I don't want you to stop. I don't want you to pull away." With each sentence, he leaned forwards, he undid another button on her shirt till his face was inches from hers. "Do I make myself clear, my dearest friend. I want you. I want you in my life. I want you in my bed. I have done for years. And now you seem to want it as well. You seem ready for it. So don't think that a sudden bought of nerves of being shy is going to let you get away from me. Understand?" @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 25-May-22 09:36 AM
She was indeed to shocked to really respond to him. Out of nowhere he seemed to be on top of her, pinning her to the ground first with both his hands and then with one hand. The position made her back arch and her chest come forward to him. Her eyes found his and didn’t let them go for even a second. She didn’t struggle against him, all that it did was make her breath come out deeper and faster and her heart go even a bit faster then it had before. “Jacob..” She said as almost more of a whisper then actually saying anything but he continued to lean into her and start to undo the buttons of her shirt. How often had she imagined them like this? Him on top of her, pinning her down, whispering dirty works into her ear while he.. Yet it had never been this body. It had always felt like it was someone else. Imagining it with her old body had made her feel strange and imagining him with a female under him just made her jealous. But here she was… and it was her this time. It made that heat grow in her stomach. His next statements only made that feeling worse. The small bit of demand in his voice had her biting her lip as she nodded to let him know she did understand as another button popped open. She didn’t have a bra underneath, hadn’t had time to find one just like she had not found time to find feminine clothes. Her eyes darted around her and she realized this wasn’t how she wanted it. She didn’t want to be out in the open, exposed for the world to see her. She wanted it to be just him, only him. “Jake..” she said once more her voice a bit more audible. “I want you too.” She said, a deep blush on her pale skin. “But take me home.. take me to your bed. Not here.” @DH0123
Jacob va Gorvica BOT 25-May-22 10:08 AM
His hands moved to her cheek then. Holding her. Caressing her. He pulled her face up to kiss her. His hands felt on fire as he touched her. As he pulled her face up to him to kiss her. He could see those soft breasts. See all of her. See the wild look in her eyes. The moaning, the feeling. The heat. The moment was so... so different from anything he'd had before. Even with Strudel. He wanted her. And he didn't care where. If it wasn't the soft whisper. The blush. The gentle elvish desire begging him to take her to his bed. He would have. But he still had a glint of mischief in his eyes. He leaned forwards, his lips pressing to hers. Then down to her neck. "Okay, Davina. But I want everyone to know you're mine." He whispered in her ear. He knew he was rock hard. He knew that... well, he wanted this. So badly. He'd wanted this for a while. And now... He moved back. Reached for her hand and pulled her up. But then he bent forwards. And hefted her over his shoulder. Carrying her in a firemans lift. He was just grinning as he carried her. She had told him to take her home. He was doing just that. He knew he could see a few of their classmates seeing him carrying a petite elf along. And they would know who that was later on. But he didn't care. He was laughing and trying his best to keep her steady. He kicked his door open and walked her to the bed. Throwing her onto it. "Now, are you feeling more comfortable?" He asked softly, "Now I have my prize home?" He had a glint in his eye. @nakachu
Davina Faesolor BOT 25-May-22 10:18 AM
“Okay Davina, but I want everyone to know you’re mine.” He said into her ear and she could feel her insides clench together, her lip moving between her lips as she bit down. Her heart rate becoming even worse. She almost moaned out as he kissed her neck. And the he just got up and lifted her over his shoulder. She yelped softly. “Hey!” She said, half embarrassed and for a moment she struggled against him. But of course it was no use and eventually she just accepted her faith and let herself be carried off. She pulled that hood over her head. Taken that they were now walking into the area where most of their classmates lived she didn’t want to be recognized just yet. Not that she thought that they would, but who knew.. And then they came into his bedroom. The smell was so like him.. his room smelled of pine and cedar wood. Such a strong yet gentle scent that filled the air. He walked her straight to her bed and tossed her into it. Again a soft yelp escaped as she bounced once before settling. Those buttons still undone and her breast nearly showing at the open space that was there. She blushed deep again. Was she ready? She still didn’t know. She knew nothing about this body. Didn’t know how it worked, if it even functioned.. who knew what druids magic could create and what not. She knew it had looked right there.. but was it? All she could do was nod as nerves coursed through her. @DH0123
Davina Faesolor BOT 09-Aug-22 07:11 AM
( @DH0123 I MISS YOU!)
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